What are the benefits of roasted peanuts for the human body? Peanut is a nut or legume. Peanuts


Peanut – herbaceous plant 30-50 cm high, belongs to the legumes. The similarity to nuts is determined by the seeds: composition, high fat content, and relatively low content starch.

Originally from South America, later, due to its high fat content, it spread throughout the tropics and subtropics. It came to Russia at the end of the 18th century from Turkey. So what are the benefits and harms of peanuts? We'll figure out!

Composition and calorie content of fruits

Component composition

Calorie content 564 kcal/100 g.



On the pages of our website you will find out everything! Why do nutritionists recommend consuming this product daily?

What are the benefits of pistachios for men and women? we will tell you a lot interesting facts about these healthy nuts.

Peanut flour has less fat, than in peanut butter, and its high protein content makes it suitable as a flavor enhancer. The flour does not contain gluten, which allows it to be included in the menu of patients with celiac disease.

Roasted peanuts are used as a snack. Dry fruits can be fried in the oven, for which you scatter them in one layer on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 175-180 ° C for 15-20 minutes (shelled peanuts) or 20-25 minutes (unshelled). Boiled peanuts are also a popular snack in the southern United States, as well as in India, China and West Africa.

Peanut cooking (salad) oil is not inferior in taste, it consists of 46% monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic acid), 32% polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid), and 17% saturated fatty acids (mainly palmitic acid).

Compared to true nuts, the content of omega-3 fatty acids is low. Oil is extracted from whole peanuts by centrifugation with water. Food Industry used to make margarine and chocolate.

Due to the high content of monounsaturated acids oil is resistant to rancidity. In the US, refined oil is excluded from the list allergenic products. The beneficial regenerative properties of peanut oil are used for treatment purulent inflammation and wounds.

Contraindications for use, is it possible during pregnancy?

About 1% of the US population says they are allergic to peanuts. Symptoms range from watery eyes, itchy skin, difficulty breathing due to swelling of the larynx, heartburn and vomiting to anaphylactic shock which can lead to death if assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

The reaction is caused by a small amount of product. Allergens are the skin, as well as proteins and fatty acids of the nut.

Labels sometimes contain warnings about possible harm consumption. Allergies are caused by a family history and consumption of soy products.

Refined peanut oil does not cause an allergic reaction most people with peanut allergies. However, unrefined peanut oil contains proteins that can cause allergies.

Such a familiar and familiar peanut is the only nut, no, not a nut, but a bean (!), which contains valuable human body substances is as great as its calorie content.

Why did the bean suddenly become a nut? Because its composition is close to both nuts and legumes, but peanuts have the taste of young beans only in fresh, raw form.

Heat treatment, even a slight one, radically changes the taste of peanuts - it makes them similar to the usual nutty one. This very satisfying bean nut (we will use two concepts: bean and nut) has a little more than 550 kcal per 100 grams!

A little history: the starting point from where peanuts spread throughout the world is considered to be South America. In the middle of the 16th century, Portuguese colonists brought groundnuts to Asian territory, or more precisely, to its southeastern part. Russia learned about the existence of unusually tasty beans no earlier than the 18th century.

Valuable composition of peanuts

IN Lately big number Scientists are concerned with the question: what are the benefits and harms of peanuts? It must be admitted that opinions are sometimes of completely different polarities.

But the main properties can still be outlined, primarily based on the chemical composition of the “groundnut”.

100 grams of peanuts contain:

Almost all B vitamins;
vitamins C, PP, E and a small part of rare choline;
potassium – almost 700 mg;
phosphorus – 350 mg;
magnesium – more than 180 mg;
iron – 5 mg;
sodium – more than 20 mg;
calcium – 75 mg;
starch - almost 6 g;
saccharides – a little more than 4 g;
proteins (proteins) – 26 g;
fats – more than 45 g (indicator corresponding to nuts);
carbohydrates – almost 10 g;
water – 8 g;
alimentary fiber– 8 g;
fatty acids – more than 8 g.

Peanuts are superior to chicken in terms of protein,turkey meat and beef. And only some types of cheese can compare with peanuts in this indicator.

Today, buying high-quality raw peanuts is problematic due to the frequent contamination of wet grains with fungal mold, so you should approach this process responsibly.

It is better to consume the product slightly dried, so that vitamins are not destroyed during prolonged heat treatment. If you eat a well-fried product, you can easily get carried away and exceed the recommended amount by several times, and this is no longer beneficial.

Boiled peanuts are popular abroad; they say that with this method of preparation, the content of antioxidants increases several times.

1) Among the main advantages of peanuts is the ability to fight free radicals, i.e. the product has antioxidant properties. Peanuts contain, which work as neutralizers of free radicals that have a detrimental effect on the body's cells.

Hence undeniable benefits peanuts in prevention oncological diseases, maintaining the cardiovascular system in working order, as well as slowing down the aging process.

2) Peanuts activate brain activity. When consumed 3-4 grains per day, memory and hearing improve.

3) Used to prevent sclerosis, as it contains linoleic acid.

4) Increases blood clotting - very valuable property In many cases.

5) Capable of leveling hormonal background, violations of which often cause infertility. This means that peanuts help solve reproductive problems.

6) Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, helps destroy various types of infections.

7) Useful for those suffering from diabetes due to its ability to normalize blood sugar levels (but only raw grains).

8) Prevents formation cholesterol plaques, while keeping “good” cholesterol at normal levels.

9) Dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure.

10) Dietary fiber has a positive effect on performance gastrointestinal tract, contribute to its timely cleansing, maintain a balance between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms.

11) The nut can have a positive effect on the human nervous system, as it stimulates the production of serotonin, fights symptoms of depression, and has a calming effect.

12) Thanks high content protein is used in sports nutrition to build muscle mass.

13) It is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of useful products such as peanut milk, butter, pasta, flour.

And a small fly in the ointment in a big barrel of peanut benefits: maximum permissible quantity grains eaten per day that will be beneficial - 10 pieces. Anything more is already working against you.

Who shouldn't be addicted to peanuts? Due to its specificity, peanuts, as already mentioned, and healthy people should be consumed in reasonable quantities. And for those who cannot boast of good health, it may be better to refuse altogether.

Peanut harm

1. Allergy sufferers should not take risks and experiment with eating this delicacy - peanuts are a strong allergen. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age. (Although there are already such selections of peanuts that are devoid of irritants, but this is only in New Orleans for now).

2. Obviously, it will not bring any benefit to people on a weight loss diet. After all, 100 grams contain a third daily value calories. Plus, the nut promotes secretion gastric juice which increases appetite.

3. Has the ability to thicken the blood, so it is not recommended for those suffering from thrombosis.

4. Considering that we are talking about a legume product, peanuts can cause bloating and painful colic.

5. Increased content protein makes peanuts a forbidden product for those who have arthritis and arthrosis.

6. Peanuts come to our tables mainly coated with chocolate, seasoned with salt, in the form of crumbs on cookies and cream cakes. But such products cannot be called healthy.

Peanuts, like most natural products in our diet, it is useful only when it is consumed, guided by the mind, and not by the call of the stomach.

Salty or sweet, roasted or raw, this nut is considered a real vitamin bomb. What are the benefits of tasty and aromatic peanuts for the human body? Does the nut have peanuts harmful properties? All this is quite a reason for a real discussion. After all, some people can’t live a day without it, adding it to all salads, desserts and baked goods, while others can’t stand the smell. On this page of the Popular About Health website, we will clarify whether peanuts deserve to be included in a person’s diet or not.

Healthful composition of peanuts

To understand whether this nut can be beneficial for our health, just look at its composition. And it is amazingly diverse and rich. So, together with peanuts we get:

Vitamin E - it is simply vital for the membranes of our cells to protect against free radicals; it is needed by red blood cells, which ensure the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Simply put, it is the vitamin of beauty and youth.

Vitamin PP is the main participant in the processes of processing carbohydrates and fats into valuable energy and is necessary to maintain redox reactions in the body;

Vitamin C is necessary for strengthening the immune system and increasing our body’s resistance to all kinds of viruses and bacteria;

Vitamin B5 – needed to activate the brain and improve memory;

Vitamin B1 is a true natural antioxidant that helps strengthen cell membranes and prevent the formation of tumors;

Vitamin B9 - without it, it is impossible to form a properly developed nervous system of the fetus during pregnancy.

Peanuts also contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, saturated fatty acids and even starch. Useful elements– calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium are very easily absorbed by the body.

Based on this set of valuable components, we can say that peanuts are certainly beneficial for the body and have an effect that is manifested:

Strengthening the cardiovascular system and maintaining normal cholesterol levels in the blood;

In normalizing work digestive organs and prevention of gastritis;

Prevention of diabetes;

Strengthening the nervous system, increasing endurance and resistance to physical activity;

In the choleretic effect and the ability to remove excess bile;

In the prevention of atherosclerosis;

In normalization hormonal balance in the female body.

Concerning men's health, then the benefit of peanuts is that the nut is able to strengthen it and activate the production of testosterone. Improves sexual function, and after drinking alcohol, peanuts remove harmful toxins.

These are the reasons why you should still include peanuts in your diet. But there are also a number of warnings that should be taken into account so as not to harm yourself with this product, even if it is your favorite treat.

Harm from eating peanuts

Peanuts are considered a very high-calorie product, but the number of calories varies depending on the form in which they are consumed - fried, cheese, salty, sweet.

Roasted peanuts are not recommended if you are prone to liver diseases, and sweet peanuts should not be eaten if you are diabetes mellitus. In any form, this product is a strong allergen. During pregnancy, it can provoke allergies in the woman's unborn child. To reduce the risk, it is necessary to peel its peel, which is the most allergenic.

Danger and harm may also lie in the formation of mold on the peel if stored improperly. As a rule, it is impossible to see, but consuming the fungus will certainly affect your health. You should not buy nuts in dubious places, as they are often treated with special chemical compounds and insecticides to prevent the formation of fungus to increase their shelf life. Such a product will definitely not bring any benefit.

Fried or raw?

As for roasted peanuts, they are not very beneficial for the digestive system and for people prone to weight gain. excess weight. Heat treatment increases the fat content in nuts. There is no need to get carried away with salted peanuts, since the combination of large amounts of protein, carbohydrates and salts leads to disruption of the stomach and liver and increases cholesterol levels. Salted peanuts are contraindicated for people with disorders metabolic processes, with a tendency to edema. In this case, it is better to satisfy your desire with sweet nuts.

The healthiest peanuts are raw peanuts, without thermal, culinary or chemical processing. In its original natural form, it contains a lot of benefits, but it should be eaten only in limited quantities - no more than 20 nuts per day for an adult, no more than 10 for children. Excess acceptable standards will immediately turn all the benefits into harm for the human body.

If you haven’t had the desire to eat a couple of handfuls of nuts before, don’t start with large portions right away. Test your body's reaction by allowing yourself a few peanuts first. It is also necessary to gradually accustom children, preferably no earlier than 7 years of age.

Peanuts are a product unique in its properties. Its other name - groundnut - is due to the characteristics of ripening: as the ovary grows, the fruits sink into the soil and fully ripen inside it.

In total, there are more than 70 plant species, but the most common is the “cultivated peanut,” the fruits of which we love so much. Nuts and the oil obtained from them have a very wide application since ancient times. And although we are accustomed to thinking of peanuts as a nut, they are classified as legumes.

If you look at chemical composition groundnuts, then it immediately becomes clear why they are so popular among cooks and devotees healthy image life.

First of all, it should be noted the high nutritional value of the fruit. Exactly 50% is fat. About a third is occupied by proteins. Fruits also contain a lot of carbohydrates. A small but important part comes from healthy dietary fiber. Water and ash substances are allocated a little less, but they are also present in peanuts.

The product is rich in beneficial amino acids (AA): 12 essential and 8 non-essential. 100 g contains almost the full daily requirement of AA required for humans.

Peanuts also contain enough vitamins, such as PP and representatives of group B. Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus can be found among macroelements, and iron among microelements.

Peanuts, despite their relatively high calorie content, have virtually no cholesterol. Vegetarians often use peanut fruits and oil as a worthy protein alternative to meat products. This good way provide the body with proteins for people who do not consume animal foods, although there are contraindications for allergy sufferers.

Why is it useful?

Key properties of peanuts:

  • helps smooth out wrinkles on the skin, which is very important for women;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents stress, which most men and women are exposed to nowadays;
  • improves memory, increases concentration.

Regular but moderate consumption of peanuts has a positive effect on human health. This is a proven fact, confirmed by numerous medical research. If you include groundnuts (raw or roasted) in your diet on a regular basis, the first positive results can be noticed within a few months.

  1. Experiments show that groundnuts are effective in preventing cancer. Moreover, its use helps slow down the development of cancer tumors.
  2. Peanuts are also effective in the fight against infertility. Regular consumption of fruits can normalize functions reproductive organs, both in men and women.
  3. This type of nut is useful in the treatment of many other ailments. For example, if you or your child suffers from a long-term dry cough, introduce rice porridge with peanuts into your diet on a regular basis: this healthy nutritious mixture will eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a fairly short period of time.
  4. Peanuts are also used in the treatment of stomach diseases, although you need to be especially careful here. This product is quite difficult to digest, so when eaten in large quantities it can cause problems with the pancreas and liver.
  5. Possesses choleretic properties, which are also often used in various traditional medicine recipes.
  6. For men, peanuts can be an excellent preventative against urolithiasis.
  7. Peanut grains contain optimal reserves of magnesium, which helps cleanse the body of toxic substances, promote energy production and protect against stress. The combination of the same magnesium with calcium and fluorine makes bones stronger.
  8. Methionine is also present in groundnuts. This compound synthesizes adrenaline and regulates fat accumulation in the human liver.
  9. Eating peanuts is a must for those men who build muscles.

Combination with other products

In addition to all of the above beneficial properties, peanuts are also very tasty. It can be consumed separately or in combination with other products as part of all kinds of dishes.

There are hundreds of culinary various recipes, in which you can use peanut fruits and oil. In particular, roasted peanuts go perfectly with zucchini and meat. And how can we not remember, without which it is difficult to imagine breakfast in the average American family.

Widely used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology received peanut oil. Women who keep their finger on the pulse of cosmetic innovations know that many modern means This oil is added for skin and hair care.

Its cosmetic properties are often compared with. During production quality product Technologies are used to preserve most of the useful ingredients during processing.

Harm and list of contraindications

Everyone knows that any, even the most healthy food product can cause Negative consequences for the body if you eat it in unlimited quantities. This fully applies to peanuts.

Known on this moment contraindications:

  1. These nuts are very high in calories, so people who are overweight should not get carried away with them. For women on a diet, eating peanuts as a snack is not a good idea.
  2. It is not recommended to eat groundnuts if you have joint diseases. inflammatory in nature such as arthritis, arthrosis or gout.
  3. The reddish skin of peanuts is a strong allergen, so many nutritionists advise eating an already peeled product. But this will not save you from an allergic reaction if you suffer from individual intolerance. The consequences can be very severe - up to anaphylactic shock. In addition, hidden allergic reaction Can also be caused by other substances contained in groundnuts - proteins or fatty amino acids.

When making a purchase, you need to monitor the quality of peanuts. Raw, stale, or moldy nuts can cause digestive problems, stomach upset, or poisoning. And if stored improperly (for example, in warehouses with high humidity), mold may appear on the surface, which, when it enters the human body, releases harmful toxins.

Removing the shell from roasted peanuts is easy. It is enough to “roll” the nut between two fingers so that the dried skin “flies off” from it. Moreover, even in this form, nuts retain their beneficial properties and at the same time acquire a more pleasant dessert taste.

Peanuts are delicious and healthy nut, which has found application in the food, confectionery, chemical industry. However, calling it a nut is not entirely correct, because it is a legume. The beans of this plant are beneficial for the human body, and especially for women. However, their use also has a number of contraindications. Read more about the benefits and harms of peanuts in our material.

Features and qualities of the product

Peanuts are native to South America. Today the plant is grown in most warm countries (and in temperate latitudes too) as a valuable food crop. The seeds of the plant are eaten raw and fried, used in the preparation of desserts, cakes, pastries, and made into oil and paste.

The fruits are oval-shaped beans from 1.5 to 6 cm long, which contain from one to five seeds. On the surface of the fruit there is a cobweb pattern, which, apparently, is why they were called peanuts: in Greek αράχνη - spider.

The seeds have an oblong shape. They reach 0.9-2 cm in size. Their color is dark red, light pink, grayish-yellow or cream. These are the ones we eat and consider nuts.

Did you know? Peanuts are not only used as food, they are also found in plastics, artificial wool, glue, soap and even dynamite.

About the composition

Peanuts contain a number of substances that are beneficial and essential for humans.

Vitamins and minerals

The following vitamins are present in the fruits of the plant:

The minerals contained in the seeds are: In addition, the fruit contains digestible carbohydrates, 12 essential and eight nonessential amino acids, sterols, acids, six saturated fatty acids, two mono- and one polyunsaturated acid.

Calories and nutritional value of peanuts

The seeds of the peanut plant are very high in calories - 100 grams of the product contains 552 kcal (38.76% of daily norm for humans). Protein in a similar amount of peanuts is 26.3 g (32.07%), fats - 45.2 g (69.54%), carbohydrates - 9.9 g (7.73%).

What are the benefits of peanuts for women?

First of all, peanuts are rich in iron. And this means that he represents beauty prophylactic the occurrence of anemia, a disease that most often affects women and children. B vitamins are needed for the stable functioning of the nervous, digestive, hormonal and cardiovascular systems. They are also responsible for the condition of the skin.

In addition, peanuts should be consumed by women who are engaged in intellectual work, since B vitamins improve memory and concentration. Folic acid is very important for women, especially during pregnancy. This substance is involved in the formation of the neural tube and brain in the fetus.

A large amount of a substance such as tryptophan protects against long-term depression, dissatisfaction with oneself, improves mood, relieves insomnia and headaches associated with disorders in nervous system. Peanuts also have an effect on a woman’s hormonal levels. It is believed that its regular use in reasonable quantities can improve the menstrual cycle.
Omega-3 acids, which are part of peanuts, are very important for women, since they participate in the regeneration of cells and tissues, slow down the aging process, so frequent use of it promotes the beauty of nails, hair, and skin.

Did you know?Scientists have concluded that the birthplace of peanuts is South America based on archaeological finds in burials in Peru. In particular, a vase was found shaped like a peanut and decorated with drawings of beans.

Is it possible

Since during pregnancy and breastfeeding Every woman needs to carefully select the foods she eats; it is important to know whether she can eat peanuts at this time.

Peanuts are good to include in the daily diet in small doses during pregnancy planning. But during the process of bearing a baby, the use of these nuts is questionable. All because of the strong allergenicity and high calorie content of the product.

Neither one nor the other is advisable for pregnant women, since allergies can be passed on to the child, and high-calorie foods sharply increase the weight of a pregnant woman, which is why she may subsequently have problems with childbirth or during the third month of pregnancy.

Nursing mothers

The same goes for mothers who are breastfeeding. After all, everything that a woman eats at the moment is absorbed into breast milk and, accordingly, enters the baby’s body. Imperfect digestive system the baby is unable to cope with fatty foods. And allergens cause diathesis in children.

Thus, it is better for both pregnant and nursing mothers to refrain from eating peanuts or eat them occasionally and in very small quantities.

About medicinal properties

In folk medicine, there are many recipes with peanuts as the main ingredient.

For increase protective forces body. Women suffering from frequent colds and other diseases and wishing to strengthen immune system, it is recommended to make a tincture from peanut husks. The peanuts are first roasted and then shelled.
Four small spoons of husks are poured into 200 ml of vodka. For infusion, they are sent to a place where sunlight does not penetrate and where the temperature is cool. The tincture will be ready after two weeks. It should be strained before use. Drink 7-10 drops daily with milk.

Important! If you are suffering serious illness, then even application folk recipes necessary in mandatory agree with your doctor.

As an expectorant. Mix peanuts (30 g), dates (30 g), honey (30 g), water (0.5 l), put on fire and boil for 30 minutes. Drink 300 ml twice a day for a week.

For the treatment of throat diseases. Pour peanuts (60 g) with water (400 ml), bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Drink 70 ml three times a day and eat boiled nuts.

How to lose weight on peanuts

You will probably be surprised to read the title of the section, because throughout the entire article we warn about the high calorie content of the product. However, peanuts are included in some diets.
The fact is that a very small amount of it can relieve hunger for a long time and saturate the body. And the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition speed up metabolism. However, it is necessary to eat nuts alternately with low-fat foods - only under this condition can you achieve the desired thin waist.

How do the properties of roasted peanuts change?

Of course, as with any other product, heat treatment changes the properties of peanuts. If you choose between raw and roasted nuts, then the healthier option is raw product. But it tastes better fried. However, it is also higher in calories - 100 grams of the product contains 626 kcal.

Lightly toasted or oven-dried nuts are best consumed by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the raw product is susceptible to mold, and this can cause harm to health.

By the way, according to scientists, boiled peanuts are the most beneficial. American experts, in particular, claim this. Their research showed that when cooked, the product contains four times more antioxidants.

How about peanut butter

Unlike other nuts, almonds contain more fiber and vitamin E. They, like peanuts, are recommended for weight loss. Calorie content of 100 grams of almonds is 575 kcal.


Cashews have the lowest percentage of fat. This nut is rich in zinc, iron, folic acid. Among its beneficial properties is the ability to relieve inflammation. Calorie content of 100 grams of cashews is 553 kcal.


Regular consumption of pistachios eliminates unnecessary cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on digestive tract, nervous, cardiovascular system, hematopoiesis. High level Vitamin E prevents premature aging.

The product is recommended for use by pregnant women, as it can solve the problem of constipation and replenish the body with essential nutrients. this period folic acid. Calorie content of 100 grams of pistachios is 562 kcal.

Thus, peanuts are tasty and useful product, which, in the absence of allergies to it and other contraindications, should be included in the diet of any woman. The product helps your skin look beautiful, your hair well-groomed, and your body healthy. Peanuts can cause harm only if they are eaten excessively (over 20 nuts daily) or if there is an individual intolerance to them.