Not healthy breakfasts. What is healthy to eat for breakfast: recommendations for proper nutrition. Breakfast for a schoolchild: hearty, simple recipes

Any nutritionist in the world will tell you that the most important thing for the human body is to start the day with breakfast.

Not on the go, biting a sandwich, washing it down with tea or coffee, but a full, normal breakfast that will help him launch all the basic functions.

  1. will give you vigor and excellent well-being
  2. will charge you with energy for the whole day
  3. this is taking care of your health

Let's figure out what to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty, look at a few recipes for a proper breakfast proposed by doctors and nutritionists, but first let's get acquainted with a few rules and tips they give

Golden rules for a healthy breakfast

  1. When you wake up in the morning, immediately drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach.
  2. Natural juices - fresh juices and vitamin salads - are elixirs to speed up metabolism, but you need to remember, never drink citrus drinks on an empty stomach.
  3. Porridge is the most the right start busy day.
  4. Whole grain bread is a dietary alternative to buns.
  5. Muesli for breakfast is a source of fiber for your body.
  6. Fermented milk products in the morning are the key to cleansing the body.
  7. Don’t overeat is the main law of breakfast.
  8. The right combination of foods is the basis of healthy breakfasts.

Helpful hints

  • Breakfast from pre-prepared semi-finished products will save your time.
  • Smartly used leftovers from dinner or lunch make the basis for a satisfying breakfast casserole.
  • Morning coffee is not suitable for everyone, consult your doctor.
  • Foods that should not be included in breakfast: bananas, smoked meats, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, raw cabbage, bell peppers, meat, eggs, peas, beans, oranges, grapefruits, pears, very cold drinks.

Having remembered the rules and tips, let's consider several recipes for a correct, tasty and simple morning menu.

What to cook for breakfast - recipes for healthy and healthy breakfasts

There are recipes that take an hour or more to prepare, but I think you are more interested in those that can be prepared quickly before you have time to get ready for work.

The simplest thing is to take porridge and muesli for instant cooking, which are sold in any grocery store. Pour boiling water over it and in 5 minutes breakfast is ready.

Breakfasts with eggs

Scrambled eggs - beater

Cooking time 10 minutes

Take 5 raw eggs, break them into a bowl, mix with salt, one tablespoon of wheat flour, dilute with half a glass of milk.

Grease a heated frying pan, pour the resulting mixture into it, place in the oven and bake. When serving, drizzle with melted butter.

Omelette with greens

Cooking time 10 minutes

Break 6 eggs into a shallow bowl, add salt and pepper, and beat well with a fork.

Add finely chopped dill, parsley, green onions.

Place a piece of butter in the pan, add 2 - 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, heat well until foamy. Pour in the eggs and cook for 2 - 4 minutes, until golden brown on the bottom.

You can also find recipes for omelettes in the previously published material How to cook an omelet.

Breakfasts with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese with jam or honey

Cooking time 7 minutes

Take 450 g of cottage cheese, mix with 3 tablespoons of jam or honey until smooth.

Cottage cheese with prunes and whipped sour cream

Cooking time 10 minutes

Grate 400 g of cottage cheese, mix with 50 g of sugar, add 100 g of finely chopped prunes, mix and place on a plate. Add 50 g of powdered sugar, a packet of vanillin to 300 g of thick sour cream and beat well. Cover the cottage cheese with sour cream, and sprinkle 100 g of finely chopped marmalade on top.

Cottage cheese with sour cream and cinnamon

Cooking time 5 minutes

Place 450 grams of pureed cottage cheese in a salad bowl, mix with half a glass of sour cream, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and cinnamon to taste.

If time allows, you can quickly make cheesecakes; you can familiarize yourself with the recipes for making cheesecakes.

Breakfasts for school-age children

Oatmeal with cranberries and oranges

Cooking time 15 minutes

Mix one and a half cups of oatmeal and cranberry juice in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, zest of one orange. Bring to a boil and cook for 6 minutes, stirring, add 70 ml of cream.

Divide the peeled orange into slices, add 70 g of fresh cranberries when serving the porridge.

Apple fritters

Cooking time 35 minutes

In a deep bowl, knead the batter from 1.5 cups of flour, 500 g of kefir, two eggs and a pinch of salt. Cut 3 peeled apples into small cubes and add to the dough. Heat a frying pan well with vegetable oil and fry the pancakes on both sides.

Place the finished pancakes on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I advise you to prepare buckwheat porridge with butter, maybe with milk. How to cook this quickly buckwheat dish you can see .

Romantic breakfasts for your loved one

Morning salad “Divine power”

Cooking time 15 minutes

Peel one orange and divide into slices.

Peel a small celery root, grate it on a coarse grater, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add orange slices, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, mix everything thoroughly, add sugar, salt to taste and serve with poultry or fish.

Schnitzel with cheese “Sweet Kiss”

Cooking time 30 minutes

Cut 800 g of veal into slices and beat.

Break 2 eggs into a small bowl and beat, grate 100 g of hard cheese separately, mixing with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Dip the meat in eggs, roll in grated cheese, fry in heated butter on both sides. Before serving, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Nut-cheese pate “Morning caress”

Cooking time 25 minutes

Roast 200 g of any peeled nuts in the oven, cool and chop.

Mix 100 g of finely grated cheese into 50 g of sour cream, add one grated pear and nuts.

Beat well and place in a salad bowl, garnishing with raspberries or strawberries.

Breakfasts for the lazy

Rice porridge “Urgent order” in the microwave

Rinse a glass of rice well, place it in a microwave-safe container, add 150 g of water, 0.5 teaspoon vegetable oil, salt, cover and place in the microwave.

Cook for 2 – 3 minutes at maximum power, reduce power by half and cook for another 5 – 7 minutes. While cooking, stir the rice twice.

Let the rice sit under the lid for another 2 - 4 minutes and the porridge is ready.

How to cook rice and rice porridge with milk can be found in our article “”

Oatmeal porridge in the microwave

Cooking time 20 minutes

1 cup uncrushed oatmeal Rinse well, changing the water several times. Pour into a container, pour in 2.5 cups of milk, let stand for 10 minutes, add salt. Cover with a lid, cook in the oven at full power for 6 minutes, then mix thoroughly and cook at full power for another 5 minutes.

Let stand covered for 5 minutes - the porridge is ready

Quick breakfasts for businesswomen

Ready-made waffles with cottage cheese and apples

Cooking time 5 minutes

Spread cottage cheese on the prepared waffles, place thin apple slices on top and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Banana semolina porridge

Cooking time 15 minutes

Pour 100 ml of water, 100 ml of milk 1.5% fat, 2 tbsp into a saucepan. l. semolina and cook until tender, 7 - 10 minutes.

Add a banana cut into small pieces or whipped in a blender to the finished porridge.

Breakfasts for those watching their figure

Classic beauty salad

Cooking time 15 minutes

Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of oatmeal for 5 minutes, add 2 pieces of chopped walnuts, grated half a carrot and an apple, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, any fruits and berries to taste. Mix everything. Eat warm.

Russian beauty salad

Cooking time 20 minutes

Chop 5 boiled cold potatoes, a bunch of radishes and green onions. Grate one apple, one carrot, add 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, juice of half a lemon, salt, mix and let stand for a while.

American beauty salad

Cooking time 10 minutes

Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with five tablespoons of cold boiled water overnight.

In the morning add 2 tbsp. l. milk or light yogurt, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, 5 pieces of nuts, mix everything well.

Eat slowly, chewing the salad thoroughly.

Ukrainian beauty salad

Cooking time 15 minutes

Grate half of the raw or baked beets, add chopped 50 g prunes, two walnuts and mix with 100 g of low-fat sour cream or light yogurt.

5 quick breakfast video ideas

Breakfast provided a margin of safety before going out into this cruel world. After a proper breakfast, it was easier to withstand any tests sent by the villainous fate.

Daria Desombre "The Mystery of the Dutch Tiles"

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day. Many of us often don't have enough time to prepare a healthy breakfast before heading to work. For this reason, we often manage to eat only a small cookie on the way to the office, and sometimes nothing at all. We present breakfast options - both for weekdays and weekends, when there is more time for preparation. Good breakfast can be a wonderful start to the day and is worth getting up a little earlier for.

Quick breakfast options for every day

Those who do not have breakfast in the morning are making a big mistake. Breakfast gives the body energy, especially needed in the first half of the day. After a healthy breakfast, your concentration improves, you feel better and have more energy. This is why eating in the morning is so important. If you don't have a breakfast habit, you need to get one to stay healthy.

In the morning we often don’t have enough time to prepare a solid breakfast. Therefore, the path to regular meals in the morning begins with getting up early. We have collected excellent recipes that are prepared quickly enough and will help you spend your time and energy more economically.

Eggs for breakfast

If you want to enjoy a hot breakfast every morning, eggs are the quickest option. Eggs are one of the typical breakfast ingredients because they fill us up enough. for a long time and can be prepared in a variety of ways. There are many delicious recipes using eggs that taste great and only take a few minutes to cook.

Scrambled eggs don't require much time or effort and can be combined with a variety of ingredients of your choice - there are many recipes. You can customize your eggs with bacon, cheese, or fresh vegetables.

Breakfast of muesli

If you prefer sweet breakfasts, you can't go wrong with making your own muesli mix. There are endless options for delicious muesli breakfasts to suit every taste. You decide for yourself whether it will be crunchy muesli, cereals, quinoa or any other ingredient, and optionally enhance your serving with fruit, chocolate or yogurt. This breakfast will turn out even faster if you prepare all the ingredients the night before.

Smoothie for breakfast

If you don't like chewing in the morning, you can enjoy one of the liquid breakfasts. Fresh citrus juice may not satisfy your hunger, but a delicious, thick juice for breakfast will do just fine.

Many recipes for delicious liquid breakfasts are prepared using milk, kefir, yogurt, bananas, kiwi, spinach, and oatmeal, which provide the body with sufficient energy until noon. Of course, almost all quick breakfast recipes, with the exception of hot dishes, can be prepared and enjoyed with pleasure right in the office.

Delicious weekend breakfasts. Sweet recipes

Unlike weekdays, on weekends we usually have much more time to treat ourselves and our family to delicious breakfast dishes. When choosing a menu for Saturday or Sunday morning, you can choose sweet or savory dishes, or combine both options.

Pancakes for breakfast

If you want to start the day with sweets, then you can make pancakes - one of the most common dishes for a delicious breakfast, popular among both young and old people. Several made from dough with cocoa, or regular pancakes with chocolate spread, honey or jam, fruit - a good start to the day.

Toast for breakfast

Regular croutons, also known as French toast, are known throughout the world and belong to the best recipes breakfast for the weekend. To prepare them, you only need bread, milk, eggs and a frying pan (can be fried with or without oil), and breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Toasts go well with jam, honey and chocolate, which is why children love them very much.

Waffles for breakfast

If you have a waffle iron at home, then cook in, which are also a great weekend breakfast. Waffles can be made with sweet or savory dough and topped with your choice of cream, chocolate, fresh fruit or plain yogurt. Waffles are a nice accompaniment to coffee that will add some fun to your weekend.

Homemade bread for breakfast

On your day off, you can also surprise your family with a delicious homemade one. Baking time for banana bread usually takes about an hour, so this recipe is not a quick process. If you get up early anyway, then this breakfast option is perfect for you.

Cupcakes and muffins for breakfast

There are many delicious breakfast ideas that will allow you to start your weekend in style. For example, you can bake blueberry or chocolate muffins, or try recipes with ingredients like pumpkin and carrots. Also add dried fruits and nuts if you want to further enhance your baked goods.

Delicious breakfasts with a spicy taste

If you're looking for some Sunday brunch ideas, don't miss out on some of the savory treats featured here. If you're preparing breakfast for guests, you can bake delicious dishes in muffin tins in the oven. These could be, for example, savory, bacon, or small. This hearty breakfast goes well with tomatoes, leeks and spinach.

Toasts with toppings

Other quick breakfast recipes include: different variants toasted bread with any toppings. Among them, for example, is toasted fat-free bread with tomatoes and cheese. Or crostini - a sandwich similar to bruschetta, but fried with fat.

At all, different types sandwiches and sandwiches are best choice for breakfast, quick and easy to prepare. By using suitable products you can make the sandwich as tasty as possible and one that can be classified as healthy food. One of the ideas for a delicious and healthy breakfast is a salmon and avocado sandwich, which can be served with fresh salad and cheese. Instead of bread, you can use toasted toast or, if time permits, bake delicious buns yourself. Even buns with low content carbohydrates are not that difficult to prepare and are ideal for the first meal.

Many great breakfast dishes are made with simple ingredients but taste great. If you want to upgrade a simple sandwich, you can top it with a fried or poached egg. If the sandwich is made from a bun, then a few mugs of boiled egg will go perfectly with it. Don't forget about vegetables, as they add freshness and flavor to your sandwiches.

Instead of weekday scrambled eggs, you can make them with a different filling on the weekend. Omelettes are made with bacon, ham, or you can make a vegetarian version with just vegetables, such as tomatoes and olives. For a good omelette, it is important that the eggs are thoroughly beaten. At the same time, it becomes airy and acquires a wonderful taste.

Healthy breakfasts for a healthy start to the day

Oatmeal for breakfast. If you want to eat as healthy as possible and don't want to eat bread in the morning, opt for oatmeal. For the dish to be truly healthy, you need to make the appropriate mixture yourself, rather than buy it in the store. To do this, take oatmeal, various nuts and dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits. Pour the mixture with kefir, yogurt or milk and enjoy this healthy, tasty and quite filling breakfast.

Green smoothie for breakfast

Green cocktails (smoothies) are rich in vitamins and, with the right ingredients, leave you feeling full for quite a long time. In addition, you can easily take this cocktail to the office. Make this nutritious drink to your liking, all you need is a blender.

A light vitamin drink can be prepared from cucumber and parsley, which contains a lot of iron (one teaspoon of greens will satisfy daily requirement body in iron), a lot of carotene and vitamin C. Cucumber consists of 90% water, so the drink is especially good in the heat.

A tonic green smoothie can be made from celery and apple. An invigorating smoothie is prepared from products such as spinach + kiwi + banana. A very nutritious drink consisting of avocado + cucumber + apple + ginger.

Fruit salad for breakfast

Everyone knows that fruits contain many vitamins and are therefore very healthy. So for another delicious breakfast idea, we recommend trying one or the other. Any variety of this breakfast with berries, bananas, citrus fruits or other ingredients will be very healthy and tasty. If you like to eat fruits just like that or with a small amount yogurt, make yourself a low-calorie breakfast that will even help you get rid of excess weight.

Breakfasts with bread

If you like bread, use simple and delicious recipes breakfasts with healthy fillings. Whole grain bread works best for this, but not buttered toast. Avocado is ideal as a filling and can also be combined with other toppings such as fried eggs, salmon or turkey ham.

Breakfast with exotic fruits

In fact, even in the supermarket you can find many highly nutritious foods that are ideal for a healthy breakfast. Among them, pay attention to exotic products. For example, quinoa is gluten-free and goes well with milk, chocolate and any fruit, making you more cheerful after the first spoon.

In addition to quinoa, consider chia grains, which are also used in many diets. You can find many delicious breakfast ideas with chia, such as making a smoothie, adding it to granola, or baking a delicious pudding. Make it a habit to regularly eat breakfast every morning and thus take an important step towards a healthy lifestyle.


Rules for a healthy breakfast

The morning meal is rightfully considered the most important, since it is the one that charges you with energy for the whole day. A tasty and healthy breakfast improves your mood, increases your productivity and allows you to prepare for the day ahead in a relaxed atmosphere. But what to do if you don’t feel like eating at all in the morning? Simple recommendations will help you deal with this problem:

  1. To replenish glycogen in the liver, you need to have breakfast within an hour of waking up. But you shouldn’t run straight from bed to the kitchen - your body needs time to wake up. To get the first feeling of hunger, it’s a good idea to do exercises and take a cool shower.
  2. After waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of filtered water at room temperature, which will prepare the stomach for the first meal. To purified water, you can add half a glass of mineral water with a high content of magnesium, a useful anti-stress microelement.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast should not be too heavy. Overeating makes you feel sleepy. It is better to move part of the first meal to lunch. If it is not possible to eat a second breakfast, you can replace it with nuts or dried fruits.
  4. It must be remembered that a carbohydrate breakfast is useful for people who work mentally, and a protein breakfast is primarily necessary for those who work physically.
  5. You need to eat tasty and varied. Lack of appetite in the morning is not at all surprising if you eat the same thing for breakfast every day.

Nutritionist Kovalkov about a healthy breakfast

Protein Breakfast Options

Protein foods saturate better and speed up metabolism in the body. They are rich in calcium, vitamins and microelements. People who prefer this breakfast option are not prone to overeating during the day. In addition, protein is the main building material for muscles, hair and nails.

Omelette or scrambled eggs

Scientists have proven that the cholesterol contained in egg yolk is not at all dangerous. Its deposition is prevented by lecithin and choline - substances also included in this composition. useful product. A dish made from 2-3 eggs is best combined with vegetables, such as tomatoes or bell pepper. This breakfast will enrich your body with protein for the whole morning.


It's no secret that eating yogurt for breakfast is healthy. Only without sugar, dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives. Thanks to the content of beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, this product normalizes intestinal function and allows you to stabilize the metabolism in the body. It’s very easy to prepare it at home: in a special yogurt maker, slow cooker or in a regular thermos. IN natural yogurt You can add any toppings: syrups, fresh fruits, nuts, oatmeal.

Cottage cheese

In order not to burden the pancreas with too heavy food in the morning, it is better to use cottage cheese with 5–9% fat content. You should not give preference to a low-fat product, because for normal absorption of calcium the body needs simultaneous consumption of fats. Those with a sweet tooth can treat themselves to cottage cheese with berries or fruits with the addition of a spoonful of honey or jam. Salty food lovers will love cottage cheese with sour cream and herbs. A great breakfast would be cheesecakes or a healthy casserole.

Carbohydrate Breakfast Options

Carbohydrate foods are necessary for active brain function. But not all of them are suitable for a healthy breakfast. Simple carbohydrates (cookies, White bread, cornflakes) are quickly absorbed. Once in the blood, they are immediately converted into sugar. Insulin produced by the pancreas removes it, turning it into fat. At the same time, your blood sugar level drops, and you feel hungry and tired. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, so they are an excellent source of energy for the whole morning.


First of all, complex carbohydrates include cereals. That's why it's good to eat porridge for breakfast several times a week. In this case, it is better to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, millet or pearl barley. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, as well as essential fiber. Whole grain cereals will provide energy for several hours, and coarse fiber will help the gastrointestinal tract function. It should be remembered that semolina and white rice are simple carbohydrates. Their consumption will cause drowsiness, and soon another attack of hunger. It is recommended to cook porridge in water or low-fat milk. You can add pumpkin, dried fruits, nuts and honey to taste.


This healthy mixture will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Due to the content of a large amount of indigestible fiber, this breakfast is ideal for overweight people. The body will spend a lot of energy trying to process coarse fibers, thereby burning calories. Store-bought muesli often contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a mixture yourself. Healthy muesli should contain unprocessed oats, unroasted whole grains, nuts and dried fruit. You can pour the resulting mixture with skim milk or yogurt.

Whole grain sandwiches

Few people know that it is healthy to eat sandwiches for breakfast. Just not white bread with sausage and cheese. They contain simple carbohydrates, preservatives and bad cholesterol. Such a morning meal will only awaken your appetite, and after an hour or two you will want to eat even more. If you have very little time for breakfast, you can snack on sandwiches made from whole grain bread with pieces of boiled chicken breast or fish. Instead of butter, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, add fresh vegetables and lettuce. You can also eat this healthy sandwich as a second breakfast and take it with you wherever you go. By the way, grain bread is an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins, necessary for the beauty and health of hair.

Whole grain pancakes

When, if not in the morning, can you please yourself with high-calorie pancakes without compromising your figure? You don’t have to worry about weight gain—the calories you gain will be burned during the day. It’s just healthier to prepare them not from premium wheat flour, but from whole grain flour, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. It is better to bake such pancakes in a non-stick frying pan without adding oil. They will be an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and will create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

A good mood, high performance and a sense of vigor throughout the day depend directly on the foods consumed in the morning. Breakfast will not take much time, but will bring enormous health benefits. Start your day right!

As the well-known saying goes: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with your neighbor, and give dinner to your enemy.” What is this statement based on? Does it make practical sense or is it just beautiful words? Why can dinner and lunch be cut down, but breakfast cannot? What to do if you are on a diet? What should breakfast be like? Do you even need to have breakfast? And what is " proper breakfast»?

Delicious and healthy breakfast!

Do I need a dietary breakfast?

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. And what food is is energy, which allows and helps us to work throughout the day. It’s as if we are charging our body, giving it fuel for life, “waking up” all the systems of the body. And it is right.
“If you want me to work normally, give me energy!” - this is exactly what your body is waiting for in the morning. Energy and nothing more. Therefore, a healthy breakfast on proper nutrition for weight loss is extremely necessary.

Don't make mistakes

The mistake many people make is that they skip breakfast. Thus, they torment their body, which still does not understand: “What is happening? I'm still sleeping?".

This error is based on the idea that the body, having not received fuel from the outside, will take it from internal resources. And many believe that this is subcutaneous fat. I don’t want to upset you, but first all possible glucose leaves the body: from the blood and liver glycogen. Next up is muscle protein. Yes Yes! No fats, no proteins!

It is not recommended to exclude proper breakfast from your diet. Because breakfast is:

  1. Charge of energy in the morning. Nice field in the morning - provided yourself with strength for the whole next day;
  2. Suppressing possible evening binge eating. By saturating our body in the morning, we save ourselves in advance from night races to the refrigerator. Having received a good and high-quality fuel pill, the body will not strive to make up for nutritional deficiencies in the evening and at night.

Nowhere without breakfast

What to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition

  1. Breakfast is about getting energy. And energy comes from carbohydrates. This means that food is required that contains a sufficient amount of these substances;
  2. Breakfast satiates us for a certain time. For those who are on a diet, the feeling of satiety is a saving indicator, because “the less your appetite, the less you eat.” There is a deal of truth in it. But the feeling of satiety also depends on the amount of glucose in the blood, which comes to a greater extent from the carbohydrates consumed. Now let's look at each point separately.

  3. What's healthy to eat for breakfast?

    Fast and slow carbohydrates

    Familiar comrades. Let us briefly remember that fast carbohydrates include foods such as white bread, sweet fruits and berries, and confectionery. And the slow ones include wholemeal bread, low-sugar fruits, legumes and grains, as well as cereals and porridges made from them.

    As always: the most delicious and sweet is the least healthy. But don’t rush to conclusions and get upset. After all, you can always find a middle ground and combine these types of products.

    For example, oatmeal for breakfast is good for weight loss with bananas or pears, to this you can add low-fat cottage cheese or a hearty cocktail of kefir, cottage cheese, bananas, and strawberries. The recipes will be discussed below, and we return to carbohydrates.

    The names “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates were not given in vain: “fast” ones are quickly consumed, and “slow” ones, as you might guess, are consumed slowly. Our goal: to be in a well-fed state for as long as possible, to not feel hunger and appetite for a longer time - these are two different things. Hunger occurs on an empty stomach: “I just want to eat.” Appetite is the desire to consume a certain product: “I would like to eat something spicy and sweet right now.”

    On a note

    This goal is achieved through the use of slow carbohydrates: slow digestion and absorption gives time gain, which means that the feeling of hunger will not come soon. And carbohydrates, which are naturally sweet sugars, reduce appetite. We have won in two aspects at once: hunger is satisfied and appetite is eliminated.

    If you had mostly fast carbohydrates for breakfast (a bun, a muffin, or a chocolate bar with coffee), then the feeling of fullness would pass quickly, and after an hour or two you would want to have a snack again. It is not profitable.

    Remark two - time of digestion of food in the stomach

    Let us remind you that there are four categories of food based on the time they spend in the stomach.

    1. The first category includes products with an hour interval: fruits (except banana and avocado), vegetable and fruit juices and kefir. And this also includes fast carbohydrates.
    2. The second category, which has a time interval from 1.5 to 2, includes: vegetables, herbs, dairy products (except for fatty cottage cheese and hard cheese), eggs, and dried fruits.
    3. The third category (from 2 to 3 hours) contains: cereals and porridges made from them, fatty cottage cheese and hard cheese, boiled types of legumes, bakery products from the highest grades of flour.
    4. And finally, the fourth group includes those foods that stay in the stomach for up to 4 hours. Among them: tea or coffee with milk, meat, poultry and fish, all types of canned food.

    Why know this? The whole point is that the faster food is digested, the less stress it puts on our digestive system. By consuming products from categories 1 and 2 (sometimes 3), we protect our body from hard work.

    Now attention! Initially (see note 1) our goal was to provide the body with satiety. And satiety occurs when the stomach is full and digests food, i.e. it is not empty. And in theory, it would be more profitable for us to consume foods from category 4 for breakfast in order to saturate the body to the fullest extent. Logical, but again this is unprofitable from the point of view of health and benefits as such.

    What's the matter?

    Since our body feels like a dried vegetable in the morning, we shouldn’t give it the task of digesting a piece of pork ribs with potatoes. To put it simply, the body will be shocked by you. This will be comparable to trying to run in the morning on an empty stomach - it’s not easy, you’ll agree. So, with this breakfast diet of category 4 dishes, we put our digestive system in exactly the same position. Have pity on her: she just woke up.

    Porridge in the morning is the best source of healthy carbohydrates

    Now our goal, based on two comments, will be the following: to saturate your body without loading it. They can satiate slow carbohydrates, and not load - products from categories 1-3. That's all. Combining two points, the result is the following products for healthy breakfasts for every day for proper nutrition: unsweetened fruits and dried fruits, dairy products, eggs and cereals.

    Few? Don't forget that you can come up with many different combinations of these food categories. They have breakfast recipes in large quantities, there is a wide selection of them. Several such breakfast recipes for weight loss will be outlined in the next paragraph.

    Examples of bad breakfast PP

    For greater contrast, you should understand what an “unhealthy breakfast” is. Obviously, there will be no benefit or benefits for the body from the products included in the recipe. What foods are not advisable to include in your breakfast?

    Fast carbohydrates

    Their tonic and invigorating effect expires in less than an hour. Yes, on the one hand, this is good, on the contrary, because there are situations when a person needs a quick boost of vigor. For example, before strength training, you can eat a small energy bar, which will ensure that your muscles work longer. But we are talking specifically about a filling and healthy breakfast, about satisfying the feeling of hunger and appetite. Therefore, fast carbohydrates as a healthy breakfast on a proper diet for weight loss are completely out of place.

    Entering the body, fast carbohydrates are instantly absorbed into the blood, and the energy contained in them is also instantly spent on the functioning of the body. But the feeling of satiety never appears – that’s the point. And therefore, if you had breakfast with cookies or chocolate, you will want to eat again after half an hour. But with a diet where you keep a diary of calories consumed per day, this is not effective.

    Fermented milk yoghurts

    It is worth noting that products such as yoghurt are also undesirable to eat in the morning. The fact is that due to the “sour bacteria” contained in yogurt, the walls of the stomach will be irritated. On an empty stomach, the acidity in the stomach is increased, because “there is a hunt”: the stomach prepares for the arrival of food and therefore begins to secrete at any time gastric juice, and then there’s the addition of this acid.

    Muesli and quick breakfasts

    Do not confuse oatmeal with muesli or cereal and try to somehow equalize them. In terms of their usefulness and composition, these are completely different things. Muesli and cereals contain a large number of carbohydrates. That would be nice! These carbohydrates are pure sugars - fast carbohydrates.

    There is no benefit to such a breakfast!

    Yes, it’s delicious, but from the point of view of healthy breakfasts and diets, it’s not healthy and even harmful. You can get confused here, because advertising insists that cereal for breakfast is tasty and healthy. There are even specialized healthy and quick breakfasts. Benefit is where there is a harmonious ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the same muesli, this ratio is violated. As much as I hate to say it, there is no health benefit in these instant breakfasts.

    Meat, sausages, frankfurters and other meat products

    And even more so in combination with porridge, potatoes and pasta. This is very heavy food, it is absolutely not suitable for breakfast!

    Healthy breakfast recipes for every day

    Now let’s look at examples of breakfast recipes for weight loss.

    Eggs with PP sandwich

  • 2 fried eggs in a dry frying pan, you can add salt;
  • a sandwich made from bread, low-fat cottage cheese and cucumber (or tomato);
  • tea without sugar.

Buckwheat with kefir for weight loss

  • boiled buckwheat 70 g, poured with kefir;
  • bread with a piece of hard cheese;

Oatmeal breakfast recipe

  • 70 gr. oatmeal, steamed for 30 minutes;
  • banana mixed with oatmeal;
  • tea without sugar or unsweetened compote.

A healthy breakfast means an ideal figure!

Dietary cottage cheese casserole

A very tasty and airy dish that all members of your family will appreciate. Even breastfed babies and mothers can eat it!

Oatmeal pancake with berries and honey

Another recipe that is very easy to prepare. All you need is oat flour or crushed oatmeal and egg. Whisk the ingredients and fry the pancake in a dry frying pan without oil. Ready-made pancakes can be smeared with honey, sour cream or soft cottage cheese and supplemented with your favorite berries. Read more about this recipe.

All these options can be alternated with each other, or supplemented with other healthy products.

At the end

The most important thing that can be taken away from this article is the realization that healthy eating– do not restrict yourself in food. It is because of this misconception that people call this diet a diet. It is because of this false perception that people find it difficult to follow pp and make it a way of life.

It should be understood that proper nutrition is not punishing yourself, but quite the opposite. You help your body and yourself stay healthy in general. AND proper diet will take place if it starts correctly - with a healthy breakfast. Having remembered and highlighted some points for yourself, you can start preparing delicious and healthy breakfasts for yourself and your family today, which will not only help you reduce and maintain your desired weight, but will also lift your spirits.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))

Doctors say that breakfast is important technique food that should not be missed. If you skip your morning meal, your body will not have enough strength and energy to function properly throughout the day. A proper breakfast is the key to good health. What we eat when we wake up in the morning will determine our mood for the whole day. Start your morning with a healthy and balanced breakfast prepared according to the right recipes.

Proper nutrition is compliance with special principles and dietary recommendations regarding food. To start eating right, you need to:

  • Eat food at the same time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should start at the same time every day without exception. Eating according to a clear schedule promotes proper absorption of food and normalization of the digestive system.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, this will help it be better absorbed.
  • Do not take liquids before or immediately after meals. It is advisable to drink water, tea, and other drinks an hour after breakfast, lunch or other meals.
  • Each meal should begin with eating raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Make your daily menu so that it contains 40% proteins, 30% carbohydrates and 30% fats, this is especially important for athletes.
  • Refuse semi-finished products and fast food in favor of proper healthy dishes.

What is healthy to eat in the morning?

Many people prefer to eat in the morning what is fastest to prepare: croutons, scrambled eggs with sausage or sausages. Eating these dishes in the morning violates the principles of proper nutrition. The morning menu should be a third of the total daily ration. For breakfast, you need to choose the right nutritious dishes that will help saturate your body. It is advisable that the morning menu consist of a set different products. To follow the principles of proper nutrition, eat for breakfast:

  • Milk and dairy products. Low-calorie cottage cheese will satisfy the body's needs for protein foods and satiate it. useful vitamins, microelements, and will not harm your figure.
  • Cereals. Whole wheat bread and porridge - perfect start day. Oatmeal and bran bread, greased with a thin layer of butter, will become sources of energy for a working day for both adults and teenagers.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Every meal should contain some fresh vegetables and fruits, and breakfast is no exception. Dried fruits are also useful; add them in small portions to your breakfast porridge.
  • Meat, poultry. Protein foods are beneficial throughout the day. Eggs are not the only source of protein. IN egg yolks contains a lot of cholesterol, which is harmful to health. Therefore, nutritionists recommend preparing an omelet of three whites and one yolk for breakfast instead of the usual scrambled eggs. Sandwich with a piece boiled chicken will not harm your diet, but will become a healthy, proper morning dish.

Menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss

Thanks to a properly selected diet during breakfast, the body receives nutrients, which support it and satisfy the feeling of hunger until lunch. Scientists have found that a person who skips a morning meal slows down their metabolism by 7-8%, and this leads to excess weight gain. At breakfast, it is recommended to eat at least 25% of the calories of the daily menu. To lose weight, choose the following as the right morning dishes:

  • oatmeal;
  • protein omelet with vegetables;
  • cottage cheese with herbs.

Don't forget about second breakfast; it must be planned in your daily routine. Suitable for lunch:

  • chicken sandwich;
  • vegetable salad;
  • kefir with a handful of dried fruits;
  • natural yogurt without sweeteners.

Lunch is a large meal that consists of several courses. According to the principles of proper nutrition, at lunch you need to eat about 40% of the calories of your entire daily diet. Doctors recommend including a hot dish in the lunch menu to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, and also for weight loss. Proper lunch for weight loss is:

  • a fresh vegetable salad to start your meal with. A vegetable dish will help start digestion and saturate the body with healthy fiber.
  • vegetable soup, lean borscht, cabbage soup or ukha - a hot dish is recommended to be consumed daily.
  • a piece of boiled chicken, turkey, lean fish. The portion should be small, the meat should be cooked without oil or salt.

For the sake of newfangled diets, many people begin to refuse dinner. Don't ever do this! Low calorie proper dinner will help you wake up in the morning good mood, no headache. If you skip an evening meal, problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers, may occur. To lose weight, it is recommended to eat for dinner:

  • boiled or stewed vegetables, stew.
  • fish dishes. It is better to steam the fish or bake it in the oven.
  • dairy products. Both low-fat varieties of hard cheese and skim cheese, kefir, yogurt.

Recipes for delicious and healthy breakfast dishes with photos

Baked apples with cottage cheese - a healthy breakfast option


  • large apples – 5 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • raisins - a few tablespoons;
  • candied fruits - to taste;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon.
  1. We wash the apples under running water and dry them. Carefully cut off the “cap” of the apples and remove the core using a teaspoon.
  2. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender until fluffy.
  3. Pour boiling water over raisins and candied fruits, then drain the water.
  4. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and candied fruits, add powdered sugar.
  5. Stuff prepared apples with curd mass.
  6. Cover the stuffed apples with cut-off lids and wrap each fruit in foil.
  7. Bake the dish at 180 degrees in the oven for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Serve the dish lightly sprinkled with cinnamon and poured with natural honey.

Omelette with vegetables in the oven - a healthy and nutritious breakfast


  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • heavy cream – 50 ml;
  • young zucchini or zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • small carrots - 1 pc.;
  • one sweet pepper of any color;
  • large tomato – 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of parsley and green onions;
  • hard cheese if desired - a couple of tablespoons;
  • spices.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the tomato into slices.
  2. Remove the skin from the zucchini or zucchini and cut it into cubes.
  3. We also chop sweet peppers without seeds into cubes.
  4. Peeled carrots are cut into thin strips.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. In a deep saucepan, heat a few tablespoons of sunflower oil and add carrots to it. Simmer until cooked (about 7 minutes).
  7. Add all the other prepared vegetables to the carrots and simmer them under a closed lid for 5 minutes.
  8. In a separate deep bowl, beat the eggs with cream until fluffy for several minutes. Add grated cheese to the dish.
  9. Combine the egg mixture with the cooled stewed vegetables.
  10. Pour the mixture into a heat-resistant bowl and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. Breakfast is ready!

Useful oatmeal– healthy breakfast with a minimum of calories


  • oatmeal – 1 cup;
  • two glasses of skim milk;
  • sugar, salt to taste;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • one small apple.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour oatmeal into boiling milk. Stirring, cook the porridge over low heat until cooked (3-5 minutes). Add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
  2. Cut off the skin of the apple and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into small cubes and add to the porridge.
  3. Scald the raisins with boiling water and dry. Place on a plate with oatmeal. The dish is ready!

Cottage cheese with herbs - a healthy and nutritious dish


  • cottage cheese 0% fat – 200 g;
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions);
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • salt;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Finely chop the greens.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, add salt to taste.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  5. Place a tablespoon of curd mixture on each tomato circle.
  6. Decorate the dish with a sprig of parsley.

A healthy sandwich is the right start to the day


  • diet bread;
  • goat cheese – 100 g;
  • sun-dried tomatoes – 50 g;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • lettuce or arugula.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Toast the diet bread in a toaster or grill without adding oil.
  2. Place a leafy “pillow” of sprouted wheat, lettuce or arugula on the bread.
  3. Pieces are laid out on the leaves goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes.
  4. Top with some more greens and cover the sandwich with the second loaf of bread. Breakfast is ready!

Check out the options for each day.

An ideal and balanced start to the day from Herbalife

If you don’t have the time to prepare a proper breakfast in the morning, we recommend that you pay attention to Herbalife products. The advantage of Herbalife's ready-made breakfast is that you do not need to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to make the dish healthy for the body. You just need to drink ready-made cocktails with the correct caloric content.

The ideal breakfast from Herbalife is ready-to-eat products. According to the scheme indicated in the instructions, add dry mixtures to low-fat milk, beat the cocktail in a blender and consume it in the morning for breakfast. The cocktail formula is selected to saturate your body with all useful substances and vitamins. If you want to learn more about a proper and healthy breakfast, watch the video below.

Video: breakfast options with proper nutrition

With the help of our recommendations and step by step recipes you can prepare yourself the right healthy breakfast. Use your imagination while cooking, add new products, experiment with ingredients, then you will succeed tasty dish. If you want to learn even more recipes for the right breakfast dishes and get inspired to cook, we recommend watching the video master class below. After watching the video, you will learn how to cook even more dishes that fully comply with the principles of proper and separate nutrition.

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