Barley porridge - benefits and harms for health and weight loss. Barley porridge: benefits and harms

Pearl barley is a type of processed barley. Pearl barley is obtained by removing the bran, husk and steaming from barley. The degree of purification of the cereal may vary - the more the cereal is cleaned, the less beneficial properties it will retain.

Pearl barley is often used as a side dish. It is added to salads, soups and desserts. This cereal can be eaten both hot and cold.

Pearl barley has fewer beneficial properties than whole barley.

Composition of pearl barley

Pearl barley contains antioxidants and a lot of fiber. Chemical composition 100 gr. pearl barley as a percentage of daily value presented below.


  • B3 – 10%;
  • B1 – 6%;
  • B6- 6%;
  • B2 – 4%;
  • B9 – 4%.

Pearl barley is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. It improves immunity, improves skin condition, prevents osteoporosis, heart and intestinal diseases. And these are not all the beneficial properties of pearl barley.

Pearl barley is good for bones, thanks to its rich mineral composition. Not taking enough of these substances can lead to bone loss.

Copper in pearl barley reduces symptoms rheumatoid arthritis. It is necessary for the flexibility of bones and joints.

High blood pressure and high level cholesterol provoke the development cardiovascular diseases. Soluble fiber in pearl barley reduces levels bad cholesterol and increase the level of goodness, and also normalize blood pressure.

Pearl barley is a source of vitamin B3, which protects the heart and blood vessels. Cereals prevent and strengthen the walls blood vessels, reduces platelet count and lowers cholesterol levels.

Copper in pearl barley is needed to maintain cognitive functions in old age and health nervous system and production of red blood cells. Manganese in pearl barley is important for brain health and strengthening the nervous system.

Antioxidants and selenium in pearl barley reduce the likelihood of asthma, which is accompanied by narrowing of the airways.

Barley eliminates constipation and diarrhea, and also relieves bloating and increased gas formation. It reduces inflammation and symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Cereals increase height beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. This is important for maintaining a healthy balance and increasing probiotic activity.

Pearl barley contains selenium, which is important for the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

In the kidneys and gallbladder Stones may form, which over time lead to pain and require removal. The fiber in pearl barley prevents their appearance and protects the urinary system from illness. It not only speeds up the passage of food through the intestines, but also reduces the secretion of bile acids, an excessive amount of which leads to the formation of stones.

Barley contains selenium. It improves skin and hair health and also restores metabolic processes, saturating cells with oxygen. Pearl barley helps maintain skin elasticity and protects it from early aging.

Pearl barley protects against cancer and slows down its development. Selenium stimulates the production of substances necessary to fight cancer cells.

Barley for diabetes

The magnesium and soluble fiber in pearl barley protect against diabetes and reduce the risk of developing it by lowering blood sugar levels and improving insulin production. binds with water and other molecules when passing through digestive tract, slowing down the absorption of sugar into the blood. Therefore, moderate consumption of pearl barley is beneficial for diabetes.

Barley for weight loss

Eating pearl barley reduces hunger and provides a feeling of fullness, which will lead to weight loss over time. This happens thanks to fiber. It slows down digestion and absorption of nutrients. Moreover, soluble fiber affects abdominal fat, which indicates metabolic disorders.

What could be tastier than aromatic mushroom soup with pearl barley? A variety of dishes with the addition of this unpretentious cereal have become firmly established in the national cuisine of many nations. It is often added to soups and goulash, as it makes their consistency thicker and gives additional flavor. Boiled cereal can be used instead of the usual side dish. By the way, in the old days pearl barley porridge was served only to the noble classes. But over time, the culture became firmly established in the daily diet of soldiers. It is also widely used in brewing: rich malt extract for the intoxicating drink is made from sprouted grains.

What is pearl barley?

Round barley grains are nothing more than industrially processed barley. The grain is screened into five groups (the higher the number, the finer the grain), and then the barley grain undergoes a peeling procedure in a grinding machine. The next production steps are grinding and polishing, after which the flour is sifted out and the grains are sorted.

This agricultural crop has been known since ancient times: historically confirmed facts of eating cereals date back to the era Ancient Egypt. Barley grains about 11 thousand years old were found by archaeologists during excavations in Jordan. Some peoples used culture as currency. In Russia, cereals began to spread thanks to Peter the Great.

Externally, the cleaned and polished grains have a slight resemblance to pearls, or pearls, hence the name of the variety of barley groats.

Round barley grains contain a huge amount of useful microelements:

Regulates brain activity and also improves metabolism in the body. Promotes better absorption of other beneficial elements

If there is a shortage of it, the body produces it from the bones, which leads to their fragility. Pearl barley contains 11 times more of this substance than milk.

Responsible for the functioning of the nervous system as a whole.

Vitamin A

Improved vision and increased immunity in general. Also, group A vitamins perfectly nourish hair and improve the condition of the skin in general.

B vitamins

Helps prevent the development of anemic conditions.

Helps the harmonious functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C

Its concentration in this barley cereal is twice as high as in citrus fruits. Thanks to him, they increase protective properties body, reducing the risk of disease.

Vitamin E (combined with vitamin C)

Disease Prevention respiratory system. In children, the likelihood of developing asthma is reduced by 50% when this product is introduced into the diet.

Amino acids (lysine)

    Has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and also serves as an excellent preventive measure. colds.

    Natural collagen; thanks to this component, flax grain extract is actively added to various cosmetical tools: tonics, lotions, dietary supplements.

A powerful antioxidant, it reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Protects skin covering from harmful UV radiation, radiation.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley porridge

Useful properties of cereals

    Pearl barley actively lowers cholesterol levels, helps cleanse blood vessels, reducing the risk of disease. The effect of cleansing blood vessels is achieved through a harmonious combination of b-glucan polysaccharide, insoluble fiber and propionic acid.

    Eating porridge made from barley grains helps prevent arthrosis and arthritis, which affects many people over 45 years of age. Low-calorie cereal contains a large number of calcium: it simultaneously suspends natural process destruction of joints and does not place additional stress on them.

    Pearl barley is prescribed simultaneously with drugs that promote destruction gallstones. Cereals reduce the production of bile acid and lower the level of triglycerides in the body. To prevent the formation of stones, it is recommended to use a decoction of pearl barley grains - this great way reduce the level of harmful toxins in the body.

    This cereal can be safely called “female”: studies by British scientists have shown that when consumed during the pre-menopausal period, fiber-rich crops reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by half.

    Pearl barley contains a large amount of fiber. It is not absorbed by the body, but helps improve the digestion process, so it is recommended if problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise: patients with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and colitis should definitely eat this valuable product. Also, the fiber contained in porridge helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste. People after surgery are recommended to take a decoction based on milk or water in the proportion of 250 g of cereal per 500 ml of liquid three times a day.

    A well-known way to increase hemoglobin is to eat pomegranate. But pearl barley also copes with this task perfectly.

Contraindications for consuming pearl barley

    Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid eating this grain crop, as gluten can cause intestinal problems.

    Those suffering from allergies to grain components or hypersensitivity should also exclude pearl barley porridge from the diet.

    The difficult digestibility of cereals is the main reason why cereals are not recommended to be included in the diet of children under 4 years of age.

    To avoid harm reproductive system, men are advised to consume it in limited quantities.

At dietary nutrition It is important to include in your daily minimum those foods that contain complex carbohydrates. They help you quickly cope with hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. long time. Eating pearl barley speeds up metabolic processes, and the culture contains substances that resist the deposition of excess fat. Barley also has a slight diuretic effect.

Fiber perfectly cleanses the body; it generally promotes the functioning of the digestive system. Scientists have also discovered proteins in grains that improve the condition of muscle tissue. And thanks to natural collagen appearance The skin of a slender beauty will not suffer at all from losing extra pounds.

For those losing weight, experts have developed a mono-diet lasting 5 days. During this period, it is recommended to consume 750 g of porridge, dividing the specified amount into several parts. To avoid harm digestive system, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.

A more gentle diet option:

    In the morning: a portion of porridge (200 g) and a green apple;

    In the afternoon: porridge (200 g) + boiled beets (4 tbsp) + boiled fillet or fish (100 g);

    In the evening: porridge (200 g), prunes (4 fruits) and low-fat kefir (1 glass).

Traditional way

Cooking porridge from dry cereals will not work. It is recommended to soak it in cold water, and before cooking, rinse the swollen grains: this is how the taste ready-made dish will be better.

Add water to the prepared grains (no more than three glasses). Salt is added only at the end of cooking. If you plan to add milk, it is better to do this in the middle of cooking. But butter will add additional flavor to the dish if it is added to the porridge in two stages: at the beginning of cooking and in the finished dish.

To prepare you will need:

    Cereals – 1 cup;

    Water – 5 glasses;

    Butter – 30 g;

    Salt to taste.

After soaking, the cereal is poured with water and cooked for about an hour over low heat. Drain the water, add oil and leave to steep for another 10 minutes.

Pearl barley porridge with milk

The prepared washed cereal (1 tbsp) is poured with water (2 tbsp), brought to a boil and cooked until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then add warmed milk (2.5 tbsp) and bring to a boil. After this, add sugar, mix and place in a preheated oven for half an hour.

Recipe for weight loss

Sugar, salt, butter and other ingredients traditional for pearl barley porridge cannot be used if you want to lose a couple of extra pounds. You also need to be patient: the cooking time increases by about five times.

So, you will need:

    Pearl barley (200 g);

The cereal should be poured with a liter of water and left for at least 12 hours. Then add another 600 ml of water and cook for half an hour over low heat. Cover the prepared porridge with a towel and leave for another quarter of an hour.

Pearl barley porridge is an accessible natural storehouse of vitamins that should not be neglected in your daily diet.

The beneficial properties of pearl barley porridge have been known since ancient times. Even Pythagoras advised his students to include this grain in their diet to improve brain activity. Nowadays, nothing has changed: it is a cheap product that helps against many ailments. So, what are the benefits and harms of pearl barley? Let's expand our knowledge.

Despite its inconspicuous appearance, cereals are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and vegetable fats. The presence of vitamins and microelements is of great value. So, per 100 g of dry product there are: B1 – 0.12 mg; B2 – 0.06 mg; B5 – 0.5 mg; B6 – 0.36 mg; B9 – 24 mcg; E – 1.1 mg; RR – 3.7 mg; K – 172 mg; retinol (provitamin A) – 1.2 mcg.

Among the microelements, the leaders are phosphorus (323 mg), manganese (0.65 mg), chromium (12.5 μg) and copper (280 μg). These elements range from 25 to 40% daily norm mineral consumption. Pearl barley also contains zinc, molybdenum, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, cobalt and potassium.

At the same time, the main value of the product is the content of a large amount of the essential amino acid lysine. It is part of proteins, and also takes an active part in the regeneration of body tissues, maintaining hormonal balance, production of antibodies and enzymes.

This acid is able to penetrate viral and defective cells, stopping their growth and spread. Due to this, people who regularly consume pearl barley reduce the risk of developing cancer and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Pearl barley porridge is also rich in fiber, which is found in more fiber than in wheat. It also contains the natural antibiotic hordecin. It is used to relieve skin inflammation and is also taken as a decoction for colds.

The benefits of pearl barley do not end there, because the calorie content of the porridge is only 109 kcal per 100 g of the finished product (provided that the cereal was cooked in water and without oil). Therefore, a side dish of pearl barley is perfect for those people who want to lose weight.

Beneficial properties for the female body

Besides the fact that pearl barley is excellent porridge for weight loss and removal of toxins from the body. It also has a number of advantages for women. Thus, regular use of pearl barley decoctions helps to increase breast milk in nursing mothers. It is very easy to prepare such a drink: pour 200 g of cereal with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours. Cool the resulting broth, strain through cheesecloth and drink 50 ml 3 times a day.

Pearl barley is also indispensable in the fight against skin aging. Firstly, porridge contains a large amount of antioxidants, which rid the body of free radicals and prevent body cells from dying. Secondly, the high content of lysine and vitamins A and E promotes the production of collagen, smoothes out fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Boiled pearl barley lotions relieve skin inflammation and therefore fight the formation of acne. Masks made from ground porridge relieve puffiness well and have a lifting effect.

In addition, cereal helps in the treatment of many ailments: colds, diabetes, fungal diseases, oncology, kidney, liver and heart diseases, hemorrhoids, arthritis, etc.

How to cook delicious pearl barley porridge

The beneficial properties of cereals directly depend on the method of its preparation. Traditionally, there are two cooking methods. In the first case, 200 g of pearl barley must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, then filled with 3 glasses of water. Bring to a boil and cook for 6-8 minutes. Then add another 200-250 ml of water, boil again and cook over low heat under a closed lid until all the liquid has evaporated. This may take from 1 to 4 hours. When the porridge is cooked, you need to add a piece of butter, stir and cover with a towel. Let sit for 30-40 minutes and serve.

The second method will take more time. In the evening, you need to rinse a glass of cereal, and then fill it with a liter of cold water or yogurt. Cover with a lid and leave overnight at room temperature. During this time, the grains will swell and increase in size by at least 3-4 times. In the morning you can cook barley: pour out the old liquid and add 2.5 cups clean water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 35-50 minutes. Then add oil, stir and consume after 15-20 minutes.

If you want to make sweet pearl barley, then instead of water you need to use milk. Just cook the cereal in a water bath, otherwise the porridge may burn or “run away”.

After cooking, pearl barley can be used as a base for pilaf, soup, dessert or just a side dish. To do this, add fried or boiled vegetables, pieces of meat, dried fruits, nuts, berries, honey or broth.

Pearl barley porridge during pregnancy: benefits and harms

Cereals must be included in the diet of every pregnant woman. The only contraindications are individual intolerance and uncontrolled consumption (more than 2-4 times a week). In other cases, pearl barley will enrich female body essential vitamins and microelements, which are usually found in different products.

For example, the content of iron and amino acids helps increase hemoglobin no worse than pomegranate juice. And this is very important, because pregnant women often suffer from anemia and dizziness. The presence of a large amount of B vitamins is responsible for building bones and nerve fibers baby, so a woman does not have to worry about her child not receiving enough substances.

Barley can only cause harm if it is consumed too often (more than 2-4 times a week). This does not pose any problem for the baby, but a woman may feel discomfort in the stomach due to decreased bowel function. In addition, a high gluten content can cause the leaching of calcium from the body of the expectant mother if this element is not supplied in sufficient quantities.

Colon cleansing with pearl barley

Thanks to fiber, a huge amount of accumulated toxins are removed from the body. At the same time, intestinal peristalsis begins to work more slowly, due to this the body loses less energy and water to digest food, and nutrients are absorbed in greater quantities. In addition, the fibers of pearl barley saturate the body for a long time, so hunger after eating cereal is felt less intensely.

Losing weight with pearl barley porridge

This is one of the simplest, cheapest and useful methods losing weight. The pearl barley porridge diet includes a course of 7 to 30 days. Less is meaningless, but more can be harmful to the body.

With this diet, weight loss reaches up to 10 kg per week. But it is important to understand that pearl barley porridge should be cooked only in water, without adding oil, salt or sugar. To do this, the cereal must be pre-soaked and then cooked over low heat for 30-35 minutes. The proportions will be as follows – a glass of cereal for 3 cups of liquid.

Since the diet is quite strict and it is very difficult to survive even 5 days on barley alone, it is allowed to introduce other products into the diet. However, in this case, the period of weight loss is extended. At the same time, it is important to drink a large amount of clean water without gas (at least 2 liters per day), otherwise the risk of intestinal problems increases.

Pearl barley diet

There are two ways. In the first case, the diet includes only pearl barley porridge and water. Such “voluntary torture” lasts up to 5-7 days. Another method is more gentle, because in addition to the main ingredient, it is allowed to consume vegetables, fruits, low-fat fermented milk products, fish and even meat.

An approximate menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast – pearl barley porridge with pieces of prunes and green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch – pearl barley with boiled turkey or steamed fish.
  • Afternoon snack – half a grapefruit or vegetable smoothie.
  • Dinner – fresh vegetable salad, dressed lemon juice, pearl barley and herbal tea.
  • Second dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Important note! Barley must be consumed warm, otherwise the beneficial substances will be less absorbed.

Fasting day on pearl barley porridge

When you don’t have time to follow a diet, but you still want to look attractive, a gentle option is suitable for the lazy. With this format, it is possible to lose 1 kg of weight, but it is important that this mono-diet is carried out no more than once a week. Positive effect is achieved by removing excess moisture from the body, as well as normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, the day before fasting day You need to soak a glass of cereal in a liter of cold water. In the morning, cook the porridge with 3 glasses of water without sugar, salt or oil. You will get about a kilogram of pearl barley, which needs to be divided into 5 equal parts. This will be all the meals for the day. During breaks you are allowed to drink water and green tea.

If the mere sight or memory of pearl barley makes you sick, then you can add 100-150 ml of low-fat kefir to each serving. Thus, the dish will become tastier and more satisfying, but its calorie content will remain low.

And lovers of fresh fruits can add green apple puree to their porridge. This will improve both the taste and aroma of the dish, plus it will deliver an additional portion of iron to the body.

Harm of pearl barley porridge and contraindications

So that the beneficial properties of pearl barley porridge are not overshadowed negative consequences– experts recommend observing moderation in everything. The ideal option for introducing it into the diet is 3-4 times a week. If you overdo it, then even healthy people Flatulence and stomach discomfort may occur.

Those who suffer from constipation should use the product with caution. After all, barley pearl barley contains a large amount of coarse fiber, which can reduce intestinal motility and only aggravate the situation.

For the same reason, pregnant women are not advised to lean on pearl barley. They have hormonal background is unstable, therefore, it is not clear how exactly the composition of the intestinal microflora will react to this product. And, of course, feeding porridge to small children under 3 years of age should be done under close supervision. Eating habits and preferences have not yet been established, so the body may not be able to digest the product.

A categorical contraindication to barley is gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer in the acute stage. In addition, if you suffer from a gluten allergy, keep in mind that porridge high index, so it should be used with extreme caution and in small quantities.

Pearl barley contains a storehouse of vitamins and microelements from various ailments. It is important to approach its preparation correctly and not forget about precautions. Then the food will charge you with energy, give you a feeling of satiety and lightness.

The well-known pearl barley is a kind of greeting from Soviet childhood, when healthy pearl barley porridge was generously served in public canteens and kindergartens, flavored with gravy to enhance its taste. But it enjoyed such popularity not only because of its comparative cheapness, but also because of the many useful substances, which are contained in every grain of barley, from which pearl barley is actually made. Is pearl barley useful and why? This will be discussed further.

Useful properties of pearl barley

It turns out that barley is very ancient culture, which was familiar to people several thousand years ago. During the time of Peter I, pearl barley was frequent guest on the royal table, and subsequently steamed in a Russian oven and mixed with cream, it became the favorite delicacy of the royal heirs. This love for barley porridge is explained not only by the taste of this dish, but also by the huge range of useful substances that are present in each grain.

Pearl barley

Barley is very useful and has an effect on the entire body. This porridge is simply irreplaceable for spring vitamin deficiency, and is also recommended for use by elderly people whose bodies are susceptible to inflammatory processes, and is prone to exacerbation chronic diseases. Barley is no less useful for children, whose growing bodies require a variety of vitamins and microelements. And of course, pearl barley is indicated for use by convalescent people and athletes whose bodies are weakened due to illness or physical exertion.

Pearl barley helps increase immunity and normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen the bone skeleton, and is also responsible for the process of skin rejuvenation, work endocrine system, brain activity and oxygen saturation of the body.

Useful substances of pearl barley

  • vitamins of groups A, B, E and D;
  • microelements such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, potassium and zinc;
  • fats, fiber, carbohydrates and proteins.

Barley contains most of the periodic table.

Is pearl barley good for weight loss?

Despite the fact that pearl barley contains carbohydrates, it is indicated for use when losing weight, since its calorie content is only 121 per 100 grams when boiled. In addition, due to its properties of breaking down fats, as well as cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful formations, pearl barley promotes weight loss. Also, do not forget that pearl barley porridge is filling, which allows the body to acquire energy for movement and eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Why is pearl barley harmful?

Strange as it may seem, but such useful product Like pearl barley, it also has contraindications for use. For example, this cereal should not be present in the diet of pregnant women and children under three years of age because of the gluten protein, to which almost every third person has an individual intolerance and which threatens to deteriorate the functioning of many organs from the heart to the brain. It is also not advisable to use pearl barley for people with problems gastrointestinal tract, in particular for constipation and increased stomach acidity.

How much pearl barley can you eat per day?

Since pearl barley is still a low-calorie product, it can be consumed quite often, but it is recommended that no more than a glass of cereal per day, naturally boiled while following a diet. On a normal day, it is recommended to consume pearl barley as porridge or as part of another dish several times a week; this will be quite enough to saturate the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins.

How to choose pearl barley

When choosing pearl barley, you should take into account that there are two types of pearl barley in which it can be present on sale - these are barley grains actually peeled from the mouths and polished and barley groats, that is, crushed barley grains. Whole grains can be stored for a long time, but it is advisable to pour them into glass containers after purchase in order to protect them from moisture and insects. The same rules apply to barley, but its shelf life does not exceed six months, so you need to carefully read the expiration date on the packaging.

Pearl barley recipe

Of course, pearl barley porridge is not the most delicious food in the world, on the contrary, as many people think, especially those who are on pearl barley diets, but perhaps you just need to know how to cook it? In order for pearl barley porridge to turn out tender and tasty, you first need to soak it in cold water in a ratio of 1 to 5, that is, 1 glass of cereal and 5 glasses of water, the soaking process should last at least 8 hours.

Then you need to drain the water, add 2 cups of boiling water and place in a double boiler for 1.5 hours. Add cream and a little honey to the finished porridge and serve after 10 minutes. By the way, pearl barley porridge gives off its beneficial properties when it is warm, while cold porridge useful properties possesses in much smaller quantities.

Pearl barley is a cereal that is obtained from whole barley grains that have undergone primary processing, at which, it is removed from it outer shell- bran. The high content of nutritional properties and relatively cheap cost make it one of the popular and popular cereals among the people. Porridges are prepared from it, added to soups, used to prepare jelly and sweets, as well as other original dishes.

Japanese scientists conducted studies, which revealed that the benefits of pearl barley are very high. Barley is a healthy and very healing natural product, which is enriched nutrients essential for the growth and functioning of the body. Pearl barley contains vitamins and is also a source of various microelements and amino acids.

At the beginning of the day, barley porridge is the best option.

Content of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of pearl barley


Vitamin A 0,013 mg
Vitamin B1 0,12 mg
Vitamin B2 0,06 mg
Vitamin B3 4,6 mg
Vitamin B4 37,8 mg
Vitamin B5 0,5 mg
Vitamin B6 0,36 mg
Vitamin B9 0,024 mg
Vitamin E 1,1 mg
Vitamin K 0,002 mg

The benefits of pearl barley

Pearl barley is a real treasure for health. It contains slightly less valuable vegetable protein than soybeans, and in its nutritional qualities pearl barley surpasses even rice.

The nutritional value pearl barley:

  • Carbohydrates – 66.9 g;
  • Starch – 65.7 g;
  • Water – 14 g;
  • Proteins – 9.3 g;
  • Alimentary fiber– 7.8 g;
  • Fats – 1.1 g;
  • Unsaturated fatty acid– 0.49 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides – 0.9 g;
  • Ash – 0.9 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids – 0.3 g.

100 g of pearl barley contains 315 kcal.

The shortest path to beauty and health is to eat pearl barley porridge. It contains lysine, which is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which in turn creates elasticity of the skin. Thanks to it, you can also maintain heart health and prevent the occurrence of colds.

Pearl barley porridge contains B vitamins, which help the formation of hemoglobin, and phosphorus, which the body needs primarily for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It regulates brain function, which prevents neuroses, depression and panic attacks. Barley helps cleanse the body, as it contains fiber, which, when entering the body, is not digested, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, thereby promoting cleansing.

Benefits of pearl barley decoction

A decoction of pearl barley can be treated the following diseases:

It is good to use the decoction for oncological diseases, as it helps slow down the growth of malignant tumors. An effective result is achieved by its use as an expectorant and diuretic. It also has a strengthening effect on the body.

It is useful for women to use it during breastfeeding, because it increases milk production. You can even drink the water in which the cereal was soaked; it contains hordecin, a substance with antibiotic properties. This substance is good for treating fungal skin diseases.

How to choose pearl barley?

Barley is an amazing porridge, but for some reason no one likes it. This is because many people do not know how to simply choose it. The correct cereal is prepared according to GOST 5784-60, and it is distinguished by numbers, from 1 to 5, than more numbers, the finer the grains. It is better to buy grain No. 2 - it is well polished, white, with a slight yellow tint to the rump. Its grains are more whole and ripe. It's perfect for soup.

Pearl barley numbers 3, 4 and 5 are good for porridges; they can be recognized by their round shape. In any case, regardless of the number, you should look both ways. The grains in the package differ in color and size, and there may also be a lot of broken grains; such a product most likely contains mycotoxins, which lead to a general deterioration in health, and can also cause stomach upset and even poisoning. They accumulate in the liver and negatively affect it.

If you find a bag of cereal, the grains of which are similar to each other like twins, you should not buy it; very often, such cereals spoil during storage. Under no circumstances should the container in which cereal is stored be filled to the top; there must be space between the cereal and the lid so that the cereal lies freely.

Pearl barley for beauty

Harm of pearl barley

Cause great harm pearl barley porridge cannot. But there are some contraindications to its use. It should not be used when:

Men should not overuse pearl barley, as excessive consumption can disrupt digestive functions and lead to decreased libido. Barley is a porridge of health, but, like all foods, it should be consumed in moderation.