The best drugs to increase testosterone in men. Review of pharmaceutical drugs to increase testosterone in men with reviews

The cause of chronic lack of the main male hormone is advanced age, congenital or acquired testicular dysfunction, problems with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, diseases of the adrenal glands, and taking certain medications.

When the amount of testosterone decreases, problems with functioning may occur. endocrine system, vegetative-vascular disorders, increased bone fragility, joint and muscle pain. The patient suffers from sharp changes mood, has problems sleeping, notes a sharp decline performance, insomnia, tendency to depression.

Testosterone deficiency causes changes in appearance. Hair growth on the face and body slows down, the skin becomes dry and flaky, the man sharply gains weight, and obesity follows the female pattern.

The amount of muscle mass decreases, but the percentage of body fat increases sharply. Sexual functions are especially affected. Possible erectile dysfunction and decreased libido, early ejaculation, dysfunction Bladder and reduction in testicular size.

If several symptoms appear at the same time, it makes sense to visit an andrologist. You may need to consult a therapist, urologist and endocrinologist, as well as a series of tests to confirm the lack of the hormone.

The best medicines

If there is a severe lack of testosterone, confirmed by relevant studies, the patient is prescribed replacement therapy. Possible treatment with one drug or combined scheme, which includes several means.

Monotherapy is effective for genitourinary changes, it copes with erectile problems and increases libido.

This treatment method helps improve mood, restore sleep and appetite. In the process, it is possible to restore testosterone levels and fix them at average values.

For dysfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, combination therapy is recommended, combining several drugs from different groups. For treatment, injections, gels and ointments, tablets and capsules are used.


Drugs for intramuscular administration are divided into short-, medium- and long-acting drugs. The first group includes testosterone propionate, the second group includes testosterone enanthate, sustanon, testosterone cypionate. Especially long-term action has testosterone bucyclate and undecanoate.

Tablets and capsules

Pharmaceutical products in the form of tablets help to quickly increase the level of male sex hormone.

They are well absorbed and metabilized in the liver, and the remaining active components are excreted in urine or bile. First generation drugs can develop toxic effects on the liver.


Indicated for erectile dysfunction and prostate dysfunction.

The patches are used daily and are attached directly to the scrotum.

Androderm. A small flesh-colored patch. Attached to dry, clean skin, it releases small doses of pure testosterone, which gradually enters the tissue. Suitable for minor sexual dysfunctions that do not interfere with the natural production of the hormone.

Non-toxic, do not cause harmful influence on the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Plasters are available for the scrotum and other parts of the body (forearms, abdomen, thighs).

Daily dosage – 1 5 mg patch or 2 patches containing up to 2.5 mg of the active ingredient. To purchase the drug you need a prescription, treatment under the supervision of a doctor is recommended.

Gels and ointments

For external use, you can use gels, creams and ointments. The drugs ensure a uniform supply of the hormone to the blood and are suitable for men who cannot tolerate injections or oral medications.

  1. Androgel. The drug has a semi-liquid texture, packaged in plastic bottles with a dispenser. Suitable for daily rubbing into the skin, it helps to quickly build muscle mass and give the body a beautiful texture.

    Significantly improves sexual functions. It is applied in rates that are calculated individually.

    The drug suppresses the production of endrogenic testosterone and can cause gynecomastia, increased body hair growth, increased irritability and insomnia. Contraindicated in men with tall blood pressure, heart failure, hypersensitivity of the skin.

  2. Androgen. Gel with a pronounced anabolic effect. Stimulates the activity of the prostate, increases muscle volume, reduces the percentage of fatty tissue, increases potency and libido.

    The water-based preparation is rubbed into clean, dry skin of the forearms and abdomen every morning. The recommended dose is 5 g, the course of treatment is calculated individually.

    The drug is contraindicated for prostate tumors and hypersensitivity of the skin. In case of overdose, urticaria, itching, swelling, diarrhea and nausea are possible.


Drugs to increase testosterone levels are not a panacea. Most of them work limited time, some medications can suppress the body’s natural production of the hormone, which negatively affects men’s health.

Self-medication is excluded; to reduce the risk, therapy is carried out under constant medical supervision.

Natural drugs to increase testosterone are used in bodybuilding as a relatively safe alternative to anabolic steroids to adjust the level of a hormone important for muscle growth.

Today there are a huge variety of them on the sports nutrition market, many of them are absolutely ineffective, others “act” selectively, not on everyone.

In this article we will talk about the 8 best natural testosterone boosters (as is commonly believed), provide scientific evidence of their effectiveness/ineffectiveness and be sure to mention the recommended dosages.

Testosterone is a key male sex hormone, but it also plays an important role in the female body. It affects muscle growth, reduction of fat mass and other important processes 1.

As is known, an unhealthy lifestyle, poor environment and age lead to a decrease in the natural level of testosterone in the body 2,3.

Testosterone-increasing drugs, boosters, are designed to correct it.

How they work:

  • directly increase testosterone secretion;
  • stimulate the release of accompanying hormones, which “pull up” testosterone;
  • prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen (female sex hormone).

Below is a list of some of the best drugs to increase testosterone. The effectiveness of some of them has been scientifically proven... but in most cases - they only work under certain conditions.

8 best drugs to increase testosterone

1 D-Aspartic acid

D-Aspartic acid is a natural amino acid that has the ability to increase testosterone levels.

Research shows that its main mode of action is to increase luteinizing hormone, which in turn stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone 4 .

Aspartic acid may also improve sperm quality and its volume. In one study, men with impaired sperm production took D-aspartic acid for 90 days. As a result, the sperm count doubled: from 8.2 million ml to 16.5 million per ml 5 .

In another study, healthy physically active men with normal level testosterone levels, participated in a strength training program for 28 days. Half of them took 3 grams of D-aspartic acid per day, the other half took a placebo (“dummy”).

Both groups showed significant increases in strength and muscle mass. However, interestingly, in the D-aspartic acid group testosterone levels have not changed 6 .

This suggests that D-aspartic acid may be useful in increasing testosterone when initial levels are low, and it appears to have little effect when testosterone is already high or normal.

D-aspartic acid, as a testosterone booster, works by stimulating the release of some key hormones involved in testosterone production. The recommended dose (for those with low testosterone) is 2-3 grams, for those with high testosterone, aspartic acid is ineffective

2 Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Surprisingly, it is also a testosterone booster: its active form is acts as a steroid hormone in organism.

At present, we can say with confidence that a significant part of the world’s population, especially those living in the latitudes of Moscow and above, where there is very little sunny days per year, lives in a state of persistent and chronic vitamin D deficiency 7 .

Increasing vitamin D synthesis by any means (either by spending more time in the sun or by taking it as a supplement) can increase testosterone production, improve sperm quality and stimulate muscle growth processes 8 .

One study found strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and low testosterone levels. When participants spent more time in the summer sun soaking up vitamin D, testosterone levels also increased 8 .

As for the vitamin D preparation, it is no less effective. In one experiment, 65 men were divided into 2 groups. Half of them consumed 3,300 IU ~ 83 mcg of vitamin D daily. The other did not. As a result, the level of vitamin D in the first group doubled, which led to increase testosterone by about 20% 9 .

To increase testosterone with vitamin D:

  • increase your time in the sun (if necessary, change the country for this;));
  • If for some reason the first point cannot be achieved, take approximately 3000 UI (75 mcg) of vitamin D3 and eat more.

Vitamin D - important vitamin, which is a wonderful testosterone booster; it is especially effective in states of deficiency

3 Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a plant that has been used for centuries in herbal medicine.

Most scientific studies of its effectiveness in improving sexual desire and increasing testosterone levels were carried out on animals.

One 90-day study of men with erectile dysfunction found that taking tribulus led to improvements in self-perceived sexual health, as well as increase testosterone levels by 16% 10 .

However, modern research question the effectiveness of Tribulus as a testosterone booster: one study involving elite young athletes and healthy people with normal testosterone levels it was indicated uselessness 11 .

It appears that the benefits of Tribulus, like most other testosterone boosters, are limited only to people with low testosterone levels or impaired sexual function; and in normal healthy people it is completely ineffective.

Tribulus may be useful as a natural testosterone booster in increasing sexual desire and improving sperm quality, as well as increasing testosterone levels in men with impaired sexual function; for those who have everything in order, including athletes, it is NOT effective

4 Fenugreek

Fenugreek is another popular one. herbal preparation to increase testosterone.

Research suggests that its mechanism of action may be a decrease in the amount of enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen.

One of the most rigorous experiments tested the effectiveness of fenugreek on two groups of 15 men over eight weeks.

All 30 participants participated in a strength training program four times a week. 15 people received 500 mg of fenugreek per day.

As a result testosterone increased in the fenugreek group, and in the other group there was a slight decrease. Fenugreek also led to more increase muscle strength and even had a small effect on fat mass 12 .

Another study examined the effects of fenugreek on sexual function and quality of life.


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60 healthy men aged 25 to 52 years took 600 mg of fenugreek or a placebo tablet every day for six weeks 13 .

Everyone who took fenugreek noted increased muscle strength.

The researchers also found in the fenugreek group:

  • Increased libido: 81% of the group.
  • Improved sexual performance: 66% of the group.
  • Increased energy: 81% of the group.
  • Improved well-being: 55% of the group.

Fenugreek is an effective natural testosterone booster. The recommended dose for increasing testosterone is 500 mg per day (for both healthy men and those with low testosterone)

5 Ginger

Ginger has been used in alternative medicine for centuries. It has tremendous health benefits that are proven scientific research. Among them is a decrease inflammatory processes and.. increasing testosterone levels 14.

Several studies in rats have shown that ginger is an effective testosterone booster and improves sexual function by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone 15 .

In one experiment when taking ginger Testosterone levels in rats almost doubled. And another found a significant increase in testosterone when doubling the amount of ginger in the diet of rats 16,17.

In humans, in one of the few human studies, 75 infertile men were given ginger daily. In three months Testosterone levels increased by 17%, and the level of luteinizing hormone doubled 18.

When assessing sperm quality, scientists recorded several improvements, including a 16% increase in sperm count 18 .

Ginger is an effective natural testosterone booster and has numerous other health benefits. However, more thorough human studies are needed


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the hormones naturally occurring in the body.

It plays a role in increasing testosterone levels and controlling estrogen levels. This is his biological function caused it especially popular as a drug to increase testosterone.

Among all testosterone booster drugs, DHEA is the most well studied drug.

Several experiments suggest that a dose of DHEA of 50-100 mg per day can increase testosterone levels by 20% compared with placebo 19–21.

However, as with many other sports supplements and drugs, research results are conflicting. In other experiments in which similar doses were used, it was not observed no effect 22-24 .

Therefore, in fact, The effectiveness of DHEA in increasing testosterone levels is unclear.

However, it is significant that WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) prohibits the use of DHEA in professional sports 25 . Indirectly, this emphasizes its effectiveness... or the risk of harm to health.

Similar to other testosterone medications, DHEA may be helpful for those with low level hormone DHEA or testosterone.

Although DHEA is one of the most popular testosterone boosters on the market, research on its effectiveness is mixed. The recommended dose of 100 mg per day appears to be safe and effective... for those with low testosterone and DHEA production

7 Zinc

Known as an aphrodisiac (an aphrodisiac is a food, drink, drug that stimulates sexual desire), zinc is important mineral, which is involved in more than 100 chemical reactions in the body.

Like vitamin D, zinc levels in the body closely related to testosterone levels 26 .

Important: Research suggests that restricting zinc intake reduces testosterone levels in healthy men, and that supplementation in zinc-deficient states increases testosterone levels 26 .

When studying the effect of zinc on two groups of infertile men with low and normal testosterone levels, it was found significant increase in testosterone, as well as sperm quality, in the first group. There were no benefits for men in the second group (with normal testosterone levels) with zinc supplementation 27 .

In an experiment involving professional wrestlers during a 4-week course of intensive training, it was shown that daily intake zinc prevents the natural decline of testosterone during strength training 28.

Based on scientific research, we can conclude that zinc is an effective testosterone booster for those who have low testosterone levels or who are in a state of zinc deficiency. Additional reception zinc is also useful for speeding up recovery after intense, heavy training 29, 30.

Zinc is an effective testosterone booster for those with low levels. Supplemental zinc is useful during heavy intense training to speed up recovery

8 Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is another plant that has been used in ancient Indian medicine 31 . It is used primarily as an adaptogen - a remedy for stress and anxiety 32 .

In one experiment, scientists tested the benefits of ashwagandha on sperm quality in infertile men who took 5 grams of it per day for three months. The men in this study had increase testosterone levels by 10-22%. In addition, the female partners of 14% of participants became pregnant 33 .

Another study confirms that ashwagandha increases exercise performance, muscle strength and fat burning, and significantly increases testosterone levels 34 .

Ashwagandha, as a testosterone booster, is useful for increased stress, possibly by reducing the stress hormone cortisol.

Scientific research supports the effectiveness of Ashwagandha as a natural testosterone booster and in improving sexual function and body composition (fat burning)


Testosterone plays a huge role in the body, providing not only muscle growth, but also a huge number of other reactions necessary for the health of the body.

With age, its level steadily decreases.

Today, there are hundreds of drugs on the sports nutrition market to increase testosterone levels - so-called boosters. But the effectiveness of only a few of them has been confirmed by scientific research. Most of them have low effectiveness and, most often, only in people with sexual dysfunction or naturally low testosterone.

Many testosterone-boosting drugs may be theoretically useful for athletes and bodybuilders, particularly since physical activity leads to decreased testosterone levels 35 . But this issue has not been sufficiently studied by scientists.

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones produced by the endocrine system. It can be found in both sexes, but is especially abundant in men. And for them it is important first of all. It is this hormone that is responsible for those properties of the male body that make him different from women in biological terms. And therefore, it is extremely important for a man to maintain a sufficiently high level of this hormone. But, nevertheless, sometimes disruptions occur in the functioning of the endocrine system, and the level of the hormone decreases. Is it possible to prevent this phenomenon?

Testosterone standards

In men, testosterone is synthesized in the gonads - testicles (testicles), as well as in the adrenal cortex. By chemical structure the substance belongs to the class of steroids. Also involved in the process of hormone synthesis are the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which secrete enzymes that command the endocrine system to begin hormone synthesis.

Most testosterone in the body is associated with various proteins. Free testosterone constitutes approximately 2% of the total amount of the hormone. Testosterone in young men aged 18-20 years reaches its maximum concentration. Then the hormone level begins to decline. From about age 35, testosterone levels drop by 1-2% per year. A decrease in the amount of the hormone in the blood in men with age is natural process. However, a situation often occurs when low levels of the hormone occur in young and middle-aged men. This situation, of course, is not normal and requires treatment.

Normal levels of testosterone in the blood of men at different ages

Why does a man need testosterone?

Testosterone is responsible for the formation of the body according to male type. This process begins in infancy, continues in childhood and adolescence and ends in adulthood. However, the role of testosterone is not only in the formation reproductive organs and external sexual characteristics. Testosterone plays a significant role in metabolism and in maintaining human health. With its participation, the process of spermatogenesis is carried out. Testosterone is responsible for the formation of the muscular and skeletal system and for regulating body weight. Testosterone is also responsible for many mental processes. For example, testosterone neutralizes the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. Thanks to the effects of the hormone, a man feels joy in life and optimism.

Symptoms of low testosterone

Men with low testosterone experience a number of symptoms that they often do not associate with this cause. This:

  • , loss of interest in the outside world,
  • decreased libido or impotence,
  • obesity,
  • feminization – loss of body hair, gynecomastia,
  • decrease in muscle mass,
  • memory impairment, absent-mindedness.

Causes of decreased testosterone

Hormone levels may decrease due to various reasons. But, as a rule, they are divided into primary, caused by diseases of the endocrine system, and secondary, caused by external factors and factors related to a person's lifestyle.

What factors can lead to a decrease in hormone levels? This:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • unhealthy diet
  • excess weight,
  • unbalanced sex life,
  • bad habits,
  • lack of sleep,
  • drug treatment,
  • impact harmful substances from the environment.

Sedentary lifestyle

It is well known that movement is life. This rule is true for all people, but especially for men. Nature has designed the male body so that it is convenient for him to constantly engage in various physical exercises. Previously, men were engaged in hunting, farming, cattle breeding and fighting. All these activities required great endurance and physical activity, which were maintained at the proper level due to high testosterone levels. Nowadays, most men are engaged in sedentary work that does not require high level hormone.

Of course, there is no need to return to the habits of your ancestors to increase your hormone levels, however, it is useful to remember that to maintain optimal male shape, you need to exercise regularly. It has long been established that intense physical exercise promote the production of testosterone in the blood in men. This natural reaction the body, since without this hormone the growth of muscle mass is impossible.

Poor nutrition

Not all foods we consume help maintain sufficient testosterone levels. Food must contain the required amount of microelements, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, both from animals and from plant sources. Both overeating and insufficient, irregular nutrition lead to a decrease in testosterone.

Excess weight

A man's extra pounds are not just an appearance defect that spoils the typical appearance of a tough macho man. In fact, adipose tissue cells are factories for the production of the testosterone antagonist estrogen. In addition, testosterone can also be destroyed in fat deposits and converted into estrogen.

Irregular sex life

Regular sex also promotes testosterone production, especially in adulthood. However, it should not be too frequent (no more than 2-3 times a week), since in this case there will be reverse effect– the hormone level will decrease.


Popular stereotype associates masculinity with propensity to consume alcoholic drinks in large quantities. And completely in vain. It has been established that alcohol negatively affects the centers of the brain responsible for the formation of the male hormone, as a result of which the reverse process is launched in the body - the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Surely, beer lovers can smile indulgently here - after all, their favorite drink contains relatively little alcohol, and for this reason, it would seem, should not seriously affect testosterone levels. But this is absolutely not true. Beer contains a large number of plant estrogens. Thus, beer is an even greater enemy of the male hormone than strong drinks.


During stress, the body produces a special hormone - cortisol. This hormone does not directly affect the amount of testosterone. However, cortisol can block testosterone receptors, rendering testosterone useless. Thus, men exposed to stress experience the same symptoms as men with low testosterone.

Lack of sleep

Most men are very familiar with the feeling of a spontaneous morning erection. This phenomenon is largely due to the fact that testosterone levels are highest in the morning. Most of this hormone is produced at night, during sleep, and deep, not superficial.


Many somatic diseases can cause a decrease in testosterone. This is especially true for diseases affecting the androgynous system, for example, prostatitis. But diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, and leukocytosis can also affect the level of the hormone.

Drug treatment

Testosterone often decreases under the influence of medications. These include carbamazepine, veroshpiron, tetracycline, magnesium sulfate, and glucocorticosteroids. As a rule, a decrease occurs only with long-term use of drugs, and after stopping their use, the hormone level returns to normal.

Environmental pollution

Modern civilization poisons our body with many chemicals that negatively affect testosterone levels. There are especially many such substances in car exhaust gases. Research shows that gas station workers have reduced level hormone. But household chemical products are also not free from substances harmful to the male hormone. In particular, these include bisphenols contained in many personal care products and detergents - shampoos, lotions, liquid soaps, etc., as well as in plastic utensils.

How to increase testosterone in men?

If you don’t know how to increase the level of this hormone, you can consult a doctor for advice. However, before starting treatment, you should understand the origins of the situation. A decrease in hormone levels can be caused by a variety of reasons, and therefore the increase in testosterone in men depends on many factors. Of course, there are also hormonal drugs containing testosterone. However, they are recommended to be taken only in exceptional cases, for example, in cases of pathologies of the endocrine organs, since they do not replace the hormone produced naturally.

So, how to increase testosterone naturally?


Men who exercise regularly generally do not have problems with testosterone. The most suitable exercises for this purpose are those aimed at developing various muscle groups of the body, for example, on weight training machines. Classes should be quite intense, but not particularly long. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because otherwise the body will perceive exercise as stress, and at the same time cortisol will be produced. To increase testosterone production, it is enough to exercise for about an hour a day, and not every day, but 2-3 times a week.

Photo: ESB Professional/

Improve nutrition

To increase testosterone, you should streamline your diet, do not overeat, eat 3-4 times a day and no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Maintaining a reasonable balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats is what increases hormone levels. Additionally, there are certain substances that directly stimulate the body's production of testosterone.


Most testosterone is produced in the body from cholesterol. Therefore, your diet should include foods containing it in large quantities:

  • fish,
  • meat,
  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • caviar,
  • whole milk.

Of course, moderation should be observed here, since foods rich in “bad” cholesterol can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system.


Zinc will help increase hormone levels in the body. This trace element is directly related to testosterone production. There is a lot of it in seafood, fish, nuts, seeds - sunflower and pumpkin, cheeses, and some vegetables.

What else can you do to raise your hormone levels? It is also recommended to include in the diet foods containing selenium, vitamins C and B, the essential amino acid arginine (meat, eggs, peas, sesame seeds, almonds, cottage cheese, peanuts, milk), as well as cruciferous plants - cabbage, broccoli, etc. . Plays a significant role plain water. It is necessary to drink a lot of clean water (at least 2 liters per day).

In addition to alcohol, you should reduce your coffee consumption. It has been established that one single cup of coffee helps burn the male hormone in the body. True, this effect does not last long, but regular consumption of coffee can lead to a significant decrease in testosterone levels.

Another product that is harmful to maintaining high levels of the hormone is soy. Research shows that soy contains a lot of plant estrogens.

Exposure to harmful chemicals

To increase testosterone, you should also minimize your body's exposure to harmful substances contained in urban air. To do this, you should spend more time outside the city, in nature. When driving or sitting in traffic jams, you should close the windows completely. It is also recommended not to use household products personal hygiene containing bisphenol - lotions, shampoos, etc. For washing, you can use regular toilet soap. Even toothpastes contain bisphenol, so you should take a minimum amount of toothpaste - no more than a pea.


To increase testosterone, you need to sleep a lot, as the level of the hormone in the body is affected by good sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and preferably 8-9 hours. It is important to consider that sleep should be deep, not superficial.

Regular sex life

The level of male hormone is negatively affected by both abstinence from sexual activity and too frequent sex. It should also be taken into account that simple communication with the fair sex, as well as viewing men's magazines and explicit videos, contribute to hormone releases.

A tan

To increase testosterone, you should also sunbathe a lot. During sun exposure, the body produces vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on hormone production. This factor should also not be discounted.

Drugs that increase testosterone

However natural ways requires a lot of effort and time. If you don’t know how to quickly increase hormone levels, you can resort to medications. Nowadays you can buy a lot of drugs in pharmacies to increase testosterone. These are dietary supplements and hormonal drugs that should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Testosterone preparations are usually sold in pharmacies with a prescription.

The main drugs intended to increase hormone levels:

  • testosterone propionate (injections),
  • testosterone undecanoate (tablets),
  • Proviron,
  • hormone production stimulants (Cyclo-Bolan, Parity, Vitrix, Animal Test).

Do not confuse pills to increase testosterone levels with potency enhancing drugs. The former do not directly affect potency, although they can indirectly affect it positive influence. The principle of action of the latter, as a rule, is not associated with an increase in the level of the male hormone.

Drugs to increase testosterone- these are pharmaceutical products that help improve the parameters of the main hormone for the brutal half of humanity. Its secretion begins at the time of intrauterine formation of the fetus. And with insufficiency, various disruptions in the male sexual sphere may occur. To warn sexual impotence or erectile dysfunction, experts recommend taking drugs that increase testosterone, or a cream to increase testosterone levels.

The pharmacy chain today widely offers medications that have the ability to have a significant effect on the male genital area. Many of them don't even require a prescription from a doctor. However, self-medication is absolutely unacceptable. All drugs to increase testosterone in men should be prescribed only by an andrologist, after carrying out the appropriate laboratory and instrumental examination.

Main indications for hormone therapy

In a healthy man of working age, testosterone parameters in the bloodstream are in the range of 11–33 nmol/l. If this concentration decreases due to any circumstances, significant distress may occur. Replacement therapy is required - medications to increase testosterone.

Produced hormonal pills for men are prescribed for the following indications:

  • relief of the symptoms of hypogonadism, a pathology that develops in male adolescents due to insufficient hormone secretion: testosterone preparations help organs mature to the age norm;
  • delayed maturation of the body in boys - drugs that increase testosterone levels will improve the functioning of all organs;
  • weakly present secondary signs– underdevelopment of both external and internal organs in young men it will be eliminated if you start taking male hormonal drugs in a timely manner;
  • – insufficient number of active germ cells, which necessarily requires drug therapy to increase testosterone;
  • Primary or secondary infertility is the inability to conceive a child in a marriage precisely because of abnormalities in the spermogram, which can be completely corrected by selecting special pills to increase testosterone.

However, most often, when consulting an andrologist, men complain about erectile dysfunction and even impotence. If the reason is hidden precisely in a decrease in the concentration of sex hormones, the doctor will recommend various medications that increase testosterone in men.

Forms of release of drugs to increase testosterone

To pharmacy chains by manufacturers drugs that stimulate testosterone production in men, come in several forms. Each has its own advantages, as well as disadvantages.

So, male hormone pills convenient for reception. However, one of the disadvantages is slow elimination from the body. Therefore, a drug to increase testosterone in men in the form of tablets or capsules will not be prescribed if there is a malfunction in the functioning of the kidneys or liver. There is a high risk of medication accumulation in the bloodstream and complications.

In this case it may be recommended testosterone boosting cream. This form is also effective. The active component optimally enters the blood and is maintained in the required concentration with regular use. One of the disadvantages is that testosterone cream, when applied locally, can provoke irritations - dermatoses.

Another convenient one for home use The form of medication to increase testosterone in men is a patch. It is available in 2 types - glued to various parts of the body, or to the tissue of the scrotum. Such preparations with testosterone properly saturate the body with the hormone, but can sometimes cause local skin irritation.

Much less commonly prescribed means to increase testosterone are in the form of subcutaneous implants, which are inserted directly under the skin. The active component gradually enters the blood, and the required concentration is maintained for six months. Of the minuses it is indicated that testosterone production medication requires constant monitoring laboratory tests.

In some cases, testosterone preparations for men are administered parenterally. This requires strict testimony.

Medicines to stimulate your own sex hormones

In case laboratory research showed hypotestosteronemia, the specialist at the first stage of pharmacotherapy makes a decision on how to increase testosterone in men; the drugs should stimulate the production of natural sex hormones.

Similar drugs to increase testosterone levels in men, as a rule, consist of natural plant components. Therefore, they are optimal for solving the problem - not only does testosterone increase, the medicine also corrects blood circulation parameters in pelvic organs, and also strengthens the vascular wall.

The best pills to increase testosterone in men list:

  1. Arimatest and Cyclo-Bolan.
  2. Parity and Vitrix.
  3. Tribulus and Animal Test.
  4. Evo test.

The above medications that increase testosterone levels in men, cannot quite be classified as hormonal medications. This does not imply, however, that they can be purchased without prior consultation with an andrologist. How to increase testosterone in men, medications or dietary supplements It is better to take it, only a doctor can decide.

Even the most harmless in composition drugs for testosterone production may cause the appearance side effects, For example, allergic reactions. Therefore, pharmacotherapy for testosterone deficiency, medicine for men is selected by an andrologist. It is recommended to contact medical care to pick up effective drugs to increase testosterone in men, only consult a highly qualified specialist.

Video about drugs to increase testosterone:

Review of hormonal medications

Because the testosterone-boosting drugs, are in great demand and are an actively sought-after medicine; manufacturers produce many variations of them:

  1. Testosterone undecaonatepharmaceutical product to increase testosterone in men in the form of tablets or oil concentrate. The latter is preferable, since intramuscular administration is more effective - the concentration of the hormone literally becomes much higher the very next day from the start of therapy. A drug for increasing testosterone in men can also be called “Nebido”.
  2. Pharmacy hormonal product – Androgel. Can be purchased at literally every pharmacy. A gel for increasing testosterone in men is distributed directly onto the skin of the forearm or onto the abdominal area. Daily dose medications for testosterone - no more than 10 g. Based on individual indications, a specialist may recommend long-term replacement therapy.
  3. Parenteral drugs to increase testosterone in men - Sustanon 250 solution. It is administered intramuscularly. It contains 4 types of male hormone. The medication is well tolerated. It may well serve as a standard as a medicine for increasing testosterone in men after 50 years of age. Frequency of administration: 1 time every 8–10 days.
  4. Andriol capsules– preparations for testosterone in men with excellent tolerability and high bioavailability. Oral administration. The list of undesirable effects is minimal, so a drug for increasing testosterone in men may well be prescribed to young men. Undoubtedly, a positive point is that the medication does not suppress the production of a man’s own hormone.

All drugs that increase testosterone in men must be agreed with the attending physician. This will avoid undesirable consequences and complications. Even if the medications are presented as dietary supplements to increase testosterone.

Positive effects observed in the body during hormone therapy

Thanks to pills to increase testosterone in men were recommended by the doctor on time and in therapeutic doses, the following positive changes will occur in his body:

  • hormonal drugs for men improve appetite;
  • medications containing testosterone for men trigger regeneration processes in tissues;
  • drugs to increase testosterone levels optimally help to gain muscle volume, which is important for many athletes;
  • drugs that increase testosterone production allow representatives of the stronger half of humanity to achieve a toned body - after all, drugs to increase testosterone strengthen bone and muscle structures;
  • in addition, drugs for raising testosterone help tissues become saturated with calcium and phosphorus molecules;
  • drugs that increase testosterone in men, in addition, improve endurance;
  • tablets for raising testosterone improve the patency of vascular structures, which affects cardiovascular system, its activity improves.

However, main reason why men begin to get involved in means that can increase testosterone in men with drugs and dietary supplements– this is the need to increase libido. After all, drugs that stimulate the production of their own testosterone in men can simultaneously correct the sexual desire of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Despite all of the above advantages and positive properties, drugs for the production of testosterone in men are hormonal medications. Their prescribing should be done exclusively by a doctor - how to increase testosterone in men, tablets or gel, what are the dangers of hormonal drugs for men, or is it better to take dietary supplements to increase testosterone in men, all these issues are best discussed individually.

Contraindications and unwanted effects

All drugs that increase testosterone levels in men, the attached instructions have a list of individual restrictions on their use. After all, medications that increase testosterone are hormonal medications that can affect the activity of other organs and systems.

So, Tablets that increase testosterone are not allowed to be taken during exacerbation of pathologies digestive system , especially in liver pathologies. Decompensation of kidney activity will also be a limitation to increasing testosterone levels in men with drugs of the hormonal subgroup.

Individual hypersensitivity to the components of drugs to increase male hormones is another significant contraindication for pharmacotherapy with hormones. Particular care must be taken when deciding which drugs increase testosterone in pediatric endocrinology.

Pills that increase testosterone in men are unacceptable for any prostate pathology, since they can provoke their decompensation and severe complications. Testosterone-containing drugs, are not used in children puberty and in older men.

Of the undesirable effects, increasing testosterone in men with drugs are indicated:

  • skin rashes of varying intensity - testosterone preparations are not prescribed for men with skin diseases;
  • dyspeptic disorders - medicine to increase testosterone in men sometimes provokes nausea and diarrhea;
  • thrombophlebitis – drugs containing testosterone for men over 50 years of age can worsen venous insufficiency;
  • Testosterone-boosting medication may cause frequent erections.

Based on the above contraindications, before choosing which pills increase testosterone in men are the safest, it is better to consult an andrologist.

Preparations containing testosterone for men and testosterone preparations- this is an inferior replacement natural hormone present in the body. Therefore, all prescriptions for testosterone tablets, which ones are better and which ones should be avoided, should be carried out by a doctor.

Video: drugs and pills to increase testosterone.

What to ask an andrologist

Frequently asked questions by men during an appointment with an andrologist - which medications to increase testosterone are safe for health, and what kind of hormone this is, testosterone, how to increase it in men, is it necessary to take medications from the pharmacy or can you get by with dietary supplements.

Such questions can only be answered after assessing the information from diagnostic studies. The doctor will tell you which drugs increase testosterone in men individually, focusing on laboratory results and the person’s existing somatic diseases.

Increasing testosterone in men with medications or how to increase testosterone levels in men with medications, it is better to learn to start after the questions are clarified:

  • are there indications for them;
  • optimal doses;
  • frequency of reception;
  • total duration of the course;
  • the possibility of undesirable consequences.

It must be remembered that in a drop of medicine there is benefit, but in a spoon there is poison. Self-medication, especially hormonal agents, absolutely unacceptable.

Basic male hormone testosterone performs a huge amount important functions in organism. If due to some pathologies its level decreases critically, you should consult a doctor for examination. Perhaps he will prescribe testosterone in tablets, prescribe required dosages and duration of use. Only after qualified recommendations can you start taking such medications.

Who needs hormone therapy

Most often, Testosterone injections, capsules or tablets are used under the following circumstances:

  • Endocrine disorders in the body that cause impotence, inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Male menopause, delayed puberty, underdevelopment of the reproductive system.
  • Decreased libido, oligospermia, eunuchoidism.
  • Rehabilitation in the post-castration period, hypopituitarism, osteoporosis.

Increasingly, it is included in complex treatment at diabetes mellitus 2 types. The optimal solution is a hormone-containing gel, which is recommended to be applied directly to clean skin. This method of application entails uniform absorption and excretion of the substance. It not only acts to increase androgen levels, but also increases insulin sensitivity. Type 1 diabetes does not require this hormone.

The question of choosing medications

Pharmacies offer a wide variety of manufacturers offering Testosterone in tablets, capsules or ampoules for intramuscular administration. Since hormonal drugs are complex medications, you should carefully study their direct functions, as well as contraindications.

Testosterone can be sold in pharmacies both in tablets and ampoules.

The androgen that a man plans to use to correct the level of the hormone in the body can be of two types. The first is of natural origin. It is produced from plants of the legume family and is characterized by low digestibility. In the acidic environment of the stomach, part of the contents of the tablet or capsule is destroyed without reaching the goal. The action of the hormone in injections gives relatively best result. The natural substance is perceived more gently by the male body, without causing sharp jumps hormone.

The second type is synthetic production. It is absorbed more efficiently because it has special protective components that prevent destruction in gastric juice. To avoid causing stress to the body, synthetic testosterone should be used with extreme caution. Initial dosages should be minimal, they can be increased gradually, under the supervision of doctors.

Regardless of the type of androgen, a man cannot self-prescribe the pill. Individual characteristics body, a list of existing diseases and laboratory test results - all this must be taken into account. Changing one drug to another should also be done on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account dosage adjustments. Let's look at the most commonly prescribed tablets and injections.

  • Testosterone propionate.

A solution of the same name is widely used by bodybuilders. Although these are not tablets, but a liquid for injection, the substance has the desired effect. It is prescribed for the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system, to stimulate spermatogenesis, and normalize sexual life. Indicated for hypogonadism, oligospermia, male menopause.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea and vomiting, tremors, decreased voice tone, appearance or increased growth of facial hair, and weight gain. Contraindications include elderly men and adolescents under 18 years of age, kidney and liver diseases, prostate cancer, mastopathy. Use with extreme caution is recommended for problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Many other drugs are testosterone propionate analogues or drugs complex composition with the specified active substance at the head.

  • Omnadren.

Packaging of ampoules for intramuscular use has identical indications and actions. Side effects of testosterone in this case can manifest as impaired spermatogenesis, sometimes priapism. You cannot use sedatives or anti-tuberculosis drugs at the same time, they will reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

  • Sustanon 250.

The drug contains four hormonal forms of testosterone, has quite fast action. The main reason for use is hypogonadism of all types. Instructions for use of Sustanon contain an extensive list side effects, which you need to pay attention to before starting treatment.

  • Nebido.

The use of testosterone in this form is indicated for mature men with primary or secondary hypogonadism. The drug taken is often accompanied by pain at the injection site and causes acne. The medicine should be injected slowly, deep into the muscle, after heating the ampoule in the palms.

One of the most expensive medications with testosterone, aimed at increasing hormone levels in men.

  • Methyltestosterone.

Testosterone in tablets is used in men with primary eunuchoidism, hypogonadism, and impotence. It is prescribed to boys for sexual infantilism and stunted growth. The medicine is somewhat weaker than the effect of testosterone propionate. However, rapid positive dynamics are observed.

Testosterone is prescribed to adolescents for sexual infantilism.

The instructions for the medicine Testosterone contain: full list indications, recommendations on how to take pills correctly, contraindications and drug interactions. Since it was revealed strong effect on the liver, Methyltestosterone is used extremely rarely.

  • Andriol.

Taking testosterone in Andriol capsules is indicated for use by men with menopausal disorders, osteoporosis, endocrine impotence, post-castration syndrome, eunuchoidism, and hypopituitarism. It does not affect the liver because it is absorbed and stored in the blood plasma. The drug taken helps the full development of the male genital organs and can act as a stimulant to enhance secondary symptoms.

Cost of medicines

The use of the drug in adolescents should be carried out with extreme caution, since side effects testosterone effects include accelerated puberty, frequent erections, increased penile size, and premature pineal fusion. Any application hormonal drugs– this is always a great responsibility and certain risks, as evidenced by extremely different reviews. Before taking testosterone injections or tablets, a man must obtain a doctor’s prescription. Otherwise, irreversible damage may occur in the body.