If you have food poisoning. What to do if you have food poisoning

The body's reaction to these microorganisms is different for all people - in some people poisoning actually occurs, in others there is no reaction.

The biggest danger of food poisoning is death, which most often occurs after poisoning with mushrooms or missing fish.

There are several types of food poisoning:

foodborne diseases – provoke missing products (with expired shelf life), as well as products that were improperly stored or prepared in violation of sanitary standards;

toxic poisoning (non-infectious)– caused by the ingestion of natural or chemical toxins into the body along with food (poison of inedible mushrooms and plants, as well as chemicals).

If you suspect toxic poisoning caused by poisonous mushrooms, berries or chemicals that have entered the body along with food, consult a doctor immediately! This type poisoning is very dangerous, so you should not treat it yourself!!!

Symptoms of food poisoning

The first signs of food poisoning appear within 2-6 hours after eating.

Symptoms of food poisoning include:

Diagnosis of food poisoning

To make a diagnosis, the doctor collects a detailed medical history:

- interviews the patient;
- measures body temperature and pulse;
— conducts general examination for presence and palpation in the abdominal area.

Tests are also prescribed:

laboratory test feces;
— .

In rare cases, such diagnostic procedures:

— fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- sigmoidoscopy;
- fluoroscopy.

In case of mass food poisoning, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES) conducts an investigation of the products that could cause the poisoning.

Treatment for food poisoning includes taking food poisoning first aid, restoring the body, and following certain rules nutrition (diet) after all measures taken.

First aid for food poisoning

1. Gastric lavage

When the first symptoms of food poisoning appear, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach. This is done to remove any remaining junk food.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda is excellent for washing. To prepare the product: pour literally a few grains of potassium permanganate (until light pink) or 1 tbsp into 2 liters of water at room temperature. spoon of soda.

Have a drink this solution and call by pressing 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. Repeat the procedure until it starts to come out pure water.

Important! If the victim of poisoning is a child under 2 years old, a person after or in a very weakened or delirious state, a person unconscious, then inducing vomiting at home is strictly prohibited! Such patients may choke on vomit. In this case, only health workers under their supervision can induce vomiting!!!

2. Removing toxins from the body

After gastric lavage, sorbents are taken to remove toxins from the body.

The most popular sorbent is carbon, which we often recognize under the names: “Activated carbon” or “ White coal».

These drugs reduce absorption harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract and help remove from it not only toxins, but also salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and other harmful substances.

Upon admission activated carbon, proceed from the calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. “White coal” is taken 2-4 tablets, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

3. Replenishment of fluid lost by the body

After gastric lavage and taking the sorbent, to replenish the loss of fluid in the body (after vomiting and diarrhea), it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids.

Drink 2–3 liters of boiled liquid per day. Alternate the saline solution (add 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of boiled water table salt), sweet weak tea and chamomile decoction.

Drinking plenty of fluids not only restores water balance, but also helps a person to warm up, and also reduces pain.

4. Other events


Often, when food is poisoned, a person develops. In this case, it must be warmed up. To keep warm, cover the patient with a blanket and apply a heating pad to the legs.


After first aid and treatment of poisoning, a gentle diet is prescribed, which helps to quickly restore the functionality of the digestive organs. We will look at diet a little later in this article.

5. Medicines for food poisoning:

To restore water balance. They are used after gastric lavage to prevent dehydration of the body: "", "Oralit", "Chlorazol", "Litrozol" and others.

To restore intestinal microflora. Used after gastric lavage: “Hilak Forte”, “Linex”, “Mezim”, etc.;

Antipyretics. Apply if body temperature is above 37.5 degrees: “”, “”, etc.

Antibiotics are used only in severe cases of poisoning and are prescribed only by the attending physician.

See your doctor immediately if:

— symptoms of poisoning persist for 3 or more days;
- the course of poisoning becomes more severe;
- observed pain in the area of ​​the kidneys, liver or other internal organs, as well as prolonged abdominal cramps;
- holds;
- observed increased sweating and a feeling of suffocation;
- the child has been poisoned or old man;
- there is a suspicion of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, berries or fish.

After food poisoning (Diet for food poisoning)

An integral part of the treatment of food poisoning is diet.

In the first days after poisoning, it is necessary to give up fatty, spicy and heavy foods, milk and dairy products, alcohol and other bad habits.

Eat small meals. Steam or boil dishes. Drink a lot and gradually return to your diet.

For full recovery body, after food poisoning, follow some nutritional rules:

- the first day, when the symptoms of poisoning have disappeared, stick to bed rest and only drink - boiled water, weak green tea, decoction, tea from (warm, can be sweetened a little);

- on the second day, food should be light, boiled and chopped as much as possible. Start eating with cereals and broths - oatmeal, rice porridge (with water). Prepare vegetable or chicken broths. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids;

- on the third and fourth days you can eat mashed potatoes, rice, fillet lean fish(steamed).

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Treatment of food poisoning folk remedies It is permissible only for mild cases and only after consultation and permission from a doctor.

Dill. Pour 1 teaspoon of dill seeds into 1.5 cups of boiling water and let them brew for about 5 minutes. Now boil the infusion for a couple of minutes, strain, let it cool slightly, and when the product is warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Take the resulting product instead of tea throughout the day. The daily norm is 1 liter.

Cinnamon. Pour ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon into 1 cup of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Let the product sit for 15-20 minutes, then strain. Drink this decoction in small sips throughout the day. The daily norm is 1.5 l.

Wormwood and yarrow. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of dried wormwood and 1 teaspoon. Let them sit for about 20 minutes, then strain. Divide the resulting product into 5 servings to drink throughout the day.

Marshmallow root. Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed marshmallow roots into ½ cup of boiling water. Let the product sit for about 30 minutes, strain and add to it (to taste). Drink the resulting infusion 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Marshmallow flowers and leaves. 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of marshmallow flowers and leaves. Leave to brew for 3-4 hours, then drink instead of tea 3 times a day.

To prevent, or at least minimize the risk of food poisoning, adhere to the following preventive rules:

Try to purchase and consume less frozen semi-finished products - pizza, cutlets, fish sticks, etc.

Avoid purchasing or eating fish that look wrinkled or have white gills.

If you have allergies to certain foods, be aware of them.

In the summer, when it is hot outside, do not purchase or eat sweets with cream or milk filling - cakes, straws, eclairs, etc.

Do not drink alcohol “from under the counter”, as well as cheap wines, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, etc. Better yet, don’t drink alcoholic beverages in any form at all, because... this drink does not benefit humans, except for medicinal purposes, for example, red wine to increase hemoglobin levels, etc.

Change your washcloth and kitchen towel more often, and keep your kitchen clean.

Which doctor should you contact if you are poisoned?

Food poisoning. Video

- This is damage to the body due to the ingress of harmful substances or poisons into it. Penetration of toxins is possible through the mouth with food or water, the nasopharynx with air, and also through the skin. The painful state of the body can be very serious, so it is important to know the types of intoxication, symptoms and basic first aid.

Poisoning is the penetration of harmful toxins into the body

Types of poisoning

Based on the pathogenic substance that has become a provoking factor in intoxication of the body, several main types of poisoning are distinguished:

  • food;
  • damage from toxic substances and chemicals;
  • poisoning by alcohol, drugs, medicines;
  • alkaline substances and acids;
  • carbon monoxide or household monoxide;
  • self-poisoning (intoxication of the body with its own waste products - feces).

Depending on the routes of entry into the body, the severity of the disease and the conditions of exposure to internal organs, intoxication has a specific classification.

By route of entry into the body:

  • oral – through the oral cavity;
  • percutaneous - through the skin;
  • parenteral - through injections intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously;
  • biological – bites of insects, snakes, animals;
  • inhalation - through Airways;
  • cavitary (penetration of toxins into ear canal, genitals, anus).

Harmful substances can enter the body through an injection

According to the degree of impact on vital systems:

  • lungs;
  • average;
  • strong;
  • extremely heavy.

According to symptoms:

  • acute – one-time damage by toxic substances, manifests itself sharply and clearly;
  • chronic - observed as a result of the gradual accumulation of toxins in the body, often symptoms appear and then disappear.

Due to the development of intoxication:

  • household;
  • random (in children - with medications)
  • industrial (vapors, poisons in large enterprises);
  • intentional (suicidal).

Types of poisoning differ from each other clinical manifestations and characteristics of the impact on the human body. To determine the type of intoxication, it is important to know its symptoms and provide first aid in time.

Food poisoning

As a result of consuming contaminated or low-quality food products, food poisoning.

Products at risk include:

  • meat and fish products;
  • milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, butter, sour cream, yogurt;
  • eggs;
  • cream cakes, biscuits.

Can provoke intoxication pathogenic microorganisms in products that have undergone improper heat treatment or storage, resulting in spoilage.

The first symptoms of food poisoning occur 2–4 hours after eating:

  • malaise and weakness appear;
  • begins to feel sick, frequent vomiting occurs;
  • diarrhea may be mixed with blood and thick greenish mucus;
  • pain or paroxysmal discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • pallor skin.

Food poisoning causes diarrhea

With increasing intoxication, a decrease in pressure, a change in heart rate(the pulse becomes faster or slower), a temperature appears, and the patient begins to feel thirsty.

The most dangerous species food intoxication is considered to be damage from poisonous mushrooms (missing, poisonous, improperly stored) and botulism ( acute infection, which has a pathogenic effect on the nervous system).

Drug poisoning

Reasons for getting too much medicinal drugs can be:

  • children’s access to the first aid kit (once they get to the medicines, the child is able to eat colorful pills and provoke poisoning);
  • accidental overdose (failure to comply daily norm, patient forgetfulness);
  • deliberate poisoning (with the aim of committing suicide).

The first signs depend on the specific drug. If a person has overdone it with sleeping pills, severe inhibition occurs nervous system, a spasm of the respiratory tract occurs and an unconscious state is observed.

General symptoms drug poisoning speakers:

  • dizziness;
  • decreased or increased blood pressure;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • drowsiness, weakness, malaise;
  • abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.

At drug poisoning very dizzy

In most cases, the patient runs the risk of losing consciousness within an hour. It is important not to delay in providing emergency assistance.

Fecal poisoning

Intoxication of the body occurs due to increased putrefactive processes due to constipation.


  • headaches in the temporal part;
  • frequent nausea, often with vomiting;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • the appearance of fever;
  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite.

Fecal poisoning causes fever

With chronic constipation, sleep can be disturbed, swelling appears, hair falls out, and nails peel. To prevent self-poisoning, it is important to avoid bowel retention for more than 2 days.

Alcohol and drug intoxication

Drinking low-quality alcoholic beverages or excessive amounts of them can lead to severe poisoning. This also includes damage from ammonia.

Intoxication can be recognized by the following signs:

  • abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • nausea, severe vomiting;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • prostration.

Alcohol poisoning causes loss of orientation in space

In severe cases, the person loses consciousness. Paralysis of the respiratory tract is possible, resulting in death.

Poisoning with narcotic drugs is no less dangerous. The first signs of intoxication are similar to alcohol damage, only before their manifestations attacks of aggression, overexcitation or euphoria are possible. Psychotropic substances have a detrimental effect on the central nervous system, which provokes anxiety, spasms of the respiratory tract, and fainting.

Poisoning by poisons and chemicals

Symptoms appear within 20–50 minutes and are severe:

  • breathing becomes intermittent;
  • the secretion of saliva and sputum increases (a cough develops);
  • the person sweats profusely;
  • The lower extremities gradually begin to cramp.

Chemical poisoning is characterized by leg cramps

It is important to immediately provide first aid to the patient. Otherwise, there is a high probability of paralysis of the respiratory system and death.

Household or carbon monoxide poisoning

Conditions that can trigger the entry of carbon monoxide into the body are:

  • production processes that are involved in the synthesis of organic compounds - poisoning with paint, silicate glue, toxic detergents;
  • poor ventilation;
  • leakage of domestic gas in the house due to unclosed dampers in the stoves.

Early clinical picture Such poisoning manifests itself within an hour.

You can recognize it by such signs as:

  • feeling of tightness in the head;
  • dizziness, migraine, tinnitus;
  • increased heart rate.

Nausea and vomiting gradually appear. If the irritating factor is not quickly eliminated and the person is not brought to Fresh air, breathing becomes difficult, vision becomes dark, and the patient loses consciousness. With severe damage to toxins, convulsions and shortness of breath develop, and cardiac arrest is possible.

Intoxication with alkalis and acid compounds

Caustic alkalis and acids are used in the chemical, textile, paper industries, in the production of soap, and artificial fiber. Dangerous connections enter the body in vapor through the respiratory system, mucous membranes (eyes), skin, or in liquid form through the oral cavity.

The first signs of intoxication:

  • expressed pain syndrome affected areas (mouth, lips, chest, in the stomach area);
  • profuse and painful vomiting of blood;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • pain shock.

Alkaline and acid poisoning causes swelling of the larynx

Alkalis and acids provoke chemical burn esophagus, nasopharynx, stomach, oral cavity. High risk of suffocation and complications to internal organs.

Stages of poisoning

Acute intoxication can occur in 2 main stages.

  1. Toxigenic. It begins to develop immediately after a pathogenic substance enters the body. The toxin begins to affect chemical compounds and destroy them, to which the body reacts violently. The toxicogenic stage lasts until the poison is absorbed into vital tissues.
  2. Somatogenic. It begins after the harmful substance has already broken down and provoked specific complications in the body.

The toxicogenic stage of poisoning is the entry of harmful substances into the body

The purpose of dividing intoxication into certain stages is to correct selection treatment. With the toxicogenic form, all the efforts of doctors go to the speedy removal of toxic substances from the body, before they are absorbed into the deeper cellular layers. If the somatogenic stage has arrived, the goal of therapy is to restore the functional properties of the internal organs affected by the poison.

Which doctor should I contact?

The specialist who makes the primary diagnosis is. The doctor collects anamnesis based on the patient’s symptoms and complaints.

  • infectious disease specialist;
  • resuscitator (in case of severe or extremely severe poisoning);
  • toxicologist (for radiation exposure or consumption of products with radionuclides).

For mild intoxication, an examination by a physician is sufficient. If the patient is unconscious or in in serious condition, you shouldn’t wait for a doctor, you need to call an ambulance and take the patient to intensive care.


To find out the source of poisoning and make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed to undergo a series of tests.

  1. The clinical picture is being clarified. The doctor performs an examination and survey, which makes it possible to determine the type of intoxication as much as possible based on the first signs.
  2. Instrumental research. Using a cardiogram, the condition of the heart is determined, and an encephalogram shows brain activity. To determine the degree of damage to internal organs of ultrasound organizations.
  3. Lab tests. The quantitative and qualitative presence of toxic substances in the body is determined, as well as the severity of the effects of poisons on the kidneys, liver, intestines and other vital organs.
A complex approach in the diagnosis of poisoning, it allows not only to identify toxic substances, but also to determine the degree of damage to the body.

Cardiogram shows the condition of the heart


Poisoning from food, medicine, alcohol or chemicals requires immediate attention. Let’s take a closer look at what to do at home and how to get help at the emergency room.

First aid at home

Any intoxication requires immediate first aid.

It is important not to hesitate and get your bearings in time:

  1. In case of food poisoning, the victim should be given adsorbent medications (activated carbon), rinse the stomach with saline solution, or use a laxative.
  2. In case of toxic damage to the respiratory system (gas, poisons, chemical vapors and acids), the patient must be protected from the irritant and provided with fresh air. It is important to rinse your throat and mouth with a concentrated soda solution.
  3. In case of mushroom poisoning, it is important to remove the poisons from the stomach and intestines as quickly as possible. If possible, do an enema, give enterosorbents and laxatives (saline solutions are possible).
  4. If a person has been poisoned by alcohol, ammonia will help bring him back to his senses. It is important to cleanse the stomach by lavage soda solution or plain water.
  5. In case of damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes by toxic substances. It is necessary to wash the victim under running water for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, it is better to cover the eyes with a clean bandage.
  6. If alkali or acid gets on the skin, immediately remove the pathogenic substance with a cotton pad. In case of alkaline poisoning, treat the affected area with vinegar. The acid is removed under running water.

It is important to provide on time first aid: call a medical team and, while it is on its way, alleviate the condition of the victim and prevent the spread of toxins further throughout the body.

Activated carbon is the first remedy for food poisoning


Upon arrival at the victim, the ambulance team assesses the patient’s condition and, depending on the cause of the poisoning, takes appropriate measures. First of all, it cleanses the stomach (for food, drug, alcohol poisoning).

If a person inhales carbon monoxide:

  • an antidote is administered (the required amount of oxygen);
  • injections of anticonvulsants are administered;
  • restore heart function (administration of glucosides).

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, injections of special drugs are administered

In case of poisoning with alkalis and acids, doctors, after washing the stomach with plenty of plain water, give the patient narcotic analgesics to prevent a state of shock. Used for cardiac arrest indirect massage heart and artificial respiration.

After providing first aid, a team of specialists hospitalizes the victim in the hospital. The patient is observed in the infectious diseases or toxicology department. If necessary, resuscitation measures are carried out.

What do you eat if you are poisoned?

To improve your condition and speed up the recovery period, it is important to eat right.

  • vegetable puree soups, not fried and without meat;
  • steamed chicken or rabbit meat cutlets (can be used from day 3 of the diet) –;
  • steamed fish meatballs;
  • biscuits;
  • rice, buckwheat, cooked in water;
  • fruits (non-acidic) and vegetables, eaten or boiled;
  • soufflé from dietary meat (chicken, beef, rabbit);
  • steamed omelette.

In case of poisoning, you should eat vegetable soup without meat

You can drink boiled warm water or mineral water, but without gas. On the 3rd day after poisoning, you are allowed to take fruit jelly, chamomile tea with honey (1/2 tsp). Dairy products(low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) is best introduced from day 6 of the diet.

During the recovery period after intoxication, it is prohibited to drink alcohol, junk food(spicy, salty, smoked, sauces and seasonings, carbonated drinks, flour and sweets). This will protect weakened organs from unnecessary stress.

How dangerous is poisoning?

Penetrating into the human body, toxic substances have a detrimental effect on vital systems and disrupt the functioning of the latter.

As a result, the following complications may occur:

  • pathological changes in the heart and blood vessels - bradycardia or tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia;
  • abnormalities in the nervous system - impaired consciousness, hallucinations, overexcitation, depression (may persist for several years);
  • allergic reactions that have not previously been observed (a consequence of food poisoning) - rashes, redness of the skin (occurs in both adults and children).

Poisonings can cause changes in blood pressure

Severe poisoning is characterized by impaired respiratory activity, as a result of which the blood supply to the brain slows down. Pulmonary edema and cardiac arrest are most often fatal.


It is possible to protect adults and children from various types of intoxication if preventive measures are strictly followed.

  1. Store food correctly, do not eat suspicious foods, unknown or rotten mushrooms, and thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before eating. Fish and meat products should be subject to high-quality heat treatment.
  2. Do not abuse alcohol, do not try surrogate or ammonia as a hangover.
  3. Keep medications out of the reach of children, follow the instructions and daily doses.
  4. Follow safety rules when working with pesticides, acids and alkalis. Store toxic substances in special containers and rooms.
  5. Monitor your household gas. Turn off the valve after cooking food, and regularly check stoves and pipes for leaks.

Unknown types of mushrooms should not be eaten.

Observing simple rules safety, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from poisoning with toxic substances of various etiologies.

Poisoning of the body is dangerous and painful condition, in which there is a strong violation of all vital important organs– breathing becomes difficult, pulmonary edema and cardiac arrest are possible. It is important to provide assistance to the victim in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of death. To prevent intoxication of the body, it is necessary to follow safety rules, both at home and at work.


Not only the taste of the prepared dish depends on the quality of the products. First of all, by buying fresh, properly stored food, we protect ourselves from food poisoning. However, even a careful study of expiration dates before purchasing and attractive appearance product is not a 100% guarantee of its quality. You can be poisoned by any food that has been exposed to pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins. Food poisoning occurs especially often during the hot season. The article will tell you what symptoms arise from food poisoning in an adult and what treatment should be carried out.

Features of the pathological condition

Food poisoning refers to acute conditions, the development of which is provoked by the consumption of low-quality food (whose expiration dates have expired, with storage problems, which have undergone inadequate heat treatment), contaminated with pathogens and their toxins. All food poisonings are manifested by common symptoms - indigestion and signs of intoxication.

What the pathogen was determines the type of poisoning. They are:

  • microbial or infectious;
  • non-microbial, also called toxic.

An infectious type condition occurs when bacteria (staphylococcus, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), viruses, protozoa, and mold spores enter the body.

Toxic food poisoning develops under the influence of toxic substances present in foods: when eating inedible mushrooms, berries, herbs, and poisonous fish.

When the pathogen enters the body with food, it quickly spreads throughout the body. After just an hour or two from eating low-quality food, symptoms of poisoning may appear.

Note: food poisoning is characterized by a sporadic nature, that is, cases of development are most often isolated. Mass poisonings can occur at banquets and feasts, where the same dishes are consumed by several people. But at the same time, not everyone who has eaten spoiled food may show signs of poisoning, which is associated with a mosaic accumulation of pathogens and their toxins in food.

What causes poisoning?

The main cause of poisoning is the consumption of food that has become infected with pathogenic microorganisms during cooking or further storage. Improper storage means failure to maintain temperature conditions not only in grocery store refrigerators, but also at home. If cooked food sits on the counter or stove for too long, bacteria can grow in it.

Violation of the integrity of the packaging of products sold in stores leads to their spoilage even if the temperature conditions for further storage are observed.

Canned food carries an increased danger; if its production technology is violated, there is a high risk of contracting botulism. A person who eats such canned food can die.

The likelihood of getting poisoned is higher if you consume:

  • fermented milk products and milk;
  • cakes, confectionery with cream;
  • meat and fish (prepared by cold smoking);
  • out-of-season fruits;
  • prepared culinary dishes, especially salads with mayonnaise;
  • pickled products.

Important! The above products only need a few hours of storage in inappropriate conditions (outside the refrigerator) for poisoning to occur after consumption.

In addition, the cause of food poisoning can be the consumption of ready meals in public catering places (cookeries, restaurants, cafes, street fast foods) prepared by a person suffering from an intestinal infectious disease. Pathogenic microorganisms can get into food from his hands or contaminated dishes. The likelihood of food contamination increases if sanitary standards in the kitchen are not followed. Insects such as flies, cockroaches, and ants can carry the infection.

Toxic food poisoning can result from eating mushrooms that you pick yourself. Moreover, the risk of poisoning exists not only when eating inedible mushrooms. Even edible honey mushrooms or chanterelles collected near the roadway or near industrial enterprises can lead to poisoning. Unfamiliar fruits from trees and bushes also pose a danger. It is not safe to collect them and eat them!


The severity of symptoms may vary depending on the amount of food eaten, general condition human health, the speed of providing first aid. The first signs of food poisoning in adults can appear both after 30-60 minutes and during the first day after eating suspicious foods. The following symptoms indicate food poisoning:

  • nausea, turning into vomiting (undigested food particles and gastric juice may be present in the vomit), attacks of vomiting are repeated many times;
  • increased salivation;
  • repeated many times, loose stool, watery consistency with a strong unpleasant odor;
  • abdominal pain (sharp, strong cramps are reactions of the intestines to bacteria and toxic substances that have entered it);
  • general malaise, weakness, muscle aches;
  • dizziness, headaches.

With food poisoning in adults, the increase in body temperature is often slight. In some cases, indicators remain within normal values or rise to 37-37.5 degrees. But when severe poisoning and getting into the blood large quantity toxins, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees.

Repeated vomiting and loose, frequent stools lead to loss of fluid from the body. Dehydration poses a major health threat, so in case of food poisoning it is important to constantly replenish fluid losses. Severe dehydration is indicated by dry mucous membranes, tight lips, loss of elasticity of the skin, extreme thirst, lack of urination for more than 3 hours. If the water balance is not replenished, a person may lose consciousness, hallucinate, and have a significant drop in blood pressure.

Symptoms inherent in the pathology can be observed for three days; by the 4th day the severity of the manifestations decreases. Weakness, impotence, bloating, and lack of appetite may continue for about a week after recovery.

How to help a patient?

If signs of poisoning appear, you must act quickly. The further course of the disease depends on the speed of providing first aid for food poisoning in an adult. With a quick response, the absorption of toxins into the blood can be stopped, thereby preventing the development of severe consequences.

The first thing to do in case of poisoning is to rinse the stomach to remove toxic substances from the body. To do this, you need to drink half a liter of a weak soda-salt solution or a solution of potassium permanganate. You need to drink in one gulp, in large sips. After this, vomiting is immediately artificially induced by pressing on the root of the tongue with a finger. Rinsing is repeated many times (8-10 times) until the stomach is completely cleansed, as evidenced by clear water coming out when vomiting.

In the future, it is important to ensure optimal fluid intake into the body. The patient is given water herbal teas, compotes. You need to drink in small sips so as not to cause vomiting, but often.

After gastric lavage, the victim is given activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or another available sorbent: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Sorbex, Smecta.

If the temperature rises, you must take an antipyretic: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, MIG.

Further treatment

For mild cases, treatment can be carried out at home. If the patient's condition is severe, hospitalization is required. With repeated vomiting, high temperature and signs of dehydration, you need to call an ambulance.

If after gastric lavage the condition returns to normal, you need to follow bed rest, drink a lot, take sorbents.

It is necessary to take solutions for rehydration: Oralite, Humana Electrolyte. There is no need to take antidiarrheal medications that harden the stool. With frequent bowel movements, the body gets rid of toxins.

To normalize the intestinal microflora, taking probiotics or. At severe cramps in the intestines No-shpa, Spazmalgon can be prescribed.

Diet plays an important role in recovery. Eating food on the first day is undesirable. You can eat from the second day. First, light soups from vegetables, rice, mashed potatoes (without milk and butter), biscuits, and crackers are introduced. All indigestible foods are excluded from the diet for 2-3 weeks.

Poisoning is a systemic damage to the body due to the ingestion of toxic substances. The poison can enter the body through the mouth, respiratory tract or skin. The following types of poisoning are distinguished:

  • Food poisoning;
  • Mushroom poisoning (separated into a separate group, as they differ from ordinary food poisoning);
  • Poisoning medicines;
  • Poisoning with toxic chemicals (acids, alkalis, household chemicals, petroleum products);
  • Alcohol poisoning;
  • Poisoning with carbon monoxide, smoke, ammonia vapor, etc.

In case of poisoning, all functions of the body are affected, but the activity of the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems is most severely affected. The consequences of poisoning can be very serious; in severe cases, dysfunction of vital organs can lead to fatal outcome, in connection with which first aid in case of poisoning is extremely important, and sometimes a person’s life depends on how timely and correctly it is provided.

General rules for first aid for poisoning

Principles of rendering emergency assistance the following:

  1. Stop contact with the toxic substance;
  2. Remove the poison from the body as quickly as possible;
  3. Support vitally important functions body, primarily respiratory and cardiac activity. If necessary, carry out resuscitation measures ( indoor massage heart, mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose breathing);
  4. Call a doctor for the victim; in urgent cases - ambulance.

It is important to establish exactly what caused the poisoning; this will help you quickly navigate the situation and effectively provide assistance.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning is what we most often encounter in Everyday life Perhaps there is not a single adult who has not experienced this condition himself. The cause of food poisoning is the ingestion of poor-quality food into the body; as a rule, we are talking about bacterial contamination.

Symptoms of food poisoning usually develop an hour or two after eating. These are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache. In severe cases, vomiting and diarrhea become intense and repeated, and general weakness appears.

First aid for poisoning food products is as follows:

  1. Perform gastric lavage. To do this, give the victim at least one liter of water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate to drink, then induce vomiting by pressing two fingers on the root of the tongue. This must be done several times until the vomit consists of one liquid, without impurities;
  2. Give the victim an adsorbent. The most common and inexpensive is activated carbon. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight, so a person weighing 60 kg needs to take 6 tablets at once. In addition to activated carbon, the following are suitable: Polyphepan, Lignin, Diosmectite, Sorbex, Enterosgel, Smecta, etc.;
  3. If there is no diarrhea, which is rare, you should artificially induce a bowel movement; this can be done with an enema or by taking a saline laxative (magnesium, Carlsbad salt and so on.);
  4. Warm the victim - lay him down, wrap him in a blanket, give warm tea, you can apply a heating pad to his feet;
  5. Replenish fluid loss by giving the patient plenty of fluids - lightly salted water, unsweetened tea.

Mushroom poisoning

First aid for mushroom poisoning differs from help for ordinary food poisoning in that the victim must be examined by a doctor, even if the symptoms of poisoning at first glance seem insignificant. The reason is that mushroom poison can cause serious damage to the nervous system, which does not appear immediately. However, if you wait for symptoms to worsen, help may not arrive in time.

Drug poisoning

If drug poisoning occurs, you must immediately call a doctor, and before his arrival, it is advisable to find out what the victim took and in what quantity. Signs of poisoning medicinal substances manifest themselves differently depending on the effect of the drug that caused the poisoning. Most often this is a lethargic or unconscious state, vomiting, lethargy, drooling, chills, pale skin, convulsions, and strange behavior.

If the victim is conscious, while waiting for the doctor to arrive, it is necessary to carry out the same emergency measures as for food poisoning. Patient in unconscious should be placed on his side so that if he starts vomiting he does not choke on the vomit, keep his pulse and breathing under control, and if they weaken, begin resuscitation measures.

Poisoning with acids and alkalis

Concentrated acids and alkalis are strong poisons, which, in addition to toxic effects, also cause burns at the site of contact. Since poisoning occurs when acid or alkali enters the body through the mouth, one of its signs is burns of the mouth and pharynx, and sometimes lips. First aid for poisoning with such substances includes gastric lavage clean water, contrary to popular belief, there is no need to try to inactivate the acid with alkali, and you should not induce vomiting without rinsing. After gastric lavage, in case of acid poisoning, you can give the victim milk or a little vegetable oil to drink.

Poisoning by volatile substances

Poisoning that occurs as a result of inhalation of toxic substances is considered one of the most severe types of intoxication, since the process directly involves respiratory system Consequently, not only breathing suffers, but also toxic substances quickly penetrate the blood, causing damage to the entire body. Thus, the threat in this case is double - intoxication plus disruption of the breathing process. Therefore, the most important first aid measure for poisoning by volatile substances is to provide the victim with clean air.

A conscious person must be taken out into clean air and tight clothing loosened. If possible, rinse your mouth and throat with a soda solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water). If there is no consciousness, the victim should be placed with his head elevated and air flow should be ensured. It is necessary to check the pulse and breathing, and if they are abnormal, carry out resuscitation measures until cardiac and respiratory activity stabilizes or until an ambulance arrives.

Mistakes in providing first aid for poisoning

Some measures taken as emergency aid in case of poisoning, instead of alleviating the condition of the victim, can cause additional harm to him. Therefore, you should know common mistakes and avoid making them.

So, when providing emergency assistance for poisoning, you should not:

  1. Give sparkling water to drink;
  2. Induce vomiting in pregnant women, unconscious victims, or in the presence of convulsions;
  3. Try to give an antidote yourself (for example, neutralize an acid with an alkali);
  4. Give laxatives in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, household chemicals and petroleum products.

For all types of poisoning, it is necessary to call an ambulance, because Poisoning almost always requires hospitalization. The only exceptions are mild cases of food poisoning, which can be treated at home.

Food poisoning has clear symptoms and occurs as a result of consuming food or liquid containing food toxins, viruses, microorganisms or their waste products.

Food poisoning is not contagious. However, the mass disease of people who participated in a shared meal - typical sign food poisoning.

Causes of food poisoning

Poisoning occurs when two types of toxic agents enter the body.
1 group. Infections caused by protozoa, viruses or microbes. These include coli, staphylococci, salmonella, botulinum and listerine, shigella (dysentery), rota and enteroviruses.
Food prepared by a person infected with microorganisms becomes a source of disease.
2nd group. Toxic poisoning caused by ingestion of inedible mushrooms, plants, poisons, heavy metals or chemical toxins contained in food. For example, toxic dyes, preservatives; fertilizers or heavy metal salts found in vegetables or fruits growing in environmentally polluted regions.

How to recognize food intoxication?

What are the signs of food poisoning?

Poisoning appears suddenly, and the state of health sharply deteriorates from normal to requiring medical intervention. The first signs may appear half an hour after a harmful toxin enters the body. The average time for food poisoning to manifest is 2-5 hours. Some toxins can be stored in the body for up to a week, but this is a rare exception.

Group 1 symptoms of food poisoning

The body tries to get rid of the harmful substance. During this period, the gastrointestinal tract, affected by toxins, tries to get rid of spoiled food on its own.
During the first period of disease development, the symptoms of food poisoning are as follows:

  • Vomit. First, the stomach gets rid of all the food in it. The urge continues and when the stomach is already empty, vomiting begins gastric juice or painful urges. Taking any liquid, food or medicine provokes vomiting. During this period, rapid gastric lavage can stop the disease.
  • Diarrhea. The intestines, like the stomach, are rapidly emptied. First, the entire contents of the intestine are released, followed by liquid greenish stool with a pungent odor.

Any intake of food, liquid or medication causes lightning-fast bowel movements.
Adsorbents adopted at this stage and medicines are difficult to retain in the body.
The gastrointestinal tract is inflamed, which is manifested by a number of typical symptoms:

  • painful abdominal cramps and excruciating colic - it is difficult to stay upright;
  • nausea - any food and drink, except water, causes acute disgust;
  • increased salivation.

Group 2 symptoms of food poisoning

Intoxication of the body. During this period, pathogenic toxins come from gastrointestinal tract into the blood, and a general deterioration of the condition begins. Intoxication occurs almost immediately after the manifestation of damage to the stomach and intestines and manifests itself as follows:

  • weakness, lethargy - in case of food poisoning, bed rest is immediately required, since the patient is not able to stand;
  • temperature increase - depends on the toxic agent, the temperature rises to 37-39 C.
  • chills - the patient will need warm clothes and a blanket, since he is cold all the time;
  • pain - due to blood intoxication, a painful toxin spreads throughout the body, and widespread pain occurs severe pain. Headache, muscles, joints hurt.

During this period, the body's defense mechanisms are activated. When the above signs of food poisoning appear, it is necessary to begin intensive treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Intoxication with botulinum or shigella derivatives can be fatal.

Poisoning is especially dangerous for older people; children - they have a weak body’s defense reaction to toxins; pregnant women - poisoning in some cases leads to the production of oxytocin, a sharp contraction of the uterus, and miscarriage is possible.

Group 3 signs of food poisoning

Dehydration of the body. It occurs as a result of vomiting and diarrhea, which deprive the body of fluids. A dangerous symptom that, due to intoxication, can lead to death.
For example, at small child loss of 500 ml of fluid is fatal. Self-medication at this stage is unacceptable. If you have not yet consulted a doctor, you need to do so immediately. It is possible to replenish fluid loss by administering intravenous fluids and nutritional solutions.

Symptoms of dehydration.

  • Thirst - in this case, any liquids other than water cause disgust, and drinking provokes vomiting or diarrhea. It is necessary to drink, because some amount of moisture will remain in the body and help fight poisoning. At severe weakness the patient is forced to drink - this usually applies to children.
  • Decreased urination – due to diarrhea, there is no urination.
  • The heartbeat is rapid and weak - dehydration leads to blood thickening, which in some diseases can lead to blood clots. Arterial pressure is significantly reduced.
  • Severe weakness - as the patient loses moisture, he becomes so weak that he has difficulty moving and even talking.
  • Dry skin and mucous membranes – lips become dry, even inner surface the mouth does not seem wet. In adults, wrinkles appear sharply, dehydrated skin “sags”, loses elasticity and smoothness.

At the stage of loss of a large amount of physiological fluid, food poisoning: symptoms and treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Group 4 symptoms of food poisoning

Damage to the central nervous system.
Some toxic agents affect the nervous system. Defeat appears nerve cells the following symptoms:

  • hallucinations;
  • rave;
  • paralysis of the laryngeal muscles - without immediate assistance, the patient suffocates because the respiratory muscles do not work;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the face and body;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • paralysis of the eye muscles – leads to visual dysfunction;
  • coma.

Poisoning caused by Clostridium botulinum (botulism) leads to damage to the central nervous system. Symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea are absent with botulism. After incubation period(several hours - 2 days) weakness and headache occur. Then damage to the nervous system appears:

  • visual impairment;
  • damage to the facial muscles - the face turns into a frozen mask with smooth nasolabial folds - this is a typical sign of botulinum damage;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx and palate - the patient cannot swallow or breathe - it is suffocation that most often leads to death.

Main causes of food intoxication

Subsequently, the patient can accurately determine which food caused the poisoning. Food contaminated with microorganisms may look and smell normal, it’s just that the toxic agents inside have not yet begun to multiply.

There are a number of foods that should be treated with caution, especially on hot days:

  • milk products;
  • raw and undercooked eggs;
  • dishes with raw, uncooked fish or meat;
  • cream cakes, pastries;
  • homemade preparations;
  • salads dressed with mayonnaise;
  • all perishable foods (especially cottage cheese, sausages, salads);
  • products in packaging whose integrity has been compromised.

In case of food poisoning, the sooner treatment is started, the faster the patient’s well-being will improve. If measures are taken quickly in case of infectious poisoning, improvement in the condition may occur within a few hours after the onset of the disease. Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
You should definitely call a doctor if an elderly person, child or pregnant woman falls ill.
Toxic poisoning in most cases can only be treated in an inpatient setting.