Causes of mustache growth in women. Women's mustaches - why they grow and how to get rid of them forever. Causes of facial hair growth in women


Why do girls have mustaches? upper lip Is it possible to pluck them out with tweezers?

For the fair sex their appearance plays an important role in life. A mustache and beard can spoil a woman’s image, cause a negative impression among people around her, and lower a woman’s self-esteem. Why do women grow mustaches? This question worries many women. They are also interested in ways to remove facial hair at home.

Causes of facial hair

Why do girls grow mustaches? Experts highlight the following factors that have a direct impact on this phenomenon:

  • Heredity - a situation is possible when different female representatives of the same family have a beard or mustache, which is why this is considered the norm;
  • Hormonal imbalance - mustaches in women often appear due to the development of hormonal imbalance, an excess of testosterone (a hormone found in males), the levels of which can increase during menopause, during puberty, after pregnancy, childbirth;
  • Adverse reactions of taking certain medications - some medications stimulate hair growth by different areas the human body, for example, on the face;
  • Individual characteristics of the body structure - many women, due to the increased presence of enzymes in their body structure, suffer from excessive hair growth, they have a mustache and beard;
  • Frequent hair removal process. Is it possible to shave facial hair? A girl should not remove a couple of unnoticeable hairs above her lip, otherwise new thick, darkened hair may appear after a certain period of time;

  • Improper diet, obesity - due to weight gain, hormonal imbalances are observed, which subsequently leads to changes in the body. male type– possible availability profuse sweating, the appearance of dark hairs in the face area;
  • A national trait - a mustache is often observed on women living in the East and South America.

Why women grow mustaches is clear from the list above the listed factors, but how can this defect be painlessly eliminated? Is it possible to pluck girls' mustaches with tweezers?

Also, any mechanical hair removal will provoke even more intense growth in the future. When plucking, the skin warms up, hair follicles wake up, begin to grow in the areas of the removed hairs, they become thicker and stiffer.

Defect removal options

The formation of mustaches in women should not upset them; this defect can be removed independently, in a beauty salon.

At least 30% of females on the planet are faced with the appearance of facial hair - this situation can be fixed by effectively removing them.

To begin with, when a woman notices a mustache on herself, she should contact an endocrinologist, since most similar situations occurs due to hormonal imbalance. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, take necessary tests in the patient, identify the cause of this defect, and prescribe medication.

Also in this case, a gynecologist can help - if the source of the disorder is a malfunction of the ovaries, a nutritionist - if a woman is obese, the doctor will develop a plan to combat excess weight, and give recommendations on normalizing the nutrition process.

Beauty salon specialists can help get rid of this deficiency. Today there are various procedures that are aimed at eliminating this defect in a minimum period of time, for example:

  • Laser application;
  • Photoepilation;
  • Electrolysis;
  • Hair removal with thread, wax, sugaring;
  • Chemical hair removal.

These procedures are considered effective options for combating facial hair in women.

Hair bleaching

If you have a thin mustache above your upper lip, it is possible to bleach it. Often women are looking for an answer to the question: “How to lighten a mustache?” Typically, methods of lightening hairs come down to the use of hydrogen peroxide.

If the vegetation in the facial area is fine and consists of light hairs, then home option discoloration can eliminate this defect. If there is a small fluff in the area of ​​the upper lip, lightening is not required, this is a natural phenomenon of the epidermis covering.

Methods for bleaching hair:

  • Using hydrogen peroxide - a cotton swab is moistened with this solution, areas in the upper lip area are wiped 2 times a day;
  • A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and shaving foam - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of foam is mixed with hydrogen peroxide (5 ml), using cotton swab the substance is applied to the antennae area, left for 10 minutes, then washed off;
  • Soap-ammonia substance with hydrogen peroxide - liquid soap (2 ml), ammonia (3 drops) is added to peroxide (10 ml), ammonia (3 drops), everything is mixed until foam forms, then distributed on the antennae. The product lasts for about 30 minutes, then it must be washed off;
  • Lemon juice – dark hairs are lubricated lemon juice oh, then you need to go sunbathe (to the beach/solarium), this remedy promotes rapid burning of vegetation, hairs become invisible.

After removing the discoloration, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin that will moisturize the dermis and prevent irritation on the face. The appearance of a lasting result is possible after 10 procedures, it depends on the structure of the hairs, the type of hair lightening used, etc.

Folk recipes

There are different traditional methods removing facial hair:

  • A mixture of olive, sunflower, linseed oil (half a glass), nettle seeds (up to 30 pieces) is left to brew for 1 hour, then a couple of drops of lavender are added, essential oils. The created substance is poured into a container, placed in a darkened room for up to 2 months, then used - applied to the antennae area, this mixture destroys hair follicles, provokes hair loss;
  • Mix castor oil (3 ml), ammonia (3 ml), alcohol (25 ml), iodine (1 ml). The prepared solution is infused for about 1.5 hours, then applied to the hair area for 10 minutes, the process is repeated all week, in the morning and evening hours.

A woman's mustache causes great discomfort to many fashionistas. How to get rid of excess hair forever and whether it can be done, as well as the reasons for its appearance - the women's magazine website will tell you. Before you begin removing mustaches at home, it is recommended to find out what caused them.

Why do women grow mustaches?

There are many reasons for excess facial hair. Some girls carefully try to remove it. But the hairs appear again. Why?

  • Hormonal imbalance often provokes the appearance of excess testosterone or “male” hormone in women. In this case, girls may notice increased “hairiness” not only on the face, but also on the body.
  • The period of menopause is closely related to the reason described above. The only difference is that mustaches begin to grow in women after 40-50 years.
  • An individual feature of some women is that they grow a mustache. This may be due to heredity. For example, girls of Georgian or Armenian nationality often have hairs above their upper lip.

The female body is constantly changing. So, hormonal background may change after or during pregnancy, adolescence. Some representatives of the fairer sex develop a mustache at the age of 13-15 years. Experts recommend, first of all, contacting endocrinologists if this problem causes great discomfort.

Women's mustache - how to get rid of it forever

There are many ways to remove facial hair. However, not everyone knows how to get rid of a woman’s mustache forever. At home, you can only temporarily eliminate this cosmetic problem using tweezers, scissors, a razor or bleaching. But many women are not satisfied with the constant discomfort above the upper lip. In this case, it is recommended to contact professionals.
One of effective methods permanent hair removal is electrolysis. This procedure must be performed by a cosmetologist with appropriate education. It involves the specialist inserting a needle from a special device into the hair follicle. Under the influence of alternating current, the bulb gradually splits, the hair becomes thinner, and later completely disappears.
The electrolysis procedure can permanently remove hair. But you won’t be able to get rid of it in one session. You need to take the whole course. Before you go to the salon, you need to know that removing a mustache with electric current is a very painful process. Some salons provide pain relief with a special cream (for example, Emla).
Popular photoepilation techniques and laser removal hair also have a lasting effect. The prepared rays affect the follicle. As a result, the amount of hair is noticeably reduced.

The appearance of a mustache on a man’s face is normal for development, but what should girls or women do when their mustache begins to grow? For most ladies, this circumstance causes panic and the question that always pops up in their heads: “What should I do?” In this article you will learn the causes of mustache growth and methods to combat them.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of mustaches in women is increased free testosterone in blood. Normally, its level should be 0.45-3.75 nmol/l. During ovulation and pregnancy, there is an increase free hormone, which is normal, but when testosterone is greatly exceeded at other times, it can cause complications.

Reasons for increased levels of male hormone in women:

  1. Excessive consumption of sweets and starchy foods. Excessive intake of glucose into the body causes insulin to no longer properly neutralize it, and the ovaries begin to produce more testosterone;
  2. Formation of tumors in ovarian tissues;
  3. Various diseases that affect the functioning of the hormonal glands, such as psoriasis and eczema, which activate hair growth, polycystic disease, etc.;
  4. Hereditary factors;
  5. Taking contraceptives and other medicines affecting hormonal levels;
  6. Taking artificial testosterone during bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Lack of nutrition also leads to excessive body hair growth and the appearance of mustaches. female body the hormone oxytocin. Hair also begins to grow actively during early puberty in girls and during menopause in women.

How to remove mustaches from a woman or girl?

Treatment will be effective if the diagnosis is correct. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is visit a specialist: a gynecologist or endocrinologist. They will give necessary recommendations, will appoint necessary medications, they will prescribe a diet.

Popular methods for removing antennae include:

  1. Depilation;
  2. Epilation: photoepilation, electrolysis, laser hair removal.


Hair removal above the skin using tweezers, depilators, special creams and gels, wax, resins, caramel, chocolate. The effect of the procedure is short-term, lasting from 10 days to 15, after which the antennae grow again. With regular depilation, hair growth gradually slows down, the hair itself becomes thinner and is not noticeable as before. The procedure is painful at first, but the pain effect decreases over time.


Hair removal aimed at destroying hair follicles with the goal of eliminating them completely. Girls and women today actively choose three types of hair removal: laser, photo and electrolysis.

Laser hair removal uses a laser, whose beam penetrates deep into the hair and destroys its bulb. The procedure is local and is used to remove hair on the neck, in the muscle cavity, above the upper lip, since the laser affects only a few hairs in one approach.


It is not a local procedure and is used to remove hair on any part of the body. Getting rid of them is done using a lamp that emits short-term flashes of high power. When exposed to light, the hair follicle is destroyed, and the patient feels a slight tingling sensation.


Impact on the hair root with a weak short-term current discharge, as a result of which it is destroyed from high temperature. Lifeless hair is then removed with ordinary tweezers. Electrolysis is used to remove hair all over the body, except for that growing in the nose and inside ears.

What to do if a girl has a mustache?

If a teenage girl has a mustache, she and her parents need to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for hormones. A specialist can prescribe medications that regulate hormonal levels and give certain recommendations. Experts do not recommend plucking hair above the upper lip, as this will provoke even greater growth. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide to bleach. At the age of 15-17 years, a girl can use the service of laser hair removal or photoepilation, but only with documents from her parents authorizing the procedure.

How to bleach a woman's mustache?

To bleach your mustache you can use:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. You need to use a 3-5% peroxide solution, wet a cotton swab with it twice a day and wipe the antennae with it until they are completely discolored;
  2. Hair dye, for example, “Blondex” (use according to instructions);
  3. Various masks, for example, lemon. To prepare it, you need to prepare lemon juice (you will need 2 teaspoons), beat one egg, mix them and rub the resulting mixture into your mustache for 15 minutes.

Is it possible to pluck or is it better to shave your mustache?

It is easiest to shave the hair above the upper lip. This is a painless and quick process, which, however, experts do not recommend using for a number of reasons:

  1. Hair continues to grow;
  2. The skin at the shaving site becomes rougher over time;
  3. Literally the next day, stubble appears, which can be felt when kissing;
  4. There is a risk of infection in the blood from cuts.

For girls, shaving their mustache is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, it is better to pluck them. In this case, hair appears after 2-3 weeks, and over time it thins out and becomes thinner. The disadvantages of this procedure are pain and redness.

Complete information on the topic “why women grow mustaches and beards, treatment” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

Beard on woman's face– this is an objective reality, which is called hirsutism or, simply put, excessive male hair growth. The reasons for this pathological condition organisms are very diverse and range from endocrine imbalance to taking contraceptives or sedatives. Most often, beards grow not in girls, but in women over the age of 35.

Causes of hirsutism

Why a beard grows in women, only a doctor can definitely answer for each case individually. But if you look at this problem V general outline, then we are talking about hirsutism - a disease that has several types:

Also, this disease can occur as a result of an increase in the level of male hormones in the body of women, which can be caused by a whole list of predisposing factors, for example: adrenal disease, ovarian sclerocystosis. For example, with a disease of the adrenal glands, and more often with malignant tumors, substances that are precursors of male sex hormones are released. In the tissues of the body, these substances are degenerated into testosterone. Lung cancer can also cause increased stimulation of the endocrine organs, which leads to beard growth in women.

Cosmetic and drug causes of hirsutism

Many girls do not understand why a beard grows if everything was fine before and there were no changes in their health. The cause of this pathology may be the use of cosmetics that are not appropriate for one’s age. Many representatives of the fair sex fight the first wrinkles with the help of creams 35 or 40+, hoping for a more pronounced effect, which, of course, they do not receive. Cosmetic products intended for older age groups contain substances that can cause facial hair growth in young girls. Women, thanks to the level of hormones in the body, are insured against these changes.

Long-term use of sedatives and hormonal drugs can also cause hair growth in the beard area in women. Before using any medicine It is recommended to consult a specialist, which makes it possible to avoid many troubles.

Ways to get rid of a beard

In order to effectively get rid of beard hair in women, it is recommended to first find out the reasons why such changes occurred in the body. If you have health problems, the first thing you should do is eliminate them, and then start removing unnecessary hairs from your face.

  1. If excessive facial hair growth appears, you should not delay examining the body and visiting an endocrinologist, since simple removal will not help get rid of unwanted hair forever;
  2. Age should not be used cosmetical tools young girls, as this may lead to the development of irreversible changes;
  3. You can remove unwanted facial hair after treatment at home or in a cosmetologist’s office. Professional care will help avoid the development of irritation and the appearance of a rash after depilation.

It is difficult to answer the question: “Why do women grow beards?” without an examination, since there are many reasons for the development of hirsutism. You should not guess and experiment, choosing your own methods to eliminate this problem, as this can cause complications of this disease.

It’s a huge problem for a girl when she has small mustaches that are not even noticeable to anyone, let alone a beard. Personally, I think that in this case you need to go to the doctor and look for the cause and treatment because the appearance of a beard on a girl may indicate a serious endocrinological disease .

Tip 1: Why do women grow mustaches and hair on their chins?

  • Why do women grow mustaches and hair on their chins?
  • How to quickly grow a mustache
  • How to get rid of a mustache forever

Causes of facial hair in women

2. Genetic predisposition (observed in women from the Middle East and Latin America)

3. Ovarian diseases

4. Inharmonious nutrition, disrupting the functioning of the liver and, accordingly, the endocrine system

5. Liver dysfunction caused by other diseases, infections or viruses

Mustaches and hair grow on the chin and cheeks. How to fight?

The appearance of a beard


How to influence beard growth

Tip 4: What to do to prevent facial hair from growing

  • tweezers;
  • hair removal wax;
  • special bleaching agents;
  • electrolysis;
  • laser.

Tip 5: Why doesn't my beard grow? Reasons and what to do?

So, let's create a gradation depending on the complexity of the problem:

1. Bad heredity;

2. Hormonal disbalance in organism;

4. Inability to shave properly.

What to do if men's closest male relatives all have weak stubble? There is a high percentage of probability that the genes have been passed on and, accordingly, will also grow in you. What to do? It is usually recommended to consult a specialist, often an endocrinologist, and consult about possible drug treatment. Another option for poor heredity is hair follicle transplantation specialized clinics. However, this is a more expensive procedure and is worth carrying out if you are 100% sure that the problem is genes and heredity.

During the examination, the doctor will measure the level of male hormones, in particular testosterone. If there is a slight deficiency of this hormone, the man will be advised to increase sports activities and adjust his diet. At the same time, the principle “the more the better” does not work here, since excess sports, oddly enough, reduces testosterone levels. It is important to make sports your companion, and stick to a predominantly protein diet on the menu.

Improper nutrition with fast food, beer, fatty and high-carbohydrate foods leads to the appearance of “unhealthy” visceral fat. This type of fat accumulates in abdominal cavity around internal organs and after some time changes the hormonal background of a man. There is little testosterone in the body, too much female hormone estradiol, and this stops the growth of stubble. If you are overweight, then for the beauty of your face and body it’s time to get rid of it.

If a man does not know how to shave properly, then this may also be the reason for poor beard hair growth. Do not forget to moisturize the skin before the procedure, this softens the skin and it is less injured. Shave according to the growth of the stubble. But here things may not be so simple. Why? The fact is that beard hairs, following the curves of the face, grow in completely different directions. Therefore, before you start using the razor, run your hand over the stubble; if it pricks, it means you are moving against the hair growth.

Remember the rule - you should shave according to hair growth! This will make it easier to glide and avoid ingrown hairs and irritation.

Why do women grow beards?

The phenomenon when a girl grows a beard or mustache is referred to as modern problem called hirsutism. This is simply explained by excessive male-type hair growth.

In modern reality, women with such a disadvantage are very common. Increased hair growth can occur in any woman if circumstances contribute to it. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the reasons that contribute to the appearance of excess vegetation. If you notice unwanted hair, the first thing you should do is immediately go to an endocrinologist.

Why do women grow mustaches and beards?

The reasons for the appearance of this condition are very different. Their spectrum starts from disturbances in the endocrine balance, and ends with taking birth control or sedative pills. Most often, such troubles arise not in girls, but in women who are over thirty-five years old.

Only a doctor can give an exact answer why this happens in the fair sex. If you look at this phenomenon superficially, the disease can be of several types:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • appearance after taking certain medications;
  • idiopathic.

Heredity plays a decisive role in the formation of vegetation in humans. If someone in a woman’s family suffered from a similar problem, then the disease is caused directly by genetic predisposition. It is very difficult to fight excess hair in this situation, and only laser hair removal can help.

Taking medications

Most often to medical drugs that enhance vellus hair include contraceptives and sedatives. The fact is that these drugs contain hormones. Hence, endocrine system At the same time, it suffers and begins to produce increased testosterone. And it causes hair growth above the upper lip and chin.

Women's ailments

In addition to the listed factors, hirsutism can occur as a result of pelvic diseases in women. An example would be adrenal disease, ovarian cyst and others. All these ailments increase the level of male hormones in the body, which are responsible for the intensity of facial hair growth.

Also subject to availability malignant tumors substances that promote the active development of stubble are released.

These reasons become the main factors that are responsible for the appearance of excess facial hair. To accurately establish them, you need to contact an endocrinologist and conduct a thorough examination. The doctor will be able to determine the individual cause of the disease and prescribe a competent course of treatment.

How to get rid of the problem at home

  1. At home, you can eliminate stubble not only on the chin, but also above the lip. You don't have to spend a huge amount of time and effort to do this. In this situation, there are the following recommendations:
  2. Hairs can be removed using ordinary tweezers. It is better to start the procedure after taking a warm bath, when the skin is well steamed. It is recommended to pluck hairs in a room where there is very good light.
  3. Sugar or wax hair removal (sugaring). The advantage of this option is that the vegetation is removed for two to four weeks. This option has gained the highest popularity.
  4. Lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide. This option is good because it is painless, and it is best used by women with fair skin.

The methods listed are used at home. They help effectively remove mustaches and other facial hair. In addition, there are procedures performed by professional cosmetologists. They will be discussed further.

Services provided by cosmetologists

It’s difficult to imagine the words: “My wife is growing a beard.” This problem causes great inconvenience to many. Cosmetologists do not stand aside from this problem and develop more and more progressive methods. By visiting any salon, you can quickly get the desired result.

Electrolysis has become the most common method in cosmetology. During this procedure, unwanted hairs are removed with a thin needle. It is injected under the root of the hair, and microimpulses destroy the follicle. The structure of the hair is destroyed, and when it falls out, it stops growing.

The peculiarity of this option is that it is accompanied by painful sensations, and sometimes it takes ten to twelve hours to do this procedure. By the way, it is also necessary to add that by removing vegetation in this way, you can forever forget about the discomfort due to unwanted stubble.

Photo and laser hair removal

Also to completely painless and effective options include photoepilation and laser hair removal. You need to pay a lot of money for these cosmetic procedures, but the result is a 100% solution to the problem. Modern ways of solving the problem make it possible to permanently destroy the follicle, and after that women forever received a face free of hair.

Each woman must choose her own path to solve the problem, because some of them will have to be postponed. painful sensations. But, before you destroy facial stubble, you need to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence.

Despite the fact that some women have hair growing on their beards, this problem is not a universal one, because there are many ways to get rid of this problem.

Why facial hair grows in women, causes and treatment of hirsutism

Many of us have seen women who have something like a mustache or beard on their faces. It looks quite strange and unnatural, and some believe that this is the result of plucking or removing facial hair, but this is a misconception.

The appearance of facial hair in women is attributed to hirsutism, exclusively female diagnosis, which is understood as excess hair growth in the fair sex of the androgenic (male) type, caused by an excess of male sex hormones.

The problem causes a lot of trouble for its owners, leads to the formation of complexes and makes such ladies an object of ridicule and sexually unattractive to the opposite sex. Hair is called terminal hair typical places localizations:

They are dark, long and tough, have a shaft and grow from a different type of bulb than the vellus bulbs that are normally present throughout the body, including the face. Every 20th woman of childbearing age grows facial hair, and every 4th woman grows after menopause. Hirsutism is often accompanied by the inability to conceive a child, menstrual irregularities and depression.

A few words about androgens

There are several types of androgens, the most famous of which is testosterone. IN male body this hormone is involved in the formation of sperm, the development of male characteristic features(rough voice, growth of body hair, etc.).

Testosterone is normally present in the female body, but in small quantities, and has an effect on menstrual cycle, sexual desire and fertility (ability to reproduce). Accordingly, an increase in the level of this hormone in women leads to male-type functional changes.

Other male sex hormones are androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone, which are subsequently converted into testosterone (see testosterone levels in women and men).

Symptoms of hirsutism

  • Male pattern hair growth in women: growth of coarse, pigmented shaft hair on the face (upper lip, chin), around the nipples, chest, back, abdomen, buttocks and inner surface hips;
  • Increased oiliness of hair and skin;
  • Acceleration of hair loss on the head, especially in the forehead area;
  • Acne is an inflammatory change in the pilosebaceous structures of the skin;
  • Menstrual dysfunction in the form of irregular periods or their complete absence;
  • Infertility, inability to conceive a child for a long time.

With hirsutism against the background of hyperandrogenism, signs of virilization or masculine features subsequently appear:

  • increased libido;
  • increase muscle mass, especially the upper shoulder girdle;
  • redistribution of fat according to the male type (localized on the shoulders, arms, chest);
  • reduction of glandular tissue of the mammary glands;
  • deepening of the voice;
  • hair loss in the temple area;
  • attraction of the clitoris, reduction in the size of the labia, cessation of the production of vaginal lubrication.

Causes of facial hair growth in women

The pathology is based on the degeneration of thin, unpigmented vellus hair into terminal hair: hard, long and colored, which does not occur by chance, but due to a number of reasons. About 90% of hirsutism is a consequence of polycystic ovary syndrome. A physiological shift in the normal ratio of female and male hormones in a woman’s body occurs during pregnancy and menopause.

Hyperandrogenism or, in other words, increased production of male sex hormones (androgens) occurs when:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome, accompanied by a disorder of the function of the gonads, in which small numerous cysts with fluid inside form on the surface of the ovaries;
  • neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • ovarian hyperticosis - a severe form of polycystic disease;
  • chronic anovulation, when the egg does not mature;
  • hypothalamic type amenorrhea;
  • menopause - after a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, testosterone levels become high and sometimes lead to the growth of terminal hair.

Increased sensitivity to androgens

In about a quarter of cases, facial hair growth in women is not accompanied by an increase in androgen levels, but excessive sensitivity to them leads to symptoms: for some reason, normal hormonal levels have a stronger effect.

Adrenal function disorders

Occur as a result of tumors of the adrenal glands, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, acquired or innate nature. It develops against the background of increased production of steroid hormones by glands, the group of which includes andogens.

Pituitary gland dysfunction

They occur with acromegaly, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (significant increase in weight and abdomen), prolactinoma of the pituitary gland (hormonally active tumor). Primary damage to the pituitary gland leads to involvement in pathological process adrenal glands, which begin to produce excessive amounts of androgens and cortisol.

Hereditary predisposition (familial hirsutism)

In some families and ethnic groups(Mediterranean, Caucasian women) over many generations, genetic and chromosomal features have been observed, which determine this feature.

Taking certain medications

So unpleasant side effects have:

  • corticosteroids (Flosteron, betamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • anabolics (Nolvadex, Clomid, etc.);
  • androgens (Proviron, Andriol, etc.);
  • progestins (Mikronr, Orvett, etc.);
  • immunosuppressive drugs (Cyclosporine, Sandimmune);
  • antibiotic Steptomycin.

Idiopathic hirsutism

Idiopathic hirsutism occurs without apparent reason, which explains why women grow facial hair. This type of disease is characterized by the formation hypersensitivity to androgens of skin receptors and hair follicles. The symptoms of idiopathic hirsutism are erased, and hormonal abnormalities insignificant, without affecting reproductive function.


Clinical forms of hirsutism are determined according to the reasons that caused it:

  • Dermatological or constitutional: idiopathic and familial hirsutism;
  • Neuroendocrine: adrenal, ovarian, pituitary hirsutism;
  • Exogenous or iatrogenic, associated with medication.

The second classification is based on the relationship of hirsutism with other disorders:

  • No associated disorders;
  • Burdened with piloseborrheic complex increased activity(acne and blackheads);
  • Associated with ovulation disorders;
  • With signs of virilization (a woman who looks like a man).


Diagnosis of hirsutism requires a careful history and series of laboratory research, includes examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist:

Laboratory tests (hormones in blood serum)

  • < 200 нг %, снижающийся на фоне приема преднизолона или oral contraceptives, indicate polycystic disease;
  • > 200 ng% - typical for an ovarian tumor.
  • > 700 ng%, which decreases with dexamethasone, indicates adrenal hyperplasia;
  • > 700 ng%, without any trend toward decline, indicates an adrenal tumor.
  • Cortisol – increases in Cushing’s syndrome)
  • Androstenedione – a high level indicates ovarian pathology
  • Gonadotropins: luteonizing hormones prevail over follicle-stimulating hormones in polycystic disease
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone: increases in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Instrumental studies

  • Ultrasound examination of the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • MRI and CT of the adrenal glands, brain;
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy of the ovaries (if a tumor process is suspected).

At mild degree hirsutism, when a woman does not have menstrual irregularities, treatment is not required. And since excessive hair growth in women is only a symptom, a manifestation of another pathology, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the primary factor, the etiological cause of the disease:

  • removal of neoplasms of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands or ovaries;
  • discontinuation of a drug that leads to hair growth;
  • therapy for Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, etc.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy can be prescribed only after a thorough examination and after excluding androgen-secreting tumors. Includes treatment hormonal drugs a cycle of 3-6 months, in some cases courses have to be repeated. Hormonal therapy stops or slows down the growth of new hair, but does not affect existing hair.

  • Hyperandrogenism - antiandrogenic drugs that reduce the level of the hormone testosterone and reduce sensitivity to androgens in hair follicles: Diane-35, Zhanine, Yarina (see. birth control pills- pros and cons).
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Prednisolone, Cortisol.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome: hormones from the group of oral contraceptives (Yarina, Zhanin, Androkur) and the anti-estrogen Clomiphene.
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands - surgical, chemotherapy and other therapy, on an individual basis.

Contraindications to hormonal treatment:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • tumor-like formations of any location;
  • individual intolerance.

Diet and help from a psychologist

When hirsutism is accompanied by weight gain, a low-carbohydrate diet should be followed. In some cases, the help of a psychologist may be needed in cases of psychosis and depression.

Cosmetological methods

How can a woman get rid of facial hair? Cosmetology procedures They allow you to reduce visibility or completely remove existing hair, but do not affect its further growth. Therefore, they are recommended as concomitant treatment with hormonal therapy.

  • Lightening - for these purposes, compositions based on hydrogen peroxide, hydroperite and other substances are used that bleach the hair, depriving it of its natural pigment and making it less noticeable. The technique is suitable for small, short hair, with mild degrees of hirsutism.
  • Plucking - using special tweezers, hair shafts are removed and the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Carried out at small quantity facial hair Regular self-plucking of hair leads to roughening of the skin, greater length of subsequent hair and carries a risk of infection. This method must not be abused!
  • Shaving and waxing are acceptable for removing hair on the back, stomach, and legs. When terminal hair re-grows, procedures are not prescribed, as they lead to scarring and infection.

Expensive procedures:

  • Photoepilation - the action of flashes of high-pulse light (wavelength 400-1200 nm) leads to their absorption by melanin. The thermal energy released during this process destroys hair follicle. The procedure is suitable for removing dark hair and is ineffective for light hair. The effect lasts about 5 months.
  • Laser hair removal - a laser beam passing through the hair heats cells containing melanin and destroys the hair follicle. Only those hairs that are in the active growth phase are removed, without affecting dormant hair follicles. Therefore, several treatments may be needed over 1-6 months. It is a less intense method of exposure compared to photoepilation.

Contraindications to photo and laser hair removal:

  • inflammatory foci in the epilation area;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin tattoos;
  • long-term exposure to UV rays before procedures (sea holidays, solarium);
  • treatment with steroids, isotretinoin;
  • presence of a pacemaker or insulin pump;
  • porphyria.

Photo- and laser hair removal are effective in combating excess hair, but the presence of large quantity hair makes treatment very expensive and only makes sense for treating exposed parts of the body and face. It should also be remembered that the procedures do not have a special effect on the growth of new hair, i.e. Without eliminating the causes of hirsutism, cosmetic methods are useless.

Traditional treatment

It should be understood that without traditional treatment symptoms of the disease will continue to appear. ethnoscience It makes sense in the idiopathic form of the pathology and as a method of hair removal after the main hormonal treatment.

  • Juice of unripe walnut. The green nut is cut into 2 parts and the juice is squeezed out, which will be quite a bit. Apply droplets of juice to the hair roots. After 3-4 applications, hair growth will slow down.
  • Fresh garlic. Fresh garlic paste is applied to the hair roots for 10 minutes. Regular use of such a mask also leads to slower hair growth.
  • Datura decoction. The crushed leaves and stems of the plant are poured with water (so that it covers them) and slowly simmered over low heat for 60 minutes. The resulting decoction is applied to the hair roots 2 times a week very carefully, since the plant is poisonous.

Disease prognosis

The life cycle of a hair is 6 months - this is the minimum duration of treatment for facial hair in women, which requires perseverance and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. It is sometimes impossible to completely get rid of increased hair growth in unwanted places, but it is possible to significantly slow down its growth.

tell me I'm already for a long time I plucked the hairs on my beard and everything was fine, but half a year ago pimples and wounds began to appear. How can they be cured? I tried calendula, but zinc ointment didn’t help.

But to be examined and choose treatment according to the cause of the disease is not destiny.

Tatyana N., it’s immediately obvious that you do not suffer from these ailments... If you have nothing to say on the matter, pass by.

Ruslana, unfortunately, not everything is as simple as they write and say... I myself have had dozens of tests (hormones), ultrasounds, examinations by several gynecologists... no one can say anything worthwhile! Hormones are fine, but there is hirsutism?! And each time they prescribed different hormonal drugs... from Diana to milder ones... at random! The reason is difficult to establish, and unfortunately, only the doctors themselves make money from this now... I gave birth, and I resigned myself... maybe it’s hereditary, but the doctors won’t admit it

Please help, at least with some advice! For the past 6 years I have been plucking the hair on my face with an epilator - it has grown, there is also coarse hair on my body, I cry all the time, I am ashamed in the world, menstrual the cycle is irregular and 2 months. There were 2 times a month. The left one (ovary, probably) hurts, what should I do? I’m out of work now, how much does it cost to take all these tests in Ukraine? WHERE TO START? - no children. in childhood and adolescence I was very hypothermic, I didn’t treat anything because I was in a boarding school. I had no money. I live in an apartment. Which doctor should I go to right away, and what should I get tested so that it’s not expensive? HELP!

Go to a gynecologist and endocrinologist. If there is a pathology, they will see it. I am 43 years old, my menstrual cycle returned to normal only 3 years ago (after I found a man who can have sex at least 3 times a week). The hair has grown not because of hair removal, but because of hormonal disorders. I also have black, coarse hair growing on my face and legs, although I am blonde. I pluck them every day and don’t bother. I'm already tired.

I'm very tired of facial hair, I'm still 28 years old, please help

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Today, even men do not like mustaches; in past centuries, the presence of a mustache was an automatic confirmation of the masculinity of its owner, and mustacheless youths did not receive the attention of women and most privileges. Nowadays all cultured people fight for purity skin, including on the face. What can we say about women, whose delicate face should look perfect, here the presence of a mustache is not only out of place, it is simply unacceptable! But sometimes women grow mustaches: why? And are there real ways to remove it?

There is an opinion that ladies with mustaches are a sign of a strong temperament and that ladies with mustaches are the most passionate lovers. Supporters of this point of view have a completely scientific argument: since the male hormone testosterone is responsible for sexuality in women, its excess increases this quality.

The presence of a mustache on a lady indicates an increased level of testosterone, therefore, a lady with hair above her upper lip is much more temperamental than her “mustacheless” friends.

Why do women sometimes grow mustaches and beards?

While discussing the topic of sexuality, we got to the bottom of the reason for the growth of mustaches - it’s all about hormone levels. That is why representatives of southern nationalities, different increased level testosterone, especially Georgian and Armenian women, are distinguished by thick mustaches, which do not bother them so much. In their homeland they don’t pay attention to this, because there is a woman with a mustache - normal phenomenon, but when they come to live in Russia, they begin to look for ways of painless and reliable depilation.

Northern women are practically not threatened by the presence of abundant vegetation; a mustache can only be an indicator of hormonal disorders. Therefore, if there is increased hair growth above the upper lip, on the chin, or on the lower back, you should definitely consult an endocrinologist. By the way, hair growth increases when the liver and gallbladder are not functioning properly. Often, mustaches appear during menopause, as the level of female hormones drops.

For ladies who do not have a national predisposition to increased growth of facial hair, such hormonal surges do not pass without a trace - because of them, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the reproductive system ceases to function, voice changes appear, the greasiness of the skin and hair increases, and various skin rashes. So in this case, the mustache is just one of the symptoms systemic disease which requires immediate treatment.

It often happens that after listening to the advice of “experienced” friends, a young girl begins to shave off the barely noticeable fluff. This is not worth doing! Although this will not cause more hair, it will grow more intensively and become tougher. If you really want to make this part of your face absolutely clean, then you should use other methods that do not lead to increased growth.

Ways to remove unwanted facial hair

Every culture has its own ways of removing female mustaches. Southern women have long twisted it in a certain way around the hairs, which leads to very effective and quick removal. The hairs, of course, grow back, but after such depilation there are no such hard ends as after shaving, and the hair does not grow much longer.

Lightening the mustache with hydrogen peroxide (3%) gives an excellent effect; this should be done regularly; the hair will first lighten, then gradually thin out. There is another composition for removing antennae: take two teaspoons of lemon juice for one egg yolk. The composition is whipped into a foam and this foam is applied to the antennae, soaking generously so that the skin gets wet. The mask is left for a quarter of an hour and washed off. You need to make a mask very often, after which the hairs will thin out and become thinner.

Sugaring gives a good effect - a not too painful, but effective procedure with natural melted sugar.

But the most the right remedy– contact a cosmetologist and undergo laser or photoepilation procedures.