Nutrition after cesarean section. Nutrition after caesarean section for a nursing mother

How to eat after caesarean section for a young mother in her first week in the hospital? Which products are preferable and which ones should you avoid? Do maternity hospitals always provide food that is allowed for postpartum women, including those who have survived surgery?

Nutrition after cesarean section must meet four requirements:

  • do not cause constipation;
  • do not provoke gas formation;
  • products should be easily digestible;
  • do not contain allergens.

Constipation, if the diet after a cesarean section is compiled correctly, occurs extremely rarely and is usually associated more with psychological reasons. A woman's fear of defecating. Many are afraid that straining will negatively affect the condition of the sutures. Yes, and increased bleeding from the uterus - not very a pleasant phenomenon. If a woman cannot empty her bowels on her own, she is given a cleansing enema. After it, bowel function is usually restored, and the fear of bowel movements goes away. But if a woman is categorically against this procedure, there is an alternative - glycerin suppositories or microenemas "Microlax". A few minutes after use, the intestines will be emptied.

Doctors talk about proper nutrition women in labor after cesarean section, foods that cause infrequent bowel movements. These include bakery products, sweets, baked goods. Rice may cause constipation. Also Negative influence is caused by the lack of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits in the diet. Already in the maternity hospital, the menu of a nursing mother after a cesarean section should be supplemented with them.

In this case, the question usually arises - what kind of fruits and vegetables can you eat? Soviet-trained doctors say that those that are orange are not allowed to be red. That they often cause allergies in a child. It is advisable to introduce them into your diet a little later and little by little. 1 fruit or vegetable per day, so that if a child has an allergic reaction, it is easy to determine which product was the culprit and not eat it anymore. The diet of a nursing mother after a cesarean section should absolutely not contain exotic fruits or citrus fruits. It is necessary to exclude oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit and the like from the diet. You should also not purchase yoghurts or muesli containing them. It is contraindicated to eat chocolate - it is a strong allergen.

As for vegetables, you need to be careful with white cabbage. It often causes gas and diarrhea, which means that the baby can also suffer from it. And other types of cabbage - broccoli, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and others do not cause such a reaction in the body. You need to be more careful with dishes that contain white cabbage, for example, borscht. But there is no strict ban on its use. Typically, a child’s intestinal upset is caused by foods that the mother’s body does not accept. For example, it could be harmless zucchini. Therefore, what a nursing mother can eat after a cesarean section is decided not only by doctors, but also by the woman herself. She must analyze what she should eat and what she should not. For example, traditionally increased gas formation bring beans and peas.

There is a lot of talk about beets. She bright color, and therefore it is often classified as an allergen. In fact, beets do not cause allergic reactions. And already on the second day after cesarean you can eat it stewed or boiled. It’s even better that it weakens a little, which means mommy will most likely be able to empty her bowels on her own for the first time after the operation.

What else can you eat on the 2nd day after a cesarean section, what else is offered in the maternity hospital? Typically, hospital menus include porridges - semolina, oatmeal, and wheat. They are not contraindicated and are useful. However, women who are intolerant to milk, and many adults do not drink milk because it causes intestinal upset, should eat porridge prepared with water. Or with diluted milk.

Also, on days 2-3 after surgery, it is very useful to drink low-fat meat broths and eat white meat. Typically, these products are given to postpartum women by their relatives at the maternity hospital.

And on the day of the operation you can’t eat anything. Yes, and there will be no time for that. On the first day, the woman remains in intensive care, where she is given IV drips, including those containing nutrients.

Every pregnant woman looks forward to her baby's birthday. In most cases, childbirth occurs naturally and without complications, but sometimes surgical intervention is required - a caesarean section. Don't panic, thousands of women have undergone this operation. However, we should not forget about preparation so that abdominal intervention in a woman’s body is successful and the child appears healthy. Proper nutrition after surgery will speed up the healing process of wounds and stitches. That's why Special attention attention should be paid to adjusting the diet.

Preparation for surgery

If a caesarean section is prescribed by doctors in advance according to indications, then your diet needs to be adjusted a few days before giving birth. These days it is important to take a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins, drink liquid from 2 liters. The daily calorie intake should be at least 3000. All types of legumes, baked goods, fresh cabbage, cereals, milk, apples, grapes should be excluded, as they cause bloating and abdominal pain, which can interfere with the successful operation. For eight hours before surgical intervention fasting is required.

After a caesarean section, a young mother needs to rest and gain strength, so overloading the stomach with copious amounts of food and drink is contraindicated. The menu will be modest and sparing, but over time it will definitely become more varied.

On the first day, it is better to drink only water with a drop of lemon juice, especially if there were tears during the operation and the doctors put stitches. This way they will heal faster. About nutrients You don’t have to worry, they will be administered via a drip. Eating too much can cause diarrhea, which can infect the stitches.

On the second day, dietary chicken or meat broth is allowed, which can be drunk in small portions of 50 ml 6-7 times a day.

Chicken broth recipe

Ingredients: chicken breast - 1 piece, water - 3 l, carrots - 1 piece, onion - 1 piece, salt - ½ tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the chicken well and pour cold water. Let it boil and drain the water. Repeat the procedure three times.
  2. Add whole peeled vegetables to the chicken. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the finished broth. Serve warm.

Dietary chicken broth can be drunk in small portions of 50 ml 6-7 times a day

Low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, meat soufflé, thin porridge or baby food. From drinking:

  • fruit drink;
  • compote;
  • jelly;
  • rosehip decoction, but not more than 1.5 liters.

The restrictions are due to the fact that the mammary glands are full of milk and hurt, and excess liquid fills the chest even more. Frozen ice cubes made from cranberry or lingonberry juice suppress thirst well. As soon as the breastfeeding process and routine improves, the amount of drinking can be increased.

On the third day, the young mother’s body can be pampered with steamed meatballs, a baked apple, and a piece of cheese. Light soups, porridge or pureed vegetables are also allowed. Meals are fractional. On the third or fourth day, a woman who has given birth begins to produce milk. And if she complied with the prescribed diet, then the baby will receive healthy diet which will strengthen his immunity.

In the first weeks after a cesarean section, other foods are gradually and very carefully introduced into the diet:

  • stewed vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets);

Don't forget that new products are added every two days.

  • fruits and vegetables that need to be heat treated in the first three weeks;
  • fermented baked milk, fish, greens, nuts and seeds;
  • foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, iron, calcium and folic acid;
  • dried fruits that can replace sweets.

It is advisable to do this under the supervision of a doctor. Overeating is dangerous for both the nursing mother and her newborn.

Gallery of approved products

Vitamin C Rich Foods Dried fruits Nuts Vegetable stew Buckwheat and millet porridge

Prohibited foods after cesarean section include:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • spicy foods;
  • cold or hot food;
  • sweet and sour foods;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • cottage cheese, eggs;
  • kvass;
  • offal.

Gallery of prohibited products

Smoked and salted products Raw vegetables and fruits Canned food Chocolate Cottage cheese

Before any surgical intervention you should not eat, as everyone knows. But what to do after a cesarean section, because such a procedure refers to abdominal surgical interventions that require a certain rehabilitation, which, among other things, involves adherence to a dietary diet. During the intervention, the structures of the urinary and intestinal systems and the uterus are affected. To avoid complications in these organs, appropriate rehabilitation is required. What can you eat after a caesarean section, and what foods are prohibited.

Nutrition after surgical delivery is poor, which is associated with stress influence Caesarean to female, which during the nine-month period had already undergone serious changes. Most vitamins and nutrients after cesarean section for a nursing mother remain available only in the form of infusion.

A woman needs rest after such a serious operation, and in order to quickly restore her body, she should not overload it with heavy food. IN postoperative period Any system can fail, so when caesarean woman remains under medical supervision for at least a week.

The problem of diet is complicated by the fact that the mother has begun lactation, so nutrition must be chosen correctly. The meals consumed should be gentle and facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal system. In addition, a woman should avoid foods containing possible allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.).

In general, the nutrition of a woman in labor after a cesarean section requires adherence to several principles:

  • Pay attention to serving size. You are allowed to eat no more than 200 grams at a time. food. If you are not satisfied with so much food, then eat more often. Food is easier to digest when washed down with plenty of water.
  • The diet should not overload digestive system and be monotonous, because quick recovery will allow the postpartum woman to quickly begin full breastfeeding.
  • The drinking ration must be increased to at least 2 liters. A sufficient volume of fluid will have a beneficial effect on lactation and normalize metabolic processes, will restore stool, after cesarean often suffering from constipation, etc. And the scar on the mother after cesarean with a similar approach to the diet will heal much faster.

It is strictly unacceptable for postpartum women to eat raw fruits and vegetables such as grapes, cabbage, flour and legumes, fatty and smoked foods, as well as overly salted and seasoned foods. In the first days, and then too, mommy will have to give up strawberries, citrus fruits, honey and other allergens.

First day

So, what can you eat after a caesarean section? After the intervention, it is better to do without food for 24 hours. On these days you are allowed to drink water, mineral water, but without gas. To improve the taste, add lemon juice in the proportion of 100 ml of juice per liter of mineral or plain water. 1 day diluted lemon juice will be incredibly useful, because it helps strengthen and improve immune status, restores the strength that was spent on childbirth, and provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Other fruit juices will have a similar effect, especially apple juice, etc. The patient receives the rest of her nutrition by infusion, that is, through a dropper. After the operation, the doctor must warn that on the first day, full meals from the menu must be excluded. But this is only for one day, then the diet will gradually become enriched.

Second day

Well, the second day has arrived and the mother and baby have already been transferred to the postpartum ward. The mother has no milk yet, but lactation will begin in a day or two, so the mother needs to recover quickly so as not to leave the newborn hungry. On the second day, the postpartum woman will be able to eat light food that does not overload the body, but speeds up postpartum recovery.

Nutrition after cesarean section delivery involves eating dishes like low-fat cottage cheese and homemade yogurt, meat broth with the addition of vegetables (not pork), lean boiled meat, preferably chopped, rose hip decoction, compotes and fruit drinks, juices and tea. The total volume of drinks should be about one and a half liters.

In the process of preparing broth for mother after cesarean section, it is necessary to drain the water from the meat twice. After the third boil, add some vegetables to it (no cabbage, potatoes, onions and garlic, asparagus, because they provoke gas formation). You can eat no more than 200 ml of this broth at a time. During the second day, you can eat this broth three times.

This is all you can eat on this day. Following a menu like this will help the postpartum woman recover more quickly from the stress associated with the operation. But each case is individual, so you need to discuss the nuances of your diet with your doctor.

Third or fourth day

The diet on the third day after surgical delivery expands even more. The postpartum woman begins the process of primary fusion of uterine tissue, so you can gradually begin to eat slightly fattier varieties of fish and meat, but only in boiled form. On the third day, foods like:

The main criterion that follows the diet after cesarean section is the prevention of any constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor food safety. Therefore, kefir and others dairy products It is recommended to purchase them in small packages so you can eat them fresh.

5-6 day

These days, mothers are actively taking up breastfeeding. Lactation has already begun by this time, so nutrition after a cesarean section is selected especially carefully. You should not overeat or eat foods prepared by smoking or frying. You will have to exclude from your diet any spices, spicy dishes, yeast baked goods such as croissants, muffins and buns. The basic principle of nutrition for nursing mothers is balance and moderation.

Particular care must be taken with fruits and other allergenic products. For example, bananas can be eaten by a mother, but a newborn often has an allergic reaction to them, so they cannot be consumed during breastfeeding. The gastrointestinal system will be grateful to the woman for the intake of healthy, soft, gentle food such as steamed cutlets or meatballs, boiled or baked meat. But fried or excessively fatty foods will only overload the body, causing bloating, constipation and flatulence.

In general, the rule with vegetable and fruit products in the case of nursing mothers is as follows: if the mother eats exotic fruits and vegetables, then they will provoke discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract in her, and then in the baby. If a mother gradually introduces into her diet vegetables and fruits familiar from childhood, such as cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and others, then she will not have a reaction to them, which means that the child will react normally to such foods. Therefore, fruit and vegetable products must be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother extremely carefully and gradually.

What to eat for constipation

After a cesarean section, most patients have problems with bowel movements, but pushing for women after surgical delivery is strictly prohibited, because there is a high risk of sutures coming apart. Already in the maternity hospital, many encounter a similar problem, and some even after discharge. Mommy needs to talk about this problem with a doctor, because only he can determine the nature of constipation and prescribe its treatment.

Depending on the type of constipation, and there are two of them - spastic and atonic, the diet for the woman who gave birth is determined.

  1. Spasmodic constipation usually occurs due to episiotomy or rupture during surgery, which leads to intestinal tightness and ineffective peristalsis. To eliminate spastic constipation, it is recommended to eat low-fat fish, minced meat, cheeses (not smoked) and vegetable purees, fruit and berry products that do not contain coarse fibers, and pasta.
  2. Atonic constipation during cesarean section occurs due to decreased peristalsis and subsequent paresis, which is accompanied by flatulence and gas retention. In this case, postpartum women are recommended to include black bread and vegetable oils, oat bran and muesli, millet groats, pearl barley or buckwheat. Fermented milk products such as yogurt or kefir, as well as vegetables such as zucchini or beets, are useful. Having eaten anything from this group, a woman will restore normal gastrointestinal activity.

By normalizing your diet, the problem with constipation will quickly disappear without harm to your health. And after discharge, postpartum women are advised to follow a special diet for the lactation period.

Meals after discharge home

Doctors strongly recommend that women, after discharge, keep their baby breastfed for as long as possible, so the dietary requirements will be appropriate. Lactating women need to remove from their daily diet foods such as exotic fruits and citrus fruits, honey and garlic, marinades and strawberries, smoked meats and carrots, chocolate and mustard, mayonnaise and canned food, sausage products, etc.

But products like eggs and cottage cheese, meat and milk, apples for nursing will be very useful. The right approach to nutrition after discharge will ensure a reduction rehabilitation period and will improve the quality of lactation. It will be easier for a woman to return to the normal rhythm of life. Thanks to a properly selected diet, the likelihood of developing complications is significantly reduced, and the baby receives nutritious and high-quality food. breast milk, which will not cause an allergic response.

New mothers are advised to adhere to certain dietary restrictions for several days after such surgery, especially if breastfeeding. Why is it necessary to follow this diet? What is sample menu for the first 5 days after surgery? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Is there a need for dietary nutrition after a cesarean section for a nursing mother?

Caesarean section is a full-fledged surgical intervention. For quick recovery young mother, as well as preventing complications and returning to normal life must be followed for several days dietary nutrition.

During the operation, the woman’s intestines and urinary system are affected, and therefore after the operation it is advisable to avoid stress on the above organs.

Provided that all recommendations of the attending physician are followed, including in matters of nutrition, the rehabilitation process takes place without undesirable consequences. And for a relatively short period of time after surgery, a woman can consume any foods, with the exception of those that are not recommended during breastfeeding.

Features of nutrition in the postoperative period

During the first 24 hours after surgery, experts recommend avoiding eating any food. You are allowed to drink only still water; if desired, you can add a small amount of natural juice. At this time, everything necessary useful material are introduced into the body of a young mother using intravenous infusion.

Later, vegetable and meat broths, lean boiled poultry meat, preferably crushed into puree, are added to the diet. also in this period you can eat low-fat fermented milk cottage cheese, yogurt homemade and dried apricots. Such products contribute normal operation intestines and prevent problems with the bowel movement.

As for drinks, women are allowed various teas, juices, and compotes. Special benefit will bring a decoction from, which helps strengthen the immune system and improves functioning gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable not to consume more than 1.5 liters of fluid on the second and third days after such surgery.

In the postoperative period, young mothers, especially during breastfeeding, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • products should be easily absorbed by the body;
  • food in the first days should be consumed in the form of porridges or liquid soups;
  • dishes should be boiled or steamed;
  • the total amount of food is divided into 5-6 meals;
  • It is advisable not to consume more than 100 ml of food at a time.
Experts recommend avoiding eating raw vegetables and fruits, since such foods can cause bloating and, as a result, postoperative complications. Products that can cause allergic reactions in a newborn baby and constipation in a young mother are completely excluded from the menu.

An example of a dietary menu for women during lactation

Below is an example of dietary nutrition for a young mother after a cesarean section, which is designed for 5 days, provided there are no various complications after the operation.

All products and dietary practices listed below are provided for informational purposes only. The attending physician may change the list of products and recommend other cooking options based on the condition of the young mother and her newborn baby.

1 day.

Immediately after a caesarean section, experts recommend bed rest and rest. As mentioned above, you can drink still water with the addition of juice, preferably lemon (no more than 100 ml per 1 liter of water), since juice from of this fruit strengthens the immune system and reduces risk inflammatory process and the development of infections (although there is a chance that the baby will develop allergies). Therefore, if desired, you can use any natural juice you like, which will not cause allergic reaction in a newborn baby while breastfeeding (freshly squeezed juices are best). Eating any food on this day is completely excluded.

Day 2.

From this moment on, the young mother can gradually take light food under the supervision of specialists.

The diet includes chicken broth (you can use veal instead of chicken). This dish is prepared according to a special recipe. The first two times the water is drained immediately after boiling and only then the first dish is prepared. You can add carrots and onions (whole) to the broth, but after cooking the vegetables must be removed from the dish. During the day, it is advisable to consume no more than 300 ml of soup, dividing it into 3 equal portions.

If a woman does not experience various postoperative complications, yogurt (only naturally prepared and without preservatives) and low-fat cottage cheese are gradually introduced into the diet. Boiled lean meat is also allowed, which is pureed before consumption. You can eat thin cereal-based porridges cooked in water.

All food should be warm, since too hot or, conversely, chilled dishes can negatively affect the intestines and a weakened body as a whole. Drinks allowed are weak tea, rosehip decoction and hypoallergenic fruit compote.

Day 3.

On the third day after surgical intervention The young mother's diet becomes more varied, and portions are gradually increased. You can add different foods to the menu, such as steamed cutlets and meatballs made from lean meat. Also, from the 3rd day after cesarean section, a nursing woman is allowed to eat baked apples, meatballs, cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat content or cheese.

Day 4

The menu remains the same as on the third day after the operation, however, it is allowed to slightly increase the portion if the woman has strong feeling hunger.

Day 5

If during the postoperative period the young mother does not experience complications, strict restrictions on food products are lifted on the fifth day. However, it should be understood that it is necessary to exit the diet gradually, consuming only healthy food. Especially this rule applies to women who are breastfeeding.

For breakfast on this day, experts recommend preparing one small baked apple and a glass of freshly brewed compote; as a snack, you can use a handful of dried fruits and tea. At lunch – soft buckwheat porridge with steamed chicken cutlets. For an afternoon snack, yogurt, preferably homemade, is perfect, and for dinner, cook low-fat chicken broth and prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned a small amount quality olive oil.

Starting from the 5th day after cesarean section, the daily diet of a nursing mother is practically no different from the menu ordinary person. However, experts recommend focusing on healthy eating in small portions.

Every day you can add one new product to the diet, which, in turn, in the event of an allergic reaction in a newborn child, will allow you to quickly determine its cause, as well as eliminate the allergen. To prevent problems with stool, which pose a risk of suture dehiscence, it is necessary to regularly consume low-fat broths, beets and bran. It is advisable to avoid dishes made from rice, legumes, and semolina.

For some time, it is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, chocolate, canned food, various sausages, spicy dishes, and honey from the diet, because these products often cause allergies and digestive problems in a newborn baby. Also, to prevent diarrhea in a young mother, it is necessary to limit flour products, baked goods and desserts.

Experts recommend that women who are breastfeeding be sure to include dairy and fermented milk products, meat, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and vegetable oil when compiling their daily menu.

Before preparing a diet for every day, a young mother needs to consult with specialists to prevent various undesirable consequences.

During the first few days after a cesarean section, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations of doctors, including in creating a menu. This will significantly reduce the risk of various complications, speed up the body’s regeneration process, and also prevent digestive problems in a newborn baby.

This happy day has come - you met your baby! Perhaps the child was born due to a cesarean section, or, to help ensure a successful delivery, doctors had to make special incisions (in professional language - episiotomy, perineotomy) or the ruptures occurred on their own. In any case, you probably have already forgotten about all the troubles and, inspired, are making “huge plans.” You are thinking about how you will harden your baby, how you will begin to develop him from the cradle. But do not forget that now, in the first days, it is very important to restore your own body and successful establishment of breastfeeding, which provides a powerful basis for the development and strengthening of the baby’s health. Well organized nutrition after surgery from the very beginning postpartum period plays a significant role in this. Therefore, you should take your diet seriously, carefully monitoring the state of your own body and monitoring the child’s reaction. How to correctly create a menu for mothers who have had a caesarean section or suturing of perineal tissue?

Preparing for surgery in advance

If surgical delivery is planned and a specific date has been set, adjust your diet in advance. Do you doubt whether this is necessary? The fact is that a caesarean section is the most real abdominal surgery, and proper dietary therapy both before and after the intervention reduces the incidence of complications and helps more fast healing wounds and restoration of the body. Through nutrition, you create nutrient reserves. Nutritionists believe that your daily diet should contain about 100-120 g of protein, 100 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates (of which 100-120 g are easily digestible), increased amount vitamins, in particular C and P. Total calorie content - 3000 kcal. Women who do not suffer from edema can drink up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day.

3-5 days before upcoming surgery exclude from the menu foods rich in fiber and that cause flatulence (legumes, fresh white cabbage, wholemeal bread, millet, whole milk, grapes, large quantities of berries, apples). You cannot eat 8 hours before surgery. Therefore, if the operation is scheduled for the morning, limit yourself to a light dinner.

We eat according to a schedule

On the first day nutrition after surgery it should not be abundant, drink only mineral or ordinary purified water without gas, you can slightly acidify it with lemon, or, in extreme cases, fruit juice (no more than 3-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). There is no need to worry about fasting - all the necessary substances will be administered by doctors through intravenous drip infusions. Doctors will start preventing constipation (more about them a little later) now - they will ask you to turn around carefully, and by the end of the first day try to sit up in bed; an enema may also be prescribed for preventive purposes.

From the second day you are allowed to diversify the menu with meat (beef) or chicken broth. Just ask your family to cook it according to dietary recipe- on the third water. This means that after boiling the water, it is drained twice, and the broth itself is prepared for the third time with the addition of onions, carrots, sweet peppers, and a small amount of salt. You can drink 200-300 ml of this broth (without the vegetables present in it), dividing the entire volume into several servings. Meals at this moment should be fractional - 6-7 times during the day and small in volume (up to 100 ml). It is also allowed to introduce tender low-fat cottage cheese into the diet, natural yogurt(no preservatives, dyes, etc.), meat purees or soufflé, boiled lean meat twice through a meat grinder, porridge with a liquid consistency. You can drink sweetened tea, fruit drinks, thin jelly, compotes, rosehip decoction, about 1.5 liters per day. On the third day, the diet gradually expands, but remains mechanically gentle: steamed cutlets, meatballs, you are allowed to enjoy a baked apple. But eating food that is too hot or too cold is not recommended. Little secret: ideal in all respects in the first days for nutrition after surgery Special baby food is suitable. First porridge, meat purees, then vegetables. If a caesarean section was performed against the background of spontaneous labor, then the timing of the arrival of milk does not differ from those of women who gave birth independently. This happens on the 3-4th day. During a planned operation, milk comes a little later - on the 3-4th day from the start of the baby’s attachment to the breast, but no later than the 9th day after birth. This is due to the body’s preparation for breastfeeding at the onset of labor, namely the production of certain hormones that regulate the lactation process. Accordingly, in the second case, everything happens with some delay.

On the day the milk comes in, the breasts become very full, the woman sometimes experiences discomfort, therefore, it is necessary to try to reduce fluid intake to the possible minimum; it is better to just wet your lips or rinse your mouth with water. It’s a good idea to prepare cranberry (lingonberry, cherry) fruit juice without sugar, pour it into ice molds and freeze - the dissolution of such candies helps cope with thirst. As you establish breastfeeding, increase the amount of fluid you drink gradually, paying attention to the condition of your breasts. Then nutrition after surgery becomes the same as that of other lactating women. Introduce porridge into your diet - oatmeal, millet, buckwheat.

The latter can be considered a leader in protein value and content of vitamins and microelements. She is simply ideal for new mothers. Prepare it not in the usual way (cooking), but rather steam it with boiling water or simmer in the oven, add vegetable stew(carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets), start eating boiled or stewed vegetables separately. Do not forget about the rule of introducing new products one by one, taking into account the baby’s condition: on average, introduce one product at an interval of 2 days. Then move on to fish, fermented milk products (start with low-fat fermented baked milk), eggs, herbs, pine nuts, sunflower seeds. But it is better to postpone eating fresh vegetables, fruits and berries until the end of the first - beginning of the second month. For the first 3 weeks, heat treat vegetables and fruits. You should also exclude whole milk from your diet for now. Foods rich in zinc (eggs, liver, meat), vitamin C ( Bell pepper, black currants, rosehip decoction), iron (meat, liver, apples), do not forget about calcium (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, fermented milk products, spinach, greens) and folic acid(celery, spinach, wholemeal bread).

Do you want something sweet? Give preference (prunes, figs, dried apricots are especially useful). In general, follow nutritional guidelines for breastfeeding mothers.

Nutrition after suturing

If during childbirth you received stitches due to ruptures or episiotomy, it is better to refrain from eating for the first day - short-term fasting promotes rapid healing of the stitches. Below are recommendations for nutrition after surgery do not differ from those for all nursing mothers, but pay special attention to preventing constipation. Just don’t overdo it, you don’t want diarrhea - this can cause infection in the suture area. In addition, carefully clean the suture area and external genitalia after defecation and urination, and strictly follow your doctor's recommendations.

A delicate problem

The risk of constipation in mothers after surgery is higher - they are simply afraid to push because of the stitches. Moreover, after a cesarean section, sometimes there is a decrease in intestinal motility, and paresis develops - bloating, gas retention. Such constipation is often atonic in nature - tone muscle wall intestines decreases. In cases of ruptures or episiotomy, constipation is more often spastic - intestinal tone increases, peristalsis is ineffective due to “tightness” of the intestine. In any case, a properly selected diet will help: muesli, buckwheat, millet and pearl barley are useful, oat bran, brown bread, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits (especially beets, pumpkin, zucchini, apricots, melon, apples, dried fruits), fermented milk products with increased content bifidobacteria and lactobacteria (kefir, yogurt). Strong tea, semolina, White bread, baked goods, rice porridge, blueberries, quince, pears, legumes.

Atonic constipation

To stimulate the intestines, drink on an empty stomach in small sips a glass of cool water, an infusion of anise seeds, cumin and fennel (2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water, take 1/3 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals), moderate exercise is useful.

Spastic constipation

A decoction of figs in milk or water will help (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day), freshly prepared potato juice, diluted in half with water (take 1/4 glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals).

Do not prescribe laxatives for yourself, some of them are contraindicated for nursing mothers! Contact your doctor, he will be able to approach the problem individually.

And in conclusion, I would like to say, strive to cook and eat food in a good position - this affects its digestibility. Let your favorite chocolate, sausage and pickles wait - 1.5-2 years of your diet will fly by unnoticed, who knows, perhaps your fiery feelings for them will cool down in the meantime and healthy eating will become a habit.