Device for pain in the spine. Exercise machine for body and spine correction. Herniated disc

The number of patients suffering from spinal pathologies is growing every year. Doctors associate the disease with a changed rhythm and lifestyle, insufficient (or vice versa, excessive) activity of people and excess weight. In each case, the disease develops individually, and, as a rule, treatment for osteochondrosis is prescribed by specialists based on the specific case.

It’s great that there are methods and methods of treatment that have proven themselves in preventive or therapeutic measures, are successfully used at home. These are special devices for restoring nutrition processes and regenerating bone and cartilage tissues, relieving pain and spasmodic syndromes and normalizing metabolism in the body.

This approach to the treatment of osteochondrosis is not new, and is successfully used for pathologies of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. Each of the devices affects problem areas with impulses, current, magnetic fields or vibration.

Massage and impulse effects with the Mercury apparatus

Massage plays a significant role in complex treatment osteochondrosis. This is one of those physiotherapy procedures that help relax the muscle corset in the problem area and improve blood flow. The Mercury device has become very popular for treating osteochondrosis and performing massage at home.

The device is designed to stimulate not only muscle tissue, but also to relax compressed nerve endings during acute attacks and pathologies of the spine. The device removes pain symptoms, due to the fact that its functionality includes not only physiotherapy, but also reflexology. The device is practically weightless - its weight, together with the plastic case, is only 150 grams, which makes it much easier to carry. Athletes use it successfully.

Thanks to three modes of changing pulse frequencies, it supports and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, stimulates metabolic processes gastrointestinal tract. “Mercury” is available in almost every clinic or hospital that treats bruises, fractures and injuries. But for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical region, experts recommend using it at home. The device quickly relieves hematomas and swelling, brings problematic muscles to the appropriate tone, and activates impaired motor activity. All this is achieved thanks to electrical stimulation of the tissue.

The procedure is carried out with a gradual increase in the power of the pulses, and you will not feel any pain in the problem area - only a slight burning or tingling sensation. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, a course duration of 20 to 25 sessions is required, depending on the degree of damage to the cartilage tissue and pain or spasmodic symptoms.

Exposure to magnetic field pulses using the Almag apparatus

Another effective and effective method treatment of osteochondrosis – impact on problem areas of the spine with impulses magnetic field. For this purpose, therapeutic and medical devices of the Almag category are used. The device gained wide popularity as one of the the best means in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, polyarthritis, gout and a number of other pathologies.

Having obtained certain knowledge from the instructions for use, you can easily use it to treat osteochondrosis at home. The device has 4 indicators, which is very convenient if the procedure is carried out on several at once problem areas. The only thing that can significantly reduce the effect is the simultaneous treatment of completely different diseases, since each pathology has its own duration and number of sessions.

When treating cervical osteochondrosis, thanks to pulsed effects, the Almag and Almag-01 devices quickly relieve pain, relieve inflammation and stop the development of degradation of cartilage tissue. Surprisingly, patients who use the device to treat the cervical spine claim that after the course of treatment, they even restore the acuity of hearing and vision, lost due to compression of blood vessels, headaches go away, dizziness stops and stabilization arterial pressure.

"Almag-01" is a modern model of the device. Its difference lies in the fact that in one session it is possible to influence damaged vertebrae and discs along the entire length of the spine. During the first session, even such spasmodic and painful sensations are relieved, which in normal conditions can only be eliminated with novocaine blockade. Pain relief occurs due to the impact of magnetic field pulses on the affected area and complete relief of the syndrome in the nerve endings of the problem vertebra.

The Almag-01 device activates the processes of blood circulation and nutrition of cartilage and bone tissue. The magnetic field is formed under the influence of pulses at a depth of 6 to 8-9 cm and promotes the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues and cells and the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

This device is intended for the treatment of osteochondrosis under the influence of a magnetic field, low-intensity and low-frequency impulses. The penetrating ability of magnetic waves is up to 15 cm. The device contains two wave emitters that allow you to influence problem areas of the spine both locally and zonally. In addition, the device is successfully used for diseases of diabetes, respiratory organs, cardiovascular pathologies, and neuroses.

Using Almag-2 takes no more than 15 minutes a day, and the effect is visible after the first session. Blood circulation is restored, spasms are reduced, pain is relieved.

All instruments and devices for the treatment of spinal pathologies are compact and suitable for use at home. However, consulting your doctor before taking procedures is just as necessary as with any other method of healing. Contraindications to the use of these devices are oncology.

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, surgeon. Adult and children's specialist, Mgmu, 2006

A device for the treatment of osteochondrosis is a device that starts restoration processes in damaged tissues. Find out how to choose and use it correctly.

Osteochondrosis – dangerous disease, damaging cartilage tissue in the area of ​​intervertebral discs. The causes of this disease lie in the disruption of blood circulation and nutrient metabolism. A device for the treatment of osteochondrosis helps, thanks to the influence of, for example, electromagnetic rays, to normalize the functioning of those body systems that will trigger the regeneration of cartilage tissue.

The hardware method for treating osteochondrosis includes several main approaches: magnetic therapy, vibroacoustic and neuroadaptive. We will describe in general outline, principles of their work, as well as indications and contraindications.

Magnetic treatment

It is the most popular and cheapest therapy. In most cases it is quite effective. The operating principle of such devices is based on a low-frequency magnetic field, which can penetrate tissue to a depth of 6 cm. The generated radiation improves blood circulation, blood pressure, metabolic processes, relieves pain, and has a calming effect.

Treatment with magnets is prohibited in the following cases:

  • The presence of metal objects in the body (pacemakers, implants);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infectious and oncological diseases;
  • Recent history of a heart attack.

In general, magnetic therapy is considered a safe technique. It is prescribed not only for osteochondrosis, but also for back injuries, joint inflammation, and osteoarthritis. However, in any case, consult a doctor before use.

Most often, devices from the Elatom plant are used for magnetic therapy. These are the ALMAG-01, ALMAG-03 and a number of other models from the same company that we are familiar with from numerous advertisements.

Vibroacoustic treatment

The operation of such devices is based on sound vibrations. Frequency emitted sound waves constantly changing, due to which a kind of massage is applied to the damaged tissues, and they begin to recover.

Thanks to the vibroacoustic device, the treatment of many diseases is much faster and more successful.

Therapy is considered safe procedure, however, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Availability oncological diseases or the risk of their development;
  • Presence of a pacemaker in the body;
  • Risk of heart attack.

Vibroacoustics is used both in the treatment of osteochondrosis and scoliosis, radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, and problems with ligaments.

Vibroacoustic devices include products from the Vitafon company: Vitafon-2.5, Vitafon-T. They have proven themselves among the population due to their relatively low price and wide range actions.

The therapy is based on the work of special electrodes, which, when coming into contact with the skin, have a beneficial effect on human tissue, relieve inflammation, spasms, improve blood flow, relieve pain, and increase the flexibility of the spine.

Let us note the main contraindications of this treatment method:

  • Presence of metal implants;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Oncology;
  • Venous thrombosis.

In some cases, neuroadaptive therapy can be carried out even if there is the listed factors, however, specialist advice is needed in this matter.

For these procedures, devices manufactured under the DENAS brand are usually used. There are a huge number of their models, but the most popular are “DENAS-T” and “DENAS-PCM”.

When choosing the type of treatment, you must, first of all, proceed from the absence of contraindications. In general, each method works equally effectively, big difference there is no between them. However, it is better to entrust the choice to a specialist who will take into account individual characteristics your body.

Review of devices for the treatment of osteochondrosis

You can choose a specific device yourself. An overview of the most popular models will be presented below. It will tell you about the main advantages and disadvantages of the devices, how to use them, and also, quite importantly, their cost.

Various models from the Almag series are recognized as one of the most popular devices for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Almag consists of four plastic blocks fastened together, inside of which there is a magnetic coil. The device is powered from a regular 220 volt network. Its service life is almost 1000 hours, which is enough for 5 years of operation.

ALMAG-01 allows not only to significantly slow down the destruction of intervertebral discs, but also to prevent cerebrovascular accidents

Almag is effective not only for the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also for its prevention. Magnetic field pulses, penetrating 8 cm into tissues, act at the cellular level. Improved cell function normalizes the functioning of the spine. In addition, magnetic impulses relieve pain and normalize blood circulation. However, it is important to remember that osteochondrosis can only be cured using integrated methods: use medications, massage, exercise therapy, proper nutrition.

Let's consider how to use Almag for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region:

  1. Lie down on a flat surface;
  2. Apply the device to the spine, preferably on a naked body;
  3. Each of the magnetic blocks must be located on the spinal column;
  4. After turning on the device, the indicator should light up.

When treating cervical osteochondrosis, Almag is applied as follows:

  • Sit on the bed;
  • Place the two outer blocks on your shoulders and hold them with your hands;
  • The two middle blocks should be located near the spine (on opposite sides).

The duration of one session is about 15 minutes, this time can be gradually increased to 20. If osteochondrosis occurs without complications, then Almag is used once a day before bedtime. If there are complications, then twice - in the morning and in the evening (with a difference of at least 7 hours). The course of treatment itself lasts 18 days.

During therapy, you are not allowed to move or strain in any way. The main thing is to be completely calm. If after the procedure your blood pressure seriously decreases, then the number of sessions should be halved.

The cost of the Almag-01 device, on average, is 9 thousand rubles. It is difficult to say whether such a high price is justified. Judging by patient reviews, real healing effect observed in approximately 80% of cases.

Osteo Dance (Denas)

This device is used most often for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. The principle of its operation is based on the effect of dynamic electrical neurostimulation on muscles. Short and safe electrical impulses of different frequencies, penetrating into tissues, affect the cells of the body, thereby providing a healing effect.

The device itself consists of a collar, which is attached to the neck, and electrodes, adjustable using a remote control.

Osteo Dance has several effects on a person at once positive effects:

  • Relieves acute pain;
  • Relaxes muscles;
  • Restores the functioning of internal organs in the damaged area;
  • Eliminates swelling and has a calming effect.

Using the device is very simple. It has two modes: relaxing and therapeutic, and three intensity levels. When choosing one mode or another, one must proceed from the degree pain syndrome and how severely the disease develops.

Before the procedure begins, Denas is attached to the neck using a special collar. Then, by operating the switch, the desired mode is selected. That's all - the whole process is as automated as possible. The session duration is usually 15 minutes. If cervical osteochondrosis goes away with severe pain, then the time is increased to 20-25 minutes.

The price of Osteo Dance, on average, varies from 8 to 10 thousand rubles. After analyzing customer reviews, we can draw the following picture: the price of this device is too high, it can have the desired effect only in cases of chronic osteochondrosis, in all other cases there is little benefit from it.

Vitafon is a well-known device whose operation is based on phonation - microvibrations. The creation of such waves has a beneficial effect on the functioning of human cells, improving metabolic processes in them. In addition, Vitafon stimulates tissue repair processes, improves blood circulation and, perhaps most importantly, normalizes lymphatic and venous outflow.

The device is a case with a monitor and two units connected to it.

Vitafon should be used according to the following instructions:

  1. Turn on the device;
  2. Select the mode and time of the procedure;
  3. Place microvibration blocks on the diseased area of ​​the body;
  4. Press the “Start” button.

The Vitafon will turn on the timer and begin the countdown. After this time (usually about 15 minutes) it will turn off automatically.

Vitafon has quite a few different modifications: Vitafon-T, Vitafon-Ik, etc. There is no significant difference between them. They are distinguished by their compactness (some can even be used in a car), the presence of a mode with infrared radiation. However, their prices are different. A classic device can be purchased for only 3-4 thousand rubles. More modern models - for 7-8 thousand.

Let's do it short review reviews. Most patients identify two main disadvantages of the device: loud noise at work and requirement large quantity time to achieve at least some result. Overall, rated 4 out of 5.

The device is based on the principle of darsonvalization - a method in which high-frequency pulsed current affects human tissue. Among its positive effects are: improved tissue nutrition, lymph outflow, pain reduction, and normalization of cell nutrition. Darsonval consists of three main components: a generator, a transformer and a nozzle (an electrode placed in a glass flask).

Darsonval is a device that treats the body using electric current.

Treatment with this device can be carried out using two methods: contact and non-contact. In the first case, the electrode moves directly along the surface of the skin, in the second it does not touch, maintaining a distance of approximately 5 mm. For osteochondrosis, both of these methods are used.

The procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient lies on his stomach on the bed, taking a relaxed position;
  2. Another person begins to slowly move the electrode along the back and neck, focusing Special attention spine;
  3. After the procedure, you need to cover your back with a cloth and lie down for a while.

The session lasts about 15 minutes. In this case, for the first time the time should not exceed 10 minutes.

The total number of procedures is from 15 to 20, depending on the stage of osteochondrosis. Note that Darsonval is useful only in the chronic course of the disease, in the acute stage - it must be combined with medications and other methods of treatment.

The effectiveness of Darsonval is a controversial issue. The point is that different Scientific research The effectiveness of the device has not yet been confirmed. However, many patients have repeatedly noted how they felt better after a full course.

The cost of this device is one of the lowest, about 2 thousand rubles. Having looked at various opinions, you can understand that the price fully justifies the quality of the device and its therapeutic effectiveness. The disadvantages are: care is required when performing (after all, the tubes are glass), not the most pleasant sensation after use (the skin dries out).

(disease of the musculoskeletal system) has been diagnosed by doctors relatively recently, but the number of patients is growing exponentially every day.

Main complaint - strong pain, or parts of the spine. There are several main reasons for the development of the disease:

  • Poor posture due to prolonged sitting work (office workers, computer geniuses, accountants, etc.);
  • Injuries sustained during sports (heavy loads of professional athletes or uncontrolled frequency of training for beginners);
  • Impaired metabolism (obesity or dystrophy), which negatively affects the patient’s body weight;
  • , due to accidents or genetic malfunctions of the body.

Osteochondrosis of the musculoskeletal system is diagnosed in the case of impaired nutrition of the intervertebral discs.

Blood does not flow to the cartilage, the vertebrae shifted by the load put pressure on the nerve trunks, the spinal discs become thinner or thicken and lose mobility. Torn cartilage is 100% inflamed and operable.


Only a highly specialized specialist should be trusted to diagnose osteochondrosis. Doctors consider the main manifestations of the disease to be:

  • Pinched nerve trunks in the lumbar region. Radiculitis pain can spread to the legs and genitals. In advanced cases, they also suffer internal organs, dysfunction appears (constipation, incontinence). The muscles of the foot and thigh lose strength, which leads to lameness when moving, as well as “flopping” when walking;
  • Pinching of the vertebral discs at the level of the sternum causes stabbing and pain under the shoulder blade, which is mistaken by non-specialists for cardiac pain. Observed;
  • Pain in the neck and upper shoulder girdle. , blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. The consequence is frequent loss of balance, sometimes a change in the sense of taste. There is also a change in voice and uncontrollable pallor of the face, provoked by the outflow of blood.

Not long ago, devices appeared that treat osteochondrosis. The principle of their action is different, so we offer a brief overview of the known technique and how it affects the sick body.

Classification of techniques

Depending on the manifestations of osteochondrosis, the patient’s condition and the causes of the disease, different therapy is prescribed. The devices operate on the basis of various sources:

  • . The high-frequency magnetic wave penetrates the body to a depth of more than 5 cm, and has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Normalization of blood flow and tissue regenerative functions is observed;
  • Ultrasound. The penetration of such rays is deeper (up to 20 cm), the impact is aimed at biological active points stimulating self-healing of the body. The main advantage is the reduction of swelling, but pain relief is not as fast as in the previous version;
  • Laser beams. In this case, red rays accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, normalize metabolism, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The healing process is accelerated precisely thanks to this method, but more than 12 procedures are usually not prescribed;
  • Phonation. The most harmless method of exposure is using sound vibrations. Relief comes due to improved blood and lymph flow, reduced swelling and;
  • Massage manipulations. The action is aimed at muscle relaxation and improvement of blood flow in sore areas. The effect of the devices is rather preventive or helping early stages diseases.

Device overview

Patients suffering from pain in different parts of the spine often ask the question: are there devices against osteochondrosis that can be used to treat the disease at home, or does the course need to be completed only in the hospital? Yes, such devices exist, let’s take a look at them.

Devices for osteochondrosis of the cervical region or, for example, lumbar, differ only in the methods of influence and size.

  1. Devices for osteochondrosis "Almag" - work on magnetic impulses, affect the entire spine, are available for home use, have no age contraindications. Treatment of osteochondrosis with the Almag apparatus occurs due to a traveling magnetic field (Almag-01) or due to a low-frequency and non-intensive effect on the inflamed parts of the spine (Almag-02).
  2. The Vityaz quantum device is indispensable in the treatment of osteochondrosis. The operating principle is a combination of beams of different frequencies (laser, pulse, magnetic). Small dimensions and instructions allow you to use the device yourself. A good option to influence cervical osteochondrosis and for the treatment of pathology thoracic spine.
  3. "Osteo Dance" is a device for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. A two-program device, consists of electrodes and a remote control. Effectively relieves tension, helps with weather dependence, and relieves pain of varying intensity.
  4. “Amin 02 sunshine” – ultraviolet irradiator. An outdated model that requires specialist consultation and a supervised procedure. Most often used in sanatoriums to improve general condition patient and increasing the body's resistance.
  5. The “Master” device was developed at a defense industry enterprise. Has 14 modes, orange and blue radiation. In addition to the manifestations of osteochondrosis, it is used to treat a number of skin diseases, respiratory tract, digestive system, postoperative scars and cold infections.

In conclusion, it must be said that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, you should take care of your spine.

Spinal osteochondrosis is diagnosed in almost every person. Sad statistics indicate that the disease has become “younger” and is found even in adolescents. Therefore, a device for osteochondrosis can be relevant for any age.

There are many reasons for the onset of osteochondrosis, but there are several main ones:

  1. circulatory disorders;
  2. changes in metabolic processes;
  3. sedentary or overly active lifestyle.

The bottom line is that the spine is critical to any violation. Thus, prolonged sitting at the monitor inevitably leads to cervical osteochondrosis and its complications. And elevated physical exercise seriously affect the health of the lumbosacral region. Nature has determined that a person is obliged to give everything in equal shares and therefore the body is extremely conservative. More often, due to such factors, it begins to thin out structural fabric, the vertebrae weaken and wear out. The vertebra itself consists of a nucleus and an annulus fibrosus, and it is important that the surrounding annulus retains its natural elasticity and strength.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is a long process that will require patience and systematicity. The peculiarity of the pathology and its consequences is that they are reluctant to respond to medication.

There are only three such organs in the body that respond poorly to treatment:

  1. liver;
  2. pancreas;
  3. spine.

When treating the spine, the key importance is given not to medications, but to exercise therapy and physiotherapy. That is why a device for the treatment of osteochondrosis at home often becomes a life-saving remedy for eliminating pain. The basis of physiotherapy is the effect of magnetic fields and electric waves on the body. Even acting locally, vibrations and waves can activate the hidden reserves of the entire organism.

However, the choice of such devices has become extensive, and advertising positions each one as something unique and better. Therefore, within the framework of the material, it is necessary to focus on the main devices of physiotherapy.

What does physiotherapy do for the spine?

Devices for the treatment of osteochondrosis at home are divided into several types according to the type of action:

  • based on magnetic field;
  • on vibroacoustics;
  • on electric current discharges.

To summarize, it is possible to use any of the devices to treat vertebrae. The specialist can determine the sequence based on the primary goals of therapy.

Physiotherapy has a direct effect on:

  • on the general well-being of the patient;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • normal tissue nutrition is restored;
  • toxins and breakdown products are removed;
  • metabolic processes are activated.

But it is especially important that the device for spinal osteochondrosis improves the process of cell regeneration. The damaged discs begin to gradually strengthen, the pain becomes less aggressive, and the colors of life return to the person. Even reducing pain can restore a sense of fullness, since sick people suffer greatly.

When exposed to such devices, vascular functions are additionally restored, which is critically important for the nutrition of tissue trophism. Disturbances caused by malnutrition are minimized. This is especially true for the main brain, which suffers from a lack of nutrition as acutely as any of the organs. It is these consequences that the device eliminates from osteochondrosis, which makes it possible to achieve regression of the underlying disease.

Often, a combination of physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises can almost completely eliminate the use of pills. However, an indispensable condition for such an effect: stability and long-term consistency. The more advanced the patient’s condition, the more time it takes to stop progress. You need to understand: osteochondrosis is incurable, but it can be stopped in its development and a long remission can be achieved.

Devices for the treatment of the spine

One of the brightest representatives of the Almag brand is the device for osteochondrosis Almag 01. The device consists of two parts: a separate block and four linear indicators. When the device is turned on, a magnetic field is created and its pulses penetrate to the maximum depth of the cells. Indicators help conductivity, starts accelerated process regeneration and healing. Almag is designed for periodic prevention of any part of the spine.

The use of Almag is possible for a number of other diseases, which may indirectly be a consequence of damage to the musculoskeletal system. Thus, with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region, the process involves genitourinary system and intestines. Patients experience pain not only in the back, but also in the groin. Almag improves nutrition at a deep level and protects tissues from pathological changes.

A device for treating osteochondrosis at home, based on neurostimulation, is called Osteo Dance. Externally, it looks like a tight collar and consists of several electrodes. The device is controlled using a small remote control. Its presence greatly simplifies the process, allowing you to set the desired mode without additional effort.

The Dance device has two modes:

  1. relaxation;
  2. medicinal.

The relaxation mode can be used at any time independently. Collar relaxes cervical region, removes painful spasm muscle layer. It is only important to choose the right degree of impact. The device has three options, each is used according to the stage of neglect of the condition. The first two do not cause discomfort, but when the latter is activated, painful sensations. This is necessary at the given intensity of the device and helps to have a deep effect on the muscles.

The use of the third level of the Danse device is allowed strictly after agreement with the treating specialist. In some forms of disease, such effects may be inhibited and worsen the condition. You should also stop using the device if you experience a rush of blood to the head or other unpleasant sensations during the procedure.

This device broad action, it is used to treat osteochondrosis of any of the departments. It is also effective in relieving joint pain, especially in cases of severe shoulder and shoulder deformities. knee joints. The effect is based on the action of vibro-acoustic waves. The waves penetrate 8-10 cm into the body, activating the internal processes of the body. Vitafon acts on the state of the central nervous system, stimulates blood circulation.

Blood flow improves, which becomes the main point. The blood removes toxins more actively, metabolic processes improve, and the entire body “wakes up.”

Frolov's device is simple when compared with other analogues. At its core, the device is a simulator for calm and correct breathing. The principle is based on the fact that proper blood circulation independently provides nutrition for tissue trophism. This is the basis of any treatment of the lesion. skeletal system: only complete blood movement provides the necessary enzymes and carries oxygen to every organ.

The device restores blood flow disturbances using endogenous respiration. The body does everything else on its own. Frolov’s device is like a launch system: it “pushes” the blood supply, helping the body itself to “remember” its functions.

Devices for treating osteochondrosis at home are different, each of them can be useful and help restore the lost quality of life. However, all of them, without exception, are useful only in combination with other types of therapy. It is impossible to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of osteochondrosis without exercise therapy and without changes in lifestyle. You also need to accept that the therapeutic effect of the devices is short time is not achieved. The patient needs a lot of patience and physical therapy in courses.

Modern high-quality diagnostics Spinal diseases are impossible without the use of special equipment. The Kinetrac KNX-7000 device is the latest development of scientists in the field of medicine and is used for effective treatment diseases of the spine that cannot be treated by other methods available to doctors.

Only the most modern methods of spinal treatment

This method is also effective for preventive and rehabilitation purposes after sports injuries, as well as in sanatorium and resort practice. In Moscow, spinal traction can be done in our clinic near the VDNKh metro station on the street. Kasatkina 3.

Highly qualified specialists, a friendly attitude, the use of only the most modern methods of treating the spine and dedication to their work are the main aspects of our work.

How the equipment works


KINETRAC KNX-7000 is a fully automated system that uses human biometric parameters (weight and height) and independently calculates the traction effect on the patient’s spine.

This method is the most gentle and painless. The principle of operation of the device is to increase the distance between the vertebrae, thus decompressing the spine.

This traction of the spine leads to a decrease in intradiscal pressure. Wherein nutrients easily penetrate the intervertebral disc, preventing it from drying out.

A special feature of the KINETRAC KNX-7000 is that, unlike other decompression devices, this equipment stretches the spine in three planes. This can be achieved using a special roller, which is fixed in the table, and a foot cradle for the legs.

Who needs examination and treatment using the KINETRAC KNX-7000 device

Very often, a patient seeks help from a hospital when the disease is already advanced and the pain becomes unbearable. You have to take various painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. However, one should not forget about alternative methods treatment, including spinal decompression. Also in our CMRT there is a program FULL examination body for men and women.

Timely diagnosis of spinal scoliosis can in the future relieve such a serious disease as osteochondrosis. However, if the case has already been missed, then this technique will significantly reduce pain, and as a preventive measure, prevent the first manifestations of the disease.

The most susceptible to various deviations in the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system are people engaged in physical labor and sedentary work. Modern methods Diagnosing postural disorders allows you to avoid many problems, including treatment of spinal curvature, so you need to clearly listen to any changes in your body.

Do not delay going to the doctor for the following diseases:

  • Spondyloarthrosis
  • Stenosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • For regular back pain
  • Radicular and facet pain syndromes
  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases
  • Muscular-tonic syndrome

In addition, the system allows treatment of spinal hernia without surgery. surgical intervention, thus protecting the patient from possible complications that may occur in the postoperative period.

What treatment results are achieved using KINETRAC KNX-7000

Unfortunately, pain in the lower back is not uncommon. Lumbar In this case, the spine suffers the most, and there are plenty of factors for this: body weight, sedentary lifestyle, etc. After just 1-2 sessions on KINETRAC KNX-7000, the duration of which varies from 15 to 20 minutes, you can achieve the following results:

Without surgery!

  • Reduced pain in any part of the spine and neck
  • Reducing the size of intervertebral hernia
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Reduced swelling
Diagnosis of the spine in CMRI centers

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

Before prescribing a spinal stretch, the doctor first refers the patient to a consultation with a neurologist. This will make it possible to determine the exact location of treatment for subsequent appointments.

The intellectual capabilities of the KINETRAC KNX-7000 spine device are such that it independently selects the course of treatment and, using a special marker, targets the problem area. Additional information You can find out about discounts and promotions in the corresponding section.

You can make an appointment for spine treatment in Moscow at VDNKh using the KINETRAC system by phone or in person by visiting us at st. Kasatkina 3