Heavy periods with clots - causes and treatment. Causes of blood clots during menstruation

Heavy and profuse bleeding occurring during menstruation, accompanied by clots, should be considered a sign serious problems. About what are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to combat it further.

Causes of heavy bleeding during menstruation, with clots. There can be many reasons that provoke bleeding with clots:

  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • endometriosis of the uterus;
  • climacteric condition.

It is very important to determine why such problems arose, because this is what will help in the treatment process. Competent diagnosis is possible only at an appointment with a specialist who will not only conduct all the necessary examinations, but also prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. Ways to treat heavy bleeding during menstruation:

If we are talking about pathology, in 80% of cases it is impossible to do without surgical treatment. In this case, the damaged area of ​​the uterus is removed or any other pathology that provokes heavy bleeding and clots is eliminated.

If the ultrasound failed to identify any pathologies, then the gynecologist prescribes an examination, which is aimed at identifying neoplasms in the urogenital system. We are talking about magnetic resonance imaging computed tomography. If no tumors are observed, then to recover from hormonal disorders, the specialist will prescribe medications that contain gestagens.

In case of heavy bleeding, directly related to the onset of menopause, it is necessary to take hormonal medications that contain progesterone.

It may also be necessary to take so-called monophasic contraceptives, which are prescribed if uterine fibroids are diagnosed.

Monophasic agents:

  • normalize the ratio of hormones;
  • have an effect on reducing bleeding.

In cases where treatment is ineffective, they are used to get rid of fibroid nodes. surgical method. If the disease is not treated appropriately, the entire uterus may need to be removed. Today, embolization is used to treat fibroids. Submitted modern technique ensures maximum blocking of blood flow to nodal formations in the fibroid. As a result, tumor cells complete the process of reproduction and growth and soon die completely.

If, based on the test results, it becomes obvious that bleeding is caused by a low ratio, then it is necessary to take certain medications containing iron. We are talking, for example, about “Tardiferon”.

Then, when menstruation passes accompanied by clots, but no diseases or pathologies have been identified, the specialist prescribes medications such as calcium gluconate or Ascorutin. However, what to do if the bleeding becomes more and more severe, and there is no way to wait for a specialist or undergo an examination.

Hemostatic agents. So, when the bleeding is very severe and it is necessary to stop it as soon as possible, you should use a remedy such as, for example, Dicinon. This effective means It is also good for stopping bleeding because it can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

It should be used exclusively in moments of heavy bleeding, but should not be used regularly. It is important to note that there are contraindications. Thus, “Ditsinon” cannot be used for thrombosis. In case of heavy discharge of blood with clots, it should be taken twice a day, one tablet. You can make the effect of the drug stronger if you take it three to four times a day. However, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will determine whether the use of such large dosages is advisable.

Another remedy that helps in the fight against heavy and severe bleeding, as well as clots, is Vikasol. This medicine can be used no more than two tablets within 24 hours. The degree of its effectiveness is not as great as some other means, but it is excellent for first aid. In the same case, when the bleeding does not become less intense, more strong remedies, for example, “Dicinon” or others approved by the gynecologist.

Very often, women do not pay attention to bleeding until it becomes really heavy and severe. This approach to one’s own health is fundamentally wrong because it can cause serious harm health. This is why it is very important to implement timely treatment without self-medicating, which can be very harmful.

Treatment of heavy and painful periods with horsetail. One of the violations menstrual cycle is menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea), manifested by profuse bleeding that lasts over 7 days. In this case, the total volume of discharge is over 100 ml. Horsetail will help normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce pain during menstruation. For this, 1 tbsp. Steam a spoonful of herbs with 500 ml of boiling water. Let the mixture sit and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of infusion every 2 hours until bleeding decreases, after which medicine you can drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Treatment of menorrhagia with a collection of oak bark, yarrow herbs, cinquefoil, and raspberries. For the treatment of heavy and prolonged periods - menorrhagia, ethnoscience recommends the following recipe for preparing the decoction. Mix 20 g each of crushed oak bark, yarrow and cinquefoil herbs, wild strawberry and raspberry leaves. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture with a glass of cold boiled water and let the herb brew for 4-5 hours, then bring the liquid to a boil and simmer over low heat (without boiling) for 5-7 minutes. After filtering, the broth is drunk in several doses per day. The course of treatment is 5-8 days. The decoction is also good for inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

Treatment of bleeding caused by abortion with a decoction of a mixture of medicinal herbs. To stop bleeding caused by abortion, mix 100 g of nettle herb and shepherd's purse, crushed burnet roots. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture into an enamel pan and pour 3 cups of boiling water, simmer on low heat under the lid for about half an hour. Strain the broth and divide into 4 parts. When consuming each serving, you can add honey to taste.

Treatment of painful periods with infusions of medicinal herbs. At painful menstruation– dysmenorrhea, traditional healers use a herbal mixture of 20 g of buckthorn bark, 20 g of white birch leaves, 20 g of peppermint leaves, 20 g of yarrow herb, 20 g of valerian root and 20 g of blackberry leaves. Grind all ingredients and mix well. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and leave until cool, then strain and drink in small sips throughout the day. When taking this decoction, your periods will pass without pain.

Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle of a healthy female body, capable of reproductive function, in which there is a separation of the functional inner shell uterus Rejection of the endometrium is accompanied by heavy or scanty bleeding, with small clots.

The reason for the increase in the period and volume of bleeding may be hormonal, sexual or endocrine system, which independently, without medical examination difficult to determine.

Heavy periods with clots, the causes of which vary in volume and intensity depending on many factors of the functioning of the body, the presence of diseases and heredity, are the norm for some women, and for others - signs of uterine bleeding.

The presence of small blood clots in menstrual fluid indicates normal functioning of the coagulation system and the exit of dying endometrium from the uterine cavity. Such discharge within the personal menstrual cycle is not a sign of the onset of bleeding.

When the body is positioned in a horizontal position for a long time, after lifting, the bloody fluid that has coagulated in the uterine cavity is released in large quantities and with clots, then the process of discharge normalizes on its own.

An abundant amount of menstruation with clots, their change to a scarlet color and an increase in the usual period of menstruation beyond 8 days can occur due to some disease and herald the onset of bleeding.

Symptoms of pathology intensify:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • pain in the pelvis.

What is considered normal?

During normal periods, the menstrual fluid gradually changes its color from red-brown to red, then turns into ichor with a brown tint and into dark Brown color at the end of menstruation.

The approximate norm of the total volume of discharge for the entire period of menstruation ranges from 60 to 140 ml, but individually it can be from 10 to 180-250 ml. More intense and heavy periods can only be normal in exceptional cases related to the physiology of the body of individual women.

The normal duration of menstruation is also individual for each woman and ranges from 8 to 2 days. The appearance of mucous clots in the liquid on days 3-4 is a sign normal operation lymphatic system.

Causes of menorrhagia

Heavy periods with clots (the reasons for the appearance of which are described later in the article) are called menorrhagia and can be triggered by disruptions in the functioning of various body systems, infectious processes, or the possible presence of diseases.

The diseases are:

  1. Endometriosis.
  2. Hormonal disorders.
  3. Consequences of abortion or miscarriage.
  4. Inflammatory diseases.
  5. Uterine abnormalities.
  6. Incorrectly chosen contraceptives.
  7. Premenopausal condition in women.
  8. After the birth of the child.
  9. Polyps in the tubes and uterus.
  10. After taking Duphaston.

To prevent cases of recurrent bleeding, it is necessary to diagnose and eliminate the cause of menorrhagia, since increased monthly blood loss leads to anemia and is dangerous to health and life.


The cause of endometriosis is a violation of the monthly separation of the internal epithelium of the uterus and its release along with an unfertilized egg during menstruation. The violation occurs due to the growth and thickening of the mucous membrane of the uterus, its ingrowth into the walls, or beyond the genital organ.

In the first case, the disease develops inside the uterus, preventing the maturation and release of the fertilized egg, causing a delay in menstruation. Menstruation is accompanied by an increased volume of liquid discharge and a large number of epithelial lumps, pain in the hip area and weakening of the body.

In the second case, the endometrium extends beyond the body of the uterus:

  • in the ovaries and tubes;
  • on the outer surface of the uterus;
  • on the intestines and organs of the urinary system.

During menstruation, taking root in abdominal cavity parts of the endometrial tissue also begin to separate and bleed, causing inflammation of neighboring organs.

Disorder in the functioning of the system occurs due to a lack of the hormone progesterone in the body, which is responsible for normalizing the growth of the epithelium and increased estrogen content, which promotes rapid cell division and growth.

An increase in the amount of tissue being rejected sometimes provokes repeated periods in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which have nothing to do with the maturation and release of the egg.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease are:

The development of the disease is typical for women of childbearing age and is rarely observed after the onset of menopause.

Hormonal disorders

Heavy periods with clots, the causes of which are associated with dysfunction of the hormonal system, if untimely treatment can provoke the formation of tumors, exhaustion from blood loss and diseases of the pelvic organs.

Deviations in the functioning of the hormonal system cause disruption of the body's production of female hormones, responsible for the normalization of menstrual flow.

The reasons for such violations are:

  • diseases of the hormonal glands;
  • surgical operations;
  • age-related changes and formation of the hormonal system;
  • postpartum period;
  • low level of blood clotting;
  • use of hormonal drugs.

Heavy periods with clots can be caused by a hormonal disorder caused by the use of hormonal medications.

The presence of these factors negatively affects the intensity and duration of menstruation and provokes the development of neoplasms and inflammatory processes.

Consequences of abortion and miscarriage

After a miscarriage or abortion, the upper layer of the uterine epithelium is scraped, which is not always completely removed. A large area of ​​damaged vessels provokes an increase in volume bleeding, and the remnants of tissue of the removed epithelium form dense lumps in the secreted fluid.

After such a surgical procedure, bloody discharge with epithelial remains lasts from 5 to 15 days, which is the norm for complete cleansing of the uterine cavity.

In the first days, the liquid has the color of blood with clots; on days 3-4 it turns into a darker color with a brown tint. The next menstruation occurs at the time corresponding to the personal cycle from possible delay associated with hormonal imbalance.

An increase in body temperature, a prolongation of the period or an increase in the intensity of discharge, the appearance of an unnatural color or odor of the liquid indicates an inflammatory process and requires a medical examination.

With a medical abortion, the discharge lasts from 8 to 18 days and can turn into regular periods. After vacuum method the bleeding period is the shortest and ranges from 4 to 8 days.

Inflammatory diseases

Heavy menstrual flow with bloody chunks can be caused by inflammation of the reproductive or urinary system. Inflammatory processes quickly spread to neighboring organs, provoke disruption of the functioning of the ovaries, uterus and appendages, as a result of which the volume of secretions increases and the presence of a large number of clots in them.

The duration of monthly bleeding increases to 2 weeks, the entire period between menstruation is accompanied by frequent brown discharge mucous consistency formed by pathogenic microbes.

The presence of inflammation is confirmed by increased pain in the ovarian area and Bladder, weakness and elevated temperature bodies. Untimely treatment of inflamed organs leads to adhesions, overgrowth fallopian tubes and tumor formation.

Uterine abnormalities

Heavy periods with clots, the causes of which are due to uterine abnormalities, can be hereditary and cannot be treated.

Congenital anomalies include the following forms of the uterine body:

  • saddle-shaped;
  • one-horned;
  • two-horned;
  • with partition;
  • with complete bifurcation of the cavity;
  • with a bend in the back wall.

If any of these congenital deformities In the uterus, the separation of the internal epithelium becomes difficult, stagnation and coagulation of blood inside the organ occurs, menstrual flow comes with a large number of clots.

The duration of the period increases, accompanied by pain in the hip area and increased blood loss. This category of women is recommended to take vitamins and iron-containing medications and products to avoid the development of anemia.

Incorrectly chosen contraceptives

An incorrectly selected intrauterine device can also provoke increased secretion of menstrual fluid with clots. The cause of the problem is a constantly slightly open cervix.

Included individual species IUDs contain hormones that affect the menstrual cycle, which the body can reject, resulting in increased blood loss and the duration of the period.

After removing the contraceptive, the menstrual cycle is restored.

Oral contraceptives may cause copious discharge in the first 2-3 months. If bleeding recurs more than long time the drug should be discontinued.

Premenopausal condition in women

Before the onset of menopause, a woman’s hormonal system begins to reform, the ratio of female hormones in the body changes, and menstruation begins to occur irregularly. During this period, delays in menstruation for 1-3 weeks or more are possible, then they manifest as heavy discharge for a long time with a large number of clots.

If menstruation ceases on its own within 10 days, the process is considered normal. During menstruation, headaches and pelvic pain, weakness and decreased functioning of the immune system, and increased nervousness are possible. The onset of menstruation occurs less frequently for 1-3 years until it stops completely.

When severe course During the premenopausal period, doctors prescribe medications with progesterone. When too prolonged bleeding over 10-12 days, curettage of the uterine cavity is necessary to avoid inflammatory processes.

After the baby is born

After childbirth, the normal duration of bleeding is within 5-7 days, then there is a gradual decrease in the amount of menstrual fluid with a change in brown color. The hormonal balance after childbirth is leveled out within 2-3 months, and menstruation during this period can be long and intense.

After 10-12 days, continued heavy bleeding with a large number of clots requires medical intervention.

During breastfeeding, there is usually no monthly bleeding; it occurs at the end of the lactation period, but sometimes there are exceptions, and menstruation occurs during this period. time is running regularly.

Polyps in the tubes and uterus

Benign formations inside the uterus and tubes in the form of polyps, during menstruation, cause an increase in the amount of discharge with clots. When the inner lining of the uterus is shed, the polyps become damaged and bleed, which increases the volume of menstrual fluid and the number of clots.

Depending on the location of the polyp, due to its growth, a rupture of the tube or blockage of the vagina may occur, which will prevent the release of menstrual fluid and can provoke an inflammatory process. Untimely removal of the tumor contributes to its transition to a malignant tumor.

After taking Duphaston

Duphaston belongs to the group of hormonal medications and is prescribed for the treatment of cysts and the functioning of the ovaries. After a long course of treatment with the drug or an incorrect dosage exceeding the required one, the production of hormones and the menstrual cycle fails.

Menstruation is first delayed, and then comes profusely and with a large number of clots. In this case, the drug is suspended and resumed after normalization of the cycle, strictly observing the dosage.

How to stop after childbirth and Caesarean section

Heavy periods with clots, the causes of which are determined after examination and are associated with poor blood clotting or slow contraction of the uterus, can be stopped after childbirth by using special medications or folk remedies.

In case of incomplete separation of the placental tissue, bleeding can only be stopped by curettage and removal of the remaining placenta.

After caesarean section discharge lasts longer than after normal childbirth due to the scarring process of damaged uterine tissue. If clots and scarlet discharge appear 6-8 days after the procedure, you will not be able to stop the bleeding on your own. In this case, the discharge can only be stopped by cleaning the uterine cavity. surgically in a hospital setting.

Methods for stopping after curettage

After curettage, heavy periods are reduced by using contracting hemostatic medications or folk remedies. At first, it is allowed to apply cold to the lower part of the abdominal cavity, but for no more than 15-20 minutes, with an interval of 30 minutes between applications.

The cause of bleeding may be a part of the embryo or placenta remaining in the uterus, in which case the operation is repeated.

How to reduce heavy menstruation with clots

With absence pathological diseases Heavy periods are reduced with medications that eliminate the cause of intense menstrual fluid.

These are the medications:

  • increasing blood clotting;
  • replenishing iron deficiency;
  • hormonal drugs.

Traditional and phytotherapeutic methods are effective in this case.

Methods for stopping heavy menstruation before menopause

Before the onset of menopause, there is a disruption in the regularity of menstruation, delays in menstruation or a repetition of the process within a month. Failures are often accompanied by increased bleeding, which can be reduced independently before being examined by a doctor.

To do this you need:

Herbs and folk methods for stopping heavy periods

In the absence of contraindications and pathologies, treatment of heavy menstruation with traditional medicine is allowed.

Decoctions and infusions are effective herbal infusions and individual herbs:

Nettle 2 tbsp. l. Brew in 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour.take 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hours
Shepherd's Purse 2 tbsp. l. steam 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour.take 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hours during the day.
cherry leaves 2 tbsp. l. Brew in 200 ml boiling water, cooldrink 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 r. in a day.
Acorns 2 tbsp. l. steam the crushed raw materials in 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours.take 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 r. in a day.
Kalina 3 tbsp. l. steam dry raw materials of any part of the plant in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour.drink during the day in several doses.

Hemostatic drugs for heavy periods

To reduce the amount of menstrual fluid during menstruation, experts prescribe medications, depending on the cause of heavy discharge. Taking medications is allowed at home, in the absence of contraindications, individual intolerance to the ingredients of the medications, and as prescribed by a doctor.

Rapid-acting hemostatic medications include:

Vikasol increases blood clotting, activates platelet synthesis, restores the amount of potassium.accepted at 1 t 3 r. per day for 3-4 days.
Etamzilat increases platelet levels, vascular permeability and capillary circulationaccepted at 1 t 4 r. in a day.
Dicynone activates blood clotting for 3-4 hours, prescribed for heavy bleeding Take 1 t 4 r per day for up to 10 days.
Askorutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, immune system, increases blood clottingTake 1 t 3 r per day for up to 7 days.
Oxytocin causes uterine contractions, increases blood clottingIt is used intramuscularly 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days.

Lifestyle with regular heavy menstruation

In case of permanent heavy menstruation You should pay close attention to your lifestyle, maintain personal hygiene and refrain from certain activities during this period.

Before your period and during your period you should not:

  • lift weights and engage in heavy physical labor;
  • exercise;
  • take a bath, go to a sauna or steam room;
  • Do massage;
  • use alcoholic drinks and coffee.

Bathing in the bathroom should be replaced with a shower, increase the amount of fruits and protein foods, and, if possible, rest more in a lying position.

It is better to replace sports activities with walks fresh air. Having sex should also be postponed to avoid infection through the open cervix.

When is medical help needed?

Any irregularities in the menstrual cycle can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is not always possible to cope with a problem on your own without harming your own body. First aid methods will not cure the disease, but misuse taking medications without prior examination and medical examination can harm the woman herself.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • heavy periods of bright scarlet color;
  • a large volume of clots in monthly blood;
  • the appearance of a yellow or green tint, an unnatural odor of menstrual fluid;
  • severe weakness, dizziness with increased body temperature;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • lengthening the duration of menstruation by more than 2 weeks.

The predisposition of the female body to heavy periods is not always the cause of the disease; the presence of clots can also be confirmation of the normal functioning of the body. Maintaining healthy image life and regular visits to specialists will help eliminate the occurrence various diseases and pathologies.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about heavy periods with clots

Causes and treatment of heavy periods with clots:

During menstruation, the female body rejects an unfertilized egg, this process accompanied by a loss of about 100-150 ml of blood. In this case, the discharge may be heterogeneous and contain a small amount of compaction from endometrial epithelial cells. In some cases, women are bothered by heavy periods with blood clots. This state of affairs official medicine is called menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea.

According to statistics, heavy bleeding during menstruation was recorded in a third of women, but only those who sought help from a gynecologist are taken into account. The real data is much larger. Heavy menstruation with clots has other symptoms that cause discomfort:

  • soreness. Most often these are cramping, aching pains in the lower abdomen. The reason for them is the separation of too large a layer of endometrium from the walls of the uterus, as a result of which the wound surface is excessively enlarged;
  • weakness up to loss of ability to work. This is one of the main signs that blood loss is too great and there is a risk of developing anemia. This symptom accompanied by dizziness. They can occur with a sudden change in posture, and if there is too much blood loss, then even in a lying position;
  • feeling of heaviness in the pelvis. Caused by strong blood flow to the uterus. The feeling will be stronger when immobile and relieved in a horizontal position.

It is possible to establish the exact reason why heavy periods with large clots may occur only after a complete examination of the organs of the reproductive and endocrine systems.

The most common factors causing hypermenorrhea are:

  • endometriosis. A disease in which there is a pathological growth of the mucous membrane inside the uterus up to 2 cm in thickness. These changes can affect both the entire mucosa and its separate areas which are usually called polypoid outgrowths;
  • polyp on the cervix. This new formation has a bright scarlet color and a porous structure. It grows on the canal connecting the cervix with its cavity. During menstruation, the polyp increases in size due to blood flow to the reproductive organs;
  • fibroids in the uterus. Benign neoplasm in muscle layer. Heavy discharge more often occurs with submucosal fibroids, since during endometrial detachment the tumor is also injured;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device. A metal contraceptive is implanted into the wall of the uterus and prevents unwanted pregnancy, while very heavy periods can occur;
  • hormonal disorders. Especially after 45 years, heavy bleeding may be a sign of deficiency or excess of some sex hormone in a woman’s body. Hormonal contraceptives can also lead to such consequences.

Now let’s take a closer look at the reasons for heavy periods with clots.

Hypermenorrhea due to hormonal disorders and contraceptives

If heavy bleeding during menstruation is caused by a hormone imbalance or intrauterine device, then the blood will be homogeneous. In rare cases, there are blood clots during menstruation and traces of mucus, this is due to the rejection of the endometrium, the thickness of which exceeds 1.6 cm. Separating from the uterus, it forms lumps up to 2.5 cm in diameter. This phenomenon is not dangerous to a woman’s health, so there is no need to treat it further. But this is only in cases where the clot looks like coagulated blood, is small in size and is not typical for everyone menstrual cycle. It is dangerous if the clots are larger than 2.5 cm, this can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • difficulties with conception. Large clots can be a symptom of endometriosis, which must be treated;
  • clots can block the cervical canal, which will lead to inflammation in the uterus.

If, with heavy periods with clots, the cause is endometrial hyperplasia, this condition is accompanied by excessive growth of the uterine mucosa, while the duration of the cycle is reduced, and the periods, on the contrary, increase. Endometrial clots may be slightly darker than blood (burgundy to brown). Its symptoms:

  • heavy clots during menstruation;
  • shortening the cycle to 20-24 days;
  • duration of menstruation up to 10 days;
  • when bleeding is felt severe discomfort not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back;
  • during discharge the woman feels very unwell;
  • hemoglobin drops.

It is important to treat endometriosis in a timely manner to prevent anemia. Also this insidious disease thins the lining of the uterus, and this prevents the fertilized egg from firmly gaining a foothold in the cavity of the organ, which makes it impossible for a successful conception to occur.

Polyps in the tubes and uterus

In terms of its structure, a polyp is the same as endometriosis, but formed locally, and not throughout the mucous layer of the uterus.

This benign education may occur for several reasons:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • oral contraception;
  • heavy weight;
  • heredity;
  • frequent curettage, abortions and other operations on the genitals;
  • infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of polyps:

  • heavy brown clots during menstruation;
  • menstruation lasts up to 10 days and is characterized by severe pain;
  • clots can be released not only during menstruation, but also on other days of the cycle;
  • It can also bleed in women after 40 years of age during menopause.

Polyps, in addition to bleeding, can lead to infertility and increase the risk of cancer. Malignant tumors in the female genital organs in their symptoms do not differ from the signs of polyps or endometriosis; they can only be identified with full examination female body.

Menorrhagia after childbirth

As soon as the release of postpartum clots, lochia, stops, the woman’s reproductive system continues to work in the mode that she had before pregnancy. The follicle matures, ovulation occurs, and in the absence of fertilization, menstruation begins.

Some representatives of the fair sex notice heavy periods with clots after childbirth and after a cesarean section, there are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • the uterus has not decreased to its original size, this leads to What menstrual blood stagnates in its cavity, thereby provoking serious bleeding;
  • the uterus and its cervix were subjected to severe trauma during the birth process, therefore, during the rejection of the mucous membrane during menstruation, the wound surface also begins to bleed;
  • there is complicated erosion on the cervix, caused by displacement of the columnar epithelium cervical canal during childbirth. In a normal situation, erosion does not cause much discomfort, but if there is an infection, menstruation occurs with clots and heavy blood loss;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages due to infection. Pathogenic microflora can get in during childbirth and cause not only bleeding, but also adhesive obstruction. Symptoms infectious inflammation there is profuse leucorrhoea before menstruation.

If you have a period with clots that appeared after childbirth or after a cesarean section, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist. There is no need to look for how to stop these phenomena using unconventional methods, because it is in this case that amateur activity is very dangerous for women’s health.

Menstruation after a long absence

The reason for the delay may be hormonal disorder, but in this case its intensity should not differ from the norm. If, after a delay, the volume of discharge differs, this may mean other pathological conditions V female body:

  • decreased discharge indicates a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium and a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood;
  • An increase in discharge means that the woman may have developed endometriosis, which should be identified and treated promptly.

How to deal with menorrhagia?

Treatment of heavy periods with clots can be carried out independently at home, but only when this is an isolated case, and the rest of the menstruation occurs in a normal rhythm.

Before taking any medications, make sure that you do not suffer from thrombosis, since self-prescribing hemostatic drugs for such a disease can be dangerous to your health.

The following medications are widely used in gynecology. Their use is possible even if you do not know why there is too much discharge:

In medical institutions, representatives of the fair sex with excessive periods may be prescribed Tugina, Calcium chloride and Epsilon. In any case, only your doctor can tell you how to stop the bleeding and what to do if your menstruation is too heavy. It doesn’t matter why the discharge started, it could be hormonal imbalance, illness or bleeding after cesarean section, the doctor will definitely prescribe a series of studies to establish the cause and treatment to eliminate the symptoms.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

It is important not to delay visiting a doctor in the following cases:

  • excessive discharge during menstruation occurs regularly, and there are a large number of clots. This is a sign of oncology; without proper help, death can occur;
  • at high intensity menstrual flow. The speed of filling the gasket can serve as a guide. If it needs to be replaced every half hour, go to the doctor immediately!;
  • if during menstruation a woman feels severe pain that is not relieved even by painkillers, and nausea, vomiting and high fever are possible;
  • if a woman is diagnosed with anemia. Excessive blood loss every month can greatly harm your health;
  • if there was long delay, and then heavy periods with clots began. This may indicate spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, or rupture of a cyst;
  • if heavy bleeding begins during menopause, the woman has a fever and severe pain.

To protect yourself from negative consequences heavy menstruation and prevent the development of serious gynecological diseases, you need to undergo a gynecological examination in a timely manner and be examined using an ultrasound.

Are heavy periods with clots normal or a signal of an existing pathology? Every second woman comes to her gynecologist with a similar question. A doctor cannot give a definite answer to this without an in-depth study of the problem. After all, the nature of menstrual flow depends on a number of factors, ranging from the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, general condition her health, and ending with age-related hormonal changes. Let's find out in more detail what the abundant, heterogeneous consistency of regula may mean.

Reasons for the formation of clots during menstruation

Menstrual flow in healthy woman, as a rule, deep red in color and slimy consistency. Normally, the treatments last painlessly, no more than a week, their volume does not exceed 100 ml, and there is no unpleasant odor. Thick impurities may also be present in small quantities - and this is not a deviation.

The causes of painful, very heavy, protracted periods with clots can be completely different. In particular, deviations are observed when:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyps formed in the uterus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • spontaneous abortion, etc.

After discontinuation of OCs, menstruation may also increase. The abundance of regula in this case can be observed for several months, since under the influence of contraceptives they often become or even appear in the form of a daub.

If menstruation intensifies after Duphaston, which was taken to treat ovarian failure, this indicates that the woman is either not suitable this drug, or she takes it incorrectly. In this case, consultation with a specialist is required.

There are often situations when the formation of clots during regulation is exclusively climacteric in nature - during menopause, serious problems occur in the female body hormonal disbalance, which can cause hypermenorrhea. Of course, only a specialist should accurately determine the causes and treatment in each individual case.

Signs of pathology

When your period is longer than usual and with large clots, the following symptoms will help determine whether this is a sign of pathology:

  1. Increased blood loss and the presence of thick impurities in the regula are complicated by frequent bleeding or in between periods.
  2. The cycle is either too long, or, conversely, the break between menstruation is less than 21 or more than 35 days.
  3. The volume of bloody discharge exceeds 150 ml.
  4. Regulations take a very long time - more than a week.
  5. - cramping or pulling sensations in the abdominal area.
  6. Regulations are accompanied by weakness up to total loss ability to work.
  7. In the small pelvis, with regulation, there is a feeling of heaviness.
  8. Menstrual discharge has a too strong odor and contains greenish mucus.

Read also 🗓 What to do if you have heavy periods

If at least one of the complications listed above is present, the woman should definitely consult a gynecologist for advice. The specialist will prescribe tests and ultrasound, based on the results of which he will be able to determine the cause of the pathology.

How to stop periods with blood clots

Currently, there are many medications that help to quickly stop even very heavy, painful periods with clots. The folk methods that our ancestors used to facilitate the process of menstruation have not lost their relevance.

If a woman is sure that increased regulation is not a sign of the presence of any pathology in the body, then she can try to reduce their abundance on her own, at home. But, before resorting to one method or another, you need to know everything about the possible side effects of medications or folk recipes. In addition, you need to make sure that there is no predisposition to thrombosis. Otherwise, taking hemostatic drugs is contraindicated without a doctor's permission.

Under any conditions, best option– contact a gynecologist who will make a diagnosis and recommend what to do in case of heavy periods with clots in a particular case.


The medicinal method of treating menorrhagia, as a rule, involves therapy using hormonal OCs and anti-inflammatory drugs (separately or in combination). So, a doctor may recommend that a woman suffering from excessive regulation take:

  • Calcium gluconate + Ascorutin. Taking these drugs in combination will help normalize the cycle and significantly reduce the volume of regulation. A gynecologist can prescribe such treatment only if the patient does not have any pathologies of the appendages and uterus.
  • Gestagens. This treatment is indicated for women whose bleeding is caused by hormonal imbalance.
  • Monophasic contraceptives. As a rule, they are prescribed to patients with uterine fibroids. But if the disease is advanced, the only way out is surgery.
  • Preparations with high content gland. The method is recommended for patients whose hemoglobin in the blood is significantly reduced.
  • Products with progesterone. Experts prescribe such drugs to women whose bleeding is caused by a cycle failure during the premenopausal period.

Most often, gynecologists prescribe Tranexam, Dicynone, tablets to reduce heavy periods. Less often, in more complex cases, uterine bleeding is stopped with the help of Epsilon-aminocaproic acid, calcium chloride, Tugin - these drugs are administered intravenously and can be used exclusively in a hospital setting.

Folk remedies

There are many ways to normalize heavy blood clots at home. Of course, you can resort to any of the methods only after consulting a gynecologist. The most common folk remedies that help with menorrhagia:

  • Mix valerian root, shepherd's purse and white mistletoe in equal proportions to make about a tablespoon of the mixture. Pour boiling water (0.5 liters) over the herb mix. Leave for a quarter of an hour, dilute with a liter clean water, boil. Strain the finished mixture and cool, drink ½ cup during heavy periods with clots twice a day.
  • Mix 25 grams of cinquefoil root, yarrow and shepherd's purse, 10 grams of oak bark, add just boiling water and put on fire again. Bring the broth to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew. Take 20 grams (1 tablespoon) twice a day on an empty stomach.
  • Brew approximately 5 grams of oregano with a quarter liter of boiling water. The finished composition can be added to regular tea and taken on any day of the menstrual cycle.
  • The Red Brush herb is very effective for heavy periods. To prepare the decoction, you need to take the crushed root of the plant (2 tablespoons), pour it with two glasses of water, bring to a boil and leave on the stove for half an hour. About 15 minutes before meals you need to drink half a glass of this composition, every 4 hours.

Read also 🗓 Why do you have heavy periods?

Decoctions of wild strawberries, common house nettle, and horsetail help to normalize regulation. But it is worth considering that there is no severe bleeding folk method won't be able to stop.


Obviously, a gynecologist cannot make a diagnosis of menorrhagia based only on the result of an external examination of the patient. A specialist will determine exactly why a woman has heavy periods only after detailed study anamnesis. To compile it, the doctor will need to find out whether the woman had unsuccessful pregnancies, abortions, complications during childbirth, or whether she took any medications. In addition, be sure to notify the gynecologist if there are other cycle irregularities, for example, if the cycles occur too often or, conversely, irregularly, and tell what other signs appear.

To diagnose or exclude uterine pathology, fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, which could be the cause of bleeding, a specialist conducts a detailed examination of the woman’s external and internal genital organs. Additional activities may be carried out diagnostic measures How:

  • coagulogram;
  • blood tests;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • cytological smear;
  • hormone test, etc.

Women who suffer from menstruation disorders must keep a calendar in which to note the regularity, intensity and nature of the discharge. This is necessary in order to understand in time when the help of a doctor is needed, who will conduct a detailed examination and prescribe the correct therapy.

How to treat this condition

There are two methods of treating pathological heavy menstruation - conservative and surgical. The doctor decides which one to resort to and how to treat the patient in each specific case. It all depends on what caused the bleeding, what pathologies are present besides menorrhagia. The woman’s age and general condition must be taken into account.

At conservative therapy, as a rule, are prescribed:

  • vitamins that help restore blood loss (A, E, C and B);
  • folic acid is mandatory;
  • drugs that increase hemoglobin levels, or those that contain blood components;
  • hemostatic tablets or injections (based on Dicynon, Vikasol, etc.)
  • medications that promote uterine contraction.

Quite effectively for the treatment of menorrhagia, gynecologists use intrauterine systems, which include levonogestrel. Except contraceptive action, IUD with data active substance help prevent endometrial proliferation. But this method is not suitable for everyone. The appropriateness of using a system with levonogestrel is determined by the doctor based on the results of the examination.

For any healthy woman, menstruation occurs on average every 28 days and lasts about a week. If you have heavy periods with blood clots, regardless of the reason, this is a clear signal that something is wrong with the body. So, how to stop bleeding, and when is immediate medical attention required?

In contact with

What is considered normal

Normally, menstruation occurs every time pregnancy has not occurred. Unfertilized egg comes out along with exfoliating endometrium. Normal discharge They have a red color and a characteristic iron smell.

In healthy girls and women, menarche occurs without pain. The normal duration of discharge is 2-7 days, with the first days being the most intense.

The cause of menstruation with clots without pain is considered high coagulability. Such lumps usually appear towards the end of the menstrual period, and the discharge itself becomes darker and more scanty. This should not be a concern unless accompanied by other symptoms.

Important! You should be wary when the discharge contains foreign impurities (pus and mucus), pain, or an unpleasant odor.

Any of these signs is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Causes of pathology

One of the signs of the presence of pathology of the reproductive system organs is considered painful periods with clots, their reasons are as follows:

  • constant stress;
  • acclimatization;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hematoma of the internal genital organs (possible during pregnancy);
  • injury;
  • neoplasms;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • avitaminosis;
  • abortion;
  • premenopausal period.

The most dangerous reason heavy periods with clots - these are neoplasms. IN best case scenario these are polyps or fibroids, at worst - malignant tumor. Oncology requires speedy treatment Therefore, timely detection of the disease is very important.

Heavy periods with blood clots may be a consequence surgical abortion , do not confuse them with ordinary ones.

One of the causes of the pathology may be abotr

Types of pathology

Depending on what caused the heavy bleeding, they are divided into several types:

  1. Dysfunctional. The changes are associated with hormonal changes, either after termination of pregnancy (ovulatory) or during menopause (anovulatory). Major blood loss during menopause leads to anemia.
  2. Juvenile. Characteristic for women reproductive age or with early menopause. Ovulation is absent for one reason or another, and unexpected bleeding is often sign of a tumor.
  3. Breakthrough. A side effect from taking medications, or a consequence of an incorrectly installed intrauterine device.
  4. Profuse. Outwardly, it is easy to confuse with ordinary menarche, but there is too much bleeding and it occurs regardless of the phase of the cycle.
  5. Period Bloody smear or more serious blood loss indicates the presence of pathology and the threat of miscarriage. Slight bleeding in pregnant women in the first weeks are considered the norm and pass quickly, but if this happens in the second trimester or later, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

Forty years is the milestone when a woman begins to think about her age. Menopause is already approaching and the body is gradually beginning to prepare for this period. Despite the fact that ovulation is still possible, as is the possibility of getting pregnant, the cycle is slow starts to change:

  • menstruation is more scanty;
  • menarche time is reduced;
  • cycle is irregular.

If heavy periods appear after 40 years, but examinations have not revealed any abnormalities, there is no need to worry. The amount of discharge will gradually decrease for several more years, until the work of the ovaries stops completely. This usually happens by the age of 45-50.

However, the onset of menopause does not mean that you no longer have to worry. Experts call one of the reasons for heavy periods after the age of 40 oncological diseases. Cancer is especially dangerous because for a long time does not show any symptoms. The earlier a tumor is detected, the easier it is to treat, and the recovery period is shorter. Women over 40 years old need to regularly undergo preventive examinations.

Many women think about how to stop heavy periods, especially with blood clots, if this happens after childbirth. Discharge should not last more than a week; if it lasts longer, this is a sign that the placenta remains in the uterus, or there are other pathologies. Bright scarlet blood - clearly a sign of pathology requiring urgent treatment.

Signs of pathology

A woman is not always able to independently determine that she has begun to experience heavy bleeding during menstruation, especially if this happened at the beginning. That's why worth paying attention for other signs:

  • blood loss per day is more than 80 ml;
  • menarche lasts more than 7 days;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • age before puberty;
  • menopause

If, during heavy periods with clots, blood loss occurs almost non-stop for several days in a row, you need urgently contact a specialist. You cannot self-medicate or wait for everything to go away on its own.

This situation leads to the loss of important microelements, especially iron. Therefore, if menarche with large blood loss is regular, a few days before it begins take medications, and immediately during this time, there are more products containing it.

With large blood losses, fluid is removed from the body, so it is important to monitor water balance. Dehydration negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys, heart, circulatory system, so drinking fluids regularly is a must.

If severe bleeding is unusual for a particular woman, but arose unexpectedly against the background of more scanty discharge, this is a presence signal infections or inflammations. Need to reduce physical activity, avoid unnecessary stress, including emotional ones. A visit to a gynecologist and tests are strictly required.

Diagnostic methods

To know what to do in case of heavy bleeding during menstruation, it is necessary to identify its cause. For this purpose it is used A complex approach:

  1. Anamnesis collection. At the first visit, the doctor will ask you to tell about previous cases. gynecological diseases, were there any abortions, are there any peculiarities of the menstrual cycle, etc.
  2. Visual inspection. Allows you to detect symptoms of infectious diseases and injuries to the external genitalia. When examining the uterus, the specialist may take a small amount of tissue for a biopsy.
  3. Laboratory research. For heavy periods with clots, you will need take a blood test for coagulation, hormones and tumor markers.
  4. Instrumental diagnostic methods. allows you to timely identify pathologies of the internal genital organs and make an accurate diagnosis.

If a woman is of childbearing age, you will need additional diagnostics to eliminate risk ectopic pregnancy. If a patient has heavy periods after 40 years of age and, especially, after the onset of menopause, additional examination by an oncologist will be required, since during this period the risk of malignant neoplasms increases.

Visit doctor


When the causes of heavy periods with clots are identified, you can choose the treatment that is most suitable for each specific case. Typically this is drug therapy aimed at restoration hormonal balance, as well as removal painful symptoms. Sometimes surgery is required.

Any medications, including their dosage, should be prescribed only by the attending physician based on the tests and examinations performed.

Acute pathologies and tumors require surgery, for other cases they are used medications . What you should drink during heavy periods with clots depends on the disease:

  1. In case of severe endometriosis, ingrown areas are removed using laparoscopy, in more cases simple cases without the presence of painful symptoms is prescribed hormonal drugs.
  2. Progestogen-based products are taken to prevent the growth of the endometrium. During menopause, they take hormonal medications that contain.
  3. Small fibroids are removed or treated hormonal contraceptives.
  4. Heavy periods with blood clots lead to low hemoglobin To replenish it, the patient is prescribed iron supplements. The course of treatment lasts up to 6 months, then the dose is reduced and the drugs are taken for prevention.
  5. Vitamins C and B12 can be taken to restore normal functioning of the circulatory system.

What exactly to take for treatment of heavy periods with clots, and how to reduce blood loss, only a gynecologist can tell you. Especially it concerns hormonal drugs, here you need an exact dosage, which only a specialist can calculate.

Hormonal medications are more often prescribed


People have known for a long time how to use herbs to reduce heavy periods. Recipes that have been tested for decades, or even centuries, are still preserved and can help. When consumed herbal decoctions, experts advise consulting with a specialist. Medicinal plants have their own side effects and contraindications, and some of them strong allergens. What herbs can be used:

  1. Shepherd's purse, nettle, corn silk. In addition, these same herbs relieve inflammation.

2. Kalina. Berries contain a lot of vitamins, including those that strengthen blood vessels and restore normal blood circulation.

3.Cherry. A decoction of cherry twigs has a hemostatic property, and the cherry berries themselves contain a large amount of iron.

To maintain normal hemoglobin levels you need to eat red vegetables and fruits, it is iron that gives them such color. A large number of of this element in meat, especially beef, as well as in buckwheat.

Attention! In order for iron to be better absorbed by the body, it must be consumed together with vitamin C.

But cereals and dairy products interfere with the absorption of iron in the body, so you need to eat such foods at different times.

How to stop uterine bleeding: 100% method

Not everyone knows what it means to have heavy periods. Those who are unlucky with the characteristics of the body are forced to take measures to restore hemoglobin levels and normal blood clotting. If such a symptom occurs suddenly, it is important not to delay and visit a gynecologist. Early diagnosis diseases allows you to heal and recover faster, unlike advanced cases.