Why do they drink Borjomi? Positive qualities of Borjomi: the benefits and effects of mineral water. Indications for use of Borjomi and harm from drinking liquid

Mineral water has always been considered a source of health and longevity. But uncontrolled use of waters with minerals can lead to negative consequences. So, people often buy advertised Borjomi, hoping for miraculous healing or simply using it to quench your thirst. Why is Borjomi mineral water so beneficial?

Beneficial, medicinal properties and indications for use of Borjomi

The popularity of Borjomi is due not only to advertising, but also to its unique opportunity treat many diseases:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • frequent constipation or indigestion;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • for maintenance therapy in the treatment of biliary tract;
  • liver diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • heartburn and pain;
  • acne treatment, used as lotion;
  • urinary problems and inflammatory processes in the ureter;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • to cleanse the body of toxins;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • with severe loss of moisture, which requires restoration of the water-salt balance;
  • to eliminate the feeling of heaviness after a hearty snack or late dinner.

Chemical composition of Borjomi

How to use it for weight loss

Borjomi can be used as a remedy that can help get rid of excess weight.Forbidden drink mineral water every day and in large quantities. To help your body remove harmful substances and start the process of active energy exchange, just drink one glass of Borjomi after dinner or before breakfast. It is not recommended to continue this therapy for more than one month.

Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

IN healthy eating Borjomi does not apply. This mineral water is classified as a medicinal water and can only be used in the presence of specific diseases. If the body is healthy, you can drink mineral water only if there is excessive loss of moisture. At the same time get carried away mineral water not worth it. It must be alternated with regular drinking water, or tea, fruit juice, and compote.

To cleanse the body of toxins, you need to drink water. half an hour before meals. In this case, it is advisable to heat Borjomi in a water bath and drink it in small sips.

IN therapeutic nutrition Borjomi is used in specific dosages prescribed by the attending physician. Failure to comply with them can disrupt the water-salt balance of the body, as well as provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to choose a good product

To choose good mineral water, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • buy water only in large stores or pharmacies, this will protect you from buying counterfeits;
  • be sure to look at the date of manufacture;
  • the water must be clean without large quantity impurities;
  • since Borjomi contains minerals, it is allowed a small amount of slightly white sediment;
  • There should be no unpleasant odor when opening the bottle.

How to drink Borjomi correctly for medicinal purposes

When treating diseases associated with indigestion, constipation and diarrhea, drink:

  • children - no more than 4 ml per 1 kg of body three times a day;
  • adults – 150 ml three times a day.

At colds The dosage for children is the same; adult patients drink 100 ml of Borjomi before main meals. In this case, the water must be heated by steam until 37°C.

How much Borjomi can you drink per day?

If the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract is low, you should drink 150 ml of mineral water once a day. In this case, it is better for children to use more traditional treatment.

In other cases, it is enough to use 100-150 ml mineral water 2-3 times per day. Children's dosages should not exceed 4 ml per 1 kg body. If the child has not yet reached 3 years of age, it is better to limit Borjomi to one dose or use medically treatment.

Product storage features

Medicinal table mineral water must be stored in a well-ventilated, dark room without excess moisture. Be sure to place the bottles on their sides. It is believed that this is the most best option storage Borjomi. After opening, mineral water must be drunk within 3-5 days.

Harm and contraindications

It has already been said that the product should be used only with the permission of a doctor and if there are specific problems. If you drink Borjomi uncontrollably, you may encounter the following problems:
  • increased alkalinity;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe swelling of the arms, legs and face;
  • exacerbation of existing diseases.

Contraindications to the use of Borjomi are:

  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • chronic dysentery;
  • the presence of worms;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • heart disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Children are given water in strictly individual dosages. Self-medication in childhood forbidden.

As you can see, Borjomi can become the remedy that will help restore health and well-being. The main thing is to follow the advice of your doctor and not change the dosage in the desire to get back to normal faster.

If you already have experience drinking this mineral water, be sure to share your experience. It is important for other people to know whether you have had side effects and what results you were able to achieve.

Stone baths that were discovered in the vicinity of the resort indicate the use of mineral water for bathing more than a thousand years ago. Borjomi mineral water is famous for its beneficial qualities when taken orally. It has a wide range useful qualities, which made it one of the most popular waters on the planet.

As a result of the influence of the unique climate and complex volcanic processes, the composition of the water has unique properties. The benefits and harms of Borjomi have already been sufficiently studied and it is probably not possible to fit everything into one article.


The water is highly concentrated, mineralization ranges from 5 to 7.5 grams per liter. The chemical composition of Borjomi is rich in bicarbonates, sulfates, calcium hexacyanoferrate, magnesium hydroxide. It is also filled maximum number nutrients, including:

  • Potassium, calcium, magnesium.
  • Silicon and sodium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Sulfur, aluminum, titanium.
  • Boron, fluorine, strontium.

The composition of Borjomi mineral water has a positive effect on human body in general and on its individual systems. Thus, it is recommended to use water at the most various diseases such as pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, ulcers. The calorie content of the product is zero.

Positive and healing qualities

In the process of delivering water to the surface, its chemical composition is naturally enriched with all possible useful minerals Caucasus mountains. A number of useful qualities are explained precisely by these processes. The Caucasian remedy is recommended for the following diseases:

  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Urethritis, cystitis.
  • Gallbladder diseases.
  • Obesity and excess weight.
  • Diseases in the respiratory tract.
  • Nervous system problems.
  • Cholecystitis.

The drink has a unique beneficial property of cleansing the body of toxins, stabilizing water balance. It is often used as a remedy for hangover syndrome. For preventive purposes, use is necessary to improve the functioning of the pancreas, stimulate the production of insulin in the body, after heavy physical or mental stress.

Healing therapy

The drink has something special beneficial influence, she copes well with toxicosis and nausea. Such wide range application is present due to the fact that the components of water have different effects on different states patients. For food intoxication and constipation, the drink is one of the most effective remedies.

Mineral water is saturated with salts; the body needs a lot of energy to process them: they have an antispasmodic effect. For children there are some restrictions; for infants this is no more than 25 milliliters (calculation of 4 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight). This drink is used 3 times a day.

  • For the prevention and treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract drink 100 milliliters half an hour before meals.
  • At high body temperatures, drink according to the same scheme, but first warm it up to 35-40 degrees.
  • Can be used against laryngitis, bronchitis and sore throat. To do this, you need to stand the water so that the gases escape. Then dilute with warm milk– the resulting mixture should have a temperature of 35-38 degrees.
  • Inhalations with mineral water are used against cough.

To increase acidity in the stomach, you should drink 100 milliliters in small sips, slowly, before eating. If you have increased acidity and you need to lower it: release the gases from the drink and heat it to 25-27 degrees. Cold Borjomi activates the stomach and reduces spasmodic pain.

For diarrhea

For diarrhea, Borjomi is drunk according to the classic recommendations: 150-200 milliliters at a time three times a day. The benefits for diarrhea have not been proven; here it is necessary to study the characteristics of each organism and the causes of the disease separately.

The product, of course, brings more benefits for problems opposite to diarrhea. Constipation is treated with the drink quite quickly, problems with stool go away within a couple of hours after use. The benefit of water is that it actively removes toxins from the body, which can be useful for diarrhea, but not always.

Methods of use

How to drink Borjomi depends on the ultimate goals of taking it. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink 200-300 grams half an hour before meals. The drink brings the most benefits if you drink it slightly warmed up. You should not boil the water - all active microelements will disappear. It is best to heat it in a water bath. Experts do not recommend drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning; you should have a small snack.

It is correct to drink Borzhom in large sips, but slowly. There is no consensus on the amount of water consumed per day. Some experts point to a figure of no more than 450 grams per day, and not at once. Only a doctor from the resort itself, where they will provide you with it, can tell you how much Borjomi you can drink per day. different methods diagnostics of the body.


Diseases of the stomach and intestines in the acute stage are the main contraindication. In other cases, it all depends on the dosage: even pregnant women are not prohibited from drinking it. Uncontrolled use can disrupt the functioning of some body systems, so remember the restrictions. If you do not adhere to them, then the benefit can turn into harm.

No allergic reactions or individual intolerance to water were observed. Doctors do not recommend drinking Borjomi for more than 30 days in a row - it has an alkaline function that can lead to stomach ulcers and other unpleasant ailments.


In its chemical composition, Georgian water is similar to the water of Svalyava, in Transcarpathia in Ukraine. The concentration of salts in the springs exceeds that of the Borjomi mineral water. The well-known one has some similar parameters.

All waters are unique in their own way; analogues of Borjomi also have their own characteristics and are not always indicated for some diseases. Use this water on the recommendation of a doctor, and if for prevention, then in moderation, without fanaticism, and then everything will be fine with your health!

This mineral water has been known all over the world for a long time. It is extracted from the depths of nature. It is obtained from 9 wells on the territory of the Borjomi Nature Reserve. This water is thermal and has a temperature of 38 - 40 degrees. There are no analogues to it on the Russian market. Stalin introduced the fashion for such water in Russia. And all because the zone is manufactured in his homeland. He believed that such water would certainly not poison him.

Since 1830, when its laboratory tests began. She did not change her composition.

Borjomi is a medicinal table water. Contains 5.5 – 7.5 g. minerals per liter, while doctors consider their content to be 4 g/l normal. Therefore, its uncontrolled use is harmful.

A liter of Borjomi contains 100 mg of calcium. If you consume more than 200 mg, it will be deposited in the body, which is very undesirable. Having made basic calculations, we get the result of 1.5 liters of water, which you can drink per day without harm to the body.

On the label itself there is an inscription that this water can be consumed for up to 30 days, after which a break of 3–6 months should be taken.

During treatment, it is better to drink it about an hour and a half before meals. In cases where you are treating the stomach, first release the gas from it.

Recipes for treatment with Borjomi

If you have a cold, drink 100 g of water about half an hour before meals. The effect is better if it is heated in a water bath until room temperature. For severe fever, heat up to 40 degrees. Repeat the procedure for several days.

For the treatment of laryngitis. Bronchitis and lingering cough take 50 g of non-carbonated Borjomi and add it to 50 g of milk. The temperature of the drink should be up to 37 degrees. This drink has a specific taste. If the body does not resist, then try drinking it for 2–3 days.

Half a glass of Borjomi, drunk in large sips, will reduce stomach acidity. It will also relieve pain due to gastritis.

When a child suffers from constipation, he can be given this mineral water at the rate of 3 mg per 1 kg of weight. Take 4 times a day before meals.

Everyone has heard about the healing mineral water called Borjomi, extracted from the depths of the earth in Georgia. What are the benefits and harms of Borjomi - interest Ask for everyone who plans to introduce this unusual water into their diet.

Composition and beneficial properties of Borjomi water

The benefit of Borjomi lies in the richest chemical composition. When drinking a drink, the body receives:

  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium and silicon;
  • potassium and boron;
  • sulfur;
  • many other elements.

All of them are present in mineral water in the highest concentration. A valuable properties water are that it:

  • normalizes digestive processes and bile secretion processes, helps liver function;
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid;
  • effectively helps in the fight against helminths;
  • restores disturbed water-salt balance;
  • has a beneficial effect on respiratory organs and relieves coughing.

Important! Drinking Borjomi on a regular basis for the sake of prevention is not recommended, otherwise an excess will form in the body. mineral salts. Benefit from healing water will be if you use it to solve specific health problems.

Can pregnant and lactating women drink Borjomi?

Borjomi during pregnancy is excellent for heartburn and toxicosis. As a rule, medicinal water is not contraindicated for pregnant women - but it must be used very carefully. The dosage should not exceed 1 glass per day.

The same applies to Borjomi during lactation. Healing water improves metabolism and tones. Everything that Borjomi is useful for, through breast milk the mother goes to the baby. But you shouldn’t drink Borjomi every day.

Borjomi for children

Doctors do not recommend giving mineral healing water healthy children- All valuable substances they can get it from their regular diet. But for children over 1 year old with intestinal diseases, poisoning and constipation, Borjomi will be beneficial.

Attention! The dosage of Borjomi for a child with a specific disease is determined individually and calculated based on the weight and specifics of the condition. Therefore, only a pediatrician should prescribe water to an infant.

How to drink Borjomi for weight loss

The beneficial properties of Borjomi can help in losing excess weight, since mineral water speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body. But you need to drink it little by little. A glass of healing water before breakfast or after dinner for a month will be enough.

Indications for use of Borjomi

Medicine officially prescribes medicinal water for use for the following ailments:

  • peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
  • diseases of the liver, bile ducts, kidneys, gall bladder;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • obesity;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

Water will also be beneficial for colds and nervous disorders.

How to drink Borjomi for medicinal purposes

Ways to use mineral water when various ailments are slightly different from each other. It is important to regulate the dosage of the drink, control the temperature of the water and the time of consumption - all this affects the benefits.

Borjomi with cough milk

Mineral water is often used for colds accompanied by severe cough. At the same time, it can be combined with milk - the benefits of water will become even greater.

  • To begin with, all the gas is released from the mineral water - to do this, the open glass is simply left to stand for half an hour or an hour.
  • Afterwards, water and milk are heated separately from each other in a water bath to 50 degrees, and then mixed in equal proportions.
  • If desired, add honey or raspberry jam to the finished drink.

Mineral water with milk will primarily help thin the mucus in the respiratory tract.

Inhalations with Borjomi for cough

Another way to use Borjomi for colds is inhalation. The water is first heated to 50 degrees, and then they lean closer to the pan, cover their head with a towel and inhale warm steam through their nose and mouth.

Attention! The steam should never burn Airways. Heat water until high temperatures not necessary, and inhalations should be careful. You need to continue the procedure for no more than 4 minutes.

For gastrointestinal diseases

The main benefits of water are expressed in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

  • If the acidity in the stomach is high, then drink warm mineral water 1.5 hours before meals, and first you need to release the gas from it.
  • Borjomi for gastritis with low acidity Take literally 4-5 sips half an hour before meals.
  • If you have problems with food absorption and metabolism, it is recommended to drink cold mineral water during meals.
  • For pain and cramps in the stomach, it is recommended to warm the water to room temperature before drinking.

Borjomi for constipation

Mineral water activates metabolic processes, therefore very useful for constipation. 150 ml is taken a couple of hours before meals. Typically, the benefits of such therapy become noticeable already on the first day of treatment.

For the treatment of the liver and gallbladder

Cholecystitis, hepatitis and other diseases associated with the outflow of bile and the liver are direct indications for the use of healing water.

  • For hepatitis and cholecystitis, mineral water is heated to 40 degrees and drunk 1.5 glasses about an hour before meals.
  • During treatment acute inflammation gallbladder and bile ducts Heated water is also taken an hour before meals - but in a volume of 2.5 glasses.

For the treatment of other diseases

Healing water can be used to alleviate the condition of some other diseases.

  • It is recommended to drink Borjomi for pancreatitis not during periods of exacerbations, but between them. Take the drink warm one hour before meals in a volume of no more than a glass three times a day.
  • In case of poisoning, the body loses water and beneficial minerals- but healing water helps restore balance. It is recommended to drink it 1 - 1.5 glasses, three times a day, in small sips.

Is Borjomi suitable for the treatment of diabetes?

Mineral water has no therapeutic effect on diabetes. But it is still often prescribed to patients as aid. Diabetes is accompanied by digestive disorders and slow metabolism, and Borjomi helps eliminate these unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the benefit of water for diabetes is that it quenches thirst well.

Borjomi for facial skin

The benefits of water are manifested not only in the treatment of ailments. It is also used in home cosmetology- it tones the skin and tightens pores.

  • Simple washing with healing water will help you cope with excessive dry skin and the first wrinkles. You can rinse your face in the morning and evening. Another interesting option- This is rubbing the skin with ice cubes from frozen mineral water.
  • A decoction based on Borjomi will help regulate skin oiliness. It is done simply - boil mineral water and then brew it in it. herbal tea chamomile, calendula or mint. The product is infused for half an hour, then filtered. The benefits of homemade tonic last up to 5 days.

Borjomi water is sold freely, but in order to benefit from its use, you need to know how much Borjomi you can drink per day.

  • Maximum daily norm for adults is 0.5 l. However, in practice it is better to limit yourself to even a smaller amount - no more than 0.33 liters.
  • For children, the dosage of mineral water should be determined individually - and only by a qualified pediatrician.
  • In the absence of chronic and acute diseases In general, you should not drink medicinal water just like that. Maximum benefit from water will be if you use it when necessary.

Harm of Borjomi and contraindications for use

No matter how great the benefit medicinal water, it may be harmful to the body. She does not have absolute contraindications, but in some conditions the drink should be consumed carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Namely:

  • for gastritis and ulcers in the acute stage;
  • during pregnancy.

Mineral water should not be given to very young children under 1 year of age. Overdose must be avoided - it is dangerous for the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

How to distinguish Borjomi from counterfeit products

You can often find fake mineral water in stores under a familiar name. But it’s quite easy to recognize a fake without even analyzing the composition of the water.

  • Borjomi is produced in glass and plastic bottles patented bluish-green color. Colored or white and transparent containers indicate a fake.
  • A bottle of healing mineral water should have three labels - on the neck, underneath and on the back. Between the neck and front label on the bottle there is always a deer depicted - the trademark of real Borjomi water.
  • Glass bottles are protected with metal caps, plastic bottles - with transparent plastic caps. Top part The lids are red; the brand name crosses it in the middle - clear, neat, without graphic defects.


The benefits and harms of Borjomi depend on correct dosage healing mineral water, and the drink has few categorical contraindications. If you follow the instructions for drinking water and consult with doctors, the drink will have a noticeable healing effect.

Factory "Borjomi", Georgia.
The infamous Borjomi mineral water, which is prohibited for sale in Russia. I visited the factory and learned about the history and production process. It was very interesting to learn that the potential and reserves of the sources are inexhaustible, that you can drink Borjomi all the time, and one of the main questions was “what is better - plastic or glass?” In general, Georgia is a country with amazingly positive people. This is my second time coming and I can recommend it to everyone.

Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park covers an area of ​​over 700 square kilometers and is considered the largest national park in Europe. Located at an altitude of 850 to 2500 meters above sea level.

The composition of Borjomi mineral water has remained unchanged for more than 100 years, which is confirmed by regular examinations and tests that have been officially carried out since 1890. And today Borjomi mineral water is identical to that which was first bottled at the first plant of Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov at the end of the 19th century.

Entering the factory begins with history...

In the 19th century, Borjomi was chosen as the Caucasian residence of the Romanov imperial family, who actively developed the resort. Borjomi as a resort arose with the goal of creating in Russia its own “spa” resort like Baden-Baden, etc. In 1850, a Mineral Water Park already existed in Borjomi, and in 1890 the first bottling plant began operating. In 2010, Borjomi celebrated the 120th anniversary of the start of production.

In 1904, it was possible to partially mechanize the production of Borjomi. In 1854, only 1,350 bottles were exported from Borjomi, then in 1905, after establishing production, the export reached 320 thousand bottles, and in 1913 it completely exceeded 9 million.

The Sovietization of Georgia did not diminish the popularity of Borjomi. Only the elite and the status of vacationers changed: Romanov was replaced by Stalin, who also loved this water very much. The Kremlin has not held a single event without Borjomi.

The “Thaw” of the 1960s gave Borjomi another chance to gain a name abroad. In 1961, 423 thousand bottles of Borjomi were exported to 15 countries, including the USA, France, and Austria. In the 1980s, sales of Borjomi reached 400 million bottles, and this water was the most popular in the USSR.

In 1990-1995 production was greatly reduced due to internal economic difficulties in Georgia. But since 1995, when the Georgian Glass & Mineral Water Co. N.V." resumed production of Borjomi at two bottling plants, water production increased 40 times.

These are the original color photographs of Proskudin-Gorsky:

Borjomi begins here:

There are two factories in the Borjomi Valley: Borjomi-1 and Borjomi-2, I visited both factories. But let's start with the second one. Bakuriani mineral water is produced here; it is still water, bottled in plastic containers.

Plastic bottles arrive at the plant in the form of blanks the size of an iPhone, which are called PET preforms:

Then a bottle is blown from them:

And filling with water:

Everything's under control:

Sorting bottles into blocks of 8:

Factory outside:

And now we are moving to the Borjomi-1 plant, where Borjomi mineral water is produced.

Borjomi was one of the candidate cities for the 2014 Olympics:

The Borjomi mineral water deposit is located in the central part of the Adjaro-Imereti ridge Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, on absolute altitude 760-920 m above sea level. Borjomi mineral water is extracted for bottling from nine wells located on the territory of the Borjomi Nature Reserve. The depth of the wells is from 140 to 1500 m, but the origin of Borjomi occurs at a much greater depth - more than 8000 m. Due to its volcanic origin, Borjomi mineral water, saturated with natural carbon dioxide, is able to rise to the surface without the help of any pumps from a depth of 8-10 km as a warm stream (t 38-41C). “Borjomi” falls on the surface of the earth, along the way being enriched with a composition of more than 60 different minerals present in the volcanic rocks of the Caucasus Mountains. All wells operate in self-flowing mode, that is, exactly the amount of water is extracted that is renewed naturally.

One of the wells is open to visitors where they can taste the water. It is warm and stinks of hydrogen sulfide, but tastes absolutely identical to the bottled one.
The water rises to the surface enriched with carbon dioxide, but according to the recipe it is additionally enriched with CO2.
For what? CO2 is a natural preservative and flavor enhancer. The Borjomi plant uses natural CO2, which is produced at a neighboring plant in the mountains. The amount of CO2 in Borjomi is average and this amount is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago. That is why there are no variations of Borjomi - “with gas” or “without gas”. The recipe has been the same since the very beginning of production.

One of protective properties counterfeit bottles are engraved with a deer. The factory does not use reverse glass, i.e. recyclable glass containers. Only new bottles. Preparing glass for reuse is not cheap.

The stickers are placed strictly in the center of the bottle and the deer, this is monitored by a special mechanism with several cameras costing more than 200 thousand dollars. It is simply unprofitable to produce fakes on an industrial scale. The characteristic bluish-green color of the Borjomi bottle is patented and even has its own name – “Georgian Green”.

In numbers:

Export is carried out to 40 countries of the world
- 2/3 of production is export
- a total of 180 million liters are produced per year, 130 liters of which are from Borjomi. The remaining 50l are Bakuriani and Borjomi Springs.
- during the USSR, up to 400 million liters were produced per year
- the factories employ about 600 employees
- the sources are inexhaustible; according to geologists, the water supply is more than 800 million liters per year
- there are a total of 22 wells with a depth of 140m to 1.5km, 9 of which are actively used. The rest are observation wells.
- wells are replaced every 30-50 years.
- during peak load periods, factories operate around the clock, normally 2-3 shifts per day.

In general, the production process looks like this:

Passive outflow of water from wells located within a radius of 25 km from factories
- active transport of water to factories by pumps
- hydrogen sulfide extraction, sedimentation, water cooling
- enrichment with natural CO2
- bottling

- No additional preservatives are added.
- There is no enrichment with additional minerals.

In May 2006, the Russian Federal Agency for the Protection of Consumer Rights imposed a ban on sales in the Russian Federation of all products produced in Georgia, including Borjomi. The formal reason is the product’s non-compliance with technical standards Russian Federation. Against the backdrop of the disappearance of Georgian water from the market, sales of Nagutskaya-26 mineral water bottled in the Stavropol region under the name “Russian Borjomi” began, but in 2007 the court banned the sale of water under such a similar name following a claim by the Georgian manufacturer of the original Borjomi.

And loading into cars and trailers occurs the old fashioned way in manual mode:


During 2009-2011, according to official data from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the State Consumer Standards Committee of Ukraine, no facts of counterfeiting and/or falsification of Borjomi mineral water were revealed.

Plastic or glass: the water in any container is the same, as it is obtained from the same sources. Shelf life in glass is 2 years, in plastic 1 year. The reason for the difference in life is the ability of plastic to pass gas, which, over time, reduces the degree of carbonation of water, but even after a year, carbonation of water in plastic is within the acceptable norm for consumption. According to the plant’s employees, they are very careful in choosing suppliers of food-grade plastic and maintaining their reputation.

Export routes to Ukraine: Borjomi is bottled from the same source as in 1890, in Borjomi, Georgia. In order to get to Ukraine, Borjomi directly from the lines enters containers and is sent from the plant to Ukraine. On the way to the Ukrainian consumer, Borjomi covers a distance of 2000 km - from the city of Borjomi, through the Georgian port of Poti by sea to the city of Ilyichevsk, after which it is distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Is it possible to drink Borjomi all the time? The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters is their versatility: they can be consumed as a table drink, for prevention and systematically for treatment. One of the reasons that raises questions about the regular consumption of Borjomi is the presence of calcium in the water. But in Borjomi the amount of calcium is 100 mg/l, which is acceptable for daily use, since the risk of salt deposits occurs only if the calcium content exceeds 200 mg/l.

Who imports water to Ukraine? IDS Borjomi International, as an international company uniting enterprises for the production of bottled mineral water in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia and occupying a leading position in the markets of the CIS and Baltic countries, traces its history back to 2002. Today it is an international group formed as a result of interaction and coordinated work companies IDS Borjomi Georgia (Georgia), IDS Group (Ukraine), IDS Borjomi Russia (Russia) and IDS Borjomi Europe (Lithuania). The group companies produce and market worldwide famous brands mineral waters - “Borjomi”, “Likani”, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Morshinskaya”, “Truskavetskaya Aqua-Eco”, “Truskavetskaya Krishtaleva”, “Holy Source”, “Edelweiss” and others.

This is David, who introduced us to Georgian traditions and Leo:

The main Georgian tradition is a feast and wine... in quantities that absolutely defy logic:

The wine should be drunk approximately as in this photo. After such a thermonuclear strike, only Borjomi can help, whose slogan is “cleanses the excess”:

Nearby there is a very soulful Borjomi Park, which I will talk about in the next report:

Important Note:
This article falls under the production reporting category. If you can show an interesting production and it will be interesting to me (!), I will do a report for free. Particularly interested in: Coca-Cola, yoghurts, McDonald's, cars, appliances, etc.
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