The Art of Tao. Some practices. Ancient medical science. Women's practices to enhance sexuality

Taoist practices came to us from ancient times, from Eastern culture, and they have been known for more than 9 thousand years... Of course, this is only a piece of the mosaic called “Taoist practices.” There are many interesting directions there - for women's health, For intimate muscles, to enhance sexual pleasure.

The 8 techniques presented here are aimed at facial rejuvenation. They help to simply and effectively rejuvenate the face and skin on the face, increase hair growth, remove wrinkles, improve the functioning of the nervous system, remove headaches, tone the facial muscles, and enhance the energy of the whole body.

1. Taoist practices: “To the three stars”

  1. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up until they are overhead. Raise your hands up and do deep breath.
  2. Turn your palms up, fingers facing each other, as shown in the figure below, and lift your heels slightly.
  3. Turn your palms down and slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Repeat the practice 3 times. The first raising of hands is called “to the star of Happiness”, the second - “to the star of Prosperity”, and the third - “to the star of Longevity”.

Effect: increases vital energy and balances the energies of Yin and Yang, increases blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition improves, which promotes rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: “Sharpening the eagle’s claw”

  1. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms freely at your sides.
    Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly.
  2. Place your hands with your palms facing each other and place them between your knees, bending your knees slightly. Squeeze your palms tightly with your knees.
  3. Alternately raise and lower your left and right heels - your palms pressed between your knees should rub against each other.
  4. Raise and lower each heel 8 times (for a total of 16 palm rubbing motions).

Effect: improvement of condition and rejuvenation of the whole body, stimulation of the secretion of sex hormones and improvement of joint elasticity, activation of regenerative processes in the skin, as a result, the skin takes on a fresh and youthful appearance. This practice is especially useful for pain or cramps in the legs, for women with gynecological diseases, as well as men suffering from prostatitis. In these cases, do this practice more often.

The practice is contraindicated for pregnant women.

3. Taoist practice: “Moving the Heavens”

  • Using the three middle fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows (the “third eye” area) to the temples.
  • Also massage your forehead 8 times.

Effect: eliminates age wrinkles, helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, nervous tics eye.

4. Taoist practice: “Drawing the tail of a phoenix”

  • Move the bumps on your palms from outer corners eye to temples 8 times.

Effect: eliminates " crow's feet"around the eyes, tones the entire face, helps with migraines.

5. Taoist practice: “Cutting the cheeks”

  • Run your hands over your cheeks - from the cheekbones down 8 times.

Effect: moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

6. Taoist practices: “Pressure on the Yin pantry”

  • Bend and raise your left arm. Cover your mouth with the center of your left palm, and with the pad thumb close your left nostril. The remaining 4 fingers should lie on right cheek. Right hand press it to your chin, cupping your palm.
  • Move your hands clockwise, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of your nose (breathe through your right nostril) 8 times. At the same time, make circular movements with your tongue in the same direction - 8 times.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Effect: against wrinkles around the lips, improves lip contour, lip fullness.

7. Taoist practices: “Dragon punches in the face”

  • Tap your fingertips all over your face for one minute.

Effect: revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother, improves the functioning and rejuvenation of the entire body.

Eastern practices, like everything connected with this amazing and mysterious side of the world, are usually associated by Europeans with youth, longevity and beauty.

Another confirmation of this opinion is Taoist practices for men, which help strengthen general and sexual health, prolong life and gain a second youth.

According to some representatives of the stronger sex, Taoist exercises not only helped strengthen their masculine strength and make their semen full-fledged, but also restored abilities lost with age.

Taoist medicine includes all many aspects, but most of them are designed to prolong life, preserve and improve health. Thanks to its regularity and smoothness, Taoist exercises do not injure a man’s muscles and joints, which allows even older people to perform them.

With age, organs wear out, muscles lose elasticity, bones and joints lose strength. Chronic or age-related illnesses, which are present in every patient over 50 years of age, do not add to health. Therefore, Taoist techniques were developed taking into account age-related changes, which makes them absolutely safe for people of any age.

The exercises do not require a special place or a specific time. If desired, this can be done outside on a fine day or at home in rainy and cold weather. It’s great if you have a close friend in your classes, with whom you can share your progress in classes and personal life. With regular exercise, results will appear very quickly.

The most famous example proving the effectiveness of Taoist practices is a man who was diagnosed with impotence at the age of 70. After just two months of doing the exercises, not only did his sexual strength return, but many ailments that are considered chronic and incurable disappeared.

Taoist exercises were developed by the Chinese Bian Zhizhong, a follower of the Huashan schools of Tao. Today the age of this man has crossed the seventy-year mark, but he is still young and active.

The secret of his longevity and success in intimate relationships lies in the complex that he developed more than forty years ago. Today these practices are called “10 golden exercises” and have become available to everyone thanks to the person who described them in detail in his works.

This was done by L. Bing, who released a series of collections about the secrets of love and eastern practices, helping to enhance your sexual talent and improve your health. Anyone can test the effectiveness of these activities on their own.

First golden exercise – “Deer”

According to Taoism, a man's health depends on how great his internal masculine energy is. When performing the “Deer” exercise for men, this energy accumulates, and you need to direct it in the right direction. The movement is performed by compressing the muscles that make up the pelvic corset, i.e. the pubococcygeus.

The most important pelvic muscle is located between anus and scrotum. It can be detected quite easily - just hold back the stream of urine when urinating. The tense part of the body is the muscle you are looking for.

Although the lesson consists of training the muscles of the groin area, it should begin by activating the work of the departments located in the head. This Taoist massage for men is very important because it helps improve the functioning of the nervous system - the main battery of internal energy.

First, you need to use your middle fingers to press on the point located in the depression of the base of the skull. The massage is carried out in a circular motion, the total number of presses is 49 times.

During the massage, it is important to breathe correctly: inhale through the nose, with the tongue touching the upper gums, exhale through oral cavity, while the tongue drops to the lower gums. After the “warm-up” you can begin the lesson itself.

It is necessary to strain the pubococcygeus muscle as much as possible, doing it sharply. Compression is carried out with a deep breath, which lasts at least 15 seconds. After inhaling, you need to hold your breath for a count of ten, then, for a count of one to five, you need to relax and exhale. This training will allow sexual energy to flow throughout spinal cord and get directly into the head one.

The movement is performed in a standing position on the floor, head level, back straight. Four fingers should hug the thumb, and the squeeze should also be very strong. You can relax completely only after exhaling completely. The class is held daily in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. Consists of 21 repetitions.

"Regenerating Source"

Taoist exercises also aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body, that is, they help to better absorb useful substances and quickly remove toxins and elements that poison the body.

Regular exercises will help not only improve the health of internal organs and systems, but will also teach you to “feel” them, recognize signals about pathological processes in them. Thanks to this, a man (or a woman, if a representative of the fairer sex also wants to accompany her companion) will be able to improve his work circulatory systems s, which will have a positive effect on the condition of all organs.

“Regenerating Source” is the basis of Taoist practices. When performed correctly and regularly, this movement will help get rid of:

  • pain in the joints and spine;
  • painful periods in women;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excess weight.

Such training can improve overall vitality masculine and female body and significantly improve performance reproductive system. Men performing it noted a surge of strength, improved quality of seminal fluid, increased potency and improved erection even in old age. “Restoring Source” must be performed twice a day for at least three minutes.

Correct technique:

  1. The movement is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely down. The body is as relaxed as possible, the gaze is directed straight. It is important to drive away all thoughts, especially negative ones;
  2. Next comes a deep breath through nasal cavity, while your shoulders straighten and your heels come off the floor - you need to stand on your tiptoes and stretch the top of your head up. In this case, breathing is performed with the stomach, and not with the chest, and the stomach is pulled towards the back;
  3. Exhalation is carried out slowly, the chest must be completely emptied of air. The body must first be lowered to the full foot, and then squat down, bending the lower limbs at the knees. There are 16 such exercises performed;
  4. After the last approach, you should not breathe for one minute, then relax and breathe calmly;
  5. The second part of the training is vibration of the members. Starting position – legs slightly bent, upper limbs relaxed and hanging like whips along the body. Now you should shake every part of the body, as with vibration, while the male genital organs sway slightly, and the fairer sex should slightly open the entrance to the vagina, spreading your legs to the sides;
  6. Shaking is carried out for at least 60 seconds, and there must be at least four of them.

Regular training will very quickly help you feel the result, give you activity and fill your life with new colors.

"Eight Diagrams"

This activity has an impact on acupuncture points human body, in which it accumulates maximum amount vital energy. By stimulating them, you can make this energy move and fill other parts of the body with it.

The diagram is performed by hand, which improves the functioning of the shoulder and cervical spine.

Pay attention to the “Eight Diagrams” for those patients who suffer from:

  • increased blood density and thrombophlebitis;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • pathologies of cardio-vascular system(pleurisy, myocardial infarction, ischemia).

IMPORTANT!!! This activity affects the patient’s vestibular apparatus, improving his coordination and increasing the body’s endurance.

Starting position - as in the previous lesson. Once you have managed to relax your body and brain, you need to raise your arms to your shoulders, mentally imagining that there is something round and large in them. The knees bend, the left arm begins to rise very smoothly and is fixed in a position above the head. The hand of the second hand, on the contrary, goes down to the knees. From the outside it looks like a ballet step.

Next, you need to rotate your torso 45 degrees, while your pelvis and legs remain motionless. Left lower limb bends the knee up to 90 degrees and lifts off the floor, the right one remains in a half-bent state.

Now you need to move your right hand, drawing an octagon in the air, while working the whole hand, and the circle should be very large: the upper corner of the diagram should be above your head. From this moment on, the second hand should also describe the diagram, and the body should slowly turn around.

The exercise is alternately performed in both directions, with two hands tracing an imaginary figure eight in the air, but from opposite sides. The position of the legs is also important: when performing movements in right side and lifting, the right leg rises and lowers; when performing a movement to the left, the actions are performed similarly.

This is how the figure eight is described by both legs and arms. Stopping during execution is allowed after 16 movements have been made: 8 on each side of the body. Although the movement is performed slowly, the set should not take more than one minute.

"Flight of the Roc"

Taoist exercises often resemble the movements of some animal or bird, as indicated in their name. The following exercise will help improve coordination and get rid of extra pounds, for which women love it.

All human actions in this case are similar to the movement of the wings of a bird during flight. The main task of the patient performing the exercise is to describe a figure in the air with his hand that resembles an infinity sign (a figure eight inverted lengthwise).

To do this, you need to take the starting position while standing, bending your knees and lowering your arms along your body. The stomach is pulled in, the shoulders are straightened. Hands are raised to chest level as if there is a ball in them.

With this imaginary ball, you need to describe the figure eight first to the right, lowering it down and lifting it up at the farthest point. Next, the arms return to the chest parallel to it, and the body turns to the left, also lowering the “ball” down, lifting it up at the farthest point and returning it to the chest.

When changing the side of the movement, the hand at the top also changes: if the movement is performed to the right, the right hand is at the top, and vice versa.

The “flight” is performed 16 times, eight in each direction. The execution time also takes one minute. Free refills.

"The turtle draws in its head"

The turtle exercise is very popular among people who are overweight and diabetes mellitus formed against this background. It also strengthens nervous system and is considered useful for her diseases. It’s easy to do, just imagine how this amazing animal hides in its house, sensing danger.

The starting position is standard: standing, chest out, butt tucked, stomach tucked in, knees bent, arms along the body. The palms of the hands look at the floor, the limbs rise to chest level (both at once), and the elbows also need to be slightly bent. Next you need to proceed like this:

  1. One of the limbs (the left) is lowered in a circle towards the stomach, while the palm slowly turns upward and stops under the right, as if you are holding a ball or a round vessel;
  2. The body weight is transferred to the right leg, the body leans slightly forward and turns in the opposite direction. The knee of the left leg is bent, a half step is taken so that the right leg is straight, extended to the left;
  3. The arms slowly rise up, as soon as they are at the top point (above the head), the palms, which were previously facing the person, are extended parallel to the ground;
  4. The body leans forward and down until the performer is in the position of a rider on a horse, palms practically touching the ground;
  5. At the level of the extended leg, the arms again rise to the stomach and chest, while the palms again turn towards the body.

In this movement, the shoulder joints and cervical spine actively work, which has a positive effect on their health. After performing the “turtle” four times to the right, you need to slowly turn around, transfer your weight to the other leg and repeat the exercise four more times in the other direction. When finished, stand up straight and relax.

"Soaring White Crane"

Performing the crane exercise helps strengthen cervical spine spine and eliminating diseases that occur in this part of the body.

The movement begins with a warm-up. You need to get into the starting position, clasp your hands at stomach level. The head, along with the neck, slowly stretches forward and, once at the farthest point (when it is no longer possible to stretch further), begins to fall down until the chin touches the neck. From this moment the head rises to a level position. At the same time it works shoulder region, but the body itself remains motionless.

After performing the movement four times, you can begin the exercise itself. The starting pose is the same. The movement begins with lowering the chin and pressing it tightly to the neck.

As soon as this moment has arrived, you need to stretch your chin and neck forward as a bird does when it wants to drink water from a source. Having reached the extreme point, you need to raise your head up as much as possible and straighten your back. The mouth must be tightly closed at all times! Four such classes are also required.

The next part of the workout is familiar to every person since childhood - these are standard head rotations in a circle. But they need to be performed very slowly, with your lips tightly pursed, while your hands are on your belt.

The movement is first performed to the right, the head turns and leans towards the shoulder, but does not touch it, then describes a circle forward and to the left. You need to linger over the second shoulder for 10 seconds, then return to the original position. The next lesson will be held in reverse side. The approach includes 8 movements, 4 in each direction.

Now you can start performing the movements upper limbs. Having removed them from your hips, you need thumbs rest on your waist and rotate your palms outward. Hands from the stomach, palms up, go to the chest, then to the head.

At the top point, the hands turn in opposite directions (the back sides are adjacent to each other) and fall parallel to the shoulders. Now you need to tilt your torso back a little and make eight movements with your arms, reminiscent of flapping wings, with your palms facing upward when performing the flapping.

The crane complex should be completed with this exercise. The arms are raised above the head parallel to the shoulders, palms facing each other, head straight. The limbs drop down and relax.

Now you need to perform a twist: first, the chin is lowered to the neck, pressing tightly against it, then the head is lowered to the chest, also pressing tightly. Now your back begins to work - you need to bend so that your chest touches your knees. At the same time, the head and hands relax and touch the floor.

You need to stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. This is followed by a slow unwinding in the same order: lower back, shoulders, neck, head, arms rise. These are the main movements of the complex, which are easy to perform for men of any age and different physical fitness.

Benefits of Taoist Exercises

Eastern practices include a huge number of exercises: they are collected in books and manuals on oriental medicine, are released in the form of video lessons, you can practice them independently in groups practicing such activities. What are the advantages of Taoist exercises compared to any other sports?

All movements performed in this complex are simple, similar to the behavior of known animals, and therefore do not require much effort when repeating them. This allows absolutely everyone to do them.

Regular exercise affects general health patient, and by choosing several exercises aimed at combating a particular ailment, you can very quickly achieve results that no modern doctor can guarantee.

In Taoist medicine there are exercises that improve the functioning of the organs of vision, the heart and blood vessels, the spine and its parts, the pelvic organs, etc. Each patient decides independently which one to choose and how many exercises to perform daily.

But all men and women, without exception, note a surge of vitality and energy, as well as new sensations received from sexual life.

The internal energy revealed during exercise activates the nervous and circulatory systems, which improves nutrition of the pelvic organs, and also promotes better communication between the brain and reproductive system using nerve impulses.

Intensifying, this energy results in multiple orgasms in representatives of both sexes, which brings brightness to the usual intimate relationships. And the return of a healthy sex life to older people brings a lot of joy and self-confidence, which also affects their overall well-being.

Eastern practices, including Taoist ones, are based on three principles. First - don't rush! It implies a measured flow of life, the absence of haste, which does not allow you to enjoy every minute you live.

In our haste, we miss a lot important points that may never happen again. The second principle is the absence of excessive emotionality throughout life.

Spending emotions (and, accordingly, nerve cells) must be done carefully and evenly so as not to prematurely “spill over” the internal energy that is so necessary in one’s declining years.

The third rule is to do exercises that give longevity and health. Daily small physical exercise, aimed at accumulating internal energy and revealing internal sources of energy, help fight many diseases that shorten the human lifespan.

By doing these simple rules, Can long years remain a healthy and active person.

Rhythm modern life sometimes it doesn’t give you the opportunity to properly take care of yourself and your health. This is especially true for women who always and everywhere try to be on time - to do things around the house and to fulfill all their duties at work. But such a rhythm of life certainly leads to various problems– this and women's diseases, and cardiovascular, and problems with the nervous system.

Also, with age, many women feel a decrease in sexual energy, a loss of former femininity and begin to lose interest in the sexual side of relationships. To return to great shape Taoist practices for women’s health will help you feel young, healthy and full of strength.

One Taoist master, who lived in the world for 250 years, shared his secrets of longevity. They apply equally to men and women.

  1. Don't rush and don't be nervous, don't let circumstances go to your head. Treat everything with cool calm.
  2. Do not expose yourself to strong storms positive emotions just as important as the negative ones, since they, especially in older age, greatly expend vital energy.
  3. Observe healthy image life constantly, eliminate bad habits.
  4. Do qigong exercises regularly.

If the first three points are understandable to every person and are quite easy to implement in life, then the last point, namely qigong exercises, may raise questions among unenlightened people. It is worth saying that these practices can truly work miracles. Many women, having become acquainted with the healing practices of Tao, have greatly changed their lives in better side. Taoist practices help you feel young again, forget about women’s diseases, and normalize menstrual cycle, increase energy and inner strength.

Exercises to heal the uterus

The uterus is very important reproductive organ which needs to be kept in good shape at any age. Especially if any problems arise, you need to regularly practice to fill the uterus with strength and energy. These exercises also work the mammary glands and ovaries.

The practice should take place early in the morning when you just wake up. Without getting out of bed, squeeze and unclench the muscles of the perineum, the number of repetitions is 108 times.

Then we sit on our knees, placing our hands on our hips. Slowly and smoothly we move our hands along the thighs down to the knees, and then up, but along the inner part of the thigh. We do not stop and move our hands to the stomach, at the same time making a light squeeze with the thighs. Number of repetitions – 9 times.

Having completed the previous exercise, leave your hands on your stomach. Place one hand on top of the other and make circular movements. Clockwise - 24 times, and counterclockwise - 36.

We raise our hands up to the chest, and place our palms on the chest so that they completely encircle the chest, and the center of the palms is at the level of the nipples. We close our eyes and try to concentrate on our body. We are trying to feel the warmth that comes from the chest. The time of this exercise is 3-4 minutes.

We place our hands on the side of the chest, so that the base of the palms rests on the armpits. Supporting the chest in this way, we make quick movements with our hands up and down so that the chest shakes slightly.

Return your palms to your nipples and concentrate for 2-3 minutes.

We lightly wrap our fingers around the chest and perform circular movements in each direction 9 times.

We move our palms away from the chest, but keep them at its level, trying to feel the connection between the palm and the chest. We repeat the same circular movements 9 times.

We lower our hands to the chest, then to the stomach, relax for a few minutes.

This morning practice will fill you with energy and positive emotions.

Method "Deer"

The “Deer” exercise is one of the most powerful in Taoist practice for women. It helps improve immunity, strengthen the nervous system and cleanse lymph.

First, we massage the point at the base of the head, which will help activate both hemispheres of the brain. To do this, use the middle fingers of both hands to find the dimple at the base of the skull and massage it in a circular motion exactly 36 times. Then we strain the vaginal muscles and pull them up, while taking a deep breath. Hold your breath and tense your muscles for 7 seconds. Then we exhale for 7 seconds and slowly relax the muscles. You also need to repeat, straining the anus. You need to do this exercise until a feeling of pleasure comes. Well, or for starters, you can limit yourself to 49 times.

Women's practices to enhance sexuality

Every woman wants to remain attractive and sexy for as long as possible. To do this, she must know several secrets.

  • The first and most important thing is to love yourself for who you are - with your special shortcomings and advantages.
  • Breast massage – For women, you can simply start by lightly touching your nipples with your fingers and using them in light circular motions.
  • Perform female practices “ovarian breathing”. To do this, you need to sit on the edge of a stool and massage the ovarian area with your fingers, imagining that as you inhale you fill your body with bright pink, and with an inhalation, you give away everything bad and dirty, painted in a dull pink color. The number of repetitions varies from 90 to 180 times, and it is best to perform this exercise twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, before bed.

  • Perform the “morning smile”. This exercise will very well help charge you with positive energy for the whole day. To do this, you need to sit on a chair, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. Visualize yourself in some good location where you would like to be now. Now imagine that in the forehead area, like a kind of third eye, you have a glowing ball. It sparkles with positive energy and seems to smile at you. Smile too. Mentally stretch this ball down throughout your body and feel how every cell of your body becomes healthier, younger, how your whole body is filled with energy.

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The exercises for longevity and health that Bian Zhizhong describes are part of the Taoist system designed to maintain health and strengthen the body. They are smooth, calm movements that people practiced back in ancient times. Taoist practices are especially good for those weakened by illness and the elderly. You don't need good weather outside or a lot of space to do them. You can perform Taoist practices at any time of the day. In this case you will receive good results soon after it started.

Taoist sexual practices, for example, are very effective. Thus, a case was recorded with one man who, at the age of approximately 70 years, lost sexual activity. He performed these exercises regularly for two months, and potency returned. This proves that Taoist sexual practices really work. Now this old man notes that he feels as if his youth is returning to him.

A little about Bian Zhizhong

Bian Zhizhong, the author of the exercises, is already in his seventies. He has been performing Taoist practices for more than 40 years. This man is now as strong as a healthy middle-aged man. We bring to your attention the most popular and interesting Taoist practices included in the system called “10 Golden Exercises”.

"Regenerating Source"

The purpose of this exercise is to help the body absorb fresh elements and also get rid of used ones. You will also learn how to manage your internal organs, you can stimulate blood circulation and energy, which will increase vitality. This exercise is the basis for subsequent ones. It is also indispensable for diseases of the shoulder joints and spine, painful menstruation and stomach disorders. It can be especially recommended to those who want to strengthen the body’s tone, as well as change weight and improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Taoist practice does not reveal the secrets of love, but it really helps you feel young for many years. Beginners should be very careful about this exercise. It should be repeated 2 times a day, each time for 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise

You need to stand up straight, lower your arms freely along your body, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Look straight ahead and relax. The mind must be free from thoughts.

Now inhale deeply, while straightening your shoulders and rising onto your toes. It is best for beginners to breathe only through the nose. With regular exercise, after a while you will be able to do this with both your mouth and nose, and also use your lower abdomen for this. As you exhale, try to pull back slightly onto your heels, bending your knees. Take 16 such breaths.

Now hold your breath for a minute, then shake your whole body. Relax your muscles while standing straight. The knees are slightly bent, the arms hang freely along the body. Begin to shake yourself, vibrating every joint and muscle in your body. At the same time, men should slightly wiggle their testicles in the perineum, and women should keep their vagina slightly open (Taoist women's practices are sometimes slightly different from men's). You should bend your fingers slightly. As you straighten them, you should feel them swelling. You need to shake for about a minute, that is, make about 4 vibrations.

"Eight Diagrams"

This exercise affects our entire body. Hand movements activate the neck, shoulder joints and shoulder blades very well. It is useful in the treatment of cerebral thrombosis, headaches, dizziness, neurasthenia, and helps prevent and treat pleurisy, as well as myocardial infarction. Among other things, these movements improve coordination and increase composure.

Stand straight, arms hanging freely along your body, feet shoulder-width apart. Look ahead, freeing your mind from thoughts.

Raise both arms slowly up to shoulder level. At the same time, imagine that you are holding a basketball in front of you. Bend your knees slowly. Continue moving your left arm up until it is above your head. The right hand moves to the right and down. Turn 45 degrees so that your upper body remains straight. Bend completely left leg, and only half - right.

Now, with your right hand, describe in front of you in the air (that is, on your right side) the symbol called “Eight Diagrams.” To do this, you need to do the following. The right hand that is now located on the lower right should be raised up and forward until it is above the head. Now turn your palm back and draw a circle with your hand. Now describe from bottom to top S-shape, doing this along an imaginary circle, its vertical diameter. Now your right hand should be above your head. Turn it forward and down to make another circle. Step forward with your right leg, bend it completely, and bend your left leg only halfway. After making a circle, the right hand is above the head, the left one begins to move to the left and down, describing the “Eight Diagrams” symbol in the air, but now on the left side. These movements are identical to those made with the right hand, except that they should be performed in the opposite direction.

After your left hand is above your head, make a downward movement with your right hand. The right foot takes a step back. Bend the left one completely, bend the right one halfway. This is the end of the exercise, you can do it again. You need to do it without stopping, alternately different hands(both - 16, 8 movements each). Completion time is approximately a minute.

"Flight of the Roc"

The following exercise will help you get rid of excess weight, so it is especially often included in Taoist women's practices. All movements in it resemble the flight of a bird: hands in the air describe a figure-eight-like figure lying on its side.

Stand up straight. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Stand calmly, pulling your stomach in and straightening your chest. Bend your knees slightly.

Now raise both arms to chest level, while using them to describe a “lying figure eight.” The left one, when you describe this figure from the left side of the chest, should be on top, and the right one should seem to follow it. When both hands are directly in front of your chest, switch their positions. The left one is now below, the right one is above. Describe the figure eight on the right. Do this 16 times, alternating the position of your hands. Then do the following exercises. Taoist practices are not limited to this.

"The turtle retracts its head"

With this exercise you can strengthen the nervous system, get rid of excess weight and diabetes. In it, the basic movement resembles the behavior of a turtle hiding its head under its shell.

Stand up straight, straighten your chest. Bend your knees slightly, placing your arms along your body.

With your palms facing down, raise both arms parallel to the ground in front of your chest. Bend your elbows slightly. With your left hand, move your left hand down in a semicircle to the level of your stomach, then turn it up with your palm as if you were holding a ball. Shift your body weight to your right leg. Lean forward, turn your body slightly to the left. Now move your left leg half a step in the same direction, bend your knee. The right leg should be extended. The foot is completely on the ground. At the same time, extend your left arm forward and bend it at the wrist. In this case, your fingers should be horizontal to the ground. Lower your right hand until it touches your thigh. This pose resembles a man galloping on a horse.

Left hand turn your palm outwards, stretch it out, while left shoulder should describe a circle - the shoulder joint first moves up, then back, then down. Press your left hand to the same part of your chest as close as possible, draw a semicircle with your right hand. After this, press your right one as close to your chest as possible (to its right side), lean back top part your torso, bend your back, draw in your stomach and neck, like a turtle hiding its head under its shell.

Now return your shoulders to their normal position (first make a rotational movement back, then forward). With both hands, make a circle in front of your chest: first down, then forward and up. During this movement, the shoulder joints move back and then forward, returning to their original position. Now make another circle with both hands. Draw it this time first up, then forward and back. When your hands are at the level of your stomach, make a rotational movement shoulder joints first back, then forward, returning them to their original position. After this, repeat the circular movements.

When your shoulders are at the level of your stomach, you should turn your upper body to the right. Place your hands in front of your chest as if you were holding a ball in front of you. Shift your body weight to your left leg, lift your right leg and move it forward half a step so that your posture resembles a person galloping on a horse. From this position, you can begin to perform the exercise on the right side. All movements coincide exactly with those described above. However, they should be performed in the opposite direction. Do this exercise 4 times in each direction, alternating directions (8 times in total). Turn left to finish it. This way you will return to your starting position.

"Swimming Dragon"

Taoist practices for women and men include the following exercise. It improves kidney function and strengthens the spine. In it, the movements resemble the tail of a dragon playing in water (Taoist practices of the “10 Golden Exercises,” as you may have already noticed, often imitate various animals). You should make three circles with your hands in front of you.

How to do this exercise?

Squeeze your thighs tightly, your feet should be close to each other, and your ankles should touch. Hang your arms loosely along your body, clasp your fingers. Now tuck your chin in, then smile and think that you are still young (Taoist practice of “inner smile”).

Press your arms tightly to your sides, bend them, folding your palms in front of your chest, as if in prayer. The hands now move to the left so that the right palm is on the left. Now raise your right elbow. At the same time, the head moves to the left, and right thigh- to the right. Stretch your arms up and to the left, pressing your palms together. They need to be held above the head, and then lowered to the right of the head. When they are in front of the neck, you will describe full circle. Now left palm located on top, fingers pointing forward. As you circle your arms, swing your hips from right to left, then return to the center position. Squat down slightly, bending your knees so that your center of gravity moves slightly lower.

Now describe a semicircle to the right and down with closed palms. As a result, the hands should end up in front of the chest (the right palm covers the left palm). Fingers point forward. Rock your hips to the right while your arms move in a semicircle. Then return them to their original position. Crouching, complete the second lower semicircle.

Continue further to the right and down, the left palm should be above the right. Fingers point forward. Having described a semicircle with your arms, swing your hips to the left, then return them to their original position. The center of gravity moves lower and lower. You should now be halfway down, completing the third semicircle.

All the movements described above go from top to bottom. Let us now proceed to movements in the opposite direction - from bottom to top. Complete the exercise in the same way. Now repeat it 4 times. In the final part, when the hands make the third circle and end up on the left side of your chest, continue to the left and up. Lower them loosely when they are directly above your head.

"Swimming Frog"

Taoist practices "10 golden exercises" include the following, which heals thyroid gland. It imitates the movements of a frog swimming in water.

Squeeze your thighs tightly, placing your feet close together, your ankles should touch. Lower your arms loosely along your body, clasp your fingers on both. Smile with your chin tucked in.

Now raise your bent arms so that your palms are near your chest. You need to close your fingers, bend your knees, pull in your neck and stomach. You are now half crouched. Raise your heels slightly. Stretch your arms forward at chest level, describe two circles with both hands at the same time, and then return them back to the position in front of your chest. Remember, making movements with your hands, like a frog swims.

While you are doing the circles, remember to stick your butt out and stretch your neck. With both hands, make 8 circular movements forward, and then to the sides and towards you. After this - 8 times in reverse, away from you. When your palms are at your chest, begin a circular motion. Describing clockwise circles, you should put forward top part abdomen and chest, straighten your legs, stick out your buttocks and stretch your neck. It is recommended to do only 16 movements.

"The Phoenix Spreads Its Wings"

Basic Taoist practices for men and women ( this complex) completes the next exercise. With its help we restore calm and increase vital energy. The flapping of a phoenix's wings resembles hand movements.

By doing this exercise, you will get rid of the excitement that arose after the previous ones. Therefore, it completes the cycle that completes both Taoist women's practices and men's.

The legs are now shoulder-width apart, and the arms hang freely along the body. The muscles are relaxed, the fingers are slightly bent.

Now raise your hands as if there is a ball in them (above your left hand is your right hand). Turn your hands towards each other back sides. Now lift your left one as far as possible to the left and up, palm down. At this time, move your right one down and to the right as much as possible, palm up. At the same time, take a half step to the left with your left foot, assuming an archer pose. Shift your body weight to your left, turn your head (look like a phoenix spreading its wings).

Return your hands to the starting position. Raise your right one as far as possible to the right and up, palm down. At the same time, take your left one as far as possible to the left and down, with your palm facing up. Take half a step to the right at the same time right foot, taking an archer pose.

Shift your body weight to your right, look down, turning your head like a phoenix spreading its wings. Repeat the exercise 4 times in both directions, 8 times in total.

These are the basic Taoist practices of the 10 Golden Exercises. It is better to perform them together, but you can do them separately. Try it and you will feel for yourself what Taoist rejuvenation practices are. Others are also very interesting. For example, Taoist practices to improve vision will help those who have poor vision. Today, such exercises are especially relevant for many. Taoist love practices are also becoming increasingly popular.

Awakening the energy of life. Freeing Trapped Qi Francis Bruce

Taoist sexual practices

Taoist sexual practices

When people make love, the qi in their bodies is strengthened and itself increases sufficiently. As chi becomes more abundant and strong, we feel more alive, creative, and vibrant with life. Our blood and other fluids flow faster, causing us to tremble and flush our faces. For many, the release that follows orgasm is often the time when we feel most relaxed and when the chatter of the mind and negative emotions seems to fade away. We feel fully present to what we are experiencing.

Now Taoists are not concerned with a lot of the cultural, moral and religious baggage that sex can be associated with in the West. They are more interested in exploring energetic motives, and Taoist practices as such were developed by studying heterosexual adults who use contraception and do not use violence. With all this in mind, they approached the exploration of the possibilities of stimulating the free-flowing qi within people with a sexually disinterested and pragmatic approach. Taoist sexual practices fall into two categories:

Sexual Qigong – techniques that increase sensitivity and awareness to the chi flowing within you and your partner, including techniques that help you achieve healing benefits from any qi practice.

Sexual meditation – methods that lead to profound religious experiences, often called divine awareness, enlightenment, emptiness, or universal love.

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