Anise: benefits and harm for the body. Anise tea is a medicinal tea made from the common anise. Use in cooking

Reading time: 5 minutes


One of the most ancient spices in the form of small brown stars is anise. Previously, the spice was in demand, it was used as an additive in cooking and used in treatment various diseases. Anise increases appetite and eliminates insomnia. People believed that this spice helped normalize sleep and was very calming. And to this day, anise tea is popular and has therapeutic effect on the body.

What kind of plant is anise?

The spice used to grow in Greece, but now it can be found in other countries. It blooms in summer, the seeds are collected at the end of summer in August. The plant has a spicy, rich aroma and a sweetish taste. Essential oils are also prepared from it, which are used as an expectorant, analgesic, and also for dizziness.

Composition and beneficial properties of seeds

Little brown stars are rich in B vitamins and ascorbic acid. They contain elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and others. The seeds contain proteins, fats, starch, essential oils and fiber. Let's determine how anise affects the body, its benefits and harms.

The herb is widely used in medicinal purposes. Tea, oil, infusions and decoctions are prepared from the seeds.

  1. Anise promotes normal operation digestive and respiratory systems. It acts as an antipyretic, analgesic, and antiseptic.
  2. Tea is effective for colds due to its expectorant effect.
  3. Renders positive action on female body during menstruation. Helps to remove painful sensations and normalize the cycle.
  4. Anise tea is also useful for gum disease, unpleasant smell from the mouth and diseases of the nasopharynx.
  5. The infusion improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with bloating, vomiting and constipation.
  6. Tea is indicated for diseases such as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

How to brew anise tea

To prepare it you will need:

  • One teaspoon of star anise;
  • Half a liter of ready-made tea;
  • Half a liter of boiling water;
  • Several peeled and chopped walnuts.

As a medicine and for preventive purposes, the infusion should be prepared as follows. Place anise seeds in a bowl, pour boiling water, cover the container and leave for ten minutes. Then strain the infusion, pour it into the brewed tea and add nuts. This aromatic drink has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Tea for nursing mothers Babushkino Lukoshko

This drink is indicated for mothers who are breastfeeding. A baby who eats mother's milk gains weight faster and gets sick less than one who is fed formula. Together with breast milk the child receives antibodies that prevent diseases such as chickenpox and measles. Not all young mothers have enough milk to fully feed their baby. Therefore, a drink that increases lactation comes to their aid. Doctors recommend drinking Babushkino Lukoshko tea for nursing mothers; it contains only natural ingredients. Herbs act on mommy’s body as a sedative, so she will be calm and balanced. One of the teas to increase lactation, Babushkino Lukoshko, contains rose hips. Tea for nursing mothers perfectly strengthens the immune system and serves as a good preventive measure. respiratory infections. Another drink, also from Babushkino Lukoshko, which contains anise, normalizes digestion and relieves the child of bloating and colic. This tea will not harm either the nursing mother or her baby. Its cost is low, it is a little more than one dollar. We advise women who have problems with feeding to drink Babushkino Lukoshko tea for nursing mothers.

Anise tea for colds

You will need the following ingredients:

  • One teaspoon of black tea;
  • Several anise stars;
  • Cinnamon stick;
  • Lemon zest;
  • A tablespoon of honey;
  • A liter of boiling water.

Place all ingredients except honey in a bowl and pour in hot boiled water. Cover with a lid and leave for ten minutes. Afterwards, strain the infusion and drink warm, adding a spoonful of honey.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Five spice cloves;
  • Seven pieces of cardamom;
  • Three star anise;
  • Cinnamon stick;
  • A piece of fresh ginger root;
  • Two teaspoons of dry brewed black tea;
  • A teaspoon of black pepper and nutmeg;
  • Two tablespoons of honey;
  • Orange zest and vanilla sugar;
  • Two liters of water.

Place all products except honey in a container and fill with hot boiled water. Leave for twenty minutes, then strain and add honey.

How to prepare raw materials

In August, collect anise seeds and dry them well. When did they purchase brown-gray color, grind the grains to a powder state. Store them in a sealed jar, some people use the whole seeds.

How to make anise oil

It is used in pharmacology and Food Industry. To make butter, it is better to choose grains that grow in the center of the star. In order to prepare it, you need.

Anise seeds is a popular herbal remedy for various ailments. This article talks about herbal tea made from anise seeds.

Anise tea is made from anise seeds, which are obtained from the plant Pimpinella anisum, which is related to fennel, dill, Roman caraway, or cumin, and caraway. This plant is used both in cooking and in medical purposes. Anise seeds resemble fennel seeds, but are smaller in size. They have a sweetish taste with hints of licorice, and are included in a huge number of recipes in a wide variety of cuisines.

And anise tea is one of the most commonly used herbal medicines V various parts world, especially in the Middle East. Anise seeds are often confused with star anise, or star anise, which is a completely different spice. In addition to their names, these two spices also have similar aromas, but star anise is collected from the evergreen tree of the same name. The dried fruits of star anise resemble a star in shape, which is why they are also called star anise. Star anise also has medicinal uses, however, different from those of anise seeds.

They say that even the ancient Egyptians knew about medicinal properties anise, and they used its seeds as a remedy for numerous diseases. In European herbal medicine, it was used as a carminative (i.e., an agent that prevents the formation of gases in gastrointestinal tract). This plant is often consumed in the form of tea.

This herbal tea is most often used as a digestive aid. It is said to be effective in preventing bloating and indigestion. This tea also stimulates the appetite. In addition, it is widely used as a medicine for respiratory diseases such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis. Anise seed tea is said to be good for relieving menstrual pain. Some people use it to thin mucus that accumulates in the lungs and throat. It can also be used to relieve menopausal symptoms. This is one of the most common herbal remedies against hiccups, as well as a means to enhance lactation in nursing mothers. Apart from this, anise seed tea is believed to be beneficial for men as it is used to treat impotence.

How to make anise tea

These days, anise seed tea is available in the market in bags. You can use it, or make tea from regular anise seeds. All you need to do is boil water with anise seeds. You can also pour boiling water over crushed anise seeds and let them brew for some time. Some people add this infusion to regular tea and consume it with sweeteners. So, to make anise seed tea, you should take two teaspoons of crushed anise seeds and add a cup of boiling water to it. After 10-15 minutes, the infusion can be strained. Also to do this Herb tea, you can boil one teaspoon of anise seeds with a cup of water. Another method is to boil two teaspoons of anise seeds in one and a half cups of water. In another kettle, you can brew two bags of regular tea in one and a half cups of water for ten minutes, then strain both infusions and combine them.

In short, anise tea is used as a herbal remedy from the most various conditions. However, sometimes he may cause side effects . While some people are allergic to these seeds and therefore may experience allergic reaction After drinking anise tea, others are likely to experience skin inflammation and other conditions such as rosacea. Since anise seeds have diuretic properties, consuming them in excess can lead to dehydration. Therefore, moderation and following the instructions of a qualified herbalist are recommended. It is also necessary to remember that anise should not be confused with star anise, which can lead to serious side effects when used in the form of tea.

For centuries, humanity has actively used anise to treat a variety of diseases. The greenish seeds of this plant were highly valued in Ancient Greece and Rome, and in the East they were even used to pay taxes. Today, anise seeds help people around the world fight various diseases ranging from disorders digestive system and ending with low libido.

What is anise?

Common anise, Pimpinella anisum, Anisum vulgare, Anisum officinarum, Anise - this is all the name of one plant, which, however, should not be confused with another anise - Chinese, or also known as real star anise. It is the Chinese plant that produces star-shaped fruits. But now we are talking about a completely different grass. The fruits of anise are seeds called cumin.

This herbaceous plant belongs to the celery family and can grow up to a meter. From thin spindly roots sprout fluted stems and leaves that form feathery lobes. In spring, white flowers with a delicate sweet aroma appear on the plants. At the end of August - beginning of September, seeds are formed. The native lands for this plant are Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece. Although currently when creating favorable conditions Anise can grow in almost any corner of the Earth.

Active Ingredients

Anise seeds consist of 18 percent, 8-23% of, 2-7% of essential oils, 5% of, 12-25 percent of the composition is, the rest is.

Anise seeds have a delicious aroma due to their high concentration essential oil anethole. They also serve as a source. These minerals are essential for maintaining heart function, proper blood circulation, bone health, and also help convert food into energy. , which are part of anise seeds, are important for the functioning of the brain.

Anise: benefits and harm to the body

The history of human use of anise as a medicine with a spicy aroma goes back at least 4 thousand years. As historians suggest, it all started from Egypt. There, according to ancient records, the plant was used as a diuretic and to treat toothache. Ancient Greek medical records mention anise as a respiratory aid, an analgesic, a diuretic, and a thirst reliever.

Since the 1800s, the era of commercial use of caraway oils began. Then anise was noticed by manufacturers of cosmetics and detergents. In the food industry it is known as a spicy additive to a wide variety of product categories, including alcoholic beverages, dairy, jelly, puddings, meat, and candies.

Anise essential oil, as well as teas made from it, are widely used in medicine. For what purpose? This is what we will now try to understand.

Medicinal properties of anise:

  • facilitates expectoration;
  • relieves bloating (including in children);
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothes coughs in bronchitis and asthma;
  • relieves pain from laryngitis and pharyngitis;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • relieves abdominal cramps;
  • reduces nausea.

In addition, anise oil is used in folk medicine to treat head lice, scabies, and psoriasis. And for nursing mothers, this remedy is suitable for improving milk production.

Other beneficial properties of anise

In addition to those mentioned therapeutic effects, other properties of this plant are also known. In particular, thanks to antibacterial effect, it is included in some toothpastes. And the anti-inflammatory properties are compared to the effect of aspirin.

Anise essential oil protects DNA cells from free radicals and prevents the formation of malignant tumors.

There is also an opinion that anise can reduce... A 60-day experiment showed that daily consumption of seeds in powder reduces blood sugar levels by 36%, and also regulates the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Crushed cumin seeds applied to the forehead, neck or temples relieve headaches, particularly during migraine attacks. Experiments on rats have shown that anise promotes the absorption of iron, thereby serving prophylactic against anemia.

This plant also has calming properties. Anise contains thymol, linalol, terpineol, and eugenol, which reduce the manifestation of nervousness and anxiety. Interestingly, cumin (seeds) belongs to the group of aphrodisiac plants. In addition, it has mild laxative and diuretic effects. In combination with sassafras oil, it serves as a means to destroy insect pests (moths, bedbugs, cockroaches, lice). Fishermen add anise to their bait.

In the food industry, as a seasoning, it is added to meat, fish, soups and sauces, pickles and confectionery.


Today there are no clearly defined norms for the consumption of anise, just as there are no calculated daily norms for it. But most often, from half to 2 grams of seeds or 0.2-0.3 ml of essential oil are used to treat digestive system disorders.

In the form of an infusion, usually take 1-2 teaspoons of crushed seeds per glass of boiling water. In the form of oil, herbalists advise consuming 1 drop of the substance with half a teaspoon of honey.

This plant is considered safe for humans, however, abuse of seeds or essential oil can cause side effects such as allergic rash, complications of the respiratory and digestive systems. An overdose of essential oil causes vomiting, convulsions, and sometimes pulmonary edema, paralysis, mental disorders, to whom.

The main contraindication for taking anise preparations is pregnancy. Because this plant has abortive abilities.

How to prepare seeds

After harvesting, anise seeds are dried in special trays until they turn greyish-brown. Then you can grind it to a powder and store it in a sealed container or use it whole. This is the famous anise seasoning - cumin.

Anise oil is obtained from the seeds of the herb through steam distillation. Most quality product obtained from ripe seeds located in the center of the umbrella. The range of uses of anise oil is extremely wide - from the food industry to pharmacology.

The chemical composition of anise oil varies depending on where the herb grew. But in most cases, 80-90 percent of the substance is anethole, which gives the product a specific smell, as well as some other chemical elements.

Anise oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and expectorant properties. Therefore, it is often included in cough syrups and lozenges. Thanks to its special composition, it loosens mucus in the respiratory tract, making breathing easier for asthma and ARVI. Antibacterial properties make it effective against Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, coli. The list of fungi that are afraid of anise also includes Candida. The relaxing properties of the oil help relieve cramps and spasms of various origins.

How to make anise oil

Industrial production of anise oil is a labor-intensive multi-step process. But small portions of the product can be made at home. For this you will need:

  • cumin seeds (dry);
  • carrier oil (for example, almond);
  • mortar for grinding seeds;
  • gauze;
  • glass container.

Grind the dry seeds in a mortar until the oil comes out (but do not bring it to a powder consistency). Pour into a glass container and add the base oil (the liquid should completely cover the seeds). Close the container tightly and place under Sun rays(this will speed up the release of oil from the crushed seeds). Strain through cheesecloth. Store prepared anise oil in a cool, dry place.

Common anise tea

When the disease has tightened the throat and it is difficult to swallow, a cough of any origin is annoying (bronchial, allergic, asthmatic or after smoking), get rid of unpleasant symptoms Anise tea will help. It is prepared from fresh or dry seeds of the plant.

Another beneficial property of tea is the treatment of flatulence, getting rid of the feeling of heaviness after overeating, and, like ginger, anise relieves nausea.

If you sweeten your drink with honey, you can get an alternative to high-calorie drinks, and the antibacterial properties of anise will freshen your breath after drinking tea.

Seed tea recipe

To prepare anise tea you will need a teaspoon of seeds and a glass boiled water. Put on fire and boil for no more than a minute. Let it brew. Drink a glass of anise tea after each main meal. This decoction is effective for bronchitis, asthma, and slow digestion.

Other Anise Recipes

General strengthening tincture

Pour 40 g of seeds into a glass of vodka. Leave for a week to 10 days. Take 20-25 drops three times a day.

Mouthwash infusion

2 tsp. Mix the seeds with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain. Rinse your mouth and throat several times a day.

Cumin decoction

Pour 20 g of cumin seeds into 200 ml of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes, then leave for another 20 minutes. Strain, add 20 g of honey and the same amount of cognac. Take 1 tablespoon warm three times a day.

Anise in cosmetology

Anise oil is an excellent remedy for improving the condition loose skin. The remedies suggested below are easy to prepare yourself at home.

Mask for aging skin

1 tablespoon carrier oil (any vegetable oil) add 2 drops of anise essential oil. Mix thoroughly and apply with light massaging movements to the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.

Rejuvenation mask

Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 drop of essential anise oil to 2 tablespoons of sour cream. After applying to the face, leave for 10 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a paper towel.

Mask for skin elasticity

For this remedy you will need 1 tablespoon of grated carrots, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of anise decoction. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Keep on face for about 10 minutes.

Moisturizing mask

Prepare a paste from 2 tablespoons of grated cucumber and the same amount oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of anise seed decoction. Apply with light movements to the face, after 10 minutes rinse with warm water.

Mask for very dry skin

Peel and chop the still warm jacket potatoes, add warm milk and 1 drop of essential anise oil. Stir until the consistency of thick sour cream and apply to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off.

Despite its apparent simplicity and widespread use, anise has a whole range of beneficial properties. It is a pity that many people see only a weed in this plant and mercilessly eradicate it, forgetting that caraway seeds play important role to maintain health, and in some cases may serve the most effective medicine, which has no analogues in pharmacies.

Have you tried anise tea? Spice lovers will surely like it. Although the taste of the drink is specific, tea with anise is popular both in addition to meals and in medicine, because it has beneficial properties.

A drink based on this plant is very popular because it has a beneficial effect on general state body. Tea with anise eases bronchitis, reduces asthma attacks and, in general, is useful for ailments respiratory tract. It is used during the treatment of tracheitis, laryngitis, and whooping cough. The decoction is used for complex therapy cystitis, pyelonephritis.

The healing drink is also capable of:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive system, eliminate intestinal spasms;
  • reduce the risk of indigestion and bloating;
  • normalize the functioning of the pancreas;
  • reduce menstrual pain;
  • increase lactation in women who are breastfeeding;
  • get rid of problems with potency;
  • help with infertility by improving the functionality of the uterus, thereby promoting conception.

In addition, anise extract is suitable as an analgesic, for disinfection, and as an antipyretic. A rinse solution (a teaspoon of anise in a glass of water) helps with gum inflammation.

Side effects

Anise tea, despite its undeniable benefits, sometimes causes side effects. The plant can provoke allergic manifestations, inflammation skin. The seeds have a diuretic property, which increases the risk of dehydration. Dishes with added ingredients are not recommended for chronic gastrointestinal ailments: gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Anise tincture with alcohol cleanses the body of toxic substances, but can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, anise is not recommended for pregnant women.

There is a great risk of confusing anise with its close “relative” star anise, which has a much wider range of adverse reactions body.

You should not add milk to anise-based tea; it is permissible to sweeten the drink with honey or regular sugar.

Anise tea recipes

The beneficial properties of the drink are also used for preventive purposes. It is important to choose the seeds wisely. A dark brown color indicates that the grains are already old and will not impart the desired aroma to the tea. It is optimal to purchase young seeds and store them in their original (not ground) state, in a glass container, in a dark place. In such conditions they will retain their healing properties longer.

To prepare anise tea, you will need:

  • 500 ml regular tea,
  • 1 teaspoon,
  • 500 ml boiling water,
  • 40 g finely chopped walnuts.

Anise seeds should be poured with boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. Strain the mixture and combine with traditional tea, garnish with nuts. This drink has a very rich aroma and tart taste.

To increase body tone and gain energy, you can prepare tea according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour ½ tsp into the teapot. crushed anise seeds and a cinnamon stick.
  2. Add finely chopped lemon or lime peel.
  3. Add 2 thin slices of ginger root.
  4. Pour boiling water (500 ml) and leave for half an hour to infuse.
  5. Strain, add honey.

It is good to drink this tea 2-3 times a day.

Anise is included in various restorative herbal preparations. It is often used in perfume production, cooking, and the alcoholic beverage industry. It is believed that if you start the morning with a cup of anise tea, your thoughts will become clear and your organs will work harmoniously. Daily drink intake - great way have a good night's sleep. Loss of strength and bad mood recede before this miraculous remedy. The plant has numerous benefits and is rightfully considered the elixir of youth for the body.

Anise is a well-known, popular plant used by chefs as a seasoning. It has a bright, unique aroma and taste. The smell of anise is light, sweetish, unlike anything else. It is used in cooking meat and fish. Production cannot proceed without it alcoholic drinks, used in confectionery production. This spice has a long history, but not only culinary.

Since time immemorial, anise has been used to improve sleep and normalize digestion. The seeds of this plant have pronounced medicinal properties, so they are used in the preparation of various medicines. Prepared from anise seeds healing tinctures, decoctions. They have an antipyretic, diaphoretic, and diuretic effect on the body.

Anise seeds make excellent aromatic tea, promoting the health of the body. We’ll talk to you today about how to prepare anise tea, its properties, and the benefits of this drink. First, let's remember about medicinal properties aromatic seeds:

The benefits of anise, use in treatment

The seeds of the plant have pronounced expectorant properties, so they are used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in particular bronchitis with dry cough. Anise has also been used since ancient times to normalize digestion, eliminate flatulence, bloating, and intestinal spasms.

A decoction or infusion treats constipation, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, and is taken to normalize menstrual cycle. With the help of a decoction, laryngitis, tracheitis, asthma are effectively treated, and eliminated.

A decoction or tea from the seeds helps improve the functioning of the liver, stomach, and pancreas. It is recommended to take it to increase appetite and improve digestion. In addition, it is used for complex treatment cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis.

How to prepare anise tea?

Many people love refreshing, tasty, aromatic anise tea. How is this drink useful? ethnoscience uses it as an antipyretic, diuretic, and expectorant. It is recommended for breastfeeding women to drink, as it promotes lactation.

Drinking the drink will help get rid of dizziness and headaches. It is recommended to drink it hot during complex treatment. inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma. With its help you can get rid of lingering cough. Tea will help eliminate negative sensations in the stomach and intestines.

Recipe: Initially, grind 1 tsp. seeds Transfer to a teapot. Add 200 ml of soft, filtered boiling water. Cover with a lid and insulate with a towel or thick napkin. Healthy tea will be ready in 10 minutes. Pour it into a cup through a strainer and cool slightly. Drink with honey and lemon. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups per day.

A drink made from anise seeds with honey can be given to children. Only 100 ml of tea 1-2 times a day is enough for them.

Vitamin anise tea

To increase tone, give the body strength and vigor, you can use the following recipe: Pour 0.5 tsp into a teapot or thermos. crushed seeds and a cinnamon stick. Add chopped lemon or lime peel there. Also add a small piece (a couple of thin slices) of ginger root. Pour half a liter of boiling water over everything. Let it sit for about 20-30 minutes. Drink slightly cooled, strained tea with honey 2-3 times a day.

Application for weight loss

Anise tea will be useful for those who are struggling with excess weight. Undoubtedly, anise has the ability to improve appetite. However, according to experts, drinking this drink also promotes activation, production gastric juice, which, in turn, activates the digestion of food. Therefore, the drink can be very useful in improving your figure. To this end, prepare tea according to the first recipe or use anise seeds as a culinary seasoning.

Does anise tea have contraindications for use?

In addition to the undoubted health benefits, like any other medicinal plant has its contraindications. In particular, the use of anise products can provoke allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to use preparations based on plant seeds when chronic diseases gastrointestinal tact: gastritis, peptic ulcer, as well as atony of the large intestine. There are contraindications for the use of anise products, and especially anise oil during pregnancy. Be healthy!