Feeding the American Pit Bull Terrier. What and how to feed a pitbull puppy and an adult dog? What is the best way to feed a pitbull puppy?

American Pit Bull Terriers are serious, powerful and moderately aggressive animals. If treated well, they become reliable and fearless guards who are affectionate and friendly towards their owner. A well-designed diet plays an important role in raising such a pet. In this article we will tell you what feeding rules should be followed, what to feed your pit bull, and talk about the benefits natural products and store-bought food, as well as what it is better not to give to your pet.

The breeder always has a choice: to feed a puppy (one month old or more) natural or dry food. But more on that a little later.

Exist general rules drawing up the daily diet of a dog of this breed. In an effort to satiate a pet, an inexperienced owner runs the risk of overfeeding it. This cannot be done in any way, since the dog can dial excess weight, which is dangerous to health, as well as becoming lazy and sedentary. However, underfeeding is fraught with changes in behavior - the animal can become restless and irritable. Food from your table is not suitable for your pet. Food should not be too cold or too hot.

A pet may sometimes try to ignore food offered in hopes of waiting for a more tasty food. After fasting for 1-2 days, the animal will understand that it needs to eat the food offered by the owner. It is important for a pit bull to have the opportunity to rest 30 minutes before eating and for another half hour after the process, as this has a beneficial effect on digestion. In the morning, dogs are given light food, and in the evening they are offered more nutritious foods.

There are also recommendations for creating a diet according to the age of the pit bull puppy. So, in the first month of a baby’s life, you need to feed up to 6 times, at the age of 2.5–3 months – up to 5 times, 4–5 months – 4 times, a six-month-old pet needs food 3 times a day. And when the puppy grows up and turns 8 months old, you can switch your pet to two meals a day. The serving size should gradually increase.

Each puppy must receive about 100 grams of quality meat daily, eat chicken or veal heart, healthy chicken or beef liver, beef lung. The animal should eat up to 50 grams of fresh cottage cheese per day with no more than 4% fat content. The daily diet must include 100 ml of milk, up to 150 grams of grated vegetables - such as zucchini, turnips, pumpkin, carrots. Twice a week it is recommended to give 1 boiled egg. Porridges cooked with milk are also very healthy. Cereals such as rice, millet, buckwheat, and rolled oats are perfect.

Menu basis one month old baby should consist of cottage cheese, other dairy products and various mixtures. Complementary foods are introduced only from 2 months. For example, the daily diet of a pet that has reached the age of 2–4 months usually consists of meat, beef heart or liver, cottage cheese, vegetables, milk porridge, vitamin complexes (they are sold in a special pet store).

Veterinarians recommend giving your baby 1 drop fish oil. When buying a puppy over 2 months old from a nursery, it is better to find out what products its diet consisted of and feed the animal the same food at home. At 7–8 months of age pet will grow normally provided it receives about 600 grams of meat feed. And a little later, the portion of such food is reduced to 450 grams.

The emphasis should be on protein foods, gradually removing milk from the menu and leaving only cottage cheese. You also need to give solid food 1-2 times a week, lean fish without bones. Sometimes you can treat your favorite pita with cheese. The animal must receive vegetables and fruits.

Features of feeding with prepared food

The owner (or mistress) feeding the puppy must take into account the fact that dry food cannot be offered to him until he is 3 months old. For pit bull terriers, it is recommended to choose super-premium and premium dry food. You should not save on the health of a full-fledged family member and purchase economy-class food for him. Read the composition carefully: in any food the amount of protein should not be more than 25% of the total number of components.

Among the expensive but high-quality super-premium foods, it is worth highlighting Go, Savara, and Monge brand products. When purchasing premium food, you should opt for “Pro Plane”, “Probalance”, “Hilse”, “Royal Canina”. Canned dog food belonging to the premium and super-premium class also enjoys well-deserved respect from breeders. “Caesar”, “Almo Nature”, “Bozita”, “Kennels Favorite” are perfect for your pet.

What you should absolutely not give to a pit bull

Wishing the pet well and health, a caring owner will not feed it from his table. The animal’s diet should also not contain foods such as bread, buns, sweets, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, grapes, fatty meat (for example, pork), fried and salty foods. It is not recommended to give your dog bones, since chewing them can lead to damage to the oral cavity, broken teeth, and getting into the esophagus, trachea, or stomach.

It is not recommended to give milk to an old pit bull that already has any diseases. Otherwise, problems with digestive system. It is better to increase the amount of fruits in your diet, which contain vitamin C, and treat a family member to an apple or a piece of cheese.

My views on feeding dogs are very democratic. Over 15 years of owning dogs of different breeds and sizes, I have learned to weigh the pros and cons of each type of feeding. There is no single diet that is suitable for all dogs of a particular breed. Everything is individual. Look for a diet that will satisfy you and your dog.

Features of feeding a pit bull are based on the specifics of the breed. This is a sporting dog. She must be dexterous, agile, radiate health and energy. Such a dog should not be overloaded or overly muscular. A Pit Bull Terrier in good condition should have clearly visible muscles, a tucked belly, and when looking at the back from above, the lower back should be narrower than the area around the ribs. The dog should look dry rather than doughy. Pitbull is not a stuff. What is acceptable in AST should not be cultivated in APBT. Proper feeding and physical activity will help maintain the correct condition of the pit bull.

1. Natural feeding. For pitbull natural feeding- These are animal proteins and vegetables. And no porridge. Pit bull's porridge spreads. Animal proteins include meat by-products: beef, chicken or turkey. Meat in pure form of little value. Chicken eggs should be given 1 pc. 3-4 times a week. Fermented milk products are also good. The only caveat. Give fermented milk separately from meat, at different feedings. Almost any vegetables. Which ones does your pit bull like best? White cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli; zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, bell pepper, tomatoes. Everything is given raw, grated and mixed with meat. For better digestibility, add 1 tbsp. spoon of any vegetable oil, the best olive, but sunflower is also okay. You can give fish, but not all pit bulls digest it well, and there is little in it nutrients. Fish with vegetables can be given for weight loss. No bread or crackers. The number of feedings varies depending on the time of year. In hot summers, 1 feeding per day, and in winter 2.

2. Dry food. Any premium or super premium class. Just not economical. All food containing dyes or protein-mineral concentrate in the composition belongs to the economy class. If the breeders fed mom and puppies food, then stay on the same brand of food. There is no point in recommending a brand of food. Everything is individual. Sometimes a reaction to food may only appear on the second bag, a month later. Try it. If your pit bull terrier is sick and requires a certain diet, then it is worth considering medicinal lines of food. Major manufacturers offer therapeutic diets at various diseases. You can get acquainted with the line of medicinal feeds in more detail. The food can be given dry or soaked in water or broth. The number of feedings is 1-2 times a day. The serving size is set individually. Water must be available at all times. If you keep your pit bull in a cage, buy a water bowl with a cage attachment.

3. Mixed feeding. For busy owners. ATTENTION! Not all pit bulls are suitable for a mixed diet. With mixed feeding, you give food one time and natural food the second time. With such feeding it is very difficult to choose the right portions, but with experience everything will settle down. The optimal solution for working owners. Before work, you pour dry food into a bowl, and in the evening you mix the meat with vegetables and butter.

IMPORTANT! Training treats also contain calories. Take this into account when planning your diet.

A dog that is playful like a child, wise and balanced, devoted to its owner, and also has iron strength - this bouquet of characteristics belongs to the pit bull breed.

Despite their power, they never allow their superiority over humans to be used. This one has proven itself to be an ideal guard for its owner.

The pit bull puppy (2 months), the photo of which you can see, looks like a cute pet, but very soon he will grow into a real fighter.

Representatives of the breed once took part in dog fights. Dog breeding continued even after such events were banned, since fights continued to take place, only illegally. Animal owners made a lot of money from bets. After the fight, the dog was put up for sale; the more it won during the fight, the higher its price.

The Pit Bull Terrier has not been recognized as a breed until now. The Federation of Cynologists does not give permission for the admission of such animals to participate in dog shows and other similar events. Even if it is not considered a real independent breed, there are still places where it is recognized. For example, in the USA, some patrons of this species defend the rights of pit bulls, and even manage to register them. One such supporter of the breed is the Kennel Club, as well as the American Dog Breed Association.

breed description

When you see a pit bull for the first time, you can immediately understand that this is an unusually strong dog. Representatives of the breed are divided into two types - bulldog type and terriers. Sometimes they are mixed.

The weight of dogs is not strictly limited - it ranges from 12 to 36 kg, but most often individuals of this species are found weighing from 14 to 28 kg. According to the standard, any color is allowed, except for “merle”. The color of pitbull puppies also varies. Coat colors are allowed from pure black and white to brindle, with different markings.

Her appearance is severe - the unusual shape of her head with rather wide cheekbones immediately catches the eye, powerful jaw and a strong “bull” neck. The animal has well-developed muscles and a wide chest. The ears can be docked, but the tail is not docked.


Despite all its advantages, this dog causes distrust on the part of many people. If you take Sweden, breeding pit bulls is strictly prohibited there. This was also done in some states of America. In other countries, walking these animals is allowed only with muzzles.

The character of a pitbull dog was formed over the course of long period. Today this dog has a friendly and balanced temperament. But the hunting instinct has been preserved, thanks to which the dogs cope well with the role of guarding premises, and are also excellent assistants during the hunt.

Pitbull is inherent the following features character:

  • The desire to constantly be useful to the owner - childishly playful, the pit bull at the same time notices all the needs of its owner. Even if he is unwell, the dog will do everything in his power to become useful and earn gratitude.
  • Confidence in his own merits - such a noble feeling of a dog is manifested in the fact that even knowing about his superiority, he will never attempt to show it to the members of the family in which he lives.
  • Attentiveness and extraordinary prudence - even pit bull puppies have these character traits. Also in childhood they want to appear mature and wise.
  • Showing favor towards children - a dog of this breed is characterized by strong devotion to its “pack”, be it dogs or people around it. She behaves very carefully with them and will never bite a child, no matter what he does to her.

Pitbulls - good dogs for family maintenance, they can perform a wide range of different services.

Those individuals that were observed were not allowed for breeding mental disorders. Indeed, pit bull puppies, photos of which you can take a good look at here, can turn into dangerous animals if they are not raised correctly. Therefore, animals that could not control themselves and did not distinguish a person from a dog were destroyed. According to this principle, the gradual formation of the breed took place.

Pitbull puppies: preparation for purchase

After much weighing of all the pros and cons, or spontaneously, a person decides to purchase for himself as pet dog. But before going to the nursery, to the breeder, he needs to settle some issues and buy some things for his future four-legged friend:

  1. Before getting a puppy, you need to prepare for such an event. If it is a pit bull, you need to learn everything about this breed - what kind of temperament the dogs have, how to care for them, what to feed them and how to raise them.
  2. Consider all the pros and cons of such an acquisition.
  3. Decide what gender the puppy should be.
  4. Think about where to buy a dog - and it’s better if it’s a well-known kennel.
  5. Before purchasing a puppy from a breeder, you need to find out all the information about the latter. Check to see if he got into trouble when selling his dogs with genetic diseases.
  6. Buy special toys in advance that a small puppy can chew, thereby keeping your furniture intact.

How to choose a puppy?

When buying a pit bull, you need to make the right choice. Rumors that a puppy must have a big head are false. Attention, first of all, should be paid to ensure that the dog does not have the following defects: weak joints, an incorrectly positioned back and poor condition of the feet.

Pit bull puppies should have a medium sized head, neck stronger legs, paws are thick, there is a small hump on the beautiful curve of the back. Rear end the puppy is allowed just above the front. It is recommended to choose an animal with straight, strong and elastic limbs. If the tail is set low, you can be sure that the dog is brave and has good fighting qualities.

The color of a pet is a matter of taste of the owner. No color is given preference, the main thing is the standard. For example, a white pit bull puppy is very beautiful. This is a dog you can be proud of!

The black pit bull looks no less beautiful and respectable. Puppies with a non-standard color are inexpensive because they are not subject to further breeding use.

If you discover that the puppy is showing cowardice or unjustified aggressiveness, it is not recommended to purchase it. Excessive sensitivity is also not on the list. good qualities dog's temperament, because it is a sign of lack of self-confidence.

The first days of a puppy at its permanent place of residence

First, the baby must get comfortable in the house in which he will live. He will definitely have a desire to explore everything around him, and he needs to be allowed to do this. After such a walk around the territory, you can gradually begin to teach the puppy and show him attention and care on your part:

  • The owner and all family members must constantly show affection to the pet, stroking its head, back and tummy.
  • Gradually teach the rules of behavior in the house, do not allow him to go to those places that are forbidden for him to visit.
  • Teach your dog where his toilet is.
  • Begin to teach the very first necessary commands: “sit” and “place.”
  • After 10 weeks, the puppy can be introduced to other animals. It is better to conduct such lessons in a small area near the house or within the walls of your own home.
  • At every opportunity, take the dog outside, where he will gradually become familiar with cars, other houses and parks. The more experience she gains from a young age, the easier it will be for you to deal with her in the future.

Beginning of socialization

Look, this cute creature is a pitbull puppy (2 months old). The photo, as you can see, confirms that he is not yet able to protect either himself or his owner, since during this period of his life he must undergo socialization. This will allow him to learn to form his own idea about other animals and what is happening in the world around him.

The first step of socialization is the puppy's communication with his mother, her care and teaching discipline. Next comes communication with other brothers, in whose company small animals learn to obey or, conversely, dominate.

The next step belongs to the dog breeder, since he is the first person in contact with the puppy. At this time, he should be affectionate and at the same time maintain discipline, begin to accustom the baby to behavior within the walls of the house.

Only after this is it the responsibility to accustom the small pet to environment will fall on the owner - the person who bought it. A pit bull puppy at 2 months needs socialization more than other breeds. The holder must introduce him to strangers, accustom him to communicate with different people. You should always have a treat with you to reward your pet for good attitude to strangers. Puppies are most susceptible to this type of association at the age of 14-16 weeks.

You should not allow your pet to become agitated during an unexpected noisy environment or when a cyclist passes by. To distract the dog's attention, you can give your dog a treat. Best to show by example that everything around is calm and beautiful.

This point of socialization is critically important; it has a serious effect on all the remaining years of the dog's life. It is necessary to accustom the animal to frightening factors from afar, repeating the attempt until the pet stops demonstrating its excitement.

A dog’s acquaintance with the world around him lasts throughout his life, and the more new things are presented to a young animal, the much less receptive and cowardly the dog will show itself in the future.

Caring for pitbull puppies

From a young age, pit bull puppies need care for their fur and eyes. Ears should also not be forgotten. Babies begin to see on the 9-11th day from birth. The blue color of the iris remains unchanged for up to 1.5-3 months. Eyes should be examined daily, if present. purulent discharge It is necessary to contact a veterinarian without delay.

The dog's nails should be trimmed as they grow. Pit bull puppies under the age of 6 months need this procedure once every 7 days, up to one year - once every two weeks. If it happens that the pulp is damaged, you need to stop the bleeding with brilliant green or several crystals of manganese.

pit bull?

The first weeks after birth, the puppies are fed by the mother with her milk. Particularly useful is colostrum, which babies receive immediately after birth. After one month of age, the pit bull gradually changes - their menu becomes more expanded. They are accustomed to consuming cow's milk, milk porridge, raw and cooked meat, and vegetable soup. Be sure to add vitamins and minerals to their food.

The amount of necessary food that a dog should consume directly depends on its age and physical characteristics, as well as on lifestyle and stress:

  • immediately after weaning, pit bull puppies should receive food several times during the day;
  • start giving food with five small portions a day;
  • at the age of 3 months they gradually switch to four meals a day;
  • at eight months of age, feed the puppy 3 times a day.

Before deciding what kind of pit bull it is, it is important to know that the diet should be ideal for young dogs and puppies, thanks to it, the animal receives everything it needs to grow.

The main part of a low-milking dog’s diet is meat; it should be at least 100 g of the total portion. It's best if it's beef. Once every six days you can give veal or chicken hearts; liver is also useful. Once a week, meat can be replaced with fish. Although the adult American pit bull loves fish very much, a puppy cannot eat such foods. large volumes- in some cases, a fish day can be arranged twice a week, but not more often.

Every day the pet should receive skim cheese, milk, pureed apples and carrots. You can cook porridge with milk. It is recommended to include one boiled egg in the menu.

If problems arise with the appearance of wen, you should immediately change the dog’s diet, because pit bulls have a greater tendency to form them due to poor nutrition. Must be eliminated completely flour products and sweets, limit the consumption of animal fats.

Feeding dry food

It is better to start feeding a small pit bull dry food at the age of two months. There must be food High Quality. At first it is given as a treat.

If no signs of allergy appear, you can continue daily norm of this product for a puppy up to 120 g, divided into several servings. It is imperative to ensure your pet has free access to drinking water.

Raising a puppy

To have a loyal dog with an intact psyche next to you, without proper education can’t be avoided, you should devote a lot of time to it. A pit bull can only become truly loyal to its owner if the owner has animal husbandry skills and great patience.

Rumors that harsh measures and various types of torture are effective are just myths. Nothing good will come from raising a pit bull this way. You need to love a puppy of this breed, like other living beings, and try to attract his attention to yourself. Treatment should be equal to all members of the family in which the pet is located. Fear cannot achieve a positive result.

A pitbull puppy's aggression begins to manifest itself when he is in a small confined space for a long time. He needs a lot physical activity, you need to walk with him as much as necessary, about two hours a day. Only then will the pet be happy and calm. It is impossible to reduce the time of walks and active games.

The American Pit Bull is a dog with great intelligence, she happily learns everything new and is ready to obey her mentor. Today, methods of raising puppies remain simple and at the same time effective. Here are some tips on how to successfully raise your pet:

  • One of the rules to remember is that a dog's life is currently. Every time a puppy receives a reward or punishment, he accepts it for his actions in those minutes. For example, if he did something bad an hour or two ago, punishing him is no longer effective; he will not understand why he is treated this way.
  • You must adhere to the rules of upbringing that are established by the puppy's owner. If you do not allow him to climb onto the bed or sofa once, then this prohibition must take place constantly. You cannot give in to his plaintive requests; once you give in, you will have to do this always; it will be difficult to change this behavior of your pet.
  • The pet should receive a reward only for such actions that will be useful in the future.
  • Based on the fact that the puppy is trying with all his might to please the owner, you can tell him how to achieve this. Coercion will only delay the learning process.
  • If you repeat a command in a demanding tone over and over again, accompanying the order with shouts, then you can achieve only one thing - scare the dog, but in no way bring the pit bull closer to understanding what they want from him. In this case, it is better to start all over again and go back to the basics of the teaching.
  • Training does not always go as desired, but this is not the reason for the inability to train your dog. You should try to be confident in your actions and become a consistent realist. The main thing is not to lose Have a good mood while raising your pet.

The formation of the dog’s psyche and character lasts until the second year of life, after the third it reaches its maximum. You should not strive to conduct fighting contact training as early as possible, although puppies sometimes require this at 10 months. But there are cases when such a desire does not manifest itself at all.

It is recommended to start carrying out fighting training from the age of 15 months, and not earlier. This should be done gradually, with great care and patience. The partner in fighting contact should be an old and experienced “fighter” who can give good lesson new to this business, but it doesn’t bite much.

If the puppy likes the first allowed contact, then the next one can be provided to him no earlier than in a month. First contacts are about instilling confidence in one's own strength.

How to keep your puppy healthy?

Pit bull puppies, photos of which you can see in the article, seem at first glance to be calm and calm.

And over time, they can turn into healthy, beautiful pets, but only with proper care and education. It is necessary to constantly pay attention to the health of your little pet, monitoring not only the physical condition, but also the psychological one.

Immediately after purchase, a month-old pit bull puppy needs to be examined by a veterinarian, then it is recommended to carry out routine examinations with him in the clinic. If there is no desire for reproduction and breeding work, the animal can be castrated or sterilized. You cannot miss the time for vaccinations, the doctor must warn you about this:

  1. The baby should receive the first vaccination at 2.5-3 months. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the puppy’s health is normal and its condition is excellent.
  2. Three weeks later, a second vaccination is necessary.
  3. When the puppy is 5-6 months old and the baby teeth are replaced, the third vaccination is given.
  4. The puppy receives a fourth vaccination per year, and then the vaccination is repeated annually.

How many times a day are puppies fed? american pit bull terrier?

American pit bull puppies are fed according to age:
At 1.5-2 months of age - 6 times/day,
At 2.5-3 months - 5 times,
At 4-5 months - 4 times,
At 6-7 months - 3 times,
At 8 months or more - 2 times.
With age, portions increase, and the number of feedings decreases, gradually approaching the “adult” regime.
It is advisable to feed at the same time. The water should be changed twice a day. Only the owners should feed the puppy. It is impossible to distract him while eating food.

What should you feed your American Pit Bull Terrier puppy?

For pit bull puppies, it is recommended to use mixed feeding (dry food + natural food). The main dry food should be premium, since only such food contains the substances necessary for the health of the pit bull in the right proportion. As a rule, new owners feed puppies the same food as the breeder.
Dry food should be soaked in warm water before giving it to your puppy. Its quantity is determined by the manufacturer.
Of natural products per day, a pit bull puppy should receive 100 g of liver (boiled), 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of carrots or apples (mashed), 150 g of beef (boiled). Once a week it is recommended to give 1 boiled yolk.

What and how many times to feed an adult American Pit Bull Terrier?

It is recommended to feed adult American pit bulls twice a day (sometimes once): in the morning and in the evening after walks. The daily diet of dogs should include premium ready-made food, as well as natural food, in particular, raw, lean meat (beef and others) and porridge with the addition of vegetables and fruits. Low-fat and unsweetened ones are also useful dairy products and crackers. We should not forget about vitamin complexes.
It is prohibited to give leftover human food, sweet, fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, as well as bones, flour products, and legumes.
Average total weight one serving for an adult American pit bull terrier is about 1 kg.
Your pit bull should always have clean, fresh water. Under no circumstances should strangers be allowed to feed the dog. Also, no one should distract the pit bull from eating or feed it outside the prescribed time (violate the regime).

Features of keeping an American Pit Bull Terrier?

The main requirements for keeping American Pit Bull Terriers are a strong, strong-willed owner and a large area of ​​residence. In small apartments, pit bulls can accumulate excess energy, which is dangerous for people and furniture.
If representatives of this breed are kept in small spaces, it is necessary to walk them for 3-4 hours at least 3 times a day (for an adult dog). In other cases, it will be enough to take pit bulls out for 1-3 hours 2 times a day.
No matter what conditions the dogs are kept in, they need to be given relaxation outside in the form of training exercises and outdoor games. In bad weather, you should not walk for more than half an hour.
American Pit Bull Terriers are cheerful, adventurous and playful dogs, so they absolutely need toys, especially if they stay at home alone for a long time. For dominant dogs, such as pit bulls, it is better not to purchase toys that make sounds.
It is also worth noting that all the necessary equipment should be purchased and placed before the pit bull puppy arrives in the house.

What do you need to buy to keep an American pit bull?

An approximate list of goods that will be needed to keep an American Pit Bull Terrier:
- Large lounger or rug (from 600 rubles),
- Two 2.8 liter aluminum bowls on a stable metal stand (from 600 rubles per set),
- Leash, 2.5 m (from 85 rubles per piece),
- Leather collar (from 80 rubles per piece),
- Muzzle (from 150 rubles per piece),
- Toys (from 30 per piece),
- Grooming products (from 675 rubles for a “set”, see “What to buy to care for an American Pit Bull Terrier?”),
- Medications,
- Treats,
- Feed.
It will be useful to purchase a puppy pen and carrier.

What diseases are American pit bulls susceptible to?

American Pit Bull Terriers in general good health. Most often they are diagnosed with diseases such as joint dysplasia, cataracts, allergies, and heart disease.

How long do pit bull terriers live?

The average life expectancy of American pit bulls is 12-15 years. At good care and properly maintained dogs can live 3-4 years longer.

Author: wolfonokW7
Copyright holder: Zooclub portal
When reprinting this article, an active link to the source is MANDATORY, otherwise, use of the article will be considered a violation of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights.

Dog care

Like any fighting dog, the pit bull terrier needs very good care and feeding. The physical condition and morale of the dog during matches depend on this. From birth, she needs to be given the best food so that the animal develops correctly.

Walks and physical exercise should be regular and properly selected, then the pit bull terrier will grow up to be a healthy dog ​​that is difficult to defeat.


The pit bull terrier is walked 2 times a day not only so that he can fulfill his natural needs, but also so that he has an extra opportunity to run and warm up.

It is necessary to allocate enough time for walking the dog, since, unlike a puppy, an adult dog cannot eliminate bladder at a time, she does this in several steps with short breaks.

It is especially important to ensure that the dog's natural needs are fully satisfied before training. If this does not happen, the Pit Bull Terrier will become distracted or have a bowel movement in the training area.

When walking, the pit bull terrier must be muzzled and on a short leash. You can let him run around only after he will take the course general training, and only in deserted places under the constant supervision of the owner.

When a pit bull terrier runs too far, you must definitely call him, and when he appears strangers take on a leash.

If you need to travel anywhere with your dog by transport, it must be muzzled and on a short leash. In some cities transportation large dogs prohibited on public transport.

A walk can be turned into a workout, especially if muscle mass dogs grows slowly. It is recommended to force the dog to run, jump over obstacles, etc. High jumps are very useful for pit bull terriers, especially in the first 8 months.

In order to make the dog jump, you can raise your hand with a stick, a treat, or throw a small ball into the air so that the dog jumps and tries to catch it. During the first year of a dog’s life, it is necessary to monitor the correct formation of its skeleton and muscle development. To do this, you can spend part of the time allocated for a walk on the dog pulling the owner by the leash, straining the neck muscles (for example, in winter when skiing or in summer when walking or roller skating).

We should not forget that the pit bull terrier must have a wide chest. If it is not wide enough, you can conduct special training with the dog. A very useful exercise is during which the owner, standing on a hill, throws a stick or ball, and the dog goes down, finds and brings this object up.

Who walks the dog also matters a lot. Of course, it is advisable for the pit bull terrier to be walked by its owner. He will be able to use his walking time more effectively to raise the dog. True, the owner does not always have time to walk the dog. In this case, any family member can go out with her. However, we should not forget that the pit bull terrier is still a very active, strong and energetic dog. Child or old man He may not be able to handle it if the dog suddenly runs into the road.

Pit bull terrier on a walk

Until the training is completed and the dog learns to unquestioningly carry out all the owner’s commands, it should not be let off the leash and allowed to play with other dogs. The pit bull terrier sees other dogs primarily as rivals, and if they start attacking him, he can easily get excited and bite the attacker.

But still, you shouldn’t be too afraid of the excitability of pit bull terriers: good well behaved dog At the first command from the owner, it stops the fight. In addition, practice has proven that a pit bull terrier will never attack a puppy or a dog that is significantly smaller in size, or attack another dog first.

Dogs must be separated at the same time, and both owners must try to calm their pets.

In order to avoid problems while walking, it is advisable to keep young pit bull terriers away from large and aggressive dogs in order to provoke your pet into the need to defend itself.

If a fight could not be avoided (which in reality is extremely rare), you should not stand by, but intervene as soon as possible and calm your pet. In this case, there is no need to drag the pit bull terrier away from his opponent by the collar, hit him, scream or spill water on the dogs. Such methods, as a rule, turn out to be ineffective.

You need to make sure that the dogs don’t start biting each other. If this does happen, you should carefully open the dog's jaws with a flat board (it is not recommended to use metal objects, as they can damage the dog's teeth).

Cleaning and bathing

The Pit Bull Terrier should be brushed every day, and if it gets very dirty during a walk or during training, the cleaning must be repeated.

During cleaning, dust, dirt, dander and dead hair are removed from the dog's coat and skin.

This procedure is a good preventive measure skin diseases, and also stimulates blood circulation and metabolism.

Eyes and ears are cleaned with a damp cloth.

Pit bull terriers need to not only be cleaned, but also bathed. How often this procedure should be carried out is up to the owner to decide depending on the characteristics of his pet.

Swimming in open water

In summer, dogs are washed more often, in winter - less often, and when there is snow, they clean with snow. Pit bull terriers usually love to bathe and swim; they get used to this procedure very quickly and do not cause any trouble to their owners. Swimming in open water is beneficial for dogs, especially during hot periods. Bathing is necessary because brushing does not completely remove dirt and dander from the dog's coat and skin.

First, the wool is moistened with warm water, then lathered with a special shampoo or soap and washed thoroughly. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

After washing, the dog should be dried with a towel and not allowed to lie down until it is completely dry.

Soap suds must be washed off completely, otherwise your pet may experience skin irritation. Particularly sensitive dogs sometimes develop eczema.

Dogs are typically bathed once a month.

If this procedure is carried out too often, the protective agents washed off from the fur will fatty substances will not have time to recover.

Feeding a pit bull terrier

After a new pet appears in the house, at first it is advisable to feed it with the foods that the previous owner gave it, otherwise the baby will experience an upset stomach.

Feeding the puppy

In order for the puppy to feel good and grow healthy over time, strong dog, he needs proper and nutritious nutrition. His diet should include proteins (protein), fats, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, group B, as well as microelements (phosphorus, calcium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese and zinc), as well as water.

A puppy needs proteins for the formation of bones and muscles, as well as for vital activity. They should be present in the diet daily.

During the period of active growth, proteins are required more than in adult animals. A bitch feeding puppies with milk should receive 4 times more protein than at other times. Proteins are found in meat, fish, dairy products (cottage cheese, etc.).

Meat is given to the puppy cut into small pieces; fatty meat is not recommended; giving pork is strictly prohibited. It is better to give sea fish, cleaned of bones and also cut into pieces.

Many Pit Bull Terriers love fish

Dairy products are very beneficial for a small puppy, since the protein they contain is well absorbed by the growing body. In addition, they contain vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is advisable from time to time to give a puppy, especially a small one, cow's milk, curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese.

Eggs are also very beneficial for small puppies. In order for them to be better absorbed, they are given mixed with other foods or in the form of an omelet.

Fats are a source of energy and add shine to the coat, but excess fat is harmful, so it is especially important to maintain fat balance. Otherwise, the puppy will become fat, which can cause illness. If there is not enough fat in your food, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to a bowl of food from time to time. In general, fats are better absorbed when they are given along with other nutrients.

Carbohydrates are needed to assimilate fats and release energy. Excess carbohydrates accumulate in the dog's body. Best sources carbohydrates for her are considered rolled oats. Other cereals are also useful: wheat, millet, buckwheat, etc.

Cheese is especially beneficial for puppies and young dogs

Vitamins are very important for a growing dog's body.

Vitamin A is required for shiny coat, good vision and growth.

It is necessary to include it in the diet during pregnancy and lactation.

B vitamins have a beneficial effect on appearance dogs, appetite, nervous system.

Vitamin C reduces dog's susceptibility bacterial infections and promotes fast healing wound

Vitamin D has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and dental health, but its effectiveness is significantly reduced if there is a lack of phosphorus and calcium in the diet.

Vitamin E is required for good muscle function and internal organs, especially the heart and reproductive systems.

Vitamin K is usually synthesized in the body. Its deficiency is indicated by slow healing of scratches, cuts, and long-term bleeding.

The source of vitamins are greens, raw vegetables and fruits, root vegetables (carrots, etc.). Fruits and vegetables are given raw, preferably chopped. For example, you can give your puppy grated carrots or apples mixed with 1 spoon of sour cream or vegetable oil.

Greens - dill, lettuce, celery - also need to be finely chopped and added to the main feed.

Young nettle leaves are a source of vitamins and are very beneficial for puppies. But they need to be added to soups or porridges during cooking, otherwise the acid contained in the leaves can irritate the puppy's esophagus.

Additionally, you can give vitamins in capsules or tablets. Most suitable vitamin complex gendevit. The puppy is given 1 tablet every other day for 2 weeks, then take a break for 2 weeks, after which the course is continued for another 2 weeks (and so on up to 3 times).

During the winter months, you can additionally introduce vitamins A and D into your diet in tablets.

Trace elements are very important for a puppy's growth. Their deficiency can slow down or disrupt the formation of the body. The correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus is especially important: if one of these elements is lacking, a disorder may occur. physical development, most often expressed in bending of the limbs and brittle bones.

Potassium is essential for a healthy nervous system and good growth, magnesium - to strengthen the nervous system, sodium and chlorine - for good appetite and activity, iodine – for normal operation thyroid gland, copper – for the formation of bone and muscle tissue, zinc – for general development. However, you should not give your dog too many microelements - their excess can cause harm, rather than benefit, to the dog’s body. The source of microelements are bones (beef, lamb, etc.), preferably soft, cartilaginous ones. Tubular bones It is not recommended to give. Source of sodium and chlorine – salt, however, you should not add it to food in too large quantities.

It is recommended to introduce mineral salts, calcium gluconate and glycerophosphate, and phytin into the diet of a 1.5-month-old puppy in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 (best in tablets). After 15 days the quantity mineral salts you can double it, and in another month you can triple it. Mineral supplements are given for up to 10 months, after which they are excluded from the diet. From now on the dog will have enough minerals contained in food.

Pit bull terrier lunch

If the puppy has developmental disorders, the amount of minerals must be reduced or increased. For example, if a puppy’s ears don’t stand up for a long time, it means he doesn’t have enough calcium. In this case, you can give up to 15 calcium tablets daily.

Puppies are given water from 3 weeks of age, even if they continue to suckle. The water bowl should always be clean and accessible to the puppy.

A small puppy is fed small meals frequently throughout the day. Up to 2 months it is necessary to feed him at least 6 times a day. At the age of 2 to 4 months, the puppy is fed 5 times a day, then the number of feedings is reduced to 3 times. After the dog is 8–10 months old, they switch to 2 feedings a day.

A complete diet should include all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements listed above. In the morning, it is advisable to give the puppy meat, then throughout the day, successively porridge, fruits, vegetables and dairy products so that carbohydrates and proteins alternate in the diet. At the end of the day it is also better to give meat.

One feeding for little puppy is approximately 120–150 g. You should not put too much food in your puppy’s bowl; overeating is harmful to him. It is better if he still has the desire to eat a little more. However, regular malnutrition is also harmful for the puppy, so it is very important to establish the optimal rate of one serving, which should increase as the puppy grows, but the number of daily feedings will decrease. It is very important to determine the optimal rate, which depends on individual characteristics every puppy.

It is quite easy to determine the norm: if the puppy is cheerful, active, grows well, his coat is shiny, he is neither fat nor thin - then everything is in order, he eats exactly as much as he needs. A healthy puppy's stomach should work regularly, approximately according to the number of feedings.

Approximate diet for a puppy aged 4 months.

1 feeding(at 8 o'clock): a little meat, cut into pieces (about 1 teaspoon, the amount of meat increases with age).

2 feeding(at 12 o'clock): cottage cheese or 1 glass of kefir or yogurt with flakes.

3 feeding(at 16:00): millet porridge, to which you can add chopped raisins or grate an apple, 1 egg and 1/2 cup of milk or 1 slice of cheese.

4 feeding(at 20 o'clock): meat, cut into pieces and mixed with grated herbs raw potatoes and 1 clove of garlic.

The puppy should always have access to a clean bowl, preferably boiled water.

Feeding an adult dog

It is recommended to feed adult pit bull terriers 2 times a day. Most often only pregnant bitches are fed. Average healthy dog From 800 to 1000 g of feed is required per day, which must contain all the substances necessary for normal life. In winter, the animal eats a little more than in summer.

We should not forget that dog food should not only be complete, but also varied. The food temperature should be room temperature (18–20 °C); you should not feed your pet hot or cold food. You should not feed your pit bull terrier leftover food that the owner considers unsuitable for himself.

When the pit bull terrier is eating, he should never be distracted by calling him by name, petting him or brushing him. You should not train your pet to beg for handouts while eating, or allow strangers to feed it.

An adult dog can be fed dry food, but with such a diet you should remember some rules. One of the most common mistakes made by owners who feed their dogs dry food is buying it in bulk. In most cases, loose feed on the market is counterfeit or expired.

No less often, inexperienced owners harm their pets by filling their bowls with food containing high content squirrel. An adult dog needs a diet that contains no more than 26% protein; for puppies this figure should not exceed 30%.

An increased protein content in a dog's food leads to growth retardation and decreased bone structure.

It is equally important to monitor the balance of calcium and phosphorus. An excess of the latter leads to the development of pathological cowardice and other disorders in dogs. nervous system, and its deficiency reduces the absorption of calcium.

Experts do not recommend dog breeders planning to switch their pets to dry food to take food produced in Eastern Europe or Russia under license. Most often, the quality of such food is several orders of magnitude worse than the original.

If possible, it is better to buy real food from a company that holds a license. Also, experts do not recommend fish-based food because high content they contain phosphorus.

Dry dog ​​food

Substances in dry dog ​​food are contained in concentrated form.

Such food takes longer to digest; a dog usually needs 300–400 g of food to feel full for a long time. When feeding dry food, it is necessary that there is always fresh water in the dog's bowl.

Even if the food contains all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients your dog needs, he still needs to be given vegetables and raw cartilage bones from time to time. Eating such bones once a week relieves the pit bull terrier of the tartar that forms when eating dry food.

If the dog has typical signs protein poisoning, you should switch her to a vegetable diet for 1–2 weeks. High protein food is bad for dogs.

Water should always be not only fresh, but also easily accessible to the dog. Plastic buckets with a capacity of 10–15 liters can be used as dishes. Dogs often use a container of water instead of a toy, so they can knock it over and splash water on the floor.

To avoid such cases, it is necessary to fix the bucket so that the dog cannot move it or turn it over.