Intravenous laser therapy indications. Laser blood cleansing is a modern procedure for good health. The mechanism of intravenous blocking

Laser therapy- This effective method treatment various diseases. The therapeutic effect of laser radiation is to improve the processes of restoration and healing in all tissues, increasing the body's defenses. Laser therapy has an analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, improves vascular tone, including peripheral circulation.

Benefits of laser therapy

  • - Treatment is drug-free. Strengthens the effect if necessary medicines, allowing you to significantly reduce their dosage.
  • - Does not cause allergies
  • - Does not lead to addiction, has no side effects.
  • - The treatment is painless and comfortable. Held in outpatient setting without interruption from the usual routine of life.
  • - Reduces recovery time by 2-3 times.
  • - The therapeutic effect lasts for a long time.
  • - Laser therapy for acute diseases leads to complete recovery
  • - Laser therapy restores the body’s reserve capabilities, reduces the risk of developing life-threatening diseases (heart attack, stroke).

Laser therapy is necessary for the following diseases

  • - Chronic diseases of the female genital organs, especially with pain syndrome, infertility
  • - Background diseases of the cervix (erosions, ectropions, etc. after colposcopy)
  • - Dystrophic processes of the vulva and vagina (vulvar sclerosis, simple leukoplakia, vulvar itching)
  • - Prevention postoperative complications
  • - Postoperative prophylaxis suppuration of wounds of the anterior abdominal wall, cervix, vaginal walls, perineum
  • - Prevention of adhesions of the fallopian tubes and exacerbation of the inflammatory process during plastic surgery on fallopian tubes
  • - Prevention of keloid scars and suppuration on the anterior abdominal wall and perineum in postoperative period
  • - Prevention of endometritis and stimulation of healing processes in the uterine scar after caesarean section in women with high infectious risk
  • - Treatment of cracked nipples, hypogalactia
  • - Chronic pelvic pain due to pelvic adhesive disease

ILBI - intravenous laser irradiation (purification) of blood- a technique for influencing blood with light from the red part of the spectrum.
The procedure for intravenous laser therapy of ILBI is recommended as a powerful means of increasing immunity and the rehabilitation capabilities of the body. The effect of the laser on the body is soft, comfortable and at the same time highly effective; its healing effect lasts from 4 to 6 months.

Who is indicated for intravenous laser therapy? To all those who want to seriously engage in the prevention of infectious diseases (including viral infections), in the preoperative and postoperative period, to enhance the body’s recovery processes after illnesses, stress (psychological, physical), to prolong the period of remission of chronic diseases, for the purpose of rejuvenation, prevention, with a decrease in overall performance.

Intravenous laser therapy reduces antibody levels, thins the blood and dilates blood vessels, and reduces the likelihood of blood vessel blockage.

Intravenous laser therapy is prescribed as an additional therapy, in addition to existing drug treatment.

Therapeutic effect

  • - Correction of cellular and humoral immunity;
  • - Improvement rheological properties blood and microcirculation;
  • - Vasodilator effect;
  • - Increased oxygen transport function of the blood;
  • - Increased antioxidant activity of the blood;
  • - Stimulation of erythropoiesis;
  • - Stimulation of intracellular DNA repair systems during radiation injuries;
  • - Normalization of metabolic processes (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, intracellular energy balance);
  • - Normalization and stimulation of regenerative processes.

Indications for ILBI

  • - Acute and chronic inflammatory processes (nonspecific and specific) of various localizations;
  • - Inflammatory (infectious) complications after operations (including oncological operations), injuries, various diseases;
  • - Thrombobliterating diseases of the arteries of the extremities (stages 1-3 of ischemia);
  • - Acute and chronic thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis;
  • - Chronic ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • - Acquired lymphostasis;
  • - Immunodeficiency states in various diseases, injuries, postoperative interventions;
  • - Autoimmune diseases, serum sickness, drug and other types of allergies;
  • - Dermatoses, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne;
  • - Diabetes;
  • - Sclerocystic ovarian syndrome;
  • - Trophic ulcers, delayed wound healing and consolidation of fractures;
  • - Burn disease;
  • - Infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, herpetic infection and etc.
  • - Relapse peptic ulcer, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatoses;
  • - Exacerbations bronchial asthma;
  • - Complications radiation therapy(depression of hematopoiesis and immunity).

The use of ILBI for health purposes

  • - During the period after illnesses, injuries, operations;
  • - For hyperlipidemia (if dietary and drug correction is ineffective);
  • - To increase performance, nonspecific body resistance and immunity in workers with difficult working conditions and occupational hazards

Contraindications for ILBI

  • - oncological diseases
  • - fever
  • - thyrotoxicosis
  • - acute infectious diseases
  • - glaucoma
  • - active tuberculosis.

Treatment is carried out daily or every other day. The exposure time for most diseases is 10 minutes per session. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor during consultation. The average duration of the course is 10 sessions.
Intravenous laser therapy is a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced doctor!

ILBI has been practiced for a little over 20 years, but during this time the procedure has earned worldwide recognition. Laser blood purification is widespread in all developed countries for good reason - such effectiveness cannot be achieved either with the help of drugs, plasmapheresis or hemosorption.

Diagnosis of diseases before the procedure

Only a doctor can tell you whether therapy is possible. The specialty of the latter depends on the specific case, since the spectrum of action of ILBI is very wide. Before the first sessions, it is necessary to undergo a specialized hardware examination to exclude the presence of contraindications.

In any case, laser blood purification is much safer than drug treatment, and even more so self-medication.

The latter rarely leads to anything good, and often the disease progresses to an extreme stage of development.

Remember, it is better to undergo a laser therapy session now than to waste time and money on expensive treatment later!

The essence of the procedure

Laser blood purification is inherently unique and therefore has no analogues.

The action of ILBI is based on the fact that blood cells have light-sensitive photoreceptors on their surface.

An optical waveguide inserted into a vein emits light in the red spectrum with a wavelength of 630 nm; the blue spectrum is less commonly used.

When such light hits the photoreceptors, the cells are excited and activated, setting in motion a number of biochemical reactions, accelerating the functioning of many vital systems. From all this it develops healing effect.

Many patients are confused by the word “Irradiation.” It should be noted that the laser is safe, since short-length waves cannot harm the body, and are even safer than, for example, electromagnetic radiation from a 2-minute conversation on a mobile phone.

Who can benefit from laser blood purification?

Laser therapy works in a variety of ways, so it is impossible to describe each specific case. The main reasons for the procedure are the indications presented below.


  • purulent wounds and non-healing ulcers;
  • burns;
  • bedsores;
  • decrease pain symptoms in the postoperative period, injuries and vascular diseases;
  • postoperative:
  • infiltrates;
  • phlegmon;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • mastitis;
  • abscesses;
  • paraproctitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • arthritis;
  • fractures;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholecystopancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer.


  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • gastritis;
  • cirrhosis.


  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • benign formations in the area of ​​the uterus and appendages;
  • infertility.


  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • enuresis;
  • urethral stricture;
  • urethritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal failure.


relief of pain symptoms with:

  • migraine;
  • Do not lie;
  • radicular syndrome;


  • depression;
  • epilepsy;
  • episyndromes;
  • relief of withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism and drug addiction.

ENT diseases:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • external and otitis media;
  • ARVI;
  • sensorineural hearing loss.

Skin diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • pyoderma;
  • vitiligo;
  • allergic dermatoses;

General indications

Laser blood purification is also prescribed for the following purposes:

  • Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Acceleration rehabilitation period following chemical peels and laser resurfacing.
  • Restoration of the body after illnesses, including mental ones.
  • Withdrawals muscle tension and healing the body after intense physical exertion.
  • Treatments chronic fatigue and symptoms associated with it, for example, decreased performance.
  • General improvement of the body, especially in the period before and after operations.
  • Treatment of bruises, sprains and ligament tears.
  • Prolongation of remission in chronic diseases.
  • Prevent the formation of keloid scars.


Laser blood purification has a number of general contraindications, for example:

  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors (the negative effect of the procedure on cancer has not been proven);
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • infectious diseases at the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • weakened immune system;
  • increased sensitivity to sun rays;
  • mental disorders;
  • hypotension;
  • blood diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • history of liver or kidney failure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.


The course includes 5-10 procedures, depending on the patient’s condition. ILBI can be performed daily or every other day as recommended by your doctor. Each session takes 30-60 minutes and proceeds like this:

  1. The patient is placed on the couch, and his hand is freed from clothing.
  2. The hand is treated with an antiseptic.
  3. The device indicator is placed just above the wrist.
  4. A tourniquet is applied to the area above the elbow.
  5. A catheter is inserted into the vein.
  6. The tourniquet is removed.
  7. Turn on the device.

In this case, the patient does not experience any pain.

If prescribed by a doctor, you can take the 2nd course in 2-3 months.

Side effects

Laser blood cleansing - simple and safe procedure, That's why Negative consequences it is minimal and is expressed in a temporary increase or increase in pressure immediately after the session.

Therapeutic effects

ILBI is unique in its properties and is many times superior to any pharmacological treatment. The effects of laser blood cleansing can be divided into general and therapeutic.

General effects

  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Destroys dangerous bacteria.

Therapeutic effects

  • Relieves spasms of blood vessels and dilates them.
  • Limits the area of ​​tissue necrosis.
  • Reduces blood viscosity and reduces its increased coagulability.
  • Dissolves microthrombi.
  • Relieves any symptoms inflammatory processes, such as swelling and pain.
  • Promotes rapid healing of tissues in case of damage.
  • Makes breathing easier and dilates the bronchi.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands.
  • Stimulates lactation.
  • Increases sensitivity to drug treatment. This allows you to reduce the dosage of medications taken.
  • Removes symptoms of intoxication.
  • Helps relieve allergic inflammation.


Laser blood purification has a number of undeniable advantages compared to plasmapheresis and hemosorption, for example:

  • Safety and non-traumatic.
  • Painless.
  • Sterility. The risk of becoming infected with anything during ILBI is zero, since all instruments, including needles, are disposable.
  • Efficiency.
  • The widest spectrum of action.
  • No anesthesia.
  • Rapidity.

Reviews and cost

The cost of one session varies from 500 to 1500 rubles, which depends on the city and the reputation of the clinic. Analyzing patient reviews, you can notice the absolute predominance of positive comments. More than 90% of former patients note:

  • 100% result;
  • significant improvement after first three sessions;
  • sterility and bloodlessness;
  • the opportunity not to disrupt your usual way of life.

The following were noted as negative aspects:

  • short-term dizziness;
  • high price;
  • in some cases, repeating the course of therapy

Let's draw conclusions

Laser blood purification is an exceptional way to heal the body by activating its protective and vital systems. The unique technology allows the procedure to be carried out without any negative consequences for the body, which is confirmed by reviews and scientific research.


Why and how is laser blood irradiation performed?

Laser irradiation of blood is a modern procedure, during which the entire body is healed.

This treatment helps get rid of many diseases and has a direct positive effect on the hematopoietic system.

Intravenous laser therapy has been used successfully for 20 years.

What is ILBI

ILBI has an effect on blood elements and corrects various disorders in the body

ILBI (intravenous laser irradiation of blood) is used in cardiology, dermatology, endocrinological practice, gynecology and other areas of medicine.

Laser vessel cleaning is absolutely safe and has a number of advantages compared to other available techniques.

Due to the unique action of the laser beam, it can be used in the treatment of other diseases: treatment of varicose veins on the legs with a laser, removal of hemorrhoids with a laser, etc. The indications and the procedure itself will differ from the laser blood cleansing technique.

the task is to saturate the cells with oxygen and useful substances. Therefore, periodic cleansing helps reduce blood toxicity and strengthen the immune system.

The essence of the technique is to introduce an optical waveguide into an accessible vein and irradiate blood vessels.

Under the influence of a special apparatus, red light with a wavelength of 630 nm is supplied.

Laser blood purification has no analogues, as it can significantly reduce the time of illness and gives maximum positive results. Action of ILBI:

  • supplying cells with oxygen;
  • immunostimulating;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant.

After the cleansing procedure, general rejuvenation of the body occurs, weight is normalized, increased fatigue is relieved and mental abilities are increased. Blood cleansing also helps to get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism) and improve health.

Laser blood irradiation is most often prescribed to patients with poor health or low immunity.

The visible effect after laser therapy occurs after just a few sessions, and the general course consists of 5-10 procedures.

The effect lasts for several months, and repeated cleaning can be done after three months.

Methods of carrying out

There are two main ways to perform laser blood cleansing: through the skin and intravenously.

Intravascular blood purification is accompanied by puncture of blood vessels, and therefore must be carried out according to all the rules of asepsis.

During this procedure, the patient may feel some pain or experience other unpleasant sensations.

To perform intravenous blood purification, a special needle is inserted into a vein, which is equipped with a light guide. After this, laser irradiation of all blood cells covered in the vascular bed begins. Cells are restored and begin anew to perform their functions inherent in them by nature.

Supravenous laser blood purification (NLBI) is safer and painless, but the effect is achieved the same as with intravenous cleansing.

The method can be used in a sanatorium, clinic or medical center.

The main advantage of the procedure is considered to be the absence of the possibility of transmitting infection through blood, since there is no need to pierce a vein.

These techniques help if an operation has previously been performed and the body needs to be restored. Laser irradiation helps prevent the development of complications after surgical treatment such as bedsores and abscesses.

Laser therapy is carried out every other day or every day, depending on the doctor’s recommendation and pathology (heart disease, rehabilitation after surgery). One session takes about 30 or 60 minutes.

During intravenous cleaning, the patient is placed on a couch and after treating the skin with an antiseptic, a catheter is inserted into the vein, and a device indicator is installed above the wrist. At the end of the manipulation, the device is turned off and the skin is re-disinfected.

Indications for the procedure

Vessel cleaning should be prescribed by your doctor. Usually ILBI consists of 5 sessions, the indications for which may be as follows:

  • skin diseases;
  • chronic infectious processes;
  • heart diseases;
  • general rejuvenation of the body;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • prostatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hepatitis;
  • acute intoxication of the body;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy.

Coronary artery bypass grafting

Laser cleaning of blood vessels can be used to treat eczema, acne, erysipelas and herpes. ILBI helps get rid of bronchial asthma, fights prostatitis and vascular pathology.

Laser revascularization is used in combination with CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting). This operation is recommended in cases where standard medical treatment does not help.

Due to irradiation, small and medium-sized vessels dilate, spasm is relieved, and as a result, serious heart rhythm disturbances are eliminated.

Advice: use laser procedure Blood purification is recommended after a thorough examination and visit to the attending physician. He will identify direct indications for ILBI and determine the number of sessions.


Despite wide list indications, not everyone can perform blood cleansing with a laser, since there are certain contraindications:

  • porphyria (severe hereditary disease);
  • pellagra (a form of vitamin deficiency);
  • hypersensitivity to sunlight;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • arterial hypotension.

There are also serious contraindications to ILBI - impaired blood clotting and increased bleeding.

Advice: Before starting laser irradiation of blood, it is necessary to exclude heart pathologies such as hemorrhagic stroke, which is a direct contraindication to cleansing and can cause complications.

Laser blood irradiation is used to treat many pathologies and diseases.

After cleansing the blood, immunity increases and the functioning of all organs and systems is normalized: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs.

The effect lasts for several months, and the procedure itself is absolutely safe and has a minimum number of contraindications.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for independent treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!


Features of intravenous laser irradiation of blood

page Cleansing the body Blood

The physiotherapeutic procedure ILBI (intravenous laser irradiation of blood) is a purification using light energy, which changes the charge of the blood cell membrane. Characterized by a large list of indications and advantages.

What is ILBI and its features

Laser therapy is increasingly in demand among doctors and patients due to the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure. Lasers are used in many areas of medicine.

Fluidity improves with ILBI biological fluid, which affects the rate of oxygen delivery, nutrients to organs, tissues, increasing the body’s ability to resist the influence of viruses and infections.

The procedure is characterized as minimally invasive. To carry it out, a needle with a light guide is inserted into a peripheral vessel, through which laser radiation is transmitted into the blood.

Unlike types of extracorporeal detoxification (plasmapheresis, hemosorption), ILBI is a technique that allows you to cleanse the blood inside the body.

This feature completely eliminates the risk of the patient contracting an infection during the procedure and does not require the use of blood substitutes or physiological solutions.

Harm and benefit of the method

A physiotherapy procedure performed using laser irradiation of blood has pros and cons. The latter are expressed in the presence of contraindications. There is no harm to the body, great danger represent the electromagnetic fields emitted by a mobile phone.

Despite the wording “irradiation” used, intravenous laser exposure to blood is a method of healing the body using photobiological radiation. The use of low-intensity light is often more effective and safer than drug therapy.

ILBI is prescribed by a doctor, can be a separate therapy or combined with other methods (use of Ceftriaxone, IVs, injections, other types of physiotherapy).

The procedure allows you to shorten the treatment time, quickly achieve stabilization of the patient’s condition, prolong remission, and reduce the risk of complications after surgical operations.

Indications and contraindications for blood irradiation

Intravenous laser irradiation is used as a treatment and prevention of various diseases in many areas of medicine:

Branch of medicine Indications
Dermatology Dermatitis, lichen, psoriasis, furunculosis, vasculitis, allergies.
Surgery Trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds with purulent exudate, burns, bedsores, purulent inflammation in tissues or organs, paraproctitis, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis.
Therapy Bronchitis, asthma, gastroenterological diseases, pneumonia, liver cirrhosis, emphysema, endocrine diseases, hepatitis.
Gynecology Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages, infertility, benign tumors.
Neurology Neuroses.
Urology Prostatitis, cystitis, narrowing urethra, nephritis, kidney inflammation due to bacterial infection.
Otolaryngology Sinusitis, vasomotor subatrophic rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, hearing loss, ARVI, tonsillitis, pharyngolaryngitis.
Psychiatry Epilepsy, depression, withdrawal syndrome.
Dentistry Gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontal disease, alveolitis.

Physiotherapy using laser radiation is indicated for:

  • shortening the rehabilitation period after undergoing cosmetic procedures and suffering from illnesses;
  • eliminating fatigue that has become chronic;
  • therapy for bruises, injuries, muscle strains;
  • treatment acne in teenagers;
  • getting rid of drug or alcohol addiction;
  • increasing the body's resistance to HPV, herpes, and other diseases caused by the action of the virus.

The ILBI procedure also has contraindications:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • porphyria;
  • pellagra;
  • photodermatosis;
  • increased sensitivity to UV radiation;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • fever of unknown origin;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • cancer (providing explicit negative influence on the body of patients oncological diseases not installed).

The use of ILBI in oncology remains an open question for many specialists. Some doctors believe that the procedure in combination with other techniques has a beneficial effect, while others refrain from using it. Diabetes, tuberculosis, and pregnancy are limited.

Specialized clinics with modern technological equipment are able to carry out laser blood purification for the above pathologies, special conditions patient.

The mechanism of action of ILBI and the procedure

The mechanism of blood treatment with low-intensity laser radiation is based on the photochemical, photophysical reaction of the membranes of erythrocytes and leukocytes. Under the influence of a laser, the blood thins, its circulation improves, and immunity increases.

Cleaning is carried out in several stages. The course can contain from 3 to 12 sessions. The result depends on the general condition of the patient, the complexity of the disease, and the correctness of the procedure.

Sometimes you can find neutral reviews from patients indicating that the treatment was not beneficial. It is worth taking into account the patient’s age and physiological characteristics.

Perhaps the decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure was influenced by an insufficient number of sessions prescribed in a particular case, or the indication requires complex therapy using ILBI.

How is intravascular laser treatment performed? This method of treatment requires a preliminary examination, tests to correctly prescribe the course duration, determine the presence of contraindications, and the ability to compare indicators before and after therapy. Algorithm for the procedure:

  1. The patient takes a comfortable position on medical couch, frees his hand from clothes.
  2. The doctor treats the skin for insertion of a needle with an LED with an antiseptic drug.
  3. A radiating unit is attached to the wrist.
  4. The arm above the bend in the elbow is tightened with a tourniquet, a light guide is inserted into the vein (the sensation is similar to installing an IV, and the pain when inserting the needle does not exceed the intensity as when taking blood from a vein).
  5. The device turns on.
  6. After 15-30 minutes, the catheter is removed.

Sometimes after treatment there is a manifestation side effects in the form of slight dizziness, weakness, nausea. These symptoms are temporary and last no more than half an hour. Loading …

Device overview

Model Description
Matrix The ILBI matrix has a type 1 laser and 2 or 4 channels, characterized by a pulsed, continuous, modulated radiation mode. Matrix models make it possible to carry out cleaning using ranges of different spectra: from infrared to ultraviolet. The devices have built-in head power sensors that emit pulses. It is possible to combine the device with other devices for physiotherapeutic procedures.
Azores The device for ILBI “Azor-2k-02” has two channels with emitters that make it possible to work paravertebrally. The wavelengths are adjustable in the range of 400-1500 nanometers, they work in the form of matrix and single emitters. There are a number of light guide and magnetic attachments. The device is equipped with a sensor that displays wavelength, emitter power, time, frequency, dose. The advantage of “Azor” is the presence of an autoresonance mode, in which the pulse frequency changes. This affects the increase in blood and lymph circulation.
Milta The Milta-F-8-01 device has a wide range of radiation pulse frequencies. The device terminal consists of a pulse-type laser and 4 LEDs with infrared radiation. It is possible to connect an additional terminal, light guides (attachments for ease of use of the device in gynecology, urology, dentistry). Milta's advantage is the presence of a photo recorder that determines the strength infrared radiation emanating from the patient.

Which is better: ILBI or ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy is a treatment using gas, which is a powerful oxidizing agent, which gives it a strong antiseptic property.

The effect of ozone on the body is similar to the effect of ILBI: bactericidal, vasodilating, analgesic, virucidal properties.

Ozone thins the blood, improves immunity, affects the membrane of red blood cells, changing their chemical and physical properties. This improves oxygen supply to organs and tissues.

Gas treatment occurs by injecting a solution intravenously by drip, the procedure lasts about 30 minutes.

Ozone therapy, like ILBI, is used to treat a number of diseases; it has contraindications and side effects that are observed in some cases.

The treatment takes place over several sessions and is not painful at all.

In general, the effects and characteristics of both techniques are similar. The difference between gas therapy and laser cleansing is the possible negative consequences of an overdose, and the advantage is a more affordable price.



Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) - what is it, what are the indications and contraindications for use?

Intravenous laser blood irradiation, or “ILBI” for short, is a modern and simple way to cleanse the blood and rejuvenate.

The procedure has been used for 20 years and has many fans around the world.

It is based on the ability of a light wave to influence biochemical and physiological processes in the human body.

ILBI is used both as an independent method of treatment and as an addition to complex treatment.

ILBI: the essence of the technique and its features

What is “intravenous laser blood irradiation”? ILBI is a therapeutic method discovered in 1981 by Soviet scientists Meshalkin and Sergievsky.

The essence of the technique is this: a light wave of a certain length affects the charge of cells with its energy.

Getting into the bloodstream thanks to the laser, it knocks out electrons from blood cells, thereby changing their structure, activating them and stimulating regenerative processes.

Over time, having returned to their natural state, the blood cells are renewed, and with them all the cells and tissues of the body are renewed.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood has found application in such areas of medicine as urology, endocrinology, pulmonology and surgery.

The technique is in a safe way cleaning blood vessels in which toxic substances gradually accumulate. Because of this, immunity decreases, and a person begins to get sick often and for a long time.

The condition of blood vessels can be worsened by a combination or one of the following factors:

  • Physical inactivity;
  • Unhealthy food;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Taking medications.

Benefits of intravenous laser blood irradiation

The use of an intravenous laser has a beneficial effect on human body.

Thus, laser treatment allows:

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Reduce negative consequences after allergic conditions.
  • Eliminate painful sensations and inflammatory phenomena.
  • Relieve swelling.
  • Remove toxic substances.
  • Reduce cholesterol.
  • Improve microcirculatory processes by saturating the blood with oxygen.
  • Eliminate the consequences hangover syndrome.

In addition, ILBI:

  • Rejuvenates the body;
  • Normalizes weight;
  • Improves sleep;
  • Relieves depression;
  • Improves memory.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood is also used to relieve a person from such bad habits like alcoholism and smoking.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood

Indications for ILBI

The use of intravenous laser blood irradiation is used when:

  • Skin diseases (lichen, herpes);
  • Various allergies;
  • Chronic infectious diseases;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, varicose veins veins, angina);
  • Acute intoxication;
  • Inflammatory conditions;
  • Diseases of the skeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis);
  • Drug addiction (to cleanse the body);
  • Diseases respiratory system(emphysema, bronchial asthma);
  • Diseases nervous system(neuritis, neuroses);
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (hepatitis, colitis, cirrhosis).
  • Urological problems (urethritis, prostatitis);
  • Gynecological diseases (endocervicitis, endometriosis).

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood prevents relapses and reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications.

The use of ILBI in cosmetology helps patients:

  • Tidy up your facial skin (increase skin elasticity, give it a healthy appearance);
  • Get rid of scars;
  • Improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Also, the use of ILBI significantly shortens the course of antibacterial therapy, due to the fact that it enhances the effect of antibiotics. Therefore, the positive results of treatment are noticeable within a short period of time.

How is ILBI performed?

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood is performed in specially equipped rooms. The patient does not need to be hospitalized.

The procedure is carried out using a laser device that generates red and blue waves.

The doctor inserts a disposable light guide into the device and directs it into the photodetector window.

At this time, the patient lies on the couch. The nurse cleans the skin over the working vein with an antiseptic. All cardiac parameters are monitored: pulse and blood pressure.

Next, the doctor inserts a needle with a light guide into a vein (ulnar or subclavian). The indicator is placed above the wrist. Thanks to the light guide, every blood cell is exposed to radiation. After removing the needle, the injection site is again treated with antiseptic agents.

There are supravenous and intravenous blood irradiation. With the supravenous method, the laser irradiator is located on top of the vein and does not damage the skin. Intravenous irradiation involves injection.

Intravascular blood irradiation does not require prior preparation. It is painless and does not involve the use of medications.

The duration of the session is no more than half an hour. The number of sessions is prescribed individually by the attending physician.

On average, 7 procedures are enough for a positive therapeutic result to become noticeable.

Sessions can be held daily or with a break of 1 day.

Irradiation can be repeated if necessary after six months.

Contraindications to intravenous laser irradiation of blood

Before undergoing intravenous laser blood irradiation, you need to find out about contraindications to it. Familiarization with the list of prohibitions and contraindications for the procedure will help protect the patient from side effects and possible damage to his body.

Restrictions on undergoing ILBI apply to patients with the following pathologies:

  • Mental disorders;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Convulsive phenomena;
  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Photodermatosis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Oncology;
  • Porphyria;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Pellagroy;
  • Hypoglycemia.

Laser therapy is not performed on women during menstruation. In gynecology, ILBI is prohibited for pregnant patients.

Laser cleaning is also not performed for people with blood clotting problems. Patients with hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays should avoid the procedure.

Cost of intravenous laser blood irradiation

The cost of the procedure varies: it depends on medical institution and the region of the country where the center is located. The price for intravenous laser irradiation of blood in the capitals is higher than in the regions.

Thus, the average price for intravenous therapy (for 1 session) in metropolitan clinics ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles (500-900 hryvnia).

The cost in regional clinics is 500 rubles (200 hryvnia) per session or more.

Among modern methods Blood purification Laser blood purification is gaining increasing popularity. The procedure is based on the use of light quanta of different wavelengths and is completely different from X-ray and radiation exposure. Unique technique allows you to treat and prevent dangerous diseases, is considered highly effective and safe when performed correctly.

What is laser blood purification

Experts conditionally divide blood purification with laser into two types:

  • ILBI;
  • NLOC.

The ILBI procedure involves influencing blood cells from the inside through blood vessels and veins. The essence is as follows: an optical waveguide is placed in a vein, it emits light of a certain length, in the red or blue spectrum. Light rays influence the photosensitive receptors of cells, thus activating the work of the main elements of biological fluid. Laser light allows you to improve cell restoration processes, tone blood vessels, and slow down inflammation.

The technique is considered highly effective in the following processes:

  • biostimulation;
  • blocking inflammation, swelling, pain symptoms;
  • antibacterial effects;
  • intensification of work immune system.

Thanks to the activation of biological processes and systems, a general therapeutic effect on the body is performed.

The NLBI method, unlike the previous technique, is performed supravenously and is considered non-invasive. Nothing is injected into the vessels, the laser effect occurs through the skin, and the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort at all. Physiotherapy improves metabolic processes in the body and restores the correct blood structure.

NLBI is used in the treatment of diseases of the hematopoietic system, the therapeutic effect is as follows:

  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • rapid cell regeneration;
  • promotion protective functions body;
  • improvement of metabolism, blood circulation;
  • blocking the vital processes of pathogenic microflora.

The physiotherapeutic procedure of NLBI reduces the risk of thrombosis, slows down the processes of inflammation and swelling. However, despite the high efficiency of the NLBI technique, it is in many ways inferior alternative method treatment of ILBI.

Note! Laser cleansing has a number of contraindications, so before performing the procedure it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

Indications for cleansing

The high efficiency of laser blood purification allows the technique to be used for the following indications:

severe conditions after surgical interventions(gynecological diseases, pathologies of blood vessels and the digestive system, hemorrhoids, etc.);

  • reduction of pain symptoms from burns, injuries, fractures;
  • bedsores;
  • appearance on skin purulent wounds, ulcers;
  • mastitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • abscesses;
  • arthritis;
  • peptic ulcers, gastritis;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system, liver, kidneys;
  • organ inflammation reproductive system in men and women;
  • infertility;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • pathology genitourinary system;
  • neurotic, mental illness;
  • neuritis, migraine, depression;

The list of indications for laser therapy can be continued for a long time; the technique is also effective for ENT pathologies, relieving hangover syndrome, treating drug addiction, skin and colds of a viral, infectious and bacterial nature. Cleansing improves general state the body, increase protective functions and accelerate regeneration processes, this determines the widespread use of technology.

Effects of internal laser on the body

While developing and testing the ILBI technique, scientists studied how internal quantum light acts on the human body and identified certain levels of impact on:

  • formed components of blood, plasma;
  • inner fabrics and organs;
  • internal systems responsible for homeostasis.

Universal influence of internal quantum light extends to cellular and subcellular structures (molecular, atomic level). Supracellular therapy allows you to “turn on” internal adaptation mechanisms, and homeostasis mechanisms are corrected. All this provokes an accelerated improvement in unpleasant pathological conditions.

Important! During laser cleansing, red light is often used, which allows, first of all, to saturate the blood with oxygen and improve microcirculation.

Only a doctor can prescribe laser blood purification, having previously diagnosed one of the pathologies considered indications for this species therapy. Before the procedure begins, a series of examinations are necessarily carried out to identify existing contraindications; when there are none, treatment begins.

Execution procedure:

  1. The patient assumes a horizontal position lying on his back.
  2. The hand is completely freed from clothing, and the laser injection area is treated with an antiseptic.
  3. A laser device indicator is attached to the top of the wrist.
  4. The area above the elbow is tightened with a tourniquet and a catheter is inserted into the vein; after insertion, the tourniquet is removed.
  5. The laser device is started for 30 – 60 minutes based on the purpose of therapy.
  6. The catheter is removed and the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic.

The procedure can be performed every day, every other day, depending on what the doctor decides. The course consists of at least 5 sessions, with a maximum of 10. Repeated treatment possible only after 2 - 3 months.

A special device is used to perform intravenous laser therapy. The equipment may differ in different clinics, as the market provides wide choose of this product, for example, it could be a device:


The average weight of the units is about 1.5 kg, the dimensions are small. The devices operate in continuous laser radiation mode, delivering a wave from 365 to 808 nm. The devices are equipped with time task timers. During the procedure, disposable light guides with needles are used, capable of delivering light of different shades: red, blue, green.

The cost of laser cleansing depends primarily on the status of the clinic where the procedure will take place and on the qualifications of the specialist performing the work. On average, they pay from 500 to 1,500 rubles for 1 session.

Note! Laser blood purification does not cause side effects except for short-term surges blood pressure and slight dizziness, manifested immediately.

Can the procedure be used during pregnancy?

The ILBI procedure is widely applicable in gynecological clinics. Experts assure patients that ILBI is absolutely painless and harmless for women preparing for pregnancy and for those who are already carrying a fetus. The main indications for performing ILBI during pregnancy may be:

  • purulent-septic pathologies;
  • inflammation;
  • chronic pathologies (colpitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis);
  • threat of miscarriage, premature birth due to the presence of chronic viral pathologies;
  • threat of intrauterine fetal death;
  • the likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Many gynecological diseases can be a reason for laser blood purification. The procedure can be prescribed even at 32 weeks of gestation, for example, with development or endometriosis. Laser therapy is used for many complex treatments, for example, when eliminating peritonitis.

However, before prescribing therapy, the patient mandatory undergoes a special examination using hemostasiological, clinical, biological, immunological and other tests to confirm that such a technique is not contraindicated for her based on individual indicators.

Choosing laser therapy during pregnancy is much more productive than some therapeutic methods treatment. The procedure is not capable of suppressing the immune system and does not provoke the development of allergies, such as taking certain medications.

Allows you to reduce the intake of medications in the treatment of a particular pathology, which is definitely important during pregnancy. So, during pregnancy, laser blood purification performs:

  • bactericidal;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-stress and analgesic effects.

In addition, after such sessions it is allowed to conduct other serious methods gynecological interventions, such as hysteroscopy, laparotomy, separation of adhesions, etc.


ILBI, like any medical technology has certain contraindications:

  • sensitivity to light rays (photodermatosis);
  • poor blood clotting;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • low level blood sugar;
  • taking a certain type of medication, for example, anticoagulants;
  • chronic pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • oncology;
  • liver failure;
  • feverish state, heat body, from 38 °C;
  • sepsis;
  • renal failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

If these factors are present, doctors have the right to refuse to perform blood cleansing using laser therapy technology.

Blood purification using quantum light has been practiced for over 20 years. To date, the technique has proven itself to be one of the best modern technologies, used as a quick, productive medical intervention in the treatment of many serious pathologies.

Intravenous laser blood treatment (ILBI), Percutaneous laser treatment of blood is one of the light therapy methods based on the effect of quantum energy (light particles) on the blood directly in the vascular bed or through the skin.

The laser was invented by American scientist Theodore Maiman in 1960.
For more than 50 years, the effects of laser exposure on humans have been studied quite fully and are predictable to a certain extent.

Intravenous and percutaneous laser therapy (ILBI, laser blood irradiation, intravenous blood irradiation, laser blood purification) has a powerful sanogenic effect, i.e. allows you to systematically increase the immunity and rehabilitation (restorative) capabilities of the body.

The impact of ILBI is comfortable and highly effective; The healing effect of a course of laser therapy lasts for 4-6 months.

It is difficult to find analogues to ILBI and percutaneous laser blood treatment in terms of versatility and effectiveness of treatment. The use of ILBI and percutaneous laser blood treatment is especially effective in programs for the treatment and prevention of somatic (therapeutic) and gynecological diseases, a program of preconception preparation for artificial insemination, IVF, ICSI. That's why at the Resort Clinic women's health We actively use these procedures.

The use of ILBI and percutaneous laser blood treatment can significantly reduce treatment time, stabilize the course of the disease, increase the duration of remission (the period without subjective manifestations of the disease), and reduce the number of postoperative complications.

Questions and answers

Question: Is the use of ILBI and percutaneous laser irradiation of blood (laser blood purification) dangerous from the point of view of oncological safety, including ILBI for mastopathy? G.M., Stavropol.
Answer: Among patients and some doctors, there is sometimes an opinion that laser radiation supposedly stimulates the growth of a cancerous tumor.
But oncologists and mammologists are extremely successful in using laser therapy methods in practice. Activation of growth and metastasis primary tumor not visible.
This is confirmed by many scientific works published on this subject, and numerous guidelines, approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
Laser therapy is included in the standard of care medical care cancer patients and is effectively used at the stage of nursing (rehabilitation).

Question: I suspect that I have hypersensitivity to the sun's rays, because when I go out into the sun, after a while I feel a burning sensation on my face. This feeling arose some time after I visited the sauna and immediately after it, the solarium.
Can ILBI be harmful if there is suspected hypersensitivity to sunlight? I have already had 3 procedures and so far I feel fine. V.S., Moscow.
Answer: In a solarium, the skin is exposed to UV rays. And an allergic skin reaction most often occurs precisely in this frequency range of the solar spectrum.
ILBI acts strictly in the red color range.
Allergic reaction directly on ILBI is extremely rare.

Question:Effects of ILBI in the treatment of mastopathy, what are they? E.N., Kislovodsk.
Answer: Effects of ILBI and percutaneous blood treatment in the treatment of mastopathy:

  • immunostimulating. Increasing immunity (the body's defenses) by stimulating the synthesis (formation) of antibodies (protective proteins), the activity of macrophages (cells that identify and phagocytize (“devour”) the body’s own defective (oncological) cells);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-stress.

Question: What examination is necessary to undergo ILBI for mastopathy? Z.M., Nalchik.
Answer: The decision about the need for ILBI is made by a mammologist. A standard examination includes a consultation with a mammologist, X-ray or ultrasound mammography, if necessary, a blood test for cancer antigens (CA - 15.3, HE4, CEA, MUC) and clinical analysis blood.

Question: Is it possible to do ILBI during pregnancy? Sh.V., Karachaevsk.
Answer: ILBI during pregnancy is allowed.
ILBI during pregnancy has a number of positive effects:

  • prevention and treatment of toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • prevention and treatment of exacerbations of herpes, cytomegalovirus, HPV (human papillomavirus infection, papillomas, condylomas, warts);
  • activation of the immune system in the presence of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis (ureaplasmosis), trichomoniasis if it is impossible to use antibiotics in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and treatment of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis (ureaplasmosis), trichomoniasis - in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy;
  • prevention and treatment of thrombophilia.

Question: Is it possible to do ILBI during menstruation? A.N., Pyatigorsk.
Answer: ILBI during menstruation is not contraindicated, but due to the risk of increased volume menstrual blood During menstruation, it is advisable to refrain from performing any physiotherapeutic procedures.

Question: Is it possible to eat before ILBI?
Answer: Before ILBI, you can eat lightly or drink half a glass or a glass of strong, sweet tea.
ILBI, like any physical procedure, is performed 30-60 minutes after eating a light meal.

Everything that a person ingests, inhales, comes into contact with during external environment, gets into the blood. If harmful toxic compounds enter the body, the risk of poisoning increases, which can lead to deterioration of health, functional disorders internal organs and systems.

Intravenous laser exposure allows you to safely cleanse the blood and normalize its parameters.

The principle of ILBI is the laser effect of an optical waveguide on the photoreceptors of blood cells. The wavelength of the red spectrum is 630 nm. In some cases, the blue spectrum is used.

Under the influence of waves, blood cells are activated, biochemical reactions are launched, which ultimately leads to an acceleration of the work of the body's internal systems.

Therapeutic effect

Laser blood purification has a therapeutic effect, which consists of:

  • antispasmodic, vasodilating effect;
  • decreased viscosity, decreased blood clotting;
  • resorption of microthrombi;
  • preventing the development of inflammatory processes;
  • accelerated tissue regeneration;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs and systems (bronchial tubes, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, others);
  • stimulation of production breast milk(during lactation);
  • eliminating symptoms of intoxication;
  • reducing allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity to medications(allows you to reduce therapeutic doses if treatment is necessary).

In addition, ILBI promotes:

  • improving metabolism;
  • enrichment of cells with oxygen;
  • reducing cholesterol concentrations;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Laser blood purification is one of the ways to rejuvenate at the cellular level.

Indications for laser blood cleansing

Indications for ILBI are as follows:

  • the need to speed up the rehabilitation period after cosmetic chemical peels, laser resurfacing skin;
  • a period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses, in order to restore the body;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, pathological decline ability to concentrate, loss of performance;
  • the need to extend the period of remission in chronic pathologies.

Laser blood purification helps avoid:

  • formation of keloid scars;
  • complications after infectious diseases;
  • progression of certain pathologies.

The procedure is also prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, to activate the body’s own protective functions.


  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumors, regardless of their nature (malignant, benign neoplasms);
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • low blood pressure;
  • hyperthermia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • intolerance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • weakened immune system.

The procedure is also not performed when feeling unwell against a background of general weakness.

Methodology of the procedure

The duration of the treatment and prophylactic course ranges from 5 to 10 procedures, determined by the patient’s health condition. Laser blood purification can be carried out every day, every other day, or according to the scheme recommended by the attending physician. Session duration is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Sequence of ILBI:

  1. The patient lies down on the couch and frees his hand from clothing.
  2. The puncture area is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  3. The laser device indicator is fixed between the wrist and the elbow.
  4. A tourniquet is applied above the elbow.
  5. A catheter is inserted intravenously.
  6. The hand is released from the tourniquet.
  7. The device is put into operation.

The procedure does not cause discomfort or pain.

If necessary, a repeat course is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor, after several months.

Advantages of the method

ILBI has advantages compared to other hardware methods of blood purification:

  • high degree of security;
  • sterility;
  • no pain;
  • high efficiency of blood purification;
  • wide range of therapeutic effects;
  • no need for anesthesia.

But the main advantage is the combination of high efficiency of the procedure with low trauma. The patient does not need to change his lifestyle. The session does not take long.


Laser blood purification is a safe, highly effective method of comprehensive healing, based on activating the body’s own resources. The procedure is carried out for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, has no side effects, and if carried out correctly, brings exceptional benefits.