Sandy carnation growing. Planting material. Perennials and ground cover plants. Carnation. Where and how does carnation grow?

It has accompanied people for thousands of years and never ceases to amaze. “The tree of life” - Muslims call it, “gives youth and health” - the Chinese echo them. All organs of this plant are medicinal; it is not for nothing that unabi is one of the five most effective on Earth. Let's try to figure out what jujube is, what its beneficial features and are there any contraindications to its use?

Did you know? The scientific name "ziziphus" comes from the Greek word "ziziphon", which the Greeks, in turn, borrowed from the Persians. It means “edible fruit”. Concerning various options names of jujube, then it can be called a record holder, since it has more than thirty names (for example, “Judas apple”, “Ilan jida”, “female plum”, “yanap”, etc.).

Jujube: calorie content, composition and nutritional value

100 g of jujube fruit contains 79 kcal. This allows you to safely use jujube in dietary nutrition. Unabi fruits have a unique chemical composition and a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, acids, oils and other substances. Vitamin composition jujube includes:

  • vitamin C (its content exceeds lemon by 15 times);
  • vitamin P (rutin) - from 0.29 to 0.95%;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid);
  • retinol (A);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • B vitamins (pantothenic and folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine).

Up to 30% of jujube fruits are sugars, 4% - fixed oils, 10% are tannins, there are also flavonoids (catechins), polysaccharides (pectin), glycosides (neomirtilline or plant insulin). No less impressive is the content of macro- and microelements:

  • lead;
  • copper;
  • mercury;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • cobalt;
  • titanium, etc.
Regular consumption of such a balanced natural combination of vitamins and minerals has a positive effect on general condition body. Unabi fruits also have high nutritional value(proteins - 1.2%, carbohydrates - 20.23%). They taste like dates.

Benefits of jujube for the body

The beneficial properties of unabi and its unique vitamin and mineral composition determined the use of the plant in. Like ginseng or eleutherococcus, unabi:

  • tones the central and peripheral nervous systems;
  • rejuvenates and regenerates cells;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • disinfects;
  • removes free radicals;
  • gives a diuretic effect;
  • removes bile;
  • acts as an antioxidant (removes heavy metals, toxins, bad cholesterol and etc.);
  • weakens toxicosis;
  • has an anesthetic effect (especially effective in helping with toothache and headaches).
Jujube effectively lowers high blood pressure, soothes, and improves sleep. Regular use of jujube strengthens the heart and blood vessels, has a preventive effect against sclerosis, etc. Jujube is especially useful during the recovery period after operations or serious illnesses.

The use of jujube in folk medicine

Medicinal properties The unabi did not go unnoticed. There is even a saying in China that those who eat unabi fruits do not need doctors. All the “organs” of jujube have found their application.

Jujube has thick gray or black bark and cherry-colored branches. The young bark has no cracks and is smoother. The bark is used for medicinal purposes. It acts as a tonic, helping to get rid of diarrhea. A decoction is prepared from 10 g of crushed bark. Pour a glass of boiling water over it and place in a water bath (up to 45 minutes). Drink 2 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.


Jujube leaves are leathery, elongated-ovate, located on small petioles. They have a hypotensive effect, promote expectoration of sputum (for diseases of the lungs and bronchi), stabilize blood pressure and heartbeat(for hypertension). To prepare the infusion, use 2 tablespoons of dry leaves per 300 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist for 1 - 2 hours. Drink - three tablespoons three times a day.

A decoction of the leaves can be used to wash out ulcers on the mucous membranes.

Did you know? Jujube leaves contain an anesthetic. If you chew a fresh leaf, the anesthetic in it has a temporary paralyzing effect on the taste buds of sweet and bitter. The taste of sour and salty is still felt.

Jujubes are ovoid and 6 cm long. Unabi berries are eaten fresh and dried; in addition, their beneficial properties do not disappear from heat treatment. It is recommended to take fruits:

  • For hypertension- 20 berries three times a day (consume for three months, then take a break).
  • For toxicosis and breastfeeding- Take fresh or dried.
  • For anemia- berry compote (it is better to use dried jujube). Boil berries (10 pieces per half liter of water) for 20 minutes, leave for one hour, take 100 ml three times a day.
  • For various types of inflammation- Boil 15 overripe berries (per 300 ml of water) and simmer over low heat. The volume of the decoction should be reduced by three times - to 100 ml. Cool, strain. Take the decoction for 15 days (a tablespoon three times a day).

Important! By eating jujube berries or taking medications based on this, it is necessary to monitor the level blood pressure to prevent hypotension.

The benefits of jujube seeds in their sedative effect which appears on nerve cells. Preparations from unabi seeds are used in the treatment of depression, dizziness, as well as stress and insomnia. To prepare the product, you should:

  • grind the seeds (100 g);
  • fill them with half a liter of water;
  • boil and simmer for ten minutes;
  • add 200 ml of alcohol and leave for eight hours.

Important! Pregnant womenacceptunabi seed productscategoricallyprohibited.

How unabi is used in cosmetology

Chinese dates are actively used in cooking. The benefits of jujube are especially great in caring for hair and facial skin.

Benefits for hair

Decoctions of unabi (especially roots, bark and leaves) effectively help fight dandruff, blockage of the sebaceous glands, but above all, hair loss. Decoctions regenerate hair follicles and strengthens hair. Rinsing with a decoction of the roots also helps rapid growth children's hair.

Benefits for the face

Unabi effectively eliminates acne, abscesses, pimples, irritations and other similar diseases on the skin of the face. The ointment is prepared from freshly picked leaves and vegetable oil(preferably from olives) in a ratio of 1:5. The mixture is heated to +90 °C. Then you need to remove it from the heat and leave to infuse (10 days). Store the composition in the refrigerator so that, if necessary, lubricate the problem area on the skin with it.

Use in cooking: unabi preparations

Although jujube berries are somewhat reminiscent of dates in taste, they are quite specific and not everyone likes them (especially children). Connoisseurs claim that the most delicious unabi are sun-dried, since it is very difficult to properly bake jujube in the oven - it can easily be overdried. Although if it’s too dry, that’s also okay. You can make flour from the dried fruits and add it to regular wheat flour when baking. In oriental cuisine, jujube is used to make fillings for pies, sauces, added to rice, and made.

Did you know? In China, in order to properly cook Peking duck,in the ovenThey use exclusively unabi wood.

Preparations such as jams, syrups, etc. are very popular. Jujube retains all the healing qualities in them, and recipes tested by generations allow you to prepare delicious dishes. Unabi jam:

  1. boil the syrup (you will need 1 kg of fruit, 800 g of sugar and 1 liter of water);
  2. unripe

Useful properties and contraindications of jujube (unabi). A simple date is also useful, but for some reason Lately China began to supply unique grown dates with a special composition and nutritional value.

Chinese jujube date: beneficial properties

“Ziziphus jujube” or translated from Latin - jujube (Chinese date) is otherwise called red Chinese, Korean or Indian sweetness. This species belongs to the family "Rhamnaceae". The tree usually grows to 5-12 meters in height and appears as a shrub with thorny branches. It has shiny green leaves measuring 2 to 7 centimeters and 1 to 3 cm with jagged edges along the edges.

The fruit is completely edible and measures 1.5-3 cm in size. The delicate fruit appears in a smooth green flower and has a similar taste to . Ripe fruits have a wrinkled skin with a brown tint. This fruit is used to treat chronic constipation and also acts as an effective agent in the fight against neonatal jaundice.

Jujube is endemic to South Asia and can grow in a variety of climatic conditions, as it tolerates a wide range of temperatures and precipitation. This species is able to survive from milder climates to hot deserts, and can even withstand extreme cold temperatures down to -15 degrees. Jujube can survive not only in all climates, but also in different regions, such as mountainous or desert habitats. More than five species of jujube have grown in Asia and Africa.

The fruit is used in traditional medicine in parts of the Chinese and Korean regions. It is used to relieve stress and acts as a powerful antifungal, antibacterial, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispastic, antiretroviral, contraceptive, hypotensive and antinephritis, cardiotonic, antioxidant and immunostimulant agent.

Studies have shown that fruits help treat colds, flu and coughs. Since the fruit is mucilaginous, it is used to treat sore throat.

The most amazing thing about the natural product is that it has over 10,000 years of history, and over 400 unique varieties have been created in that history. As for culinary use, organic product Jujube is consumed as a dried confection or fresh, and each is often used to create juice.

Jujube tranquilizer: intended for people suffering from sleep disorders or irritability. It is a rich source of iron and phosphorus, which is attached to red platelets. In case you have problems with low content iron in the blood or pallor, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • lack of muscle tone,
  • fatigue,
  • acid reflux,
  • psychological stress.

Enriching the body with iron and phosphorous substance, with the help natural product jujube, you can create active blood flow, accordingly oxygenating your organ frames and limiting their energies.

Jujube has been shown to have certain anxiolytic and emollient effects on the body. For people who regularly experience unpleasant consequences endless panic attacks or anxiety, the use of certain dried berries can help relieve brain activity and protect the body from reactions to the introduction of hormones.

The fruits of the plant have their own advantages, in particular:

  • Vitamin C

Consume just under half a cup fresh berries Meets more than 100% of your daily vitamin C requirement. It's an easy way to fight free radicals and prevent disease.

Jujube fruits contain 20 times more vitamin C than any citrus fruit. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and fights infections, which is why they may have been used medicinally for 1,000 years in many cultures, such as as a tea for sore throats.

  • Pressure regulation

A cup of jujube has about 12% of your daily potassium needs. Potassium is great for maintaining your blood pressure, which in turn is good for heart health. Potassium in jujube is beneficial for relaxing blood vessels. When blood vessels relaxed, blood flow and pressure circulates much better.

  • Antifocal properties

It was found that water extracted from jujube showed its potential in controlling cancer cells. In an experiment at the Research Institute, a vaccine and serum from jujube water extracted from the fruit was used for possible anti-cancer effects by automatically killing tumor cell lines. Using DNA fragmentation analysis, the researchers showed that jujube fruit extract suppressed human tumor particles, specifically leukemia.

  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Traditionally, jujube fruit has been used as a tea, soup, puree, or paste to aid digestion. In one study published in the journal Agricultural and food chemistry", it was explained that adequate consumption of jujube fruit every day reduces the intestinal mucosa's exposure to toxic ammonia and other harmful compounds, and improves the overall gastrointestinal environment.

  • Improving the quality of hard tissues

When you increase minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron (all of which are found in jujube fruit), you will ensure that your bones remain elastic and strong. As we age, we tend to suffer from osteoporosis and other bone-deteriorating diseases, so adding jujube fruit to your diet can reverse or slow down this trend.

  • Blood detoxification

The alkaloids and saponins found in jujube fruit have been directly linked to eliminating harmful toxins from the body's systems and purifying the blood. This antioxidant effect can help prevent a significant number of diseases, as well as ease the burden on the immune and lymphatic system.

  • Memory improvement

The berry fruit can also significantly increase neurogenesis in the brain (the growth of new brain cells). It increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF), glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurotrophin 3 (NT3). It also increases the growth of neuron dendrites. The fruit showed an increase in levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is necessary for learning R2 substances.

The active component may prevent glutamate-mediated exsutotoxicity in the hippocampus. It may also help protect the brain from excitotoxicity from beta-lactam antibiotics. Jujube extract also prevents the damaging effect of beta-amyloid plaques (as seen in Alzheimer's disease) on brain cells. Often helps with blood flow by increasing nitric oxide and reducing high blood pressure.

Jujube extract and oil can protect the brain from the toxic effects of alcohol consumption and seizures. Helps fight anxiety and depression. Jujube has strong anti-anxiety effects.

For example, its properties can be compared with two commonly prescribed anti-TB drugs (Buspirone and Diazepam). The fruit may also help with depressive symptoms by increasing serotonin production in the brain.

Jujube fruit is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat insomnia. Can be both hypnotic and sedative as it works on the neurotransmitter GAB and interacts well with melatonin or 5-HTP.

Betulinic acid (BA) from jujube protects against HIV. The RBA complex has been shown to inhibit HIV activation and is a potent antiviral agent. Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, it has a high content nutrients and minerals such as:

  • vitamin C,
  • thiamine,
  • riboflavin,
  • niacin,
  • vitamin B-6,
  • vitamin A,
  • beta carotene,
  • vitamin E,
  • magnesium,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • sodium,
  • zinc.

The anti-inflammatory effects of jujube may speed up the healing process of wounds and when used as essential oil may help with hair regrowth. In gynecology, it can also help reduce the intensity and amount of pain associated with ovarian cysts in women. Jujube extract can be used as a local anesthetic and muscle relaxant.

Herbal mixtures of plants are often used for treatment allergic rhinitis and anaphylaxis. It can prevent pregnancy, or rather, protect a woman from forced abortion and unwanted birth. The fruit, like jujube peel, is considered a healthy alternative oral contraceptives with less side effects.

Unabi: beneficial properties and contraindications for men

All over the world, unabi is considered a Muslim food, a sweet that is intended to prolong the youth of the entire body. But in the West and in Europe, the berry has become popular not only for these benefits.

Women drink it immediately after the birth of a child, and men are given the better side of the coin - constant use and treatment with a “male” product. It cannot be called only a man's berry, because only women can choose it correctly - in the markets, first the girl tries the berry, then chooses the best one to taste for her companion, and only then asks him for reasons, which give several options for preparing the berry. Depending on the illness and disease prevention, the wife prepares the berries in one or another way. Then the drink or tincture (or the berry after processing) becomes a man's delicacy.

Unabi can enrich the blood if you eat it regularly. Those who have premature ejaculation and impotence should consume it regularly.

A popular type of tea is a simple blend of Chinese red unabi. Berries have become popular in last years as a super food; they actually contain a lot of antioxidants and have natural healing and anti-aging properties. In Chinese cuisine, they are usually combined with Chinese red berries. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, they help restore the energy of the liver and kidneys, and have restorative, warming properties. Chinese unabi helps rejuvenate the blood and contains eighty percent more vitamin C than grapes and apples. And they all have lactogenic properties (beneficial for women).

Additionally, the combination of Chinese red berries is believed to help combat insomnia and anxiety.

It is useful for men to drink teas based on these components, but preparing it is not so easy. In combination with unabi there should be other fruits or berries that will take away the “bad” components. After all, unabi can often lead to allergic intoxication, so even nursing mothers drink it once a week for safe use and for the child.

Unabi: recipes for the winter

To prepare tea you will need:

  1. 2 liters of boiling water;
  2. ½ cup unabi;
  3. ¼ cup goji berries or European dates;
  4. ½ cup orange peel (sliced);
  5. ¼ cup boiled water.

First, mix the dry ingredients and pour boiling water over them. Then leave for 45 minutes after cooking (on low heat for 15 minutes), and only then filter. Pour half into a cup, dilute with boiled water room temperature.

The tea can be taken every day, or once a week if you forget to dilute it with water. It is not recommended to drink a highly concentrated solution, as it loses its properties if it does not stand for several hours.

For the winter, housewives prepare either canned food or jam from unabi berries. An exotic delicacy should be hard and with bones. The jam is not juicy due to the fact that the berries are a bit dry. Therefore, you will have to add a little liquid. Berries in syrup will fall apart if they were frozen or from last year. Fresh quality ones will remain intact. The jam doesn’t take long to make, and you don’t have to add sugar if you like your tea sweet. The dish turns out like dried apples in syrup, not very liquid. If desired, you can add 25 g of citric acid. From 1 kg of berries you get 2 liters of jam.

When the syrup is ready, immediately add citric acid. Then cook a little and stir further until the sugar dissolves. Then the container is removed from the heat and the berries are added. They need to be infused like tea or tea leaves, but longer - for 10 hours. Then (the next day) reheat the contents over low heat for 30 minutes. The foam from the jam must be removed, and then you can pour the sweetness into jars. Screw on the boiled lids, cool and put in a dark, cool place.

Other housewives prepare canned sweets:

  1. Take 2 kg of unabi;
  2. Apple vinegar;
  3. Bay leaf;
  4. Salt, sugar;
  5. Water;
  6. Vegetable oil.

Unabi berries are washed, it is advisable to take unripe ones. Drain them and add garlic to them. Season with bay leaf and pepper, place unabi on top of this in another layer. Add more garlic as the last layer. Heat the entire mixture over low heat and, without bringing to a boil, add sugar, salt and vinegar (190 ml). When everything is dissolved, pour the garlic marinade over the fruits and bay leaf(cook in a separate container). All this is wrapped in jars and stored until winter.

Unabi is also used to make jams, sweets, pie fillings and much more. A common option for all family members, including children, is compote. It is made from unabi to improve immunity and increase the content vitamin complexes(for assimilation too).

The berries are boiled in water, then the liquid is drained and cooked until thick. Add honey and pour into jars. Then the free space is filled with water.

Like these ones interesting recipes can be prepared from a Chinese fruit - the tree of youth.

Calorie content of unabi

The fruits of this tree are low in calories and contain only 83 kcal per 100 g of product. When cooked, berries can increase in nutritional value depending on the ingredients included in the dishes.

As you already understand, Chinese unabi are not only useful and must-have product for women, but also for men. Children make goodies from it, and men are treated with healing teas and decoctions. Drinks and dishes are high in calories, but they are still better than sweets and baked goods, which are not at all healthy and are not rich in vitamins. winter period.

In folk and traditional methods This fruit is very useful for treatment, as already stated above. It is often used by men on children, but the benefits are more pronounced among women. In addition, it is practically not used in cooking in its homeland, because its properties are valued too much. It is not difficult to grow, but the Chinese are sensitive to the gifts of nature, which can do almost anything - from treating a simple disease, cough or cold, to destroying cancerous and pathogenic cells. If we talk about real benefits, then using several recipes you can prepare healthy dishes, and for treatment - just eat jujube fruits and do not deny yourself consumption useful substances.

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Which begins with the appearance of heat in the spring and until the first frost in the fall. Graceful and strict, simple, single-color and multi-color flowers are comfortably located in flower beds and alpine slides. Every plant needs special approach. When creating compositions, certain flowers are selected. Among them, a large group of carnations deserves attention, they are universal in application and are excellent for use in landscape design.

A beauty from the Mediterranean

Perennial garden carnation - herbaceous plant, characterized by a unique aroma and flowering. Many species make up this order. Among them one can distinguish pinnate carnation, grass carnation, sandy carnation, lush grayish-blue carnation, etc. The knotty stem of these representatives of the flora has a light gray or blue color. Elongated paired leaves are distributed along the entire length of the stem, reaching a height of forty to sixty centimeters. They form bushes with a poorly developed root system, the depth of which reaches from ten to twenty centimeters.

Flowers deserve a separate description. Depending on the variety, they can be different in shape and color, and also consist of single or several rows of petals that have dissected or smooth oval edges. The carnation has a five-petalled corolla. Small or large inflorescences also differ in the length of the peduncle. The double flower looks very impressive. Garden carnation has a multi-colored bright color, and the inflorescences can be single-colored or multi-colored. Pastel delicate colors predominate, and the range of colors is quite wide. Most often these are bright red, pink and white tones. However, purple and yellow are no exception. Multi-colored inflorescences are especially spectacular.

In autumn, plants form seed pods filled with seeds. Garden carnation has many various types and varieties with distinctive characteristics. Each of them has its own amazing features.

Cloves pinnate (double)

If you need to create a green carpet in a flower arrangement, best plant can not found. This amazing perennial has the ability to grow, forming bushes that fill the necessary spaces of the flower garden like a carpet. This is the feathery carnation. Numerous bright inflorescences with a delicate aroma are piled on stems reaching a height of thirty to forty centimeters.

Flowering occurs in May-July, September. The flowers of the feathery carnation are most often pink, red, crimson or white color. The terry varieties “Alba”, “Desdemona”, “Romance” and “Pomegranate” are especially beautiful. You should also pay attention to remontant and dwarf forms. These plants are quite unpretentious and have good winter-hardy qualities.

Ground cover flower forms

Dianthus carnation is a beautifully flowering perennial. Perfect for alpine slides and low border compositions. Low-growing stems of flowers reach from ten to thirty centimeters. The small leaves are dark green in color. The grass looks very impressive during flowering. This is a fantastic natural carpet bright colors, reaching a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. They are single-colored or multi-colored with bright red, pink or white. Grass is an unpretentious plant. A distinctive characteristic of this species is good drought resistance and winter hardiness. The plant does not require shelter for the winter. Sandy, poor soils are used for flower beds and flower beds. Plants do not tolerate waterlogging at all. The first buds appear in early June. Flowering will delight you until autumn. In the autumn, gray-brown boxes filled with small black seeds ripen, which are used for sowing open ground or for growing seedlings next season. The lifespan of the perennial is four to six years.

The garden carnation will always be a decoration of the garden. Each variety is good in its own way. The “Confetti Mix” grass is amazingly decorative. Small ground cover plants bloom in June. The carved flower petals have a two-tone color. The bright white edges of the flower have a violet-purple center.

Sandy carnation

This is a miniature, rather unpretentious plant. Flowers with a feathery-fringed shape are very beautiful. The stems reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. The bushes easily tolerate transplantation. It will delight you with flowering in July-August.

Placing flowers in the garden

When planting garden carnations, regardless of the variety, you need to consider several features. The heat-loving plant will require good sunlight. Areas for growing these flowers are allocated to open places garden Sufficient lighting is a must long flowering. Garden carnations are not capricious and easy to care for, and are not demanding on soil fertility.

Areas with light, moisture-permeable soil and low acidity are ideal. Most varieties have good drought-resistant and frost-resistant qualities. In winter, plants do not require shelter. Planting garden carnations is done with pre-grown seedlings or sowing seeds that are collected after flowering in the autumn. In early spring, the areas designated for sowing seeds are pre-prepared. The soil is cultivated with a garden rake. The sowing areas are marked with sand and the seeds are sown. Sowing should not be sparse.

Flower garden care

The garden carnation is an unpretentious perennial plant whose care is quite simple. The luxurious appearance combined with the ease of cultivation makes plants of this type popular among gardeners, flower growers and specialists in landscape design. In the spring, they plan where to place the plants and begin sowing seeds or planting pre-grown seedlings. Last year's plantings are checked and dried plant stems are removed.

Care consists of loosening the soil and regular watering, during which water should not get on the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant. It should be moderate. Overmoistening of the soil is unacceptable. Improper watering of flowers can cause the development of diseases and damage to plants.

An important agrotechnical measure is fertilizing, which will allow you to achieve the most favorable conditions under which plants will develop well and enjoy long-lasting, high-quality flowering. Growing garden cloves requires several periods of fertilization. The first feedings occur in the spring. This is the time of bud formation. Flowers will be bright and numerous when special complex fertilizers for flowering plants are applied. During the period of formation of inflorescences and blossoming of flowers, it is necessary to apply the following fertilizers. It should be noted that fresh manure and chlorine-containing potassium fertilizers cannot be used as flower fertilizers. Their use is unacceptable. Flowering stops in autumn. Flower beds and flower beds are inspected. The stems of the plants are shortened and the dried inflorescences and seed pods are cut off. Garden carnation overwinters without special shelter. No maintenance or winterization is required.

Diseases and pests

Like any crop, garden carnations require preventive measures ensuring normal growth. The main pests include: nematodes, thrips, and mole crickets. The fight against them is to use chemicals. When spraying plants, strictly follow the instructions indicated on the preparations.

Dangerous for flowers of this species are: viral diseases, such as fusarium, alternaria, rust and mottling. The affected plant loses its attractiveness and even dies. The manifestations of these diseases are similar. Brown spots or a bluish coating appear on the leaves and stems. In addition to the listed diseases, garden carnations are affected by the fungus. Care with proper moisture and regular loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, limitation of nitrogen and application aqueous solution basic mineral fertilizers will help reduce the likelihood of disease. High level agrotechnical measures in combination with regular fertilizing significantly reduces the level of infection by infectious diseases.


Planning and creating flower arrangements requires a certain amount of planting material. First, you should plan the areas where perennial carnation will be planted. Reproduction involves sowing seeds directly into open ground or growing the required amount of planting material in closed ground conditions, as well as the vegetative method of producing seedlings.

Obtaining planting material

Growing garden carnations by seedlings is considered more reliable and often used, allowing one to obtain sufficiently high-quality planting material of the chosen variety in the right amount. In closed ground conditions, plastic containers are used. Seeds are also sown in greenhouses or spring greenhouses. To determine the required number of seedlings, they plan flower beds where perennial carnations will be planted. Reproduction involves obtaining seedlings of a certain variety of flowers by sowing previously prepared seeds. Sowing begins at the end of January. For preventive purposes, clove seeds are subjected to pre-sowing treatment. They are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The boxes are filled with a light soil mixture, which includes:

  • one part peat;
  • three parts sand;
  • two parts of turf land;
  • two parts compost.

Before sowing, the soil is calcined or spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seed material is laid out in furrows so that future seedlings are not thickened. After this, the soil is leveled and slightly compacted and moistened. Containers are placed in places with an air temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. Under favorable conditions, the first shoots appear a week after the garden carnation was sown. Caring for seedlings requires compliance with light and temperature conditions. The light mode can be provided by using fluorescent lamps. If disturbed, the plants will be weak, which will affect the quality of planting material.

In the phase of two true leaves, plants are planted in separate containers or in containers, making the plantings rather sparse. Further care of the seedlings consists of moderate watering. In this case, waterlogging of the soil is not allowed. Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants is also necessary. The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground in a permanent place at the end of May or beginning of June.

Vegetative method of obtaining planting material

In addition to the seedling method, propagation of garden carnations is possible by cuttings and layering. Planting material for rooting they are harvested at the end of May or beginning of June. Stem perennial plant cut above the node and remove all lower leaves. The cuttings are placed in a substrate and moistened. The root system will appear in two to three weeks.

Plant species with long stems are propagated by layering. Small cuts are made on them at the bottom of the internodes. The prepared stems are secured with staples at ground level. The cuttings are sprinkled with soil and moistened. A root system is formed at the site of the incision. After their formation, the cuttings are separated from the main plant and used as planting material in a new location. All varieties of grass are easily propagated by dividing the bush.

LATIN NAME:Dianthus arenarius

DESCRIPTION: European species, common in Russia in the European part and Ciscaucasia. IN Central Russia found mainly in the non-chernozem zone, occasionally to the south. Grows in pine forests, on sands. A perennial that forms dense tufts, with sterile, densely leafy, shortened basal shoots. Flowering stems are straight or ascending, 10-30 cm high, simple or sometimes branched at the top, bare, bluish or green. Leaves of sterile shoots are 1.5-3.5 cm long and 1-2 mm wide, linear or linear-lanceolate, straight or sickle-shaped, rough underneath; stem leaves up to 2 cm long, fused at the base into the vagina up to 2 mm long. The flowers are fragrant, often solitary. The calyx is cylindrical, 18-25 mm long, with pointed teeth; bracts, four in number, ovoid with a short pointed tip, covering a quarter of the calyx. Petals are white, less often pinkish; their plate is deeply fringed - multidivided into thread-like lobes, on top side with hairs, a greenish spot and purple dots. Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in July-August. In culture since 1732.

Optimal growing conditions(location, soil, winter hardiness): Location:

Prefer a sunny location.

The soil:

Grows well in dry soils. Does not tolerate dampness.

Winter hardiness:
Winter-hardy without shelter.
Features of agricultural technology
(planting and care):

The faded stems of all carnations are cut 10-15 cm from the surface of the ground. Then complex mineral fertilizer is applied, watered, and loosened the soil. After about a month, new shoots grow, and in the fall, secondary flowering sometimes begins.
