Food for the evening for weight loss. What can you eat in the evening when losing weight - a list of products. Proper dinner menu options for those losing weight

Despite many disagreements, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat at night mostly finds supporters who make a positive decision. In fact, there are foods that will not harm your body if you consume them after the “standard” six hours. Let's tell you in more detail what you can eat at night, how late snacks affect the body.

Night watch

It often happens that dinner is far behind, it’s late, but you don’t want to sleep at all, and the treacherous rumbling in your stomach doesn’t allow you to relax. That's when the nightly trips to the refrigerator begin. The question arises in your head: what can you eat at night?

Late dinner simply makes us split in two: on the one hand, frightening us with the possibility of gaining excess weight, and on the other - hungry insomnia. How to find a compromise solution in such a situation? This is quite real. You just need to know some rules for eating late, as well as a possible diet that will not harm our body. Let's consider the options that are considered the most beneficial for our body, what foods can be included in the diet for a late dinner.

Blood Sugar Control

In order to wake up cheerful and healthy in the morning, it is important to correctly plan your late menu. What you eat before bed matters a lot. Everyone should know what they can eat at night. Research shows that what you eat for dinner affects how you feel after breakfast the next day. Scientists have found that those individuals who consumed foods with low glycemic index, in the morning next day After breakfast, you can better control your blood glucose levels. Such control is important not only for those who suffer diabetes mellitus, but also for everyone who wants to accelerate weight loss, and in general for the body of any person. To make it easier to manage your blood sugar in the morning, for dinner it would be better to eat carbohydrate foods that have a low glycemic index, for example, potatoes, legumes, lean meat, chicken breast with herbs, beef, salmon.

Not every carbohydrate turns into fat

Sport greatly influences the processing and absorption of food. During physical activity, the body sends the necessary nutrients in order to restore expended energy; muscles consume more carbohydrates during work. It doesn’t depend at all on the time of day. Many people, even when playing sports, are afraid to consume carbohydrates at night, worrying that they will turn into fat, even despite training.

You should not, especially after intense training, refuse dinner. It might even eliminate positive result classes. After exercise for 45 minutes, nutrients are used to restore strength and strengthen muscle mass. It follows from this that you should never give up carbohydrates; consume them, even if it’s too late. What can you eat at night in such cases? Energy reserves will restore and prepare muscles for the next workout - carbohydrates - potatoes, bananas, grains, legumes.

Protein works at night

There is a myth that you should not eat before going to bed, because the body sleeps and does not digest food, that everything eaten turns into fat, since energy is not consumed. This complete stupidity does not correspond to reality. During sleep, our body works, the lungs do not stop performing gas exchange functions, the heart pumps blood, and the stomach processes the contents. If dinner is planned wisely, then muscle mass grows at night. Knowledgeable bodybuilders eat protein-rich foods before bed to grow muscles: cheese, milk, yogurt, protein supplements. Research efforts have already proven this to be beneficial. In 2012, their results showed that eating protein at night promoted muscle recovery and growth during post-workout sleep. To recover from intense exercise, eat a serving of yogurt or a casein supplement at night.

Fermented milk products with minimal fat content

The question of what you can eat at night can be completely resolved if you include easily digestible foods in your late dinner before bed that will normalize your work. gastrointestinal tract. Huge benefit Fermented milk products with a minimum percentage of fat content will bring and provide the intestines with lactobacilli (useful microorganisms). You can drink kefir at night or eat low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt. In addition, fermented milk products are rich in calcium, and this is the key to the health and strength of your bones.

Is it possible to have milk at night?

Many people who are losing weight have a negative attitude towards drinking milk at night. They are supporters of the point of view that milk helps you gain excess weight. This can be considered true if you constantly drink a liter of a fatty drink close to cream before going to bed. In such cases, the result will be unimportant: excess calories can be harmful. But if we take an unbiased approach to the question of whether it is possible to drink milk at night, and consider it from a different angle? One glass of warm low-fat milk at night will do much more good than a glass of sweet tea with cookies or a sandwich.

Many people are interested in how milk affects sleep. And this is where disagreements arise. Everyone knows the recipe - a glass warm milk with a spoon of honey is a great way to help you fall asleep. Tryptophan in the drink reduces stress, sleep becomes stronger and more peaceful. Many people solve the problem of insomnia in this way. But there are also exceptions. For some people, milk or honey causes diuretic effect, And healthy sleep disrupted by frequent trips to the toilet. So everything is individual in this case.

To the question of whether you should drink milk at night, everyone must answer for themselves, based on their own feelings. In principle, there is no harm from it if the fat content of the product is low. Many argue about lactose content and its intolerance in adults. Some scientists argue that this is not entirely true. Each body reacts differently to lactose. Unpleasant sensations may cause milk in people with low stomach acidity. So you should listen to your own reactions and draw conclusions.

Is it possible to have tea at night?

The healing properties of green tea are very extensive. It nourishes the body nutrients and improves metabolic processes. Perhaps for this reason, many drink it not only during the day, but also before bed. For this reason, some people complain of insomnia. Not surprising, because green tea contains large amounts of caffeine. This substance can give the body energy and vigor. Many nutritionists do not recommend drinking green tea at night. But all people are individual; for some individuals, caffeine does not cause insomnia. Therefore, if you do not notice any negative consequences, then a cup of green tea late in the evening is quite acceptable.

The best option would be herbal tea - mint or chamomile. It will relax, calm, strengthen immune system, and will also protect against certain diseases. The main thing is that herbal tea does not contain a drop of caffeine, it only contains vitamins and healthy antioxidants.

As for black tea, it does not contain caffeine. A cup of this drink will not harm you. For benefit, you can add a spoonful of honey or a little lemon juice to it.

Boiled and stewed vegetables. Chicken breast

Cooking food plant origin ensures easy absorption of fiber by the body, and the functioning of the digestive system depends on this. Stewed or steamed vegetables can serve as an excellent side dish for light meat dishes that you decide to eat in the evening. Healthy cooking vegetables are cooked in a slow cooker or steamer without adding any oil or fat.

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to eat apples at night, it is worth saying that in fresh apples a lot of fiber, which is poorly digested, which is why colitis and flatulence occur. Pain and bloating may occur. Even one apple eaten at night can disrupt your sleep. You need to at least clean it before using it. You can eat baked apples at night.

Excellent dietary product is the chicken loin (breast). It contains vitamins A, B, E, minerals, proteins that will not harm your body in any way if you eat breast meat late in the evening. There are no carbohydrates here, which is appreciated by those who are worried about their figure.

Fish paradise

Is it possible to eat fish at night? This product is considered a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. Fish contains iodine, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, phosphorus - a participant in the formation process bone tissue, as well as amino acids. Fish dishes are able to reduce cholesterol in the blood, and often contain a small percentage of fat, and this plays an important role if such food is consumed at night. Low-fat fish varieties are suitable for a late dinner: cod, pike, hake, pollock, pollock.

Seafood is different increased content protein, which, in turn, allows you to quickly saturate the body. Therefore, you can feast on seafood without fear for your figure if your nighttime appetite suddenly awakens.

What else can you eat at night?

Is it possible to eat something other than just at night? healthy food, but also something special and tasty? We offer several such dishes that will not harm your body if you eat them before bed.

Berries and cream. A hearty and simple dessert. Whisk Greek yogurt, add a quarter cup of raspberries and blackberries.

Protein dessert. The protein shake has a creamy consistency and is very tasty and healthy. The taste can be anything - vanilla, chocolate, fruit.

Dark chocolate. You can eat several small pieces of real 70% chocolate, not to be confused with sweet store-bought chocolates. Please note that this product contains caffeine.

Pistachios in shell. Great late dinner. The absorption process is delayed because they need to be cleaned. The body will be satiated faster and will receive many useful substances.

Pumpkin seeds. Roasted seeds can be used at night. They contain magnesium, which is an excellent relaxant.

If you are faced with the problem of excess weight and want to thereby maintain the effect obtained forever, then you must have certain knowledge.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of excess weight:

  • Eating large quantities of food, overeating;
  • Abuse harmful products And fast food;
  • Constant overeating in the evening and at night.

The last problem most worries many people who are losing weight. You want to eat in the evening, because at this time the body tries to stock up on various substances in case of unexpected energy costs.

Many people are concerned about whether they should eat at all in the evening. The answer is very simple: it is necessary, and absolutely necessary. The fact is that the feeling of hunger triggers the process of fat accumulation in the body. The brain reacts to a hunger strike by turning on an energy saving mode in case such hunger strikes are repeated in the future. Then it turns out that the energy that should have been spent during the day goes into fat. And so on in a circle. Then let’s look at the question of what to eat in the evening to lose weight.

What foods are you allowed to eat in the evening when losing weight?

The first rule of the evening meal is that you need to eat three or four hours before bedtime. The popular principle of “not eating after six” will not work if you go to bed around two in the morning.

If you suddenly feel hungry and the clock shows quite late, read the list of what to eat in the evening to lose weight or at least not gain weight:

  • A glass of kefir will satisfy hunger better than, for example, a piece of cake;
  • A small portion of cottage cheese;
  • Not too sweet fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruits;
  • Lean meat, boiled chicken fillet is best;
  • Egg;
  • Vegetable salad without dressing;
  • Unsweetened yogurt;
  • Ryazhenka.

You can choose for yourself what is best to eat in the evening in order to lose weight. The main thing is that the feeling of hunger is satisfied. Choose exactly the product that you really love, because the feeling of dissatisfaction will provoke another attack of hunger.

When you open the refrigerator in search of the next portion of food, think about whether you really want to eat. Perhaps your appetite has made itself felt. This is easy to check. Appetite is a capricious child who knows only one word “I want”. He cannot decide anything, he only expresses his desires. Hunger is an consuming feeling that clearly makes it clear that if you don’t eat now, you won’t have enough energy for the normal functioning of your body.

What foods should you not eat in the evening?

Before deciding what you can eat in the evening, remember the list of foods that you should absolutely not eat:

  • Flour products;
  • Sweets;
  • Cereals;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • I'm on my way instant cooking;
  • Nuts;
  • Liquid dishes;
  • Sweet vegetables (bananas and grapes).

If you have chosen dairy products for your evening snack, then remember that contrary to popular belief that people who are losing weight should choose a low percentage of fat, this rule absolutely does not work. The lower the fat content of dairy products, the more harmful they are to the body. Dairy fats do not add extra centimeters to your waist, but they are safe for health.

To remove toxins from the body in the evening, you need to consume grapefruit. It is the best fat burner. In addition, this fruit normalizes digestive system.

Thus, the evening meal is very important; you must eat at this time of day. For this snack you need to choose light, low-fat food. Of course, you need to consume it without overeating. By following these rules, you will quickly put your figure in order and preserve the result for a long time.

Everyone, of course, knows that you can’t eat too much at night. However, in addition to the risk of gaining excess weight, late, heavy dinners are also fraught with insomnia. If before going to bed you condemn your stomach to the hard work of digesting food, then it may not allow you to fall asleep until it is time to rest.

You need to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed, and preferably easily digestible food: boiled vegetables, low-fat dairy products, cereals. From the evening diet it is better to exclude meat, spicy and rich in animal fats, richly seasoned with spices. Follow the rule of not drinking caffeinated drinks at night. Coffee in small quantities can sometimes really help you relax and fall asleep. But it’s difficult to calculate this small “sleeping pill” dose by eye, and if you exceed it a little, you risk later staying awake until the morning.

Alcohol often helps you fall asleep, but a dose of alcohol that is slightly higher than a reasonable dose makes sleep restless and ineffective. In addition, after sobering up, a person may wake up in the middle of the night, and with a high probability he will not fall asleep again.

And one more thing: if you suffer from chronic insomnia, you can eat less salty food or eliminate salt from your diet altogether.

What should a diet addict eat for bedtime?

Every girl who is losing weight knows perfectly well the “iron” law: you can’t eat at night. Naturally, weight loss fans try to follow this rule. Often girls even try too hard and refuse dinner, believing that it would be better if they limit themselves to only an afternoon snack or even lunch. And this is wrong: you need to eat in the evening - nutritionists themselves say this.

If you've ever been on a strict diet, you may have noticed that hunger pangs are especially overwhelming at night. It takes remarkable endurance so that, when you wake up again, you don’t sneak to the refrigerator and finally get enough of it for a couple of days ahead. In general, insomnia can be a direct consequence of dietomania.

Conclusion: you still need to eat in the evening, but dinner should be light.

For the evening menu, foods rich in vitamin B are good (it can quickly relieve nervous tension, relieve stress) and calcium (which is a natural sedative). However, remember that calcium-containing foods that are familiar in our diet, as a rule, are classified as “heavy” and difficult to digest. So a little exotic wouldn’t hurt here: broccoli, cauliflower, soybean sprouts. Milk, which many nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of just before bed, also contains a lot of calcium. Just remember that your milk should be low-fat (0.5%-1.5%) and warm (but not hot).

In addition, it contains tryptophan - an amino acid necessary for the synthesis of serotonin - a substance that “relaxes” nervous system and helping you fall asleep. Well, serotonin is found in bananas in a “ready-to-eat” form. You can add a spoonful of honey to the milk. It promotes vasodilation, which soothes and warms.

And if you have already decided to “stop” possible insomnia in full, drink something to improve digestion, for example a glass of kefir.

What to eat in the evening: making a menu

But let's be more specific and see what kind of dishes a girl who is watching her figure can eat at night. So, here are 9 points from which every woman can easily create a varied menu:

  1. Dried fruits or nuts - they fill you up perfectly and can even replace dinner. To satisfy her hunger, a girl will only need to eat 100-150 g of dried apricots, prunes, pears or peanuts, hazel, walnuts. You just need to eat dried fruits and nuts slowly, chewing them well.
  2. In the evening, you can also eat fresh fruits; moreover, many nutritionists even recommend including them in the daily menu. Female body 150-200 g of oranges, apples, bananas will perfectly saturate. In addition, these fruits will also calm your nerves, giving you a restful sleep.
  3. We already said above that it is better to eat dairy products at night; Let's cover the topic in more detail: choose milk, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. If you want to lose weight without harming your health, drink half a glass of one of these delicious, nutritious, healthy products.
  4. If you have a late dinner, for example, in the company of friends, you can eat light protein omelette. Of course, you shouldn’t eat this dish every day, but you can treat yourself occasionally.
  5. But what you definitely need to eat before meals, if you are afraid of gaining weight, are vegetables, and in almost any form. Feel free to eat stewed or boiled dishes consisting of cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes (only there should be a little of the latter, a couple of pieces at most). You can eat salads, and in the summer even always give preference to them (cucumber, tomato, radish in this case are simply irreplaceable). But most importantly, do not season your food with mayonnaise and butter - it’s easy to get better with them.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, you can eat meat before bed - you just need it to be light and in small quantities. So, without fear, include boiled or stewed chicken and turkey in your menu - 50 g with a vegetable side dish is enough to fill you up.
  7. It’s even better to eat fish and seafood before bed, combining them with fresh vegetables. In this case, the body will receive even more vitamins, so do not be afraid to eat mussels, shrimp, squid, of course, within reasonable limits - 100 g is enough for most girls to feel full.
  8. You can safely eat porridge at night, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. They will perfectly satisfy your hunger and keep your figure slim and girlish - this is a real find for the women's menu.
  9. Lovers of super-fast cooking can even eat sandwiches before bed, but only the right ones. Make them out whole grain bread and a piece of chicken or turkey. If you eat such sandwiches without fanaticism, you won’t have to worry about your slim figure.

And remember the most important rule, explaining the best way to eat in the evening: the main thing is not to overeat. There should be a little bit of everything, even the healthiest foods. The evening portion should not exceed 200-300 g - to maintain your figure, you need to eat moderately at dinner.

We are accustomed to the fact that “Those who dream of losing weight are prohibited from eating after six in the evening.” But it's not that easy, especially when working until 5 p.m. Let's figure out what you can eat in the evening when losing weight? Most experts agree that it's not when you eat, but what you eat that matters.

Modern nutritionists strongly do not recommend depriving yourself of an evening meal, as this is extremely stressful for the body, which will try to compensate for this by putting something aside during the next meal. In addition, when a person experiences a feeling of hunger for more than four hours, the body begins to produce adrenaline, which will not allow you to fall asleep peacefully. It is much better not to starve yourself, but to ensure that your diet is healthy and balanced throughout the day.

A little humor (7 sec) on the topic:

The last meal should not depend on the time of day, but on what time you go to bed; if you go to bed no earlier than twelve at night, then it is stupid to fast from eighteen hours. Research results show that the optimal last appointment food - two, or preferably three hours before bedtime. That is, if you go to bed at eleven in the evening, eight o’clock is the time to have a snack, but you shouldn’t happily rub and pounce on fast food and candy. When losing weight, it is better to eat honey instead of other sweets. Now let's figure out what to eat in the evening when losing weight?

What can you eat in the evening when losing weight? In the evening menu you need to include a maximum of protein foods, and keep the amount of fat to a minimum. You should also pay attention to the caloric content of foods; light dishes are suitable that will give you a feeling of fullness and will not interfere with sleep soundly. Your late dinner may contain:

  1. – an excellent source of protein, a serving can be up to one hundred grams; as an alternative, a small piece of feta cheese or feta cheese (no more than 30 grams) is suitable;
  2. Fermented milk products also contain a large number of protein and a minimum of calories, kefir also contains amino acids that will improve your sleep;
  3. Vegetables and greens (lettuce, dill, parsley) contain a lot of fiber and can serve as an excellent seasoning for cottage cheese or natural yogurt. An excellent vegetable, celery contains only about a dozen calories in its root, but you should be careful because celery is a natural diuretic. Boiled beets can be safely used as a side dish for chicken or. You can even eat a little potato, but you should carefully count the calories;
  4. Fruits, berries, various citrus fruits are good, they satisfy the feeling of hunger and also break down fats, and kiwi will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins, which is a prerequisite for losing weight. will come to the rescue of all those who are losing weight;
  5. Boiled poultry meat. Boiled poultry, like cottage cheese, is rich in light protein, which is quickly digested and will contribute to the formation of sculpted muscles rather than fat folds;
  6. Low-fat fish (hake, cod). Fish protein is even easier to digest than meat protein; it also contains a number of amino acids and microelements that will benefit your health;
  7. Buckwheat. By the way, the porridge is not the best best food before bed due to the large amount of carbohydrates. Buckwheat is the only exception that you can afford in the evening, as it contains a large amount of fiber, and thanks to carbohydrates, the feeling of fullness will remain with you for a long time;
  8. Honey. Those who want to treat themselves to something sweet before bed can eat a teaspoon of honey. But you should remember that you should not eat honey for weight loss at night, but at least four hours before bedtime. People prone to allergies should be very careful; honey is a very strong allergen;

This is an approximate list of “weight loss” foods that can and should be consumed for dinner, in reasonable quantities.

No matter how diverse the list of tasty and healthy foods is, the list of prohibited foods is much more extensive. Many of them are completely contrary to the principles proper nutrition, and should be abandoned completely. Others are simply very high in calories and take a long time to digest. Therefore, consuming them at night will have a very detrimental effect on both the figure and the condition of the entire body.

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List of foods that should not be eaten before bed

  1. Fast food. Cheeseburgers and hamburgers, containing a huge amount of calories and zero useful elements, and in combination with sweet sodas they also harm the stomach and slow down metabolism;
  2. Fatty fish and red meat take a very long time to digest, so it is better to put them aside for lunch or;

3. It is also better to postpone pies, spaghetti and candies until the first half of the day, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates;

  1. Sausage, sausages and other smoked meats contain a lot of salt, which retains water in the body;
  2. Alcoholic drinks contribute to dehydration and can cause overeating due to loss of control;
  3. It is better to completely exclude mayonnaise, as well as sauces based on it and other unnatural flavor enhancers from the diet, as a useless and too high-calorie product. Which also contributes to the formation of cholesterol in large quantities;

By giving up all of the above products, you can easily stay slim and good health. Which will certainly affect your well-being; within a week you will forget about the heaviness in your stomach and heartburn.

A few videos on the topic:

Evening menu

The selection of dishes for dinner is a purely individual matter. For some, a light snack is enough, while others need a full meal. Much depends on how and what you ate throughout the day. The most important thing is to maintain a feeling of fullness until the morning and not fall asleep with a “rumbling stomach.” We offer you several options for healthy dinners:

  1. Boil or grill 100-150 grams of chicken or turkey breast; vegetables or herbs are a good addition;
  2. 100 grams of boiled rabbit meat or can be baked with vegetables;
  3. 200 grams of stewed zucchini with dill and parsley;
  4. 100 grams of lean fish (cod, hake or flounder) - can be boiled or baked with vegetables;
  5. Buckwheat is suitable as a side dish for fish or chicken;
  6. Pair chicken eggs soft-boiled or omelet with herbs or vegetables;
  7. 200-250 ml of vegetable soup with chicken broth, optionally with a piece of boiled chicken breast;
  8. A glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or natural yogurt;
  9. 100 grams of natural cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than eight percent;
  10. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, dill, parsley and arugula, with the addition of a small amount of Feta cheese. Depending on the calorie content, you can add some legumes: or corn;

Various types of salads are an excellent option for dinner. And a wide variety of vegetables and herbs will not allow the dish to become boring. You can easily delight yourself with something new every day. As a complement to the main part of dinner, whole grain breads are perfect; thanks to the magnesium they contain, they are good at normalizing the level of fat in the body.

Let's sum it up

After dinner, as a snack, in order to drown out hunger, you can eat one apple, tangerine or, in general, any citrus fruit will only be beneficial. It’s not too often that you can afford one banana; it contains tryptophan, which improves sleep quality, as well as fiber. But you should not abuse them, since one banana on average contains at least one hundred kilocalories.

  1. In the first half of the day, you should consume as many carbohydrates as possible, in the second half, maximum proteins and fiber;
  2. Eat small portions, but often (5-6 times a day) this will speed up your metabolism;
  3. Plan your dinner depending on what time you go to bed (two to three hours before you go to bed);
  4. Completely eliminate fast foods and sweet sodas from your diet;
  5. If you wake up at night from hunger, change your daily diet;
  6. To lose weight, you should eat honey, not sugar, try to reduce the consumption of sugar and sweets to a minimum;
  7. If you wake up in the middle of the night from hunger, it could be thirst. Don’t run straight to the refrigerator, rather drink a glass of water;
  8. Play sports - physical exercise improve metabolism and burn extra calories;

Forget the stereotype that you can’t eat after six in the evening unless you go to bed at eight in the evening. Stick to your personal diet, making it based on your daily routine. Plan your diet for the whole day, counting calories, and leave something for the evening so that before bed all your thoughts are not focused on food. Don't go to bed feeling very hungry. If you really want to eat something harmful but tasty, eat half of the minimum portion. This way your diet is not in danger of failure, and you can allow yourself a little joy.

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All nutritionists in the world unanimously say that eating at night is harmful. Not everyone likes to give up a late-night snack, and many people can’t even do it. If the desire is too great, then there is no need to fight it, just choose the right products! You will get rid of the feeling of hunger, you will not suffer from insomnia without special harm for the figure.

What foods can be eaten at night

It's already time to go to bed, and you've developed a childish appetite? Before heading to the refrigerator, check to see if you are really hungry? Drink a glass of water, the feeling of hunger will dull a little. If this technique does not work, foods that you can eat at night will come in handy. Their list is not too long, but you will certainly find a tasty treat that will not cause serious harm to your figure and stomach.

The problem of eating at night is especially relevant for those whose work ends late, and there is simply no opportunity to have dinner earlier, for example, ten in the evening. In this case, try not to make dinner the main meal, keep it as light as possible. Choose dishes from the following list to avoid digestive problems:

  • a small portion of vegetable soup (can be with chicken broth);
  • plate oatmeal with a spoon of honey;
  • beans stewed with vegetables;
  • a light salad with fresh vegetables (for example, apple, carrots, grated beets, dressed with yogurt, not sour cream) with a minimum salt content;
  • omelette (eggs without yolks) with plenty of dill and parsley;
  • a piece of baked, boiled chicken breast or fish with vegetables;
  • fresh vegetable salad with seafood.

Cottage cheese for the night

Safe and healthy cottage cheese is absorbed quickly. Your body will only need 1.5 hours to digest it. For those who are on a diet and want to lose weight, it is better to choose cottage cheese with a low fat content at night. Eating this product will be beneficial for athletes. The protein contained in cottage cheese will support muscles for several hours.

Nuts at night

If you are wondering what you can eat in the evening that will benefit your body and health, think about nuts. When choosing this evening snack, remember that it is important to be careful. If you snack on a small amount of tasty nuts, your body will receive vitamins and energy. When nuts are consumed in large quantities at night, forget about your attempts to lose weight - this product is very high in calories. 10 almonds, peanuts, cashews or others - the optimal night snack. Walnut- This is not the best food at night for a hungry person because it is difficult to digest.

Cabbage at night

White cabbage belongs to the category of “negative calorie” vegetables. This term means that the body will need more calories to digest this product than it will receive with cabbage. Under the influence of the substances contained in this vegetable, the process of losing weight is activated and muscle endurance increases. Cabbage at night is the choice of those who monitor the slimness of their body and want to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice late in the evening as a snack if you want to say goodbye to those extra pounds and improve your sleep.

Carrots at night

Juicy carrots eaten before bed will prevent you from gaining weight. While you're dreaming, this orange root vegetable is leading active struggle with excess fat. Feel free to eat carrots at night and don’t worry about your figure, you won’t gain weight. You can eat carrots fresh or drink them in juice form. Add some carrots to low-fat cottage cheese or wash it down with a glass of kefir. The duet with fermented milk products is beneficial for your body.

Is it possible to have kefir at night?

For most people, the first answer to the question of what is best to eat at night is kefir. Sour milk in the late evening helps improve sleep and normalizes intestinal function. Kefir will suppress the appetite at night for those who do not want to gain weight, but cannot refuse an evening snack.

For a late dinner, use the kefir soup recipe. Take a liter fermented milk product, 1-2 cucumbers, a bunch of dill and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Grind the products and pour kefir over them. A delicious and safe late dinner is ready! An alternative to kefir is curdled milk or low-fat yogurt: you get the traditional Greek dish tzatziki.

Cheese for the night

For those who want to eat at night, a couple of pieces of low-fat cheese will not hurt. Complete absence carbohydrates makes it not the most dangerous food for the diet. Give preference to varieties with minimal fat content so that overnight cheese will not be reflected in your mirror. To reduce calories, combine this product with fresh vegetables: broccoli, cucumbers or celery

What fruits can you eat at night?

When following a diet, many believe that fruits contain no fat, but only healthy fiber, so they are in no hurry to give up their favorite fruits. Often this statement is true, but sometimes fruit at night is a food that will not be slow to show up in the form of excess weight on your body. You need to know exactly what you can eat at night, and which fruits are best to avoid. Even late in the evening, citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits), pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, pears, and apples will not hurt. These fruits are among the foods that can be eaten after 6 pm. You shouldn't eat bananas and grapes.

Apples for the night

If you have trouble falling asleep, an apple will help curb your hunger. It is better to choose a green fruit; it has less sugar than red or yellow ones. To make it easier for the body to digest an apple eaten before bed, nutritionists recommend peeling it. For some people, these fruits, on the contrary, whet their appetite. In this case, it is better to eat apples baked.

Is it possible to eat bananas at night?

The high calorie content of bananas is a direct contraindication to the consumption of these fruits for those who are losing weight. Chemical composition banana causes vigor and relieves fatigue, so this fruit is not The best decision for a late night snack. If your weight is normal, then you can easily afford to eat bananas at night, only in small quantities and not too late. From delicious and healthy fruit you can make a cocktail. Mix a glass of milk, half a banana and 50 ml in a blender carrot juice and some honey. It is better to drink the drink no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Orange for the night

Another answer to the question of what you can eat before bed is oranges. Low calorie content and significant content of healthy fiber make citrus fruit an excellent treat for a nighttime treat. Be careful, oranges at night can cause even more appetite. You have half an hour to fall asleep, otherwise hunger will soon appear again. If you notice this feature in yourself, then it is better to choose other products for a late dinner.

What not to eat at night

The list of foods that you should avoid in the evening is much longer than the list of permitted foods. Once in the stomach shortly before bedtime, many foods lie there like stones until the morning, poisoning the body. When you wake up, you will feel lethargic, tired, your immune system will weaken, and overweight will certainly appear over time. Experts say that you should absolutely not eat the following categories of foods at night:

  1. Snacks: chips, popcorn, crackers. The amount of calories in these foods is off the charts, so you shouldn’t eat them even during the day.
  2. Fat meat. Prolonged digestion of this food item puts it on the blacklist for anyone who cares about their health.
  3. Bread, buns, pasta. Flour products will be digested quickly by your stomach, but will immediately settle on your sides, buttocks and tummy. Beware of these foods if you don't want to gain weight.
  4. Chocolate and other sweets. Excess calories will certainly make themselves felt overweight.
  5. Dried fruits. Dried apricots, raisins, dried dates- these are products with high content fructose, so they cannot be used for late-night snacking.
  6. Avocado. The fruit contains a lot of fat and calories; you should not eat it in the evening.

Video: what you can eat at night when losing weight