Which meat contains the highest amount of cholesterol? The benefits and harms of meat. Calorie content of chicken, breast, veal, pork, lamb. What kind of meat to eat for weight loss?

Meat is an essential component of a complete human diet and an irreplaceable source of proteins. The main thing is to bring your meat menu in line with. How to do this, read in the new material from our editorial office.

As you know, the meat of different animals differs from each other not only in taste, but also in biochemical qualities. Chicken contains more phosphorus and potassium, pork - iron and vitamin B. It is important that the meat does not contain excess, which then turns into cholesterol. Let's take a closer look at the assortment of supermarket meat departments and find out which types of meat are suitable for our diet.

Very tough meats can be cooked by simmering and adding a glass of milk to the water to soften them. They are recommended for preparing dishes such as stews and stews. The best way cook the fish, fry or steam it. If we prefer boiled, it is recommended to cook quickly and add a little water to prevent it from falling apart.

You can cook puddings, breads, fish cakes, chicken, red meat and, to avoid unnecessary use of many eggs, it is advisable to mash the raw meat with other ingredients and then cook. It is important not to reheat the preparation again, as the higher the heat and temperature, the greater the loss of nutrients.


Pork - meat with high content fat Any nutritionist who hears about pork will shake his head in disapproval, unless we are talking about pork tenderloin. It can be considered a complete dietary product, perfectly suitable for any nutrition program.

Tender red meat without fat is especially valuable. Its color indicates the presence of myoglobin, which is necessary for the transfer of oxygen to the muscles. Another part of the carcass that does not contain a large amount of fat is the shoulder blade.

Meat broths are rich in vitamins and minerals and can be used to fortify other foods. The egg is an ideal food that can vary and enrich the preparation of different dishes: puddings, scones, croquettes, fillings, scrapes, sandwiches, etc. This food products prepared wholly or partly from meat or offal of species authorized for that purpose and subjected to specified operations prior to release for consumption.

Salted, smoked and pickled. . Salting consists of adding salt to meat. To make pickling more effective, nitrites and nitrates are added as a preservative. It is advisable not to overconsume these products, as nitrates and nitrites have potential carcinogenic potential. Salt is not only a preservative, but also gives food its characteristic flavor and aroma.

Excess fat is found in brisket and pork neck - the same one from which barbecue is prepared. She's for dietary nutrition doesn't fit.

Nutritional value of pork tenderloin (per 100 grams)

Calorie content 142 Kcal.
Proteins 19.4 g.
Fats 7.1 gr.
Carbohydrates 0 gr.

Sausages and cold meats: consists of minced meat, usually pork, which is injected into segments of animal intestines or synthetic preparations and added to other components: animal fats, flour, blood, aromatic species, which in addition to providing flavor and aroma. They can be grouped into two classes: cooked, dried and parked.

  • Smoke involves exposing pieces of meat to smoke.
  • Smoke has a preservative and flavoring effect.
  • Marinade consists of adding spices and seasonings for flavoring and preservation.
  • Bacon is part of the fat of a pig.
  • Exist Various types bacon, but the most famous is bacon.
  • It can be sold fresh, salted or smoked.
  • These are powerful antibacterial agents.
Although their meat content provides high quality squirrel, high level saturated fat and sodium, makes it advisable to limit their intake.

Chicken breast

White chicken meat is an irreplaceable product in terms of protein and useful substances. No diet can do without it. It is also interesting that in terms of the amount of phosphorus it is second only to seafood. The only caveat is that you need to eat the breast without the skin, because it contains a lot of fat.

The opinion that chicken legs are not as healthy as breast is nothing more than a myth. In fact, their protein and vitamin B contents are about the same. However, the legs contain a little more fat, but this is easily eliminated - just remove the skin from them.

The contribution of iron is similar to that of meat and has good bioavailability.

  • Geets and wraps: Guts are used to make sausages and cold meats.
  • Food guides for the Argentine population.
  • Buenos Aires, Argentine Association of Dietitians and Dietitians.
  • Food processing technology.
It's not uncommon to hear about whether it's red meat, whether white meat is different if it's good for anemia than if you have anemia, but it's easy for us not to be very clear about what type is some types of meat, and it's also not fun to know the differences between red meat and white meat, so for those who are still a little lost with the subject, in this post we will clarify.

Nutritional value of white chicken meat (per 100 g.)

Calorie content 99 Kcal.
Proteins 21.5 g.
Fats 1.3 gr.
Carbohydrates 0 gr.

Veal, beef

Veal and beef are comparable in terms of healthiness, but veal is more subtle in taste and differs in appearance. It consists of thin, easily separated from each other fibers of a soft pink color. Many experts advise choosing veal for your diet - compared to chicken meat it contains three times more zinc.

What is the difference between red meat and white meat?

When it comes to red meat, what they are talking about is meat, which can be beef, beef, ox, ox, wild boar, hare, partridge or innards - liver, kidneys. Chicken, turkey and rabbit are considered white meat. The main difference lies in the content and form of iron, since red meat has much more hemoglobin, which is much easier for the body to absorb, which is why red meat is generally recommended in anemic states.

Red meat gets its name from its color, as it has a high content of myoglobin, a pigment very rich in iron. But these are not all benefits, as it is also a meat with a high amount of purines, which should be avoided by those who have to control it. It is much juicier than white, but this is because its contribution to fat is greater, including saturated fat, so over-consumption of it is not advisable, and even less so for those who have it.

Veal in mandatory included in therapeutic and low-calorie diets, given to young children. Its leanest parts are neck, sirloin and tenderloin - one of the most dietary products. Many nutritionists recommend replacing it with ordinary beef, which is coarser and heavier on the stomach.

Nutritional value of veal (per 100 g.)

On the contrary, white meat has less iron, but the proteins it provides have a higher biological value. It is less juicy because it has only saturated fat, which is why it is advisable and precisely because it has less fat and the meat is much easier to digest than red.

And while it may seem like white meat is healthier than red, both have a place in a balanced diet if we try to consume white meat an average of 3 times a week and red meat an average of 4-5 times a month. IN last years Turkey consumption has increased, almost completely replacing cattle and chicken. Many people include it in their diets, but is it as healthy as we think?

Calorie content 89 Kcal
Protein 20.4 g.
Fat 0.9 gr.
Carbohydrates 0 gr.


Lamb is the highest calorie of all the meat varieties considered.

Nutritional value of lamb (per 100 g.)

Calorie content 198 Kcal.
Proteins 17 gr.
Fats 14.4 gr.
Carbohydrates 0 gr.

The consumption of turkey meat is growing and becoming very popular in all diets that are designed for weight loss, much more than beef or chicken, it is recommended for the body to provide energy and protein. Turkey meat has many nutritional properties that make it attractive. The body is capable of providing a large number of zinc, an essential compound that prevents acne, helps synthesize proteins, collagen, helps prostate function, wound healing, bone development, is a powerful antioxidant, absorbs vitamin A and interferes with the maintenance of smell, taste and vision.

Thus, the most high-calorie meat is pork and lamb, followed by beef, and the least high-calorie meat is chicken. considered an ideal dietary product. It is the easiest to digest and contains few calories. Of course, if you don't fry it in oil.

Violations fat metabolism is a common problem that can have serious health consequences. One of the methods for correcting dyslipidemia remains, the essence of which is to limit the intake of “bad” fats into the body and increase the good ones. Is it possible to eat meat dishes on such a diet? What type of meat contains the least cholesterol, and how to cook it so that it is healthy? In our review you will find everything patients with atherosclerosis need to know about beef, lamb, pork and poultry.

It also contains an amino acid that regulates the secretion of serotonin, a compound that helps regulate sleep, so it is recommended to consume at night. Another reason why it has redefined other types of meat, such as beef, is an excellent source of protein, which helps the body grow, produce new cells and strengthen immune system. Another key component of turkey meat is selenium, which helps prevent cancer and its mortality.

But, do you have fat, do you gain a lot? The answer is no, but with nuances. There are people who consume turkey in the form of sausage and often eat it when it is not recommended, the meat is processed so it only needs to be eaten occasionally. Plus, many of your saturated fats are good for your health, especially your heart, because it helps reduce bad cholesterol.

How cholesterol levels affect human health

Before you spend comparative characteristics cholesterol content in meat, let's try to figure out how this fat-like substance affects the body and why it causes health problems.
So, cholesterol (chemical name - cholesterol) is a fat-like substance belonging to the class of lipophilic alcohols. Only a small part of it enters the body with animals as part of food: up to 80% of all cholesterol is produced by liver cells.
The organic compound is extremely important for the body and performs the following functions:

Proteins with high nutritional value. They are present in approximately 20%, except when we are talking about parts with a significant proportion of cartilage. In fact, gelatin is also an animal protein, but unlike what is commonly believed, it has little value due to its low content of essential amino acids.

Fat, its content ranges from 2-3 to 30%. Because of this great variability, we talk about lean meats and fatty meats. This is especially true when we talk about nutritional value various meat products: products such as sausages, hamburgers, sausages, etc. will have higher or lower quality nutrition depending on the raw materials used.

  • It is part of the cell wall, regulating its permeability and elasticity. In medical sources, cholesterol is called a stabilizer of cytoplasmic membranes.
  • Participates in synthesis biologically active substances liver and adrenal cells: mineralocorticoids; glucocorticosteroids; sex hormones; vitamin D; bile acids.

IN normal quantities(3.3-5.2 mmol/l) this substance is not only not dangerous, but also necessary. Disorders of fat metabolism begin when high cholesterol, the level of which in the blood is affected not only by chronic diseases, but also by the nature of nutrition and lifestyle.

The profile of these fats is also important; the highest proportion consists of saturated ones, but also contains a small amount of unsaturated fats, as in the case of oleic acid. This distribution will vary depending on the animal we are talking about: in the case of a large cattle and cattle, they are richer in saturated fats, since the unsaturated fats they ingest become saturated and trans fats, which are unhealthy.

In the case of birds, the most noticeable difference is that the fat they contain is subcutaneous, under the skin, and when removed, the meat is essentially lean. Minerals, especially iron in the heme form, as opposed to iron from foods plant origin; and even to a lesser extent they also contain other minerals such as potassium, zinc or selenium with high bioavailability.

An excess of “bad” fats in the body contributes to the formation cholesterol plaques on internal walls arteries and the development of atherosclerosis, which, in turn, is dangerous for the development of serious complications: myocardial infarction and stroke.

According to numerous studies by the American Heart Association, to prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the risk cardiovascular complications It is recommended to consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day.
Which meat has more cholesterol and which has less? Is this product useful or harmful for atherosclerosis? And what types are recommended for atherosclerosis: let's figure it out.

Depending on the variety of meats you choose, the nutritional benefits and culinary benefits may vary. Chicken This is one of the scarcest and most consumed meats for its low cost and great versatility when it comes to preparing it. He has high percent protein comparable to red meat, and its fat percentage varies slightly depending on the part of the animal we choose. Additionally, it is a very low purine meat, making it especially suitable for people with hyperuricemia.

Beneficial features

When the conversation turns to the benefits of meat, people are divided into two opposing camps. Most people love to eat delicious food and cannot imagine their life without a flavorful steak or juicy cutlets. In addition to the undeniable advantage - great taste– the product has the following beneficial properties:

As already mentioned, the chicken can be cooked different ways and will depend on the type of preparation we choose and what we accompany, which is the dish more or less tasty and healthy. It is important to keep in mind that chicken must be cooked to perfection to ensure complete elimination of salmonella. It has a high percentage of protein and high quality, which is highly digestible. Like chicken, it needs to be cooked in such a way that it does not require a lot of fat to cook it.

This is a very tasty and juicy meat on its own and can be grilled, broiled or in the oven and accompanied with vegetables or even sweet fruits, as well as raisins or plums, which contribute to its even more juiciness and give it a sweet touch that stands out for the “salty” taste of the meat.

  1. Meat is the leader in protein content. It contains full list amino acids, including essential ones, which cannot be synthesized in the human body. Polypeptide chains, consisting of many amino acid residues, are the building material for cells of all organs and systems. Adequate intake of protein with food is especially important. childhood, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during the period of rehabilitation after severe somatic pathology.
  2. IN various types meat is determined by a high level of microelements:
    • iron, responsible for binding oxygen molecules to red blood cells;
    • calcium, responsible for bone growth and strengthening;
    • potassium, together with sodium, carrying out metabolic processes between cells;
    • zinc, which regulates the functioning of the immune system;
    • magnesium and manganese, which are catalysts for most chemical reactions in organism.
    • vitamin A controls the work nervous system body, promotes sharp vision;
    • vitamin D regulates the functioning of immune cells;
    • B vitamins, in particular B12, affect the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, as well as hematopoietic organs.

It has been noted that the complete exclusion of meat from the diet and long-term vegetarian nutrition can lead to the development of iron deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.

From this meat, various derivatives are produced, such as turkey ham, turkey breast, mortadella, sausages, etc. Some of them are prepared with turkey: turkey thighs stuffed with prunes and raisins. or roasted turkey with spices or roasted turkey with onions or turkey breast with caramelized onions.

Duck meat is considered a high-fat meat, but only if it is consumed skin-on, as it is the part where more fat is stored; on the other hand, if consumed without skin, its fat content drops significantly. We can consume it as part of a healthy and varied diet, as long as we prepare it without the use of added fat.

Harm from meat products

But there are also ardent opponents of eating meat in any form. They call it foreign to gastrointestinal tract humans, and in addition to the moral aspect of eating living beings, the biological “difficulties” of digesting this product are noted.

Indeed, meat contains little fiber. These important alimentary fiber regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate the movement of the food bolus through the intestines. Due to their lack, meat is difficult to digest, and the body spends a lot of energy on this process. Hence the heaviness in the stomach familiar to many, which occurs after a heavy feast and overuse meat food.

Another feature chemical composition meat - high content of refractory fats and cholesterol. How many “bad” lipids are contained in a product depends not only on its type, but also on the conditions of keeping and feeding the livestock.
The harmful properties of meat increase significantly during modern methods processing - using hormones to enhance the growth of livestock and poultry, adding pesticides and nitrates to feed, using dyes to give meat a “beautiful” color.

Which meat is the healthiest and which is the worst?

The chemical composition of the product can vary significantly and is as follows:

  • water – 56-72%;
  • protein – 15-22%;
  • saturated fats, which affect the amount of cholesterol in the blood - up to 48%.

If fatty beef or pork is considered “problematic” in terms of the content of “bad” lipids and can contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, then chicken or rabbit are considered more dietary. Let's look at the cholesterol content of different types of meat.


Beef is the meat of cattle (bulls, heifers, cows), which many people love for its rich taste and nutritional qualities. Good meat is juicy red in color, has a pleasant fresh smell, delicate fibrous structure and elasticity when pressed. The fat is soft, creamy white in color, and has a soft consistency. The meat of an old animal has a dark tint and flabbyness, which can be determined by pressing with a finger.

Nutritional value of the product (per 100 g):

  • proteins –17 g;
  • fats –17.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g;
  • calorie content – ​​150-180 kcal.

When eating beef meat, the body is quickly saturated nutrients. This product is considered an excellent source of high-quality animal protein, B vitamins and microelements. Beef reduces acidity as it cooks gastric juice, That's why dietary dishes made from this type of meat are recommended for patients with hyperacid gastritis.

The product has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. Beef contains purine bases, which are converted into uric acid during metabolism in the body. Its excess occurs when meat predominates in the diet and is a factor in diseases such as gout and osteochondrosis.
  2. Excessive consumption of beef can cause a decrease in immunity.
  3. “Old” meat is poorly absorbed by the body. Children, elderly people, and patients with chronic diseases The gastrointestinal tract is recommended to consume low-fat veal (no more than 2-3 times a week).
  4. Beef tallow and by-products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. They are prohibited foods for high cholesterol.
Product CS content, mg EFA content, g
Beef (pulp) 80 1,6
Beef liver 270-400 1,3
Beef tongue 87 7
Beef kidneys 300 0,7
Beef brains 3100 2,4


Pork is traditionally considered fattier and less dietary than beef. Is it true that this type of meat has the highest cholesterol content?
Actually this is not true. Due to the lower content of refractory substances in it fatty acids Pork is absorbed by the body a little better. The main thing is to choose lean meat, trim off excess fat and not exceed the recommended intake of 200-250 g/day. This quantity provides daily requirement in protein, vitamins B and PP.

  • proteins – 27 g;
  • fats – 14 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g;
  • calorie content – ​​242 kcal.

The best ways to cook pork are boiling, baking, and stewing. Minced meat can be steamed. But fried pork or everyone’s favorite kebabs will not benefit the body. During such heat treatment, a large amount of “bad” lipids and carcinogens are formed in the product.

TO harmful properties The product is high in histamine (pork is a strong allergen). It's also possible Negative influence excess of this meat in the diet affects liver function. Patients with chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines should also give up pork.
Pork is not a leader in cholesterol content, however it is organic compound found in meat in significant quantities.

Product CS content, mg EFA content, g
Pork (pulp) 80 5
Pork liver 130 1,2
Pig tongue 50 5,1
Pork kidneys 300 1,1
Pig brains 2000 2


Lamb is valued by many for its juicy, tasty flesh and ease of preparation. But someone, on the contrary, does not recognize this meat because of its specific smell. The main advantage of this product for patients with atherosclerosis is that its fat contains 2.5 times less cholesterol than beef or pork.
Lamb meat is bright red, elastic; the hole formed when the finger is pressed quickly straightens out without a trace. Lamb, which has a particularly delicate taste and texture, is especially valued in cooking. A dark shade and “wiry” are a sign of old meat.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

  • b – 16.5 g;
  • g – 15.5 g;
  • y – 0 g;
  • calorie content – ​​260 kcal.

Lamb has a fairly high content of cholesterol (97 mg) and saturated fatty acids (9 g).

Among beneficial properties lamb can be distinguished:

  • High energy and nutritional value.
  • High content of vitamins, microelements and amino acids: in some respects, lamb is not only not inferior, but even superior to beef.
  • The presence of lecithin, which partially neutralizes the effect of “bad” lipids. It is believed that in countries where lamb is consumed predominantly, there is a lower prevalence of cardiovascular disease.
  • With moderate consumption, the product provides prevention diabetes mellitus due to an indirect effect on the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Due to its balanced composition, this meat is recommended for feeding children and the elderly.

Like any meat product, lamb has its drawbacks. With excessive consumption, the development of arthritis, gout and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders may occur. uric acid. There are frequent cases of obesity due to the consumption of lamb (especially in the composition of fatty foods). national dishes– pilaf, kuyrdak, etc.).


Horsemeat is not found on Russian tables very often, but it is a popular meat dish in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Horse meat is one of the rich sources of protein and essential amino acids; due to its balanced composition, horse meat is digestible in digestive tract human is 8-9 times better than beef.

This meat is a low-fat product with low content"bad" cholesterol. Surprisingly, the fats it contains are chemical structure resemble something between animal and plant lipids.

      Energy value (per 100 g):
    • proteins – 28 g;
    • fats – 6 g;
    • carbohydrates – 0 g;
    • calorie content – ​​175 kcal.

According to medical data, horse meat contains 68 mg of cholesterol and 1.9 g of saturated fat.


Rabbit meat is one of the most dietary products of animal origin. Rabbit meat has a soft pink color, a delicate, slightly fibrous consistency and virtually no internal fat.

It has high biological and nutritional value, as well as a lot of useful properties:

    • Thanks to its balanced composition, such meat is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract by almost 90%.
    • Due to the content of “healthy” lipids, rabbit meat has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
    • The product practically does not contain allergens and is indicated for nutrition for patients with impaired protective reactions of the body.
    • Meat does not accumulate toxins and heavy metal salts, which can enter the body of rabbits along with food; therefore, it is preferred in regions with severely unfavorable environmental conditions.
    • Due to its low calorie content and high protein content, rabbit meat helps you lose excess weight.

100 g of product contains 123 mg of cholesterol, represented mainly by anti-atherogenic, “good” fractions, and 1.1 g of saturated fat.


Chicken is one of the foods with the lowest cholesterol content. All fats in its composition are mostly unsaturated and do not increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis. The meat of this bird is an optimal animal source of amino acids, vitamins and microelements.

Energy value (per 100 g):

  • proteins – 18.2 g;
  • fats – 18.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g;
  • calorie content – ​​238 kcal.

The most dietary part of the chicken is the breast. Dark meat from thighs and drumsticks is fattier, but contains more zinc, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements. Boiled, stewed or baked chicken is good for health and should appear on the tables of patients with high cholesterol 2-3 times a week.
Chicken by-products are dangerous in terms of their effect on cholesterol levels. Their use is strictly limited for patients with atherosclerosis.

Note! The maximum amount of “bad” cholesterol is found in chicken skin. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it before preparing dietary dishes.


Turkey is another dietary product that is recommended for eating with high cholesterol. Tender and tasty meat satisfies the daily need for protein and microelements, and is also easily digestible. Turkey contains all eight essential amino acids that are needed to build cells in the human body.

Energy value (per 100 g):

  • b – 21.7 g;
  • g – 5.0 g;
  • y – 0 g;
  • calorie content – ​​194 kcal.

Table comparing cholesterol content in different types of meat

If we compare all types of meat in terms of cholesterol content, we get the following picture:

Thus, chicken breast became the meat with the lowest cholesterol content.

Do not forget that when taking into account the “usefulness” of a product in terms of preventing the development of atherosclerosis, not only the level total cholesterol, but also the content of saturated fatty acids and refractory fats in meat. This is why rabbit meat is considered healthier than pork or beef.

Despite the ongoing debate in scientific circles, doctors note that moderate consumption of meat will only benefit a person. It is better to choose dietary products– chicken, turkey, rabbit or lean lamb. The method of preparing the meat dish also plays an important role. But in general, meat has a beneficial effect on the body and does not cause sharp increase blood cholesterol levels.