Sensation of swollen uterus. The first signs of pregnancy: reliable and not so... Unusual sensations in the chest

As a rule, a woman does not feel anything in the first days of pregnancy. None visible signs no pregnancy. The fertilized egg moves towards the uterus along fallopian tube and, at the same time, shares.

At the same time, during pregnancy in the early stages, many signs that are not specific to pregnancy may be felt, which, however, appearing in combination, can, with a certain degree of certainty, indicate the beginning of fetal development.

These signs include:

  • morning sickness, vomiting, drooling, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, a strange “metallic” taste in the mouth, heartburn, constipation, intestinal disorders, bloating due to gas, a noticeable increase in abdominal circumference (the symptom itself may be associated with problems gastrointestinal tract);
  • increased appetite, increased sensitivity to smells or aversion to them, unusual eating habits (if nothing else indicates pregnancy, may be associated with metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal problems);
  • drowsiness, apathy, increased fatigue, feeling tired even in the morning, and not just in the evening or during the day, lethargy, lack of composure, mood swings, isolation, tearfulness, sometimes even aggressiveness or unusual excitability, restless sleep(without other symptoms of pregnancy may be a sign of the syndrome chronic fatigue, functional disorders nervous system, psyche, lack of vitamins, consequences serious illnesses);
  • weakness, fainting, dizziness, which usually occurs when being in a stuffy room, standing for a long time, taking hot baths in the absence of other signs of pregnancy, can be caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, vegetative-vascular dystonia, low pressure);
  • migraines, headaches;
  • worsening of hearing;
  • frequent urination(How separate manifestation frequent urge going to the toilet can be a sign of colds, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urinary system)
  • a feeling of “fullness” in the lower abdomen, heaviness in the pelvic area, stabbing, pulling, unusual sensations in this area (without other signs of pregnancy, this may be associated with gynecological problems);
  • tension, swelling, soreness, increase in the size of the mammary glands, sensitive nipples, darkening of the skin of the area around the nipple, an increase in the diameter of this area, increased sensitivity of the breast, its engorgement and the appearance of colostrum (white discharge) from the nipple when pressed (in the absence of other signs of pregnancy, it can be an indicator of problems, including oncology, breast);
  • increased for about 2 weeks to 37-37.5 ° C (even in the absence of menstruation may be due to inflammatory process in the body, including those with mononucleosis). In the case of pregnancy, the temperature is maintained until the placenta begins to function, measured in the rectum for five to seven minutes, and the thermometer is inserted into the depth of 2 cm. When measuring this temperature, a sign in the second phase is also a sharp decline temperature for one day (“implantation retraction”) occurring as a result of hormonal changes: a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone during this period, which caused an increase in basal temperature, as well as the release of the hormone tarragon, which is responsible for the decrease in temperature;
  • repeated mild “lumbago”, mild pain in the lower back, discomfort in the area of ​​the sacrum (in the absence of other pregnancy symptoms, it may be associated with spinal problems, radiculitis);
  • a feeling of heat, cold, chills, a feeling of general malaise, as if colds or light form flu;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • darkening of the skin, the appearance of age spots, including the appearance of pregnancy scars (stripes) on the face, darkening of the line on the abdomen from the navel to the groin and pubis, blue or pink lines on the abdomen and chest. They usually appear at 1-3 months of pregnancy; in its absence, it may indicate a violation hormonal balance, be consequences of a previous pregnancy;
  • slight swelling of the hands, decreased blood pressure
  • periodic tingling in the uterus, spasms of the uterus, in the lower abdomen, as during or before menstruation, but there is no menstruation;
  • appearance, increase vaginal discharge, implantation bleeding due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, appearing 6 to 12 days after conception in the form of slight bleeding, or just a few brown drops, or just a “yellowish trace” on toilet paper, which resembles the harbingers of menstruation, these phenomena can appear repeatedly;
  • internal sensations, intuition;
  • dreaming fish;
  • unusual activity in setting up your “nest” at home (wiping dust, cleaning, washing, putting things in order, etc.).

All these signs, each in itself, can be either a direct consequence of pregnancy, changes in the body, hormonal changes, or evidence of a number of diseases, and quite often, self-hypnosis.

Normally, a woman's uterus is the size of a fist, but during pregnancy it can expand to the size of a fist. soccer ball or more. However, expecting a child is not the only reason that the uterus enlarges.

An enlarged uterus may result medical conditions, which not only cause a change in the size of the organ, but also cause bleeding and painful sensations. Diseases that lead to uterine enlargement sometimes require medical intervention.

A woman may not be aware that she has an enlarged uterus. In most cases, patients learn about this problem during.

Sometimes women notice that their stomach has become too bloated and their clothes are too tight. However, as a rule, the diagnosis of an enlarged uterus comes as a surprise to them.

There are many reasons that cause uterine enlargement. An overly large uterus is more common in women during their childbearing years, but this condition can also develop.


One of the most common causes of an enlarged uterus. Fortunately, fibroids are not cancerous.

Myomas - benign tumors, which range in size from very small to very large. They appear along the walls of the uterus.

According to a study by American scientists, from 20 to 80% of cases of uterine fibroids occur in patients under 50 years of age. This condition most often occurs in women in their forties and fifties.

Fibroids can be asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms, but sometimes they cause pain and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Fibroids can also affect the rectum, which creates additional pressure in the intestines in women. If fibroids enlarge, they can cause the uterus to become larger.


A noncancerous condition that mimics the symptoms of fibroids. It is characterized by the fact that the lining layer inner surface the wall of the uterus (endometrium) enters directly into the muscular structure of the wall. During muscle tissue begin to bleed, causing pain and swelling.

Adenomyoma is an enlarged part of the uterine wall. During a gynecological examination, an adenomyoma may look like a regular fibroid. Sometimes these two formations can be confused even with ultrasound examination(ultrasound).

In some cases, adenomyosis does not cause any symptoms. In others, it leads to heavy bleeding and cramping during menstruation.

A study involving 985 women, the results of which were published in a reputable medical journal Human Reproduction showed that adenomyosis was present in 20% of volunteers.

However, each study participant visited a gynecology clinic while experiencing symptoms. This is why scientists suggest that the prevalence of adenomyosis among women exceeds 20%.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Enlargement of the uterus can cause various states, including polycystic ovary syndrome

It can also lead to an enlarged uterus. The disease is also characterized by menstrual irregularities. Polycystic ovary syndrome affects approximately one in ten women of childbearing age.

The body usually sheds the endometrial lining (endometrium) from the body during menstruation, but for some women this layer is not completely shed.

The accumulation of endometrial tissue can cause inflammation and enlargement of the uterus.

Endometrial cancer

According to the US National Cancer Institute, it is most often diagnosed in women aged 55 to 64 years. In 2017, the institution recorded 61,380 new cases of endometrial cancer in American women.

One of the symptoms of endometrial cancer is an enlarged uterus. The size of the uterus in this disease may also indicate the stage of development of malignant tumors.


That is, the period preceding menopause can also cause an enlarged uterus due to fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Fluctuating hormone levels at this stage of a woman's life can cause an enlarged uterus. In most cases, the uterus returns to its previous size after a woman reaches menopause.

Ovarian cysts

Fluid-filled sacs that appear on the surface or inside the ovaries. In the vast majority of cases, ovarian cysts do not pose a health risk.

But if it gets too large, it can cause an enlarged uterus and other, more dangerous complications.

Symptoms of an enlarged uterus

An enlarged uterus can cause various symptoms, such as weakness, cramping, constipation, pain during sex, and abnormal menstrual bleeding

In addition to the main feature, that is large sizes, an enlarged uterus can cause other symptoms. These include the following:

  • abnormalities in menstrual cycles, for example, too heavy bleeding And ;
  • anemia due to excessive menstrual bleeding;
  • general fatigue and pallor;
  • enlargement of the abdomen in the waist area associated with an enlarged uterus;
  • feeling of pressure on the uterus and nearby organs;
  • constipation;
  • leg swelling;
  • leg spasms;
  • discomfort and back pain;
  • increased frequency and urgency of urination;
  • watery discharge;
  • pain during sexual activity ().

The symptoms of an enlarged uterus largely depend on what underlying condition is causing the problem.

How is an enlarged uterus diagnosed?

Many women do not know that they have an enlarged uterus. This condition is usually discovered by doctors during a gynecological examination or ultrasound examination.

In the vast majority of cases, an enlarged uterus does not pose a threat to health and does not even require any treatment if the woman is not bothered by pain or other uncomfortable symptoms.

What complications can arise with an enlarged uterus?

Conditions underlying an enlarged uterus can lead to complications if they worsen or are left untreated.

The list of complications may include the following:

  • (complete removal uterus or parts thereof);
  • loss of fertility (infertility);
  • miscarriages or other pregnancy-related complications;
  • infections associated with inflammation of the uterus.

How to treat an enlarged uterus?

In most cases, an enlarged uterus does not require treatment, although some women may need medicines to relieve pain. And intrauterine devices containing may reduce symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding.

In particularly severe cases, a woman may require a hysterectomy.


An enlarged uterus usually does not indicate serious problems with health. Doctors can use computed tomography(CT) or ultrasound to determine the exact causes of the enlargement.

As a rule, an enlarged uterus does not require mandatory therapy, and doctors can simply monitor the patient’s condition. They may also run tests to rule out cancer uterus.

Important! It is important for a woman to undergo periodic examinations with a gynecologist, who is able to identify any problems on the early stage and prevent potential complications.

Problems on the female side arise extremely unexpectedly for most representatives of the fair sex. And in order not to become a hostage to the situation, you need to carefully listen to all the signals that the body gives.

What are the causes of uterine swelling?

It is almost impossible to determine unambiguously why the uterus swells. The reason for this may be as serious illness, and minor changes in female body:

  1. Uterine dysplasia. Dysplasia is the disordered occurrence of compacted formations in the epithelial layer. If the disease was not detected in time, the compaction begins to gradually grow, producing the effect of swelling of the uterus. Dysplasia occurs mainly in women who have given birth;
  2. Cyst. This disease is one of the most dangerous initial stages completely asymptomatic. Often it is diagnosed only when it is impossible to do without surgery. If the patient notices even slight swelling of the walls of the uterus, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor and solve the problem at minimal cost;
  3. The reason for a slight increase in the cervix may also be the period of ovulation, when the egg is ready for fertilization. This phenomenon usually occurs on days 15-28 menstrual cycle and is accompanied by several other symptoms: irritability, headache, and chest pain. Ovulation may occur intermittently, occurring every few months. While it is absent, the cervix, even during the menstrual cycle, remains in normal condition.

You can learn more about the cause of dysplasia by watching this video:

At the same time, to determine independently whether the uterus is swelling or not, a patient who does not have medical education, it will be quite difficult. Even with enlargement, the uterus will open slightly, by 5-7 mm, and it will be almost impossible for an inexperienced eye to catch such changes. At the same time, one should not forget about individual characteristics body when the cervix is ​​naturally enlarged. This phenomenon does not cause any pathology and does not lead to the development of serious diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment of “female” diseases

It is also almost impossible to independently diagnose the presence of “female” diseases to which the cervix is ​​susceptible. This should be done exclusively by a specialist, based on tests and initial examination. You should visit a gynecologist at least once a year in order to promptly identify and prevent a potential illness.

A swollen cervix can cause aching pain in the lower abdomen, worsening during sexual intercourse. The pain can be of a point nature, concentrated in one point of the abdomen, or encircle the entire surface, when it seems that the entire cervix hurts. You won’t be able to get by with traditional painkillers here, because they only remove the symptom, not the cause. Assign effective treatment Only a doctor can, and self-medication will only do harm!

A swollen cervix can also signal problems through mucous discharge. They do not have any periodicity, but indicate that there is an infection in the body.

In order to track clinical picture and even minor changes at home, patients are advised to measure daily basal temperature in the morning, without getting out of bed, when the cervix is ​​at rest. Often, an increase in temperature indicates the onset of ovulation, but it can also characterize an increase in the level of white blood cells. The presence of leukocytes is the main sign that the body is undergoing active struggle with infection.

No matter how well the symptoms of the disease have been studied, you should never try to eliminate them yourself. The payback for this can be many unwanted problems that any woman prefers not to know about.

Pregnancy for a woman is one of natural states. And yet, this greatly changes the body’s perception of not only the world around it, but also itself. Sensations are especially important early stages pregnancy. They are so diverse that it is worth knowing in advance what to expect for the expectant mother. After all, some of them will indicate that there are deviations from the norm and urgently require medical intervention.

Read in this article

When to expect the first symptoms

Whether the baby is desired or not, a woman is extremely interested in when pregnancy symptoms appear. Its countdown begins from the first day of the previous menstruation.

Conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. But you shouldn’t expect any sensations at this phase. Only particularly impressionable women talk about them, although they are associated more with impatience than with physiological changes.

The only thing that can be detected is increased vaginal discharge. This reaction of the body is due to the fact that it more actively produces mucus for the subsequent formation of a protective plug.

After another 6-10 days, the fertilized egg takes its place in the uterus. From this event, we can talk about when pregnancy symptoms begin, because some of them are already felt. For example, blood and mild abdominal pain may be mixed with mucus from the genital tract. These signs are usually scary because, according to the verbal description, they look threatening. But there is nothing to be afraid of if it does not last more than 2 days. The process of implantation of the egg into the uterine mucosa occurs with damage to blood vessels.

However, for most this event has no visible manifestations. And for them, the question of how long it takes for pregnancy symptoms to appear is still relevant. From the moment the embryo is implanted, we can say that conception has occurred. As the fetus develops, a woman's hormonal background changes, which affects her well-being. Already after two weeks you can feel your new condition.

First sensations during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, some of the first sensations that appear are:

  • soreness, unusual sensitivity of the breasts, nipples;
  • increased volume of vaginal discharge;
  • nausea;
  • heavy salivation;
  • change in reaction to food - favorite dishes become tasteless or generally disgusting, and some new ones, on the contrary, cause increased appetite;
  • heightened perception of aromas, even familiar ones cosmetical tools and the perfume smells unpleasant, there may be a rejection of the masculine smell;
  • increased weakness and fatigue, drowsiness;
  • abdominal discomfort – bloating, rumbling, soreness;
  • the skin becomes hotter to the touch, there are chills and hot flashes;
  • frequent mood changes.

Normally, not all of these manifestations may be present or other symptoms may be added to them. The beginning of pregnancy is special for every woman.

Feelings during pregnancy

Psychological state and feelings during pregnancy are associated with changes hormonal levels. Typically women note:

  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • transitions from laughter to depressed mood;
  • anxiety;
  • suspiciousness.

Depressive reactions often occur. For some women, on the contrary, the onset of pregnancy coincides with feelings of increased strength and improvement in condition.

Is it normal if I don’t feel like I’m pregnant in the early stages?

Normally, a woman in the early stages may not feel that she is pregnant. This is typical for healthy and young expectant mothers. For most, the very first sensations are very atypical, so you can find out about conception only after a delay and a test.

It’s worse if you previously had all the signs of toxicosis (malaise, nausea), swelling and pain in the mammary glands, and then they disappeared, but bloody discharge appeared. These are signs that the pregnancy has stopped developing. You need to urgently visit a gynecologist.

Sensations in the uterus during early pregnancy

Initial sensations in the uterus during early pregnancy (implantation and strengthening of the fertilized egg) may be:

  • feeling of heaviness;
  • it seems that the uterus hurts (usually the woman begins to feel it, which was not the case before);
  • with a sudden movement or turn, sharp pain occurs in the groin area, lower back or along the inner surface of the thighs;
  • there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, bloating.

In the early stages of pregnancy, not all women notice sensations in the uterus, but as pregnancy progresses, they become much more common.

Such manifestations are associated with the beginning of the growth of the uterus and a change in the load on its ligaments. Often the cause of pain is previous inflammatory diseases abdominal cavity. After them, adhesions form and as pregnancy progresses, their stretching can be sensitive.

Can your lower back hurt after conception?

The lower back after conception may hurt in those women who experience similar sensations before the onset of menstruation. Severe pain syndrome in lumbar region, fatigue from prolonged standing, sitting or walking is characteristic of late dates. In the second, and especially the third trimester, the weight of the uterus with the fetus puts a large load on this part of the spine.

What is the belly like in the early stages?

Often, the appearance of the abdomen does not change in the early stages. Less common is an increase in local temperature (hot stomach), tension, and pain. It hardens a little in the lower part when palpated, as the tone of the muscle fibers increases. Due to hormonal changes, digestion is restructured, so bloating and a feeling of twisting in the stomach are possible.

Fetus at the end of the 4th (a), 6th (b) and 9th (c) months of pregnancy


In the first 2 months, external signs of pregnancy are not noticeable. The abdomen is soft, of normal shape and size, there is no pain when pressed. Closer to 11-12 weeks you can feel upper limit uterus. It thickens and begins to feel like a woman.

Why is my belly hot?

A hot belly may be a reaction to increased levels of progesterone in the blood. Normally, skin temperature increases during pregnancy; this is not a sign of pathology. For some women, it is mainly felt in the abdominal area, but most note that the whole body has become hot.

Tense stomach

Tension of the anterior abdominal wall in the lower abdomen is characteristic of the early stages. This muscle tone protects the developing fetus in the uterus. In addition, against the background of hormonal changes, there is bloating and distension in the intestines. A reason to see a doctor appears if tension is combined with:

  • cramping pain,
  • temperature rise,
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting,
  • release of blood.

Why does it hurt

Stomach pain during early pregnancy due to the following changes:

  • increased hormone production and changes in intestinal function;
  • sprain of the uterine ligaments;
  • uterine growth;
  • attachment of the fertilized egg (sometimes accompanied by bleeding).

Normally, the pain is moderate or mild, lasting no more than a few minutes, no bloody discharge. If there is blood from the vagina and pain syndrome It is important to consult a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound.

My stomach is burning

A burning sensation (stomach burns) occurs due to physiological changes(normal), it is caused by changes associated with the attachment of the fertilized egg, stretching of the uterine cavity and its ligaments. In this case, there is usually only a slight tingling sensation and slight discomfort. These symptoms occur periodically and go away without additional treatment.

If your stomach is on fire long time, there is pain, the temperature is increased to more than 37.3 degrees, then this is a likely sign:

  • ovarian diseases,
  • herpetic infection,
  • threats of disruption.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, an examination by a gynecologist is necessary.

Does it harden?

The abdomen may become hard during pregnancy in the first months due to reflex (protective tension) of the abdominal wall. These changes are not always clearly perceptible, so both soft and hard belly do not confirm or exclude fertilization.

Twisting during pregnancy

The patient describes unpleasant sensations in the intestinal area: twisting, aching, squeezing the stomach. They are associated with the effect of progesterone on the intestinal wall. It relaxes, like the rest of the muscle fibers. Hormonal changes also lead to flatulence, constipation or unstable stool. Typically, such discomfort decreases or completely disappears from the second month of pregnancy.

Cramping pain during early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, cramping pain is dangerous; it can mean an impending or incipient miscarriage. This complication is characterized by:

  • pain above the pubis and in the lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • severe weakness.

Increased nausea and fever are also possible. If there is a threatened abortion, there is a chance to continue the pregnancy. To do this you need to call ambulance for hospitalization in gynecological department. Self-medication is not recommended.

Watch this video about what to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy and when you should see a doctor:

Can you get chills in early pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, you feel chills due to the fact that this is how the body reacts to a fetus that is half foreign to it. In addition, due to hormonal changes, body temperature rises, and this may also be accompanied by chills.

This reaction is quite natural and gradually disappears. Prolonged trembling in the body, fever with headache and nausea are signs of infection in the body. Therefore, in all doubtful cases, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Can high blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy?

For most women, hormonal changes during pregnancy cause
decrease in pressure, so its increase does not apply specific signs conception.

Any changes in blood circulation or unusual sensations cannot be unambiguously attributed only to the beginning of fetal development.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to visit a gynecologist (if there is a delay in menstruation), a cardiologist or a therapist.

On what day after conception does nausea begin?

The typical time for the onset of nausea after conception is the first days of the second month of pregnancy - 5-6 weeks. Nausea appears in the morning or worsens throughout the day. It may be associated with food or occur outside of food intake. Some women experience gagging and change taste sensations, increased secretion saliva goes away after 2-3 weeks, but often it bothers you for almost the entire pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy after conception

The surest symptom for many is the absence of menstruation on time. But this will be revealed later. Some women feel the effects of changes in their body even before their period.

Sensations in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay are weak, they can easily be confused with signs of a cold or overwork. A woman may experience:

  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • increased excitability.

Sometimes all of the above is the body’s reaction to a change in the balance of hormones. But it is worth taking into account that immunity is not active at this time. All forces are subordinated to needs reproductive system, that is, the development of pregnancy. Therefore, it is really easy to catch a cold and become overtired.

Increased symptoms

After implantation, embryonic cells begin to actively divide. The body's job is to provide safe conditions and comfort for the existence of the fertilized egg. At this time the volume increases.

The embryo also adds something new to the composition of the mother’s hormones. This is hCG, which helps the gynecologist make a diagnosis. Under no other circumstances can this hormone appear in the female body. Progesterone and hCG determine how pregnancy begins, the symptoms of which become more pronounced every day.

Symptoms of pregnancy Manifestation of symptoms in a pregnant woman


Nausea usually occurs in the morning, but can occur 2-3 times a day. It can be associated with or without food intake.

Changes in temperature inside the vagina (basal temperature)

If a woman has controlled it before, she will notice that BT is at a value just above 37 degrees. This is how the body creates conditions for the development of the embryo.

Stopping menstruation

The presence of an embryo makes it impossible and unnecessary to replace the top layer of the uterine lining with a new one.

Appearance changes

The abdomen at the first stage is not yet growing, but the skin may become covered age spots, acne, and hair becomes oilier or dry and weak.

Aversion to smells

This is not only about the smell of food, but also any other. Previously favorite or neutral aromas cause an attack of nausea or, in best case scenario, irritation.

Change in tastes in food

A woman more often craves salty foods or develops an aversion to meat. There may be a need to eat a substance that is not suitable for this purpose.

And yet, when they discuss what it feels like to be pregnant in the early stages, they mainly mean what happened in the woman’s reproductive system. The main ones are focused in her stomach.

Beginning of pregnancy and the uterus

Main body that performs work during pregnancy is the uterus. This is a long-term refuge for the embryo. The organ most clearly demonstrates all existing changes.

Sensations in the uterus in early pregnancy are noticeable from the beginning. It has already been said about what a woman can feel when an embryo is implanted in her, but that’s not all. The organ receives increased blood supply at an early stage. This makes him especially susceptible.

If in the normal state not every woman indicates where the uterus is located, during pregnancy she will easily do this. The tissues of the mucous membrane of the organ swell, which may cause a slight heaviness in the abdomen and tingling.

Normal sensations in the early stages of pregnancy do not cause unbearable discomfort, although they will intensify as pregnancy progresses. Based on the reasons that caused them, these manifestations can be divided into groups.


The feeling of tension in the stomach is familiar to many in this condition. Its cause is a spasm of the muscles of the uterus, called. When palpating the abdomen 2 months after the start of pregnancy, it is not difficult to find the upper pole of the organ. Such sensations of uterine stoneness in early pregnancy are due to progesterone deficiency.

If it is large, the child will have to be saved with the help of doctors and bed rest. But this also happens during a normal pregnancy due to physical activity and shaking in transport. If muscle spasm passes quickly, is not supplemented severe pain and discharge with blood, there is no danger in this.

Changes associated with uterine growth

Short-term painful sensations in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, which appear during increased physical activity, are localized in the groin area. Women can often feel them with a sudden change in body position, even coughing and sneezing.

In the cases described, this is a common occurrence caused by an increase in the load on the uterine ligaments. The organ is growing, and although this is not so obvious in the early stages, the pressure on its parts increases. Normally, sensations should pass soon after they occur.

The influence of the uterus on neighboring organs

The first sensations in the early stages of pregnancy may be associated, oddly enough, with bladder and intestines. An edematous uterus and enlargement certainly affect neighboring organs.

From here. The uterus is not yet large, but has an irritating effect on the walls Bladder. If a woman tries to reduce her visits to the toilet and endure it, the urge intensifies, and hypertonicity may be added to it.

Unpleasant sensations during early pregnancy are caused by the intestines. They are caused by relaxation of its muscles, like many other abdominal organs. On the one hand, this is nature’s concern for maintaining pregnancy. On the other hand, it can cause flatulence. Dilatation of blood vessels in the pelvic area, inevitable during pregnancy, often provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Beginning of pregnancy and ovaries

During pregnancy, as the uterine tissue grows, the ovaries are pulled towards the upper part of the abdominal cavity. At first, this is not yet as noticeable as as it develops. Actually, on this moment these organs have done their job, that is, they have produced healthy sex cell and their functioning is minimal.

Sensations in the ovaries in early pregnancy may not go beyond a slight tugging in this area. But the culprits are largely the uterine ligaments, which have to withstand the growing load.

Vagina during pregnancy

The vagina is the path along which the newborn will make its first movements. This is part of the reproductive system, so changes will affect it too.

Sensations in the vagina in the early stages of pregnancy are determined by an increase in the number and diameter of blood vessels in the pelvis. The embryo requires oxygen and nutrition, which reach its cells through the bloodstream. Therefore, the woman will feel fullness in the perineum area. It is caused by stretching of the capillary and venous walls, pressure of blood on them. The sensations in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy will be similar.

The vagina and before it produces mucus, which provides normal microflora organ. During pregnancy, its secretory capabilities increase. A woman notices colorless, odorless discharge. The worst they can bring is a feeling of slight discomfort. But in general this is a common occurrence.

Mammary glands at the beginning of pregnancy

Breasts are a very sensitive part of a woman’s reproductive system. Hormones have a strong influence on it. That is why the mammary glands are the first to respond to the appearance of an embryo in the body.

Nature prepares them to produce milk for the unborn baby, doing this with the help of the hormone prolactin. The glands grow in volume, so even for the first weeks, a woman should stock up on underwear a size or two larger than usual.

As a result, they also become different. She becomes more sensitive to touch, sometimes to the point of pain. The feeling of fullness is added due to the expansion of the ducts through which milk will flow to the nipples.

The skin of the breast becomes somewhat transparent, because the blood vessels are clearly visible on it. The nipples and areolas, on the contrary, become brighter in color, also becoming a little painful.

The boundaries of pregnancy manifestations and dangers for it

All processes in the early stages of pregnancy may not coincide down to the details. different women. Moreover, the bearing of the first and second child of the same mother is not the same. It is not always possible to distinguish between ordinary manifestations of the condition and in which cases there is a danger to the fetus. AND Still, there are criteria by which one can suspect something is wrong: Stages of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy

  • Sharp, throbbing pain has been noticed during early pregnancy. Accompanied, they can mean. With this development of events, the fetus cannot be saved, but urgent Care still necessary.
  • If the pain is localized in the lateral quadrant of the abdomen and does not disappear, there is a possibility that pregnancy is developing not in the uterus, but in the tube or abdominal cavity. This condition also requires urgent intervention. If help arrives early, the chance that the next pregnancy will be successful will remain.
  • If tests indicate that there is a fetus, but the woman does not have any sensations in the early stages of pregnancy. This happens when the embryo stops developing. A frozen fetus means the cessation of cell division and the return of hormonal levels to their previous state. Hence the absence of all its manifestations mentioned.
  • A frozen pregnancy sometimes ends with spontaneous rejection of the fetus, but in frequent cases, medical intervention is required.

Watch the video about early pregnancy and characteristic manifestations:

What if there are two of them?

Some women feel great even while expecting a baby: they hardly feel sick, the discomfort that cannot be avoided is minimal. But this situation practically does not happen if twins are expected (sensations in the early stages of pregnancy can make this felt earlier than an ultrasound).

The load that the female body bears in this case increases. As can be immediately seen from the hCG study, it will be twice as much. And the volume of progesterone, which ensures pregnancy, which is also the cause of not the most pleasant manifestations, is higher. That's why:

  • can be very pronounced;
  • soreness of the mammary glands is more noticeable;
  • weakness is more pronounced due to the double need for iron;
  • the belly becomes larger by the 11th week due to the rapidly growing uterus, and accordingly, all associated inconveniences in the form of hourly trips to the toilet and constipation become more acute;
  • abdominal pain can also be more noticeable due to the increased load on the ligaments, which increases the risk of uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage.

Feelings in the early stages of a problem-free pregnancy can be different. Sometimes they are very difficult to endure, but many women have gone through this, which means that anyone can do it. It is important not to confuse normality and pathology, and this can be avoided if you regularly visit a doctor, listen to your body and trust both of them.

Useful video

Watch this video about the sensations during pregnancy:

Dear Alexander!

Often, at an appointment with a gynecologist, women hear the question: “Are you pregnant?” The thing is that the bimanual method of examination on a gynecological chair gives only an approximate idea of ​​the condition of the internal genital organs in comparison, for example, with ultrasound diagnostics. Judging by the timing you describe, your girlfriend should be getting her period soon. If this is so, then a slight increase in the uterus in this phase of the cycle is natural.

Uterus before menstruation

Before menstruation, the uterus always increases slightly in size, as well as in the early stages of pregnancy, so even the most experienced gynecologist can find it difficult to determine the cause of the swelling of the organ. Another thing is the presence of sizes or shapes that are uncharacteristic for this period. For example, with fibroids, the uterus may have a distorted shape. An enlarged uterus and the presence of lumps may also be associated with adenomyosis.

In any case, if the doctor has doubts as to whether the enlargement of the uterus is associated with the approaching menstruation or with the onset of pregnancy, an examination of the cervix will help determine the situation. Before menstruation, it softens and opens slightly. During pregnancy, on the contrary, it is tightly closed and acquires a bluish tint.

Women also note that before the approaching menstruation, their stomach swells. This is due to the increased production of progesterone, which is natural for this phase of the cycle, which relaxes the smooth muscles, making the uterus swollen and soft. Under the influence of hormones, women also experience fluid retention before menstruation, which causes external and internal swelling.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Due to the fact that in this cycle you had one protected sexual intercourse, the likelihood of an accidental pregnancy is practically reduced to zero. To dispel your doubts, already 1 - 2 days before the expected menstruation, your girlfriend can take a blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG) in any laboratory. A result above 15 mU/ml indicates pregnancy.

Your girlfriend can also wait until her menstrual cycle ends and take a home pregnancy test if her period is late. To do this, she needs to purchase test strips at the pharmacy and, following the instructions, collect a morning urine sample and conduct testing. Home tests have high sensitivity and show the presence of pregnancy already on the first day of missed menstruation. Although false positive or false negative results due to kidney disease or improper testing cannot be ruled out, test strips are more than 99% accurate.

It makes no sense to look for a fertilized egg using an ultrasound sensor now, because even if by some miracle your girlfriend becomes pregnant, the duration of her pregnancy is so short that it is hardly possible to detect a fertilized egg. Most likely, you have no reason to panic, and the gynecologist could mistake the natural swelling of the uterus in the last week of the cycle for pregnancy.

Best regards, Ksenia.