High blood pressure symptoms in dogs. Dog blood pressure: normal, how to measure it at home, causes of high or low blood pressure. When should blood pressure be measured in dogs and cats?

Blood pressure (BP) in dogs is one of the most important indicators of their vital activity. As practice shows, owners usually neglect such a method of health monitoring as tonometry - or determining blood pressure levels. But in vain, because a sustained increase in performance will certainly affect the work of many internal organs and systems.

The concept of blood pressure, physiological norms in dogs, methods of determination

Arterial (or blood) pressure is the rate at which the blood literally presses on vascular walls in the moment heart rate(systole period) and the moment of its relaxed state (diastole period). It is designated by two numbers separated by a fraction - X/X and measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The first indicator is systolic, the second is diastolic. There is a dependence of blood pressure values ​​on the condition of the vessel walls and heart rate.

Normal blood pressure in dogs is very variable and ranges from 110-145/60-95.

Fluctuations strongly depend on breed and size. Typically, the larger the individual, the higher the performance. But there are exceptions - some miniature breeds indicators can be in the range of 130-135/75-85.

Why monitor your dog's blood pressure?

During the surgical interventions usually poses a danger to the life of the animal sharp decline blood flow pressure. This may indicate severe occult bleeding or negative impact anesthesia To avoid missing this condition, blood pressure during surgical operations must always be under control.

A chronically hypotensive dog is an almost impossible phenomenon, but long-term increase blood pressure is a very real phenomenon. If you do not take any measures to stabilize it, then the risk of damage to internal organs due to hypertension increases several times.

First of all, the organ of vision suffers - the animal can go blind. Then problems appear in the functioning of the kidneys, heart failure develops (which leads directly to a heart attack), and the risks of strokes (bleeds in the brain when blood vessels burst) increase.

If, during a routine diagnostic examination, the dog is found to have increased arterial pressure, then more is shown detailed examination animal using additional methods, even if the pet looks healthy outwardly.

Methods for determining blood pressure

Tonometers can be electronic or mechanical, depending on how air is pumped into the cuff placed on the tail or paw - with a bulb or a compressor. The indicators are recorded on a special dial, at what digital value the pulse under the cuff begins to beat and at what value it stops - these will be the two blood pressure indicators. Usually 3 to 5 measurements are taken so that the dog gets used to the procedure, understands that it does not hurt and behaves calmly so that there are no errors in the results.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

In dogs this pathology can only be secondary, i.e. against the background of some underlying disease. That is why, after elevated blood pressure has been detected, the examination of the animal must continue to find out what the reason for the deviation from the norm is.

Hypertension is indicated by a systolic reading above 160 mm Hg. Above 180 mm Hg. - this is already a sign of persistent and long-term pathology, and there is already a need to carry out immediate antihypertensive therapy.


  • pathologies of the excretory system (in particular, chronic renal failure - occupies a leading place among all causes);
  • Cushing's syndrome (the body produces excess corticosteroids);
  • illnesses thyroid gland;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart vascular system, cardiac arrhythmias;
  • diabetes;
  • acromegaly in puppies (disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland and a disproportionate increase in the size of the paws and skull compared to the whole body);
  • Vaquez disease or polycythemia (excessive production of red blood cells);
  • tumor process in the adrenal glands;
  • hyperestrogenism in bitches (excessive production of estrogen).

What to pay attention to

High blood pressure is often asymptomatic. Over time, if the condition progresses, signs appear that begin to attract attention and should prompt the idea to check the condition of the dog’s blood pressure:

  • vision deteriorates or disappears (the pet begins to bump into objects and is poorly oriented in space);
  • at rest, the eyes can make pendulum movements;
  • hemorrhages in the anterior chamber of the eye (as they say otherwise, a vessel in the eye has burst);
  • heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat (normal pulse is 70-100 beats/min), arrhythmia (failure to heart rate, which can be palpated, but is more often determined in the hospital on an ECG);
  • apathy, drowsiness, sometimes loss of consciousness;
  • manege movements (the dog begins to walk in a circle for no reason with its head lowered);
  • Swelling may appear on the paws.

How to help

Treatment of pressure should only be comprehensive, because Behind each jump in indicators there is some specific pathology hidden. Typically, the disease is treated in parallel with antihypertensive therapy. The duration of the course of drugs that normalize blood flow is determined by the veterinarian and often depends on the elimination of the underlying disease. In some cases, antihypertensive drugs are given to the animal for the rest of its life. It is important to monitor the condition of your eyes and kidney function.

  • ramipril(average price up to 120 rubles/30 tablets): orally at an initial dose of 0.125 mg/kg once a day and then raising it to a level that will keep the blood pressure normal (maximum up to 0.25 mg/kg) ;
  • benazepril, enalapril(price depends on the manufacturer: 65-300 rubles): once a day at a dose of 0.25-0.5 mg/kg. The dose can be increased to 1.5 mg/animal, but in combination with other drugs and diuretics;
  • lisinopril(100-215 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package and the manufacturer): initial dose - 0.125 mg/kg, average maintenance dose - 0.25 mg/kg, maximum daily dose should not exceed 0.5 mg/kg with subsequent reduction to medium after stabilization. Course 1-2 months. Be sure to monitor kidney function;
  • prazosin(up to 1400 rub./50 tablets): to reduce blood pressure quickly: 0.5-1 mg/animal up to 2 times a day. The dog should remain in a lying position for up to 20 minutes to avoid a sharp drop in blood pressure. In dosages from 0.1 mg it is used in systemic therapy;
  • sodium nitroprusside: in case of hypertensive crisis for emergency assistance: the dosage is selected strictly veterinary specialist and is in the range of 1-10 mcg/kg/min in the form intravenous injection. It is administered very slowly, the process of lowering blood pressure is constantly monitored, only in a hospital setting. At sharp drop pressure there are risks of developing pathologies of brain activity.

To relieve swelling, diuretics (diuretics) are prescribed:

  • torasemide(up to 250 rub./20 tablets): 0.2 mg/kg of dog’s weight up to 2 times a day by injection into the muscle or orally;
  • furosemide(30 rub./pack): up to 4 mg/kg up to 3 times a day, depending on the size of the dog and the intensity of edema (injections or oral tablets);
  • spironolactone(average price up to 50 rubles/pack): orally 1-2 mg/kg of animal body weight twice a day after the same period of time.

Hypotension (low blood pressure)

In young, well-trained service, athletic or hunting dogs observed physiological hypotension, i.e. low blood pressure is considered normal. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the animal should look healthy: active, cheerful, with good appetite, with regular bowel movements and urination.

Pathological hypotension occurs only under the influence of any primary disorders; as a rule, it is not long-lasting. A separate disease does not occur, i.e. There are no sick dogs with persistent hypertension.


  • state of shock (during shock, pressure always drops due to vascular collapse - a sharp relaxation of all vessels);
  • effect of anesthesia during operations;
  • active bleeding - open (external) or internal (especially important to diagnose during surgical interventions);
  • heart failure.

What to pay attention to

  • weakness, apathy;
  • lack of reaction to the owner, does not respond to the nickname, as if he is constantly sleeping;
  • weak shallow breathing;
  • the pulse is palpable weakly (due to weak blood supply to large veins and arteries);
  • cold extremities;
  • signals are triggered by life support monitors, to which the animal is connected during operations in some clinics.

How to help

Only a specialist can help in a situation where a dog’s blood pressure has dropped sharply and only in a veterinary facility. It is important to determine the cause, because Only when it is eliminated will therapy to normalize blood pressure be advisable. Usually this:

  • anti-shock procedures;
  • blood transfusion or blood-substituting droppers with special solutions (to restore the volume of circulating blood in the vessels);
  • administration of drugs that stimulate cardiac activity.

Question answer

The dog ate a blood pressure pill - what should I do?

If 1-2 tablets were swallowed by a healthy pet, then this will not significantly affect its condition. But a lot depends on the name of the tablets. It's always best to call your veterinarian, name the drug, and get advice on what to do next.

If the pack was swallowed, then you need to try to remove the tablets before they begin to be absorbed and cause an overdose with side effects. To do this, vomiting is induced and adsorbents are given. It’s good if eaten pills are found in the vomit.

If the pet behaves strangely, is lethargic, half-asleep, there is a loss of consciousness or difficulty breathing, then you immediately need to take the pet to the veterinary clinic with a package of those tablets that he supposedly ate.

How to measure a dog's blood pressure at home?

At home, you can try to measure blood pressure in dogs with a regular human tonometer, but using a pediatric (children's) cuff, which is placed on the forearm of one of the front paws. Several measurements should be taken so that the dog stops being nervous about the procedure and false hypertension is not recorded. In small breeds, the pressure cannot be determined at home due to their size; it is better to go to the clinic.

Is it noticeable externally that the dog has high blood pressure?

Not always, sometimes hypertension is asymptomatic. But sometimes you can notice hemorrhages in the eyes, heavy breathing, the heart begins to beat faster, and decreased activity. You need to measure your blood pressure.

How to urgently lower your pet's blood pressure?

You can’t lower your pet’s blood pressure at home on your own! If there is suspicion of clinical signs what does the pet have? arterial surge, you need to show it to a specialist who will determine the blood pressure level using tonometry and take appropriate measures.

Is your dog's blood pressure normal?

A dog's normal blood pressure varies depending on its size and age. Young and physically trained individuals may experience physiological hypotension. Average normal values ​​range from 110-145/60-95.

Can hypertension be prevented?

This pathology occurs in every second dog, starting at the age of 7-8 years. Therefore, from this period it is important to regularly measure blood pressure in animals, and it is advisable to do this quarterly. This is the only way to prevent the development of persistent hypertension by promptly carrying out appropriate therapy to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

One of the vital signs of good health is stable blood pressure in dogs. Care about pet should always come first. After all, a dog can only count on its owner. To keep your pet healthy and cheerful, you need to monitor its health.

It is important to remember that animal standards differ from human ones; normal blood pressure in dogs is 120-140 mmHg. Middle-aged dogs are considered at risk for blood pressure problems. Stress can also cause hypertension. Do you think the animal has nothing to worry about? A dog is a living being and, say, about its owner, it also has enough worries.

Causes of high blood pressure in dogs

As a dog ages, many systems in a dog's body begin to malfunction. So the vascular system is an important indicator of health. Hypertension in dogs is considered chronic disease. When the vessels are unable to provide a stable blood flow, and the weakened vessel walls rupture, leading to internal hemorrhages.

Gradually the lack of blood in different parts the body causes disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Most often the kidneys are affected due to rupture of the renal capillaries. This leads to stagnation harmful substances in the animal's body. Also one of the signs renal failure is high blood pressure. IN medical practice There are many reasons why blood pressure may increase. And it is important to know what causes pressure surges in order to identify the disease in time and begin treatment.

High blood pressure caused by primary pathology of the vascular system. An increase in the level of pressure in the blood vessels can be caused by serious problems in life. important body, for example, kidneys or heart. Also the reason sharp jumps Blood pressure in dogs can be treated by taking certain medications. So if you are taking the course drug therapy, it is important to carefully monitor changes in blood pressure readings by regularly checking them with a veterinarian.

What mechanisms lead to increased blood pressure in a dog? Most often, high blood pressure in dogs is side effect already existing pathology. Here is a list of primary violations:

  • Kidney diseases negatively affect the main function of this organ, the removal of salts from the dog’s body. This leads to their stagnation and provokes an abundant release of water into the blood vessels. Which in turn increases the total volume of blood in the vessels and increases pressure on the walls of the vessels.
  • Problems with the function of the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Decreased vascular elasticity due to problems with the functioning of endothelial cells.
  • Hypertrophy of the vascular walls causes failures in the timely response to the expansion or narrowing of the lumen inside the blood vessel. This can cause the vessel to rupture due to high blood volume.
  • List of diseases and pathologies that lead to increased blood pressure in dogs.
  • The main cause is kidney disease, leading to disruption of the basic functions of removing salts from the body, as well as partial or complete degradation of the organ.
  • Diabetes mellitus is also a common disease in dogs.
  • Acromegaly.
  • Arrhythmia and other heart problems.
  • High intracranial pressure caused by both trauma and tumor development.
  • Pheochromocytoma.

Medicine is still studying the causes of development various pathologies. But the main factor influencing the dog’s health is timely identification and treatment. various ailments that have a detrimental effect on the health of your pet.

Why is it important to monitor your blood pressure?

Constant high blood pressure can lead to the development of various diseases, including irreversible degradation of the animal’s internal organs. And although the chronic course of the disease in dogs is very rare, if no measures are taken to lower blood pressure, there is a high probability of complications developing. Reveal high blood pressure the animal can be examined during a routine examination by a veterinarian. If there is a deviation from the norm, then more detailed diagnostics to identify the reasons for the increase in blood pressure.

Important: Even if your pet doesn't show external signs worries, but at the same time he has high rate HELL. An examination is necessary to avoid the development of complications.

The main danger of high blood pressure is that if treatment is delayed, the dog can develop a number of pathologies. The main organs suffering from pressure surges are:

  1. Eyes. Constant high blood pressure leads to frequent hemorrhages of important parts of the eyes:
    • eyeball,
    • retina.
      The consequences of such violations are:
    • development of glaucoma,
    • retinal detachment and gradually the dog may simply lose vision.
  2. Brain. This body is extremely important, so the lack of blood supply limits the flow nutrients into the brain. The result may be:
    • development of swelling of some areas of the brain;
    • hemorrhages due to ruptures of blood vessels;
    • fluid accumulation, hydrocephalus.
  3. Such changes provoke the development of problems in the central nervous system dogs.
  4. Kidneys. Constant pressure inside the organ has a detrimental effect on the main unit of kidney tissue - the nephron. An increase in fibrous fibers leads to a gradual disruption of the main function of the organ - urine filtration. If the number of nephrons reaches 75%, then irreversible renal failure develops.
  5. Heart. Constant pressure on the heart forces it to work harder. The result of this work is thickening of the heart muscle and problems with nutrition of this important organ.

Any disruption of the functional functioning of one of these organs subsequently leads to problems with the others. With high blood pressure, the cause is not as important as the duration of the course of this disease. How longer dog suffers from high blood pressure, the more serious the internal damage to all of the above organs.

How is blood pressure measured?

How to measure a dog's blood pressure? There are several ways to do this:

  • Invasion method. This method of measuring pressure is used only when performing surgery on an animal. A special arterial catheter connected to a measuring base is inserted into one of the large blood vessels. This method is precise, the entire procedure is carried out only when the animal is under anesthesia, so it is not used in everyday practice.
  • Non-invasive or surface measurement method using special instruments. One of them is a regular veterinary tonometer, a similar method is called oscillometric. Another measurement method is Doppler ultrasound, but it is not often used for practical purposes.

How to measure pressure so that there are no errors in the results? To do this, the measurement procedure is carried out several times from 3-5. This helps the animal get used to it and understand that it won’t hurt, it calms down and then the device’s readings can be considered more accurate.

How to measure a dog's blood pressure with a human tonometer? Some dog breeders use a human tonometer when measuring a dog's blood pressure. But it is difficult to say whether the result will be accurate; it is best to carry out the procedure in a veterinary clinic. But if you measure the pressure pet using a human blood pressure monitor, then follow these instructions:

  • It is best to take a baby cuff.
  • Pressure measurements should be taken at hind legs animal.
  • The procedure must be carried out several times to keep the dog calm.
  • The last value of the tonometer is taken as the result.
  • Normally, an animal’s blood pressure ranges from 70-90 diastolic and 110-140 systolic. But there are also reservations regarding age and other indicators.

Treatment methods for high blood pressure

If your pet has been diagnosed with high blood pressure, then under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Drug therapy is prescribed only by a doctor and consists of several stages:

Lower blood pressure to minimize the risk of developing or progressing internal organ disease. Typically, the doctor prescribes amlodipine and benazepril. It all depends on the individual dog and its sensitivity to medications. It is necessary to identify the initial cause of high blood pressure and begin its treatment immediately. The choice of therapy in this case depends on the cause.
A dog can only rely on the vigilance of its owner. Therefore, be attentive to your pet. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will help avoid the development of many incurable diseases in your dog, thereby prolonging its happy life.

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Blood pressure in dogs, just like in people, is an important vital sign. They too may suffer from high or low blood pressure and feel unwell.

Blood pressure levels in dogs depend on the breed and size of the animal, since they have different heart rates. The difference is not very large, but it is still there and it must be taken into account. Normal indicators range from 118\66 to 149\87.

How to measure a dog's blood pressure

Measuring a dog's blood pressure at home is very difficult. It is recommended to use the services of a veterinary clinic if you suspect hypertension or hypotension in your pet.

Held ultrasonography with the Doppler effect, it helps to accurately determine systolic (upper) pressure. There is also the oscillometric method, which is used much more often. It is based on the processing of sounds that are captured by a cuff attached to the forearm. Clinics have special equipment for these purposes.

At home, you can use automatic blood pressure monitors with small baby cuffs. For the result to be reliable, it is necessary to carry out measurements at least three times contract. After all, the animal may behave restlessly and needs time to get used to the procedure.

Reasons for high d-I:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertrophy of the heart muscle;
  • Heart failure;
  • Liver lesions;
  • Formation of tumors and neoplasms;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • Kidney failure.

Reasons for low d-i:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • Diseases of the nervous system.


At high blood pressure the dog is being watched unusual behavior. The animal is disoriented in space. He bumps into objects and doesn’t understand where he’s going. The pupils dilate significantly, the pet sees poorly. Your nose may bleed. The white of the eye will have very characteristic red blood vessels. The animal is weakened and lies motionless in one place for a long time. There is a loss of appetite.

When it is low, the animal shows weakness and lies in one place. Does not react to the owner, does not respond, as if he is constantly sleeping. Breathing weakly. The pulse is palpable weak or slow.


Treatment for the animal depends on the cause of the low or high blood pressure. He is appointed veterinarian. Most often, if hypertension is detected in a dog, treatment will be lifelong. You will have to take the pills every day. Diuretic drugs are prescribed to relieve swelling and reduce blood pressure. They help bring out excess liquid from the body: Torasemide, Furosemide, Sprinolactone and others.

Treatment of hypotension ( low d-i) can only be carried out by specialists. The animal is injected intravenously with drugs that stimulate the heart. Such conditions most often occur one-time, and therefore require one-time intervention.

Prevention of hyper- and hypotension

In order not to bring the animal’s condition to a chronic course of the disease, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition. If symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist, conduct an examination, establish the cause of the attack and eliminate the problem.

The sooner you go to the clinic, the greater the chance of avoiding the progression of the disease to chronic form, which will make life easier not only for the pet, but also for its owner.

Blood pressure expresses the numerical value of the state of the dog's circulatory system. Having information about blood pressure indicators, the veterinarian can judge the state of all systems in the body, in particular the cardiovascular system.

What is blood pressure

Blood pressure is the rate at which blood exerts pressure on the walls of blood vessels during the periods of systole (heart contraction) and diastole (relaxed state of the heart). Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, with the first indicator indicating systolic pressure and the second indicating diastolic pressure. These values ​​are considered as a ratio, which is expressed as a fraction (X/X).

In dogs, optimal blood pressure is considered to be between 110 and 145 and 60 and 95 mmHg. The calculation of vibrations depends on the size of the animal. How bigger dog, the higher the blood pressure readings. However, there are ornamental breeds dogs who have normal values are 130-135/75-85.

Attention! At systolic pressure, close to 200, medication correction is required, above 280 - emergency care.

How to measure blood pressure in a dog

There are two methods - invasive and non-invasive.

With the first method in large blood vessel an arterial catheter is inserted and connected to the measuring base. This method is considered the most accurate, but is only used when the dog is under anesthesia after surgery.

The second method includes ultrasound with the Doppler effect and oscillometric methods. The first is rarely used due to inaccurate results of diastole indicators. IN Everyday life Usually the oscillometric method is used, that is, tonometry, using a special device - a tonometer.

Devices for measuring blood pressure can be mechanical or automatic, depending on the ability to pump air into the cuff - with a bulb or a compressor. It is placed on the paw in the area of ​​the forearm, hock joint, at the base of the tail and measurements are taken. A special dial allows you to record pressure readings. Rarely a dog will sit still during measurement, so errors may occur.

It is advisable to accustom him to this procedure. As a rule, five times is enough for the dog to realize that this manipulation is painless for him and stops worrying.

The following signs indicate high blood pressure:

  • redness, hemorrhages, pendulum rotation of the eyes;
  • fainting;
  • dyspnea;
  • violations of water and food consumption.

The pet's behavior also changes. He becomes lethargic, apathetic, and begins to make manege (circular) movements.

Why you need to monitor blood pressure in dogs

Veterinarians are convinced: control over blood pressure levels is a necessary measure, otherwise problems associated with the functioning of organs and systems cannot be avoided. A decrease in pressure in dogs is a rare manifestation, and its increase puts the organ of vision at risk (the development of glaucoma). There are malfunctions in operation of cardio-vascular system and brain (stroke, heart attack), kidney.

If your dog has been diagnosed with hypertension, your veterinarian will comprehensive examination using additional methods.

Dog owners rarely monitor changes in their pets' blood pressure. Cases of a stable decrease in these indicators are extremely rare, but an increase occurs often and has a very negative effect on the work and condition of the animal’s internal organs. The normal numbers are 110-145/60-95, and the larger the dog, the higher the numbers.

How to measure

Most often, a tonometer is used, the cuff of which is placed on the paw in the forearm area, or on the base of the tail, the hock joint. It happens that the animal gets excited and nervous during the procedure, so errors are not uncommon. If the owner is with early age accustoms your pet to the sounds and presence of a tonometer, then in the future pressure measurements will be easy and quick.

During operations, the most exact method. A catheter is inserted into a large artery and connected to a measurement system. Usually the animal is under anesthesia at this time and completely motionless.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Hypotonic dogs are a very rare occurrence. Increased pressure is more common and causes serious illnesses and failures of body systems. Hypertensive patients are susceptible to decreased visual acuity (glaucoma), strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems.

That is why you need to pay attention to the state of health if the dog has become lethargic, has stopped moving actively, often walks meaninglessly in a circle, and the eyes make oscillatory pendulum movements. You need to worry if your pet:

  • refuses food and water;
  • experiences attacks of shortness of breath;
  • faints;
  • finds it difficult to navigate in space;
  • often with swelling on the paws.

Drowsiness is always an active friend too a clear sign ailments and a reason to contact veterinary clinic for examination.

Low blood pressure, signs

Most often, the pathology is not persistent and occurs as a consequence after stressful situations in young dogs. Another case is when the animal has been injured, then low blood pressure may indicate internal hemorrhage. This scenario requires the immediate intervention of a medical specialist. The owner should sound the alarm if the pet has:

  • weak breathing, lethargy;
  • no reaction to the owner’s voice;
  • constantly sleepy apathetic state;
  • cold extremities and weak pulse.

Such symptoms may occur in an animal that has accidentally swallowed blood pressure pills. In this case, you need to take the drug packaging with you to the clinic to facilitate diagnosis.

There is no need to try to reduce the dog’s blood pressure yourself, as this can greatly harm the pet. If alarming signs appear, only contact a veterinarian. It is worth considering that well-trained young dogs that have low blood pressure are not always sick; this is most often one of the normal variants. But pets over 8 years of age should be constantly monitored so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness.