Will an infant get measles? Symptoms of measles in children. Photo. Possible complications. Non-standard forms of measles

Measles – infection, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. A child who has not been vaccinated will get sick with a 100% probability if he comes into contact with an infected person. Such a percentage of susceptibility is not observed in almost any other diseases.

Measles in children occurs in acute form, especially between the ages of 2 and 5 years. The disease virus enters the body through Airways, and then spreads through the bloodstream. With this disease, the mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity and respiratory organs are mainly affected, a characteristic rash, conjunctivitis appears, and the temperature rises.

Causes of measles

The cause of the spread of infection is always the sick person. The virus enters the air through droplets of saliva released when coughing, sneezing or talking, and then “moves” into the respiratory tract of a nearby child. The patient is considered contagious during the last two days of the incubation period of the virus and up to the 4th day of the rash.

Measles is extremely rare in children under one year of age, because they still have little contact with the outside world and strangers. In addition, newborns are protected by maternal antibodies. In infants, the disease may not proceed quite normally and may be characterized by the following symptoms: lack of fever, slight runny nose, slight redness in the oral cavity.

At the same time, infants in the first year of life may experience complications that are more severe than measles itself and primarily affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Children who have recovered from the disease remain immune to the disease until the end of their lives. If the mother has had measles in the past, the child will be resistant to the disease until the age of 3 months. It is this period of time that maternal antibodies are contained in the child’s blood. Also, after vaccinations, immunity develops and the child will be protected from measles.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

Symptoms of measles: 1 and 4 - rash; 2 - Belsky-Filatov-Koplik symptom; 3 - enanthema in the prodromal period

Measles – insidious disease, developing in stages. In the first days, the disease may not manifest itself at all, the children remain cheerful and playful. The virus spreading throughout the child’s body is still completely invisible to the sensitive eyes of parents. This is the insidiousness of the very first period of the disease, and there are four of them in total.

1. Incubation period

This is the time period that begins at the moment of infection and continues until the first signs of the disease appear. It is generally accepted that this period in children is 7-14 days. On at this stage the virus multiplies “quietly” in the body, there are no symptoms of measles, and the child is not bothered by anything at all. In this case, the baby becomes infectious to others only in the last 5 days of the incubation period.

2. Catarrhal period

During this period, the child develops symptoms that strongly resemble a cold:

  • general malaise, weakness, lack of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40°C;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • runny nose and hoarse voice;
  • increased lacrimation, swelling and redness of the eyelids, conjunctivitis (drops and ointments for conjunctivitis);
  • abdominal pain and loose stools;
  • runny nose with purulent mucous discharge from the nose;
  • lacrimation, photophobia;
  • Infants may experience a decrease in body weight.


The catarrhal period of the disease lasts no more than four days, during which all the symptoms of measles gradually turn into more severe forms. At that moment when all manifestations reach their greatest high performance, a rash begins to appear.

3. Period of rash

As already noted, the rash appears at the peak of all signs of the disease. Spots of a dark red hue appear primarily on the head. Gradually growing and merging with each other, they form large foci of rashes. It is for this reason that the child’s face swells, and the lips become dry and often crack.

On the second day of this period The rash begins to appear on the arms and upper torso. The third day is characterized by the appearance of rashes all over the child’s body. The duration of the entire period is 4 days.

The period of rash is characterized by a decrease in body temperature, weakening of the cough and the appearance of appetite. The child becomes mobile and active. About a week after the onset of the rash, catarrhal symptoms disappear completely.

4. Pigmentation stage

The rash leaves behind dark spots, the appearance of which occurs in the same sequence: first on the face, then throughout the body. These spots gradually begin to peel off and eventually disappear completely.

At the pigmentation stage, the child’s condition gradually returns to normal, sleep and appetite are completely restored, and body temperature does not exceed normal values.

Non-standard forms of measles

If a child gets measles, you will not always be able to notice the development of this disease. Measles may not occur as usual, but in a different form. Such forms of the disease are usually called atypical.

Mitigated form

Children who have been in contact with an infected child receive immunoglobulin for prevention. Such kids big picture the disease becomes blurred:

  • incubation period lasts 21 days;
  • V catarrhal period noted slight cough and runny nose;
  • all periods of the disease, except incubation, are reduced;
  • the rashes are not abundant and appear without observing stages;
  • there are no characteristic spots on the cheeks;
  • pigmentation is less dark.

Abortion measles

With such an atypical form, all signs of the disease appear standard scheme. But after about 2-3 days, all symptoms of the disease suddenly disappear. The rash concentrates on the face and upper torso.

Erased form

This form of measles is very similar to mitigated measles. Here, catarrhal signs of the disease are also insignificant. However, unlike the mitigated form, the erased form is characterized by the absence of a rash. This factor greatly impedes making a correct diagnosis.

Reminder - Beware Measles!

Diagnosis of the disease

It is often difficult or even impossible to recognize a disease only by external manifestations. This is especially true for atypical forms of the disease. In addition, the first signs of measles strongly resemble a cold, which can mislead anyone.

To make a reliable diagnosis, your child must be sent for the following types of laboratory tests:

  • general analysis blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • serology (detection of antibodies to the measles virus in the blood);
  • detection of measles virus in the blood.

Additionally, the child may be sent for an x-ray chest, and in the presence of complications from nervous system- for electroencephalography.

In most cases, with the standard development of the disease, making a diagnosis does not cause difficulties and laboratory research turn out to be simply redundant.


There are no special treatments for measles; the body will cope with the infection on its own. Treatment here is symptomatic, which will alleviate general state sick child:

  • antipyretic drugs for elevated temperature bodies;
  • cough medicines depending on its type (different medicines are used for wet and dry);
  • remedies for runny nose and sore throat;
  • drinking plenty of fluids and adherence to bed rest.

During illness, it is also important to provide the child with the necessary vitamin complexes to maintain immunity, and lubricate chapped lips with Vaseline.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. The child is admitted to the hospital department if complications begin to develop. If there are complications, therapy is supplemented with antibacterial drugs.

Complications of the disease

Complications usually develop in children under 5 years of age or in adults over 20. The most common of them:

  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • bronchopneumonia.

Complications that occur in young children can hardly be called a rare occurrence. That is why the baby needs to be treated under the strict supervision of a local pediatrician. Ideally, the doctor will visit your child at least once every three days.

Why do such consequences occur? Everything is very simple. The measles virus can suppress the immunity of a small patient, and this is an excellent circumstance for the bacteria surrounding the child. They are provided with “free entry” into the baby’s body, and they are not slow to take advantage of this. Depending on the type of bacteria that enters the child’s body, not only the complications listed above may occur. It is quite possible that there may be upset stool, conjunctivitis, and even problems with the central nervous system.

The baby’s immunity decreases at the rash stage and may not recover earlier than in a month. Therefore, during treatment it is important to follow the basic hygiene procedures, and do not stop seeing a doctor even after recovery.


The first step in preventing the disease is limiting contact with sick children. A child with signs of this infection should be isolated from other (not sick) children for the entire period when he is contagious. The patient's room should be regularly ventilated, and wet cleaning is also necessary.

Children who have been in contact with the patient are given a special immunoglobulin in the first 5 days after contact, which helps them not get sick. This measure is taken in relation to children who have not previously been vaccinated.

It is important to know! Immunoglobulin is administered only to children with weakened immune systems and under the age of three years.

But the most reliable assistant in preventing measles is vaccination.

Video: how to protect yourself and children from measles


We have already said that the vaccine is the most effective method in the prevention of measles. Vaccination is an artificial infection with a virus. But its concentration is so low that the child’s body copes with the infection on its own and at the same time produces protective antibodies.

After vaccination it is possible:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • the appearance of conjunctivitis;
  • small rash on the body.

All this is completely safe and goes away in 2-3 days.

Note! The vaccine is contraindicated in children with weakened immune systems and those with blood or heart diseases. The vaccine is live measles bacteria. A child can be vaccinated only if there are no contraindications.

The first vaccination is carried out in children at the age of one year, revaccination - at 6 years. Then you can hope for a long-term effect, providing your child with protection from the virus for 15 years. Look vaccination calendar

Measles is not a pleasant disease. In addition, in young children it is often complicated by other unpleasant diseases that can cause much more harm than measles itself. At the same time, children who have had this disease once acquire lifelong immunity.

Measles vaccination - reliable method prevention of the disease, but it is not a panacea. Before agreeing to vaccination, you must make sure that the child has strong immunity and there are no other contraindications.

We also read:

  • Jaundice of newborns
  • Frequent skin diseases in children
  • Other common childhood illnesses

When a baby develops measles, parents do not suspect it, since the incubation period of the disease is asymptomatic and lasts from 9 to 21 days. At this time, the baby feels well, but from the fifth day of infection it is considered infectious to others. The main cause of this infection is considered to be the lack of vaccination of the child.

Determining the symptoms of measles in infants at home

The first manifestations of measles in infants occur after the incubation period has expired. You can easily identify them at home using our photos. First of all, the baby experiences an increase in body temperature to peak levels, and a characteristic rash appears, which is initially localized on the head, and after a few days spreads lower down the body.

Note to moms! The measles virus in infants, entering the body, spreads through the bloodstream, so this disease may not manifest itself for a long time. Therefore, it is impossible to start quickly relieving symptoms.

Depending on the period, measles in infants is usually divided into several stages:

  • incubation, which occurs without any symptoms. The child feels well, there is no increase in temperature;
  • Catarrhal is characterized by the appearance of the first rash on the child’s skin. At this time, the baby begins to have a rise in body temperature, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, barking cough. All this is reminiscent of a cold or flu;

    Depending on the degree of rash, measles in infants is divided into three types

  • The period of rash is characterized by the appearance of a rash in the form of semolina on the tonsils, palate and the inside of the baby’s cheeks. There is a general inflammation of the throat and redness of the mouth. Next, a rash appears on the head and after a few days begins to spread throughout the body, last of all affecting the legs.

Be sure to watch the video from Komarovsky, what he thinks about measles in infants.

You can study the signs of measles in a baby in more detail using the photo below. The nature of such rashes is quite difficult to confuse with other infections.

Important! If a baby develops measles, try not to look for the source of the disease (you will only waste time). They can be anyone, not necessarily a close or relative. The baby could have caught the virus in a store or other public place, since the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Treatment of measles in infants: hospital or home?

Therapeutic therapy for measles in infants can be carried out both in the clinic and at home. It all depends on the severity of the disease. If doctors see the risks of complications and danger to the baby’s life, they must admit him to the hospital and conduct constant monitoring.

Children say! My son (4 years old) and my husband are walking through the market. We bought bags full of groceries. We are already approaching the exit. I turn to my husband:
- Before you leave, remember, we don’t need anything else?

And then my child shouts to the whole market: - Buy money!!! There is no money at home!

Vaccinations are given to prevent measles in infants.

Before starting treatment, measles is diagnosed in an infant based on the main symptoms, as well as by collecting blood and urine tests. Serology is also performed - it determines the presence of antibodies to the measles virus in the baby. If a complicated form of the disease is suspected, the child is prescribed an x-ray and a brain examination.

Treatment is mainly symptomatic, and the body fights the infection on its own; parents only need to help the baby cope with measles and alleviate painful condition using the following methods:

  • give the baby antipyretics;
  • cough syrups as recommended by your doctor;
  • medicines for the common cold;
  • throat sprays;
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids and bed rest.

Note to moms! If your baby has conjunctivitis, do proper hygiene eyes, and if your lips are cracked and dry, you should lubricate them with Vaseline or special baby moisturizers.

Consequences of measles in children under one year of age

Symptoms of measles in infants first appear as a rash on the face

Complications are very likely to develop when improper treatment or advanced form of measles in infants. The consequences are:

  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • high mortality rate.

The risk of complications arises because the measles virus can negatively affect the function of immune system baby. Therefore, the baby should be visited by a pediatrician during illness at least three times a week if the baby is being treated at home.

Children say! The grandson, having had lunch, fell asleep right in the high chair. The daughter unfolded the back of the chair, giving it a reclining position.
“Nastya, it’s better to take her to the crib,” I say. - Look how he lies crookedly, he’s uncomfortable!

Based on these risks, doctors are calling for newborns to be vaccinated against measles in order to develop immunity to the insidious disease.

A video about the treatment and daily routine of infants with measles will be useful.

Measles in children occupies a special place among contagious infectious diseases. Symptoms of this acute infectious pathology in children - high fever, characteristic measles rash, sore throat, cough, severe intoxication of the body. Any child or even an adult can get measles, and measles can have serious complications and sometimes lead to death. It is known that measles kills 150 thousand people worldwide every year, mostly children under 10 years of age. Therefore, any person, especially parents of small children, should be well aware of what measles is.

Causes of the disease

The source of infection for measles is a sick person. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and is extremely contagious. Prevention of measles in children is carried out in the form of routine vaccination in two stages. Formed immunity protects against measles or, in case of infection, helps to transfer the disease to mild form and without complications.

The causative agent of measles is a paramyxovirus. The paramyxovirus itself is unstable outside the body, quickly destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays and low humidity, but persists at low (down to -70°C) temperatures.

How is measles transmitted?

The seasonality of measles incidence - from October to April - is associated with crowds of people indoors. Measles infection in children often occurs in nurseries preschool institutions. Cases of infection through third parties are extremely rare due to the rapid destruction of the virus during external environment.

The infectious agent is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person. Of particular danger is the release of active virus to patients during the incubation period, when there are 3-4 days left before the onset of rashes and accurate diagnosis According to the clinical picture of the disease, it does not seem possible.

A person with measles is dangerous to others for 7-10 days. The measles virus is highly contagious, with close contact transmission rates of almost 100% in the absence of vaccination. The pathogen can also move by air, for example, through staircases, ventilation shafts in apartment buildings.

In recent decades, thanks to the introduction of vaccination into routine vaccinations, the morbidity of children has decreased significantly, but among the adult population there remains a fairly high number of people who do not have immunity to paramyxovirus, which causes increased amount adult patients, as well as the emergence of cases of intrauterine infection of the fetus from a mother with measles.

If a person has had measles, then he has strong immunity for the rest of his life, and re-infection the disease is unlikely. Cases of recurrent measles are usually associated with conditions of immune deficiency.

Measles infection in children under two years of age most often occurs when the mother does not have immunity to the paramyxovirus, either natural or developed after vaccination. Given the danger of measles for infants, vaccination against paramyxovirus is included in the recommended list of vaccines for women planning pregnancy and who do not have specific immunity.

Incubation period of measles

The causative agent of measles enters the human body through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and organs of vision.

Three days after penetration, the paramyxovirus enters the bloodstream, spreads to the lymph nodes, settles in the spleen, where it actively multiplies in the bloodstream during the incubation period (from 7 to 17 days).

At the end of the incubation period of measles, a new generation of paramycovirus spreads throughout the body, affecting the skin, conjunctiva, and organs gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and nervous systems.

How does measles manifest?

The clinical symptoms of measles in a child and an adult are different due to the differences physiological processes, maturity of the body and the formation of the immune system. Quite often in adults the disease is more severe than in childhood.

Measles, symptoms in childhood

Measles in children manifests itself differently depending on the period of the disease. The initial period, characterized catarrhal symptoms and signs of general intoxication, lasts from 3 to 5 days.

Symptom Development mechanism
Hyperthermia An increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body
Psychomotor agitation, poor sleep, hyperreaction to stimuli, moodiness Consequence of the penetration of paramyxovirus into the cortex and other parts of the brain
Rhinitis (runny nose), with clear mucous discharge, sore throat, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes The virus damages the capillaries of the upper respiratory tract, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is activated and produces a protective protein. This process is accompanied by the appearance of signs of irritation of the throat and nose. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract can develop up to laryngospasm
Cough The inflammatory process in the respiratory tract extends to vocal cords. Symptoms typical of measles develop - hoarseness, hoarseness of voice and a characteristic “barking” cough
Conjunctivitis, photophobia Swelling of the inner membranes of the eyelids promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, the inflammatory process contributes to the onset of an irritation reaction to bright light
Swelling, puffiness of the face These signs of measles occur due to inflammatory processes in cervical lymph nodes provoked by paramyxovirus. They are accompanied by swelling, stagnation of blood and lymph in blood vessels heads
Measles enanthema Forms on the 2-4 day of the disease on the mucous membrane soft palate in the form of red spots up to half a centimeter in diameter. After 24-48 hours it merges with general hyperemia of the throat mucosa
Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots These characteristic spots appear on the 3-5 day on the mucous membrane of the cheeks in the area chewing teeth in the form of small white spots with a red border due to necrosis of part of the mucosa in foci of paramyxovirus reproduction.
Gastrointestinal symptoms Abdominal pain, refusal to eat, increased frequency of stools, nausea, vomiting as a consequence of damage to the intestinal mucous membranes.

The catarrhal period of measles is replaced by a period of characteristic measles rashes on skin. The rash appears 3-4 days after the manifestation of the disease, primarily on the front of the head. The rash then spreads to the neck, top part torso and gradually covers the entire body, including the limbs.

Measles rashes are called maculopapular exanthema, appearing in the form of pink nodules rising above the skin irregular shape. The papules are surrounded by red spots that increase in size and tend to merge with each other. During this period, general intoxication is manifested by headache and fever. Also, with exanthema, an increase in cough and runny nose is observed. The duration of this period is 4-5 days, after which the rash turns pale, changes color, and shrinks in size. The patient's condition improves, the contagiousness of the virus decreases.

The next period of measles is accompanied by a process of convalescence (skin pigmentation).

This period lasts from 7 to 10 days and, in the absence of complications, ends with recovery.

Clinical manifestations of measles in adults

The clinical picture of measles in adults has the same periods as with the disease in childhood. However, the symptoms are more pronounced, the disease is more severe, and the likelihood of complications is higher. Symptoms include tachycardia (more than 100 beats per minute), decreased blood pressure, the rash is accompanied by subcutaneous hemorrhages caused by damage to the capillaries.

Atypical forms of measles

There is a typical clinical picture of measles with the preservation of all symptoms and observance of the periodicity of development, and atypical forms:

  • mitigated,
  • abortive,
  • erased,
  • asymptomatic,
  • form with aggravated symptoms.

A mitigated or weakened form of measles is typical for patients who have undergone preventive procedures during the incubation period (administration of immunoglobulin, steroid hormones, blood transfusions, plasma from immune donors, etc.). In this case, the incubation period can be extended to 21 days. Signs of mitigated measles are not clearly expressed or are erased. Body temperature may remain within normal limits or rise to low-grade levels, the period of rashes is shortened, the exanthema is pale, not abundant, and there are no rashes on the mucous membranes. The disease progresses quickly, without complications.

The abortive form of measles begins in the same way as a typical measles infection, but on the 2-3rd day Clinical signs diseases disappear. Hyperthermia is noted on the first day, after which the temperature returns to normal. The rash is present mainly on the face and torso.

The erased form is typical for patients with immune protection measles vaccine injection against paramyxovirus. The symptoms of measles are not pronounced, the course is rapid, without complications, the patient’s condition is satisfactory.

The asymptomatic form is characterized by the absence of specific symptoms, being determined only when laboratory analysis blood for immunoglobulins.

The form with aggravated symptoms is rare. Accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, hemorrhagic syndrome, more often characteristic of adults.

Diagnostic measures

Expressed clinical picture Measles infection in most cases allows a diagnosis to be made after a visual examination of the patient. However, at the onset of the disease, with a mild or atypical course, as well as the addition of another infection, differentiation is necessary with diseases such as scarlet fever, rubella, erythema infectiosum, also accompanied by rashes of a similar nature and type.

At laboratory diagnostics virological and serological research methods are used.

At virological method The material for the study is nasopharyngeal swabs, discharge from the eyes, and urine of a patient with measles. Determination of the presence of paramyxovirus in biological materials using immunofluorescence, phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy. At serological method resort to studies of agglutination reactions, complement fixation, etc. The analysis is carried out twice: at the beginning of the disease and two weeks later. An increase in antibody titer by 4 times or more serves as a diagnostic criterion for measles.

With help modern methods examinations (in particular, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) can identify the presence of specific antibodies in the blood, which make it possible to judge the acute form of the disease or earlier contact with the pathogen. For this diagnosis, a blood test is performed to determine the content of immunoglobulins. About the presence of expressed infectious process indicates the presence of immunoglobulins M (IgM) in the amount of 0.18 IU/ml. The analysis is carried out from 3 days after the onset of the disease.

Additional studies are not aimed at diagnosis, but they can clarify the nature of the development of the process and the likelihood of complications. Most often, a urine test is prescribed to monitor and correct therapy. If pneumonia is suspected as a complication of the disease, diagnosis is carried out using x-ray examination chest organs.

Treatment of measles in children and adults

There is no specific treatment aimed specifically at combating paramyxovirus. Treatment is based on reducing the severity of symptoms, preventing or relieving complications.

Of primary importance is adherence to gentle bed rest for 7-10 days from the onset of the disease and a dairy-vegetable diet. Spicy, fatty, fried foods, and dishes that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa are excluded from the diet.

When treating a patient with measles, it is important to follow drinking regime in view of possible dehydration of the body due to fever, frequent bowel movements, and diarrhea. If necessary, resort to the use of electrolyte solutions.

The prescription of vitamins is specific: it is known that the disease is much more severe in patients with a deficiency of vitamin A. Thus, the prescription of a single drug or multivitamins is part of the therapy for measles infection.

Treatment with medications

Symptomatic therapy depends on what symptoms accompany the disease: namely clinical manifestations determine the choice of medications. For conjunctivitis, wash the conjunctiva with saline solution, chamomile decoction, warm boiled water, 2% sodium bicarbonate solution ( baking soda). If conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature and purulent discharge is observed, antibacterial eye drops are prescribed.

To alleviate the condition with severe rhinitis, resort to vasoconstrictor drugs local action and rinsing the nasal passages. A dry, frequent, exhausting cough requires the use of antitussive medications. If there are high body temperatures or a tendency to convulsive reactions against the background of hyperthermia, they resort to antipyretic drugs.

In some cases, therapy aimed at enhancing protective forces body. If a child experiences severe intoxication, or the disease occurs in a weakened adult patient, then this is an indication for hospital treatment using human immunoglobulin to increase the effectiveness of the patient’s general immunity. With pronounced allergic reaction, symptoms of intoxication, swelling may be used antihistamines(Suprastin, Fenistil, Zyrtec, etc.).

In the absence of complications and associated infection, antibiotic therapy is not indicated. If you have symptoms bacterial infection antibiotics from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, and macrolides are prescribed. Treatment of complications is carried out in inpatient conditions. Medications are selected depending on which organ is involved in pathological process. It is possible to stay in various departments, including the intensive care unit and intensive care if it is necessary to treat complications of measles such as meningitis, encephalitis and pneumonia.

Measles: preventive measures

Measles is dangerous due to severe complications: measles pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, obstructive bronchitis, laryngostenosis and others. Contrary to popular belief, measles is not limited to fever and skin rashes, but can have a long-term severe course with a pronounced effect on various internal organs, require a long period of rehabilitation. Complications can cause disability or result in death.

To prevent infection, young children are vaccinated. Vaccination is carried out at the ages of 1 year and 6 years. Immunity remains after it long time, but is not always lifelong. Therefore, in adulthood, revaccination is indicated in case of loss of post-vaccination immunity.

In case of contact with a sick person, a preventive measure that can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and prevent the development of complications is urgent vaccination of an unvaccinated child or adult with a “live” monovaccine against paramyxovirus.

Before the invention of the measles vaccine, the disease claimed thousands of lives. Many children became disabled. Now, with the help of vaccinations, it has been possible to reduce the incidence of the disease by 95%.

However, outbreaks of the disease still occur among unvaccinated children. Infants under one year of age are at risk, since the first vaccination is given at 12 months.

Can a child under one year old get measles, what symptoms indicate the presence of the disease in an infant, and what preventive measures should be taken? dangerous disease in children? Let's look for answers to these questions!

What kind of disease is this

Measles refers to acute diseases viral in nature and has a high rate of spread. The probability of infection reaches 100% - not a single disease is distinguished by this.

The virus spreads through airborne droplets, released when coughing, sneezing. In the external environment, microbes are not viable and are destroyed at high, low temperatures, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, treatment with hygiene products.

The incubation period lasts up to 14 days. During this time, microorganisms penetrate the blood through the mucous membrane and reach the lymph nodes. There they attack lymphocytes and other white blood cells.

After this, the second stage of the disease begins, when the virus from lymph nodes spreads throughout all organs.

At this moment, the disease manifests itself with the first symptoms: fever, redness of the throat, rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membranes.

The rash appears after 5-6 days. They appear as small bubbles with a rim, merging into one large focus.

The reverse development of the disease begins after 5-6 days of active rashes. The spots turn pale, the temperature drops, and the patient’s skin begins to peel off. Pigmentation completely disappears after 10-12 days.

The disease is dangerous not in itself, but because of its complications. Viruses suppress the immune system, so there is a high probability of bacterial infection. The most frequent complications measles are pneumonia, lymphadenitis, bronchitis, encephalitis.

Can a child under one year old become infected, reasons

The cause of measles infection is contact with a sick person. It is contagious 2 days before the first manifestations and within 6 days of active rashes.

So, do children under one year old get measles? There is a belief that infants cannot become infected because they have immunity from their mother. This is partly true.

If a woman has been vaccinated against a disease or was ill before pregnancy, antibodies to the virus are present in her blood.

They are passed on to the child and protect him from illness. Antibodies are passed on to the baby through breast milk.

The protection lasts up to 3-6 months, then gradually weakens and stops working. Therefore, immunization is carried out at 12-15 months.

There is a high risk of infection in infants if:

  • The mother did not have measles and was not vaccinated.
  • The mother is vaccinated, but the child is on artificial feeding.
  • The child has been diagnosed with immunodeficiency.
  • The mother suffered from measles during pregnancy, then the baby becomes infected through the placenta.

Symptoms and course of the disease in newborns

In babies under one year old, they are not as obvious as in older children.

Sometimes they make an erroneous diagnosis of ARVI and prescribe incorrect treatment. This leads to the development of serious complications.

Disease in infants takes place in several stages:

  • Incubation period. Lasts longer than in adults, approximately 14-21 days. There are no external manifestations.
  • Respiratory symptoms: redness of the throat, dry cough, runny nose, fever.
  • Gray-white small spots in the mouth. This hallmark diseases.
  • After 5 days, the rash spreads from the head to the body and limbs. It itches, and because of this, babies become capricious and sleep poorly.
  • Pimples merge and form crusts.
  • After 5-6 days, the rash turns pale, peels off, and gradually disappears.

Features of the course of measles in infants - rashes may be minor, and the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, but in older children the temperature rises to 40 degrees. In general, children tolerate the disease more easily compared to schoolchildren.

There are cases of non-standard course of the disease. They are typical for patients who have been vaccinated. This is a migrated and abortive measles.

In the first case, the symptoms are vague: the rash is minor, the temperature is low, and the duration of the disease is shortened.

Sometimes there are no rashes at all, which complicates diagnosis. Abortion measles is characterized by an acute onset and sudden disappearance of all manifestations.

Possible complications

Despite the milder course of the pathology, infants may develop dangerous complications. The virus suppresses the immune system, and in these children it is not fully formed.

The most dangerous consequences measles:

  • Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, bilateral pneumonia, tracheitis, otitis media, laryngeal edema.
  • Pathologies, causing disturbances nervous system: encephalitis, meningitis, polyneuritis.
  • Bacterial inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis).
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Deterioration of vision and hearing.
  • Death. Cases fatal outcome recorded among weakened children who do not receive proper treatment and nutrition.

Children with immunodeficiency suffer the worst from the disease. They usually develop severe complications, patients die.

How to diagnose and treat

Initial diagnosis is made based external signs . The doctor must know when and with whom the child had contact.

To clarify the diagnosis, a general urine and blood test and a serological blood test are prescribed, which detects the presence of antibodies to the virus.

If complications are suspected, a chest x-ray, electroencephalography, and brain MRI are performed.

There are no specific anti-measles drugs. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing complications.

The body must cope with the infection on its own. If the patient's condition is satisfactory, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The child is prescribed bed rest, plenty of fluids, and good nutrition.

To eliminate symptoms the following drugs are used:

  • Antipyretics based on ibuprofen or paracetamol (Panadol, Nurofen). For babies they are available in the form of suppositories and syrups.
  • Syrups for coughs and sore throats (Doctor Mom, Tantum Verde).
  • Drops and sprays for runny nose (Nazol baby, Tizin for children).

You should not force feed a child if he does not want to: due to stomatitis, it may be painful for him to eat. You need to give your baby water to drink to avoid dehydration.


Measles vaccination is not carried out until 6 months of age. If the baby has been in contact with a sick person, he should be given anti-measles immunoglobulin within 6 days. Even if infection occurs, the disease will be easier to tolerate.

If outbreaks of measles are recorded, then you should refrain from visiting public places and clinics. Vaccinations are required annually, repeat at 6 years.

You will learn about how measles is dangerous for the body and what measures should be taken to prevent the disease from this video:

Measles in children under one year of age is milder than in adults, but can have negative consequences.

Up to 6 months, the baby is protected by the mother’s immunity, and then it is necessary to undergo immunization. After contact with the patient, immunoglobulin is urgently administered.

In contact with

Measles is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. A child who has not been vaccinated will get sick with a 100% probability if he comes into contact with an infected person. Such a percentage of susceptibility is not observed in almost any other diseases.

Measles in children occurs in an acute form, especially between the ages of 2 and 5 years. The disease virus enters the body through the respiratory tract and then spreads through the bloodstream. With this disease, the mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity and respiratory organs are mainly affected, a characteristic rash, conjunctivitis appears, and the temperature rises.

Causes of measles

The cause of the spread of infection is always the sick person. The virus enters the air through droplets of saliva released when coughing, sneezing or talking, and then “moves” into the respiratory tract of a nearby child. The patient is considered contagious during the last two days of the incubation period of the virus and up to the 4th day of the rash.

Measles is extremely rare in children under one year of age, because they still have little contact with the outside world and strangers. In addition, newborns are protected by maternal antibodies. In infants, the disease may not proceed quite normally and may be characterized by the following symptoms: lack of fever, slight runny nose, slight redness in the mouth.

At the same time, infants in the first year of life may experience complications that are more severe than measles itself and primarily affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Children who have recovered from the disease remain immune to the disease until the end of their lives. If the mother has had measles in the past, the child will be resistant to the disease until the age of 3 months. It is this period of time that maternal antibodies are contained in the child’s blood. Also, after vaccinations, immunity develops and the child will be protected from measles.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

Measles is an insidious disease that develops in stages. In the first days, the disease may not manifest itself at all, the children remain cheerful and playful. The virus spreading throughout the child’s body is still completely invisible to the sensitive eyes of parents. This is the insidiousness of the very first period of the disease, and there are four of them in total.

1. Incubation period

This is the time period that begins at the moment of infection and continues until the first signs of the disease appear. It is generally accepted that this period in children is 7-14 days. At this stage, the virus multiplies “quietly” in the body, there are no symptoms of measles, and the child is not bothered by anything at all. In this case, the baby becomes infectious to others only in the last 5 days of the incubation period.

2. Catarrhal period

During this period, the child develops symptoms that strongly resemble a cold:

  • general malaise, weakness, lack of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40°C;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • runny nose and hoarse voice;
  • increased lacrimation, swelling and redness of the eyelids, conjunctivitis ();
  • abdominal pain and loose stools;
  • runny nose with purulent mucous discharge from the nose;
  • lacrimation, photophobia;
  • Infants may experience a decrease in body weight.


The catarrhal period of the disease lasts no more than four days, during which all the symptoms of measles gradually turn into more severe forms. At the moment when all manifestations reach their highest levels, a rash begins to appear.

3. Period of rash

As already noted, the rash appears at the peak of all signs of the disease. Spots of a dark red hue appear primarily on the head. Gradually growing and merging with each other, they form large foci of rashes. It is for this reason that the child’s face swells, and the lips become dry and often crack.

On the second day of this period, the rash begins to appear on the arms and upper torso. The third day is characterized by the appearance of rashes all over the child’s body. The duration of the entire period is 4 days.

The period of rash is characterized by a decrease in body temperature, weakening of the cough and the appearance of appetite. The child becomes mobile and active. About a week after the onset of the rash, catarrhal symptoms disappear completely.

4. Pigmentation stage

The rash leaves behind pigment spots, the appearance of which occurs in the same sequence: first on the face, then throughout the body. These spots gradually begin to peel off and eventually disappear completely.

At the pigmentation stage, the child’s condition gradually returns to normal, sleep and appetite are completely restored, and body temperature does not exceed normal values.

Non-standard forms of measles

If a child gets measles, you will not always be able to notice the development of this disease. Measles may not occur as usual, but in a different form. Such forms of the disease are usually called atypical.

Mitigated form

Children who have been in contact with an infected child receive immunoglobulin for prevention. In such children, the overall picture of the disease becomes blurred:

  • the incubation period lasts 21 days;
  • in the catarrhal period there is a slight cough and runny nose;
  • all periods of the disease, except incubation, are reduced;
  • the rashes are not abundant and appear without observing stages;
  • there are no characteristic spots on the cheeks;
  • pigmentation is less dark.

Abortion measles

Note to moms!

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With such an atypical form, all signs of the disease appear according to the standard pattern. But after about 2-3 days, all symptoms of the disease suddenly disappear. The rash concentrates on the face and upper torso.

Erased form

This form of measles is very similar to mitigated measles. Here, catarrhal signs of the disease are also insignificant. However, unlike the mitigated form, the erased form is characterized by the absence of a rash. This factor greatly impedes making a correct diagnosis.

Reminder - Beware Measles!

Diagnosis of the disease

It is often difficult or even impossible to recognize a disease only by external manifestations. This is especially true for atypical forms of the disease. In addition, the first signs of measles strongly resemble a cold, which can mislead anyone.

To make a reliable diagnosis, your child must be sent for the following types of laboratory tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • serology (detection of antibodies to the measles virus in the blood);
  • detection of measles virus in the blood.

Additionally, the child may be referred for a chest x-ray, and if there are complications from the nervous system, for electroencephalography.

In most cases, with the standard development of the disease, making a diagnosis does not cause difficulties and laboratory tests are simply unnecessary.


There are no special treatments for measles; the body will cope with the infection on its own. Treatment here is symptomatic, which will alleviate the general condition of the sick child:

  • antipyretic drugs for elevated body temperature;
  • cough medicines depending on its type (different medicines are used for wet and dry);
  • remedies for runny nose and sore throat;
  • drink plenty of fluids and stay in bed.

During illness, it is also important to provide the child with the necessary vitamin complexes to maintain immunity, and to lubricate chapped lips with Vaseline.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. The child is admitted to the hospital department if complications begin to develop. If there are complications, therapy is supplemented with antibacterial drugs.

Complications of the disease

Complications usually develop in children under 5 years of age or in adults over 20. The most common of them:

  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • bronchopneumonia.

Complications that occur in young children can hardly be called a rare occurrence. That is why the baby needs to be treated under the strict supervision of a local pediatrician. Ideally, the doctor will visit your child at least once every three days.

Why do such consequences occur? Everything is very simple. The measles virus can suppress the immunity of a small patient, and this is an excellent circumstance for the bacteria surrounding the child. They are provided with “free entry” into the baby’s body, and they are not slow to take advantage of this. Depending on the type of bacteria that enters the child’s body, not only the complications listed above may occur. It is quite possible that there may be upset stool, conjunctivitis, and even problems with the central nervous system.

The baby’s immunity decreases at the rash stage and may not recover earlier than in a month. Therefore, during treatment, it is important to follow basic hygiene procedures, and continue to see a doctor even after recovery.


The first step in preventing the disease is limiting contact with sick children. A child with signs of this infection should be isolated from other (not sick) children for the entire period when he is contagious. The patient's room should be regularly ventilated, and wet cleaning is also necessary.

Children who have been in contact with the patient are given a special immunoglobulin in the first 5 days after contact, which helps them not get sick. This measure is taken in relation to children who have not previously been vaccinated.

It is important to know! Immunoglobulin is administered only to children with weakened immune systems and under the age of three years.

But the most reliable assistant in preventing measles is vaccination.

Video: how to protect yourself and children from measles


We have already said that the vaccine is the most effective method in preventing measles. Vaccination is an artificial infection with a virus. But its concentration is so low that the child’s body copes with the infection on its own and at the same time produces protective antibodies.

After vaccination it is possible:

  • the appearance of conjunctivitis;
  • small rash on the body.

All this is completely safe and goes away in 2-3 days.

Note! The vaccine is contraindicated in children with weakened immune systems and those with blood or heart diseases. The vaccine is live measles bacteria. A child can be vaccinated only if there are no contraindications.

The first vaccination is carried out in children at the age of one year, revaccination - at 6 years. Then you can hope for a long-term effect, providing your child with protection from the virus for 15 years. Look

Measles is not a pleasant disease. In addition, in young children it is often complicated by other unpleasant diseases that can cause much more harm than measles itself. At the same time, children who have had this disease once acquire lifelong immunity.

Measles vaccination is a reliable method of preventing the disease, but it is not a panacea. Before agreeing to vaccination, you must make sure that the child has strong immunity and there are no other contraindications.

There is an opinion that babies under one year old cannot become infected with childhood diseases because they are protected by their mother’s immunity. Let's find out today in what situations measles is possible in an infant, how to protect it, and in case of illness, treat it, what is the difference between prevention at 6 months and at 12 months.

When writing an article, I use professional resources, articles and websites, to ensure that the information is as accurate as possible. At the end of the article I provide links to some sources. But I want to warn you that all the material is given as information, and for treatment and prevention, go to the doctor.

What is measles in an infant?

Measles - acute viral infection, which is highly contagious. For example, if there are 10 people in a room who have been in contact with a sick person, 9 of them will definitely become infected with the measles virus.

And the measles virus is not so terrible as the fact that it causes serious complications, especially in one-year-old children.

And when it comes to newborns and children under one year old, this is the most vulnerable group of patients. Because only vaccination can fully protect a baby, and in this early age they don't do it.

Then how to protect the baby, you ask. We'll talk about this below.

You can see in the article.

When can a baby become infected with measles virus and when not?

This question worries many mothers. And so now I will tell you in detail the options for the development of events.

Is it possible for a six month old baby to get measles?

  • If a mother has previously had measles and feeds her baby milk, the likelihood of infection is practically reduced to zero. After all, mom gave hers immune cells the child is still in the womb, through the placenta, as well as during breastfeeding and the child is completely protected. In such a situation, it is not even recommended to administer immunoglobulin to the baby in contact with the patient;
  • If the mother has been vaccinated against measles and she is breastfeeding the baby, the child has the mother’s immunity, but after 6 months, urgent vaccination is recommended, since there is a chance of infection;
  • If the baby is on breastfeeding, and the mother is not vaccinated and has not had measles, the probability of becoming infected is 99%;
  • A bottle-fed baby will become infected with this virus in 99% of cases.

Can fall ill baby from 6 to 12 months?

The likelihood of contracting measles is very high, but if you are vaccinated, the risk of infection is reduced by 50%. Why not 100% you ask? The fact is that the recommended age for vaccination is 12 months. Since only after this milestone is the baby able to fully develop its own immunity to measles infection.

But sometimes babies are vaccinated earlier, for example, from 6 months. Such children will also develop immunity, but not complete, and infection is possible, but with more mild symptoms. And this is already better. But doctors recommend that such infants be vaccinated again as soon as they turn 1 year old in order to develop full immunity.

Symptoms of measles small child

How do you know if a newborn has measles? What manifestations of the disease will there be so as not to make a mistake with the diagnosis? I’ll say right away that most often the symptoms are not as obvious and severe as in older children, that is, if the temperature is not high, if the rash is not severe. But serious complications are possible.

Here are the main classic manifestations of the disease:

  • First passes latent period, approximately 10 to 28 days. This is the time when the virus is already in the body and its number is growing, but no external manifestations no, the so-called hidden, incubation period;
  • Then the symptoms of a cold appear first: watery eyes, runny nose, temperature up to 40 degrees Celsius, cough. This continues for 4-5 days;
  • Spots appear in the mouth gray-white, may look like grains of sand that are scattered throughout inside mouth They are also called Koplik spots. This symptom is distinctive feature measles from other viral diseases;
  • Then on day 4-5 a rash appears, first on the head, and then lower, on the arms and finally on the limbs. When a rash appears, the fever intensifies again, and the temperature can reach 40 degrees;
  • The rash may be a little itchy and this makes infants even more irritable;
  • Acne itself resembles a crust on the body;
  • After another 4-5 days, pimples stop appearing and itching decreases. They disappear within a few days, leaving the skin dry and flaky.

How to treat measles in a child under one year old?

Does not exist specific treatment or a drug that would directly fight the virus. Everything, that is, is aimed at relieving symptoms. And in case of complications, doctors use “heavy artillery” in the form of other specific drugs.

Another important point– Measles is a virus and can never be treated with antibiotics. They can only worsen the course of the disease. Antibacterial drugs it is prescribed only by a doctor and only when a bacterial infection is associated with the virus.

If a baby under one year old gets sick, then most likely treatment will be carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor, to avoid complications. But sometimes the doctor, after examining the baby, allows him to stay at home, since his condition is normal.

  1. At high temperature It is allowed to give children's paracetamol (for example, Panadol syrup) or Ibuprofen (for example, Nurofen syrup). Never give children aspirin (another name for acetylsalicylic acid) - it is very dangerous;
  2. Breastfeed not on time, but on demand. Give extra liquid, such as water. Since dehydration is possible;
  3. Ventilate the room;
  4. Complete quarantine for at least 5 days from the onset of the rash;
  5. To ease your cough, use a humidifier;
  6. When your nose is stuffy, use drops based on saline solution, and then try to suck out the mucus with a bulb or a nozzle suction device. So a stuffy nose will not allow your baby to eat milk and drink water.
  7. Closely monitor all manifestations and inform your doctor in order to avoid complications.

Methods protection babies from measles infections

What to do? After all, vaccination is contraindicated for a baby under six months of age, and the likelihood of becoming infected is quite high, especially during an epidemic.

  • First, if there was contact with a patient with measles (but no later than 7 days after the interaction);
  • There are scientifically proven studies that increased content vitamin A in the body, significantly reduces the development side effects for measles syndrome (for infants up to 6 months, it is given in a dosage of 50,000 IU per day for two days, and from 6 to -11 months, 100,000 IU);
  • Avoid large cluster people during a measles outbreak: supermarkets, children's centers, clinics;
  • It is mandatory to get vaccinated at 12 months, even if your baby had it at 6 months.


Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Children under one year old are the most dangerous category who may become infected with measles;
  2. Breastfeeding does not always provide specific immunity to a child from measles infection;
  3. There is no magic pill for measles;
  4. If there was contact with the patient, then immunoglobulin is administered;
  5. Vitamin A is an excellent measles preventative;
  6. Pay attention to the manifestations of the disease and inform your doctor if anything bothers you.