Bruises under the eyes of a child: causes (by age categories), treatment methods, prevention. The child has bruises under his eyes. Komarovsky video

Skin is the first indicator of human health. When the child’s internal organs work smoothly and there are no malfunctions, the skin has an even light shade, there are no red circles, bags, or bruises under the eyes.

A child's skin is very sensitive, especially under the eyes. At the slightest change in the functioning of the circulatory or lymphatic system“the first signs” appear in the form of redness or change in skin color around the eyes.

Having discovered such a problem, parents do not need to panic and immediately take their child to the doctor, but they should not treat this problem negligently either.

If other symptoms accompany the change in skin color around the eyes, you will still have to visit a doctor. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and identify the cause at the initial stage of occurrence.

Why does this happen: main reasons

Red and red- blue circles above or below the child’s eyes indicate stagnation of blood flow in capillary network. Causes:

  • Fatigue.
  • Bad dream.
  • Poor food.
  • Eye strain.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Water imbalance in the body.

Pink- blue tint skin indicates bladder problems.

Pink-lilac occurs when acute shortage iron in the blood. It can be observed at the initial stage of anemia, when there is an acute lack of oxygen in the blood.

A purple tint is the first symptom of problems in the liver and heart. It is recommended to take a blood sugar test.

Red-brown shade. Points to infectious process in the body, which can provoke such diseases:

  • Purulent tenonitis.
  • Phlegmon.
  • Abscess.

Red bags. Fluid that is retained in adipose tissue contributes to the formation of bags.

Red bags Under the eyes of a child can be caused by the following reasons:

Red eyelids: if a child’s upper or lower eyelid is red (as in the photo below), then the cause may be:

Red skin under or around your child's eyes. Redness can occur simultaneously under two eyes, or it can appear asymmetrically, only under one.

If there is redness under one eye, then the cause may be:

  • Hemangioma.
  • Papilloma.
  • Mechanical impact (trauma).

Redness skin under both eyes simultaneously indicate:

  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Adenoid pathology.
  • Oral diseases and caries.
  • Worm infestation.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Red bruises. Red bruises are a rare occurrence and may be caused by infectious diseases facial skin.

What to do: first steps

To independently determine how serious reason redness of the skin around the eyes, you need:

  • Observe the child’s general well-being throughout the day.
  • Reduce eye strain as much as possible (exclude watching TV, computer, tablet and other gadgets, try not to write or read during the day).
  • prohibit the child from touching, rubbing or scratching his eyes.

If within two to three hours the child is alert, active, and does not feel any additional symptoms, then the redness is everyday character(fatigue, lack of sleep, eyestrain at school, watching TV).

In this case it is allowed eliminating redness at home using folk remedies.

Compress from chamomile decoction:

  • Dry pharmaceutical chamomile pour boiling water over it.
  • Let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  • Strain.
  • Soak cotton pads in the resulting decoction and apply to eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat 5 times during the day.

Chamomile decoction has a beneficial effect on the skin near the eyes, relieves inflammation, redness and fatigue.

The compress can be made both warm and cold.

Tea compress:

  • Brew two bags of black tea without additives.
  • Squeeze out excess liquid.
  • Apply wet bags to your eyelids.
  • Hold for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat 3 times during the day.

You can simply wipe the skin around your eyes with damp, freshly brewed tea bags counterclockwise.

For fatigue and congestion, a small amount of cold exposure is sufficient.. The simplest remedy is to apply two cold spoons:

  • Take two metal spoons and put them in the freezer for 5 minutes.
  • Take it out and apply it to your eyes.
  • Keep until you feel warm.
  • Repeat 2-3 times during the day.

Cold is stress for the skin, to which she reacts with a rush of blood. Blood flow improves, fatigue and redness go away.

Contact us immediately medical care if redness is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Itching.
  • Burning.
  • Edema.
  • Pain.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Redness of the eyeball.
  • Deterioration in the sharpness of visual perception.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Malfunctions internal organs(liver, kidneys, heart, blood flow, lymph flow).

Even if the redness does not bother you, but lasts for more than a day and does not go away, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the causes of this phenomenon.

On the pages of our website you will find a lot useful information about these:

Which doctor should I contact if necessary?

If an allergic reaction is suspected, the patient is referred to an allergist, where the following tests are performed as diagnostics:

  • Intradermal test.
  • Needle test.
  • Scarification test.
  • Determination of the level of immunoglobulin in the blood.

When visiting an ophthalmologist, you will only need an external individual examination, during which a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If redness is accompanied by malfunctions of the internal organs, then other specialists are involved in the examination:

  • Urologist – kidney problems.
  • Cardiologist – heart problems.
  • Hepatologist – liver, gastrointestinal tract.

These specialists can recommend the following as diagnostics:

  • Self-medicate (give the child medications without a doctor’s prescription and use medicinal ointments, creams, emulsions).
  • Use aggressive traditional methods(compresses and decoctions that can cause allergies, burning, itching and a general deterioration in the child’s well-being).
  • Allow watching TV, computer and phone for more than half an hour a day.
  • Give your child new or exotic foods that may cause allergies.

A child will be able to completely remove redness around the eyes when the cause of this phenomenon is identified and eliminated.

As preventive measures Parents are advised to:

  • Provide your child with a sleep and rest routine.
  • Create and stick to a balanced and varied diet.
  • Take daily walks fresh air lasting at least 1.5-2 hours.
  • Monitor physical activity.
  • Instill personal hygiene skills. Before going to bed, you need to wash your face to remove microparticles of dust and dirt from the surface of your face and eyes.

The health of a child largely depends on the parents. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your baby, always notice changes in appearance and respond adequately to any deviations.

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Bruises are the conventional name for dark circles that occur in people of different ages, including children 1–4 years old. Often their appearance under the eyes is associated with symptoms of various dangerous diseases. The task of parents is to find out in time why the child has dark circles and begin treatment at an early stage.

Common causes of dark circles under the eyes in young children

To determine the cause of the appearance of blueness under the eyes in young patients, it is necessary to consult a doctor and additional examination of the body, on the basis of which competent treatment will be prescribed. In medicine, there are several factors that provoke bruises in children. Let's take a closer look at them.

Soft tissue injuries

Traumatic damage to the skin is the basis for the appearance of blueness under the eyes. Bruises occur as a result of blows, falls, or fractures/bruises of the nasal bones, and are often accompanied by cuts, abrasions, and less commonly, nosebleeds. It is important to provide first aid by applying cold to the damaged area. In case of severe injuries, consultation with a traumatologist and otolaryngologist will be required.

Overwork and exhaustion

Parents who limit their child’s freedom by attending extracurricular activities do not think about how difficult it is for a fragile body to cope with the load. Other children are given complete freedom, and they spend a lot of time at the computer, forgetting to take a walk and eat.

This leads to overwork and exhaustion, which directly affects the epidermis. The skin turns pale, becomes dry, causing the formation of spider veins and cyanosis under the eyes, headaches, weakness, and malaise appear.

Spending a long time at the computer and ignoring walks in the fresh air have a negative impact on health and appearance baby

Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency

Irrational food intake and excess salt consumption are also the reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Modern children prefer convenience foods, dry snacks, carbonated drinks, sweets, etc. Harmful products, a monotonous menu, long-term heat treatment of food provoke vitamin deficiency, leading to blueness under the eyes and exhaustion of the body.

Violation of the daily routine

Compliance with the daily routine is a factor influencing the child’s health. Not good sleep, physical inactivity, late falling asleep, mental and physical overload provoke the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. By restoring the balance of sleep and rest, and wisely distributing time during the day, you can achieve complete disappearance of symptoms.

Other reasons

Among the others probable causes highlight a hereditary factor. Thin pale skin with translucent vessels is transmitted to the child at the genetic level.

Often blueness around the eyes is the result colds, inflammation or other pathologies. In this case, the dark circles disappear after a week.

Causes of darkening of the skin under the eyes in babies under one year old

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If dark circles are detected in the periocular area in one-year-old children, you should consult a local pediatrician who will determine the real reason diseases. If they appear after birth and do not go away within several months, this means that the basis of cyanosis is genetic predisposition. Don't worry: with age, the skin will become denser and thicker, and the blue discoloration will be invisible.

Factors that cause darkening of the skin under the eyes in babies under one year old include:

  • Overexcitement of the baby, as a result of which he does not sleep, is often capricious and cries. This occurs due to malfunctions nervous system, therefore, consultation with a neurologist is required.
  • Anemia caused by iron deficiency. Additionally, add green apples to your diet. beef liver, pomegranate juice, buckwheat porridge.
  • Development of infection.

If bruises under the eyes occur in infant, a nursing mother should reconsider her diet and balance it

Bruises in infants can occur due to complicated childbirth or an unbalanced menu for a breastfeeding mother. She must adhere to a diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, healthy alimentary fiber and minerals.

Diseases that cause dark circles under the eyes

Bruises under the eyes of a child may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in organism. Sometimes this is the only sign indicating dangerous disease. If dark circles and swelling in the eye area are detected in a child, you should immediately seek advice from a medical facility.

Diseases of the urinary system

Puffy eyelids, dark circles, bags under the eyes in the morning, frequent urge to the toilet, burning and pain when urinating, pain syndrome in the lower back, renal colic- all these are signs of pathology of the urinary system. If the above symptoms appear, urgently consult a doctor and full examination body.

Reduced hemoglobin level - anemia

Anemia is recognized as a common cause of blueness in the eye area. It is associated with insufficient levels of red blood cells in the blood and is expressed by a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels. Will help confirm the diagnosis laboratory test blood and drug therapy iron-containing preparations.

Oncological diseases

A dangerous factor that provokes the appearance of blackness and blueness under the eyes is malignant neoplasms. The child will rapidly lose weight, get tired quickly, complain of headaches, and refuse to eat. Due to decreased immunity, the body stops fighting various infections and viruses.


Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Crashes heart rate, rapid breathing, attacks of shortness of breath, complaints of pain in the heart, blueness under the eyes and oral cavity– signs of heart problems. During the period of hormonal changes, the cause of bruises becomes vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is manifested by weakness, frequent headaches, pale skin, decreased/increased blood pressure.

Other diseases

Dark circles under the eyes are a sign of diseases of internal organs and systems. These include chronic infections, disruptions in work endocrine system, allergic reactions, diseases of the teeth and ENT organs, osteochondrosis, various poisonings.

Blueness is a common occurrence after influenza, ARVI, and other pathologies. This condition does not require therapy and goes away after full recovery body.

The color of bruises can tell a lot

Experts say that the cause of dark circles can be determined by color (we recommend reading:). What does the shade of bruises indicate? Let's take a closer look:

In most cases, you can get rid of bruises in the area around the eyes on your own. However, consultation with a doctor and additional examination are required.

A child’s diet must be rich in all the vitamins and microelements necessary for normal growth and development.

If the change in skin color is caused by physiological symptoms, then the following measures will be required:

  1. In case of poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency, monitor the child’s diet. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in vitamin C. Try not to cook food for a long time. All food must be freshly prepared. In the autumn-spring season, give your children multivitamins.
  2. Organizing a child’s daily routine will help to avoid bruises due to overwork and exhaustion: rationing the time spent at the computer, proper sleep, frequent walks in the fresh air, playing sports, hardening procedures. Rationally allocate time for sleep, rest, hobbies, lessons, games. A child (especially up to 7-10 years old) should sleep 8-9 hours, including about an hour during the day. Get out into the fresh air more often.
  3. Bodyaga Forte or creams and ointments based on heparic acid and chestnut extract will help get rid of traumatic bruises. It should be remembered that such products cannot be used by children 1-2 years old without consulting a doctor.

The products have proven themselves well traditional medicine. You can make lotions based on decoctions medicinal herbs– chamomile, sage, calendula, tea, and also apply a silver item to the bruise. Rubbing your face with ice cubes every day is effective.

Who should I contact for treatment and how will it proceed?

At serious problems With regard to health, only a doctor has the right to prescribe an examination and give recommendations for treatment. Initially, contact your pediatrician, who will refer you to an otolaryngologist, neurologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, hematologist and other specialists.

There is no greater happiness for a mother than the smiling and rosy face of her child. But, sometimes, children develop bruises under their eyes. This phenomenon is not related to age; parents of infants and schoolchildren encounter it. It is imperative to understand what causes the bruises, because they may indicate ordinary fatigue or a serious illness. After this, you can take steps to remove the bruises.

Cause of bruises under the eyes of children

In the eye area, the skin has minimal thickness. In children it is the most subtle and sensitive. Blood vessels and capillaries show through, causing a blue tint to the skin. This is the most common cause of bruising.

Other reasons include:

Some diseases also cause the lower eyelid to appear blue. These include:

How to remove dark circles under the eyes in children

After finding out the cause of unsightly darkening under the eyes, you can take measures to eliminate them. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the child’s loads and sleep patterns. Rest at night should not be less than 8 hours, during the day 1-2 hours of quiet activity or sleep. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat. Volume drunk clean water at least 1.5 liters. Daily walks outside are required.

Cosmetic procedures can lighten the skin. To do this, use chamomile decoction or black tea bags. Soak a cotton pad in the decoction and apply for 10-15 minutes. Tea bags are poured with boiling water, squeezed out and applied to the problem area.

If bruises occur in combination with weight gain, constant thirst, or headaches, the endocrine system is examined. Its violations can seriously affect the child’s health and cause growth retardation.

The appearance of blue cannot be ignored, brown spots on the child's lower eyelid. They signal certain problems or diseases. Be sure to consult with your pediatrician and other specialists to avoid serious consequences. Monitor your child’s diet, provide enough vitamins, and do not overload your baby emotionally and physically.

Children's doctors almost every day have to deal with parents' anxiety due to bruises under their child's eyes. In many cases, such concern is justified, since this can be a sign of many diseases, in some cases quite serious. But sometimes blue under the eyes of a child is not alarming symptom. In any case, to establish the exact cause of this condition, the doctor must prescribe the necessary examinations and tests for the baby. Let's try to figure out why bruises under a child's eyes still appear?

When dark circles under the eyes are not a sign of illness

Human skin and mucous tissues react quickly enough to all changes in the body. The skin around the eyes is thinner, so blood vessels shine through it, giving a blue tint. This is the reason that with any changes in the state of the body, the color of the skin around the eyes first changes. But you don’t always need to be scared when you see blue under your child’s eyes. There are many conditions that cause blue circles under the eyes of a baby.

  1. Genetic predisposition. A child may inherit from his parents very thin skin on his face and some features of the location of blood vessels under the skin. In this case, naturally, no treatment is needed, since this condition is not a pathology, but just a feature of the baby. But this indicates increased sensitivity of the child’s blood vessels and skin, so in some cases the doctor may periodically prescribe vitamins and vascular tonic drugs.
  2. In children school age bruises under the eyes may appear from overwork. The modern school curriculum is very busy; schoolchildren are forced to spend a lot of time studying textbooks. Many of them attend additional classes, clubs, and sections. Often the child does not have the opportunity throughout working week have a full rest. In addition, instead of resting, most children spend time in front of televisions and computers. All this leads to the fact that children's body overworked, does not receive enough oxygen. At the same time, the skin becomes thinner, the vessels under it begin to show through. It is important that parents determine what kind of workload will not harm their child and do not burden him with additional activities. The baby should have time to rest, and, of course, it is best if he spends it in the fresh air.
  3. Violation of the daily routine can also contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It is very important for children to maintain a clear schedule of work, rest, and proper sleep. A child under ten years old should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day, and it is better that he goes to bed at the same time. This will help you develop the habit of falling asleep at approximately the same time every day. When a child constantly does not get enough sleep, his body’s compensation mechanisms are depleted, he becomes lethargic, and bruises appear under his eyes. The quality of sleep is also very important. Parents should monitor the temperature and humidity in the child’s room and ventilate it periodically.
  4. Poor nutrition. Most modern products, especially those that children love so much, contain little useful substances, vitamins. In addition, their production uses not only unhealthy ingredients, but often quite harmful ones. Constant consumption of such products can lead to the development of allergies and diseases. digestive system and many other pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the baby’s diet is as healthy as possible and contains vitamins and minerals. A child’s daily diet must include fruits and vegetables, preferably those grown in his area.

Pathological causes

Sometimes blue under the eyes of a child is a symptom of a disease. Moreover, in many cases, such a condition may be an early or the only first sign of the development of a pathology, in some cases quite dangerous.

Only a doctor can correctly answer the question of why a child has bruises under his eyes. Therefore, if this condition occurs, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.