Medicines for neuroses. The best sedatives for neurosis. How do anti-anxiety drugs work?

Since the main reasons neurotic disorders are functional disorders brain activity, therapy combines medicinal methods with an impact on the patient's psyche. Good results also gives application folk remedies with the doctor's permission.

Features of the treatment of neuroses

The disease is characterized primarily by polymorphism and psychogenic origin. has not been sufficiently studied, despite numerous studies in this area. Presumably, it arises as a result of a combination hereditary predisposition with external trigger influence. Often cure functional disorder succeeds after eliminating the irritating factor without using medicines.

The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the stage of the pathology. Acute neurosis is amenable to complex treatment, and if health care It turns out in a timely manner and passes without consequences. However, when moving to chronic form neurotic personality changes become irreversible. This process can take from six months to 2 years, so you need to start treatment when the first symptoms of neurosis appear.

Neurosis is a painful and long-term disorder psyche, but it is completely reversible even with timely treatment not complicated by additional nervous ailments. Only one psychological work not always enough, besides, every patient counts on fastest result(after all, advanced cases take years to treat). That's why the doctor prescribes pills for neurosis - how aid V complex treatment. The drugs significantly alleviate the severe symptoms of neurological disorders, which often interfere with a full fight with one’s own body and soul.

Tablet medications are divided into 5 large groups:

Review of the most common tablet drugs prescribed for neuroses

group approximate price action side effects addictive
Venlafaxine antidepressant 206-330 RUR Improves mood, eliminates nervous disorders, anxiety, increases performance, improves thought processes Weakness, sensory organ disturbances, tinnitus, blood pressure surges, tachycardia, shortness of breath, skin rashes, suicidal thoughts Yes
Asentra antidepressant 634-800 RUR This is very effective tablets for neuroses, relieve OCD and other types nervous disorders, improve mood, relieve anxiety. Appetite disturbances, hallucinations, sleep disorders, tachycardia, panic attacks Yes
Paxil antidepressant 650-1600 RUR Relieves OCD, eliminates phobias, improves general state mental health, relieves depression Allergies, blood pressure surges, tachycardia, sexual dysfunction, aggression, appetite disorders Yes
tranquilizer 620 RUR Removes panic, neuroses, phobias, psychoses, relieves tremors, improves sleep quality Drowsiness, dullness of emotions, bradycardia, allergies, hallucinations, nightmares Yes
Atarax tranquilizer 280 RUR Relaxes muscle tone, eliminates neuroses, fears and anxieties, promotes “repair” of the psyche, removes nervous tics, improves memory Gastrointestinal disorders, lethargy, sweating, disturbances heart rate, headache, temperature increase No
Phenazepam tranquilizer 96-150 RUR Blocks neuroses, anxieties and fears completely, makes the patient slow, sleepy, satisfied Tachycardia, a sharp decline HELL, deep dream(inability to wake up from an alarm clock), gastrointestinal disorders, unpredictable mental reactions (even suicidal thoughts) Yes
Freesium tranquilizer 2500 RUR These are pills for neurosis itself different types: OCD, neurasthenia, hysteria. Also relieves anxiety, tremors, spasms, tension and insomnia Fatigue, poor attention, dry mucous membranes, nausea, appetite disorders, allergies, tremors Yes
Aminazine antipsychotic 255 RUR Eliminates aggression, phobia, increases resistance to neuroses, calms, stabilizes mood Dizziness, constipation, tachycardia, drowsiness, appetite disturbances, drop in blood pressure, unpredictable mental reactions No
Clozapine antipsychotic 205 RUR Blocks pathological mental activity, eliminates anxiety, neuroses, phobias, panic. It is considered a “last resort” remedy if other drugs are powerless Headache, tremor, fainting, decreased libido, blood pressure surges, sudden depression No
Risperpet antipsychotic 520 RUR Blocks pathological manifestations of mental activity, relieves mania, neuroses, psychoses, manic behavior Insomnia, anxiety, headache, sleep disorders, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, increased blood pressure No
Piracetam nootropic 25-60 RUR Improves metabolism nerve cells, has a beneficial effect on the brain, increases resistance to neuroses, but does not affect mental processes Metabolic disorders, drowsiness, tremor, aggression, increased blood pressure, skin rashes No
Fenotropil nootropic 1140 RUR Increases vigor, relieves various neurological manifestations(neuroses, phobias, anxieties), improves mood, thought processes (patients compare it to a cup of strong coffee, which lasts all day) Decreased appetite, insomnia, overexcitation, increased blood pressure, feeling of heat on the skin Yes
Phenibut nootropic 140 RUR The tablets are removed nervous tension, increase resistance to neurological diseases, relieve stress, improve attention and mood Nausea, vomiting, apathy, drowsiness, lethargy, headaches, gastrointestinal disorders Yes
Persen sedative 255 RUR Eliminates spasms, calms, reduces the activity of the central nervous system, which increases protective properties mental disorders from neurological disorders Vasodilation, swelling, rash No
Relaxil sedative 270 RUR Normalizes sleep, mood, calms, reduces central nervous system excitability Dizziness, depression, loss of performance No
Magnelis B6 sedative 330 RUR Relieves irritation, spasms, improves metabolism, sleep, mood Gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting, allergies, itching No

IN modern world There are many reasons for stress, but not all people succumb to it - it all depends on the stability of the nervous system. Sometimes this situation looks deceptive: suddenly a person with strong nerves and iron health falls ill with serious illnesses. mental disorders which are difficult to cure. It often happens in another way: a person gets worried about any trifle and accepts sedatives for neuroses, supposedly for prevention. Both positions are wrong: you cannot be indifferent to your nervous system, but you also cannot use uncontrollably medicines do not do it. Drug treatment should be carried out under the competent guidance of a physician.

Concept and features of neuroses

Neurosis is understood as a disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system, which is characterized by a number of symptoms:

  • repetition of the same rituals and actions;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • various phobias;
  • panic attacks;
  • irritability;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • decreased concentration;
  • constant anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • severe reaction to noises or smells.

Not everyone experiences neuroses. They are susceptible to those who have been in a state of stress, depression, psychologically traumatic situations for a long time, or who have suffered great physical exercise. Also at risk are those who cannot control their emotions and are highly susceptible to the influence of other people. They occur in adults and children, in those employed hard work and the unemployed.

Often, but not always and not for everyone, neuroses are accompanied by symptoms of damage to various systems and organs.

  1. Headache often indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. Arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  3. Blood pressure problems.
  4. Problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Malfunctions of the digestive system.

These symptoms may occur later as the neurosis progresses. In each specific case, the situation must be assessed individually. It is better to have a doctor do this. It is advisable to carry out full examination the body to exclude other diseases or exacerbation of chronic ones. Without proper treatment, neuroses can become permanent or develop into serious mental disorders.

Treatment of neurotic disorders

Any treatment must be preceded by a thorough diagnosis, and neurotic conditions are no exception. The patient should take a blood test, do an ECG, visit a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and psychiatrist.

A psychiatrist or psychotherapist must draw up a treatment plan and choose the most appropriate technique:

  • conviction - it is necessary to change the patient’s negative attitude towards the surrounding reality with the help of compelling arguments;
  • suggestion - to influence the patient’s consciousness through hypnosis or through the use of special drugs;
  • self-hypnosis - teach the patient techniques that allow him not to react to unpleasant situations from the outside.

Along with psychotherapy, neurosis is treated with medication. Frequently taking medications the only way treatment. The patient needs to know several rules:

  • You may need a lot of medications, you shouldn’t be afraid;
  • To complete the picture, the patient must be absolutely frank with the doctor, talking about his feelings, in order to find out in time possible contraindications;
  • need to get ready for the long haul drug therapy, which can last for a year.

Medicines used for neuroses

Various drugs are used to treat neurosis; they can be combined into several groups:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • neuroleptics;
  • sedatives.

Each of these types has its own side effects, so you should take them after consulting your doctor.


The most by strong means for neurosis are tranquilizers. They are used when the process has gone far and are observed severe attacks. Tranquilizers relieve acute anxiety, neutralize fear, help resist panic attacks, and overcome depression. They give you the opportunity to relax, immerse yourself in restful sleep. The components of the tablets have a suppressive effect on the parts of the brain responsible for emotional sphere. Tranquilizers are contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Popular tranquilizers are:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Bromazepam;
  • Diazepam;
  • Nitrazepam;
  • Afobazole;
  • Atarax;
  • Triazolam;
  • Mebutamate.

Tranquilizers come not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of injections. The most common drug is Sibazon, the dose of which must be carefully calculated by the doctor. Amizil injections are also often used, but it has a number of contraindications.


Nowadays, many ordinary people do not disdain antidepressants for neuroses, without finding out whether they are suitable for them or not. Their general effect is the fight against depression and obsessive thoughts, stimulation of the nervous system, improvement of psycho-emotional state, elimination of vegetative manifestations. As general lack Antidepressants can be considered addictive when taken for a long time.

Although antidepressants are the most the best remedy from neuroses, you need to take into account individual characteristics person and each drug.

Among the known antidepressants:

  • Amitriptyline - at first it can make you sleepy, because it has a sedative effect, but then the anxiety goes away, it should be taken with caution by people with eye problems and men with prostatitis;
  • Imizin - effective medicine, but requires careful use if the patient has diseased kidneys or cardiovascular disorders;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Fevarin;
  • Azafen;
  • Rexetine.

Nootropic drugs

Neurosis is often treated nootropic drugs. They come when observed initial stage neurosis. Their positive action on the brain and psyche is obvious:

  • the susceptibility to irritating factors from the outside world decreases;
  • intellectual activity improves due to oxygen saturation of the brain;
  • memory is normalized;
  • concentration of attention increases;
  • apathy goes away.

Nootropics are useful, but there are a number of contraindications for patients with kidney and liver failure, malignant formations.

The most famous nootropics:

  • Actovegin, used by injection;
  • Piracetam;
  • Phezam;
  • Pantogan;
  • Phenibut.


Corrects the general condition of the body in case of neuroleptic neurosis. They relieve tension, relieve the effects of stress, and remove anxiety. Their effect is similar to the medicines of the past, which contained caffeine and bromine. Neuroleptics have a minimum side effects, so they can be used instead of tranquilizers if the patient's condition is satisfactory.

Antipsychotics are mainly available in tablet form:

  • Aminazine;
  • Clozapine;
  • Sonapax;
  • Melleril.


Directly healing effect Sedatives are not always used, but are one of the most preferred drugs for neurosis. The main effect is sedative. They can also relieve anxiety, panic attacks, negative emotions. Apply sedatives both chemical and plant based.

There is a group of barbiturates that have a sedative effect on the nerves, inhibiting the central nervous system. This group includes medications - Barbamil, Phenobrabital. This also includes the well-known Glycine. Among herbal sedatives:

  • Novopassit;
  • Valerian extract and tablets;
  • Motherwort;
  • Passionflower;
  • Phytosed.