Can pregnancy cause allergies? Allergies during pregnancy: effects on the fetus. Weeping rash is well treated with zinc ointment

More than 30% of pregnant women suffer from allergies. This is a pathogenic reaction hypersensitivity body to certain substances from environment(allergens). Upon repeated contact with the irritant, an immune response occurs that has different manifestations- from rash to severe conditions. In this case, the reaction can occur immediately after contact or after several days. In pregnant women, allergies manifest themselves in the form of skin rash, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, exacerbation of bronchial asthma, and the development of Quincke's edema.


Pregnancy is a time of intense changes in the female body, during which there is an increased production of biologically active substances, including hormones. They have a strong effect on the immune system and contribute to the occurrence or worsening of an allergic reaction.

By their nature, the main hormones produced during pregnancy are steroids, which normally suppress the allergic reaction. But in the body of a pregnant woman, the fetus is considered foreign body. To prevent its rejection, the immune system weakens its action. Therefore, a woman becomes more sensitive to the influence of external allergens.

The most common irritants are:

  • pollutants (car exhaust gases, industrial emissions);
  • chemicals (cosmetics, pesticides, drugs, food additives);
  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • insect bites;
  • animal hair;
  • hair;
  • food products (nuts, eggs).

During pregnancy, it is important to be aware of cross allergies. It lies in the fact that if a person is intolerant to a substance, a reaction may occur to a stimulus of similar structure. For example, if you are allergic to cow's milk, an immune response to soy, milk from other animals, and beef may develop.

Effect on the fetus

An allergy that appears on the skin during pregnancy in the form of a rash or hives does not affect the health of the developing child. Dangerous for both the fetus and the mother is the development of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing against the background of a skin rash.. Lack of oxygen can cause fetal death. In this case, it is extremely important to seek medical help immediately.


Facial allergies during pregnancy can manifest themselves in the form of pinpoint rashes, hives, dry skin, swelling of facial tissues, and itching at the site of the rash.

Urticaria is the formation of itchy blisters against a background of swollen skin. Severe course may be complicated by the development of Quincke's edema. In this condition, the paraorbital areas and lips swell, and swelling of the larynx may occur, which will lead to difficulty breathing.

Skin allergies during pregnancy are often accompanied by the development of allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis. This is manifested by redness of the sclera, increased tearing, and copious serous discharge from the nose.


Diagnosis of the disease is based on allergy history, general examination and laboratory methods research.

The presence of allergies is clarified before pregnancy, with parents and close relatives. Find out the possible factors that provoke its development. When examining, pay attention to the nature of the rash, the presence of swelling of the face, dry skin, the appearance of pain in the eyes, lacrimation, redness of the sclera, and prolonged runny nose.

They take general analysis blood, in which the level of eosinophils is increased due to allergies. You can take a scraping from the elements of the rash to determine the presence of pathogenic flora.

Scratch tests to isolate a specific allergen are contraindicated during pregnancy. But to determine specific IgE in the body, you can perform a PAST test.

The accuracy of the study is very high. Drug antiallergic treatment does not affect the result and is safe for a pregnant woman, since the determination of the antigen occurs in vitro.

A woman's blood is taken from a vein and placed into test tubes with various irritants. If there is an antibody to an allergen in the blood, they combine and form an antigen-antibody complex. These complexes are counted. Their high level indicates there is a problem. The method allows you to determine allergies to dust, food, pollen, latex, mold spores, and animal hair.


The best treatment for allergies during pregnancy is to completely eliminate contact with the allergen. To do this, you need to take the following measures:

Traditional medicine

Drug therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since many drugs can have a detrimental effect on the fetus. It is not recommended to treat allergies yourself.

Considered relatively safe antihistamines 2 generations: Cetirizine and Loratadine. 1st generation antihistamines and intranasal agents are contraindicated.

To relieve itching, relieve skin symptoms You can use preparations for external use. For the sake of safety for the fetus, medications containing hormones are not recommended, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the approved ointments you can use: Bepanten, D-panthenol, Zinc ointment.

Folk remedies

Rashes on the face may go away on their own after eliminating allergens. To relieve symptoms, the following methods are used:

Any home method or remedy must be agreed upon with a gynecologist.

Prevention measures

Since pregnant women are more susceptible to allergic reactions, the following recommendations should be followed:

If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

In the conditions of modern civilization, sad as it is to admit it, even healthy person It is difficult to maintain the necessary reserves of health and strength. And when it comes to the birth of a new life, this problem becomes even more acute. And if the twentieth century was declared the century cardiovascular diseases, then the 21st century, according to WHO forecasts, will become the century of allergies.

How the disease develops

So, what is the mechanism of allergic reactions? There are three stages in the development of the disease.

First stage. The allergen enters the body for the first time. This may include plant pollen, animal fur, food products, cosmetics, etc. Cells of the immune system recognize foreign substances and trigger the formation of antibodies. Antibodies attach to the walls of so-called mast cells, which are located in huge quantities under the mucous membranes and epithelial tissues. Such combinations can exist for more than a year and “wait” for the next contact with the allergen.

Second stage. An allergen that enters the body again binds antibodies on the surface of the mast cell. This triggers the opening mechanism of mast cells: biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, etc.) are released from them, which cause the main symptoms of allergies; they are also called inflammatory mediators or pro-inflammatory hormones.

Third stage. Biologically active substances cause vasodilation and increase tissue permeability. Swelling and inflammation occurs. In severe cases, when the allergen enters the bloodstream, severe vasodilation and sharp drop blood pressure(anaphylactic shock).

Light OAZ
OAZ Clinical manifestations
Allergic rhinitis Difficulty in nasal breathing or nasal congestion, swelling of the nasal mucosa, discharge of copious watery mucous secretions, sneezing, burning sensation in the throat.
Allergic Hyperemia (redness), swelling, injection of the conjunctiva (vessels are visible on the white of the eye), itching, lacrimation, photophobia, swelling of the eyelids, narrowing of the palpebral fissure.
Localized urticaria A sudden lesion of a part of the skin: the formation of sharply defined rounded blisters with raised edges and a pale center, accompanied by severe itching.
Heavy OAZ
OAZ Clinical manifestations
Generalized urticaria A sudden lesion of the entire skin with the formation of sharply defined round blisters with raised erythematous (red) edges and a pale center, accompanied by severe itching.
Quincke's edema Swelling of the skin subcutaneous tissue or mucous membranes. It most often develops in the area of ​​the lips, cheeks, eyelids, forehead, scalp, scrotum, hands, and feet. At the same time, swelling of the joints, mucous membranes, including the larynx and gastrointestinal tract may occur. Edema of the larynx is manifested by cough, hoarseness, and suffocation. Swelling of the gastrointestinal mucosa is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Anaphylactic shock Arterial hypotension(decreased blood pressure) and stupefaction in mild cases, loss of consciousness in severe cases, respiratory failure due to laryngeal edema, abdominal pain, urticaria, itchy skin. Manifestations develop within an hour after contact with the allergen (usually within the first 5 minutes).

The most common manifestations of allergies in pregnant women are allergic rhinitis, urticaria and angioedema.

The effect of allergies on the fetus

So, what is the mechanism of allergic reactions? There are three stages in the development of the disease. When an allergic reaction occurs in the mother, the fetus does not develop its own allergosis, since the specific immunocomplexes that react to the allergen irritant (antigens - substances that cause the allergy, and antibodies produced in response to antigens) do not penetrate the placenta. But nevertheless, the child in the womb experiences the influence of the disease under the influence of three factors:

  • change in mother's condition;
  • possible action medicines on the blood supply to the fetus (medicines used for allergies can cause a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow, which fully ensures the life of the fetus);
  • harmful effect medications (this will be discussed below).

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy

The main goal of immediate treatment is to effectively and safely eliminate the symptoms of OAD in the pregnant woman without the risk of adverse effects on the fetus.

Indeed, a person’s reaction to the use of drugs depends on his physiological state, the nature of the pathology and the type of therapy.

Pregnancy in this sense should be considered as a special physiological state. It must be taken into account that up to 45% of pregnant women have diseases of internal organs, and from 60 to 80% regularly take certain medications. On average, a woman takes up to four different medications per period, not counting vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements. Need I say that this is far from safe for the unborn child? Moreover, if a woman makes the decision to take certain medications independently.

Let's consider clinical example. A 31-year-old woman was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute allergosis, generalized urticaria. This is her second pregnancy, and the woman did not suffer from allergies before going to the hospital. She fell ill suddenly, about 1 hour after drinking orange juice. A rash appeared on the chest and arms; skin itching began. The woman independently decided to take the pill diphenhydramine, but this did not have the desired effect. On the advice of a doctor friend, she took 1 additional tablet suprastina, also without effect. By morning, the rash had spread to the entire body, and the patient called an ambulance. The ambulance doctor administered 2 ml intramuscularly tavegila, there was no effect. The doctor decided to take the woman to the hospital in the general intensive care unit. The allergic reaction disappeared completely after only 3 days.

In the example given, the woman received three different antihistamines before entering the hospital, one of which ( diphenhydramine) is contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, in every case of allergies, you must immediately consult a doctor for help.

Most “popular” antihistamines used to treat allergies are contraindicated during pregnancy. So, diphenhydramine may cause excitability or contractions for a period close to childbirth, when taken in doses greater than 50 mg; after taking terfenadine there is a decrease in the weight of newborns; astemizole has toxic effect to the fruit; suprastin (chloropyramine), Claritin (loratadine), cetirizine (alleprtek) And Fexadine (fexofenadine) during pregnancy are permissible only if the effect of treatment outweighs the potential risk to the fetus; tavegil (clemastine) during pregnancy should be used only for health reasons; pipolfen (piperacillin) is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When an allergic reaction occurs for the first time, it is necessary in any case, even if this condition did not last long, to seek advice from an allergist. I would like to emphasize that the main thing in the treatment of allergic conditions and diseases is not the elimination of allergy symptoms with the help of medications, but the complete exclusion of contact with the allergen.

In order to identify the allergen, special examinations are carried out. Determination of blood levels of IgE antibodies specific for certain allergens and skin prick tests are used. For skin tests, solutions are prepared from potential allergens (extracts of herbs, trees, pollen, animal epidermis, insect venom, food, medicines). The resulting solutions are administered intradermally in minimal quantities. If the patient is allergic to one or more of the listed substances, then local swelling develops around the injection of the corresponding allergen.

What should be done if OAZ manifests itself and what drugs can be used?

  • If the allergen is known, eliminate exposure immediately.
  • See your doctor.
  • If it is not possible to consult a doctor, be guided by the following information about antiallergic drugs.

1st generation H2-histamine blockers:

  • Suprastin (chlorpyramidine)- prescribed for the treatment of acute allergic reactions in pregnant women.
  • Pipolfen (piperacillin)— not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allertek (cyterizine)- Can be used in and.
  • Tavegil (clemastine)— during pregnancy, use is possible only for health reasons; since it was revealed bad influence this drug on the fetus, then the use of tavegil is possible only in cases where the allergic reaction threatens the patient’s life, and there is no possibility of using another drug for one reason or another.

2nd generation H2-histamine blockers:

Claritin (loratadine)— during pregnancy, use is possible only if the effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, that is, the drug should be used only if the mother’s allergic condition threatens the fetus more than taking the drug. This risk is assessed by the doctor in each specific case.

3rd generation H2-histamine blockers:

Fexadine (fexofenadine)- during pregnancy, use is possible only if the effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Another very important aspect of the problem is the prevention of allergic diseases in an unborn child. TO preventive measures This includes limiting or, in severe cases, excluding highly allergic foods from the pregnant woman’s diet. Gastrointestinal tract- the main entrance gate for allergens penetrating the fetus. The formation of hypersensitivity (that is, the formation in the child’s body of antibodies that are ready to provoke an allergic reaction upon the secondary introduction of an allergen - already in the baby’s extrauterine life) occurs with a certain degree of maturity of the fetal immune system, which is achieved approximately during intrauterine development. Thus, from this time on, limiting allergens in food is justified.

The prevention of allergic reactions should also include limiting possible contact with other allergens: household chemicals, new cosmetics, etc.

These restrictions are, of course, not absolute. For healthy expectant mothers who do not suffer from allergies, it is enough not to consume these products daily and at the same time, while periodically including them in the diet is possible. Those expectant mothers who have at least once had some form of allergy to a given product should completely avoid “risky” products. If a woman suffers from allergic diseases (allergic bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, etc.), she will have to exclude entire food groups from her diet.

It should be emphasized that smoking (both active and passive) is absolutely unacceptable for pregnant and lactating women. There are known facts confirming that maternal smoking during pregnancy affects the development of the fetus’s lungs and leads to intrauterine growth retardation. Maternal smoking is one of the reasons for the fetus. After one smoked cigarette, a spasm of the uterine vessels occurs for 20-30 minutes and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted. Children of smoking mothers have an increased likelihood (among other serious illnesses) development of atopic (allergic) dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

During pregnancy, it is recommended not to have pets, to ventilate the apartment more often, to do wet cleaning daily, to vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture at least once a week, to beat and dry pillows. And one more important note. Breast milk is the most suitable product for feeding children in the first months of life. It has the required temperature, does not require time to prepare, does not contain bacteria and allergens, is easily digestible, and contains enzymes for its own digestion. Early before 4 months - termination breastfeeding increases the frequency of allergic reactions several times.

Let us remind you that a pregnant woman, regardless of whether she suffers from allergies, needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, get sick less, not prescribe medications on her own, and be determined to give birth to a healthy child.

Svetlana Vavilonskaya
Obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow State Medical University, Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Allergies are rightly called one of the main diseases of our time.

The prevalence of allergic diseases is constantly increasing against the background sharp deterioration ecology, stress and nervous shock, uncontrolled use of medications, the emergence of new and new allergens, widespread use of chemicals in everyday life, etc.

The immune system a person can react to all of these and more external factors non-standardly, that is, through allergies. There is no cure for allergies, but you can combat them to help alleviate your condition. However, the situation becomes more complicated if you are pregnant.

Allergies very rarely appear for the first time during pregnancy. As a rule, this disease is inherited, and the woman may have experienced a predisposition to allergic reactions or outbreaks before.

But when pregnancy occurs, the situation can become significantly more complicated: a decrease in the immune system and hormonal changes in the body can lead to an exacerbation of allergies and the appearance of active reactions to completely new allergens.

True, medicine knows cases when, during the period of bearing a child, a woman, on the contrary, lost her usual symptoms and even bronchial asthma receded.

Almost every person who suffers from allergies knows the causes of irritation or allergens. The doctor will make a diagnosis based on characteristic symptoms or other manifestations, in addition, he may ask you to do allergy skin tests.

Manifestations of allergies: how dangerous is it for a child?

There are many manifestations of allergies, and they will be almost the same as those of any other person:

  • hay fever (when the allergen is plant pollen);
  • allergies to food or medications;
  • allergic sinusitis and;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • dermatitis, rashes, urticaria;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • severe forms of manifestation include angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

The consequences of mild allergic reactions themselves (nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, lacrimation, slight swelling) do not pose a direct danger to the health or life of the child. However, by worsening a woman’s condition, allergy manifestations can lead to some complications: for example, cause, disrupt uteroplacental blood flow, etc.

Severe forms of allergies are uncommon and require immediate resuscitation measures.

Is it possible to protect yourself from allergies?

Any reaction occurs as a response to a specific allergen. That is why a pregnant woman needs to carefully take care of her health and safety, distancing herself as much as possible from all kinds of irritants:

  • keep a distance from animals (delegate the care of pet any family members, avoid close contact);
  • Carry out wet cleaning at home as often as possible; it is also good to additionally humidify the air in the rooms using special humidifiers;
  • It is recommended to go through the entire area with a vacuum cleaner at least once or twice a week. upholstered furniture in the house, plus - change bed linen regularly;
  • carefully choose cosmetics and perfumes, minimize or completely abandon the use of household chemicals;
  • try to prevent the penetration of possible allergens into the house (cover the vents and windows with pieces of damp gauze so that less dust, pollen, etc. fly in, and also get rid of things that can collect dust: carpets, large soft toys, heavy curtains);
  • try to avoid going to places where there is a high concentration of pollen in the air ( country cottage area, garden, field);
  • Take precautions to avoid insect bites, which may cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, you need to monitor your diet, try to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and healthy image life.

If you know for sure that you suffer from a certain type seasonal allergies, then you can try to exclude the peak of the allergic period (1-2 months).

Should I stick to any diet?

The new little life inside you will dictate its terms to you, so during pregnancy you need to be especially careful in absolutely everything.

Since many foods can cause allergies, you should follow a hypoallergenic diet.

You can keep a food diary, recording what you eat and how your body reacts. If you have already been diagnosed with a tendency to food allergies, then you just need to exclude allergenic foods from your diet.

The following have the highest degree of “allergy”:

  • various seafood, caviar, some types of fish;
  • eggs and cow's milk;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • honey, sometimes nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • some fruits, berries and vegetables (tomatoes, pineapple, persimmon, melon, strawberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants).

It is also better to avoid processed meat products and semi-finished products (sausages, sausages, pates). Follow the rules healthy eating recommended during pregnancy: exclude from the menu salty, spicy dishes, spices, marinades and smoked foods, carbonated drinks, products containing dyes and emulsifiers.

Do not experiment with exotic fruits or dishes that you have not tried before, as it is very difficult to predict how your body will react to them.

Doctors determine some products in average degree allergic effects, recommending not to abuse them:

  • rabbit and turkey meat, pork;
  • potato;
  • legume products (peas, corn);
  • apricots and peaches;
  • some cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • red currants, cranberries, etc.

Of course, we are not talking about completely abandoning all these products, because pregnant women need complete and balanced diet. You can talk about an absolutely strict diet only in case of exacerbation of allergies or acute intolerance. You just need to observe the body’s reaction, gradually including this or that product in your menu.

Try cooking with olive oil, as the oleic acid it contains has the property of slowing down the production of histamine.

What vitamins can help fight allergies?

Doctors say that vitamin therapy can bring some relief from the symptoms and manifestations of allergies, because some trace elements and vitamins are real natural antihistamines.

  • If you suffer from frequent and severe attacks rhinitis or even bronchospasms, then regular ascorbic acid will help you.

The doctor will explain to you how to take the vitamin (start with 500 mg per day, gradually increasing the dose over 10-14 days to 4 g per day). It is believed that the reception ascorbic acid minimizes the risk of anaphylactic reactions.

  • The most versatile vitamin in the fight against allergies is vitamin B12.

It must be taken for a month, daily dose at 500 mg. This will help reduce your sensitivity to sulfites, reduce the manifestations of dermatitis, and affect the symptoms of allergic asthma.

  • If you are bothered by severe allergic rhinitis, then taking pantothenic acid(vitamin B5).

Doctors usually prescribe it 100 mg per day (at night). Within half an hour you should feel relief.

  • Those who suffer from hay fever or pollen allergies should take nicotinic acid or vitamin PP.

The daily dose is 200-300 mg.

  • Many people may experience allergic reactions to all kinds of chemical compounds, that is, cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals, etc.

In this case, taking zinc in the form of complex compounds (such as the preparations “Aspartate” or “Picolinate”) will help. At first you need to take 50-60 mg per day.

  • Very often, allergies can be accompanied by concomitant inflammatory processes: itching, runny nose, rash, etc.

Linoleic acid and fish oil can significantly reduce their intensity.

However, do not forget that vitamins can also become allergens. Do not prescribe them yourself under any circumstances; be sure to consult with your doctor about taking them.

How to treat: drops, ointment or spray?

The main question. which worries pregnant women about what they can drink for allergies.

As a rule, the majority effective drugs for allergies is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Only a doctor can prescribe medicine (ointment or tablets) for you, based on your individual case.

The decision will be made taking into account the balance of benefits for the mother and possible harm for the baby.

If local allergies are a concern, they can be relieved with cream or ointment. Look carefully at the composition of the drug: it should not contain any hormones, plus it should contain as few components as possible.

Usually during pregnancy, "Oilatum" or "Purelan" are prescribed.

Other drugs - "Drapolen", "Psilo-balm", "Fenistil" - are prescribed if the benefits to the mother from use may exceed possible negative side effects.

To remove common symptoms allergies may also apply. People try not to prescribe injections during pregnancy at all. To eliminate nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor sprays and nasal drops are carefully used (preferably in children's dosages).

Almost all medications can have a negative effect on a child, so they try to prescribe them only in extreme cases and in minimal doses:

  • if a woman is about to give birth, then even taking regular Diphenhydramine causes uterine contractions, which can provoke;
  • there are indications medical research that the drugs “Astemizole” and “Pipolfen” are toxic to the baby, and “Terfenadine” negatively affects him, causing a sharp decline weight;
  • "Suprastin", "Fexadin", "Claritin" and "Allertek" are prescribed from the second trimester under the strict supervision of a doctor, only if acute allergic reactions are present (the benefits for the woman and the risk for the child are weighed);
  • "Clemastine" or "Tavegil" can be prescribed in a critical situation when there is a vital need for this drug, since it has a very negative effect on the baby.

Remember that taking any medications can only be done after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can try to relieve some unpleasant manifestations of allergies yourself.

For example, to relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, rinse your nose well with a saline spray (Humer, Aquamaris) and chamomile decoction. And if your eyes are very itchy and watery, then cold compresses (a regular cloth soaked in water) will help.

There are also various ointments, decoctions and mash that can be prepared at home according to folk recipes.

All of them help eliminate local allergy symptoms:

  • It is recommended to lubricate allergic eczema with birch sap, if it is in season. A cabbage leaf scalded to a soft state also helps a lot (it must be applied for several days).
  • Compresses made from water with Kalanchoe juice (1:3) help with skin allergic diseases, and from allergic dermatitis A decoction of oak bark will help (wash sore spots and make compresses). Rosehip oil extract also works well.
  • If you have a pronounced allergy to detergent, it is recommended to do contrasting hand baths: first cool for 10-15 minutes (dissolve a spoonful of water in a small amount of water). baking soda), and then warm (heated olive oil).
  • Try taking freshly squeezed celery juice to get rid of hives (half a hour before meals, half a teaspoon three times a day).

There are many other recipes. As a rule, a mash or ointment will consist of an aqueous, oil or alcohol base and an active ingredient (starch, white clay, talc). Also sometimes glycerin and other components are added there.

Medicinal herbs and plants: string, celandine, chamomile, calendula, nettle - are considered very effective for allergies.


Try to act wisely so as not to harm either yourself or the child. Consult only with a specialist and seek help immediately for the slightest complications.

Preventive measures will allow you to reduce the risk of allergies and protect yourself from unnecessary worries during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, various health difficulties are possible for many women, but usually these are such familiar manifestations as swelling or,. If, during the flowering period of plants, an itchy rash appeared on the body, or after eating new products, swelling appeared in the area of ​​​​the face exclusively, moving to the neck - these are suspicious symptoms typical of. During pregnancy, this pathology is quite likely; it can occur even in those women who have not encountered it before pregnancy. This is due to changes in the immune system typical of gestation, due to which the mechanisms of response to external stimuli are disrupted, forming distorted and inflammatory processes in relation to certain reaction pathologies that are quite familiar in everyday life, food or therapy.

If the body reacts too sharply, with damage to its own tissues, to quite familiar substances - pollen, dust, wool, medications or food, this is called allergic reactions. And often they can cause significant harm during pregnancy if they are not properly treated and prevented, self-medicated, or simply tolerated without doing anything.

Why allergic reactions damage their own tissues and why such reactions are dangerous for pregnant women, let’s try to figure it out together, also discussing methods of proper treatment.

How important are allergies in pregnant women?

Everyone knows that taking pills during pregnancy is not advisable, but if you have allergies, sometimes you simply cannot do without them, although not all of them are allowed during pregnancy, even those that are usually used in traditional treatment(, tavegil, etc.). Allergy is a unique disease; it is associated with defects in the immune system, violations of its adequate response to external stimuli, due to which reactions are formed to substances that are quite familiar to the life and environment of a pregnant woman. Therefore, for allergy sufferers during pregnancy, problems can sharply worsen, take a more severe and pronounced course, and develop into serious complications. But even if there was no allergy before gestation, this is not insurance - its debut is quite likely during the period of gestation, if the expectant mother does not carry out adequate prevention and overloads the immune system.


During pregnancy, allergies negatively affect health as pathological process, but its pathogenic influence is also formed due to its incorrect and irrational treatment in different trimesters.

Today, according to statistics, about a quarter of adults suffer from allergies, and among them are pregnant women. Some ecologically and industrially unfavorable areas with a special climate and large cities increase the percentage of allergy sufferers to 40% or higher. On average, among pregnant women, the percentage in different age groups ranges from 15 to 30% or a little more, and over the past 10 years, an eightfold increase in sick women has been observed.

How do allergies occur during pregnancy?

Allergies are usually understood as failures or breakdowns of immune mechanisms, a sharp change in its sensitivity to substances surrounding a person in everyday life that do not cause him harm - food, wool, household products, animals, etc. In allergy sufferers, they acquire the properties of allergens, form reactions of the immune system with damage to their own tissues and the formation of inflammation.

Provocateurs of “breakdowns” in the immune system are various factors that affect the body from early childhood - unfavorable ecology, frequent colds and illnesses, poor nutrition, taking excess medications, contact with chemical compounds.

There are many women with allergies in cities with developed industry, large plants and factories that poison the atmosphere with chemical compounds. Adds to the treasury of allergy risks the dominance of various chemicals in everyday life - for cleaning, for the beauty of the body and hair, as well as the addition chemical compounds in food - preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc. All this overstimulates the immune system, causing it to work in a mode of excessive tension and constant readiness for reactions, and often there are breakdowns in reactions to compounds that are quite familiar in everyday life.

Allergies during pregnancy: definition of the concept

During pregnancy, the immune system not only protects the mother’s body from the invasion of foreign and dangerous infectious or other objects, but is also designed to work in such a way as not to reject a fetus that is 50% foreign (due to the father’s genes). At the same time, it also needs to be protected from external dangers and infections. Under normal conditions, the immune system recognizes foreign agents, forms antibodies on them, which neutralizes them, and in this already bound form removes them from the body without damaging its own tissues.

For allergies, the same ones work immune reactions, but at the same time, as a result of the neutralization and removal of foreign substances, one’s own cells and tissues suffer, the immune system works overtime, perceiving as a danger not only infections or harmful substances, but also completely harmless, which do not cause harm to the body. They can also be perceived as foreign own tissues with allergens adhering to them - these are the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract or digestive system.

Allergic reactions during gestation can develop as acute process, with vivid symptoms and a rapid course, or how chronic pathology, in which immune-allergic reactions last for many weeks and months. People most often suffer from allergies at a young age, between 18 and 30 years old, then the immune system gradually reduces its activity. Although in last years There has also been a tendency towards the development of allergies among women after 30 years of age; they suffer from allergies 10 times more often than it was two decades ago.

Types of allergies during pregnancy

If we talk about all types of allergic reactions as a whole, then among pregnant women there are two large groups of reactions divided according to the strength of development, effect on the body and degree of danger:

  • Mild forms, usually occurring locally or limited to a certain area of ​​the body. These include allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, local manifestations of urticaria, contact dermatitis.
  • severe and systemic reactions leading to significant changes in a woman’s condition and threatening her health and even life. These include systemic urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, and attacks of bronchial asthma.

Mechanisms of reactions during gestation

During pregnancy in general, immune-allergic reactions do not differ in their mechanisms; there are three key stages in the formation of an allergic reaction. The beginning of all reactions – this is the stage of primary contact with the allergen when it first enters the body.


Allergens can be any of the substances - household, medicinal, chemical, biological compounds and cosmetics, pollen, microbes or viruses, etc.

The immune system starts the process of recognizing foreign agents, forming antibodies to these compounds, substances that neutralize a potential threat and remove them from the body. Antibodies are formed on the membranes of special immune cells (macrophages or mast cells), and long years can be stored inside the body. These mast cells are formed in the area of ​​mucous membranes and tissues, retaining the memory of all the allergens they have encountered.

During the initial contact of pregnant women with an allergenic substance, no reaction occurs; the immune system has only become familiar with the allergen and formed antibodies against it.

Second stage – these are repeated contacts of an allergen with the body of pregnant women, during which antigens (allergens) are released in the body and recognized by the immune system, with the selection of suitable antibodies for them on mast cells. When a complex is formed from an allergen with an antibody (to neutralize the danger), the mast cell is destroyed during allergies, its contents form special compounds that develop allergic reactions - these are histamine and its analogues, serotonin and other mediators of allergy and inflammation. Due to them, tissue damage occurs and the formation of an allergic reaction with all its delights - swelling, severe itching and tissue redness, malaise and systemic effects if histamine and its analogues are released into the blood plasma.

IN third stage all the effects inherent in allergies are formed - both rashes with itching and crusts, as well as tissue swelling, redness and other manifestations. Gradually, as contact with the allergen decreases and the reaction resolves, the inflammation goes away. And so on until the next time, repeated contact with the allergen. Depending on the localization of the reaction (where antibodies combine with allergens and the massive release of biologically active compounds), the severity of the reaction depends. They can be local - in the area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes, bronchi, intestines or systemic reactions.

Allergy symptoms during pregnancy

During pregnancy, reactions may be similar to those in other people, with the only difference being that the severity and tolerability, as well as the treatment options for allergies in pregnant women are limited by their condition. May stand out:

  • Respiratory manifestations
  • Digestive reactions
  • Skin allergic processes
  • Systemic reactions.

Based on the speed of development, allergic reactions of the anaphylactic (or immediate) type can be distinguished and delayed reactions that form over several hours or days and do not go away for a long time.

Local allergic reactions

The most common manifestations, which can become extremely severe in terms of tolerability during gestation, can be considered (damage to the eyes and nasopharynx) as a result of contact with pollen, dust, aerosol chemicals and some other allergens.

On the background allergic rhinitis becomes very difficult nasal breathing due to swelling and swelling of the mucous membranes, strong discharge of mucus from the nose or severe nasal congestion. Against the background of swelling and runny nose, frequent and prolonged sneezing, itching or tickling of the nose, a feeling of congestion in the sinuses, irritation of the back of the throat and coughing, soreness are also common. During pregnancy, problems with free nasal breathing can lead to hypoxia, ailments, and fetal suffering in utero from oxygen deficiency.

Damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes is similar to that of the nose; allergens reach the surface of the mucous membranes and cause inflammatory reactions acute type with redness of the eyelids and their sharp swelling, dilation of the vessels of the tunica albuginea, which forms red eyes. Typical itching with burning in the eyes, severe lacrimation and the formation of crusts on the eyelashes in the morning, in bright light photophobia is possible - it hurts the eyes in bright light and the secretion of mucus increases.

It is possible that upon contact with allergens, the formation of skin lesions in the form of localized forms and other types of rash. These include small itchy spots, blisters followed by the formation of crusts, round blisters raised at the edges and without content, spots on the skin and other elements. They are unpleasant and can be subjectively difficult for the expectant mother to bear, but they do not pose a threat to her life and the fetus; they can be treated with local therapy And preventive measures, separation from the allergen.

Systemic reactions during pregnancy

Unlike local reactions, systemic manifestations are much more dangerous in terms of prognosis for the mother and fetus, they are severe allergic reactions and occur with the involvement of many organs and tissues, a sharp impairment of the condition and a risk to life without timely assistance. With such reactions, systemic therapy and resuscitation are often required to save the lives of both.

Anaphylactic shock during pregnancy

The most dangerous of allergic reactions during pregnancy is considered due to its unpredictability and speed of onset.

Most often it is formed during intramuscular or intravenous injections, used during dental treatment or other manipulations, and leads to symptoms such as:

  • A sharp drop in blood pressure to unrecorded numbers
  • State of stupefaction
  • Severe respiratory distress due to laryngeal edema
  • Skin rash and itching
  • , and vomiting.

The development of shock is extremely rapid, often occurring within a couple of minutes from the moment the drugs are administered. Often it can also form due to stinging insect bites or food intake, as well as some other types of allergens. Although such reactions are rare, they require immediate resuscitation measures and there is no more than a few minutes to save the life of pregnant women.

The effect of allergies during pregnancy on the fetus

Against the background of allergic reactions of a pregnant woman, no matter what type they may be, the same allergic reactions do not form in the fetus, which is associated with the active activity of the placenta in filtering allergens that enter the mother’s body and antibodies that are formed to various types allergens.

The allergen and antibody complexes circulating in the blood do not penetrate into the fetal body, which lead to the triggering of negative reactions. It is due to these complexes and secreted immune cells mediators and systemic or local reactions are formed.

But the conclusions that the fetus does not suffer from allergic processes developing in the mother’s body are incorrect; such reactions are no less dangerous for him than for his mother. Thus, he suffers from the action of several negative factors that form against the background of allergic reactions:

  • Changes in the general condition of a pregnant woman due to the formation of itching and restlessness, agitation and irritability, malaise and systemic reactions, dysfunctions.
  • Disturbances in the blood supply to the uterus and placenta with the fetus due to blood redistribution against the background of allergic reactions.
  • He may also be harmed by taking medications.

It is important to know that some of the drugs used to treat or prevent the formation of excessive sensitivity of the immune system can lead to significant disturbances in the uteroplacental vascular system with circulatory disorders. Due to the full operation of this system, the continuous development of the fetus, active growth and formation of organs and tissues will be supported in conditions of deficiency of nutritional components and oxygen. Some medications can directly penetrate the placenta and negatively affect the formation processes of the fetus, its tissues and organs, leading to negative effects . Therefore, treatment of allergies in pregnant women is a rather complex issue, especially in the initial period of gestation.

Principles of treatment of allergies during pregnancy

Even if the allergy is local and mild, it requires compulsory treatment due to the fact that there is always a risk of reactions progressing to more severe and widespread manifestations against the background of changes in the immune system during pregnancy.

All allergic reactions should be treated immediately after they occur, but the drugs and methods are very different from those outside of gestation.

Adverse reactions to medications used in treatment and their effect on the fetus are quite likely, so it is important to treat allergies only under the supervision of a gynecologist and allergist.

Targeted and thorough treatment is especially important in women with somatic pathologies and deviations in health status that require targeted observation and constant monitoring, and the use of medications. Some of the drugs constantly taken during pregnancy can cause allergic reactions and intolerance, and some act as provocateurs of other types of allergies - even to mineral and vitamin supplements and nutrition. That's why If an allergy manifests itself or is indicated before pregnancy, a consultation with an allergist, a treatment plan and various preventive measures are necessary.

Antiallergic drugs during pregnancy

The main medications used for allergies are those that block the release of mediators by mast cells at the time of formation of antigen-antibody complexes. But many of the common drugs, known to everyone and widely used, are prohibited during gestation due to their negative effects. side effects in relation to mother and fetus.

For example, a drug such as diphenhydramine leads to sharp excitability and contractility of the uterine walls during pregnancy, which provokes premature birth; this is most dangerous against the background of its long-term use. In addition, it has a pronounced sedative effect and addiction.

All drugs with terfenadine basically lead to a negative effect on the body weight of the fetus, forming its malnutrition.

The use of Cetrin or is permissible from the second trimester and only if there is a risk of allergy that exceeds the potential effects on gestation. The use of Tavegil is permissible for health reasons from the second trimester and only in extremely short courses.

It is not easy to select drugs among the entire variety of antihistamines, and this should be done by a doctor, based on the severity of the reaction, its prevalence and the timing of pregnancy. The use of these drugs does not treat allergies, but only suppresses those reactions that occur against its background, so antihistamines alone will not be enough. Depending on the woman’s condition, the doctor can use both local and systemic forms of drugs, up to hormone therapy, if there is strong vital evidence for this.

What is important when treating allergies in pregnant women?

Curing an allergy will be possible only by disconnecting from the allergen, as long as it continues to be in contact with the woman’s body; no medications will permanently and effectively eliminate the reaction. Therefore, if you know what you are allergic to, you need to eliminate this substance from your environment as much as possible, and if there is no information about the allergen, it is necessary to conduct research that will help identify allergens:

  • Skin (scarification) tests with the application of skin scratches and their treatment with solutions of specified allergens. Ineffective during pregnancy and often give false results
  • Blood tests, carried out in a laboratory, give accurate results, especially in combination with examination data and other laboratory indicators.

Only accurate identification of a specific substance and its removal from food, everyday life, or treatment leads to lasting results.

If it is impossible to remove the allergen from the environment, for example, if it is pollen or weeds, you can move to a village, another city or country house during the allergy to eliminate contact with the allergen.

If this is not possible, protective film sprays are used on the nasal mucosa, which reduce the severity of the reaction when going outside. In addition, the use of nasal rinses, wearing a protective mask, walking in rain and windless weather is recommended.

For the purpose of prevention, antihistamines are not used; they are indicated only for treatment. During therapy, it is necessary to create a hypoallergenic lifestyle and proper nutrition for allergies, which is important for reducing the antigenic load on a woman’s body and negative influence for the fruit.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

During pregnancy, every woman encounters surprises that are associated either with the state of health or with the activity of internal organs. Some of these surprises are pleasant, such as stronger hair and nails. And some not so much. One of the unpleasant surprises that an expectant mother may encounter is an allergy. For the first time it may occur during pregnancy, even if you have not previously noticed such an illness.

An allergy is a non-standard reaction of the immune system to external factors. The immune system of a pregnant woman works completely differently from that of a woman who is not pregnant. As a result, the body’s reaction to the usual tangerines or pollen cannot be predicted. Allergies during pregnancy can occur in both girls aged 18 to 25 and older women. Of course, the likelihood of allergic reactions increases after 35 years.

In the first 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, allergies may be a reaction to the fetus, like toxicosis, for example. It goes away on its own when the body gets used to its condition. Also, the immune system can react negatively to animals, dust, food, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, chemicals. Because of this increased sensitivity of the body, you should be more careful about what you eat and what is around you.

Also, allergies can worsen in experienced allergy sufferers. If you have previously suffered from allergic reactions, then when planning a pregnancy you should consult a specialist. You will be prescribed a course of treatment that will reduce the exacerbation of the disease to a minimum during pregnancy. The good news is that during pregnancy, a woman's body produces more cortisol. This is an anti-allergenic hormone that reduces the severity of the disease or even eliminates it.

Allergy symptoms

The symptoms of allergies when carrying a baby are not much different from those of non-pregnant woman. This may be sudden swelling of the throat or nasal mucosa. A woman's eyes may suddenly begin to water, she begins to sneeze frequently and without stopping. A common manifestation is coughing. Often, allergies cause a rash.

Depending on the symptoms, the severity of this disease can be divided into 2 groups:

  • mild (runny nose, conjunctivitis, local urticaria);
  • severe (general urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock).

The body's reactions, which are classified as severe manifestations of allergies, are dangerous because they occur completely suddenly and are difficult for the pregnant woman's body. This situation requires resuscitation measures.

The most dangerous manifestation from all of the above - anaphylactic shock . The reaction occurs instantly to any drug or manipulation of the pregnant woman’s body; even an insect bite can lead to fatal outcome. It takes from 2 to 30 minutes to save the life of a mother and baby. But fortunately such cases occur one in a million.

Quincke's edema characterized by swelling of the mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous tissue. The areas that are most at risk are the forehead, lips, eyelids, cheeks. Swelling in the area of ​​the feet and hands often occurs. If there is swelling of the mucous membrane digestive tract, there may be severe stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.

Any of the cases requires consultation with an allergist. Only a specialist can assess the severity of your disease and prescribe treatment depending on the symptoms, your general condition and drug tolerance.

How does the disease affect pregnancy and baby?

A pregnant woman experiences any change in her body with caution and a lot of questions. Especially if this is your first pregnancy. If earlier, if an allergy occurred, we could simply go to the pharmacy and buy any medicine, now, first of all, we should think about how it will affect the fetus. Remember, allergy medications during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor.

The allergy itself has no effect on the fetus. Allergens (pathogens) are not able to penetrate the placenta. Their influence is manifested only by the fact that the child may in the future, after birth, begin negative reaction to those substances from which the mother suffered during pregnancy. That is, an allergy is a disease that can be inherited. But this is not a 100% guarantee that the baby will be allergic. His dad's genes may take over.

But the results of our self-medication can be disastrous. Many drugs can cause birth defects nervous system, hearts. Also, taking the wrong medications can interfere with the blood flow between mother and baby. And this is the baby’s main source of life. There may be a lack of nutrients or oxygen.

Also Negative consequences Allergies during pregnancy may occur if they lead to complications in the general health of the mother. If it leads to the development of bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock, this makes breathing difficult. And a lack of oxygen can lead to fetal hypoxia. And, of course, discomfort with a runny nose, cough, watery eyes, and fatigue also negatively affect the baby. If the mother is unwell, the baby feels it.

How are allergies diagnosed and treated in pregnant women?

According to experts, allergies are a disease of civilization. About 25% of the population today suffers from this disease. And if we talk about pregnant women, then 45% of women in an interesting position complain of allergic reactions. When registering at the antenatal clinic, you are always interviewed to identify the level of risk and likelihood of allergies occurring during the entire 9 months of bearing a child.

In most cases, allergies are determined after examination and if characteristic symptoms. If symptoms are present, the doctor will usually ask questions to help identify the irritant. Next, tests and treatment are prescribed.

If it is necessary to determine a reaction to a substance without the presence obvious signs, then they can do a skin test. To do this, they drive under the skin a small amount of allergenic substance. If there is no reaction to it within half an hour, then the body will not react negatively to it.

It is almost impossible to cure allergies; the main thing is to cope with its symptoms. Most cases of eliminating the irritant from the pregnant woman’s environment result in the disappearance of the allergic reaction. Thus, during pregnancy, the first thing to do if you have allergies is to avoid contact with allergens.

The choice of allergy medications during pregnancy is carried out especially carefully. Their main goal is to quickly, but harmlessly for the fetus, relieve the expectant mother of symptoms. There are a number of medications known that can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and not have a negative effect on the fetus, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

Enough frequent reaction any substance may become skin rash. In pregnant women, it often appears on the stomach. It is dangerous because the rashes can itch, swell and burst. And this is already a risk of infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an ointment to relieve itching and other symptoms. However, products for external use can have a negative effect on the baby no less than tablets and syrups, so you should not select them yourself.

Factors causing allergies

Pregnancy is new life your body. He completely rearranges his work to suit the needs of the baby, who is growing and developing inside. His reaction even to your favorite sweater can be the most incredible.

During pregnancy, you should be careful with food, clothing, cosmetics, chemicals, which you use to clean the room. Even the environment can cause allergies.

From food Allergies during pregnancy can be caused by citrus fruits, chocolate, exotic fruits and vegetables that you try for the first time, and some types of fish. It is better not to tempt fate and not include anything new in your diet while you are carrying and feeding your baby.

Speaking of animals , then the hair of cats and dogs, bird fluff can also become causative agents of the disease. if you have pet, then it is better to give it to friends or relatives during pregnancy.

Severe stress , experiences, the chemical industry and metallurgy in your area are the first sources of the development of allergies to harmful environmental manifestations. And small but dangerous insects can lead to allergies. Often, a bee sting that was previously harmless to you can cause severe swelling at the site of the sting, fever, and even anaphylactic shock.

During pregnancy, many women (especially if they have chronic diseases) take several at once medications . Sometimes this is a necessity, and sometimes it is a simple desire of the pregnant woman. Plus, vitamins and other supplements that the body needs are mandatory. Often these medications cause the development of allergies.


It is always possible to avoid any disease. Of course, no one will give you a complete guarantee that if you take certain precautions, you will never get sick. But it is possible to reduce the likelihood. To do this you should:

  1. Give up all bad habits. This is especially true for smoking. In addition to allergies, it negatively affects the development of the child’s lungs and can lead to intrauterine growth retardation. Children of smoking mothers often suffer bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  2. Carry out wet cleaning of the premises every day. Once a week, beat out rugs, pillows, blankets. You can even, like animals, remove curtains and carpets from the house for a while. They collect a lot of dust, and mites living in it are the first source of allergies;
  3. Minimize contact with all animals. This applies to both domestic and wild ones;
  4. Don't experiment with nutrition. Eat what you already know your body's reaction to. Less citrus fruits. Choose something that will be healthy, but not allergenic. For example, choose kiwi over lemon or orange. Kiwi has more vitamin C, but is less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

As for prevention of allergies in newborns, That the best remedy, how breast milk can not found. Mother's milk is a source of substances that help cope with allergens. Even if you had an allergy during pregnancy, you now have antibodies to it and can pass them on to your baby.