Features of the quartz lamp “Sun. Ultraviolet lamp for the throat and nose Ultraviolet lamp for the throat and nose

Physiotherapeutic methods have been and remain in demand in the treatment of many diseases.

EF therapy is one of the methods of physiotherapy that destroys toxins and viruses. Widely used in the prevention of viral and colds.

Ultraviolet short waves have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Their effect is aimed at the destruction of protein molecules and the formation of bioradicals.

This is very effective method, for the death of pathogenic microorganisms, only a few minutes of irradiation of the pharynx and nasopharynx are sufficient.

In addition, blood circulation is restored in the irradiated area, which allows for intensive restoration of lost functions.

In order to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the method, let’s consider what CUF physiotherapy is.

Mechanism of action

KUF was originally invented for the treatment skin diseases fungal or bacterial etiology, as well as ulcers.

However, over time, the therapy began to be used more widely, since the spectrum of UV action is quite wide.

Short-wave ultraviolet rays have bactericidal, mycocidal and antiviral effects.

Initially, they are absorbed by DNA molecules, then nucleic acids and proteins.

The ability of cells to regenerate DNA is lost, and as a result, pathogens die. Transcription is also disrupted under the influence of UV rays.

At the very beginning of the process, short-wave rays cause a spasm of the capillaries. Subcapillary veins dilate.

A couple of hours after the procedure, a reddish erythema appears on the irradiated area of ​​the body, which disappears after 2-3 days.

Penetration of rays deep into the skin does not exceed 1 mm. KUF therapy does not have a thermal effect on the body.

How is the procedure performed?

A special KUF apparatus is used for the procedure. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the technique FUF therapy may be slightly different:

Shortwave radiation into the nose

The patient takes a sitting position and tilts his head back slightly. Then the emitter is inserted into each nostril in turn.

For this purpose, special attachments are used that do not cause discomfort during the procedure.

Shortwave radiation from the throat

The patient remains in the same position. In the case of the throat, a mirror is used for irradiation, which reflects the rays on both sides.

At the same time, the tongue protrudes, which is not very pleasant for the patient, however, the procedure takes several minutes.

In case of an acute process, 1 biodose is initially prescribed, gradually increasing to 3. The procedure can last from 15 to 30 minutes, it all depends on the degree and severity of the pathology. After a month, if there is such a need, the course of treatment can be carried out again.

Indications for CUF therapy

KUF therapy has wide range applications. Since the method has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and bactericidal effect, it is used not only in otolaryngology, but also in other medical fields.

There are many indications for the procedure, the main ones being:

  • herpes, trophic ulcers;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the inner ear;
  • wounds with a risk of developing anaerobic infection;
  • angina;
  • weakened immunity, the body’s inability to resist infections and viruses;
  • acute inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • skin diseases;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis and adenoids.

Review of the device for CUF therapy Solnyshko OUFK-1

The ultraviolet irradiator OUFK-1 Solnyshko is used for therapeutic irradiation of patients. This can happen like in medicinal purposes, and in preventive ones.

The power consumed by the device from the network does not exceed 30 W.

OUFK-1 is very easy to use and can operate in cyclic mode 8 hours a day.

The use of the device is indicated for:

  1. body resistance to various types viruses and infections;
  2. prevention and treatment of rickets in children;
  3. eliminating inflammation in organs;
  4. with mild chronic diseases;
  5. compensation for the lack of ultraviolet rays (indicated for patients whose work requires the absence of sunlight);
  6. treatment of atonic dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

The KUF Solnyshko device is also used for the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs in women (acute and chronic);
  • trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, boils;
  • neurology and neuropathy.

Contraindications to the use of CUF therapy

EF therapy is contraindicated in the presence of the following disorders:

If during the procedure the patient experiences symptoms such as weakness or pain, you must immediately tell the doctor about this and stop the procedure.


Medicine is developing very quickly. However, despite new and improved treatment methods, physiotherapy does not lose its relevance.

Short-wave ultraviolet rays remain consistently popular in the treatment of ENT diseases.

The possibility of localized effects on pathological tissues makes CUV therapy effective and in demand.

Thanks to its antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, the KUF method is successfully used in almost all branches of medicine.

Video: Device for CUF therapy Solnyshko OUFK-1

OUFK 01 "Solnyshko", reviews of which characterize it as a high-quality and effective device, has an official Certificate of Conformity and Registration certificate FS for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development Russian Federation. It is used to treat many diseases, primarily providing a general healing effect and strengthening the body’s immune system. Another purpose of the device is the sanitation of residential and non-residential premises. That is why the quartz lamp “Sun” can be useful to everyone.

Benefits of ultraviolet radiation

If you want to seasonal increase immunity, then as preventive and safe means Quartz exposure procedures will be ideal, and a quartz lamp will help you carry them out yourself, the instructions for use of which are quite accessible to everyone. After just a few sessions, you can feel a surge of strength even in the dull and damp autumn-winter season thanks to the beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation.

A UV quartz lamp showed excellent results after a treatment course for patients with problematic hair and various diseases skin. A special and fairly rapid effect was observed with increased activity sebaceous glands, oily skin with formation acne. In addition, with the help of ultraviolet light you can forget about freckles and make them almost invisible dark spots.

The usual duration of one irradiation procedure is 5 minutes, and you should start from 1 minute, for which the OUFK 01 "Solnyshko" quartz lamp is ideal. Reviews from patients who have undergone ultraviolet treatment are extremely positive. The main thing is a preliminary consultation with a specialist, and you also need to know that such measures are contraindicated for particularly sensitive and dry skin.

Age restrictions on the use of the Sun lamp

Due to its soft effect, the quartz lamp "Sun" is indicated for use in the treatment of children of different ages starting from infants (OUFK 01 lamp). In principle, it can also be used by adult patients, increasing the duration of the session by 2 times.

Technical characteristics of the device OUFK 01 "Solnyshko"

A compact quartz lamp, the price of which is about two thousand rubles, is very convenient to use, has small dimensions and a weight of 1 kg, and is equipped with thick sunglasses and various plastic attachments. This is a stable device with a metal body, the irradiator power of which is only 7 W. This is why the lamp can be used for small children. It comes into working order immediately and functions under any conditions.

OUFK 01 "Solnyshko" is characterized by low electricity consumption and excellent performance, allowing quartzing of areas up to 10-12 m2 in 20 minutes. The warranty period for the treatment and prophylactic device is 12 months. And you can even buy it by phone, ordering targeted delivery in any Russian region.

Quartz lamps for disinfection premises

There is another area of ​​application for the device. The germicidal ultraviolet quartz lamp for the home is specially designed for periodic irradiation sessions to which not only people are exposed, but also the surrounding airspace in residential or non-residential premises, as well as various surfaces. Manipulations are carried out with the aim of eliminating inflammatory foci in the body and disinfecting rooms from harmful microorganisms and infections.

Quartz lamps for disinfection are especially practiced in places where newborns and small children are often present, be it a children's bedroom in your home or a pediatrician's office in a clinic.

Quartz lamp for everyone

If you are not sure that an ultra-modern preventive and therapeutic device can be useful to you at home, then you can cast aside all doubts: a quartz lamp for the home is an excellent remedy that relieves acute inflammatory processes and pain syndrome; prevents some diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems of the body. Used against viral and many other common diseases.

Quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun", reviews of which are favorable due to its positive effects, replenishes vitamin D in the body, especially in winter time when its deficiency is acute. Accelerates metabolic processes, increases the immune response and improves blood circulation, which is essential for general strengthening body for any health problems that arise.

Medical indications for the use of the Sun lamp No. 1

In addition to the fact that quartz disinfects rooms, improves resistance immune system pathogenic microorganisms, possibly self-treatment home and other ailments. These include infections, joints, hair and even the problem of baldness.

A quartz lamp, according to its principle of influence, can be infrared, ultraviolet, mercury-quartz, bactericidal, etc. A low-power lamp for conducting therapeutic sessions and preventive procedures for children under 3 years of age is the quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun". Reviews from parents indicate excellent treatment results and the absolute safety of the device for children. However, before carrying out the quartz treatment procedure, you should definitely consult with an experienced doctor.

The list of diseases that a quartz lamp treats (its price is fully justified by a large list medical indications), includes:

Contraindications for use

Despite the relative safety of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the body small child, there are a number of contraindications to conducting treatment sessions with a quartz lamp. Namely:

  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Tendency to bleeding and blood diseases.
  • Stomach ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage.
  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries and vessels of the head.
  • Increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, etc.

To avoid negative consequences If one of the listed diagnoses is present, it is necessary to mandatory visit a doctor and get qualified advice.

Advantages of the quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun"

The described quartz lamps for disinfection have undoubted advantages over other similar devices. Firstly, they can easily be used independently at home for numerous medical indications. Secondly, the generated radiation has a unique effect that destroys bacteria and can be used to disinfect residential and non-residential premises.

Also, after a course of procedures with a quartz lamp, a small amount of which is similar to the sun's rays, the body's immunity and resistance to infections are strengthened.

OUFK 01 "Sun" is convenient due to its compactness and mobility; Moreover, it can be easily installed in the position required for manipulation. The special tubes included in the package are made with holes of various diameters, which facilitates ENT procedures for colds, runny nose or flu. The reliability of the device is confirmed by a certificate and a one-year warranty for use.

Other models of quartz lamp "Sun"

Besides the first model quartz lamp"Sun" for children under 3 years old, and subsequent ones have been produced. Thus, model “Sun” No. 2 has a higher power quartz lamp, which makes possible to carry out sessions for adults, and also increases the device.

With the help of the miniature solarium "Sun" No. 3 you can get a full, uniform tan right at home. This quartz device is intended to be used by people who lack beneficial sunlight. The range of work is completely safe for health and increases the body's immunity.

Quartz lamp "Sun" No. 4 is designed for use in rooms up to 60 m2. It is used for sanitary quartz treatment of rooms and objects in them, but the kit also includes tubes for ENT procedures. Most often it is installed in specialized medical institutions where special sterility conditions are required. Thanks to the ultraviolet spectrum, quartz lamp No. 4 is capable of destroying even dangerous complications influenza viruses.

Thus, the quartz lamp “Sun” in all its modifications is designed to serve for bactericidal treatment of any premises and care for the health of children and adults. It is quite simple to purchase a device, but the main thing is to use it only after consulting a doctor and strictly following the instructions.

Quartzization is the process of exposing objects, airspace, premises, medical instruments, and certain areas of the human body to ultraviolet radiation for bactericidal purposes.

Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic waves with a wavelength range from 180 to 400 nm, which significantly distinguishes the method from other methods of exposure to an electromagnetic field, in particular, from ultra-high exposure using UHF. Depending on the biological effect provided, three wavelength ranges are distinguished:

  • Long wave radiation.
  • Medium wave.
  • Shortwave.

The main mechanism of action of ultraviolet radiation on the body is realized through the ability of biological tissues to selectively absorb light radiation, as a result of which the molecules that make up DNA and RNA are able to transform into a different state, which leads to the release of biological active substances affecting the implementation humoral regulation, activation of neuro-reflex connections, chains of immune interactions.

Therapeutic effects

The depth of penetration and impact on sensitive tissues and the development of the therapeutic desired result depend on the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation:

  • The main effect that develops in response to light exposure is the appearance of ultraviolet erythema. Medium wave radiation with a wavelength of up to 295 nm has an erythematous effect. This effect on tissue has regenerative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, trophism-improving, and desensitizing properties.
  • Everyone knows the antirachitic effect of ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin D is formed under the influence of ultraviolet light.
  • The bactericidal effect of radiation manifests itself either through direct action on a microorganism, leading to the destruction (denaturation) of protein molecules inside the pathogenic agent, or indirectly through stimulation immune reaction body.
  • Under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, metabolic processes in the body, calcium and phosphorus metabolism are normalized.
  • Under the influence of the specified spectrum electromagnetic radiation there is regulation of vegetative activity nervous system, vascular tone, work of the pituitary-hypothalamic system, endocrine glands.

Due to the versatility of its possible effects on the body, ultraviolet irradiation is widely used for the treatment and prevention of various pathological conditions and diseases.

The use of different radiation ranges has clear indications and contraindications.

For the treatment of diseases of the nose and throat, for rhinitis and colds, short-wave radiation is often used.


There are quite a lot of modifications of special equipment, ultraviolet lamps, designed to quartz rooms, disinfect air, and perform therapeutic and preventive tasks.

Methods of UV exposure can be imagined:

  • General effect on the body.
  • Local therapeutic effect.
  • Impact inside the cavities - on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, nasopharynx, sinuses, pelvic cavity in women.
  • Exposure for the purpose of disinfection in premises, for processing medical instruments.

Indications for local impact, which is especially widely used in pediatric practice and in the treatment of ENT diseases in adult patients, are:

  • Angina. It is used at the very beginning of the disease at the stage of catarrhal changes in the tonsils, when there are no purulent-necrotic deposits on the tonsils and there is no temperature. In this clinical situation, the procedure can stop further progression pathological changes. Or at the recovery stage, when ultraviolet exposure helps to reduce rehabilitation period, participates in tissue regeneration and repair.
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis without purulent discharge V early period or during the recovery period, accelerating regeneration processes.
  • Runny nose of various etiologies at any stage of the disease. In this case, it is especially important to note the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation. Promotes a speedy cure and restoration of the normal structure of the nasal mucosa.
  • Signs of external, otitis media without purulent manifestations. The technique helps not only to cope with inflammation and infection, but also to reduce pain.
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis. Justified use for the treatment of acute and chronic form diseases.
  • Treatment of peritonsillar abscesses and other complications of acute viral and bacterial diseases.
  • The use of ultraviolet radiation for prophylactic purposes during the seasonal rise in infectious diseases is justified, especially in patients at risk: with weakened immunity, frequently ill people, children.

For the best therapeutic effect, radiation doses, application regimen, duration must be selected taking into account individual characteristics patient.

Every disease pathological condition has a certain mode of exposure, duration of the procedure, frequency and duration of recommended physiotherapeutic treatment.


  • In the presence of an oncological process.
  • During the acute phase of the inflammatory process, in the presence of a purulent substrate at the site of inflammation.
  • In patients who are ill various forms tuberculosis.
  • In patients with diseases or conditions accompanied by hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, suffering from photodermatitis.
  • Patients in acute period after myocardial and cerebral infarction.

The attending physician should prescribe the procedure, taking into account the patient’s condition and severe concomitant pathology!

Technical equipment

Today, perhaps, all outpatient and inpatient medical institutions are equipped necessary equipment for local ultraviolet exposure.

A special device has been developed for treatment and performing procedures at home, which certainly seems convenient.

Any device, regardless of whether it is stationary or portable, has fundamentally similar technical equipment: in addition to the necessary irradiator device in which an ultraviolet spectrum beam is generated, there is a set of attachments designed for a specific field of influence. The kit also includes goggles to protect your eyes from ultraviolet light during the procedure.

Device for home use

The most popular device is the “Sun” for treating the throat and nose at home, or the ultraviolet irradiator UOFK-01. The equipment set includes:

  • The irradiator itself, whose weight does not exceed 1 kg.
  • A set of attachments for quartzing the nose and throat.
  • Eye protection.
  • Detailed instructions indicating dosage regimens, duration of therapeutic effects for various diseases.
  • Biological dosimeter necessary for individual calculation of radiation biodose.

The “Sun” ultraviolet lamp allows you to use it for:

  • Carrying out the procedure of quartzing the nose and throat for colds.
  • Quartzize small rooms.
  • Use for the treatment of superficial skin diseases if there are indications for the use of a UV lamp.
  • Used to prevent disorders metabolic processes caused by a lack of sunlight.

Restricted use, except general contraindications for the procedure, is childhood up to three years.

Features of use for various conditions

Let's look at some specific questions about how a UV lamp is used for the most common pathological conditions:

  • Flu, acute respiratory infections. It can be used not only for treatment in the early stages, but also during the rehabilitation period, as well as for the prevention of diseases. The facial part is irradiated using a special attachment. back wall pharynx, nasal cavity. The initial duration of the procedure is 1 minute, with a gradual increase to 3 minutes. The duration of the course is 10 days.
  • Spicy, chronic rhinitis. For the treatment of a runny nose, a good therapeutic effect is obtained from ultraviolet irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet at a distance of about 10 cm, lasting up to 15 minutes for 4–5 days. The procedure using a nozzle is carried out after the acute phenomena have subsided. The noses of small children must first be cleaned of crusts. Therapy begins with one minute, gradually increasing the exposure to three minutes. Course duration is 5–6 days.
  • Acute pharyngitis, laryngitis. Therapeutic effect achieved by influencing the remote control on the front surface chest And back surface neck, duration up to 10 minutes for 3–4 days. Quartzing of the throat using a special nozzle is carried out starting from one minute, increasing the exposure to 2-3 minutes, the course of treatment is 6-7 days.

Instructions for use

Irradiator sun ultraviolet quartz ufk-01 instructions for use


Ultraviolet quartz irradiator for local irradiation OUFk-01 “Sun”;

UV protective glasses;

Nozzle with outlet diameter 5 mm;

Nozzle with outlet diameter 15 mm;

Nozzle with outlet at an angle of 60°;



Instructions for use;


Ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 “Sun” is intended for therapeutic and preventive irradiation of patients in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries, as well as at home.

Suitable for adults and children from 3 years old.


Power consumption from the mains power supply is no more than 30 W.

The time to establish the operating mode of the product does not exceed 5 minutes from the moment the irradiator lamp lights up.

The product provides operation for 8 hours a day in a cyclic mode - 10 min work - 15 min break.

Overall dimensions of the OUFK-01 irradiator are no more than 275x145x140 mm;

Set weight no more than: 1 kg

In terms of electrical safety, the irradiator belongs to protection class II type BF GOST R 50267.0-92.

Supply voltage (220 ± 22) V, (50 ± 0.5) Hz.

Type of built-in lamp: DKBU-7 (you can replace the lamps yourself at home) with an ultraviolet wavelength of 253.7 nm

Indications for use

Local (local) UV irradiation of the skin is indicated:

Bronchial asthma,

Chronic bronchitis, prolonged course,

Acute and chronic neuralgia and neuropathy of peripheral nerves;

Arthrosis deformans, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,

Traumatic injuries to the skin and musculoskeletal system (bone fractures),

Purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, inflammatory infiltrates, boils, carbuncles,

Acute and chronic erysipelas,

Herpes zoster (herpes, zoster).

Intracavitary ultraviolet radiation:

Periodontitis, periodontal disease, ginginitis,

Chronic tonsillitis,

Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis,

Acute rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis,

Acute respiratory disease,

Acute and chronic inflammation of the external and middle ear.

Ultraviolet quartz irradiator OUFK-01 “Sun” is intended for therapeutic and preventive irradiation of patients in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, dispensaries, as well as at home. Suitable for adults and children from 3 years old.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Warranty: 12 months


Indications for use

General ultraviolet irradiation shown for:

Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;

Treatments inflammatory diseases internal organs(especially respiratory system), peripheral nervous system;

Normalization immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;

To normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improve reparative processes for bone fractures;

Treatments for common pyoderma pustular diseases skin and subcutaneous tissue;

Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) deficiency for persons with professional activity associated with conditions of lack of sunlight: submariners, miners, during the polar night;

Prevalence of furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin;

Common psoriasis, winter form


malignant neoplasms at any period of the course of the disease, incl. after radical operations;

Systemic connective tissue diseases;

Active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;


Feverish conditions;

Tendency to bleed;

Circulatory insufficiency of II and III degrees;

Stage III arterial hypertension;

Severe atherosclerosis;

Myocardial infarction (first 2-3 weeks);

Acute cerebrovascular accident;

Diseases of the kidneys and liver with insufficiency of their function;

Peptic ulcer during exacerbation;

Chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis with signs of process activity;


Increased sensitivity to UV rays, photodermatoses.

Mode of application


To carry out the event, the front shutter of the quartz generator is opened, the device is connected to the network and operates in the room for about 30 minutes (area from 15 to 30 square meters), while there should be no people or pets in the room.

This procedure allows you to cleanse the air of germs and bacteria, as well as get a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Children's toys are sanitized in the same way. bed sheets, personal hygiene items, especially those belonging to patients with viral infections.

Attention! Switching the device on and off should be done wearing light-protective glasses.

Treatment and prevention of pathologies of the nasopharynx and respiratory organs, including otitis media, colds, rhinitis, symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, etc. By affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, UV leads to a decrease inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract and nose, relieving swelling and pain.

Certain quartzing techniques are used:

Local irradiation of damaged skin,

Irradiation of the nasal mucosa, oral cavity, ears (external ear canal), vagina,

General irradiation for rickets, fractures, skin pathologies.

The doctor must choose the method.

Ultraviolet is wonderful natural remedy to strengthen the immune system and fight harmful viruses and other microorganisms. However, what should those who live in regions rarely visited by the sun, or who simply get sick often in the winter, do? The answer is simple: have your own “Sun” at home. We are, of course, talking about a quartz lamp with that name, which has proven itself to be a healing and prophylactic.

The device is used for treatment large quantity diseases, providing a healing and restorative effect. Its second purpose is disinfection of premises. Such versatility has made a quartz lamp for the home a desirable purchase in every family.

The device has small dimensions, which makes the equipment mobile. The metal case provides additional protection from excess quartz exposure. In addition, the kit necessarily includes safety glasses and various plastic attachments. The latter have holes with different diameters, which will facilitate ENT procedures, which are indicated for a runny nose, cold or flu in people of different ages.

The only disadvantage of all such models is no auto shutdown. That is why, along with the device, you will have to purchase a special timer or set such settings on your smartphone.

The operating power of a simple device is only 7 W (this is why the device is recommended for use even for children infancy). Other advantages include:

  • low energy consumption;
  • excellent performance;
  • large coverage of areas for the procedure (up to 12 square meters).

The manufacturer establishes a sufficient warranty period - at least a year, which also indicates a responsible approach to the production of equipment.

Procedures using this device can be carried out independently, and the effect will be felt after just a few sessions. This becomes especially noticeable during the off-season. However, before starting use you should consult a doctor, which will eliminate any contraindications to the use of the device.

When you can and cannot use a lamp

The device is used locally, putting specially designed attachments on it. A quartz lamp called “Sun” has certain indications for local use.

Among them:

  • respiratory diseases (protracted bronchitis that has become chronic);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • traumatic injuries to the skin and bones (for example, fractures);
  • purulent wounds and ulcers of a trophic nature (this also includes boils and carbuncles);
  • erysipelas;
  • herpes zoster;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs.

For example, with regard to the fight against increased activity of the sebaceous glands and oily skin, then the “Sun” quartz lamp will also help here. The ultraviolet radiation it emits will make it invisible freckles and age spots. The sessions begin from 1 minute and last up to 5 minutes - this is enough for one procedure. The instructions will tell you more specific periods of exposure to each organ.

There are certain moments when intracavitary ultraviolet irradiation is justified:

There are also taboos. Unconditional contraindications include:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • feverish condition;
  • constant bleeding;
  • atherosclerosis of varying degrees;
  • cardiovascular diseases (including myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents);
  • peptic ulcer;
  • chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance to ultraviolet radiation (photodermatosis).

Another area of ​​application of the device is the treatment of the surrounding space - such sessions should also be carried out at certain intervals. Such manipulations will kill harmful microorganisms and infections on the surfaces being treated. This is especially true if the family has a newborn (or simply often sick) child, old man and during the off-season.

Various models

The production name of the device is OUFK quartz lamp. For correct selection To find the optimal model for yourself, you need to know that there are 4 of them in total, each of which is assigned its own number. Labeling affects the capabilities of the device.

  1. The first option (01) has the lowest power. This makes it possible to carry out procedures with children under three years old.
  2. The next model 02 already has more power - this makes it possible to carry out sessions adults and increases the service life of the device.
  3. Using the third model (OUFK 03), you can even get an even tan without leaving your home. It is assumed that such a quartz device will be used by people living in areas where sunlight is scarce. Despite claims about tanning, the device is safe to use and can improve immunity.
  4. The latest development is the No. 4 quartz lamp, which is more bactericidal irradiator and can be used in rooms up to 60 square meters. But in addition to its sanitary purpose, it can also be used for ENT procedures. The spectrum of influence helps to destroy even dangerous modifications of the influenza virus. This device is most often used where special sterility conditions are required.

Whatever kind of “Sun” you decide to purchase for your own apartments, it will serve to strengthen the health of children and adults and help resist cold attacks on the body in the off-season.