Worm water. Using hellebore water to remove lice: instructions and reviews. What to do after treatment

Hellebore water: instructions for use

Pharmacies have a huge amount medicines, which are based on different medicinal plants and herbs. Their effectiveness is often the same as the result from use chemicals. However, medications of natural origin have much fewer side effects and contraindications. One of the preparations of this type is hellebore water. Let's talk about the features of the composition of this medicine, as well as the methods of its use.

What is the composition of the Chemerichnaya Water product?

Hellebore water looks like a cloudy solution of brown-yellow color. It is intended for external application. One hundred milliliters of such liquid includes fifty milliliters of hellebore tincture. The alcohol composition is prepared based on the roots and rhizomes of Lobel's hellebore. The drug also contains a certain amount of ordinary purified water.

The drug is available in bottles that can hold forty or one hundred milliliters active agent.


Experts say that this liquid can be used as prophylactic, using it to disinfect clothes. This technique will be justified in the fight against body lice.

There are many reviews about Chemerichnaya water, which not only disinfects, but also copes with joint pain. Accordingly, its use can be beneficial in the treatment of neuralgia or arthritis. Some patients use it to correct gout, radiculitis, muscle pain and various age-related ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

However, it is worth considering that according to the instructions, Hellebore water is indicated for use exclusively for head lice that affects scalp heads.

What is the use of Hellebore Water?

The medicinal composition is carefully and thoroughly distributed over damp hair and scalp. For this purpose, you can use a cotton or gauze swab. Particular attention should be paid to the areas behind the ears, as well as the occipital region.

The medicinal composition is left on the scalp for about half an hour, tying the head with a scarf, after which the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, adding soap or shampoo.

Additional Information

What are the side effects of Hellebore Water?

The medicine is a very active, potent drug; therefore, it should be used with extreme caution, adhering to the recommended dosages. If we talk about the likelihood of side effects, then Hellebore water in rare cases can provoke the development of nausea and vomiting in the patient. Besides this medicinal composition can cause depression of cardiac activity, and sometimes leads to the appearance of erythema and skin itching. Among other things, this medication may cause a feeling of tingling, pinching or burning in the areas of application.

What are the contraindications for the medicine “Chemerichnaya water”?

Hellebore cannot be used if the patient has an individual intolerance to this plant substance. In addition, it is not suitable for treatment while the child is waiting, or at the stage breastfeeding. Also, this medicinal composition is not allowed to be used if a person has infectious lesions skin or in childhood up to two and a half years.

Under no circumstances should this medicine be taken orally. Just one hundred milliliters of Hellebore water, taken internally, can provoke death.

Once ingested, this substance has a detrimental effect on metabolic processes in our body, which is especially noticeable when it comes to work digestive tract.

In case of poisoning with such a medicine, you should immediately rinse your stomach and seek medical advice. medical assistance.

It is also worth protecting all mucous membranes from hellebore water. If you get into these areas, you should immediately and thoroughly rinse them with running water.

Use hellebore water only after consulting a doctor, following all recommendations and precautions when using it.


What is hellebore water

Inside the roots and rhizomes of the plant there is a high concentration of alkaloids, which first excite and then quickly suppress the activity of the nervous system, increasing muscle tone. Hellebore against lice, fleas and demodicosis - classic recipe healers. Amino alcohols also help lower blood pressure, prevent tachycardia, and affect the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Hellebore water is folk medicine, which is only suitable for external use due to its toxicity. The use of this tincture in medicine helps relieve muscle pain, increase the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, gout, and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. This good remedy from acne and age spots.

Hellebore water - composition

The medicine from the poisonous root is available in the form of a solution in darkened glass bottles. The composition of hellebore water includes the juice of a plant of the melanthium family, mixed with ethanol and water. An alcoholic tincture of Lobel's hellebore may have sediment and a cloudy suspension in its structure. Available dosage: 40 and 100 ml. A yellowish-brown tint indicates that the buyer is being offered a quality product.

Hellebore water - method of application

Our ancestors actively used the toxic plant to eliminate insects as a repellent. However, the properties of hellebore are much broader: it has an anti-itch effect, treats head lice, strengthens the hair structure, and helps it grow faster. The method of using hellebore water depends on the final effect that needs to be achieved. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug during pregnancy. Nursing mothers should stay away from hellebore tincture, otherwise the child will receive severe intoxication.

Hellebore water for lice

Hellebore water for alcoholism

The toxic tincture has been helping women fight their husbands' drinking for many years. This is evidenced by the reviews of numerous sufferers. However, by adding cloudy liquid to food and drink, desperate wives can cause irreparable harm to a man's health. Is hellebore water effective against alcohol, and what are the contraindications? If you simultaneously drink a small dose of tincture with strong drink, available:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • cough;
  • scabies;
  • convulsions;
  • problems with cerebral vessels;
  • acute heart failure.

Positive effect hellebore solution consists in the fact that a person begins to blame alcohol for the above troubles and stops drinking it. However, such carelessness can lead to overdose and further hospitalization. There is a high probability of poisoning with toxic substances. And this method cannot be called effective: often a person returns to alcohol again.

Hellebore water for hair growth

Pharmaceutical solution is used for quick recovery and strengthening strands. It improves blood circulation around the follicles and prevents the appearance of fungus. With regular use, hellebore water for hair helps to increase its density, restore structure after curling, frequent straightening with an iron and aggressive dyeing methods.

To achieve a cosmetic effect, the liquid is vigorously rubbed into the hair roots. One session in 2 weeks is ideal. How long to keep hellebore water on your head? Positive result will be achieved in 15-25 minutes, depending on the degree of hair damage. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the solution with a mild shampoo and apply a restorative mask.

Hellebore water for dandruff

The benefits of this folk remedy for hair are enormous: the tincture prevents hair loss, and also helps you forget about the “white snow” on your head. Hellebore water against dandruff is known for its quick action. A simple hair mask will help get rid of the problem for a long time. To do this, rub a warm hellebore solution into the roots (do not massage) and leave for 25 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every week until the desired result is achieved.

Hellebore water poisoning

Aggressive action poisonous plant may lead to intoxication. Hellebore water poisoning is a constant phenomenon, since the drug is available without a prescription and is widely used in medical and veterinary medicine. More often than others, men suffering from alcoholism end up in the hospital. There is a risk of death, but with timely help this outcome is unlikely.

Symptoms of neurotoxic effects from hellebore tincture are noticeable within 25-40 minutes after oral administration of the tincture. Those who do not know how to use hellebore water face the following dangers:

  • dizziness;
  • slowdown heart rate;
  • excessive thirst;
  • sweating;
  • profuse salivation;
  • deterioration of health;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • loss of consciousness.

Price for hellebore water

Price medicinal solution depends on the dosage. The cheapest product can be purchased at regular pharmacies. Hellebore tincture will cost 10 and 20 rubles. for bottles of 40 and 100 ml. On average, the price per bottle ranges from 15 to 30 rubles. Some pharmacies offer to buy a hellebore preparation for 40 rubles. This is the highest price for a ready-made folk remedy in Moscow.

Hellebore water has the following components: ethyl alcohol, hellebore rhizomes, distilled water. This is the optimal remedy for lice and nits. Pediculosis is caused by body lice, spread either through direct contact or through objects, underwear and bedding.

When the first symptoms are detected (itching of the scalp, constant desire combing, feeling movement on the skin), especially at night, you need to examine your hair as quickly as possible, and then purchase an anti-lice tincture at the pharmacy.

Also, with normal scratching, abrasions appear. Often they fester or become inflamed, while hellebore has antimicrobial effect, and in case of its use inflammatory process stops.

The skin on the head becomes elastic and clean, hair growth accelerates, so this tincture can also be used as a mask.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

In pharmacies, hellebore water is sold without a prescription, and people use it, as a rule, ignoring consultation with a doctor. However, this remedy is not at all harmless.

Often after using the tincture you can see allergic reactions. Therefore, before using the drug in the treatment of head lice, you should undergo a sensitivity test. For this purpose, a small drop of tincture should be placed on the skin of the elbow with inside. If redness, burning or itching does not appear within half an hour, you can proceed to applying the product.

Sometimes signs of overdose appear:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • vomit;
  • burning.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately wash off the drug and seek medical help. There is no need to wait until the ailment goes away on its own, since failure to comply with the dosage can even lead to death.

Poisoning with hellebore water is treated with anticholinergics, cardiovascular medications, as well as medications that normalize functioning gastrointestinal tract. When taking the drug orally, gastric lavage with a tannin solution or suspension is mandatory. activated carbon, white clay. Then the use of carminatives that prevent gas formation is prescribed. If the mucous membranes are damaged, use a 2% solution of procaine.

Treatment of lice with hellebore water is not recommended for patients with wounds on the head. It is also contraindicated:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • patients with acute infectious diseases on the scalp;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

A remedy for head lice can be purchased at any pharmacy, but many of them contain very dangerous components. In comparison with such medicines, hellebore water is not highly toxic, therefore it is popular choice. However, the disadvantages of this product include inconvenience in use, especially compared to modern shampoos, sprays and lotions.

Wash your hair with any soap or shampoo.

The treatment algorithm is as follows:

If as a result of one procedure it was not possible to kill all the lice, and this is a common occurrence, then you can repeat it the next day. If unexpected “tenants” remain on the head even after repeated treatment, then it is allowed to use hellebore water again no earlier than a week later (frequent use of this product can cause poisoning of the patient).

Throughout the week, it is recommended to continue daily combing, which will significantly increase your chances of fighting lice.

How to apply hellebore water correctly

There are several ways to distribute the product onto your hair, the use of which not only simplifies the procedure, but also increases its effectiveness. For example, application with cotton swabs, sponges or discs. It is recommended to do this with gloves.

If the patient does not have assistants and he has to perform the procedure independently, then extreme caution must be exercised: hellebore water should not accidentally get into the eyes, ear cavity, or onto the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

The drug burns thin skin and mucous layers. If the product gets on them, it is necessary to rinse the vulnerable areas with running water as quickly as possible.

The best option is to apply the tincture using ordinary disposable syringes or a plastic bottle with a hole in the cap. The strands are wetted alternately with simultaneous combing of each of them, as well as even distribution of the product. It is recommended to use the tincture to eliminate nits and lice in 2 stages. At the first stage, the actions described above are performed, the second stage is prevention after about 10 days.

Hellebore water is a unique medicine that, in addition to treating head lice, helps get rid of excess oily hair, dandruff, stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth, and is actively used in the treatment of alcoholism. This universal remedy, however, before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor. This will minimize possible risks use of the drug.

Tinctures, . But not all of them can boast a low price. The complete opposite is hellebore water for lice and nits, which has an affordable price. At correct use the effect of its use is no worse than that of branded drugs.

Description of the product

The composition of the drug is represented by alcohol tincture of hellebore and distilled water. For external use only.

On a note!

The price of hellebore water ranges from 30-50 rubles per bottle; you can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Or an adult can use 1-2 treatments. In cases of severe infection, the number of procedures increases to 3-4. When hellebore water is applied to the hair, the death of a significant part of the adults and larvae is observed immediately, since the active components penetrate through the spiracles into the insect’s body.

The product not only helps against lice, but also promotes hair growth, strengthens it, and improves its structure. In addition, it eliminates dandruff and prevents hair loss. Reviews of hellebore water for lice and nits indicate high effectiveness, however, they also note the high toxicity of the drug. It should be used with great caution. If you inhale vapors and get hellebore water on your skin, you may experience increased sneezing and watery eyes.

Hellebore tincture is dangerous for people if the product is ingested. In this case, you should immediately take medications to detoxify the body and contact medical institution. If the aggressive toxic effects of the drug are not neutralized, death is possible.

Doctors prescribing treatment for pediculosis do not recommend using the drug due to negative consequences which leads to misuse. For the same reason and due to its high toxicity, the method of using hellebore water against lice in children under 12 years of age cannot be considered. To ensure that safer means are used.

How to use hellebore water

You cannot use hellebore tincture if there are abrasions or damage to the skin. However, one of the main ones is severe itching, which provokes scratching and, accordingly, the formation of wounds. If for some reason hellebore water is the only remedy to poison lice, then you need to wash your hair or shampoo for several days. Effective natural remedy will relieve irritation, soothe itching and speed up wound healing.

Before using hellebore water for lice, you should read the instructions and possible symptoms in case of poisoning:

  • dizziness, vomiting;
  • convulsions, loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, increased thirst;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • excitability;
  • burning in the treated areas.

It is forbidden to use during lactation, in childhood and individual intolerance to the components.

Instructions for using hellebore water against lice:

During the procedure it is necessary to monitor general state. At the slightest sign of discomfort, hellebore water should be washed off immediately.

100 ml of hellebore water contains in a 50/50 ratio alcohol tincture rhizomes and roots of hellebore (Veratrum Lobellianum Bernh) and purified water (Aquae Purificate).

An alcoholic tincture of hellebore is obtained by infusing its roots and rhizomes in 70% ethanol.

Release form

Hellebore water is available in the form of a solution for external use in dark glass bottles with a screw neck. The capacity of one bottle is 40 or 100 ml.

The solution is a brownish-yellow liquid, cloudy or with sediment, but turning cloudy when the bottle is shaken.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacological properties of the solution are determined by the properties of hellebore, a poisonous herbaceous perennial from the lily family, which is included in its composition as an active ingredient.

All parts of hellebore contain alkaloids from the group cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene And glycoalkaloids (steroidal alkaloids), which are natural compounds that combine the basic properties alkaloids And steroid saponins .

So, in grass they contain approximately 0.55, in rhizomes - up to 1.3, and in roots - up to 2.4%. Isolated from roots and rhizomes alkaloid Ierwin (amino alcohol) and Glycoalkaloid pseudoyervin (chloroform).

Moreover, in the summer, the concentration alkaloids in the plant it sharply decreases, and in the spring it increases, therefore it is in the spring months that hellebore is considered the most poisonous.

The main structural element of all studied alkaloids hellebores are alkalines (amino alcohols or amino alcohols), which are secondary and tertiary bases including piperidine cycle .

Used as an external remedy, hellebore solution has a pronounced anti-scabies effect . In veterinary practice, a decoction prepared from the roots and rhizomes of hellebore is prescribed as a digestive aid and also as an emetic.

Experiments have shown that the complex of hellebores contained alkaloids , also contributes to a decrease in indicators blood pressure while simultaneously increasing the amplitude heart beats , provokes irritation of endings sensory nerves , causes strong and coughing fits .

When taken orally causes vomiting . IN foreign countries Alkaloids isolated from hellebore are used as antihypertensive .

In particular, the plant’s constituent has a long-term hypotensive effect. protoveratrine : the substance reduces performance systolic and diastolic pressure, provokes bradycardia , expansion of the lumen of blood vessels, reduces the minute volume of blood flow.

In addition, it reduces and to some extent affects hypothermic effect . However, the latitude therapeutic action protoveratrine is small, therefore best effect from its use is noted in the initial (I-II) stages. It is also sometimes used for eclampsia And preeclampsia .

Contained in hellebore veratramine reduces performance and heart rate , has a blocking effect on pressoreceptors carotid sinus , reduces excitability vasomotor center .

Hermitrine And neogermitrin have a stimulating effect on vascular baroreceptors (sensitive nerve endings in blood vessels that sense changes blood pressure and reflexively regulate its level) and, unlike protoveratrine , on the contrary, increase excitability vasomotor center .

Wide Application alkaloids hellebores are difficult due to their high toxicity .

Preparations in which the plant plays a role active substance, are used exclusively as an external agent. They are effective as antifungal , annoying And painkiller .

The use of hellebore significantly increases tone skeletal muscles, expands , gets excited nervous system .

Its drugs are used for pain syndrome x, which are accompanied by attacks, and various types diseases of the musculoskeletal system .

In folk medicine, the drug is also used to combat alcohol addiction .

Hellebore water is used orally as a remedy against it (despite the instructions prohibiting this method of use and the disapproval of official medicine).

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability of hellebore to provoke strong body when taking its medications orally. The tincture is mixed without the knowledge of the patient alcoholic drink, resulting in a person being poisoned.

Alkaloids hellebores ( protoveratrine , nervin, etc.) first have a stimulating effect on central nervous system , and then block it, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe vomiting;
  • general excitement of the body;
  • deterioration of general health;
  • a steady increase in muscle tone, which is replaced by;
  • acute heart failure .

In almost 100% of cases, the patient requires hospitalization and treatment. medical care. This method The use of hellebore water suggests that after the experience, the alcoholic, believing that the cause of everything is alcohol poisoning, will forever feel disgusted with it.

However, this treatment alcoholism causes skepticism and rejection among doctors. Firstly, the human body may not cope with the load, and everything will end fatal .

This is due to the fact that hellebore contains protoveratrine has an extremely adverse effect on digestive And circulatory system , as well as on brain G.

Secondly, reviews on the use of hellebore water from alcoholism indicate that having fully recovered after treatment, the majority of those suffering from alcohol addiction return to their bad habit.

For external use, contained in hellebore alkaloids are practically not absorbed and have no effect resorptive action (or the latter is extremely insignificant).

Prolonged use of hellebore water or excessively active rubbing of the drug into the skin can lead to the penetration of the drug into deep tissues and cause the development of various types of resorptive effects (in particular, intoxication of the body ).

Indications for use

Indications for the use of hellebore water are:

  • scalp;
  • pediculosis pubis.


The drug is contraindicated:

  • people who have increased individual sensitivity to its constituent components;
  • in the presence of infected skin lesions;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 30 months of age.

Side effects

In rare cases, hellebore water can provoke the development of local ones, which manifest themselves in the form of:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • tingling;
  • erythema (redness of the skin) at the site of application of the drug.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, symptoms of poisoning may occur:

  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • strong;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

In particular difficult situations There may be rhythm disturbances and heart muscle contraction frequency , which are often accompanied slowing heart rate . Sometimes affected nervous system , as evidenced by:

  • convulsions;
  • increased arousal;
  • visual disturbances;
  • loss of consciousness.

Often the only signs intoxication with alkaloids hellebores are dyspeptic disorders and sharp slow heart rate with falling indicators blood pressure (which is caused by excitement vagus nerve ).

Instructions for Hellebore Water: how to use and dosage regimen

As a remedy for lice Hellebore water is used as an external remedy. Before use, shake the bottle with the drug vigorously, after which, after putting it on latex gloves, the solution is applied to damp hair in the amount necessary to wet the hair and skin underneath.

To maximize the effect, the instructions recommend applying hellebore water evenly over the entire surface of the head, not forgetting to treat areas located in the back of the head and behind the ears.

The head is tied with a scarf and the drug is left on the hair for approximately twenty minutes or half an hour. Then the hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo under warm running water and combed well with a comb. fine teeth in order to remove insects killed as a result of processing.

Side effect of hair treatment from lice And nits is the effect on the hair. After using the drug, their condition improves significantly, the hair becomes more manageable, shiny and silky.

The condition of the scalp also improves:

  • its fat content is normalized;
  • are destroyed pathogens (including fungi that cause dandruff );
  • rises tone blood vessels heads;
  • improves blood flow to hair follicles (as a consequence of this hair follicles much better supplied oxygen and necessary microelements ).

Application for hair growth involves applying hellebore water to the hair approximately once a week. If you have a receding hairline, as well as people who have suffered from it as a consequence radiation therapy , it is allowed to wipe hairless areas of the scalp every other day.

The drug is applied using sponges, tampons or cotton wool discs, brushes, brushes. Some people collect hellebore water in medical syringe, distribute evenly along the partings and then comb the hair.

Allowed and easy to take plastic bottle with holes in the plug and thus apply the product to the hair roots.

What hellebore water is is also known to people suffering from alcohol addiction and their relatives. Ingestion of the drug along with a portion alcohol allows you to provoke symptoms intoxication organisms in which alcoholic will most likely blame the alcoholic drink.

After providing him with medical care and restoring the body, a persistent aversion to alcohol may be noted. However, such “treatment” is quite dangerous, since it often leads to serious consequences to human health and can even cause his death.

If, however, other methods turned out to be ineffective, and the use of hellebore is considered as the only panacea, then it should be remembered that pharmaceutical hellebore water is not used due to the high risk of developing adverse reactions. Instead of this ethnoscience advises preparing a decoction from the root of the plant. But when using it from alcoholism , the dosage must be observed extremely strictly.

The recipe for a decoction of hellebore roots and rhizomes is as follows: 1 teaspoon of raw material (dry crushed roots of the plant) is poured with 50 grams of boiling water and left for one hour, then strained through a piece of gauze and put in a cool place.

The resulting decoction can be stored for no more than five days. They use it by adding two drops (no more!) with a pipette three times a day to food and drinks (not alcoholic).

On days when the patient does not drink alcohol, the decoction is not added to food in order to properly develop emetic And laxative effects . If the expected therapeutic effect from the use of the drug is not observed, the dosage is gradually increased by one drop per day (but not more than fifteen drops).

Even if high doses turn out to be ineffective, you should stop treatment and seek help from a specialist.


Hellebore is a very toxic plant. Enteral administration of it in an amount equal to 1 gram leads to death.

With prolonged treatment, as well as with systematic excess of the doses recommended by the instructions, contained in hellebore water alkaloids can trigger the development resorptive effects , which appear as:

  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • sharp decline in indicators blood pressure ;
  • pronounced, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in the amount of secreted saliva and sweat, loose stools , constriction of the pupils , slowdown heart rate , falling indicators blood pressure , asthmatic breathing ;
  • oppression activities heart muscle .

Hitting systemic blood flow large quantity alkaloids capable of provoking stop hearts . For this reason, oral use of the drug is unacceptable.

To provide first aid in case of accidental ingestion of hellebore water, the victim is prescribed:

  • gastric lavage with solutions that are characterized by their tanning properties;
  • oral suspension or white clay ;
  • reception carminatives ;
  • saline laxatives ;
  • irrigation with a two percent solution (if the mucous membranes are affected).

The treatment is specific. Therapy involves prescribing medications anticholinergic action (a 0.1% solution is administered intravenously), drugs that improve function hearts And vascular system , as well as means that normalize the function gastrointestinal tract .


Interaction with others medicines not found.

Terms of sale

Hellebore water is allowed to be used as an over-the-counter drug.

Storage conditions

The drug can be stored in a dry, dark place. The optimal temperature is no higher than 20°C.

Because hellebore water toxic when ingested, it is stored as poisonous substance - out of the reach of children.

Best before date

The product retains its pharmacological properties within 2 years. After this period it is not permitted to be used.

special instructions

The drug can only be applied to intact skin.

Due to the high probability of occurrence resorptive action when using it, avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, wounds, burns or irritated surfaces, as well as in the mouth (if in contact with stomach And blood flow the drug acts as strong poison ).

After applying hellebore water, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap.

The drug should not be used to treat children under 30 months of age. Use in children under 12 years of age is permitted as prescribed by a doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical studies regarding the use of hellebore water pregnant And breastfeeding women were not carried out.

For this reason, treatment with the drug pregnant women prescribed only in cases where the benefits to the mother outweigh the potential risks to the unborn child. Treatment is carried out according to strict indications and under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

If hellebore water is required nursing women , then stop treatment for the period.