Vodka with oil for incurable diseases! Is treatment with vodka and oil according to the Shevchenko method realistic? How to drink to prevent cancer and other diseases

  • 3 times a day at 9, 14, 19 hours 20 minutes before meals (preferably at the same time). Eating or drinking anything during these 20 minutes after taking the mixture is strictly prohibited - the completeness of absorption of the mixture depends on this. You can chew something at this time or rinse your mouth with water (to prevent nausea), but be sure to spit everything out afterwards; you cannot swallow;
  • Do not eat anything for 2 hours before taking the medicine;
  • drink for 10 days in a row - a break of 5 days, drink for the second ten days (10 days) - a break of 5 days; drink the 3rd decade - break for 14 days. This is the first course of treatment. Next, these courses (cycles) of treatment should be repeated in the same way until complete recovery, for at least 2, preferably 3 years.

1 course (cycle) = 54 days.

How to drink the mixture?

Pour 30-40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and 30 ml of vodka into a jar, close the lid tightly and shake vigorously for a couple of minutes, exhale and drink everything as quickly as possible, do not allow the mixture to separate into oil and vodka. It is better to take a minimum dose of oil of 30 ml, because... Using more oil may not give the desired effect.

Why unrefined oil?

Refined oil has 10-20% less unsaturated fats than unrefined oil, and sometimes does not contain very valuable phosphates-lecithins and vitamin E. Those. It lacks exactly what provides the anti-cancer effect.

In between taking the mixture, just rest; no other anti-cancer methods can be used. In no case and under no circumstances should the above doses and periods be reduced or increased. After each treatment cycle, do a clinical detailed blood test using a finger prick and weigh yourself. There may be temporary fluctuations in blood tests and body weight in the first months of treatment, but all indicators will gradually begin to improve.

The technique does not require individual adjustment, it is always the same for everyone and has no contraindications.

First results

From the very first days of treatment, metastasis usually stops, blood composition, immunity, hormone ratios, water-salt metabolism, blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure are normalized; the condition of patients with atherosclerosis, organ ischemia improves (the nutrition of the heart muscle improves), diabetes mellitus (blood sugar levels approach normal); the liver is cleansed of bilirubin and cholesterol deposits and plugs; bleeding stops; body weight is restored; worms are destroyed; the functioning of all organs and systems of the body improves, especially the blood vessels, heart, liver, and kidneys.

Age restrictions

There are no age limits for this method; children over 12 years old must take an “adult” dose of the medicine. For young children, the dose should be calculated as follows: 0.6 ml of oil + 0.6 ml of vodka for every 1 kg of body weight. For example, for a child weighing 20 kg, single dose will be: 20 × 0.6 = 12 ml of oil and 12 ml of vodka. Troubles are possible (they don’t always happen).

Trapezoid diagram

It seems more rational when taking a mixture of vodka and oil to use trapezoid diagrams: on the 1st day 3 times 5 g of vodka + 5 g of oil, on the 2nd 3 times 10+10, etc. until disgust sets in, then reduce this dose by 5+5 and take it for 10 days. Then reduce the intake of the mixture to 0 after 5+5, without taking a break, again increase the intake after 5+5 to your maximum norm. After the 3rd cycle, take a break for 2-3 weeks, and then start all over again. It is possible that the maximum rate for each cycle will be different depending on the physical condition and the degree of addiction to the mixture. With this regimen of taking the mixture, it is possible to identify individual intolerance to this “medicine”.

For preventive purposes, take the mixture once a day.

Opinion of N. Shevchenko

If you haven’t had and still don’t have cancer, you can drink the mixture according to a lighter version: only 1 time a day before bed or before dinner, but better closer to the time of sleep, right on the way to bed, but, observing the condition, 2 hours before taking the medicine there is nothing.
There are no restrictions on food and drink. Following a diet in this case is voluntary.
You need to drink the mixture according to the same scheme as when treating cancer: 10+5+10+5+10+14+10+5, etc.
10 is the number of days of drinking the mixture, and other numbers are the number of days in subsequent breaks. Always after the first and after the 2nd ten days of taking the mixture of each cycle, breaks of 5 days are taken, always after the 3rd ten days of each cycle, a break of 14 days. These numbers should never be changed. The same dose of 30+30 at a time, also shake the jar of ingredients with your hand as hard and fast as possible for at least 2 minutes and also drink quickly and immediately.

Drink according to the prevention regimen Even if you take the mixture for the rest of your life, this treatment cannot bring the slightest harm; the longer you drink it, the better it is for the body. A single intake of the mixture during the day does not disrupt the normal nutritional balance of the day, but only improves it in a direction that is favorable for us. The diet that is always desirable is the same as during the treatment of cancer: without all dairy and sweets. Vegetarianism is useful, but not necessary. Do not combine with alcohol, it is better to skip this day.

Application results

Cells of all human organs are rejuvenated. All excess (sclerotic plaques in blood vessels, excess calcium deposits, etc.) will be dissolved by alcohol and sodium salts unsaturated fatty acids vegetable oil, and damaged due to various reasons Cell membrane molecules from the same alcohol and oil quickly restore their structure and functions.

Examples of application of the technique

I drank the mixture at night for prevention, then I started leaving a little and lubricated my face and hands. After some time, there were no waves on the face (the skin on the face was covered with wrinkles, like small ripples) - complete calm and soft hands.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis: When I took 30+30 it became much easier.

For a long time back and legs hurt. The patient decided to try drinking a mixture of vodka and oil for prevention once a day at night. Already on the 3rd day I felt an improvement.

Taking the mixture to treat an illness, I unexpectedly “received my sight”, wore glasses +3, and now I read without glasses.

Based on materials from Healthy Lifestyle No. 14, 2000.

Shevchenko's method is 30 ml of sunflower oil and 30 ml of vodka. But is everything so simple if a whole book has been written about it, and thousands of cancer patients are treated with this recipe?

For some, the Shevchenko method is the last chance to cope with an incurable disease and at least slightly improve the quality of their life. Many scientists and traditional healers actively discuss the healing properties of oil with vodka.

Some prove the miraculous properties of this method in relation to diseases such as stroke, diabetes, severe allergies, cancer at the last stage. They claim that no patients are incurable, just not all methods traditional medicine are able to have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, relieving it of the main causes of each disease.

Today this is a truly pressing issue, as more and more cancer patients are appearing who have received their sentence - stage 4 cancer. At this stage, metastasis occurs through the lymphatic and circulatory system, which means that cancer cells can stop in any organ.

Unfortunately, even the newest treatment technologies do not allow all metastases to be safely eliminated, leaving the patient to fight for his life on his own.

Various help him with this folk methods, aimed at resolving tumor cells, eliminating the main symptoms of cancer and, most importantly, pain relief. One of the main problems of a cancer patient is constant pain, which is not even removable narcotic analgesics strong action.

There is always a way out - this is the basic principle of traditional medicine. Shevchenko made a significant contribution to this science, whose method we will analyze.

Treatment method with vodka and oil according to Shevchenko

As one would expect, Shevchenko’s “vodka with butter for all diseases” method has no contraindications. It’s clear that you want to lure people into your scam as much as possible. more people. By pointing out that this method has contraindications for use even for one disease, the author will lose millions of potential victims.

What Shevchenko teaches

If cancer treatment is unsuccessful, do not despair; vodka and oil will relieve all symptoms, increase immunity and cure any disease. These words can describe the approach of alternative medicine, which is based on the teachings of Shevchenko.

This method involves the use of 40-proof vodka and high-quality sunflower oil for treatment. In this case, their number should be equal.

You need to take this medicine 3-5 times daily before meals. At the first stage of such treatment, a break is taken after a week, and then the course is repeated again.

The course is considered completed after the 3rd break, which has already lasted 14 days. After such a break, treatment can continue indefinitely or until recovery.

This technique has many features and caveats. In order to feel the effectiveness of such treatment, you will have to work a lot on your lifestyle and preparing a truly healing drink.

How to cook

Treatment of cancer with vodka and butter is a method developed experimentally for people suffering from cancer at any stage and benign tumors.

The recipe for Shevchenko's mixture for cancer is not complicated. Pour equal amounts of 30 to 40 g of vodka and oil into a clean container, close the container and shake well. Before this, there was a previous recipe for 30 ml of oil and 15 ml of 95% alcohol. But such a composition is very difficult to drink, especially for a cancer patient. In order not to make a mistake in the quantity, you can use disposable syringe, the number of components must be the same.

For children weighing less than 50 kg, the dose should be considered in the proportion of 0.6:0.6 per kilogram. For a child whose weight is 30 kg, a single dose is 30 × 0.6 = 18 ml of oil and 18 ml of vodka.

Rules to be followed:

  1. Take only unrefined vegetable oil against cancer with minimal processing.
  2. Vodka must be of guaranteed quality with a strength of at least 40 degrees, moonshine and alcohol are allowed.
  3. Make the composition immediately before use.

How to choose oil for making medicine

The Shevchenko method involves treating cancer using only 2 ingredients. Therefore they need to be given special attention. Not every oil and vodka can be effective in treating oncology.

It is irrational to use pure bottle oil, it contains low content vitamin E. Therefore, it makes sense to add a little pharmaceutical vitamin, as well as phosphates (Essentiale Forte N) during the preparation of the recipe.

In order for this method to truly work, it is not enough to prepare it correctly, it is very important to take it correctly. First of all, you need to dilute the vodka with oil, then add vitamin E and one phosphate tablet to the solution. It is very important to drink it when the tablet has not yet completely dissolved.

Continuing to discuss oil, it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to use a product containing monounsaturated fatty acids. This oil is similar in composition to olive oil.

When purchasing oil, it is very important to look at the percentage of all acids, which must be indicated on the packaging. Good BIO oil can be purchased in special departments of the store or ordered online on a specialized website.

The standard prescription dosage according to Shevchenko is 30/30 ml, but stage 4 cancer may not be sensitive to such a dose, so you need to immediately take 40/40 ml. It is best to beat the prepared mixture with a mixer for one minute. More time is not required, but it can only harm beneficial properties solution.

The freshness of the oil also plays a very important role. The earlier it was prepared, the more beneficial it will be for the body.

This is due to the fact that useful elements, contained in vegetable oil, may disappear completely after some time. Thus, vitamin E, necessary for cooking, is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Therefore, the oil should be stored in a place well protected from the sun at a low temperature.

How to use

The product should be taken three times a day, 20 minutes before meals at equal intervals. Do not eat anything between meals, eat three meals a day.

How to drink vodka with oil against cancer: 10 days of consumption, 5 days of rest, then two courses. 10 days use, 2 weeks break. Optimal ratio sunflower oil with vodka for cancer 30:30.

Features of the Shevchenko method

The recipe for preparing the healing mixture itself is not complicated, but there are many rules that must be followed in order to feel the miraculous power of vodka with oil.

An oncology patient will not see anything new in these rules, since cancer treatment requires compliance with them. But stage 4 cancer gives the patient some freedom of choice, and then you can lose motivation to follow the rules. But Shevchenko gives hope with his method. And this method should return the incentive to act.

In addition to admiration, this method of treating cancer raises many questions that remain unanswered. Despite this, patients continue to use it, but is it worth it?

What do oncologists think?

Of course, this is an unconventional method of treatment, and oncologists, in fact, have nothing to do with it. Patients at stage 4 who have lost faith in the power of medicine no longer listen to the opinions of specialists, which can be a fatal mistake.

First, there is no reason to turn away from oncologists who have not helped to the side of healers whose power has not yet been proven. These are equal parties who equally want to help, and can equally make mistakes.

But it’s worth thinking about what would have happened to the disease if it weren’t for supportive therapy and painkillers? That’s why you don’t need to lose contact with your doctor.

Let's return to the question of Shevchenko's method. Oncologists have a negative attitude towards him, and there are a number of reasons for this.

  1. Experts are critical of the failure of treatment with traditional methods even at stage 4 cancer.
  2. Vodka, according to experts, is not the best best medicine for cancer.
  3. There is not a single scientific proof.

There is only one point in Shevchenko’s method that pleases oncologists. This is a refusal bad habits and proper nutrition for patients during cancer treatment.

The effectiveness of the Shevchenko method

It is very difficult to judge alternative medicine, since there are no statistics and even specific records of recipes are difficult to find in their original form. The stories of some cancer patients are truly amazing, but how do you know what actually cured the seriously ill?

Patients who tried this technique noticed positive changes in themselves.

  1. It does not cause complications, the body quickly adapts to the new treatment.
  2. Patients note that from the first days of treatment their metastases stopped growing.
  3. Increases appetite, normalizes work digestive system.
  4. Blood clots dissolve arterial pressure comes back to normal.
  5. Painful sensations gradually pass.

Some of the author's notes help to doubt the adequacy of this method. This method is approved for the treatment of any disease during pregnancy planning, during pregnancy, and even while breastfeeding.

Shevchenko also claims that it can be safely used by both amateur and professional drivers. In some ways, this is possible, since oil slows down the absorption of alcohol.

But this does not mean that alcohol does not enter the blood at all. Most critics of this method are amazed at the danger the author can expose to the driver and passengers of, for example, an intercity bus.

The method of treating cancer with a “healing” drink - a mixture of vodka and unrefined sunflower oil - was “discovered” by Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko in the process of searching for a recipe against a terrible disease, and at the same time other ailments that have plagued the human race from time immemorial.

The “Divine” origin of the “medicine” and the difficult path to “perfection of the technique”

According to the inventor, his choice in favor of vodka with butter was made by “a sign from above.” More precisely, about therapeutic effect he learned about the vodka-butter cocktail from “ ordinary people from the people,” who, with the help of a simple and inexpensive miracle cure, got rid of advanced forms of cancer and forever forgot about the deadly disease.

However, meetings with these mysterious and miraculously healed people ( their names, diagnoses and social status Mr. Shevchenko does not declassify) occurred overnight, immediately after the author of the method, while reading the New Testament, was imbued with true faith and relied on God’s help in seeking the salvation of soul and body.

It was much more difficult to select the desired percentage of vodka and oil, the “therapeutic dose” of the thermonuclear drink (one-time and daily) and the duration of the “course of therapy.” No wonder: it is difficult to create medicines without not only medical, but also any related education. However, the inventive inclinations, the inquisitive mind of an engineer, the meticulousness of a patent specialist and the fragmentary knowledge acquired by Shevchenko while self-teaching the basics of biology and medicine did their job: through trial and error, the “golden formula” was found.

It turned out that taking the “miracle remedy,” obtained by actively shaking 30 g of vodka and 30 g of oil in a closed container, can once and for all rid the Orthodox part of humanity of deadly diseases, sending pharmacologists and doctors straight to the labor exchange.

Since then (or rather, since the beginning of the 90s of the last century), Mr. Shevchenko has been improving and developing his technique, giving people free of charge only... hope for healing. Well, that's already a lot. As they say, “blessed is he who believes”...

In addition, to the credit of the self-taught aesculapian, it should be noted that he still admits the lack of effect from his unique health drink in some “neglected cases”, quite reasonably noting that not a single existing medicine is a panacea for any disease.

Shevchenko's method: the machinations of envious people and competitors

As is always the case with geniuses and messiahs, having stepped into the masses with “God’s gift,” Shevchenko encountered many bureaucratic obstacles and corruption machinations from competitors and envious people, who “completely undeservedly” labeled the orthodox inventor a charlatan.

According to the folk healer, there was also open “raiding”: tough guys with a dark past deprived him of the patent for the “invention”, took advantage of the fruits of spiritual and mental activity and are strenuously (but to no avail!) trying to use the “divine discovery” for their own selfish purposes. While the righteous pioneer does not take a penny from his “patients”...

(RThe seasonal question about what means Shevchenko lives on arises by itself. But we will omit it, since we do not set ourselves the goal of finding sources of income for the “traditional healer.”)

Vodka + oil: basic rules of reception from the author of the method

Let's be objective: the detective story with the “hijacking” of the patent looks intriguing, but not very believable. Not only “competitors” and “envious people” have every reason to consider an engineer who has lost his technical path to be a “great and terrible deceiver.” The following treatment regimen, popularly known as “vodka oil 30 to 30,” smacks of adventurism:

However, among all those known in Russia and neighboring countries alternative ways In treating cancer, Shevchenko’s method could be called the most harmless and even, to some extent, useful. If not for two very significant “buts”.

Shevchenko method: attention - danger!

The first and main disadvantage of Shevchenko’s method: vodka with butter is opposed to all other methods of treating cancer - both official and auxiliary.

As a result, the cancer patient is deprived of any chance of truly effective assistance. Of course, chemotherapy is also poison, but the destructive effect of chemotherapy drugs on tumor cells has been tested and confirmed ( in contrast to the effectiveness of Shevchenko’s miracle mixture). And, most importantly, success official treatment directly depends on its timeliness. In addition, today there are a number of effective auxiliary methods that can reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation to a minimum.

But that’s not all: the self-taught physician declared “war” on antibiotics and other vital medicines, arguing that their use will negate the life-giving effect of alcohol and linoleic acid, which only a special type of unrefined oil is rich in. By the way, the last statement is one of the excellent loopholes for the “inventor” to escape responsibility if suddenly one of the disappointed patients or their relatives decides to sort things out. The answer to such an overbearing truth-seeker is simple: there was no need to use the wrong oil ( as an option - low-quality vodka)!

In addition, Shevchenko insists that the patient should not eat more than three times a day ( which is absolutely unacceptable in case of problems with the liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas, or in the presence of metabolic disorders) and did not consume dairy products.

In the morning, before taking the “cocktail”, it is forbidden not only to eat, but also to drink. Therefore, the morning alcohol-oil “blow” occurs on a completely empty stomach and intestines ( Gastroenterologists have been fighting the consequences of such attacks in alcoholics for a long time, and often unsuccessfully.).

The second most serious danger for anyone who decides to experiment: drinking alcohol three times a day for 2-3 years recommended by the “healer” - the right way become a chronic alcoholic and get the whole “bouquet” of related health problems, as well as sharp deterioration social status.

Everyone knows that alcohol is poison. Especially for children. However, the traditional healer is so confident in the benefits of his method that he completely removes all age restrictions. It turns out that you can “treat” children and pregnant women with vodka and butter three times a day?..

It is worth noting that the method also has its advantages. However, upon closer examination, these advantages have nothing to do with the “miraculous” properties of the healing potion.

What is good about “vodka with butter from Shevchenko”?

We have already mentioned that the creator of the miracle recipe actively promotes the Orthodox religion. And he claims that only a deeply religious person can be cured of cancer and other dangerous diseases using the method he proposes. Therefore, daily sincere prayer is a mandatory addition to an alcoholic cocktail.

It is this circumstance, in our sincere conviction, that in some cases could lead to positive effect (the so-called placebo effect). That is, the combination of self-hypnosis with giving up bad habits and avoiding negative thoughts can really alleviate the patient’s condition somewhat, if not for alcohol and butter on an empty stomach...

Another positive aspect of the “Shevchenko method” can be considered the ban on the consumption of sweet foods, however, this restriction was not invented by the “great inventor”, but was carefully “borrowed” by him from all recognized principles proper nutrition recommended for cancer patients.


When a person is faced with a serious problem, and his life turns into a constant struggle with physical and mental suffering, and his view of the world changes radically. For cancer patients, the words “harmful to health” are often just an empty phrase: what else can you be afraid of if your health has already been lost, and the likelihood of losing your life is closer than ever? It is not surprising that many desperate people are ready for any experiments: the main thing is to live, and it is difficult to argue with this. The only trouble is that “ traditional methods“The vast majority are powerless in the fight against cancer, and most often simply worsen the prognosis of the disease.

Remember: by agreeing to long-term “alcohol-oil therapy,” a cancer patient is, in fact, signing his own death warrant. Is it worth rushing to extremes, completely blocking the path to regaining health and turning from a complex patient requiring urgent and competent medical care, into a hopeless patient – ​​it’s up to you to decide.

Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko is known to our compatriots for having developed effective technique therapy of cancer tumors, which is based on taking a tincture of vodka and sunflower oil. Shevchenko's method is based on the biochemical processes in the patient's body that occur after consuming the medicinal mixture.

To prepare medicinal mixture according to Shevchenko’s method, you need to mix 30 ml of vodka and sunflower oil in the same quantity. But everything is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because Nikolai Viktorovich dedicated a whole book to his recipes. For some cancer patients, cancer treatment using the Shevchenko method is the last opportunity to cope with a serious illness.

Scientists, medical specialists and supporters of traditional medicine are actively discussing the medicinal qualities of vodka and oil. Some doctors, from the experience of treating their patients, are convinced that the healing mixture treats ailments such as allergies, diabetes, stroke, and cancer even in the last stages.

The basis of the method is to take a mixture of oil and vodka every day three to five times before meals.

Researchers are confident that there are no incurable patients; it’s just that not every treatment regimen used in traditional medicine helps cure serious illnesses.

IN last years cancer treatment is very serious problem, over which scientists around the world are scratching their heads. Unfortunately, the number of patients who find out about cancer at the last stage is increasing every day. At the fourth stage, metastases cancerous tumor through the circulatory system and lymph nodes spread throughout the patient’s body, entering any organs and tissues. Even the most effective courses of therapy, unfortunately, do not always give the expected result.

Therefore, the patient resorts to alternative methods traditional therapy, which can sometimes really help, even in the most severe cases. Main symptom cancer patient is strong pain, which even narcotic drugs cannot relieve. But there is folk remedies, helping to dock pain syndrome. Huge contribution to modern science contributed by Nikolai Viktorovich, the method of cancer treatment according to Shevchenko and we will analyze it.
If you can’t cope with the oncological process in the body, you don’t need to give up and despair, a mixture based on vodka and sunflower oil will help strengthen immune system, relieve pain and heal pathological processes in organism.
Cancer treatment method involves the use of sunflower oil good quality and vodka (40 degrees). In this case, oil and vodka should be taken in equal proportions. The mixture is consumed every day three to five times before meals.

Initially, after 7 days, a break in treatment is taken, and then repeated again. The first course of therapy according to the Shevchenko method is considered completed after the third break, lasting two weeks. Then treatment can be continued until complete recovery.

How to choose sunflower oil for preparing a healing mixture

This technique involves treatment oncological diseases using only two ingredients. But not any sunflower oil is suitable for the recipe.

In sunflower oil, the amount of fatty linoleic acid should be at least 60 percent. There is no point in purchasing oil for preparing a medicinal mixture in the store. It must be checked by special authorities.

The oil used for treatment must contain phosphorus-containing elements and vitamin E, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective.

Refined oil does not contain the necessary microelements, so it makes no sense to use it to prepare the mixture using this method.

Farm sunflower oil also does not have the necessary qualities. Many farmers use hybrid varieties to grow sunflowers, so there is practically no vitamin E in the seeds.

Just a few decades ago, bottle oil met all the requirements listed above. But in recent years, manufacturers have begun to clean it of phosphates. This option is most suitable for therapy, but there are some features that need to be taken into account.

It makes no sense to use bottled sunflower oil in pure form, since it contains little vitamin E. But adding phosphates (Essentiale Forte N) and vitamin E, purchased at the pharmacy, will help correct the situation.

For the recipe to work, it is very important to take it correctly. medicine. Initially, you need to mix sunflower oil and vodka, add the Essentiale Forte N tablet and vitamin E to the medicine. The mixture must be drunk until the phosphate tablet has completely dissolved.

Oil containing monosaturated fatty acids should not be used to treat cancer. fatty acid(the composition of the oil is similar to olive oil). When purchasing oil, you need to familiarize yourself with the acid content in it, which the manufacturer usually prints on the packaging.

The dosage prescribed by this method is 30 to 30 milliliters, but at the last stage the cancer patient’s body may not respond to such a dose, so it is allowed to increase the dosage to 40 milliliters (40 ml of vodka and the same amount of sunflower oil). It is advisable to beat the medicine with a mixer for about 60 seconds. There is no need to beat it longer, it will only harm it.

Sunflower oil must be fresh. Beneficial microelements contained in sunflower oil disappear after a certain time. For example, vitamin E is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is advisable to store the oil used to prepare the medicine in a dark place.

Restrictions when treating with vodka and butter

  • It is necessary to adhere to a special diet - completely eliminate alcohol. Drinking coffee and other drinks containing caffeine is also prohibited. Fatty foods reduce the effectiveness of therapy, so the daily menu should not include fatty meat and other difficult-to-digest foods. But fresh vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect on the patient’s body, saturating it with fiber.
  • Taking drugs and smoking, of course, will negate absolutely any treatment. Even one cigarette smoked during the day is harmful to the patient’s health, because tobacco smoke and resin contain carcinogens. Researchers, having conducted a series of experiments, have proven that cigarette smoke, combining with oxygen molecules, creates new compounds that contribute to the development of cancer. Therefore even passive smoking can lead to dire consequences.
  • In addition, hypervitaminosis should not be allowed: if the patient takes vitamins in large quantities every day, this is also bad. An excess of vitamins is also dangerous to health; everything should be in moderation.

The body of a cancer patient must receive sufficient protein, otherwise it will begin to burn its own.

There is nothing new in the rules described above, since therapy for cancer of the lungs and other organs requires compliance special diet. At the last stage of the oncological process, many patients lose hope and stop following the rules of the diet. But with his technique, Nikolai Shevchenko gives hope to incurable patients, so you need to not deviate from the rules and hope for the best.

The effectiveness of Shevchenko’s technique

Judge about unconventional methods Treatment of cancer patients is very difficult, since there are no reliable statistics.

But patients taking the medicinal mixture according to the Shevchenko method note changes in their health status:

  • The technique does not cause complications and has virtually no side effects. The patient's body quickly adapts to the therapy.
  • Work is returning to normal gastrointestinal tract, appetite improves.
  • Blood pressure normalizes and blood clots dissolve.
  • The pain gradually goes away or the pain becomes less intense.

Oncologists' opinions

It's no secret that Shevchenko's method is unconventional, so doctors involved in treatment malignant neoplasms, have nothing to do with this technique.

Patients at the last stage have lost faith in the methods of traditional medicine, refuse chemotherapy and other recommendations of doctors, which can lead to disastrous results.

A patient suffering from cancer should not neglect the advice of an oncologist. Some patients refuse traditional medicine and run to traditional healers, although the power of their techniques is not yet fully understood.

Traditional and ethnoscience– these are 2 equal parties, capable of helping in the same way, but they can also make mistakes. But patients in oncology clinics must think about what would happen to their health if it were not for pain therapy and supportive treatment? That’s why you should never lose contact with your treating oncologist under any circumstances.

Let's return to Nikolai Shevchenko's method, which we described in this article.

Representatives of traditional medicine have a negative attitude towards this method, which is explained by the following reasons:

  1. According to oncologists, vodka is not the best remedy for cancer in the body.
  2. There is no scientific evidence yet of the effectiveness of treatment using the Shevchenko method.
    There is only one nuance in Shevchenko’s technique, which is encouraged by oncologists. This is correct balanced diet patients undergoing cancer therapy, as well as giving up bad habits.

Not long ago, stories about the possibility of healing oncology using the Shevchenko method began to actively spread on the Internet. This method is based on treating patients with a mixture of vodka and vegetable oil. The author of the technique is confident that this mixture can cure not only cancer, but also relieve stroke, asthma, allergies and other diseases.

True, Nikolai Shevchenko never received a patent for his invention, but he is confident in the effectiveness of his technique. He claims that there are no incurable patients at all, it’s just that medicine is not yet perfect and cannot help everyone. But how safe and effective is Shevchenko’s method - vodka with butter against cancer? Let's find the answer to this question together.

Shevchenko's technique

People's Alternative medicine offers many of the most different means and methods of treating cancer. Often they give last hope patients who could not be helped professional doctors. The Shevchenko method also belongs to such means. Moreover, the author himself claims that he can cure even stage 4 cancer.

The main ingredients of the method are fresh unrefined sunflower oil and regular vodka. To prepare the mixture, you need to pour exactly 30 ml of oil into a small glass jar. Then it is diluted with the same amount of 40% vodka. Moonshine is also suitable, but it must also have a strength of 40%. Next, you need to close the jar tightly and shake it in your hands longer - 3-5 minutes. After this, you need to take a deep breath and drink everything in one gulp.

You need to prepare this mixture a day and drink it three times before meals. Treatment 10 days. Then a mandatory break of 5 days. Then the treatment is repeated 2 more times for 10 days with a break of 5 days. After the third course of treatment, a break is taken for 14 days. Then they repeat everything. Nikolai Shevchenko says in this regard that the course of treatment should be completed only after the patient has recovered. And when it will come and whether it will come at all is unknown!

The author of the technique also claims that the effectiveness of this method greatly depends on the patient’s lifestyle, which should be changed. In particular, you should avoid alcohol (the drug itself does not count). You need to quit smoking and drinking coffee. You should give up dairy products and any sweets. You should also not drink fruit juices. The author of the method considers excessive intake of vitamins into the body to be harmful.

Opinions of professional doctors

The vast majority of doctors, medical specialists, speak about Shevchenko’s method with an extreme degree of negativism. First of all, they call the method murderous due to the refusal of severe cancer patients to be treated with traditional methods. Instead of holding necessary treatment, instead of vital required operation, patients begin to swallow a cocktail of vodka with butter, wasting precious time.

Doctors remind that medical science and practice do not stand still, but develop very quickly. And those diseases that seemed incurable just a few years ago are being successfully treated today. Only treatment must be started in a timely manner, at early stages. If you miss time, mediocrely wasting it on incomprehensible, useless, and often harmful methods, the chances of a cure are greatly reduced.

In addition, doctors warn that Shevchenko’s method of vodka with oil against cancer can be harmful even to very healthy person, not to mention the body weakened by the disease. In particular, regular, daily consumption of vodka threatens addiction to alcohol and the development of alcoholism. In addition, this remedy can provoke an exacerbation cholelithiasis. Often this “treatment” causes cholecystitis and pancreatitis.


In recent years, the use of oil-vodka mixture has begun to be used at the most various diseases, not only oncological ones. Moreover, everyone who is not too lazy is trying to be treated in this way, using the technique at their own discretion, without thinking about the consequences. I want to warn you - you can’t do this!

The author of the methodology himself says that his method is not based on scientific research and research. It is based only on the patient's faith in God! Therefore, the main thing in his method is faith. So think about it and imagine the consequences of your treatment.

But the most terrible and dangerous thing is not even this. Shevchenko categorically insists that the use of his technique will also bring success if the patient refuses traditional medicine. All traditional courses of treatment prescribed by a doctor cannot be combined with his “cocktail”. So he suggests refusing all treatment, including taking antibiotics, and hoping for a divine miracle.

It is quite obvious that such treatment can be a death sentence for the patient. Therefore, only those patients who have already completed all stages of treatment can take Shevchenko’s remedy. And, unfortunately, it did not bring recovery.

The opinion of many experts is that the effectiveness of a vodka cocktail with butter raises very serious doubts, as does the medical competence of the author of this technique. IN best case scenario it will not harm the patient in any way, and at worst, it will steal precious treatment time.

Therefore, I am writing this text for you not as a recommendation for use, but only for informational and warning purposes. On many forums where they discuss this method treatment, there are no reviews of patients cured by this method. Of course, whether to use Shevchenko’s technique or not is up to you. But before that, think again, read specialized literature, find out reviews from people who have used this treatment. And after that, take responsible treatment. Take care of yourself and be healthy!