What not to eat in the evening to lose weight. What to eat in the evening to lose weight - dietary menu options for dinner and allowed foods

First you need to understand the working mechanism gastrointestinal tract after 00.00 and how this affects the gain of extra pounds. Most and various methods for combating excess weight recommend their followers not to eat after 6 pm.

Eating in the evening is strictly prohibited for all those who are afraid of gaining weight

This is done for several reasons:

  1. The process of digesting food takes on average 2-4 hours. If you fill your stomach at night, it will begin its active work when you need to go to bed.
  2. Splitting products into more simple substances requires energy from the body. Instead of reducing its functional activity, it receives several times more blood immediately before going to bed, which ensures its overload.
  3. It has been scientifically proven that at later times the tone of the 10th pair of cranial nerves – n.vagus – increases. Nervus vagus is responsible for the secretion of gastric juice and increases it at night. This promotes more active digestion of nutrients and easy gain of extra pounds. It's all about the absence physical activity, which would use the energy obtained from food.
  4. Unpleasant feeling Fullness in the stomach sometimes interferes with sleep.

“Do not miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, there are a number of people who still need to eat something to calm down. Otherwise they cannot sleep. These people often look for what to eat in the evening so as not to gain weight. Advantage should be given to easily digestible low-calorie foods.

How many of us have been taught that we need to go to bed on an empty stomach and not eat after six? So, all this is not true. And I want to drain the refrigerator at night only because it is before bed that the human body makes strategic reserves in case of possible hunger.

And this pattern did not arise today, but in those cave times, when food was obtained at the risk of life. Therefore, if the evening meal has arrived, it means that our body is worried about survival. If you don’t follow instinct, it will be worse: the body may break into an uncontrolled glutton.

And there’s nothing even to say about the rule “after six o’clock, keep your mouth shut.” This is violence simply because in this way we condemn ourselves to a hunger strike lasting more than half a day.

What happens as a result? The body, in fear of impending hunger, slows down everything metabolic processes and begins to store fat in reserve.

It’s just that with such a long fast, the enzyme lipoprotein lipase wakes up, which is responsible for directing fatty acids into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. But this does not mean that in the evening you can pounce on fatty fried sausage and cake.

A proper dinner will lay the foundation for next day, will ensure high performance. This is especially important if you have a workout the next morning. Feeling full will allow you to get enough sleep, which promotes normal metabolism.

Nutritionists advise having dinner not before 18 o’clock, as many believe, but 3 hours before falling asleep. Therefore, when working late, the last meal can be planned even for 21.00.

Throughout my work as a nutritionist, almost every patient who comes to see me proudly says: “I don’t eat after six in the evening!!!” But at the same time he adds: “And why am I not losing weight then? And if I’m losing weight, then all I have to do is eat after six and that’s it, the weight comes back!”

I never cease to wonder: who came up with this? Where did this nonsense come from, that you can’t eat after six in the evening? And every time I explain to my patients that this is not true, invented by the would-be compilers of various newfangled diets from magazines and talk shows.

I declare with full responsibility: eating after six in the evening is not only possible, but also necessary!!

The fact is that if the body is hungry for more than 10 hours, and this will happen, taking into account sleep, then the body experiences severe food stress. At the same time, it turns on all the protective mechanisms of energy conservation: it reduces metabolism and saves every gram of fat. And, besides, he manages to put aside strategic fat reserves in case of a “hunger war.”

As a result, the next day after such a “hunger strike” is more likely to be spent “in reserve” than for weight loss. This is a typical trap for losing weight. Don't fall into it!!!

What you can and cannot eat in the evening

So, let us remember once and for all: you can and should eat after six in the evening, but the main thing is to choose the right “evening” products.”

In the evening you can safely eat:

  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit),
  • Lean fish(hake, pike perch, cod, pollock, burbot, blue whiting, etc.),
  • Cottage cheese from 0 to 5% fat,
  • Vegetables, except potatoes, carrots and beets,
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk up to 2.5% fat content,
  • Unsweetened yogurt,
  • Egg whites.

In the evening you should not eat:

  • Sweets,
  • Bread and other baked goods,
  • Potato,
  • Porridge, pasta, rice,
  • Fruits.

What is “overnight weight loss”

In defense of the evening meal, I’ll tell you about such a phenomenon as night weight loss. Yes - yes, don’t be surprised, but at night we can also lose weight and, if all conditions are met, quite well.

Then, during sleep, 1 kcal more (per 1 kg of weight) will be spent on all vital processes under the influence of this hormone. That is, for a month within " proper sleep“You can additionally lose about three kilograms. Isn't that great?!

Likewise, a rich carbohydrate dinner will prevent this wonderful hormone from being synthesized. Since in response to an excess of carbohydrates, the pituitary gland will receive a signal that the energy for all processes occurring at night in the body has already been received, and there is no need to break down fat reserves, and the somatotropic hormone is no longer needed. In this case, overnight weight loss does not occur.

When is the best time to have dinner?

It is better to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. At the same time, you can safely eat a couple of proteins chicken egg(a source of essential amino acids) with cucumber just before going to bed. What will help the synthesis of the “night weight loss hormone”.

Eat healthy in the evening, but wisely! I hope you find my article useful.

You can also order yourself individual program nutrition from the author of this article - Margarita Kuts - the official nutritionist of the website Your Trainer. You can order and find out more details here.

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Good afternoon I have a question about eating after a late workout. I train 3 times a week in the gym with a trainer from 21.30 to 22.30, an hour of work plus 20-30 minutes of cardio. I go to bed closer to one o'clock. What about dinner?

You can, the main thing is that you invest in your calories. read this article about flexible dieting and training: Basics of cutting diet and training

And another question about caloric content: how to calculate correctly energy value ready meals? In the tables it is usually indicated per 100 g.

This is the weight ready-made dish or the source? For example, I fill morning oatmeal with water and it turns out to be 150-200 grams.

Everything is considered dry. In the diary, if the dish is ready, then it says so, porridge, or something like that. If it is cereal, then it is in dry form.


However, there are some special features of eating at night and at late hours. For example, different types food is not digested equally quickly. Fatty red meat (pork) can take up to 4-6 hours to digest. All this time the stomach does not sleep, but works hard.

If we go to bed soon after eating such food, then we will not get to the kingdom of Morpheus soon. Moreover, sleep will be restless and even nightmares. The eaten meat can lie in the stomach until the morning, and we are unlikely to have a good rest.

If you want to lose weight, I advise you to avoid foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats in the evening - after 18:00. Why is that? The fact is that the lion's share of your own fats is burned at night. Our muscles and internal organs We constantly need an influx of energy, but we don’t eat at night. And at this time, after using up small glycogen reserves (350-500 g), the body turns to fats.

If we eat a lot of carbohydrate foods before going to bed, the body will not touch its own fat deposits at all. If we use a large number of fats, then they will be consumed first, and only then our own subcutaneous fat reserves.

What can children eat in the evening?

Many mothers find it useful to give their children a late dinner in the form of porridge. However, they are digested very slowly by the children's digestive system, so they are suitable only for morning nutrition.

Children's dinner should include foods that the child did not eat during the day. If your child goes to kindergarten, it is recommended to fill his evening meals with “live” foods that have not undergone heat treatment. This could be a salad of fresh vegetables, curd masses, yoghurts, fruit juices.

It is worth remembering that meat is not the best food for the night. It causes painful drowsiness, digestive problems, and stomach upset in the child.

Place in a glass or ceramic container and leave for 2-3 hours. Then remove and place on a flat surface. On one side, where you will wrap the roll, place the garlic cloves. The meat needs to be rolled into a tube and tied with thread.

Roll the roll in black sesame seeds and place in the oven to bake. It is better to place a baking tray with water on the shelf below the container with meat - this will help regulate the temperature and prevent excessive dryness of the meat.

Chicken roll

List of foods that won't harm your diet

What can you eat in the evening when losing weight? The evening menu should include a maximum of protein foods, and reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates to a minimum. You should also pay attention to the caloric content of foods; light meals are suitable that will give you a feeling of fullness and will not interfere with sound sleep. Your late dinner may contain:

  1. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein, a serving can be up to one hundred grams; as an alternative, a small piece of feta cheese or feta cheese (no more than 30 grams) is suitable;
  2. Fermented milk products also contain a large amount of protein and a minimum of calories, kefir also contains amino acids that will improve your sleep;
  3. Vegetables and greens (lettuce, dill, parsley) contain a lot of fiber and can serve as an excellent seasoning for cottage cheese or natural yogurt. An excellent vegetable, celery contains only about a dozen calories in its root, but you should be careful because celery is a natural diuretic. Boiled beets can be safely used as a side dish for chicken or fish. You can even eat a little potato, but you should carefully count the calories;
  4. Fruits, berries, various citrus fruits are good, they satisfy the feeling of hunger, and also break down fats; pears and kiwis will help cleanse the body of toxins and impurities, which is a prerequisite for losing weight. Apples will come to the rescue of everyone losing weight;
  5. Boiled poultry meat. Boiled poultry, like cottage cheese, is rich in light protein, which is quickly digested and will contribute to the formation of sculpted muscles rather than fat folds;
  6. Low-fat fish (hake, cod). Fish protein is even easier to digest than meat protein; it also contains a number of amino acids and microelements that will benefit your health;
  7. Buckwheat. By the way, the porridge is not the best best food before bed due to the large amount of carbohydrates. Buckwheat is the only exception that you can afford in the evening, as it contains a large amount of fiber, and thanks to carbohydrates, the feeling of fullness will remain with you for a long time;
  8. Honey. Those who want to treat themselves to something sweet before bed can eat a teaspoon of honey. But you should remember that you should not eat honey for weight loss at night, but at least four hours before bedtime. People prone to allergies should be very careful; honey is a very strong allergen;

This is an approximate list of “weight loss” foods that can and should be consumed for dinner, in reasonable quantities.

No matter how diverse the list of tasty and healthy products, the list of prohibited ones is much more extensive. Many of them are completely contrary to the principles proper nutrition, and should be abandoned completely. Others are simply very high in calories and take a long time to digest. Therefore, consuming them at night will have a very detrimental effect on both the figure and the condition of the entire body.

Late-night snacking is a bad habit and you need to get rid of it. Most often, night hunger occurs due to a disrupted diet. If you don’t have breakfast and have a haphazard lunch, your biological eating schedule shifts to the night hours.

Another common reason for reaching for the refrigerator in the late hours is the so-called syndrome of a tasty morsel that was left in the refrigerator from the evening. That's what haunts you. Of course, this most often applies to psychological reasons overeating.

To wean yourself from eating at night, first of all you need to have a hearty breakfast and lunch, and dinner in moderation. Always have healthy snacks between meals. Ideally these are fruits, nuts, and dairy products.

When a person spends a lot of time sitting at a computer or in front of a TV screen, most often the surge in appetite is not caused by physiological natural hunger, but by the simple habit of chewing and eating something. Sandwiches, chips, crackers and fast food often become such blitz portions.

It also happens that the stress of the day does not allow you to sleep, and you simply try to eat away the stress. In that case, after have a hard day, it is recommended to brew relaxing tea - with mint, lemon balm and ginger. Ginger has a warming and relaxing effect, mint and lemon balm have a calming effect.

You should pay attention to your evening needs that do not relate to food - relax, make tea and read your favorite book or magazine, watch an interesting movie.

Attempts to stop night snacking can be argued with alarming facts that should act on you like a cold shower:

  • First, eating at night can cause heartburn, swelling, nightmares and obesity. If this doesn’t bother you, then continue in the same spirit, but still think about it. Motivate yourself with the fact that you will look bad with puffiness on your face if you allow yourself some tasty treat.
  • If a person eats something salty or sweet at night, then he will be thirsty. People who constantly eat at night may notice an increase on the scale in the morning. Unprocessed glucose in our body turns into body fat, and if snacking at night is your habit, then sooner or later you are guaranteed to become obese.

At night, our body must recover and rest - rest is also required for our digestive system. Therefore, try to have a measured dinner, decorating the dish beautifully. If hunger still persists, have a healthy snack 2-3 hours before bedtime.

For those who haven’t had dinner yet, we offer you a video recipe for hearty pasta with meatballs and mustard - simple, quick and tasty!

Proper nutrition after six pm

Most nutritionists say that eating in the evening is harmful not only for female figure, but also for the functioning of all systems as a whole. There are processes in human body, which we are unable to adapt to our own convenient rhythm.

We eat and lose weight. What can you eat after 6 pm?

There is no need to limit yourself to food all day long. In order to stay slim, and even lose weight, gradually taking shape, eat enough the right products in evening time.

Moreover, the mark - after 6 pm Everyone has their own and it depends, first of all, on what time you go to bed. The main thing is that your last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Starve after 6 pm It’s not that it’s not useful, but even harmful. After all, if the next meal after 6 pm is only at 9 am, then the total time of the fasting period will be about 14 hours. And in this case, the body will deliberately accumulate and store fat in advance, so that during your next hunger strike it will have something to profit from.

There is no need to start this process at all, especially for those who want to lose weight. After all, if you haven’t eaten for more than 10 hours, almost the entire next day the food you eat will be transformed into fats. And if this happens day after day, then especially not about any weight loss there is no question.

That's why you can eat in the evenings, but, of course, not to the fullest. According to the method of nutritionist Kovalkov, it is best to prepare a light salad of fresh vegetables for dinner with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese. And at night, eat 2 boiled egg whites, since they are perfectly digestible, but take a long time to digest, creating a feeling of fullness. Another good trick to avoid overeating at night is to simply brush your teeth. This is a ritual to symbolize that your mouth is clean and closed to food.

What contraindicated after 6 pm So these are fatty, sweet, high-calorie foods, alcohol, coffee. Also, you should not eat poorly digestible foods - mushrooms, legumes, liver, smoked products, grilled meat.

Below are the products that allowed consume in moderation after six pm and not get better.

From fruits and vegetables after 6 pm you can eat apples, pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, nectarines, broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage, spinach, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cucumbers, beets, eggplants, green beans, leeks, pumpkin, tomatoes.

Nutritionists recommend menu after 6 pm products with “negative calorie content”, and these are cabbage and spinach. The whole point is that your body will spend more calories digesting them than the products contain. By eating such foods you can not only stay slim, but also eliminate extra pounds.

From dairy products In the evening menu you can include kefir or yogurt (1% fat), low-fat cottage cheese, you can also allow a glass of skim milk.

also in foods allowed after 6 pm You can include sleep-promoting foods that contain magnesium, which relaxes tense muscles, and potassium, which stabilizes brain function. These mainly include greens, cabbage, green peas, cereals, and baked fish.

Now you know whether you can eat after 6, and what you can eat at this time in the evening.

We all know that you can’t eat heavily at night. This not only threatens the deposition of fat reserves, but also a deterioration in well-being, and possibly insomnia due to a full stomach. But also with reverse side, falling asleep in the throes of hunger is unnatural and unpleasant, a drop in blood glucose levels is also possible, which will lead to feeling unwell in the morning.

Few people can fall asleep to the rumbling of their hungry belly and intrusive thoughts about food. If you manage to fall asleep hungry, there is a high probability that you will wake up in the middle of the night, spit on everything and go to the kitchen. We are looking for a middle ground! There is no need to go hungry in the evening, just have a light dinner. Therefore, you must eat in the evening. Today on the site website we will tell you which foods you can and should eat in the evening, and which you cannot.

Products for the evening menu

We exclude foods containing carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning and afternoon. Of course, it is best if these are products with low glycemic index. They don't call sharp increase sugar and the release of insulin, and then the onset of acute hunger.

Of course, sometimes you can treat yourself to your favorite sweet, a piece of cake, bun or pie, but only in the first half of the day.

We include in the evening menu products consisting mainly of protein, fiber, rich minerals and vitamins and a minimum amount of fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates.

  1. Low-fat dairy products- kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, milk. They contain protein, which is a building material for our cells, as well as calcium - it relieves stress and calms nervous system.
  2. Fiber, vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten in the evening in any form. Stewed, boiled dishes consisting of carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers supply the body with essential fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Potatoes are also included here, but their consumption should be limited and reduced compared to other vegetables.
  3. Fresh vegetable salads. Fresh salads made from vegetables and herbs are well suited for the evening menu, especially in summer. Just don’t fill them with fatty mayonnaise. A small amount of vegetable oil, sunflower or olive fits better for these purposes. You can add lean meat to them.
  4. Fish and seafood. Shrimp, squid, sea fish also contain easily digestible protein, essential fatty acid, phosphorus. Feel free to include seafood in your diet.
  5. Lean poultry: chicken breast, turkey. Fatty pork and beef should not be eaten at night. But light dietary poultry is well suited for an evening meal. You can also include lean beef in small quantities.
  6. Dried fruits Rich in minerals, but also high in sugar. A few things in the evening won't hurt. It’s better to eat them in the first half of the day.
  7. You should choose whole grain bread, with bran, mainly consisting of rye flour.
  8. Eggs You can also eat it in the evening. But, if you are in the process of losing weight, it is better to eat exactly egg white without or with little yolk content. For example, an omelette made from 3 whites and 1 yolk.

As you can see, the choice is very large and from the list of products you can prepare a wide variety of dishes for the evening. It is best to eat 2 hours before bedtime, or at most 1 hour.

What to do if you want to eat late in the evening? Tatyana Rybakova will talk about this in her video blog.

Uncontrolled intake of foods is unacceptable when it comes to evening (night) meals. Therefore, the question of what you can and cannot eat before going to bed becomes relevant. Let's consider the current aspects.

Is it possible to eat at night

Before talking about permitted or prohibited foods, you should clarify whether it is even possible to eat at night? The answer is obvious - yes, but only certain products. It is strictly forbidden to consume carbohydrates. They speed up the production of insulin, sending a signal to the brain that it is necessary to burn glucose, not fat.

When it comes to the interval immediately before bed, the answer is no! You can't eat before bed! When the body stops being awake, burning calories and fat stops. During rest, samatropin, or growth hormone, is released, which is responsible for gaining muscle mass. During this period, cortisol is not produced, and premature aging of the body begins.

Harm from eating at night

  1. At the first feeling of hunger in the evening, the body gives a signal that you need to eat. You should not give in to the first provocations. In this case, tissues save glucose and are forced to process fat layers.
  2. If you go to rest with a slight feeling of hunger, you will not only restore strength and energy, but also actively renew tissues at the cellular level. This process prevents premature aging body.
  3. During wakefulness, such a process is impossible due to stress and food intake. When eating food at night, you should understand that such a move does not bode well. It is also worth remembering that everything is individual.
  4. It is not advisable for children and people under 25 years of age to go to rest on an empty stomach, but it is also prohibited to overeat. The younger a person is, the later he is supposed to eat. Thus, the baby’s body develops according to its own schedule, as it needs.
  5. To people old age it is recommended to limit last appointment food 5 hours before going to bed. For dinner, it is better to give preference to protein dishes with kefir and vegetables. Fats and carbohydrates are only needed at lunchtime.
  6. When the body needs food, melatonin is produced. The enzyme helps a person maintain deep sleep and feel refreshed when you wake up. If you eat it at night, melatonin stops being produced.
  7. Often a person experiences problems sleeping. Again, it's worth considering individual characteristics. Some individuals are contraindicated from going to bed with a feeling of hunger. This category includes people suffering from ulcers and gastritis.

What can you eat at night

If you cannot live without eating at night, you can eat a handful of almonds or walnut. Also allowed are half an apple or pear without peel, a small persimmon, a whole avocado, and a slice of melon. You can eat a cucumber, a handful of broccoli, lettuce without restrictions, skim cheese or yogurt.

An omelet made with low-calorie milk made from egg whites with spinach or broccoli is suitable for taking at night. Don't fry eggs; the yolks are too high in calories. To add nutritional value and, accordingly, calories, eat half a banana, a boiled potato, a piece of beetroot, and a third of a carrot.

For people with a healthy stomach, boiled beans and all legumes, baked apples with peel, boiled chicken breast, and shrimp are suitable. Consume seasonal or frozen berries and low-fat kefir without any prohibitions.

What vegetables can you eat at night?

  1. Celery is a negative calorie vegetable. It occupies a leading position among products that can be taken at night. Celery promotes destruction more calories than those contained in it.
  2. Boiled carrots and beets are suitable for the evening meal. You can make a salad by taking half of each fruit. The dish is seasoned with vinegar or low-fat sour cream.
  3. White cabbage and broccoli are suitable for the meal. It is better to add the listed vegetables to a protein omelet not cooked in oil. You can chop 1/3 of a potato or a handful of boiled beans into the salad.

  1. Fruits are considered the main components of the human diet. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about food for the night or a weekday meal. Fruits of this type do not negatively affect body weight, so they are recommended to be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Apples occupy the main place. They quickly satisfy the raging feeling of hunger, but provoke increased production of gastric juice. Therefore, you can eat an apple an hour or two after dinner. In addition, the fruits are widely used in dietary nutrition because they speed up weight loss.
  3. Special attention devoted to citrus fruits. They excite the nervous system, so you should not eat them immediately before bed. Make sure that your nighttime meal occurs 2 hours before going to bed. Preference is given to grapefruits, pomelo, oranges, and tangerines.
  4. If you really want a snack, eat 1 kiwi or half a handful of grapes. 1/3-1/2 banana will also work. Figs do not belong to the category of fruit, they are inflorescences, but 2-3 pieces will not harm your figure.
  5. Also suitable for a night meal are nectarines, peaches, quinces, pears, plums and cherry plums. The main thing is to know moderation in everything. You shouldn’t fill a whole plate; limit yourself to a few pieces.
  6. All of the fruits listed will help you satisfy sudden hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness until the next meal. At the same time, in the morning you will not wake up with a heaviness in your stomach.

What dairy products can you eat at night?

  1. The leading position is given to low-fat kefir. When consumed before bedtime, intestinal motility is normalized. Dairy products have laxative properties, so you cleanse your body of toxins.
  2. Made from milk natural yogurt thick or liquid. Give preference to Bio Max, Danone, Activia. The main thing is that the percentage of fat content does not exceed 1%.
  3. There are special milkshakes with lactobacilli aimed at weight loss. Skimmed milk is also suitable for taking at night.
  4. To avoid harm to your health, warm the foods you consume to room temperature. Take small sips, if possible through a straw.

What not to eat at night

  1. Caffeinated products. Many people know the special effect of the substance on the body. Drinking coffee or an energy drink before bed will keep you from falling asleep. You should also refrain from drinking tea before bed, especially green tea. Hot drinks can be consumed 2 hours before rest.
  2. Sweet products. If you are trying to keep your figure in good shape, you should completely abstain from sweets, not only before bed. First of all, chocolate is the main enemy on the list of prohibited foods at night. It will provide you with insomnia and greatly invigorate the body. In addition, chocolate significantly increases appetite after digestion.
  3. Fatty food. Such products themselves, regardless of the time of day, carry potential harm body. By eating such food before bed, you doom yourself to development chronic pathologies and gaining extra pounds. Fatty foods slow down metabolism, so even dietary and healthy dishes in this case they will only harm the person.
  4. Spicy dishes. Spicy food significantly increases appetite. The process produces gastric juice. Having had a hearty dinner with a spicy dish, you will soon want to eat again. Such food, in addition to the feeling of hunger, causes heartburn, flatulence and bloating.
  5. Beans and grains. Invaluable benefits Cereals and legumes are beneficial for the body. Products should not be consumed before bed if you have any ailments or contraindications. Beans and grains are rich in fiber; the substance is not fully digested, which is why colic, gastrointestinal upset and flatulence often occur. Cereals are especially contraindicated for consumption at night, as they are rich in carbohydrates.

Food not only satisfies a person’s physical needs, but also gives the body vigor and restores wasted energy. It is known that deliciously prepared dishes improve your mood. For this reason, we can say for sure that food affects the psycho-emotional background.

Video: eating before bed - great harm or benefit

Eating at night is harmful - we all know this, including those who are not keen on losing weight. In fact, the concept of harmfulness in this case, as in many others, is relative. Not everyone can refuse late dinners, especially if the day was very active, and if there was an active workout in the afternoon. Well, then you shouldn’t starve yourself, but you need to approach the choice of foods that you can eat in the evening responsibly, since the body really likes to store everything eaten at this time as fat. However, you can arrange a late dinner for yourself that will allow you to get rid of the feeling of hunger, and at the same time will not harm your figure and good sleep. To do this, you need to know what you can eat at night when losing weight.

Let's talk about the simplest things first. Our body often tends to confuse hunger and thirst. If you feel like you want to eat when it would be better not to, then try to trick your stomach by drinking glass of water. This option, which you can drink at night to lose weight, contains no calories and is completely safe for your figure. If some water doesn’t help, and you still want to eat, then pay attention to the following products.

Protein products

Proteins are the best option for what to eat at night to lose weight. These products satiate well, allow you to forget about hunger for a long time, in addition, they are all stored in muscle mass, rather than fat, and cause the body to burn more calories, which promotes weight loss. Choose protein foods with low fat content. For example, you can safely eat a piece of boiled chicken breast, steamed fish, a boiled egg or an egg white omelet. In general, it is believed that in the evening it is worth leaning on protein foods.

Cottage cheese

Continuing the topic of proteins, we cannot help but mention low-fat cottage cheese, which can also be consumed in the evening. Feel free to include it in the list of foods you can eat at night when losing weight. The protein it contains is absorbed by the body easily and quickly - within 1.5 hours. Cottage cheese is useful for both athletes and those who simply want to lose weight. It is better to choose a product with a low fat content. Do not add sugar to it - it is better to use cinnamon or a small amount of berries to make the dish tastier.


Kefir at night for weight loss is the most popular option among those losing weight. This product will in no way provoke a set of excess weight, and, in addition, will help improve sleep and normalize intestinal function. The fermented milk drink satisfies your appetite well and can fill you up just as well as a full dinner. It is better to drink kefir at night to lose weight low fat without sugar and all kinds of artificial additives.

For a late dinner, you can prepare low-calorie kefir soup. Take a liter of kefir, chop 1-2 cucumbers, a couple of cloves of garlic and a bunch of dill, pour it all over fermented milk drink. Get a delicious and safe dinner. You can also replace kefir with yogurt or low-fat yogurt.


Milk lovers can treat themselves to a glass of this drink before bed. Drinking milk at night for weight loss is also useful because it helps fight insomnia. If you have problems sleeping, then drink a warm drink, to which you can add a teaspoon of honey.


With fruits it's not so simple. Although they contain healthy fiber and many vitamins, some of them contain large amounts of sugar, which can seriously slow down your weight loss process. It is important to choose the right fruits. Unsweetened and low-calorie fruits are suitable as an evening snack.

Apples at night when losing weight - an ideal option to dull hunger. It is better to choose green fruits that are low in sugar. To make it easier for the body to absorb the apple, peel it. However, keep in mind that apples tend to whet the appetite in some people. To avoid this, you can bake them and eat them with cinnamon. The latter, by the way, has strong fat-burning properties.

A good option is citrus. An orange at night for weight loss, for example, is low in calories, contains a lot of fiber and vitamin C, and is therefore suitable for a late-night treat. Another a good option- grapefruit for weight loss at night, which has a negligible calorie content, and at the same time contains enzymes that activate the fat burning process. You can also eat kiwi, pears, pineapple, watermelon, various berries and other low-calorie foods from fruits.

But with bananas it’s better to wait until the morning. They have a fairly high calorie content, in addition, chemical composition they help to recharge the body with vivacity and energy, which we obviously don’t need in the evening. The same goes for grapes and other very sweet fruits.


Most vegetables are foods that you can safely eat at night when losing weight. Almost all of them are safe for the figure, except, perhaps, potatoes and other starchy foods. Particular attention can be paid to the so-called foods with negative calorie content, for the assimilation of which the body spends less energy than it ultimately receives. You can eat cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, radishes, carrots, cabbage and so on. You can also consume homemade vegetable juices.

Foods can be eaten V clean water or cook from them simple dishes , for example, various salads. You can also add various spices - cinnamon, cumin, ginger, curry, turmeric. They help improve metabolism and speed up fat burning processes even in the evening.

What should you not eat at night when losing weight?

We figured out what you can eat at night to lose weight. These are mainly proteins and plant food. In addition, there is an extensive list of foods that you should avoid in the evening. Most of them, entering the body before bedtime, remain there until the morning, poisoning the body. In this case, a person, waking up in the morning, feels weak, lethargic and tired, because he does not fully rest. This also leads to gaining extra pounds. So, it is strictly not recommended to consume the following food groups at night:

  • Any fast food and snacks: chips, crackers, burgers, popcorn - these products are high in calories, fat and simple carbohydrates, but they do not normally fill you up, so it is better not to eat them in the evening. And in principle, those who are watching their figure are better off cutting them out of their diet.
  • Fat meat. It takes a very long time to digest, so it will not allow you to sleep normally and can lead to gaining extra pounds. Should not be used at night fatty types meat.
  • Flour products, pastries, pasta. These products are good for energizing, so they are suitable for consumption in the first half of the day. It is recommended to avoid them in the evening. They may be digested quickly, but will likely be stored as unwanted fat.
  • Chocolate and others sweets. It is strictly forbidden to eat them in the evening - simple carbohydrates before bed are a direct path to weight gain.
  • Dried fruits. Although they are healthy in themselves, they are high in fructose, so you should not eat them in the evening. If you love dried fruits, then save them for breakfast or an afternoon snack.
  • Avocado. A healthy product, but high in calories and including a fairly large amount of fat, so, again, it is better to eat it during the day.
  • Sweet yoghurts. Although dairy products healthy, store-bought yoghurts contain huge amounts of sugar and all kinds of preservatives. It is better to take the same kefir and add some berries and honey to it. It's better to avoid carbonated drinks. Alcohol at night is also not best idea. It can cause sleep problems, and even unpleasant headache since morning.

As you can see, there are many tasty and healthy foods that you can eat late in the evening, even if you are losing weight. Don't starve yourself, as this can lead to breakdowns. It is better to choose something from the approved products that will not only not lead to excess weight gain, but will also promote weight loss.

10 foods you can eat at night, on video