How to sleep correctly during pregnancy in the early and late stages, what sleeping positions are best to choose? Pleasant dreams or how pregnant women can sleep in the later stages Why pregnant women should lie on their left side

No sooner have you rejoiced at the news about future motherhood than you are faced with a bunch of questions. One of the most important is how to find the right sleeping position during pregnancy.

  1. Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy?
  2. Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?
  3. What other sleeping positions are acceptable?

Today, the online magazine “” will tell you how to choose a suitable sleeping position that will be comfortable for mother and baby.

The very first and important rule when choosing a sleeping position for a pregnant woman - so that the chosen positions do not harm the unborn baby and bring a minimum of inconvenience to the expectant mother.

Does it matter

Every woman, having learned that she will soon become a mother, tries to do everything possible to ensure that her baby develops correctly over the next 9 months and, when born, has no health problems. To do this, it is necessary, among other things, to protect him during sleep, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. It turns out that an unsuccessful position for resting at night, chosen by the mother, can harm the baby, causing him to suffer from a lack of oxygen.

Read also: What to do when you suffer from insomnia during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the most large vessel human body - lower vena cava- experiences constant pressure from the enlarging uterus, amniotic fluid and the growing fetus itself. If a woman takes an incorrect position for a long time, for example, resting on her back, the vein is severely pinched and the volume of circulating blood is reduced. In this case, the fetus does not receive sufficient oxygen, and if the situation repeats every night, this can negatively affect its intrauterine development. Mom’s well-being also suffers - the morning begins with sudden dizziness, decreased blood pressure, feeling short of breath, tachycardia or arrhythmia.

But there are other reasons why it is important for expectant mothers to monitor their sleeping position. For example, when wondering why pregnant women should not sleep on their right side, one should remember the pressure that in this case would be placed on the liver and kidney. As a result, the risk of swelling, varicose veins in the legs and back pain increases. But by choosing a different pose, for example, on the left side, corresponding physiological characteristics body of a pregnant woman, these and many other problems can be avoided.

First trimester

Being pregnant, a woman should first of all take care of the comfort and safety of the baby, thinking less about which side she used to like to sleep on - whether the expectant mother sleeps in the correct position corresponding to the stage of pregnancy largely determines the health and rate of development of the fetus. It is not surprising that a woman has many questions about this as soon as she finds out that she is pregnant: is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their right side, will it harm the baby if its mother rests on her stomach, what is the safest position to be in at night, etc. d.?

At a short stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother can sleep in any position - while the fetus is still small, even lying on her stomach is not dangerous for him. The main thing is to create truly comfortable conditions for rest at night in order to enable the body, which is experiencing serious stress due to hormonal changes, to restore the strength spent during the day. This is the best time to buy an orthopedic mattress and special pillows for pregnant women, which in a couple of months will become simply indispensable for a good night’s sleep.

From the second half of the first trimester, the expectant mother should gradually wean herself off the habit of resting at night on her stomach and back, because already from the 11th week the uterus puts significant pressure on the inferior vena cava, worsening placental blood flow. This is especially true for those who are expecting twins - during a multiple pregnancy, the load on the spine and internal organs makes itself felt much earlier. The best option at this time is to sleep on your side, but during the night it is advisable not to remain in the same position, but to periodically turn over, preventing the appearance of swelling and numbness of the limbs.

Second trimester

This is the most comfortable period of pregnancy - hormonal storms have subsided a little, toxicosis has receded, and the stomach and weight expectant mother generally not so large that she feels awkward or suffers from back pain. However, the question of how to sleep properly at this time becomes more relevant every day - the fetus and uterus are growing rapidly, putting pressure on neighboring organs, which, if ignored, can be dangerous for the health of the unborn baby and his mother.

Lying on his stomach is out of the question during this period - although the baby in the womb is protected by amniotic fluid, the daily increasing weight of his mother can seriously harm him. From 24-26 weeks, you need to forget about resting on your back, especially when it comes to sleep - if during the day the expectant mother can quickly change an unsuccessfully chosen position, feeling unwell or restless in the child, then at night, having fallen soundly asleep, it is quite difficult to control this.

By the middle of the 2nd trimester, a pregnant woman should get used to sleeping exclusively on her side - she should spend most of the night lying on her left side, but periodically turning to her right. To decide exactly which side is better to sleep on at this time, a woman in this position needs a really good adviser - the baby can independently warn the sleeping mother that he is uncomfortable, waking her up with intense kicks.

Third trimester

The closer the day of birth, the more difficult it is for the expectant mother to get enough sleep: big belly makes it difficult to quickly find a comfortable resting position, and the discomfort and pain in the back become more and more noticeable. It is at this time that choosing the optimal sleeping position requires special attention. The best option is on the left side, while right leg You should bend your knee a little and put a small pillow under it, and straighten your left one completely. This pose corresponds anatomical features pregnant woman, ensuring adequate blood flow to the placenta and improving the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. Of course, it is difficult to stay in the same position all night, so the expectant mother can roll over for a while right side, but after that be sure to lie down on your left side again. This is the only way to protect the inferior vena cava, which runs along the right side of the uterus, from pressure that prevents normal blood circulation.

However, if a pregnant woman has heart problems, spending several hours lying on her left side can cause discomfort and discomfort. In such cases, doctors recommend taking an intermediate position, that is, lying partly on your side and partly on your back, placing a large pillow under it.

Also, when choosing a sleeping position before the approaching birth, you need to focus on the location of the fetus in the womb. Only an experienced specialist can give qualified advice on this matter, so his recommendations must be strictly followed. With a transverse presentation of the fetus, it is better for the expectant mother to spend the night on the side where the baby’s head is facing, and with a pelvic presentation, it is better to turn over from one side to the other more often.

Prohibited sleeping positions during pregnancy

While expecting the birth of a baby, the expectant mother should not only know which side is best for her to rest on at night, but also be aware of undesirable and even dangerous sleeping positions that can harm both her and the baby. First of all, we are talking, of course, about lying on your stomach. Already in the first months of pregnancy, doctors recommend gradually abandoning this position, learning to fall asleep on your side. After all, very soon this situation of the expectant mother can seriously injure the fetus, which finds itself under the pressure of her increased weight.

Prolonged rest on the back is dangerous for the development of the baby and the well-being of the pregnant woman herself. This position creates an obstacle to normal blood circulation, causing oxygen starvation in the fetus and dizziness in the expectant mother. However, women carrying twins are sometimes allowed to rest in a reclining position with a large pillow under their back - due to the significant load caused by multiple pregnancies, it can be extremely difficult for them to fall asleep even on their sides.

The answer to the question why pregnant women cannot sleep on the right side lies in their physiology - the location of the inferior vena cava makes resting on this side undesirable, fraught with disruption of the blood supply to the placenta and stress on the liver, kidneys and heart of the expectant mother.

Obviously, choosing a suitable position for rest and sleep while carrying a child is extremely important for the full development of the fetus and the well-being of the pregnant woman. This means that, without paying attention to the advice of specialists on this matter, the expectant mother risks seriously harming both herself and the baby, provoking the appearance of health problems, which, if done correctly, can be completely avoided.

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Which side is better to sleep on?

It is believed that during pregnancy it is more correct to sleep on the left side, since prolonged sleep on the right side can serve to compress the vena cava, which runs along the right side of the uterus.

In this case, blood circulation becomes difficult, the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to supply the baby will be insufficient.

The best position for a woman and baby during sleep is considered to be the left side. For greater convenience, under upper leg you need to put a pillow down and straighten the other one.

Why is healthy sleep vital for an expectant mother?

While it lasts 9 months, a woman needs to get some sleep before sleepless nights. The body is cleansed of toxins that have accumulated since the first weeks of its interesting position.

The quality of sleep also affects the proper development of babies. Only at this time growth hormone (somatotropin) is produced most in the mother’s body and reaches a peak at 12 weeks, then it is secreted independently in twins.

In the future, the periods of wakefulness and sleep for mother and babies are synchronized. When they sleep, all the organs and neural connections in their brain are laid down.

During the first trimester
The woman begins to experience toxicosis and the level of progesterone in the blood increases. Therefore, at first the pregnant woman constantly feels sleepy. The uterus is still small in size, and the twins are still very tiny. Therefore, get enough sleep at this time to your health, in whatever position you like.

By the beginning of the second trimester, if mommy is used to sleeping on her stomach, she should reconsider her habits. Moreover, during a multiple pregnancy, the belly becomes noticeable earlier. It is better to immediately learn to sleep correctly - on your side.

Which side is best to sleep on? It is preferable on the left, since on the right the liver, which already has to function intensively, is compressed.

The third trimester is a difficult period for an expectant mother. Babies who have grown in their bellies now push not only during the day, but also at night. Especially if she lies down somehow wrong, you can immediately get a protesting kick.

In addition to this, babies put pressure on bladder, lungs, stomach. A woman is being harassed frequent urination, shortness of breath and heartburn appear. So, our female body is preparing for getting up at night in the future for the child. Can you sleep here?

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy is no longer allowed. The little ones with their weight compress the vena cava, through which blood flows from the heart to the lower extremities. A pregnant woman in this position may experience fainting and placental abruption. Twins may receive less nutrients and oxygen from the amniotic fluid, there is a risk of hypoxia.

To know how to sleep properly later, you need to do an ultrasound. The correct position depends on how the twins are positioned in the stomach. If you have been diagnosed with breech presentation, then you need to sleep on the side where the fetal head is located. During the night, roll over from one side to the other at least 3-4 times.

The average weight gain during a twin pregnancy is 15-20 kg, and this is more than during a normal pregnancy. You need more rest to recuperate.

What to do?

  1. Adjust your biorhythms. Make it a habit to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Although it will be unusual to get up on an alarm clock when you don’t need to rush anywhere. But the body will fall asleep quickly and without problems.
  2. Go to bed no later than 9:30 pm and wake up before 8 am. Why? Scientists have proven that until one in the morning we are most in a state of delta sleep, when rehabilitation and healing of the body occurs. After five in the morning it no longer gives a feeling of rest.
  3. Use a pillow. I bought it in the form of a horseshoe filled with polystyrene. One part comfortably supports the belly of a pregnant twin. And I hold the second part between my knees. A cushion that can be placed under the lower back also helps a lot.
  4. Daily regime. Let mental and emotional stress prevail in the first half of the day, and walk and exercise in the late afternoon. During physical activity adenosine is produced, which causes drowsiness.
  5. Reduce your time in bed. You shouldn’t turn into Oblomov, who lies aimlessly on her all day. The bed should be associated with the place where you only sleep.
  6. Have dinner 3 hours before bed, but don't overeat. Now several new lives are growing inside you, and the body requires a lot of energy for this. Eat little and often.
  7. With your doctor's permission, you can drink chamomile tea, milk with honey and cinnamon, get a massage, and aromatherapy before going to bed. Do not use sleeping pills or sedatives medications.
  8. Create a pleasant environment. Ventilate the room before going to bed, humidify the air.

I would be glad if these tips help you quickly get into the kingdom of Morpheus and gain strength. Because, as practice shows, sleep after childbirth becomes a luxury. I wish future mothers sweet dreams and healthy children!

See you again!

Always yours, Anna Tikhomirova

Expecting a child is happiness for a woman. But positive emotions during this period they are combined with constant experiences. One of them is the question: what is the most comfortable and safe way to sleep during pregnancy?

Features of sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you are supposed to sleep 8–10 hours at night and rest 2–3 times during the day for 30–40 minutes. This routine will allow you to restore strength and keep your body in good shape.

  • A mattress for a woman in this position must be of medium hardness to support the spine and internal organs. Also, do not forget that if a pregnant woman sleeps with her partner, then his movements may interfere good rest, so a mattress that is too springy will not work. The best option will become orthopedic, which has sufficient rigidity and follows the contours of the body, contributing to proper support of the spine and neck.
  • It is recommended to change your sleeping position 2-3 times a night.
  • It is not advisable to drink a lot of liquid in the evening to prevent the urge to go to the toilet at night.
  • Walking and airing the room will set you up for the upcoming sleep.
  • A soothing shower or relaxing bath can also help you fall asleep faster.

How to sleep properly in the early stages

The first trimester is the time when the belly does not yet noticeably increase in size, and the fetus is very small, so the woman can sleep as comfortably as possible. Even the position “on the stomach” is not forbidden, but only until 11 weeks of pregnancy. Later, the uterus begins to change in size, and this position can put pressure on it.

It is recommended to wean yourself from sleeping on your stomach in the early stages, so that later it will be easier to rest in another, more suitable and safe position. It is preferable to get used to falling asleep on your back or side (and in the first trimester you are allowed to do this on either side).

The only thing that brings discomfort in the first trimester of pregnancy is the soreness of the swollen mammary glands. This often leads to the expectant mother looking for a more comfortable sleeping position.

How to choose the right position in later stages

The second trimester is the period when the rounded uterus begins to extend beyond its original position. Although the fetus is protected by amniotic fluid, the wall of the uterus and the fat layer of the mother, sleeping on the stomach is no longer allowed, so as not to create unnecessary pressure.

Why shouldn't you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Firstly, over time the baby becomes larger and begins to put pressure on the internal organs of the expectant mother. And if during some activity this is not felt so strongly, then during sleep the pressure increases much more.

In addition, due to the fact that the body, as mentioned above, can calculate the compression of the vessel acute blood loss, then he will react accordingly. For example, the following symptoms may occur:

When these symptoms appear, the condition becomes almost critical for the development of the fetus. The child’s general well-being deteriorates, primarily due to a lack of oxygen. It is for this reason that any qualified doctor will most likely say that pregnant women should not sleep on their back. Sometimes this even leads to loss of consciousness in a woman.

Naturally, you can temporarily change the position if necessary if the woman does not feel well. But during sleep protective functions the body is also weakened, so sleeping on the back can have a bad effect on the pregnant woman and her baby.

On top of that, this sleeping position can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, swelling of the legs, varicose veins and venous stagnation. Sometimes nausea and digestive problems also occur.

Another detail exists during multiple pregnancies. In such a situation, it is recommended to stop sleeping on your back at the beginning of the second trimester.

How body position during sleep affects health

The fetal position, when a person lies on his side with his knees drawn up to his chest, helps reduce many unpleasant sensations in the body. It reduces pain from stomach ulcers, improves low blood pressure, and helps with depression or neuroses. If you suddenly develop the habit of unconsciously accepting the position of the fetus, you should check your health in these aspects.

Those who sleep on their side while placing their hands under their cheeks should check the health of their organs respiratory system: As a rule, such a tendency indicates incipient tonsillitis, sinusitis or sinusitis. Those who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis “love” the same position.

Gravity towards a large number pillows under the head and a semi-sitting position during sleep is often caused by dysfunction of the heart muscle. Since a horizontal position can contribute to difficulty in the heart, shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness, the body subconsciously tries to avoid this by adopting a different position.

The preference to sleep on your back is often caused not so much by the convenience of this position. Research suggests that people who sleep on their backs have a reduced amount of oxygen in their blood, which may be accompanied by frequent colds.

And if in this position a person also constantly bends his knees, this may indicate varicose veins veins in initial stage. A person takes this position subconsciously, which facilitates blood flow, and the veins and heart are freed from additional stress.

Lying on the left side alleviates the condition when diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver and right kidney. But sleeping on your back, with your arms spread wide, means that there is a risk of developing asthmatic bronchitis.

  • Such sleep is accompanied by snoring and difficulty breathing, which can be dangerous due to interruption of breathing or stopping (apnea). Details: An effective remedy against snoring and traditional methods treatment

Those who suffer from stomach or intestinal diseases, or complain of pain in the spine, often sleep on their stomach or in the “fetal” position. Such positions help reduce the load on problem areas.

If a person covers his head with a pillow when falling asleep, this may indicate illness. auditory nerve.

Since some positions are comfortable for us out of habit, the most worrying thing is when a person begins to wake up in an unusual or unnatural position.

Which side is the right one to sleep on?

The healthiest position is considered to be lying on your side. Moreover, it is preferable to sleep on the left side, since in this position the work of the gastrointestinal tract is activated, the liver is on top, freely secretes enzymes and separates bile, which moves freely through the ducts, especially comfortable for the stomach and pancreas. Lymphatic system in this position, it actively cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

Watch the video: Which side to sleep on so as not to harm your health.

But in order for sleep in this body position to be useful and comfortable, you should follow some rules:

  1. The head and spine should be on the same line, without unnecessary bends. In order for this ratio to be suitable for the human body, you need to choose the right mattress and pillow height;
  2. It is advisable to place a blanket or small pillow between your legs, this will allow you to completely relax the muscles of the pelvic girdle and legs;
  3. When lying on your side, your arms should not be under the pillow or under your head; it is better if they are below shoulder level.

Sleeping on your side allows you to reduce the load on your back, and if there are certain problems with the health of your spine, it can alleviate the condition and reduce pain. This is especially desirable for those who suffer from osteochondrosis in the spine or stenosis of the spinal canal.

Those who are comfortable sleeping in this position should take into account that if you have liver problems, you should avoid frequent positioning on the right side, since this organ will experience increased stress. This may cause wrinkles to form more quickly.

Contraindications for those who like to sleep on their left side

As for lying on the left side, it is considered the most physiologically correct, since this does not compress the liver. True, there are still certain contraindications:

  • This position is contraindicated for heart patients, due to the increased load on the heart;
  • Lying on the left side is undesirable for all those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, since the amplitude of lung function decreases.

For other people, the left side is the most favorable from a health point of view. If hand numbness occurs frequently, this indicates a pinched nerve. Then you should turn over periodically.

Poses for sleeping and resting during pregnancy

Each of us has a favorite position that we involuntarily take when going to bed. But are all sleeping positions during pregnancy safe? Let's consider the possible influence of each of them by trimester.

First trimester

If the pregnancy is progressing normally and there are no special medical recommendations, then in the first 12 weeks you don’t have to give up your usual resting positions. The position on the stomach is also not prohibited. The fetus is still too small and is sufficiently protected from compression by the bones of the pelvis and pubic symphysis. The only inconvenience that forces many women to give up their favorite position on their stomach is pain in the breasts, which swell and become extremely sensitive in the early stages of pregnancy.

Second trimester

The question of how to sleep better for pregnant women is relevant at this stage. After the 12th week, intensive growth of the fetus is noted, and from about the 18th week the uterus extends beyond the pubic and pelvic bones. Despite the shock-absorbing function of amniotic fluid and the fat layer of the mother's abdominal wall, the prone position can cause unwanted pressure on the fetus.

The optimal resting position during pregnancy is considered to be on the left side. In this position, the enlarging uterus does not put pressure on the liver, and the pressure on the kidneys and bladder is also minimal. However, it is difficult to remain in one position all night, so it is permissible to roll over from one side to the other.

Third trimester

The last three months of pregnancy are accompanied by increased growth of the fetus, due to which staying on the stomach becomes not only dangerous, but also impossible. It will be more difficult for those who are used to sleeping on their back. In this position, the uterus, which already has significant weight, puts pressure on the spine and intestines, and also compresses the inferior vena cava. Due to this, the flow of blood from the lower body to the heart is disrupted. As a result, a woman may note:

  • restless behavior of the child in the womb;
  • symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, weakness, spots before the eyes);
  • pain and stiffness in the lower back and lower spine;
  • indigestion (feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, heartburn, problems with stool);
  • signs of varicose veins lower limbs(feeling of discomfort, pastiness, swelling);
  • development of hemorrhoids.

Venous congestion in the mother’s body is no less dangerous for the fetus, which does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Trophic disturbances and hypoxia can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. It is for these reasons that it is important to choose the right sleeping positions during pregnancy.

A person changes body position during sleep, and it is impossible to control this. At the same time, there are some tricks that prevent a sleeping woman from turning over on her back: someone, lying on her left side, places some object behind her that prevents her from turning onto her back, someone sews a tennis ball into the bottom of her pajama jacket.

The correct sleeping position in the third trimester is on the left side. Wherein right knee You can pull it to your stomach by placing a pillow under it, and stretch your left leg. In this position, the load on the pelvis is minimal, and the woman has the opportunity to fully relax. From time to time you can turn to the right, but it is better to fall asleep on your left side. At the final stage of pregnancy, the baby is able to send signals to the mother about its distress with jerks, which helps the woman to orient herself in time and change her position.

Can pregnant women sleep on their back?

If you are completely unbearable and want to rest at least a little on your back, place a few pillows and take a reclining position. But don't do it often. Remember that sleeping on your back is dangerous:

  • hemorrhoids worsen,
  • breathing worsens,
  • blood pressure decreases,
  • back pain occurs,
  • the child's blood circulation is impaired,
  • changes in heartbeat occur
  • little nutrients are supplied.

Signs will also tell you what pregnant women should not do:

  1. You can't cross your legs. Rumor has it that a baby may be born with club feet, although today it has already been proven that such a position has nothing to do with the curvature of the legs; it is unsuccessful, since the blood circulation in the woman’s legs is disrupted, which leads to varicose veins.
  2. You cannot raise your arms above your head. Previously, it was believed that if the mother often raised her arms, this provoked the umbilical cord to entangle the fetus. Now gynecologists say that it is not dangerous to do this until 20 weeks, and then it can provoke leakage of amniotic fluid.
  3. You can't sleep on your back. This is a true sign associated with the fact that the vena cava is being compressed, which can lead to fainting, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, and tachycardia.

Now you know why pregnant women should not sleep on their back. Pudendal vein compression syndrome can be triggered by polyhydramnios, a large fetus, hypotension, multiple pregnancies, and also when the mother is short.

Care should be taken when choosing a resting position during pregnancy to avoid problems associated with awkward body positioning.

Sleep disorders occur in 80% of pregnant women. This is caused by emotional instability and physiological changes, occurring with the body and organism of a woman. To protect the baby from unpleasant consequences intrauterine hypoxia, it is necessary to gradually get used to new positions during night rest.

The first weeks after conception, a woman constantly feels sleepy. This is due to the fact that the body begins to rebuild and expend more energy. Discomfort appears due to an enlarged uterus, changes hormonal background. Therefore, in the second trimester, the girl suffers from insomnia, she has nightmares, and sleepwalking worsens. The reasons for this condition are as follows:

Also be restful sleep provoked by uncomfortable pastels, tight clothing, extraneous noise. During pregnancy, a woman feels the heat more sensitively and cannot tolerate it. Therefore, if the bedroom is stuffy, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Advice! If you are prone to allergies and have chronic diseases upper respiratory tract, it is not recommended to grow indoor flowers in the bedroom or sleep with pets. To minimize development allergic rhinitis, regularly carry out wet cleaning.

Choosing a suitable position for expectant mothers to rest at night

From the first days a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to completely reconsider her lifestyle. The girl refuses bad habits, physical activity, changes in diet. The changes also concern the favorite positions in which she sleeps. Due to the expanding belly, the usual position becomes physically uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby. To get enough sleep even late in the day, you need to go to bed correctly.

Until the 12th week, you are allowed to sleep as you like; with the onset of the 7th month of pregnancy, the woman is limited to only resting on her side. To prevent your whole body from hurting the next morning, you need to periodically change your position.

Dangerous positions

There are dangerous sleeping positions for pregnant women that are completely excluded. Women who continue to follow their habits increase the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. You should not lie on your back, especially when the fetus begins to quickly gain weight. The expectant mother will sleep restlessly, and the baby will suffer from oxygen starvation.

If you regularly rest lying on your back or stomach, this will lead to the following consequences:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • breech or transverse presentation;
  • increased activity of the baby, entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the legs, arms, face;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvis;
  • lower back pain.

It is recommended to monitor your condition and position while resting. But this does not mean that a woman should not sleep, so as not to accidentally harm the baby and herself. As long as the fetus is within the symphysis pubis, it is safe from external pressure. Lying on her stomach from the 22nd week becomes impossible, the pregnant woman is uncomfortable, so she independently refuses this position.

Mid-pregnancy restrictions

In early pregnancy, you are allowed to use familiar positions. The middle of gestation is the most favorable and safe period. At this time, the woman does not experience toxicosis and is less emotional. From 18 to 28 weeks, the fewest complaints about restless sleep are received. While your tummy is small, you can rest for a while on your back.

It is important to know! If you have twins or the placenta is attached to the anterior wall, then already in the middle of pregnancy it is recommended to sleep exclusively on your side. Also, be sure to create comfortable conditions for yourself with pillows, blankets, and a comfortable mattress.

Late bans

In the third trimester, a large belly appears, which makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, walk, sit and sleep. To avoid aggravating the condition and harming the developing fetus, follow these rules:

  1. Don't sleep on your stomach, it's dangerous.
  2. Regular sleeping on the back disrupts the normal course of pregnancy; frequent compression of the lower hollow vessel occurs.
  3. Minimize sleeping on your right side, as the enlarged uterus in this position puts pressure on the kidneys. If a woman was diagnosed with cystitis or pyelonephritis before pregnancy, pressure can trigger a relapse of the disease.

Choosing comfortable and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy in the last months is very difficult. A woman will have to sacrifice her comfort for a short time for the sake of the baby.

Advice! Pay attention to the movements; if they increase in any position, the child may be uncomfortable or there is not enough oxygen.

Sleeping on your left side

The best positions recommended for sleeping and daytime rest during pregnancy are lying on your side, as well as resting with a pillow sandwiched between your legs. From the 36th week you need to lie on the left side more often, since the vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Regular compression of the vessel leads to poor circulation.

Sleeping on your left side affects pregnancy in the following ways:

  • sufficient oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • reduction of swelling, normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • reducing the load on the heart;
  • sound and healthy sleep;
  • no pain in the lower back and pelvis.

If the ultrasound showed a transverse presentation of the fetus, the gynecologist should warn you about the peculiarities of sleep. You can’t sleep on the side that your baby’s bottom is on. Therefore, if it is on the left side, the pregnant woman needs to lie on her right side.

The best position for a woman expecting a baby

If a woman is uncomfortable sleeping on her side, you can try resting in a semi-sitting position. Pillows should be placed under your back and head. Thus, the vena cava is not compressed, the uterus does not come into contact with the diaphragm, shortness of breath and snoring disappear.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from your legs, you can place a soft cushion under them while you dream. This position helps reduce the load and therefore prevents the development of varicose veins. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to lie on your left side more often. If excessive fetal activity occurs, change position.

Other positions allowed during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the choice of sleeping position is limited by physiological characteristics. At large sizes abdomen due to the anterior attachment of the placenta or multiple pregnancy, the most correct position is reclining. Until the third trimester, you can tuck your legs towards your chest. To avoid triggering cramps, do not stretch.

If a woman does not get enough sleep in the listed positions and feels tired, it is necessary to pay attention to other causes of development restless sleep. Relax on a comfortable bed; it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and special pillows for pregnant women. When preparing for bed, turn off the lights and TV everywhere, and put your phone on silent mode.

You should not constantly monitor your position while resting, and if the position is incorrect, you should unnecessarily worry about the condition of the baby. Following these rules will allow you to completely relax, which contributes to sound, good sleep.

The most comfortable positions for daytime rest

Daytime sleep is necessary for a pregnant woman to full recovery strength, especially if she continues to work or does not get enough sleep at night. The most comfortable position is reclining. If you don't want to sleep, you can sit on a soft chair. For greater comfort, place a pillow under your back and place your feet on a pouf.

If a girl suffers from insomnia or sleeps restlessly, it is necessary to refuse nap. One of the causes of the disorder may be insufficient physical activity during daylight hours. It’s better to do something you love after lunch, read a book, take a walk in the fresh air.

Use of pregnancy pillows

You can ensure the correct position while sleeping at home using ordinary sofa pillows. They need to be placed under the neck, lower back, and legs. This design is inconvenient because when changing positions you have to shift the rollers for a long time.

There are many special devices that will help a pregnant woman find a comfortable position and get a good night's sleep. Pillows are made with different fillings and shapes. When purchasing them, consider the size of the bed.

Using pillows makes it easier to accept correct poses for sleep during pregnancy:

  1. On the left side. Place a pillow between your legs, your legs should be in a position comfortable for you. Any form of roller is suitable for this pose.
  2. On the right side. A pillow is placed under the stomach and left leg. It is considered the most convenient U shape, allowing you to change position during the night without twisting the roller.
  3. Reclining. The pillow should be located under the neck, back, lower back, and it is also recommended to slightly raise your legs. For this pose, you need to choose bulky rollers in the shape of the letters G, C, O.

If you are experiencing severe pain in the lower back, before choosing, you should consult a gynecologist. If you are not prone to allergies to synthetics, it is better to buy a pillow made of polystyrene foam or holofiber. These fillers will keep their shape and will not decrease in size over time.

During pregnancy, be sure to avoid dangerous sleeping positions that put pressure on the abdomen or inferior vena cava. You shouldn’t wake up every hour and control yourself, listen to your feelings. If the baby begins to move actively, it is necessary to change position. In the last month, especially with increased tone, lower back pain and gestosis, it is best to sleep on the left side.

During pregnancy, sleep patterns, its duration, and even the position in which a woman rests change. Now she needs not only to lie down so that she can get enough sleep and recover as much as possible herself. Be sure to take a position that does not harm the fetus. Let's try to figure it out: which side is better to sleep on during pregnancy? Let's also find out what happens if a woman rests on her back. Let's learn about the consequences of sleeping on the stomach for mother and baby. We will also answer the question: is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their right side?

The first three months of expecting a baby mean rapid fatigue and an irresistible craving for rest. The reason for this condition is the actively produced hormone progesterone. If possible, the parent should relax as much as her body requires. For the first 12 weeks, you can go to bed as you please. For the health and development of the baby, this aspect of the mother’s time is not yet critical.

Advice! If there is severe toxicosis, it is better to choose rest on your side. When you lie on your back or stomach, you feel even more nauseous.

I want to rest less in the next trimester. During these months, estrogen is more actively produced - adding strength and vital energy hormone. But the growing belly does not allow you to take the usual comfortable positions for sleep.

In the last trimester, a woman’s discomfort is added to by unpleasant pregnancy companions:

Often these symptoms occur in those who like to lie on the right side. And even more often on vacationers’ backs. The fetus moves and compresses the internal organs. It is better for a pregnant woman to make a choice in favor of being in correct position. This way she minimizes the risk of harming herself and the baby.

Side sleeping position for pregnant women: which side to choose

Once you have learned about the “interesting position,” it is important to understand which side is better to sleep on. Doctors advise pregnant women to gradually get used to lying this way. If you like to lie on your back, hurry up and change lanes.

While the belly has not grown large, the girl is still allowed to bask on the back. But as its size increases, move to the side. If possible, to the left. This is preferable for several reasons:

  1. No pressure on the liver. A pregnant woman wakes up without lower back pain or heartburn.
  2. Thanks to normal blood circulation, elements important for development reach the fetus in time.

It is important to know! There is no absolute prohibition against dozing on the right side. Especially in the early stages. But with the onset of the third trimester, obstetricians and gynecologists advise switching to “left-sided” rest.

Why do gynecologists believe that pregnant women should not sleep on their right side? There are several reasons for this:

  1. With the onset of the last term, the uterus begins to put pressure on the woman’s internal organs. In this position - on gallbladder and liver. Hence - constipation, heartburn, bloating.
  2. The inferior genital vein is compressed. Blood circulation is impaired.
  3. Due to pressure on the placenta, oxygen supply deteriorates. As a result, the fetus may experience hypoxia and delayed physical development.
  4. Possibility of developmental delay after birth. The reason is disruption of the formation of connections in parts of the brain due to chronic hypoxia.

Advice! Sleeping on the right side, however, is recommended for pregnant women who have a history of pathologies of the urinary system. Some cardiologists believe that in order to avoid heart problems, it is advisable to choose the right side for rest.

Prohibited positions

Lying on the right side is just not recommended. But there are positions in which lying is prohibited. It is clear that turning over on your stomach at this stage of life is not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe. But not everyone knows that by choosing a resting position on her back, a girl risks the baby’s health. There's even an old one folk sign– You cannot sleep on your back while expecting a baby, otherwise the baby will be stillborn. It is not unfounded. You need to forget about such positions already from the beginning of the second trimester. Sometimes girls give up these positions only after learning that they are pregnant. Let's see why it is important to adhere to this rule.

Consequences of sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy

Consequences of sleeping on your back during pregnancy

Many pregnant women note that the child himself tries to make the mother understand that he is experiencing discomfort. Movements, active kicking with legs. These are signs that the baby is feeling a lack of oxygen. Then the mother urgently needs to change her position. Ideally, turn to the left.

Side resting during pregnancy: features

To choose the right sleeping position, it is important to learn how to unborn child located in the womb. For example, a transverse presentation of the fetus has been established. Then sleep on the side where his head is. At breech Change position a couple of times a night. Just roll over from one side to the other. it's the same The right way rest for women expecting twins.

Right side

Is it more comfortable on the right side? Try to take this position: straighten your right leg and bend your left. If the fetus's head in transverse presentation is turned in this direction, this position will help him take the correct position in the uterus.

Left-hand side

When settling on your left side, try to bend your right leg, propping it up with a pillow. Left leg straighten as convenient.

Which side to choose for sleeping during pregnancy: expert opinion

Doctors are still inclined to believe that it is more beneficial for a woman expecting a child to sleep on her left side. This is better for her and the baby for the following reasons:

But the main thing is to listen to your feelings. If it is easier for a woman to fall asleep lying on her right side, she can rest in this position until sleep occurs. negative reaction body. Dizziness, flatulence, shortness of breath, heartburn - all these are signs that the position urgently needs to be changed.

Poor rest at the end of term and ways to improve it

Despite all Taken measures, rest at a later date still causes discomfort to the woman. A pillow or folded blanket placed between your knees will help you sleep and at least relax a little. And the best thing is to buy an accessory designed specifically for pregnant girls.

Now there are many types of such products. For example, a pillow shaped like a horseshoe. It's U-shaped. Allows you to safely rotate from side to side. When using this model, place your head on its base. You can put your tummy on the product in the shape of the letter G, and at the same time squeeze part of it between your knees. Thanks to such soft assistants, the risk of rolling over into a dangerous position is reduced.

What else will help improve your rest at a later date? For example, ask someone close to you to give you a light massage. But don't touch your stomach! Pleasant strokes help you relax. If that doesn't work, you can try drinking a special Herb tea or magnesia. But regarding the latest remedies, you must always consult your doctor. It’s also good to go out into the fresh air and take a short walk before going to bed.


In the first trimester, it is not scary if the girl sleeps in a position in which she is comfortable. But if she is used to resting on her stomach or back, it is better to hurry up and accustom herself to the new position. Both positions are extremely dangerous for the child. Already from the second trimester, learn to sleep on your left side. This is the most acceptable holiday option. An exception is if the parent has kidney pathologies, or the fetus is placed with its head to the right.

But the main thing is to look for the most comfortable position. There is no need to try to freeze in one position all night. And, of course, it is important to listen to the reaction of the child himself.

When pregnant, a woman has to take care not only of herself, but also of her unborn child. Sleep is an important component of human life. The moral and physical health. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to pay attention to sleep and always try to get a good night's sleep.

Many women talk about it during pregnancy. The result of such changes is deterioration appearance, irritability, depression. These psychological factors are aggravated by lower back pain and heaviness in the legs.

Acceptance can correct the situation emergency measures to improve sleep quality:

  • buy soft, pleasant-to-touch bedding;
  • use a special pillow for pregnant women;
  • spend more time in the fresh air (especially before bedtime);
  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • drink a glass of soothing tea before bed (in recent weeks it is better to replace it with aromatherapy sessions);
  • choose the most comfortable position.

Which side to sleep on during pregnancy

For a woman who is not pregnant, there is no problem with choosing a position. She can sleep on her back, not her stomach, on either side. Pregnant women have to take care of their own health and the safety of the fetus. As their belly increases, they have to give up the pleasure of sleeping on their stomach and then on their back. There are two options left - on the right or left side.

The position on the left side is considered the most comfortable and useful. Blood circulation is not disturbed in it, and the fetus receives the oxygen necessary for development. But it is not a panacea. Much depends on the presentation of the fetus. When transverse, it is recommended to lie on the side in which the baby’s head is located.

It must be taken into account that the sleeping position should not be static. It should be changed 3-4 times a night.

Pregnant women can sleep on their back only in the first 28 weeks. As the fetus enlarges, the uterus begins to put pressure on organs located in the lumbar region:

  • vena cava;
  • intestines;
  • bladder.

As a result, a woman feels discomfort and a frequent urge to urinate, which negatively affects the quality of sleep. The main danger that arises while sleeping on your back is disruption of blood flow and, accordingly, the supply of oxygen to organs, including the placenta. The child begins to experience oxygen starvation and begins to be active, which also does not contribute to proper rest. At the first signs of restless behavior of the baby, you must immediately change position and turn on your side.

Sleeping on your stomach

In the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester), sleeping on the stomach cannot harm the baby in any way. During this period, the uterus does not yet increase in size and does not put pressure on the internal organs. The only limitation may be psychological condition pregnant. Expectant mothers feel fear for their baby and prefer to immediately abandon this position.

In the second and third trimester, sleeping on your stomach is prohibited. The enlarged uterus is no longer protected by the pelvic bones. Despite the presence of additional restrictions in the form of amniotic fluid and membranes the fetus may be harmed.

What is the best position to sleep in during pregnancy?

Complete rest can only be obtained in the most comfortable sleeping position. Pregnant women have to deprive themselves of such pleasure for the sake of their own health and the safety of the fetus.

The choice of an acceptable sleeping position depends on the stage of pregnancy.

First trimester

  • on the back (the uterus is not yet enlarged and does not put pressure on the internal organs);
  • starfish (also unlimited);
  • on the side (the most comfortable position for sleeping, especially on the left);
  • “fetal” (similar to the position on the side, but due to the bent position of the spine, it is not recommended as a permanent one);
  • on the stomach (even this is acceptable in the first trimester).

Second trimester

  • on the back and a starfish (permissible at the very beginning of the period and for a short time, later the uterus begins to put strong pressure on the internal organs, which makes breathing difficult and disrupts blood flow);
  • on the side (the position has no restrictions);
  • “embryo” (permissible only at the beginning of the trimester, while it is still possible to tighten the bent legs, not recommended for constant sleep).

Third trimester

  • on the side (in other positions, both the expectant mother and baby feel discomfort).

You may be interested to know how body position during sleep affects human health.

Prohibited sleeping positions for expectant mothers

The ban on sleeping in a certain position begins to take effect only from the second trimester. In the first, if there are no individual contraindications, the expectant mother can sleep in any position convenient for her.

From the second trimester, pregnant women should stop sleeping on their backs and stomachs. The last position is especially dangerous, as the child can be injured in it.

Sleeping on your back leads to compression of the vena cava, which is responsible for supplying oxygen to the unborn child.

A simple device - a pregnancy pillow - will help relieve the stress that the expectant mother's body experiences even while lying on her side. They are available in several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. By choosing the most suitable pillow, expectant mothers will reduce the load on the spine, which experiences severe overload during pregnancy. You can choose a model that supports your stomach and allows you to rest your legs comfortably. When choosing pillows, you should remember that during night rest you need to change position, and the device should not interfere with these movements.

How to organize your sleep correctly

Pregnancy is associated with sleep disturbances, but proper organization process will help eliminate all inconveniences.

  1. Expectant mothers are advised to choose a comfortable mattress and soft bedding.
  2. A pregnancy pillow will be a real salvation when your spine needs relaxation.
  3. Walking before bed will replenish your oxygen supply, which is beneficial for both mother and baby.
  4. Aromatherapy sessions will calm the nervous system.
  5. Compliance with the regime will help the body to rest regularly and fully.

By following these tips, you can easily regain restful sleep during pregnancy. Improved well-being will have a positive impact on the health of the unborn child, and the long-awaited baby will be born absolutely healthy.