Vitamin B17 (amygdalin). Description, application, benefits, which products contain B17. Vitamin B17: Miracle Cure for Cancer Found

Vitamin B17 is one of the most controversial vitamins. In the USA it is completely banned as it is considered toxic. There is an opinion that the substance can kill cancer cells. However, there is still no official confirmation of this.

It’s not for nothing that vitamin B17, also known as laetral, letril, amygdalin, is called the most controversial substance. It contains cyanide and benzenedehyde, which in turn are toxic substances. It is believed that letril is capable of destroying cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.

In addition B17:

  • helps with arthritis, reducing pain;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents cells from aging quickly;
  • fights obesity;
  • increases immunity;
  • Helps the body during severe stress and increased physical activity.

As for harm, it can only come from an overdose. Since benzaldehyde and cyanide molecules are considered poisonous, when they react with each other, they form a new molecule, which is given the name B17. IN normal quantity this substance is not capable of causing harm, but if you use more than the norm, it will cause sharp deterioration state up to fatal outcome.

Letril is found in apricot kernels. If consumed at once a large number of seeds, that is, the threat of death. Death from an apricot kernel is a scientifically proven fact. You should take this seriously and not think that this is a joke.

Indications for use B17

Vitamin B17 is taken in the following cases:

  • Constant stress;
  • When found malignant tumors(strictly as prescribed by the doctor);
  • If you are overweight.

B17 is often used in dietetics, since the vitamin is capable of breaking down fat deposits.

Daily norm

For adults daily norm vitamin B17 is 3000 mg. But this is a dose for three doses, under no circumstances should you drink it all at once! No more than 1000 mg at a time.

Due to its toxicity, letril is not recommended for children. But by eating foods containing B17, the child will in any case receive it in some quantity. Therefore, parents need to make sure that the baby does not eat too many foods high in B17, in order to avoid an overdose.

As for pregnant and breastfeeding women, amygdalin is also contraindicated for them.

What products contain

Vitamin B17 can be found in the seeds of many fruits: apricots, peaches, plums, apples. But these are not all sources. Below is a table listing which products contain this lethril.

What you need to know about the full absorption of B17 by the human body

When B17 breaks down, it releases hydrocyanic acid, which is considered poisonous to the body. But its proportions are so small that they can only affect cancer cells. But with the simultaneous use of vitamin and alcohol, the likelihood of poisoning with this acid increases several times.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while using amygdalin.

Can B17 cure cancer?

US doctors believe that B17 is a highly toxic substance that in no way can be a cure for cancer. Since the mid-1970s, research and testing of letril has been conducted in the fight against cancer cells. No evidence has been found that the substance actually helps treat cancer.

In Russia, the use of amygdalin as a cure for cancer began in 1945. But the substance turned out to be toxic. Then they came up with a modified version called Laetrile. It was prescribed to cancer patients and improvements were indeed noticed, but not always. Sometimes there were deaths.

Supporters alternative methods treatments still include the use of B17 in combination with special diet. However, according to modern oncologists, the drug cannot cure cancer.

List of pharmaceutical drugs with B17

There are quite a few vitamin complexes based on B17, but they still exist.

  • Vitalmix Recnacon 17". Contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Drink one capsule a day.
  • "Laetrile B17" with apricot, grape and almond seeds. Increases immunity and is used in the prevention of cancer. Take 1 month, twice a day, capsule.
  • "Metamygdalin." Two bottles per day, pre-diluted in water. It is not a medicinal product.

In the treatment of cancer, the effectiveness of B17 from the point of view of official medicine has not been proven. However, there are many people who claim that amygdalin helped them in the fight against cancer. In any case, you should consult a specialist before taking the vitamin.

Those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne! Controversial issue. Namely, if it concerns this problem. Vitamin B17, what foods contain it, what is it? And what kind of controversy and confusion revolves around this element? Why modern medicine rejects and does not recognize the vitamin? All helpful information right here.

My respect to you, dear readers! Answering this question, or better yet, analyzing this component, a huge number of queries and disagreements arise between doctors and specialists. So what is this element that makes us think twice? What substance has prevented you from sleeping for many years?

A brief introduction to vitamin B17. His story

So, amygdalin or laetrile was found by the professor organic chemistry in Germany. Justus von Liebig pointed out this component by examining the seeds of bitter almonds.

These are white crystals that dissolve in liquid. Such a discovery took place back in 1830. And already in the twentieth century it was classified as a group of B vitamins.

For a long time, the component could not be identified. It was only in 1952 that the scientist Erist Theodor Krebs pointed out this vitamin while studying an apricot seed. Based on laetrile, a medicine was created that helped in the treatment of cancer. But first, the doctor tested it on himself. How will you react to the fact that several patients with cancer were completely cured with the help of this medicine! That is, Dr. John Richardson also proved the abilities of this component and convinced many of its functionality.

But despite this, modern doctors and doctors deny positive action this element. In 1971, a number of studies were conducted that showed no clear impact on this problem. The medicine was generally banned.

List of foods containing vitamin

As already mentioned, this is the most controversial component and the controversy surrounding it and its healing properties have not subsided for a long time.

Positive aspects of the element of group B17

But, regardless of this, there are, of course, negative sides. Symptoms of an overdose and how to deal with them.

  • There comes a feeling of lack of air, severe suffocation;
  • Triggered vomiting reflex, and there are signs of nausea;
  • Weakness is felt in the limbs and simply throughout the body;
  • Headaches and frequent migraines appear, which is why you can lose consciousness;
  • The body's protective functions and immunity are weakened.

This vitamin contains hydrocyanic acid, which is quite harmful to the body. In other words, it’s about poison!

But, if we talk about eating foods that contain this vitamin, then the content harmful substance very minor. Therefore, there is no need to worry. As a child, no one was poisoned from eating apricot kernels.

If you consciously use vitamin capsules or tablets, then you need to pay attention to these symptoms. close attention and quickly run to the doctor.

Interesting information

  1. Let me also remind you that when this element breaks down and enters the body, a microscopic amount of hydrocyanic acid is released. From such a dose it is absolutely impossible to get poisoned or harm yourself;
  2. Laetral was found in bitter almonds. And the chemist Liebig did this in the 19th century;
  3. Why do Asian tribes never get cancer? And all because their diet includes foods containing this vitamin;
  4. And in the United States they put a TABOO on this vitamin. And all because it contains cyanide. A strong toxic substance that can only be purchased for a lot of money;
  5. Traditional medicine completely denies the positive effects of the vitamin on the body. But the unconventional channel says otherwise. And they give many examples and facts about this;
  6. Namely, current doctors and doctors do not recommend the use of the substance. They forbid thinking and talking about the fact that the element kills cancer cells. But what about the many years of experience of people who say the opposite?;
  7. It is worth remembering that when you eat food with amygdalin, a lot of other useful substances also get there;
  8. The drug helps overcome fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to take it during any stress. Both physical and mental.

Vitamins are substances that the body simply needs for its normal functioning. Each element has some effect on a specific organ.

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The answer to cancer has been known for many years!

Vitamin B17 became the subject of heated controversy and open war 20 years ago, when some of the leading world scientists announced that when consumed, a person is 100 percent guaranteed against the development of cancer and in most cases the vitamin kills existing cancer.

Pharmaceutical companies immediately pounced on this statement and demanded a review of the results of the analysis. The results of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) study were manipulated - you can read about this in the book “A World Without Cancer” by Edward D. Griffin. (“World Without Cancer”).

Multinational pharmaceutical companies, together with the US medical establishment, forced the FDA to make it illegal to sell “raw” apricot kernels or Vitamin B17 with information about their anti-cancer effects.

Pharmaceutical companies only research the chemicals they invent; thus, if a drug is approved, they have exclusive rights to sell it. And they will never agree to conduct research on simple food that cannot be patented by them and can be sold in any supermarket.

A World Without Cancer reveals a wealth of information about cancer research that was halted and major scientists who were arrested when they began telling others the truth about the vitamin. It contains a report of trials conducted on Amygdalin (vitamin B17, laetrile) at the renowned cancer institute, Sloan Kettering, New York, USA, and were closed.

Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin, has been found in most fruit seeds, particularly apricots. Apricot seed was declared a cure for all known cancers 35 years ago.

With even greater confidence, scientists declared that if these seeds are included in a person’s daily diet, cancer cells will never develop in him, just as, for example, a person will never get scurvy if he eats at least one orange a day, or pellagra if his diet includes Vitamin B.

Most people with cancerous tumors in the body who ate apricot kernels or Vitamin B17 in tablet form almost got rid of them. And although cancer patients got rid of cancer, they still had problems with damage to vital organs. For their regeneration, other herbs and medicines will be required - and this is another question. Of course, when a person's body is completely eaten away by cancer, even the most powerful extract of Vitamin B17 can only prolong his life many times more than chemotherapy. However, in many cases, a strong dose of Laetrile injection reduces the pain many times over.

Vitamin B-17 is found in most fruit seeds. Its components give us everything we need to live a cancer-free life. Seeds are for everyone to eat. Don't wait until you have cancer to start including them in your diet.

Vitamin B17 is found in the seeds of apple, peach, cherry, grape, and apricot. It is found in some legumes and many grasses such as wheat. The hard kernel deep inside the apricot is not there to be thrown away.

In fact, this dense wooden shell protects one of the most important food products on the ground, known to man. This is one of the main components of the diet of peoples of cultures such as the Indians. Not a single case of cancer was observed in the peoples of these cultures as long as their diet contained traditional foods!

We don't have to make the seeds the mainstay of our nutritional diet, but we do need the equivalent of about seven apricot seeds per day. This amount guarantees our freedom from cancer. Other foods that contain vitamin B-17 are: hard almonds, millet, legumes and others. (Hard almonds were also banned in the US several years ago.)

Apricot seeds have the most high content B-17 on the ground. They need to be chewed, despite their bitterness, because they are essential in our diet. They can be added to any food product. They can be crushed and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey. As a preventive measure, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered B-17) claims that about 7 apricot seeds per day will guarantee a person's protection against cancer for life. One or two B-17 tablets (100 mg) per day is the most acceptable dosage. The shops Healthy Eating Apricot seeds are no longer sold in the United States due to pressure from the FDA, which has raided these stores for several years for the presence of vitamin B17 and apricot seeds.

In almost all cases of cancer, when B-17 is taken in large doses, cancerous tumors are pulled together. Now everyone who is being treated with chemotherapy faces a choice: stop it immediately or continue it, agonizingly wondering about its effectiveness. Those who continue their chemotherapy will face a rather sad outcome. We understand that once an individual is caught in the vacuum cycle of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, it is very difficult to get him out of this vicious circle (powerful medical institutions, prestigious doctors and hospitals). Hundreds of people make bad decisions because they are still hoping that their tumor will go away (this is something you have to believe). Yes, it shrinks temporarily after chemotherapy, but soon begins to grow again according to its natural process.

If you have cancer and would like some information on how to take B-17, as well as what foods to include in your diet and what not to, continue reading. There are many healthy foods to improve your health and prevent cancer.

Note: Let your body get used to the changes, and start with a small dosage and gradually increase it, otherwise you may get sick.

If you don't have cancer but want to prevent it, eat 7 to 10 apricot seeds daily (start with a low dosage of 1 or 2 seeds per day and work your way up to 7 to 10. Try to eat more unprocessed foods and stay away from processed foods If an unprocessed food has a warning label on it, you already know what to do.

In addition, there is a pancreatic enzyme that helps destroy the protein wall around the cancer cell. You can obtain this enzyme through food from plain unprocessed pineapple, if possible, eat one pineapple per day along with the seeds.

Start taking vitamin C, small doses at first (approximately 500 to 1000 mg per day) and gradually increase the dose to 10,000 mg per day). It will take some time to prepare your body for the new environment, so don't try too hard to get it right away. large doses. Too large doses can cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea, etc. This does not mean that the product does not work. Instead, it means that your body is detoxifying too quickly, so you should reduce your dosage. If you want to avoid painful symptoms You must detoxify your body slowly. No matter how much you have already destroyed your immune system chemotherapy or radiation, you should want to restore it as much as possible. One way to do this is with Vetom probiotics, which will help boost your immune system to the level it needs to fight cancer and other diseases.

Drink a lot drinking water. Tea with rosehip.

The squeezed juice is beneficial for your liver. You can buy more beets, mix them with other vegetables and squeeze the juice out of them. It is important that you start slowly as you may feel unwell at first. Drink it little by little (about 1/4 cup) and slowly build up to larger quantities. Beet juice will cleanse your liver of toxins and release them into the body as it is one of the best liver cleansers. Drink water (approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water per day), preferably fresh, clean water, which will help you remove toxins from your body.

Now about food products. You should not eat... refined sugar, caffeine, white flour, and try not to eat meat or eat it in very small quantities. You can eat meat, but meat takes away the very same digestive enzymes that help break down the protein wall around the cancer cell.

Replace sugar with the sweet herb Stevia.

In addition, you should strictly exclude tobacco and alcohol from your diet.

As always happens with anyone new thing, you have to start small. Do what your body tells you. But if you feel sick when you start doing something you've never done before, don't be alarmed. This doesn't mean that new program does not work. It just takes time for the body to readjust itself, and any adjustment can be painful. You may have started with too much dosage. Natural products immediately begin to remove toxins from your body, and if you do this too quickly, it can make you feel sick (these symptoms are similar to the flu). Then reduce the dosage and begin to increase it slowly again.

The opinions of many leading doctors and scientists who confidently tell you that cancer is a direct consequence of a deficiency of vitamin B-17 in the body. Remember that scurvy, rickets, and pellagra were the result of a deficiency of vitamins B and C. It took centuries (and millions of lives) before the kings and medical industry of the time accepted simple truths and came up with vitamin solutions as medicines. Today, we are in the same position regarding cancer. Cancer is the epidemic of our age. And only we ourselves can prevent it.

The vitamin is harmless to body tissue for a simple reason: each B17 molecule consists of one cyanide compound, one benzene dehyde and two glucose (sugar) compounds tightly packed together. For cyanide to become dangerous, the molecule must first be “cracked open” and released, which only an enzyme called beta-glucosidase can do. This enzyme is present throughout the body in minute quantities, but is nearly 100 times more abundant in cancerous tumors.

Consequently, cyanide is released only in the cancerous areas of the body with amazing results that are detrimental to the cancer cells because benzene dehyde is also released at the same time. It is a deadly poison in its properties, but when combined with cyanide it becomes 100 times more deadly. The effect they have on cancer cells can be left to the imagination.

You may ask: is there a danger to the rest of the healthy cells of the body?

Another enzyme, rhodanese, always present in healthy cells in greater quantities than the key enzyme beta-glucosidases, has the ability to convert both cyanide and beta-glucosidases into healthy foods for body. It is most likely that the cancer cells do not contain rhodanese at all and are left to the mercy of cyanide and benzroldecide.

But the most important thing is your prayers. Do everything with faith and prayer, ask God for healing, for help, trust in His wisdom. Trust in His ability to heal.

The human body needs a variety of vitamins. They protect the body from various infections and help fight diseases.

Each vitamin contributes normal operation one or another internal organs, increases immunity and affects a person’s well-being.

Vitamin B17, which is also known as amygdalin or laetral, does not have a very large mass useful properties. But this vitamin is unique in that is a good helper in the treatment of malignant tumors.

The role of vitamin in the body

Amygdalin is important for the body not only as a product that helps fight cancer, it also has other beneficial properties:

  • is a good pain reliever;
  • improves metabolic processes in organism;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • helps in the fight against obesity;
  • useful for heavy physical and emotional stress;
  • resists the formation of cancer cells;
  • increases immunity;
  • has a positive effect on well-being;
  • fights chronic fatigue.

It is also used for the prevention of cancer.

Despite its role in the body official medicine categorically does not recognize amygdalin as a vitamin product.

People who are prone to treatment are not traditional medicine It is believed that such a substance actually has the above properties.

Video: “What we didn’t know about vitamin B17”

Since amygdalin is not recognized by traditional medicine, there is no information about taking this drug.

For adult men and women

Optimal daily allowance the norm is 3000 mg. It is not recommended to consume more than 1000 mg at one time.

Since vitamin B17 is not a drug, it is taken, for example, by eating 30 g of dark dark chocolate or 20 pieces of fruit seeds containing amygdalin per day.

For children

This vitamin is not recommended for children, as it is very toxic.. But due to the consumption of products in which such a substance is present in children's body in any case, a share of amygdalin is included.

For pregnant women and during lactation

Signs of vitamin deficiency

With a deficiency of vitamin B17, there may be a tendency to develop cancer cells.

  • fast fatiguability;
  • mental disorders;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Consequences of vitamin B17 deficiency

Insufficient amount of laetral in the body can lead to:

  • pain throughout the body;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • development of cancer;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the emergence of various infectious diseases.

Vitamin deficiency occurs extremely rarely. Many people do not take Laetral with food or pure form. Such people may never experience any of these symptoms or consequences throughout their lives.

Video: "How does vitamin B17 affect the body"

Indications for use

Laetral is used in the following cases:

  • upon detection of cancer;
  • at risk of developing cancer cells;
  • nervous stress;
  • increased physical activity;
  • excess body weight.

It is often used in dietetics to combat excess weight.

Sources of vitamin B17

Most vitamins are found in both animal products and plant origin. Unlike other vitamins, amygdalin is present only in plant sources.

In products such as:

He present in spinach, beans, dried apricots, raspberries, quince, pumpkin seeds, cranberries and legumes, dark chocolate and various cereals. There is also a huge laetral content in peach and plum pits.

Vitamin and mineral complexes containing vitamin B17

Since the vitamin is not a drug, vitamin-mineral complexes Hardly ever.

But there are only a few drugs that are recognized by medicine.

They are:

  • "Laetrile B17". The composition of this preparation includes oils of grape seed kernels, apricot, sweet and bitter almonds. It will help boost the body's immune system and prevent the formation of malignant tumors. Take one capsule before meals, twice a day for one month. For preventive purposes, it is used about 3 times a year.
  • « Vitalmix Recnacon 17 » . Take 1 capsule per day orally. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.
  • « Metamygdalin » . The drug is used as a supplement, which is diluted in water before use. Use about two bottles per day.

Interaction of vitamin with other substances

One of the elements that makes up vitamin B17 is hydrocyanic acid, which, once inside the body’s cells, impairs their ability to absorb oxygen. At the same time, it combines with the enzyme, which ensures the flow of air.

Hydrocyanic acid absorbs this enzyme, which can result in oxygen starvation.

At simultaneous administration With medicines and various types of substances, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Signs of an overdose and how to deal with them

Excessive use of the drug leads to such consequences as:

  • suffocation;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • weakness;
  • gagging;
  • nausea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • bluish skin;
  • decline protective function body;
  • poisoning

Vitamin B17 contains hydrocyanic acid, which is very poisonous. An overdose of this substance can lead to severe poisoning or even death.

If such symptoms occur, you should stop consuming this substance and consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid serious problems and death.

There are many interesting facts about this substance:

  • When vitamin B17 breaks down, a negligible amount of hydrocyanic acid is released, which is almost impossible to get poisoned. The toxic substance affects only cancerous tumors;
  • Laetral was discovered by the chemist J. Liebig in the mid-19th century. It was isolated from bitter almonds;
  • Asian tribes never get cancer, because their diet includes most amygdalin-containing fruits;
  • Amygdalin is banned in the USA, as it contains cyanide, which is a poisonous substance. In order to obtain this substance you need to pay a lot of money;
  • Official medicine completely rejects any evidence that laetral has beneficial functions for humans, but fans alternative medicine consider this drug indispensable for the body;
  • Research results have shown that vitamin B17 does not have any positive properties and is not recommended for use in medicinal purposes against cancer diseases. However, many years of human experience show that amygdalin is excellent at fighting tumors;
  • Scientist Ernest Krebs, on the contrary, confirmed the effectiveness of laetral against cancer;
  • When you eat foods that contain amygdalin, your body also receives many other vitamins. Thus they complement each other;
  • This drug is best taken during physical and mental load, as it helps cope with fatigue.


Vitamin B17 is crystalline white, which easily dissolve in liquid. Its most important advantage is considered to be getting rid of malignant tumors. and resistance to the development of cancer cells;