My left palm is constantly itching. Why the palm of the left hand itches: medical explanation and folk signs

Itchy skin is not only unpleasant, but also quite painful. If the itching is intense, cracks, deep abrasions and other microtraumas appear on the skin over time, which can cause severe pain. Most often, such skin lesions form in places where itching is localized, that is, on the scratched area.

Absolutely any part of the body can itch - in this case they say that we are talking about systemic itching. If a specific part of the body itches, the term “localized itching” is used. One of the types of localized itching that is most often encountered in dermatological practice is itching of the palms.

Common reasons

Towards the appearance skin itching on the palms can result from a wide variety of reasons. It is very important to determine in time what exactly caused the irritation. skin, since the treatment of this problem always begins with eliminating the irritating factor.


One of the most common causes of itching. As a rule, it is quite moderate in nature, but in some cases the manifestations can be very serious. Allergic itching occurs most often when interacting with various chemicals. For example, everyone's favorite antibacterial soap contains strong components that, if they come into contact with the skin, can cause itching, burning, redness and even blistering (the latter is extremely rare).

Advice! To avoid such irritation, it is recommended to wash your hands with regular household or tar soap. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to imported soap with antiseptic additives, but they almost never cause allergic reaction.

Not only soap can cause itchy skin on the palms. Washing powder (hand washing), dishwashing detergent, cleaning powders, hand cream - any product that contains chemicals or compounds can pose a danger to the health of your palms.

If, apart from itching and a slight burning sensation, no other symptoms bother you, you should wash your hands thoroughly. cold water and take an antihistamine, and then follow simple rules.

  • When using a new cosmetic or detergent, you need to monitor your skin's reaction. If no rashes appear on the palms and itching does not bother you, then you can continue to use the product.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use expired powders and cleaning pastes, even if the expiration date has recently expired.
  • All housework that involves using aids(for example, washing floors or dishes) must be done with gloves. This is especially true for products that contain strong acids and alkalis. These include bleaches, stove cleaners, etc.
  • Household gloves must be changed at least once a month, as they accumulate a huge amount of dirt and bacteria.

Insect bites

There is only one treatment in this case - complete treatment of the home from uninvited guests. In some cases, you will have to get rid of furniture in which bedbugs have settled. Unfortunately, sometimes this is really the only way out of the situation.


Important! If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as scabies mites are secreted in skin dangerous toxins. During the treatment period, it is necessary to avoid stress and anxiety, since any experiences increase the severity of clinical manifestations.

Other causes of itchy skin on the surface of the palms:

  • skin diseases;
  • contact with stinging plants (for example, nettle);
  • skin fungus;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas;
  • increased sweating of the palms;
  • frostbite (or, conversely, staying on high temperatures Oh);
  • age-related changes that cause increased dry skin;
  • stress and severe mental turmoil;
  • lack of minerals, vitamins and other useful elements.

Itching with rash

Dermatitis and allergies

The appearance of rashes on the skin of the palms most often appears when various forms dermatitis. One of the most common - contact dermatitis. It occurs as a result of contact with irritating substances (for example, when cleaning an apartment). Allergies can also be accompanied by the appearance of spots and pimples, so you should not try to determine the cause of the rash on your own.

Important! The appearance of a rash on the palms may indicate the development of anaphylactic shock. This condition is extremely life-threatening, so you need to show the patient to a doctor as quickly as possible.

Metal poisoning

The action of metals is another common reason the appearance of a rash combined with itching on the palms. This phenomenon typical for people whose professional activity associated with the production or processing of heavy metal compounds. Poisoning with dangerous salts can have very severe consequences, therefore self-medication if it occurs skin rash any nature or location is unacceptable.

Infectious diseases

Enough a large number of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi may be accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the palms. Such diseases include:

  • some sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • chicken pox;
  • inflammation meninges(meningitis);
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • ringworm and others.

Treatment in this case should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, as well as reducing the intensity of clinical manifestations.

Itching with peeling

Peeling of the skin combined with itching that appears on the palms may indicate the presence of a skin disease, for example, eczema. With this pathology, the skin becomes too dry, cracks, and blisters form on it (sometimes quite large). Depending on the type of rash, eczema can be dry or weepy. The principle of treatment for both conditions is the same.

Psoriasis- another skin disease in which the palms become covered with red, scaly spots. The itching of psoriasis can be so severe that the spots are literally torn to the point of bleeding. Treatment of the disease is always long-term and should be carried out strictly under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist.

On a note! Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing disease. In psoriasis, some skin cells go through their life cycle many times faster than expected, hence their death and peeling, accompanied by itching and other symptoms. Psoriasis is not contagious.

At atopic dermatitis the degree of peeling is somewhat lower, but can also cause physical suffering to the patient, so do not delay seeking medical help.

In some cases, skin peeling may be age-related feature . To reduce the severity of itching, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • use creams with high degree hydration;
  • maintain a drinking regime (at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day);
  • ventilate the room;
  • monitor the humidity in the apartment.

What do the signs say?

If the itching is not permanent and occurs once, you can turn to folk signs - what if this is a sign that some news or changes in life await the person?

Right palm itches:

  • to receive monetary profit or get rid of your own debts;
  • to a pleasant meeting;
  • to receiving letters from distant relatives or friends.

Left palm itches:

  • to improve financial situation;
  • to winning the lottery (or other big luck);
  • for an important purchase.

You just need to put your left palm in your pocket and hold the change or bills that are there. This ritual will attract good luck and not scare away the money man.

Preparations for the treatment of skin itching

Most of medicines which are used for treatment skin diseases, sold strictly according to prescription. This hormonal drugs, steroid medications, glucocorticosteroids, which are used to treat eczema, psoriasis and other forms of dermatitis. Self-medication for these problems is unacceptable!

If the cause of itchy palms is not so serious, you can use over-the-counter drugs. Before using them, it is necessary to establish the cause and obtain a doctor’s advice.

Antihistamines. Used only in cases where skin itching is caused by an allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms (this includes itching) arise as a result of the production of histamine. Antihistamines are histamine blockers, so they can quickly eliminate the cause of irritation and alleviate the patient’s condition. This group of drugs includes:

  • "Tavegil";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Clemastine";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Cetirizine."

Cholestyramine. This is a synthetic substance that binds bile acids and removes them from the body with feces. Tradename- "Questran". The drug is effective only when itching on the palms is caused by pathologies of the liver and bile ducts.

Sedatives. Potent antidepressants that are used for forms of itching caused by nervous disorders, sold strictly according to your doctor's prescription. Without a prescription you can buy relatively safe means, the effect of which is significantly lower, but also side effects not as much as prescription drugs. Sedatives without a prescription:

  • "Motherwort Forte";
  • "Magne B 6";
  • "Tenoten";
  • "Afobazole";
  • "Persen";
  • "Valerian";
  • "Glycine".

Emollient and anti-inflammatory ointments. Helps eliminate excessive dryness, restore optimal level skin moisture and neutralize inflammatory processes (“Bepantol”, “Bepanten”, “Panthenol”, “D-Panthenol”, etc.).

All other drugs used to relieve attacks of itching, Sold by prescription only. These include:

  • opioid receptor blockers;
  • calcineurin inhibitors (Tacrolimus, Elidel);
  • hormonal corticosteroids (“Prednisolone”);
  • antidepressants (Doxepin).

Itching of the palms can be either a fairly harmless phenomenon or indicate serious pathologies in the functioning of the body. So ignore this symptom it’s not worth it - timely treatment begins increases the chances of complete relief from the disease and helps to avoid severe complications and consequences.

Itching of the skin or mucous membranes significantly reduces the quality of life, even when a very small area of ​​the body itches, for example, the palms. A person scratches himself involuntarily and dreams of only one thing - to find a remedy that will help get rid of the exhausting sensation.

It won't itch for no reason

Itching, like pain, does not just happen. If, and even so much so that it prevents a person from living and working normally, then we can talk about the development of a particular disease in the body.

Pathological itching of the palms is a long-term sensation that causes the need to scratch or get rid of the itching in other ways (for example, using ice or cold water). Often, after some time, this itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, redness or peeling of the skin of the palms, and rashes.

In any case, if a person is faced with pathological itching of the palms, then hoping that everything will go away on its own is naive. After all, itching is just a symptom of a disease, just like a runny nose is not a runny nose in itself, but a symptom of the flu or allergies. And the itching will go away when its cause is identified and eliminated. That is, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the disease that caused itchy palms. To do this, of course, you should go to the doctor, only the doctor will be able to figure out what’s going on and provide help. Let's list possible reasons why your palms itch and the direction of treatment in each case.

Why do your palms itch?

Allergy– one of the most common causes of itchy palms. If itchy only palms, then most likely the cause of the allergy was detergents or cosmetics (cream, talc, hair dye, etc.). To avoid allergies and other skin damage (including burns), it is recommended to wear gloves when working with chemicals. This applies to working with solvents, hair dyes, cleaning powders and gels. Despite the assurances of manufacturers that half of the dishwashing detergent consists of a moisturizing balm, this is still a marketing ploy and nothing more, so it would be a good idea to even learn to wash dishes with gloves. You should be wary if you bought new cosmetic product, and after a while they began to feel itching on their palms. If you can’t find out on your own whether it’s an allergy and if it’s an allergy, then what, it’s better to go to the doctor. After all, allergies often develop into eczema, and this is much more serious. Treatment of allergic reactions consists of eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines.

Eczema- This chronic illness, occurring with remissions and exacerbations. Atopic eczema develops in people prone to allergic reactions. In case of constant contact of the skin of the hands with chemicals (dyes, detergents, formaldehydes, chromium), it may develop occupational eczema. Microbial eczema appears on areas of the skin long time susceptible inflammatory processes, and the causes of idiopathic (true) eczema have not yet been precisely established. Eczema begins with itching of the skin, then the itching intensifies and rashes appear, often in the form of blisters, which, when bursting, leave painful wounds. The doctor selects treatment individually in each case. If you have eczema, then you should definitely avoid contact with chemicals. To eliminate skin itching, you can use, as with allergies, antihistamines such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Zyrtec. To relieve inflammation and reduce itching, drugs such as Pimecrolimus or Protopic can be used locally, on the palm. If hormonal medications are needed, they should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Scabies is a skin disease caused by the scabies mite. Scabies is transmitted through handshakes, so the disease often begins with itchy palms. Then a rash and so-called scabies mite burrows appear, which are visible to the naked eye. Before prescribing treatment, an analysis is done to confirm the diagnosis. Today there are quite a lot effective medicines to get rid of scabies. The doctor selects a treatment regimen depending on the number of lesions. Treatment is carried out by applying special ointments, sprays or lotions to the affected areas of the skin. You need to know that you do not develop immunity to scabies and re-self-infection is possible. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with scabies, you need to disinfect clothes, towels and bed linen.

Liver diseases. The palms and feet are usually very itchy with cholestasis. Cholestasis is a violation of the synthesis and outflow of bile in the body; it occurs as a complication when various infections, as a result of taking certain medications, with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The sooner the symptoms of cholestasis are noticed, the better, since within a few days the changes are reversible, but if measures are not taken in time, then over time the person will develop fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, even if cholestasis was caused by taking medications or infection. That is why it is important to establish the presence of cholestasis as early as possible and take action. Therefore, if your palms and feet itch very much for several days, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Psycho-emotional stress– a feeling of itching of the palms can occur as a result of severe and prolonged stress. In this case, you will need the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, because if severe stress causes this kind of reaction, then the onset of the development of neurosis can be assumed. If the feeling itchy palms is associated specifically with stress, then the doctor will select sedatives and may suggest psychotherapy.

Itching of the palms may also be one of the signs of beginning cancer, diabetes mellitus, leukemia, problems with endocrine system. The nature of itching of the palms is very diverse, so you shouldn’t try to determine on your own what’s going on here. You shouldn’t delay visiting a doctor when, because in this case, precious time may be lost when the disease can still be stopped with early stage. After all, when it comes to health, it is better to play it safe than to start the disease and be doomed to its chronic course or a long and expensive cure.

It is not easy to immediately identify the reasons why your palms itch. Especially when there are no other symptoms other than itching.

Quite often, such sensations go away on their own without any consequences. If your palms itch constantly, you should still determine why this is happening. Moreover, some diseases manifest themselves as such signs.

Causes of itchy palms

Often the palms begin to itch under the influence environment. The influence of low or high temperatures can cause itching sensations.

Creates a lot of inconvenience hyperhidrosisincreased sweating. One of its common forms is palmoplantar. The cause of hyperhidrosis may be lack of personal hygiene or the development vegetative-vascular dystonia(more on that a little below), and the consequence is itching of the palms.

Other possible causes of discomfort:

  • Allergy often causes unpleasant and obsessive sensations. Too much high sensitivity the body to certain substances can lead to painful condition. Itching of palms is one of its manifestations.

    Allergens are often those materials that a person has touched with his hand. It is possible that the irritant is hidden in soaps, creams, household cleaners or washing powder. Allergies can be caused by certain foods, dust, pets, running water saturated with chlorine, and even odors.

    To vegetative nervous system(VNS) is responsible for managing life support processes: energy balance, digestion, metabolism. Under influence negative emotions, stress, nervous fatigue, disruptions can occur in the ANS, to which the body reacts differently. In addition to tachycardia, digestive problems, and pressure surges, the palms may also itch.

  • Depression and neuroses- these mental disorders can cause itchy palms. There are no other skin manifestations (rash, blisters, redness). Itching intensifies with the development of conflicts and stressful situations.

The following diseases can cause itchy palms:

  • skin – fungal and infectious;
  • liver – hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • caused by metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, gout;
  • endocrine organs;
  • blood and lymphatic system– leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis.

The palms of women who are carrying a baby may itch. Typically this happens on late stages pregnancy. In addition to itching, skin rashes are also possible.

It happens that itchy palms bother people in old age. This condition is explained by constant dryness of the skin.

Healing wounds and scratches can also itch.

What to do

When the palms of your hands itch constantly, creating discomfort, and in addition to this redness and rash appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist.

If it turns out that the culprit of the problem is an allergy and it has arisen for the first time, you should observe exactly when the desire to scratch your palms arises. If an irritant is detected, all contact with it will have to be limited. If the detergent turns out to be an allergen, then it is enough to wear gloves before using it. To avoid contact with irritants, homework need to perform in them. The condition of the gloves also needs to be monitored. They must be clean and dry, otherwise they can also contribute to allergies.

But creams, soaps, and gels that cause irritation should be abandoned, replacing them with other types.

In addition you should:

  • Avoid dry skin, keep it moist at all times. Special cosmetic and medicinal creams, masks and herbal infusions will help here.
  • Take medications that suppress allergies.

When skin problems are not the cause of itching of the palms, you need to visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and psychotherapist. They have their own methods to help pinpoint the cause of discomfort and eliminate it.

First aid

If the cause of itchy palms is external irritants, the following procedures may help:

  • After contact with plants such as nettle or poison ivy, you should block the unpleasant and intrusive sensations. It is necessary to place your hands under running warm water and wash thoroughly. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap. After warm water, turn on cold water and hold your palms under it. This will help clog the pores and temporarily relieve the itching. Then it is advisable to lubricate your hands with a rich cream (ordinary cream will do). butter) and let it absorb. After such procedures, itching of the palms may go away completely or significantly decrease.
  • Often the skin dries out when exposed to cold and moisture. The process spreads to the entire hand and causes peeling and redness. If regular hand creams do not improve the situation, you should consult a cosmetologist. He will recommend other remedies, including warm baths with infusions medicinal herbs. For example:
    • Brew a mixture of chamomile, plantain and motherwort (in equal quantities). Strain through several layers of gauze. Add two drops of olive oil. Place the brushes in the bath and hold until the infusion has cooled completely. If you repeat this procedure every day for 5-7 days, the itching will most likely go away.
    • prepare the same infusion, but with string and oak bark. Accept soothing baths better evening in a week.

Lotions made from viburnum berries and fresh cabbage, turned into pulp, and compresses from a decoction of burdock leaves are effective.

You can rub almond or avocado oil into the skin, which can soothe the skin.

Helps fight itching cold and hot shower. It is especially useful in the morning.

Culprits constant desire There can be a lot of itching on your palms. The itching condition is unpleasant, and you should not put off visiting a doctor to determine the causes of the discomfort. Paying attention to the signals your body sends will help protect your health for many years.

Itchy hand skin is a fairly common factor that can be caused by various diseases. Causes of itchy palms the most common: allergic reaction, psoriasis, eczema, various central nervous system disorders, etc. If itchy palms does not go away for a long time, moreover, they appear red dots on the palms, and all this is accompanied by peeling - this is a sign to contact a specialist as soon as possible, as this may be a signal of serious health problems.

Causes of itchy palms

Why do my palms itch?? The answer to this question is the following reasons:


If baby's palms itch, then ordinary tap water can cause an allergic reaction. But it is not the H2O molecule itself that causes itching and burning of the skin children and adults, and various impurities. The water that flows from the tap of every modern apartment, especially in big cities, is not clean. It may contain both mechanical elements (dirt, rust) and chemicals that are used in the chlorination or fluoridation of water.

Treatment of itchy skin

Many medications that are used to treat itchy skin can only be purchased with a prescription. In order to cure blisters on palms or inflammation of the cuticle, necessary complex therapy, including not only local ointments, but also hormonal and antihistamines for oral administration. Before you start treatment. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, since self-medication can lead to serious complications. If cause red and itchy palms is not so serious, then the doctor prescribes medications local application, which can be purchased without a prescription. But start treatment without a doctor’s recommendations, especially if red palms they itch baby.

Allergies are the most common cause of itching of the skin of the extremities, so the entire treatment process comes down to two steps:

  • avoiding any contact with the allergen that causes such a reaction,
  • use of antihistamines and ointments for topical use.

If treatment does not work desired results, And red palms became covered with crusts, increased itching and inflammation of the cuticle– this is already a complication of the disease, the treatment of which can only be prescribed by a doctor. The patient must be constantly isolated from the source that causes the allergic reaction. The only exception may be additional immune therapy. Eliminate symptoms medicines recommended only in acute period, the rest of the time it is necessary to carry out maintenance therapy, you can use traditional medicine.

Antihistamines. Prescribed by a doctor if the cause of itching and redness of the palms is an allergy. These drugs are aimed at suppressing the body's production of histamine, which causes this reaction. Such drugs for a short time will eliminate inflammation of the cuticle, itchy palms and a number of other symptoms that cause discomfort.

If the question is: why do palms turn red and itching appears, the doctor made a verdict - nervousness, then various sedatives and antidepressants will be used for treatment. But such products can be purchased strictly according to a doctor’s prescription, since they have a direct effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Without a prescription, you can buy weak-acting drugs that serious problems will not have the desired effect.

It is known that women aged 18 to 29 are considered the most superstitious. About a quarter of them are ready to believe literally in everything that defies common sense and has no logical explanation.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Why do your palms itch?

Is your palm itchy? Wait for the guest. Or money. It all depends on which palm itches. There are other signs associated with this phenomenon. Let's take a closer look at them.

My right palm itches, what is it for?

Not everywhere in the world, but in our country for sure - they say hello by shaking a person’s right hand. This is where the main sign associated with itching takes its roots. It is believed that it itches because you will soon be greeting someone. This usually promises a pleasant meeting, both planned and unexpected. If at the same time everything falls out of your hands, then you can at the same time find out the gender of the guest - what kind of object fell, the one (male or female) is worth waiting for. If something of the neuter kind falls out of the hand, then a child (child) will come.

Based on exactly how the itching is localized, you can guess how many guests will visit you (or how many you will meet outside the home).

  • If the palm itches from the center towards the little finger, then it will be one person, to the side thumb- two or three.
  • If it itches closer to the base of the fingers, then you will be meeting with a large company.
  • Closer to the wrist - the meeting is generally in doubt and may be postponed at the last moment.

Why is my left palm itching?

It is believed that it is better to reach out for money left hand. It is not known where this sign came from, but another one is definitely connected with it: the left hand itches to receive money or to spend it, to repay debts. If the first option is preferable for you, then at the moment when you feel itching in your palm, scratch it on the underside of the table, saying:

  • “I’ll take the money and tidy up the table.”

Another option is to rub your hand on something red, saying:

  • “Rub my palm against the red so that it doesn’t itch in vain.”

So, the sign speaks very clearly about why the palm of the left hand itches. But are there ways to somehow influence the amount that fate promises to give you? Eat.

  • Method one: as soon as itching appears, immediately take it in your left hand and hold it there for several minutes large bill, which is in the house.
  • Method two: clench your hand into a fist and clasp it right hand. So your approaching wealth will definitely not run away from you.

If you are afraid that you will have to return the money instead of taking it, hold your itchy palm under running water. This will delay the need to repay the debt for some time.