Douching irrigation. Basics of proper douching. Treatment: maintenance therapy with douching

Many women want to know what douching is and how to do it. Typically, douching in women is associated with the procedure of deliberately introducing fluid into the vagina for rinsing and preventative measures.

As a rule, a rubber bulb (enema, syringe, Esmarch mug) is used for this procedure. In rare cases, a syringe without a needle is used.

The benefits of douching

Women were treated with this method back in ancient times. There are many folk recipes preparing the composition for this procedure. As a rule, they were passed down from generation to generation. However, many people forget or do not know about this effective method of treating thrush and wonder what douching is like? Photos of various devices for the procedure prove that in modern world this measure is no less popular than other treatment methods.

Many women suffering from thrush successfully get rid of this trouble by douching with soda solution, because soda kills the fungus. In addition, thanks to douching, the chance of conceiving a child increases. This happens because a favorable environment is created in the vagina.

Douching with soda solution

Douching is an affordable and safe method treatment of thrush. A similar procedure is used as a therapeutic and preventive measure. During douching, the vagina is washed with a special solution with medicines, herbs, or in this case, soda.

This procedure can be carried out with chronic inflammation. Douching is also a method of prevention unwanted pregnancy. It is known that women have used it as a means of contraception since ancient times. The procedure should be performed after sexual intercourse. When exposed to soda, sperm immediately die. In addition, a soda solution cleanses the vagina well from pathogenic fungi and microbes that cause various diseases, including thrush.

For conception

Douching for conception is not required for women who do not have health problems. In the absence of sexually transmitted infections, this method is usually not used. It should also not be done when taking oral contraceptives and the appearance of allergies.

Usually, healthy body It cleans itself and does not require additional procedures. A woman should only follow the rules intimate hygiene and shower daily.

But there are also cases when you simply cannot do without douching. For example, if medical tests normal, but pregnancy still does not occur. In this case, it can be assumed that the environment in the vagina has increased acidity, in which sperm do not survive without reaching their goal. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Any infection, including thrush, can affect acidity.

Vaginal douching is easy way restore a suitable alkaline environment. Most often, a soda solution is used for rinsing, combining the procedure with taking folic acid.

Restoring acidity levels

To quickly restore a normal environment in the vagina, you can use a special acid solution. This composition helps to neutralize unnecessary fungal microorganisms and bacteria.

To prepare the solution you should take Apple vinegar. If you don't have one, a fresh one will do. lemon juice. One teaspoon of vinegar or juice should be mixed with water. When the first signs of thrush appear, it is enough to do up to three douches a day. When strongly severe symptoms diseases, such a remedy must be used in combination with other drugs.

Treatment of thrush with soda

Douching is one of the effective methods of treating thrush. This procedure, like taking a shower or bath, helps eliminate itching and also relieves unpleasant discharge.

Women suffering from thrush need to douche daily with a soda solution. You can prepare it from 0.5 liters of water and 1 teaspoon of soda. Thanks to this procedure, the symptoms of thrush will go away faster.

It is also necessary to take an effective drug, for example Flucostat. Immediately after the procedure, you can apply a large number of ointment containing levorin or nystatin.

Douching with soda is effective method fight the disease. It should be remembered that during the treatment period you need to abstain from sexual intercourse. Douching with soda will have a greater effect if, along with it, the woman takes antifungal drugs.

Carrying out the procedure

You should learn more about douching with soda (how it is done, what contraindications exist, etc.). This one is enough simple procedure helps cure thrush and is excellent prophylactic against this disease.

How to do douching at home? To prepare the solution, you need to take 0.5 liters of water and 1 teaspoon of soda and stir it until completely dissolved. Then you need to fill the syringe with the solution, squat down and inject the composition into the vagina.

How to do douching correctly using an Esmarch mug? You can buy such a device at a pharmacy. You can douche not only while squatting, but also while lying in the bathroom. For convenience, your feet can be placed on its edges. The solution should be administered carefully, in a thin stream.

After washing, the syringe must be disinfected inside with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The outside must be thoroughly wiped with alcohol to destroy germs.


How to do douching correctly? It is important to know that you should not get too carried away with this procedure and do it very often. This may lead to negative results and may also cause allergic reactions, as a result of which the vaginal mucosa may become too dry.

Douching is contraindicated for pregnant women or women who have recently given birth, as well as those with sexually transmitted infections. During the douching period, it is not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol or strong coffee, and it is also undesirable to stay in the sauna for a long time.

If the procedure is performed for the purpose of conception, you should definitely consult a doctor. Also, this measure cannot be taken for cervical erosion.

Before douching at home, you should consult your doctor. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure independently, without medical permission. Douching, like any other self-medication, should be started only after consulting a specialist. This will avoid undesirable consequences, which will be quite difficult to cope with.

Along with douching, modern medicine offers others effective ways treatment for thrush, such as ointments, suppositories or tablets.

Drug-based solutions

For douching, you can use various special compositions and infusions medicinal herbs.

Such drugs include Chlorhexidine. It can be bought at the pharmacy ready-made, and no dilution with water is required. In this case, the procedure is carried out in horizontal position by inserting the spout of the bottle into the vagina. After injecting the required amount of Chlorhexidine, you need to lie down for several minutes for the product to take effect. It is important to remember that this medicine is not suitable for regular use - it may develop bacterial vaginosis. "Chlorhexidine" can be replaced with suppositories, for example, "Hexicon". During pregnancy, the solution should not be used without first consulting a gynecologist. Many doctors do not allow the use of Chlorhexidine during pregnancy. Often this substance provokes allergic reactions, then it is better to replace the drug with vaginal suppositories.

"Furacilin" is another remedy that women sometimes use for douching. Unfortunately, it does not help in the fight against thrush. It only temporarily eliminates discharge and itching, since the active substances of this drug do not have any effect. antifungal effect. You should know that frequent washing of the vagina with Furacilin can be harmful to health.

Often such procedures are carried out with hydrogen peroxide 3%. For douching, take a glass of water and 1 teaspoon of peroxide. The procedure is performed daily until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Potassium permanganate and borax in glycerin

Rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate should be done with special attention. It is important that it is weak enough, otherwise a burn to the mucous membrane may occur. Manganese crystals must be well dissolved in water and the procedure must be performed several times during the day. This effective remedy helps even in the most difficult situations.

Borax in glycerin for douching can be purchased in the form of a ready-made solution. It is advisable to use it on early stages diseases, otherwise positive result she won't bring it. The dose and duration of treatment should initially be agreed with your doctor. In the first days, perform 3 douches per day, then 1 procedure per day is sufficient. The course of treatment is approximately a week.

Douching with herbs

Calendula is often used as a medicine due to its effective effects. A decoction for douching can be made as follows: 1 teaspoon of calendula should be brewed in a glass of hot water. You can wash with this solution often. In addition, calendula can be consumed internally as a drink.

Chamomile is wonderful natural antiseptic, so it helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis. A decoction for douching is made as follows: take 1 liter of boiling water and 3 teaspoons of chamomile. The decoction should be infused well. The procedure is carried out at least 5 times a day. This method is often combined with treatment with soda solution.

Oil can be used to prepare herbal solution tea tree. To do this, you need to mix it with medical alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Store the mixture in a tightly closed bottle. Before the procedure, a few drops of this composition are diluted in a glass of water. The course of treatment is 7 days, washing is carried out once a day.

Onions and St. John's wort are powerful means, helping to eliminate the fungus that causes candidiasis. St. John's wort decoction is prepared from 1 liter of water and 4 tablespoons of St. John's wort. Then let it brew and add Fresh Juice Luke.

Raspberries and sage are also effective in fighting thrush. The plants are mixed in equal proportions and a decoction is prepared from them, to which you can then add a little apple cider vinegar.

All of these douching compositions will have a good effect if they are used in combination with other medications.

The female reproductive system is a complex complex of organs that not only ensures the birth of children, but also plays vital role V female body. Whether all organs cope genitourinary system Women with their functions ultimately depend on their well-being, mood, and in some cases, their overall health.

The most common diseases affecting women reproductive organs, include, in particular, cervical ectopia, endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

Reasons for the development of cervical ectopia

Cervical ectopia (the term “ectopia” has long replaced the outdated term “erosion”) can have different origins. This ectopia of the cervical epithelium, cervical pseudo-erosion, cervical erosion, endocervicosis. In the practice of a gynecologist, there are ectopias that are traumatic in nature, but much more often specialists have to deal with ectopias of infectious origin. The most common cause of the development of cervical ectopia is viral infections(mainly human papillomavirus, HPV), less often - bacteria.

Treatment of ectopia

The main difficulty in treating diseases of this group is timely diagnosis: Unfortunately, despite the abundance of information about the importance of regular visits to the gynecologist, many patients still skip annual preventive examinations, applying for medical care just on late stages diseases.

Prevalence of cervical ectopia

The problem of cervical ectopia is extremely common: one or another disease from this group is found in every second woman who goes to the gynecologist with complaints of discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse, bloody discharge during sexual intercourse (the so-called contact discharge). The latter already indicates that the process is neglected. If the cause of ectopia is infectious process, then the woman is worried about the discharge.

What tests need to be taken?

If cervical ectopia is suspected, a study is performed PCR method to detect human papillomavirus, as well as bacterial culture to detect staphylococcus, streptococcus, e. coli and other bacteria that can cause inflammation of the cervix - endocervicitis. Patients are also checked for the presence cytomegalovirus infection and herpes virus. All these tests can be performed in the Zdorovye network of clinics, as well as transvaginal ultrasonography. It is advisable for patients with ectopia to undergo extended colposcopy with various tests to exclude malignant changes in the cervix.

Consequences of HPV

When HPV of high oncogenic risk is detected, patients are necessarily prescribed treatment to prevent the development of cancer. However, cervical cancer is not the only problem associated with ectopia: patients often complain of decreased fertility and libido (sex drive), so cervical diseases must be treated regardless of the presence or absence of a risk of developing cancer due to ectopia. If necessary, doctors at clinics in the Zdorovye network perform cauterization of ectopia using electrocoagulation and pharmaceuticals.

Endometriosis: symptoms

Another extremely common gynecological problem is endometriosis, a condition clinically manifested by chronic nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The pain may be constant. Endometriosis is also characterized by the presence of brown spotting discharge before and after menstruation. Sami menstrual bleeding against the background of endometriosis, they become abundant and painful.

Causes of endometriosis development

Endometriosis is a consequence varicose veins pelvic veins, circulatory disorders in the pelvis. That is why endometriosis is often detected in professional athletes, young and practically healthy women: intense physical exercise can provoke circulatory problems, which, in turn, lead to endometriosis.

Diagnosis of endometriosis at the Zdorovye clinic

To diagnose endometriosis, the Zdorovye network of clinics performs an ultrasound examination, in which the doctor, as a rule, detects an enlarged uterus with characteristic growths.

How to prevent endometriosis?

You can prevent the development of endometriosis by limiting physical activity and avoiding activities that require excessive effort. Such prevention is especially important for women whose relatives suffer from endometriosis: it has been proven that a predisposition to this disease is inherited.

To treat endometriosis, the Zdorovye clinic network uses drugs that relax the uterus. If endometriosis develops against the background of inflammation, we also treat the cause of the inflammation, and in the later stages of endometriosis we use hormonal drugs. However, it is better to organize treatment in such a way that the need for prescription hormonal drugs did not arise.

Consequences of untreated endometriosis

Untreated endometriosis can cause infertility or uterine fibroids. The latter is a fairly common complication of the nodular form of endometriosis, but it can also develop as independent disease.

Uterine fibroids: symptoms

In general, uterine fibroids are benign tumor, arising in muscle layer uterus, myometrium. Characteristic manifestations of fibroids are pain in the lower abdomen, intermenstrual bleeding, heavy and prolonged periods and pain during bowel movements.

When should you visit a doctor?

Uterine fibroids often develop in young girls, including those who have not given birth and are not sexually active, as well as in adult women aged 25 years or more. Since it is impossible to predict the appearance of fibroids, all women, starting from the moment their periods appear, should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo all necessary examinations, including ultrasound.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

If a fibroid is detected, we begin to monitor it. Signs of active tumor growth are an indication for use. medicines, including drugs that cause a reversible condition similar to menopause. Since the growth of fibroids depends on female sex hormones, it stops during artificial menopause.

Consequences of an advanced disease

In advanced cases, the myomatous node can become necrotic and cause septic conditions, a fatal condition. But even in the absence of such serious complications, fibroids can significantly worsen the quality of life, for example, causing infertility.

How to avoid female diseases?

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment gynecological diseases should become an integral part of life modern woman who takes care of herself and values ​​her health. That is why you should not put off visiting a gynecologist, even if there is no reason to worry.

A procedure such as douching is quite popular among women. It is used not only as preventative measure when fighting infections, but also in medicinal purposes. Very often, douching can be prescribed as an additional measure during the treatment of gynecological diseases, when additional care and disinfection are needed. And although the procedure seems quite simple to perform, only a doctor can prescribe it. There are many options for carrying it out, possible medications that are used in this case, as well as mandatory rules.

Why is douching done?

The procedure is prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of the internal genital organs of women. Most often it is used in the fight against thrush or other bacterial diseases. Douching can also be prescribed when the acidity of the vagina increases. This procedure allows you to restore the acid-base balance, helps to wash out secretions, ejaculate and pathogens, including fungi, from the vagina.

Did you know? Often, women use douching as a method of combating unwanted pregnancy, since the use of special solutions helps to wash ejaculate from the vagina. But it is better to carry out such a procedure only for therapeutic purposes, since its use for preventive purposes rarely gives a tangible and reliable result, and sometimes can even cause harm.

What you need for douching at home

To do douching, you need several essential tools. It is advisable to prepare them in advance.

How to prepare a syringe for first use

Before using the cup or syringe, the plastic tip must be boiled. It should be completely immersed in boiling water for at least 5-7 minutes. You also need to disinfect the main part of the syringe - for this you can use chlorhexidine or miramistin. If you are using a simple rubber bulb, it is better to buy a tip for the Esmarch bowl, it has correct form and is more suitable for the procedure.

The water is first boiled and then allowed to cool. Can not use hot water, as you can get a burn to the mucous membranes. It's better to wait until she becomes room temperature. As the water becomes warm enough for douching, components of medications and other agents are added to it, thoroughly diluting or mixing them. In this case, be sure to follow the instructions for using these products.

After each procedure, the rubber balloon must be washed along with the tip.

Important! The syringe used for douching should under no circumstances be used for enemas! It is also important to remember that no one should use it or the Esmarch Cup except you.

Rules and technique

The water temperature should not be very hot - it is best if it is approximately the same as body temperature. The flow of fluid should be smooth, since a sharp or tight stream can get above the cervix and cause inflammation of the internal genital organs. This is why it is better to use a bowl rather than a simple pump, since it is easier to operate and easier to control the fluid pressure. If you use a blower, you just need to apply pressure.

The procedure should last no more than 10-15 minutes.

Procedure diagram: the first three days, douching is carried out twice (in the morning and before bed), after which it is continued for another two or three days, but only in the evenings. If necessary, the course is continued by douching once a week. It is not recommended to extend the course for more than ten days. Seven days or even less is completely enough to treat simple and not advanced forms of diseases.

The procedure itself must be carried out carefully. Do not forcefully insert the nozzle abruptly - you can not only damage the mucous membranes, but also injure the cervix. The tip itself should be inserted slowly, calmly and carefully. To facilitate insertion, it can be lubricated with Vaseline, which must be sterile.

It is convenient to do douching in the bathroom, lying on your back and spreading your legs over the sides. You can also douche while sitting on the toilet. In this case, the pump or cup must be kept at waist level - this way the liquid will wash the walls of the vagina and, under the influence of gravity, quietly pour out on its own.

What can you douche with?

In preparing the douching solution, active chemical components are used - salt or soda, boric acid, potassium permanganate. It is also carried out by specially appointed doctors. medicinal products and solutions, depending on the symptoms and nature of the disease. Natural ingredients are often used and prepared immediately before the procedure.

Important! When adding an active substance, it is imperative to follow the instructions, since such aggressive components can make the vaginal area completely sterile, which leads to the appearance and development of infectious and inflammatory processes like colpitis. This may also cause chemical burn mucous membranes.

Folk remedies

Traditional healers advise douching with several medicinal herbs, which include aloe and chamomile. Antibacterial agents are often used herbal teas, which are brewed before the procedure. Also the most simple means considered soda or salt.

Baking soda

Soda is diluted in water in the following proportions: a teaspoon of soda per 500 ml of warm water. The solution helps fight itching and eliminates inflammation. Salt diluted in water has the same effect. You can use it no more than one course once a month, that is, 5-7 days of treatment, after which a break for at least a month.


Honey is also often used, to which a little boric acid is added. The spectrum of action of this remedy is quite wide: it treats trichomonas colpitis, vaginitis and vaginosis, chlamydia, thrush, gonorrhea and even reduces erosion. Take 5 spoons of honey and 5 spoons boric alcohol, which are diluted in 1 liter of warm water.


A solution with aloe helps get rid of itching, ulcers and other inflammations, restores microflora. To prepare the solution, you need to choose a fresh aloe leaf that is at least 2 years old. Its juice is squeezed out and mixed in a ratio of 1 to 10.


Chamomile is one of those plants that are used very widely. It is safe and has a wide spectrum of action. A tablespoon of flowers is brewed in 2 glasses of water, cooled and douched.

Herbal collection

This collection helps to get rid of any female diseases. It necessarily includes lavender, chamomile, calendula, elm bark, cudweed, lovage and raspberry leaves. You can make everything yourself, taking herbs in equal quantities, or buy ready mixture. Brew in a ratio of 2 tablespoons to 1 sheet of water.

Pharmacy drugs

Modern medicine also offers a large arsenal of tools to help fight any ailment. You can use both simple antiseptics and specialized products (necessarily after consultation with a doctor).


The drug has broad action and is used against fungi and many bacteria. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor after examination. In case of overdose, vaginosis may develop. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is sold in plastic bottles with a special dispenser spout.


Douching with the drug is carried out for fibroids, cancer, venereal diseases and inflammatory processes. It is often used as a means to improve the functions of the genital organs, in the fight against cystic manifestations. Douching is carried out as follows: 35 drops of the product are diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water.

Did you know? The "ASD" remedy is not very well known. He is unlikely to be appointedto you in the hospital. The fact is that it was invented by a doctor of veterinary sciences, so many doctors believehis unwanted. But a wide spectrum of action and beneficial features make it effective in many cases, even with infertility.


The medicine contains chlorhexidine, hexamidine and chlorocresol. It is used for thrush, cervitis, vulvitis and other diseases. The drug is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 with warm water.


Helps in the treatment of fungal infections, purulent processes, bacterial infections. The product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 or 1 to 5.


This remedy does not help in the fight against fungal infections, but takes it off discomfort, relieves burning and itching. It is necessary to dilute 1 tablet, after crushing it, in 200 ml of water.

Is it possible to do

The question often arises: Is it possible to do douching during pregnancy or critical days, because this delicate condition of a woman can contribute to the spread of infection.


Pregnant women are often tormented by candidiasis. And although you can use some components, for example, salt or herbs, it is better not to douche. This can harm the baby, as a large number of foreign substances enter the uterus active substances. In addition, you can not only not cure infections, but also pass them on to your child. And douching on early stages threatens miscarriage.

During menstruation

The procedure is also prohibited during menstruation. Any solution very easily passes from the vagina into the uterus and can contribute to the spread of bacteria or infections.

When not to douche

The question of whether it is possible to douche arises in almost every woman. Douching is not only possible, but in some cases it is simply necessary, especially if it is part of a treatment package. But the procedure must be carried out correctly and always after consultation with a doctor.

There are several reasons why this procedure may be prohibited:

  1. Douching for cleanliness or “just in case”, for preventive purposes and without consulting a doctor is prohibited. IN best case scenario they simply will not bring the expected effect; at worst, they can cause inflammation and disease.
  2. To treat strange discharge, burning or itching, you cannot prescribe the procedure yourself, since the cause of the symptoms may be different.
  3. You should avoid douching if you are planning to go for a consultation or get tested. Test results may be unreliable or incomplete.
  4. With exacerbation of inflammatory processes in chronic form fluid administration is not advisable.
  5. Douching during menstruation is prohibited.
  6. During pregnancy, in the period after childbirth, after the curettage procedure, you cannot douche.

Douching- useful and required procedure, since it not only helps to get rid of unwanted symptoms and discharge, but also helps treat many gynecological diseases. However, it is very important to carry it out wisely, following all the rules and using only those products prescribed by your doctor.

Some women do not know how to douche, and many generally underestimate the benefits of this procedure. But it must be remembered that all interventions in the body’s activities must be done on the recommendation of a doctor. Some women douche before visiting a gynecologist, arguing that then everything will be clean and the doctor will be more comfortable. This is absolutely not true.

The doctor does not need convenience; he needs to examine both the vaginal mucosa and the discharge produced. They are the ones who give big picture, which allows the doctor to make a diagnosis. And if a woman washed everything away before visiting the gynecologist, then there will be nothing to evaluate. Before your visit, you just need to wash yourself with warm water, without using any hygiene products. Douching is medical procedure, the essence of which comes down to irrigation and washing of the vagina in order to destroy pathogenic flora. And it should be used only for this. If you carry out this procedure constantly, then together with harmful bacteria the useful will also perish. And dysbiosis will only intensify. If a woman has been prescribed such a procedure, but she does not know how to do douching, then it is better to ask a gynecologist. He will explain all the intricacies of this rather simple manipulation. And he will tell you exactly what goal needs to be achieved during treatment.

How to do douching at home?

Doctors often prescribe this procedure, but many patients simply forget to ask how exactly it is done. There's nothing complicated about it. First, at the pharmacy you need to buy a large syringe or an Esmarch mug (the same one that is used for enemas). Naturally, these medical supplies should not be used

simultaneously for both procedures. It is better to purchase separately for douching, since its cost is low, and infection can be very easy. The tip must be boiled or doused with boiling water. You need to prepare the solution prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication is excluded, so it is necessary to clarify all the nuances in the office. Especially it concerns pharmaceuticals, as well as potassium permanganate. Incorrect dosage can lead to injury to the vaginal mucosa. The solution should be warm, not hot. To carry out the procedure, the woman must lie on her back and carefully insert the tip between the labia, after deflating the air. Then slowly inject the medicine, allowing it to flow freely. You should not strain or stand up, since the solution must evenly irrigate the entire surface.

Myths associated with this procedure

Some girls sometimes ask how to do uterine douching. So, mother - internal organ, not requiring such a procedure. The second misconception that many young girls are subject to is the belief that douching can protect against unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, a wide variety of means are used for the solution, including the Coca-Cola drink. This is absolutely unreasonable because the sperm of a healthy man leaves the vagina quite quickly, moving towards its goal, and therefore nothing can stop them. In addition, for conception, only one is enough, which will be able to reach. But it is very easy to spoil the microflora. Also, douching will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Terrible thrush. Is there a way out?

One of the unpleasant female diseases, which is difficult to treat, is known to many. You need to know how to do douching for thrush, since in this case the disease can be stopped by initial stage. For these purposes, solutions of baking soda, medicinal herbs, and potassium permanganate are most often used.

Douching with chamomile decoction

How to do douching with chamomile? If the doctor prescribed such a procedure, then you should not be afraid. For this you will need dry chamomile, which is sold without a prescription at the pharmacy. It is necessary to make a decoction of 2 spoons of flowers per liter of water, cool it to body temperature so that there is no discomfort, and then follow the above instructions. Everything is extremely simple. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime.

Douching - washing the vagina with solutions of herbs or medicines. The first and most important thing that every girl should know about these procedures: douching can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Do not douche just like that: after douching, water (or solution) leads to a decrease in resistance to pathogens and disruption of the vaginal environment - vaginosis. Frequent douching “for hygiene”, which women prescribe for themselves, is one of the causes of thrush.

This is a controversial procedure, and given that it somehow washes out healthy microflora from the vagina, not all gynecologists prescribe it. In any case, you should douche only on the recommendation of a doctor, not more often and not for longer than he prescribed.

In world practice, gynecologists are moving away from this procedure, replacing it with less aggressive methods of treatment. According to some doctors, douching for erosion further damages the epithelium of the cervix, and douching for thrush too often aggravates dysbacteriosis.

Is it worth and possible to carry out this procedure before visiting a gynecologist? No no and one more time no. The doctor will not be able to take a smear from you, since the secretions, a natural lubricant, have been thoroughly washed by you. The effect of the solution on the mucous membrane distorts clinical picture, and identifying the disease and making a diagnosis becomes difficult.

How to do douching?

If you still want to know how to douche correctly, read on. First you need to buy a douche bulb at the pharmacy. A regular Esmarch mug will also work. Rubber tubes of Esmarch's mug or syringe should be wiped with alcohol and then rinsed boiled water. The tips of Esmarch's mug are boiling. You must be sure that the syringe and all its parts are disinfected. Prepare the solution, draw it into a syringe.

Esmarch's irrigator

The basis of the solution is boiled water at room temperature. For one time, 200–300 ml is enough - a liter or one and a half liter Esmarch mug should be filled less than half. If you are using an Esmarch mug, hang it 75 cm above lumbar region. You need to lie on your back, bend and spread your knees. At home, the procedure is usually carried out in the bathroom, otherwise a bedpan is placed under the buttocks. The vestibule of the vagina is lubricated with lanolin or petroleum jelly. Air is released from the tube. Insert the tip of the syringe (5–7 cm) into the vagina. At first the stream should be weak. The solution should wash the vagina and pour out - the procedure takes 15 minutes. After douching, you need to lie down for 20–30 minutes.

Gynecological douche

If you still have questions about how to perform this procedure, ask your gynecologist. Some girls are looking for information about how to douche the uterus. However, douching allows you to introduce the solution only into the vagina, so douching of the uterus is not performed.

Is it possible to douche during pregnancy?

Carrying out this procedure during pregnancy may cause problems natural microflora, and now the proliferation of pathogenic flora threatens not only the mother, but also the baby. Douching during pregnancy, according to modern medical requirements, is unacceptable.

Douching solutions

If you douche at home, use only clean water to prepare solutions. boiled water to avoid infection.

  • Douching with potassium permanganate

This procedure causes conflicting reviews from gynecologists: some prescribe vaginal douching with a light solution, but most argue that potassium permanganate does more harm than good: it can burn the vaginal mucosa and destroy beneficial microflora. Using potassium permanganate to prevent pregnancy is ineffective.

  • Douching with hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the solution, peroxide is diluted in a concentration of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. This procedure helps restore a healthy acidic environment in the vagina.

  • Douching with chamomile

Douching with chamomile is most often done for thrush: the syringe is filled with 2 tbsp infusion. l. flowers per 1 liter of boiling water.

  • Douching with soda

Soda is used to change the acid-base balance. First of all, this is douching for conception. The fact is that a healthy vaginal environment is acidic, and sperm is alkaline. Under the influence of an acidic environment, many sperm die and lose mobility: nature has provided this mechanism so that only the most viable ones swim to the egg. Douching with soda for conception - no earlier than half an hour before sexual intercourse - reduces acidity and “helps” sperm reach their goal. This folk method, and there is no evidence of its effectiveness. This is how our grandmothers douched. If you decide to try it, remember: an alkaline environment is more vulnerable to pathogens, and there is also a risk of developing candidiasis. The syringe is filled with a solution of 1 tsp. for 0.5 liters of boiled water.

The soda solution is used not only for douching for conception, but also against candidiasis. Douching with soda for thrush can slow down the activity of the fungus and even destroy it. On the other hand, using soda for thrush makes the vaginal environment even more alkaline, only worsening the disorder. acid-base balance.

  • Douching with chlorhexine

Chlorhexine is prescribed in cases where the drug is needed wide range actions against pathogenic bacteria and fungi simultaneously.

  • Douching with chlorophyllipt

Chlorophyllipt solution is used in the presence of gynecological infections. It is effective in combating staphylococci that are resistant to antibiotics. For douching, chlorophyllipt ( alcohol solution 1%) - 1 tbsp. l. - diluted with 1 liter of water. Chlorophyllipt oil 2% is used for cervical erosion - the doctor lubricates the cervix with a cotton swab.

Chlorophyllipt alcohol 1% or chlorophyllipt oil 2% is used as an impregnation for tampons that are installed in the vagina during erosion. Chlorophyllipt spray is used topically for erosions. Under no circumstances should you use a spout that has a chlorophyllipt spray to administer the drug into the vagina! The syringe cannot be replaced with a spray.

Before using chlorophyllipt solution, make sure you are not allergic to it. For the drug chlorophyllipt, the instructions contain Full description how to do it. If you are going to use chlorophyllipt, the instructions contain answers to most questions regarding how to douche correctly.

  • Douching with vagotil

Vagotil is used for vaginitis caused by Candida albicans or Trichomonas vaginalis, cervical erosion, ulcerations resulting from prolonged use of a pessary, and itching in the vagina and leucorrhoea. To douche, vagotil (5–15 ml) is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

In what cases does the doctor prescribe douching?

Indications: douching is prescribed for erosion, chronic inflammation of the vagina and cervix. To restore the acid-base balance, douching may be prescribed for thrush (candidiasis) and some other diseases. Contraindications: acute inflammation genitals, pregnancy, menstruation, within 3–4 weeks after abortion or childbirth.