White cabbage benefits and benefits. Interesting details about the benefits and harms of regular white cabbage. Those who use cabbage for weight loss should

White cabbage is the most famous vegetable in Russia. Combines the properties of a delicious fresh vegetable and a remedy for the treatment of numerous diseases. ABOUT magical properties the product has been known since antiquity. Healers treated gastrointestinal disorders and other diseases with cabbage recipes. Young beauties washed their faces every morning cabbage brine to keep skin fresh.

Features, differences from other types

The vegetable belongs to the Cruciferous family, the genus Brassica, and is a biennial plant.

The first year it produces heads of cabbage, which people use in cooking.. In the second year it throws out an arrow with small yellow flowers. After flowering, seeds are formed.

They can be collected and then germinated for further propagation. Cabbage heads are round, flat and oval.

They consist of succulent leaves, the upper ones are light green in color, and the lower ones are white, sometimes with a cream tint.

This species contains many vitamins and useful microelements for the body:

The uniqueness of the vegetable lies in its high content ascorbic acid, which does not decompose even after long-term storage. After six months, 100 g of product contains 50 mg of vitamin C.

But the main miracle is that when cabbage is chopped, ascorbic acid transforms into a bound form - ascorbigen. In the acidic environment of the stomach, this compound breaks down into vitamin C and glucobrassicin.

The latter has the following healing properties:

  • partially suppresses, even stops the growth of hormone-dependent cancer cells;
  • has an antiestrogenic effect, that is, helps prevent breast cancer;
  • inhibits the growth of papillomas in papillomatosis.

The vegetable also contains vitamin U, or S-methylmethionine. He is capable of:

Scientists are still actively researching healing properties vegetables to create effective drugs from cancer and AIDS.

Beneficial features

For children's health

This product is useful for children. Prevents the development of:

  • rickets;
  • stomatitis;
  • dysbacteriosis.

The smallest ones need to boil the cabbage first, puree in a blender and then add a little breast milk or formula milk.

After getting used to the product, milk can be eliminated. Cabbage puree removes toxins and poisons, so it is especially useful in treating medications and when:

  • diathesis;
  • food allergies;
  • atopic dermatitis.

If your baby's stomach swells after eating cabbage, you should consult your pediatrician. Perhaps he needs to improve his intestinal flora.

After a year, you can start giving your child soups with cabbage and vegetable stews. From the age of two - salads with the addition of vegetable oil. This normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, gives the necessary load to the chewing muscles, and improves health tooth enamel, helping to prevent caries.

In old age

Fresh cabbage has a strong anti-aging and anti-sclerotic effect thanks to the tartronic acid in its composition.

REFERENCE! After heat treatment, tartronic acid decomposes.

In old age with good condition teeth every day, it is advisable to eat cabbage salads with the addition of grape seed or amaranth oil. If chewing a fresh product is not possible, drink juice in combination with the same oil or honey. The blood vessels will be cleansed, cholesterol and stool will be normalized. Lightness and vigor will appear in the body.

How it can be harmful to health, contraindications

The main contraindication is individual intolerance, that is, indigestion. The product should also be excluded from the diet if:

Is cabbage stalk healthy?

ATTENTION! When cooking, the stalk must be thrown away, as nitrates and other harmful substances accumulate in it.

They are not completely removed even when soaked in solution. table salt or boiling.

Let's talk about the benefits of stewed, boiled and pickled cabbage, its dangers, and the benefits of fresh and squeezed juice of the product.

For the prevention of cancer and viral diseases To replenish vitamin C reserves, it is advisable to eat at least 200 g of fresh cabbage every day. When preparing it you should:

  • chop;
  • to sprinkle a small amount table salt;
  • leave for 20 minutes;
  • Rub thoroughly with your hands;
  • add seasonings (lemon juice, honey, vegetable oil, etc.).

You can add any nuts, herbs, or... to the salad.

If you eat such a salad for breakfast, it will help eliminate constipation, dysbacteriosis, and cleanse yourself of toxins.

When consumed at lunchtime in combination with animal proteins, the food will be optimally absorbed. You should not eat cabbage for dinner, so as not to overload your stomach before bed.

Boiled, stewed or fried food can be eaten every day in any quantity if there are no contraindications. It is advisable to observe the following rules:

  • heat treatment should be short-term (no more than 15 minutes);
  • For cooking, use any refined sunflower oil. It can also be replaced with cream. Do not cook with margarine or animal fat.
  • The stalk needs to be thrown away.

The fermented product can be eaten three times a day for prevention. This should be done half an hour before breakfast or lunch. Recommended amount - from 50 to 100 g.

Use in cooking

Cabbage heads are a source of inspiration for zealous housewives. Cabbage is tasty, affordable, and can be stored for a long time without losing its taste.

Recipe with egg:

Best served immediately after cooking, paired with baked potatoes or seafood.

A simple recipe for fried cabbage:

  • chop finely;
  • fry without salt for five minutes in vegetable oil with the addition of dill and caraway seeds.

You can add carrots or Bell pepper. You can season the dish with soy sauce.

Summer salad:

Before serving, top with sour cream.

Watch the video recipe for young cabbage salad:

, the vegetable can be used in low-carb diets on its own (in the form of salads and cabbage soup) or as a side dish in protein diets, facilitating the release of the body from metabolic products.

Cabbage diet can be done once a week. On this day, five times a day you need to eat a salad of fresh leaves in any quantity, seasoned with lemon juice.

The salad must be prepared without salt.

During the day you can eat two more eggs or 100 g of black bread. You can drink a glass at night tomato juice. This diet guarantees weight loss of up to two kilograms in one day.

Instead of salad, you can make soup from one kilogram of cabbage and bell pepper without salt and oil. This method is recommended for those who do not tolerate fresh food well or cannot chew thoroughly.

For medicinal purposes

Cabbage leaves are used alternative medicine during treatment:

  • joint diseases;
  • headaches;
  • mastitis;
  • boils.

For this you need fresh head of cabbage Bandage the sheet to the sore spot. Change it every hour. For migraines and headaches, it is also useful to apply the leaves to the eyes.

Cabbage juice - a medicine with a wide spectrum of effects. It should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.

Combined with 5 ml sunflower oil it has a beneficial effect on the liver, gently ridding it of toxins. When adding honey, it will relieve a pregnant woman of toxicosis and reduce the symptoms of a hangover.

IN pure form dissolves salt deposits in joints and spine, improves tooth enamel.

WITH carrot juice in a ratio of 1:2 activates blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels.
Everything you need is always nearby. Cabbage can heal, provide tasty food and relieve depression at minimal cost. The main thing is to know how to do it.

Find out about other cabbage treatments:

In contact with

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Brassica oleracea) is a biennial vegetable crop, belongs to the family Cruciferous. A head of cabbage is nothing more than an overgrown bud of a plant, formed due to an increase in the number of leaves. The head of cabbage grows in the first year of the plant's life; if it is not cut off, a stem with leaves and small yellow flowers, which eventually turn into seeds.

White cabbage is a favorite garden crop; due to its unpretentiousness to soil composition and weather conditions, it grows almost everywhere, with the only exceptions being deserts and the Far North (calorizator). Cabbage ripens in 25-65 days, depending on the variety and the availability of light.

Calorie content of white cabbage

The calorie content of white cabbage is 27 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of white cabbage

White cabbage contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to become a permanent and complete product for everyone who cares about their health. The chemical composition of cabbage contains: vitamins, as well as rare fiber and coarse dietary fiber.

The medicinal properties of cabbage have been known for a long time; leaves of white cabbage were applied to inflamed areas and strained veins; such a compress, left overnight, reduced swelling and unpleasant and painful sensations. Cabbage also has anti-inflammatory properties, it has a stimulating effect on the body's metabolic processes, stimulates the production gastric juice, has a positive effect on cardiac activity. The product is useful for gout, kidney diseases, cholelithiasis and ischemia.

Harm of white cabbage

White cabbage should not be included in the diet of people with increased acidity gastric juice, with a predisposition to indigestion, enteritis and colitis.

Varieties of white cabbage

White cabbage has early, middle, late varieties and hybrids. The most popular varieties are:

  • Early - Aladdin, Delphi, Nakhodka, Golden Hectare, Zora, Pharaoh, Yaroslavna;
  • Medium - Belarusian, Megaton, Slava, Gift;
  • Late - Atria, Snow White, Valentina, Lennox, Sugarloaf, Extra.

White cabbage early varieties and hybrids cannot be stored, it has very delicate leaves, so it must be eaten immediately after cutting; blanks are also not made from it. Medium-grade cabbage is a little coarser in the condition of the leaves, but it can already be processed and stored for a short time. The most productive varieties- late, such cabbage is very dense, juicy and excellent for the production of preparations that will delight you all winter. With proper storage, heads of white cabbage of late varieties and hybrids will last until mid-winter and longer, without losing their taste and beneficial properties.

Separately in the cabbage classification are Dutch varieties of white cabbage, which are very productive, suitable for our climate and have excellent taste and juiciness. Dutch breeders are proud of their varieties: Bingo, Python, Grenadier, Amtrak, Ronco, Musketeer and Bronco.

White cabbage and weight loss

Thanks to the large amount of fiber and dietary fiber, cabbage is included in various diets, for example, and.

White cabbage in cooking

White cabbage is an almost universal vegetable; it is eaten fresh in salads, fermented and pickled, boiled, fried, stewed and baked. Many people love cabbage cutlets, pancakes and casseroles; cabbage goes well with cabbage, pies and pancakes filled with cabbage are classics of Russian cuisine, as are cabbage rolls and cabbage soup. A rare vegetable can be prepared in such a variety of ways as white cabbage.

For more information about the benefits of cabbage and its properties, watch the video from the TV show “Live Healthy.”

Especially for
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A vegetable that is stored fresh all winter and does not lose its beneficial properties. Even in the reference book of Kievan Rus, compiled in 1076, “Svyatoslav’s Collection,” a chapter is devoted to the preparation and storage rules of vegetables.

The homeland of cabbage is Georgia.

Composition of cabbage

The chemical composition is described in detail in the reference book of Russian scientists Skurikhin I.M. and Tutelyan V.A. "Tables of chemical composition and caloric content Russian products nutrition." Fresh cabbage contains vitamins:

A - 2 mcg;
E - 0.1 mg;
C - 45 mg;
B1 - 0.03 mg;
B2 - 0.04 mg;
B6 - 0.1 mg;
B9 - 22 mcg.

White cabbage is low in calories. Energy value 100 gr. fresh leaves - 28 kcal. Cabbage is rich in carbohydrates - 18.8 g. per 100 g, and proteins - 7.2 g. The ripened fruit of white cabbage is rich in:

Potassium - 300 mg;
calcium - 48 mg;
magnesium - 16 mg;
sodium - 13 mg;
sulfur - 37 mg;
phosphorus - 31 mg;
chlorine - 37 mg;
boron - 200 mcg;
cobalt - 3 mcg;
molybdenum - 10 mcg;
chromium - 5 mcg;
zinc - 0.4 mg.

The composition contains “magic” tartronic acid and a rare substance methionine - or vitamin U. Tartronic acid can stop the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Vitamin U - heals erosions, wounds and ulcers on the mucous membranes.

Benefits of cabbage


Heals erosions, wounds and ulcers

In 1942, a scientist from the USA, Chiney, discovered a substance in the juice that heals erosions of the mucous membranes of the stomach - methylmethionine sulfonium, later called vitamin U. Independently of Chiney, in 1952, Mac Rory proved the ability of methylmethionine sulfonium to heal wounds and ulcers. Because of its fiber, cabbage is not allowed during periods of exacerbation of ulcers, but cabbage juice is used to treat stomach ulcers, psoriasis and eczema.

Fights cholesterol deposits

Cholesterol plaques are protein-bound lipoproteins deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin U in cabbage is involved in metabolic processes, including in fat. Entering the blood, the substance prevents cholesterol from sticking to proteins and settling on the walls of blood vessels.

White cabbage is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and high cholesterol.

Prevents fat formation

Cabbage contains tartronic acid, which is an organic acid. Like tartaric, citric, malic and oxalic acids, tartronic acid alkalizes the environment in the stomach, prevents fermentation and improves digestion. But the uniqueness of tartronic acid is that it prevents the appearance of fatty deposits - this explains the benefits of cabbage for weight loss. Tartronic acid does not break down existing fats, but it does not allow new ones to form. This property is explained by the fact that tartronic acid stops the process of converting carbohydrates into triglycerides.

Fresh and fermented is useful, since tartronic acid is destroyed during heat treatment.

Cleanses the intestines

100 grams contain 10% of the daily intake of dietary fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. Without fiber, the intestines become lazy, and the smooth muscles of the organ atrophy. Benefit raw cabbage the fact that fiber irritates the intestinal walls, prevents them from “falling asleep” and triggers self-cleansing. During work, the intestines are cleansed of toxins. Cabbage is useful for long-term constipation and intestinal motility disorders.

For men

It is advisable for men to take care of their sexual health. Simple white cabbage helps with this. The benefit of cabbage for men is to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Cabbage contains vitamin B9, which is necessary for the production of high-quality sperm.

For pregnant

The benefits of cabbage during pregnancy can be judged based on its vitamin and mineral composition. Cabbage is rich in potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber.

  • Potassium helps avoid swelling, which is important for pregnant women.
  • Vitamin C thins the blood. Viscous blood is a problem for expectant mothers, which can cause fetal death.
  • Folic acid- necessary for the fetus. If the fetus did not receive enough folic acid in the womb, the child may be born with abnormalities.

Sauerkraut eliminates nausea. Cabbage will be beneficial for women with toxicosis: it will relieve aversion to foods and at the same time provide the body with deficient vitamins.

Properties of cabbage

For children

Boosts immunity

Vitamin C molecules are mobile and fast, easily penetrate into the blood and organs, and are quickly absorbed by the body. Animals do not suffer from a lack of ascorbic acid, since they are able to produce it themselves, and people get the vitamin from food. That's why people get colds and flu more often than animals.

The benefit of cabbage for the body in the winter and spring is to strengthen the immune system. The amount of vitamin C increases when cabbage is sauerkraut. 200 grams will help provide the body with a sufficient dose of vitamin C. raw or 100 gr. sauerkraut per day.

Medicinal properties of cabbage

For erosive gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers

The discovery of vitamin U, which heals wounds, marked a new stage in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Cabbage juice began to be used to heal wounds and stomach erosions. For treatment, juice from the leaves is used.

  • Pass a few peeled top leaves of cabbage through a meat grinder.
  • Squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

Take 3/4 glass of the drink 40 minutes before meals at each meal.

For swelling

The healing properties of white cabbage are the removal of excess fluid from cells and tissues. And all because cabbage is rich in potassium, which displaces sodium from cells - and with it excess liquid. Take 1/4 cup of cabbage juice before meals, or replace the juice with a decoction of cabbage seeds

For joints

For joint pain and inflammation in folk medicine cabbage leaves are used. Mash a fresh cabbage leaf to release the juice, then apply to the affected area. Change the compress every hour during the day.


Many medicinal properties People noticed cabbage even before scientific discoveries and studies of its composition. For example, a compress of cabbage leaves with honey helps with a cough.

  1. Take a firm, fresh head of cabbage and cut off a clean leaf.
  2. Place the leaf in boiling water for 1 minute and press down to release the juice. At the same time, heat the honey in a water bath.
  3. Lubricate a cabbage leaf with honey and apply a compress to your chest.

For mastopathy

The antitumor, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of cabbage are a salvation for women suffering from mastopathy. Cabbage contains indoles - compounds that block the action of female hormone estrogen on the mammary glands. For pain and inflammation in the chest, use compresses of crumpled cabbage leaves with honey or kefir.

Harm and contraindications of cabbage

You can’t eat cabbage for weight loss every day because large quantity fiber. With an excess of fiber, the intestinal walls are injured, causing bloating, flatulence and severe pain.

Contraindications for white cabbage:

  • period of exacerbation of peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines - you can only drink juice;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, increased peristalsis intestines;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding.

White cabbage may be harmful to people with diseases thyroid gland due to the high content of zinc and selenium. These elements influence thyroid hormones.

How to choose and store cabbage correctly

When choosing cabbage, be guided by two criteria: elasticity and foliage color. A head of good cabbage is bright green in color, without yellow spots. Ripe cabbage is elastic when pressed, without soft areas or dents.

White cabbage can be stored for 5 months.

In many countries. Its popularity is explained by its ease of care and the presence of beneficial substances in its composition. human body vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is low in calories. We’ll talk about the beneficial properties of white cabbage and how it can harm you in this article.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

White cabbage has a calorie content of only 28 kcal per 100 g of product. Its nutritional value is as follows:

  • proteins - 1.8 g (2.2%);
  • fat - 0.2 g (0.31%);
  • carbohydrates - 4.7 g (3.67%);
  • dietary fiber - 2 g (10%);
  • water - 90.4 g (3.53%).
The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:0.1:2.6.

Did you know? The largest white cabbage, weighing 63 kg, was grown by American Scott Robb in 2012. Previously, the record holder was a vegetable grown by J. Barton from Yorkshire. The head of cabbage weighed 51.8 kg and is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

White cabbage has a unique chemical composition, as it is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Its leaves contain organic acids, phytoncides, minerals, cellulose.

The vegetable is very rich in vitamin C- it is enough to eat only 200 g so that the body receives the necessary daily norm ascorbic acid. The content in cabbage exceeds its amount in and.

In addition, the heads of cabbage contain a rare vitamin-like substance U. Other vitamins contained in white cabbage:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • choline (B4);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • alpha tocopherol (E);
  • phylloquinone (K);
  • niacin.
Of the macroelements, the vegetable contains the most potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and of the microelements - iron, manganese, zinc, aluminum, boron, copper, nickel, molybdenum and fluorine.

Benefits for the human body

Regular consumption by a person of such a varied composition of white cabbage can definitely bring benefits to his body. Thus, the vitamin C content has an antiviral and general strengthening effect. Folic acid in the composition affects the normalization of metabolism, improves blood circulation, and is useful for women who are expecting a child.

Tartronic acid contained in fresh vegetables is very useful (it is destroyed during heat treatment) - it is important to use it to prevent sclerosis, cholesterol and fat deposits.

Since cabbage contains a sufficient amount of potassium salts, it is able to remove excess fluid, therefore it is recommended for consumption by people suffering from kidney problems and cholelithiasis.

The vegetable is recommended for gout, heart disease, constipation, and vascular problems. Cabbage juice is an excellent expectorant for colds, ARVI, flu and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It is also recommended for cleansing the liver, with low stomach acidity.

Cabbage pickle is great for relieving morning aftereffects. hangover syndrome, and sauerkraut, eaten before the feast, will protect you from severe intoxication.
Interestingly, the properties of cabbage can change depending on the form in which it is eaten. So, for example, in its raw form, the vegetable can relieve constipation and stimulate intestinal function. But when boiled, on the contrary, it strengthens. The amount of ascorbic acid increases during heat treatment, and tartronic acid is evaporated.

Perhaps the most famous and popular of the beneficial properties of white cabbage when used externally are decongestant and anti-inflammatory. Cabbage leaves, tied to the site of inflammation or swelling, are capable of a short time reduce them.

Thus, the leaves are applied to inflammations that occur after vaccination in young children, to enlarged veins in those whose work involves difficult physical activity on the legs, to the joints in which pain is felt, to the chest with mastitis. In addition, the wound-healing and hemostatic properties of the vegetable are known.

For weight loss

Cabbage can often be found among the ingredients of various diets, both medicinal - for people with gastrointestinal diseases, and for those who want to lose weight.

Vitamins U and PP, when consumed regularly, can influence the healing of the gastric mucosa and normalize the functioning of digestive glands, prevent the development of ulcers.
Choline in the composition leads to the establishment of fat metabolism, fiber - to cleansing the intestines and normalizing stool.

White cabbage for beauty

Due to availability wide range Cabbage found vitamins wide application in cosmetology. Its regular use on the skin eliminates age spots, cleanses and tones it, improves complexion, elasticity, and hair condition.

Mask for the face

For dry skin. Grind the leaves of fresh cabbage so that there is one glass of raw materials. Then pour half a glass over them. Place on the stove, boil and simmer for a few minutes until the leaves become soft. Cool slightly and use a blender to blend into a homogeneous mass. Apply the mixture to the face and neck area. Remove with cool water after 10-15 minutes.

For aging skin. Grind two fresh leaves, add a teaspoon of honey, ¼ teaspoon of yeast and ¼ cup of fresh apple juice. Apply the mixture to your face and neck, leave for 20 minutes, then carefully rinse with a cotton swab.

Against peeling. Prepare the mixture as in the previous mask, and then add one a raw egg and one tablespoon of any vegetable oil you have on hand. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Against age spots. First you need to wipe your face vegetable oil. It is better if it is olive or jojoba oil. Then cabbage leaves Grind in a blender and apply them to your face. After a quarter of an hour, wash the mask with warm water.

Against irritation. Grind fresh leaves, add three teaspoons of cottage cheese, as well as one teaspoon of juice. In a separate container, mix one teaspoon and half a glass of warm boiled water. Then combine all the ingredients. 10-15 minutes after applying to the face, wash with warm water.

To cleanse and get rid of acne. Chop the leaves. Combine with the juice of ½ lemon, one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (5%), one teaspoon of juice. Apply to face for five to seven minutes twice a week.

Cabbage leaves are also good because you can simply put them, washed, on your face for half an hour, and then wash with cool water. Such applications will soon remove oily shine from the skin, eliminate puffiness, and give the face a healthy, radiant appearance.

Important!Face masks are best used after taking a bath or shower, when the face is steamed and the pores are well open..

Hair lotion

Hair lotion is prepared as follows. Cabbage, and lemon juice mix in equal proportions. Use for daily rubbing into the head for a week.
Hair balm. Shredded cabbage and burdock leaves (50 g each) pour milk (400 ml), boil until soft. After the broth has cooled, squeeze it out and add lemon juice (20 g) to it. Rub the balm into the scalp and rinse after half an hour.

Mask for fine hair. Cabbage, onion juice And camphor oil mix in a ratio of 2:1:1. Apply to the head, rubbing well into the skin with your hands. Cover your head with a warm towel. After 1-1.5 hours, wash your hair as usual. For achievement good result It is recommended to apply the mask once or twice a week for two months.

Anti-dandruff rinse. Infuse 100 g of dried burdock and nettle leaves in hot water within half a day. Add sauerkraut juice (50 g). Use for rinsing.

Hair strengthening mask. Prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of cabbage juice and aloe juice. Add a teaspoon of honey and castor oil. Massage your head and rub into the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your hair as usual and rinse with a mixture of cabbage juice and chamomile infusion.

For hand care

The following products will help moisturize the skin of your hands and heal microcracks:

  1. Mix cabbage, cucumber, zucchini and onion juice with vegetable oil in equal proportions. Use to rub into the skin of your hands in the mornings and evenings.
  2. Lubricate your hands with cabbage brine for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the brine and apply moisturizer to the skin.
  3. Keep your hands in the warm sauerkraut juice for 10 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

How to choose good quality cabbage

When choosing cabbage, the first step is to squeeze it well. If it succumbs to deformation, it means it is not yet ripe. Such leaves will not crunch when fresh and will become soft when fermented.

Vegetable good quality can be identified by strong, elastic and dense leaves that do not have any spots or cracks.

Important! Excessively thick leaves at the base of the cabbage indicate that the vegetable contains too many nitrates. A head of cabbage stuffed with chemicals will be much lighter in weight than one grown without harmful additives. Optimally, the vegetable should weigh at least 1 kg.

When purchasing a part of a head of cabbage, you should pay attention to its cut. It should be light in color with no brown areas present. Their presence will indicate that the vegetable has been stored for too long and is already beginning to deteriorate.

How to store it correctly

White cabbage can be stored long time, however, it is important to know under what conditions it must be stored. Information about its correct storage will also allow you to save as much as possible. useful substances.

The optimal temperature for storing vegetables is 0-+5°C. White cabbage will remain stable down to -8°C - storage at more low temperatures will lead to freezing.

Before storing a vegetable, it must be thoroughly dried for 10-12 hours and any rotten specimens must be discarded.
Those who have the opportunity store cabbage in the cellar, hanging or spread out on the floor. It is not recommended to store vegetables on the ground. In an apartment, cabbage can be stored either in the refrigerator or on a cold loggia or balcony. Before putting it in the refrigerator, wrap it in two or three layers of cling film.

White cabbage is one of the “traditional” vegetables of Russian cuisine. The benefits of a product that has long won the hearts of many remain little known to most. No one doubts that cabbage is healthy, but how exactly does it affect the body? Maybe we should eat cabbage dishes more often or, conversely, limit their consumption? Don’t create a menu “blindly”, because a person is what he eats!

What does the delicious cabbage leaf contain?

The health benefits of white cabbage are confirmed by its composition. What does a “girl dressed in a hundred rubles” bring to the body? More than 20 useful groups chemical compounds. First of all, nutritionists emphasize that cabbage, like any “resident” flora, is a source of dietary fiber.

Getting into digestive system, these natural brushes are not digested - they cleanse the intestines, improve peristalsis, protect against malignant tumors. This type of cleansing is a must for those who want to always stay slim and not age for a long time.

But if cabbage has many “competitors” in terms of fiber content, then a combination of other valuable substances(vitamins A, B1, B6, P, K, U, free amino acids, minerals, natural antibiotics) unique.

Cabbage is a rival to lemon

In terms of vitamin C, cabbage is significantly superior to citrus fruits. Moreover, this vital acid does not disappear when cabbage is fermented for the winter. Experienced sailors know: daily servings of sauerkraut - best prevention scurvy.

Ascorbic acid makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, it is aggressive against various infections, improves the functioning of the hematopoietic and nervous systems, stimulates the cell building mechanism. In addition, vitamin C is considered an antioxidant, as is another component of cabbage - carotene. This “couple” prevents aging, clogged blood vessels and DNA damage.

To feel strong, resilient and stress-resistant, you need to get about 70 mg of vitamin C per day. Just 200 g of white cabbage will cover daily dose in abundance.

Rare substances in the composition of a “multi-layered vegetable”

The benefits of white cabbage for the human body can be expressed in one word - indispensability. Why is cabbage so “honored”? The fact is that its composition is replete with substances that are found little or not at all in most vegetables.

Composition of white cabbage:

  • Tartronic acid. This compound prevents glucose, which attacks sweet tooths, from turning into body fat and ruin your figure.
  • Vitamin U. A multivitamin with this name protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from inflammation and heals ulcers. But people with ulcers can eat cabbage only after the exacerbation has passed, and in the first days of leaving the diet, the raw vegetable is replaced with boiled one.
  • Sulfur. This mineral strengthens the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria, which is especially important during epidemics.

When it comes to the benefits and harms of white cabbage, the medicinal properties of the product are not disputed even by skeptical doctors. Thanks to the consumption of this vegetable, our body works more smoothly.

Effects of white cabbage on humans:

  • cholesterol and other toxins leave the body;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • the risk of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced;
  • the symptoms of liver pathologies are alleviated;
  • blood sugar levels decrease;
  • weakness, malfunctions of the immune system, and depression recede;
  • recovery is approaching kidney diseases, stones in gallbladder, gout;
  • the growth of cancerous tumors slows down.

Beneficial properties of cabbage juice:

  • getting rid of problems with urination;
  • treatment of dry cough and bronchitis;
  • helps in the fight against acne and blackheads (the juice is used as a lotion).

And fresh cabbage leaves are an excellent compress, used in case of bruises, burns, joint inflammation, elevated temperature bodies.

Does cabbage lose its properties when salted or stewed?

Due to heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances in cabbage are destroyed. The benefits and harms of raw cabbage differ from the same characteristics of a cooked vegetable.

Sauerkraut lovers need not worry – the amount of vitamins and minerals in the dish remains almost unchanged. But we must not forget about the dangers of salt - rinse the shredded product to partially remove this natural preservative. Sauerkraut has its own advantages: it helps to become more resistant to alcohol intoxication before a feast and relieves intoxication after noisy celebrations.

Cooking over fire is hostile to useful composition cabbage But if you do not overheat the vegetable, it will retain more than half of its valuable components.

Who doesn’t like cabbage as a “friend”?

Our grandmothers were right when they advised us to eat more cabbage. But excessive appetite and certain ailments can turn the benefits of white cabbage into harm.

Contraindications and restrictions for use of the product:

  • decreased potency;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • exacerbation peptic ulcer digestive organs;
  • chronic pancreatitis.

Excessive enthusiasm for raw miracle vegetables is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Possible side effects:

  • darkening of the eyes;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • colitis.

The benefits and harms of white cabbage for the human body also depend on how healthy it is oral cavity. If several teeth are missing, malocclusion In a hasty snack, the raw vegetable is poorly chopped, as a result of which it enters the stomach in hard lumps that damage the mucous membrane.

The medicinal qualities of cabbage can be great news for people seeking to enrich their diet or homeopathic medicine cabinet with expensive foreign products. Healthy food more affordable than you thought!