What can you eat during uterine bleeding? Bleeding from the uterus and heavy menstruation. Uterine bleeding during reproductive age

For each woman, the process of menstrual bleeding is completely individual, depending on the characteristics female body. The average duration of the menstrual period is determined to be up to five days. At the same time, if there are any atypical discharges, then it is worth thinking about pathology. However, bleeding should not be ruled out, which can easily be confused with menstruation. Therefore, to provide timely assistance, it is necessary to have an understanding of the distinctive features.

During menstruation, a woman begins to secrete blood in average quantities per day (about 50 ml.). The first days of menstruation are characterized by bright-colored bloody discharge, then in subsequent days the discharge becomes darker and is released in portions. The shades of the blood that comes out also differ for each woman individually. Subsequent discharge may occur during sudden rise or movement or physical activity.

Additionally, mucus or blood clots appear in menstrual flow. At the same time, the smell of discharge is also present. Menstrual blood is characterized by an odor reminiscent of fresh meat.

Attention! If the discharge during menstruation has an atypical brown color or the discharge is scanty, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist for advice.

Uterine bleeding and menstruation: main differences

In order to identify pathology, you should interview the patient, who can easily characterize the typical menstrual flow that is characteristic of her. Therefore, any changes should alert the woman. The nature of menstruation can change dramatically, therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the following warning signs:

  1. The volume of menstrual flow increases significantly.
  2. The release of blood does not occur in batches, but occurs almost continuously.
  3. The outgoing discharge is characterized by a too liquid consistency.
  4. There are no blood clots.
  5. The color of the discharge becomes deep red.
  6. There is no specific odor characteristic of blood.
  7. Signs of anemia are observed.
  8. Noted severe weakness.
  9. Possible pain in the lower abdomen.
  10. Before the onset of menstruation, sexual intercourse may cause pain.

Carefully! If the above symptoms are observed, then you should not hesitate to visit a specialist.

Causes of bleeding

For the body, blood loss is enough dangerous manifestation. Almost a third of all uterine bleeding is explained by a pathological process that arose in the female reproductive system. Basically, pathologies of this kind do not pose a threat to life, but lead to poor health, anemia, low rates iron in the blood, as well as problems with sexual life. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of pathology, you need to know the main reasons that provoke it.

The root causes of bleeding are as follows:

  • termination of pregnancy, occurring artificially (abortion) or naturally (miscarriage);
  • if delivery occurred by caesarean section;
  • frequent diets, which lead to complete intoxication of the entire female body;
  • problems with general hormonal levels, sudden disruptions;
  • iron deficiency or vitamin deficiency;
  • blood diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • long-term depressive states, stressful situations;
  • illnesses of an infectious nature;
  • excessive physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • inflammatory process in the reproductive system;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • pathological neoplasms.

Classification of discharge

Experts classify uterine bleeding into three types.

BleedingShort description
NormalEvery cycle a woman experiences menstrual flow, which is considered to be a natural norm for the body.
Conditionally normalDischarge occurs in the preovulatory or postovulatory period. Implantation bleeding is also included in the conditionally normal type of bleeding
PathologicalThese bleedings can occur at any age - during menopause, during the period of reproductive activity, adolescence. They can be divided into subspecies:

Functional. Bleeding occurs due to problems with endocrine system or disruption of the pituitary gland;
organic. If a woman is diagnosed with neoplasms (polyps and others) or illnesses (for example, endometriosis), then bleeding often occurs;
systemic. Most often triggered by autoimmune diseases or chronic pathologies

More details about the types of bleeding


The main signs of this type of bleeding are heavy blood loss or prolonged bleeding. Adolescent girls and menopausal women are at risk. The provoking factor of the pathology is an excessive amount of estrogen or progesterone. To eliminate this pathology, hormonal therapy is used.

There are two types of dysfunctional blood loss:

  • ovulatory. They are characterized by manifestations of an abnormal cycle, that is, over the course of a month, a woman experiences slight discharge of a scanty nature or, conversely, short menstruation that have an interval of more than one month;
  • anovulatory. Characterized by significant blood loss, cycle disruption, feeling unwell, loss of appetite and constant desire sleep.

It is important! Primary pathology can be determined using a gynecological examination, supplemented by ultrasound.

Video: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding


May appear seasonally. This is explained by the fact that the corpus luteum does not form due to hormonal imbalance. If a teenage girl is diagnosed with neoplasms in the reproductive system, then juvenile bleeding cannot be ruled out.


A third of cases of breakthrough bleeding occur due to problems with the uterus, which are provoked by the intrauterine device. Bleeding can also be caused by the consequences of taking hormonal contraception. To prevent subsequent bleeding, it is recommended to remove the coil and pick up correct dosage contraceptives.


Profuse blood loss is difficult to distinguish from menstrual discharge, since it is also characterized by menstrual pain. The only symptom is increased blood loss, which is characterized by scarlet discharge. The exact period of occurrence is difficult to determine because it varies.

Is it dangerous! Profuse bleeding is difficult to diagnose and requires urgent hospitalization of the woman. In this case, surgical treatment in the form of uterine curettage is mandatory.

Video - How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

Bleeding and menopause

IN menopause A woman cannot exclude the risk of developing neoplasms of various types (fibroids, polyps). This is explained by a decrease in the level of estrogen, which is responsible for the normal menstrual cycle. It is distinctive that a woman will experience severe pain during sexual intercourse, as well as an interval between menstrual cycles of more than three months.

Blood loss during pregnancy

If a woman experiences any bleeding after conception, this is a direct threat to her life and to the fetus. Finding bright bloody issues women should be called immediately ambulance. The discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Emergence severe pain in the lower abdomen, which resembles contractions.
  2. Nausea leading to vomiting.
  3. Increased level of sweating.
  4. The appearance of dizziness.

Note! The occurrence of bleeding during pregnancy is considered dangerous sign, which threatens life.

How to help

First of all, it is necessary to minimize all physical activity. Then review your diet and be sure to include beef meat, offal (liver), and foods with high content gland.

If a woman begins to experience heavy blood loss, she urgently needs to lie down in a position so that the pelvis is slightly elevated. To do this, you can put a pillow or raise it a little lower limbs. In this way, loss of consciousness can be avoided and symptoms can be reduced.

To reduce bleeding, you will need to apply a cold compress so that the vessels of the uterus narrow and muscle layer the uterus has shrunk.

Don't ignore any pathological discharge, because they can be a sign of a serious illness. A specialist will tell you about the causes of uterine bleeding in a video commentary. read on our website.

Video - Why do uterine bleeding occur?

During reproductive age, all women experience menstruation once a month, characterized by bleeding that lasts several days. For some, they may be scanty and painless, while others experience severe blood loss and pain during this period. And here it is very important to understand when spotting is normal and when it indicates the opening of uterine bleeding in order to stop it in a timely manner. After all, if it is not stopped, the woman may lose too much blood, which will result in sad consequences for her. Now you will find out how to stop bleeding during menstruation and why it can occur.

Main features

Before we talk about how to stop bleeding during heavy periods, you must first figure out whether they are bleeding. After all, for some women such menstruation is considered the absolute norm and it depends, first of all, on individual characteristics organism, as well as from heredity. If heavy periods are not accompanied by weakness and dizziness and are observed in a woman constantly, then there is no need to make any attempts to reduce blood flow, since this can only cause harm.

It is necessary to carry out any actions only if the copious discharge of blood is actually bleeding. It can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • Menstruation lasts more than 7 days (not spotting, but blood!).
  • A sanitary pad fills up in less than 1.5-2 hours, making it necessary to change it frequently.
  • The woman experiences severe weakness, dizziness, pale skin, drop in blood pressure, nausea, fainting states.

In all these cases, it is undoubtedly necessary to act as quickly as possible. Since excessive blood loss can cause a sharp drop in hemoglobin levels, followed by the onset of anemia, characterized by a lack of oxygen in the body. When it is deficient, cells begin to starve and die very quickly. Moreover, first of all, brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, which can lead to serious problems with health.

In addition, if severe bleeding is not prevented in a timely manner, it can be fatal. Therefore, if a woman has all the signs described above, she should under no circumstances hesitate.

Various factors can trigger bleeding during menstruation. For example:

  • Severe stress.
  • Emotional fatigue associated with active work activity and lack of sleep.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Recently inserted intrauterine device.
  • Abrupt climate change.
  • Gynecological diseases.

Concerning hormonal drugs, then women take them for various purposes - to treat infertility, prevent unwanted pregnancy (the most common of these drugs are Postinor, Jess Plus), for serious hormonal imbalances in the body resulting from pathologies thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland or adrenal glands. Such drugs can be taken for a long time and, naturally, they provoke another hormonal imbalance, which can also cause bleeding during the onset of menstruation.

If the blood loss is not severe, there is no need to worry, you can continue to take the drug. But when a woman experiences heavy periods accompanied by the symptoms described above, she should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the prescribed drug is not suitable for her body and needs to be replaced.

Bleeding associated with IUD insertion is also not uncommon. As a rule, it opens immediately after the procedure or during the first menstruation. This is due to the fact that when installing the spiral, the mucous membranes are severely damaged. cervical canal, and they start to bleed. If after the next menstruation the bleeding does not stop, you should also visit a doctor, since this phenomenon indicates the development of inflammatory processes requiring immediate removal of the IUD from the cervix.

If we talk about gynecological diseases, the most common causes of bleeding during menstruation are the following:

  • Polycystic disease.
  • Endometriosis or adenometriosis.
  • Erosion (with this pathology, spotting may occur in the middle of the cycle).
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Fibrosis.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Miscarriage (in this case, along with bloody discharge, a mucous clot may come out of the vagina).

To understand the true reason for the opening of bleeding, you need to go through full examination. This is the only way to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, which will avoid the development of serious complications.

What to do if bleeding occurs?

When a woman experiences heavy bleeding during her period and experiences fainting, under no circumstances should attempts be made to stop it at home. You need to call an ambulance immediately. The woman needs to be hospitalized!

While the doctors are traveling, the patient needs to be given first aid. It is as follows:

  • The woman must be laid on the bed so that her legs are higher than the level of her body, that is, raised up.
  • Apply a cold heating pad to the abdominal area (when exposed to low temperatures, the blood vessels narrow and bleeding decreases), but for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Provide her with frequent drinks, since with heavy periods there is a strong loss of fluid in the body, which can lead to dehydration (you can give water and sweet, weak tea, but not hot).

As soon as the doctors arrive, they will take the woman to the hospital. Here she will get everything necessary treatment which will quickly stop the bleeding. If the blood loss is insignificant, the doctor may prescribe the woman medication treatment, which is carried out at home. As a rule, the following medications are recommended for heavy periods:

  1. Dicynone. It has two forms of release - tablets and injections. After taking Dicynone tablets, a decrease in blood loss is observed only after 2 - 3 hours. If you inject this drug, relief occurs within 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, it is natural that in case of severe bleeding, it is recommended to inject Dicinon. And in tablets it is prescribed only for preventive purposes.
  2. Vikasol. Available in tablet form and has a hemostatic effect. It is recommended to take it 1 tablet. no more than 2 times a day.
  3. Tranexam. A new generation hemostatic agent, which also has two forms - tablets and injections. Tranexam injections are considered more effective because they act much faster.
  4. Hyfotocin. This drug is not a hemostatic agent, but it has a beneficial effect on the contractile functions of the uterus.

As an additional therapy and prevention of complications, the doctor can also prescribe calcium gluconate, which is taken 3-4 times a day, ascorbic acid 1 g once a day and aminocaproic acid (the dosage is determined individually).

If a woman has hormonal disorders, then the main treatment may include taking hormonal medications. They are selected individually and only after taking a blood test for hormones, which allows us to identify which hormone the body lacks.

If a woman has been diagnosed with serious pathologies that caused bleeding during menstruation, then different kinds surgical interventions. Among them, the most common are:

  • Scraping or abrasion.
  • Cryodisruption.
  • Endometrial ablation.

Most often, such operations are performed when:

  • Frozen pregnancy in the early stages.
  • Ectopic pregnancy (in this case, removal of the fallopian tube may be necessary).
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Myoma, fibrosis, polyposis, etc.

Alternative medicine

Stop uterine bleeding during menstruation traditional methods it is possible, but only if the blood loss is insignificant and the woman’s general condition is satisfactory. In order to stop heavy periods at home, you can use various medicinal plants having a hemostatic effect.

Nettle. This herb helps maintain uterine tone and vitamin C, which helps strengthen vascular walls and stop blood loss. A herbal decoction is made from the plant, which is then taken ½ cup 3 to 4 times a day. It is prepared like this: take 2 tbsp. l. nettle, add 0.5 liters of water and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Next, the decoction must be left for half an hour and strained, after which it can be drunk.

Chamomile also has a beneficial effect on the female body and helps fight heavy periods. An infusion is prepared from the herb, which is also taken 3-4 times a day, 70-100 ml. And they do it as follows: take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour 0.4 liters of boiling water over it and leave for an hour, then filter.

To stop heavy blood loss, you can use a plant such as shepherd's purse. Tea is made from it. To do this, take 20 g of water, pour in 0.4 liters of boiling water and leave for about 30-40 minutes. Then filter and take 100 ml orally 3 times a day before meals.

Recovery after bleeding

When bleeding, the female body loses a lot of blood. Naturally, it will take him some time to recover. But in order for recovery to occur faster and the menstrual cycle to normalize, he needs help. To do this, a woman should:

  • Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.
  • Drink a lot ( herbal infusions and infusions, teas, dried fruit compotes).
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for a while.
  • Accept medications prescribed by a doctor.

If, 3 to 7 days after the bleeding has stopped, a woman continues to smear, she should mandatory visit a doctor. Perhaps she has hidden diseases that require adjustment of the prescribed therapy. If this is not done, bleeding may occur again and not only during menstruation, but also in the intermenstrual period.

Acute pathological uterine bleeding is a common problem faced by practicing gynecologists. Even one-time cases like this sometimes require immediate medical intervention. The causes of this pathology are numerous. To solve the problem and understand how to stop uterine bleeding, it is necessary to take into account the woman’s age, her menstrual function and medical history, risk factors for endometrial pathology and the blood coagulation system.

Etiology of acute abnormal uterine bleeding

The etiology of uterine bleeding can be multifactorial. This pathology is classified as associated with structural abnormalities of the uterus and disorders of the blood coagulation system. This happens for reasons:

  • polyp;
  • hyperplasia;
  • adenomyosis;
  • leiomyomas;
  • cancer processes of the body and cervix;
  • coagulopathies;
  • ovulatory dysfunction;
  • endometriosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • iatrogenic factors.

Determining the most likely etiology is important in selecting the most appropriate and effective way stopping bleeding for a specific patient and is achieved through a history, physical and gynecological examination and blood tests.

Clinical evaluation of hemostatic disorders in a woman with excessive menstrual bleeding

Initial screening for an underlying hemostatic disorder in these women should be based on their medical history. Positive result The study includes the following circumstances:

  • heavy menstrual bleeding starting at menarche;
  • postpartum hemorrhage;
  • operations accompanied by blood loss;
  • disruption of the coagulation system during dental treatment.

In this case, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • hematomas once or twice a month;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • constant bleeding from the gums;
  • symptoms of coagulopathy in close relatives.

History or anamnesis

Obtaining a thorough medical history is necessary to determine the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of bleeding. This takes into account associated symptoms and past causes of menstrual irregularities, details of gynecological and medical history and data from relevant laboratory and radiological tests.

Up to 13% of women with heavy menstrual bleeding have variant von Willebrand disease, and up to 20% of patients may have bleeding disorders. Other causes of coagulopathies, such as decreased coagulation factors, hemophilia, and platelet dysfunction, can occur in any age group. In addition, when systemic diseases such as leukemia and liver failure, or when taking medications such as anticoagulants or chemotherapy drugs, clotting may decrease and this may cause bleeding. All this is taken into account in developing tactics for solving the upcoming issue: how to stop uterine bleeding.

Physical examination

Physical examination of a patient with uterine bleeding should begin with an assessment of acute blood loss and the main symptoms, which are hypovolemia, anemia, and findings that suggest the etiology of the disease. The woman's condition should be assessed so that the doctor can determine that she is having uterine bleeding and not bleeding from other areas of the genital tract. Therefore, a gynecological examination, including speculum examination of the cervix and bimanual palpation, should be performed by a gynecologist to identify any injuries to the genitals, vagina or cervix. All this allows us to draw conclusions about what was the reason that caused vaginal bleeding. A gynecological examination will also determine the volume, intensity of bleeding, the condition of the uterus, internal genital organs or structural lesions reproductive organ(leiomyoma).

Laboratory research

Laboratory evaluation of patients with this disease is necessary. All adolescents and women are carefully examined for the presence of hemostatic disorders. Taking into account clinical picture it is necessary to take into account the pathology of the thyroid gland, liver function disorders, sepsis, leukemia, etc. Taking samples of endometrial tissue should be performed in all women. This is especially true for patients over 45 years of age. Endometrial biopsy should also be performed in women younger than 45 years of age with a history of exposure to unconjugated estrogens (eg, seen in patients with obesity or polycystic ovary syndrome), a primary episode of bleeding, or persistent similar manifestations. The decision as to whether a pelvic ultrasound should be performed should be based on clinical assessment of the findings.

Initial laboratory testing requires:

  • determination of group and Rh factor;
  • pregnancy test;
  • registration of activated partial thromboplastin time;
  • prothrombin time;
  • determining the amount of fibrinogen;
  • initial testing for von Willebrand disease;
  • determining the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone;
  • detection of serum iron, total iron-binding capacity and ferritin;
  • liver function tests;
  • detection of chlamydia trachomatis.

Stopping acute abnormal uterine bleeding in non-pregnant women of reproductive age

The initial assessment of a patient with acute abnormal uterine bleeding should include testing for signs of hypovolemia and potential hemodynamic instability. Measures to stop bleeding include: intravenous administration conjugated estrogens, the prescription of combined oral contraceptives, oral progestins and tranexamic acid. Decisions should be based on the patient's medical history and the presence of contraindications to therapy. Surgery should be considered for those women who are not clinically stable. The choice of surgical intervention should be based on the patient’s presence of concomitant diseases underlying the pathology and the woman’s desire to have children in the future. Once the acute bleeding episode has resolved, transition to long-term maintenance therapy is recommended.

Uterine bleeding is defined as bleeding from the body of the uterus when it is abnormal in regularity, volume, frequency or duration and occurs in the absence of pregnancy. This pathology can be acute or chronic. Acute bleeding is a situation that requires immediate intervention to prevent further blood loss. The acute process can occur spontaneously or in conditions of chronic hemorrhage or bleeding. Overall rating a patient who has this pathology must go through three stages:

  • determination of the amount of blood loss;
  • determining the most likely etiology;
  • choosing the appropriate treatment.


Limited evidence, expert opinion and guidelines address the question of how to quickly stop uterine bleeding. The choice of treatment method depends on the clinic and etiology, taking into account the main medical problems. The two main goals of management are control of bleeding and monitoring to reduce menstrual blood loss in subsequent cycles. Drug therapy considered the preferred primary treatment option. However, certain situations may require surgical intervention.

Basic drugs

How to stop uterine bleeding? The drugs used for this purpose are hormonal agents. They are considered the first line of drug therapy for patients with acute bleeding. Treatment options include combined oral contraceptives and oral progestins.

Antifibrinolytic drugs, such as tranexamic acid, are used to prevent fibrin degradation and are effective in treating patients with any form of bleeding. Tranexamic acid effectively reduces the rate of intraoperative blood loss and removes indications for blood transfusion in surgical patients.

Patients with bleeding disorders or those suspected of having excessive bleeding may develop unpredictable reactions to hormonal and non-hormonal treatments. For such patients, consultation with a hematologist is recommended, especially if the bleeding is quite difficult to control or the gynecologist cannot independently cope with this pathology. Desmopressin may help treat patients with von Willebrand disease if the woman is known to respond to the drug. It can be administered by intranasal inhalation, intravenously, or subcutaneously. This medication should be used with caution due to the risk of fluid retention and hyponatremia. It should not be given to patients with massive bleeding receiving intravenous resuscitation. Recombinant factor VIII and von Willebrand factor are also available and may be necessary to control major bleeding. Other deficiency factors may require factor-specific replacements.

Patients with bleeding disorders or platelet function disorders should avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to their effects on platelet aggregation and their interactions with substances that may affect liver function and the production of clotting factors.


How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia or fibroids? The need for surgical treatment is based on the patient's clinical stability, severity of bleeding, presence of contraindications for therapeutic treatment, lack of response to medical supplies and concomitant pathology. Surgical options include endometrial dilation and curettage, endometrial ablation, uterine artery embolization, and hysterectomy. The choice of surgical intervention method is made based on the above factors plus the patient’s desire to preserve fertility in the future.

Specific procedures, such as hysteroscopy, polypectomy, myomectomy, may be required if structural abnormalities are suspected as the cause of the identified pathology. And therefore, the question of how to stop uterine bleeding with fibroids or polyposis is being resolved in favor of surgical methods. Dilation and curettage alone (without hysteroscopy) is an inadequate means of assessing uterine distress and may provide only a temporary reduction in bleeding. If they are performed with concomitant hysteroscopy, then this may be important for those patients in whom intrauterine pathology is suspected, or it is desirable to obtain a tissue sample to identify certain processes. Case reports of uterine artery embolization and endometrial ablation have shown that these procedures are successful in treating bleeding. Endometrial ablation, although readily available in most centers, should only be considered if other treatments have failed or are contraindicated. This procedure should only be performed when the woman has no plans for future childbearing and uterine cancer has been reliably ruled out as a cause. Hysterectomy is used as a definitive treatment to control heavy bleeding, which may be necessary for patients who do not respond to drug therapy.

Thus, it was listed in what ways and how uterine bleeding is stopped in the hospital.

Special cases

In most cases, a woman does not know why she has bleeding and does not suspect that she has certain predisposing factors for the development of this uterine pathology. But sometimes there are diseases that the patient knows about, and it is her information, as well as additional methods examinations help in clarifying the diagnosis and choosing specific treatment tactics.

Bleeding during pregnancy

During perimenopause, the most common cause abnormal bleeding is a change in hormonal levels that prevents ovulation. Regular but much heavier periods are very common in the years leading up to menopause. For women over 40 years of age, low doses of birth control pills will help control heavy uterine bleeding. How to stop it and address other perimenopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, premenstrual syndrome and headaches? The use of tablet contraceptives will help with this when used on an ongoing basis. After 50 years of age, with replacement hormone therapy(which consists of lower doses of estrogen and progesterone than the pill) can eventually wean the patient off hormones altogether if menopausal symptoms gradually improve.

During perimenopause, some people choose not to take birth control pills, so others can be used in this case conservative methods stop bleeding. The Progesterone IUD is one such option, and it offers an excellent option for birth control that can last for five years. The device releases progesterone hormone, which works in the lining of the uterus, resulting in menstruation without complications. The IUD is the preferred option for women who need reversible methods of contraception.

How to stop uterine bleeding surgically? Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that has a proven track record of treating heavy perimenopausal bleeding and may even help some patients avoid a hysterectomy. Ablation procedures have been used quite successfully to reduce the amount of bleeding, in some cases leading to a complete stop menstrual cycle. This procedure is not a birth control method and is only used for women who have completed childbearing.

For patients who have not responded to medications and less invasive options, this perimenopausal surgery may be the best option to decide how to stop uterine bleeding. For endometriosis, fibroids, hyperplasias, and polyps, hysterectomy is the most preferred method for women with such changes. In this case, amputation of the uterus is possible using various options. The doctor should know the concomitant diseases of such a woman.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home

Bleeding in any case requires contacting a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment. Before the ambulance arrives, you must take a horizontal position and raise your legs. You can place a heating pad with ice on your lower abdomen. Compresses and warming procedures are strictly contraindicated. How to stop uterine bleeding at home, what decoctions and preparations can be used? This is well known to older women. “Vikasol”, “Ditsinon”, “Oxytocin”, “Tranexamic acid” - these are the drugs that every woman should have in her first aid kit. These medications help in deciding how to stop uterine bleeding at home.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are used in the treatment of many diseases. How to stop uterine bleeding folk remedies? This question interests both young girls and older women. Most often in this case, a decoction of nettle leaves, yarrow, shepherd's purse, and tincture of water pepper is used. Decoctions are also prepared from cucumber vines, jasmine, and peppermint. However, such treatment can only be used as an auxiliary method and only after consultation with a doctor.

Uterine bleeding ominous symptom various diseases female body. Failure to provide adequate assistance can lead to tragic consequences. Stopping uterine bleeding is not an easy task due to the many causes. So what are the causes of bleeding and how to properly provide help?

Anatomy of the uterus

The uterus consists of 3 main layers:

1) perimetry– a layer that covers the outside of the uterus and passes into the wall of the abdominal cavity;

2)myometrium– the most massive layer of the uterus, consisting of muscle fibers, containing a large number of vessels feeding the uterus;

3)endometrium- the membrane lining the inside of the uterine cavity. It is the endometrium that thickens during the menstrual cycle and prepares for the implantation of the fertilized egg.

The endometrium is divided into 2 layers: main (basal) and functional, which is rejected monthly if fertilization of the egg does not occur. The rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium is what we call menstruation. However, if there is a failure in the hormonal system, the rejection of the functional layer may not be effective. As a result, part of the endometrium remains, and with it many dilated glands and vessels that begin to bleed. This is how they arise dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Types and causes of uterine bleeding

There are many reasons that can lead to uterine bleeding. Therefore, for ease of understanding and to simplify the diagnosis of bleeding, the causes are divided into certain categories. And so the first two large categories are:

1) bleeding as a result of disorders in various organs and systems, 2) bleeding associated with disorders in the sexual sphere.

Nongenital causes of bleeding (extragenital)

  • Infectious diseases (influenza, measles, typhoid fever, sepsis);
  • Blood diseases (hemorrhagic vasculitis, hemophilia, deficiency of vitamin K and C, etc.;
  • Liver disease (cirrhosis);
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • Decreased thyroid function.
  1. Uterine bleeding as a result of disorders in the sexual sphere (genital).
Genital reasons bleeding may or may not be related to pregnancy.

Genital causes associated with pregnancy (early periods)

  1. Disturbed pregnancy (uterine, ectopic)
  2. Disease of the ovum (hydatidiform mole, chorionepithelioma-malignant tumor)
Genital reasons pregnancy-related (late pregnancy, childbirth, half-birth period):
  • Causes in late pregnancy
    • Scar on the uterus
    • Processes of tissue destruction on the cervix
    • Other obstetric causes
  • Causes during childbirth
    • Premature placental abruption
    • Placenta previa
    • Low-lying placenta
    • Uterine rupture
    • Injuries to the vagina and vulva
    • Delay in discharge of separated placenta
    • Strangulation of the placenta
    • Violation of placenta attachment
    • Injuries of the soft birth canal
  • Causes after childbirth
    • Decreased uterine tone
    • Injuries of the soft genital tract
    • Retention of parts of the placenta
    • Chorionepithelioma

Genital causes not related to pregnancy

  1. Discirculatory uterine bleeding
  • Juvenile (during puberty 12-18 years);
  • Reproductive (during puberty 18-45 years);
  • Menopause (period of menopause);
  1. Tumors
  • Uterus
  • Ovarian
  1. Ovarian rupture, ovarian cyst rupture
  2. Uterine injuries
  3. Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)

Bleeding that occurs with normal menstruation this is a consequence of rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, as a result of a decrease in the level of female sex hormones (estrogens, gestagens).

Normally, the amount of blood loss is 30-40 ml, the upper limit of normal is 80 ml. With DUB, heavy bleeding of more than 100 ml occurs, which may or may not coincide with the time of menstruation.

There are bleedings that coincide in time with menstruation - menorrhagia, abundant and long-lasting. As well as bleeding that occurs between periods - metrorrhagia, they have varying intensity and are irregular.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding widespread among women, especially between the ages of 30 and 40. The main cause of DUB is a disruption of the ovulation process.

The impossibility of the ovulation process is caused by a malfunction in the woman’s hormonal system (changes in the level and rhythm of secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone). As a result, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows with insufficient development of glands and blood vessels, accumulation and stagnation of blood occurs, blood circulation is disrupted, and the permeability of blood vessels changes. This creates favorable conditions for bleeding to occur. And when the endometrium is rejected, it is not rejected evenly, which results in bleeding of varying severity and duration.

In addition, during such hormonal disorders at the level of the uterus, the function of platelets (the main cells of the coagulation system) decreases and blood thinning processes increase, which further increases bleeding.

Factors causing disruption of the hormonal system

IN puberty(12-18 years old):
  • Chronic and acute infectious diseases
  • Reduced amount of vitamins (hypovitaminosis)
  • Physical overload
  • Mental trauma
During reproductive age:
  • Emotional and mental stress
  • Complicated abortions and childbirth
  • Diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland, etc.)
  • Inflammatory diseases genitals
During menopause:
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases
  • Neuropsychic trauma

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

General symptoms:
  • Weakness, dizziness
  • Pale skin
  • Possible nausea, vomiting
  • Fainting
  • Rapid and weak pulse
  • Lower blood pressure
Local symptoms:
  • Discharge of blood from the vagina
  • During menstruation large quantity blood clots. The pad or tampon gets wet quickly and abundantly. Frequently change the gasket at night (every 1-2 hours).
  • Increased duration of bleeding (more than 7-8 days). Normally, menstrual bleeding lasts 3-8 days.
  • Possible bleeding after intercourse
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is almost painless
  • Bleeding often does not coincide with the period of menstruation
The main symptoms of uterine bleeding during puberty: prolonged, bloody vaginal discharge (more than 7-8 days); bleeding, the interval between which is less than 21 days; blood loss more than 100-120 ml per day.

Uterine bleeding that appears after a delay in menstruation, as a rule, indicates their functional nature.

Cyclic, abundant bleeding more often occurs with fibroids, adenomyosis and blood diseases.

First aid for uterine bleeding

Do I need to call an ambulance?
Yes, it is necessary and as soon as possible! Especially if bleeding occurs for the first time, the woman is pregnant and the condition quickly worsens. Don’t put off calling an ambulance; every minute can be decisive.

Uterine bleeding a formidable signal about a violation in a woman’s body. And accordingly, you should respond to it very seriously. First of all, you need to call an ambulance or see a doctor. Only a doctor is able to adequately assess the situation, since there are many reasons that can cause uterine bleeding and only medical experience allows you to take a holistic look at the problem.

Step by step guide:

What not to do

  • Apply a warm heating pad
  • Do douching
  • Take a warm bath
  • Take medications that contract the uterus without consulting a doctor.

What to do

Help steps, what to do? How to do it? For what?
What can you do yourself at home?
  1. Bed rest
Lay on the bed (lying on your back), raise your legs, place a bolster or pillow under your feet. This will allow the blood to wash vitally important organs(brain, liver, kidneys) and with significant blood loss, the risk of loss of consciousness and severe complications is reduced.
  1. Coldness in the lower abdomen
You can use an ice pack only after wrapping it in cloth to avoid frostbite. Or you can put a heating pad, a bottle filled cold water and so on. Place the ice for 10-15 minutes, then take a 5-minute break, repeat for 1-2 hours. Cold constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing bleeding.
  1. Replenish fluid loss from the body
In case of blood loss, it is necessary to replace the lost volume of fluid from the bloodstream. Without being able to place an IV, it will do drinking plenty of fluids. Water, sweet tea, rosehip tea, etc.
Water will reduce the amount of fluid lost along with blood. Glucose will nourish the tissues and mainly nerve cells brain. Tea with rose hips (which contains a large amount of vitamin C) helps to protect the walls of blood vessels, which also reduces bleeding.
  1. Medicines(hemostatic drugs)
TO drug treatment should be used only after consultation with a specialist doctor or in emergency situations.
Dicynone inside 0.25 g. 4 times a day
Calcium gluconate 3-4 times a day, 1 tablet. inside.
Aminocaproic acid- 30 ml orally 3-5 times a day;
Ascorbic acid up to 1 gr. per day.
Vikasol - orally 0.015 g 3 times a day
Nettle, water pepper in the form of tinctures orally, 100 ml 3 times a day. The products increase the tone and activity of the uterine muscles.
Taking hemostatic drugs requires consultation with a specialist doctor, especially if a woman is pregnant. In addition to the hemostatic effect, drugs can cause various side effects.
Medical assistance used in hospital:
  1. Stop bleeding hormonal drugs (with DMK)
Monophasic combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are used as hormonal agents: Regulon, Janine, Non-ovlon, etc. Mode of application: On the first day, use 3-6 tablets until bleeding stops. Then, every subsequent day, the dose is reduced by 1 tablet from the original amount. So, if 5 tablets were used on the first day, then 4 are taken the next day. And so they reduce it to 1 tablet per day, which should be taken for 21 days. Also, gestogens (noethistirone 5 mg, linestrenol 10 mg, dydrogesterone 10 mg) can be used as a hormonal stop of bleeding. But this type stopping bleeding is slower and is not used in women with severe anemia. Mode of application: 3-5 tablets per day until bleeding stops. Then every 2-3 days the dose is reduced by 1 tablet. The total period of use is no more than 10 tablets, 2 tablets per day. To whom and under what conditions can uterine bleeding be stopped using hormonal drugs:
  • Young women who have not given birth and are not at risk for the development of tumor processes in the endometrium.
  • If curettage for diagnostic purposes was carried out no more than 3 months ago, and it did not reveal pathological processes in the endometrium.
  1. Hemostatic drugs
Aminocaproic acid: Application: 30 ml orally 3-5 times a day or 100 ml 5% solution intravenously.
Dicynone(sodium etamsylate) intramuscularly 2 ml 1-4 times a day for 7 days or orally 0.25 g. 4 times a day;
Tranexam: for profuse bleeding 1000-1500 mg, 3-4 times a day, 3-4 days.
Vikasol IM 1% -1 ml or orally 0.015 g 3 times a day, for 3 days;
Askorutin 0.25 g orally 3 times a day, for 7 days, strengthens the vascular wall;
Drugs that increase uterine tone:
Oxytocin(pituitrin) – 5 units – 1 ml, IM; 1 ml intravenously in 500 ml of 5% glucose solution per day, up to 7 days;
Ergotal– 0.05% -1 ml IM
Not for uterine fibroids!
Aminocaproic acid: has a hemostatic effect mainly due to the inhibition of processes that provide blood thinning. The drug can dramatically increase blood clotting due to the massive release of substances that activate the coagulation system from the tissues. Therefore, the drug is contraindicated in DIC syndrome.
Dicynone (etamsylate): has a rapid hemostatic effect. Increases platelet activity and number. Does not cause increased blood clotting and can be used for a long time. It is effective both when administered intravenously and when taken orally.
Oxytocin: a hormonal drug obtained from the brain gland (pituitary gland) of cattle. It has a direct stimulating effect on the muscle tone of the uterus, causing it to contract. It also constricts blood vessels and reduces diuresis. In obstetric practice, it is usually used for decreased uterine tone, bleeding in early postpartum period and to stimulate labor. The drug is contraindicated for myocarditis, high blood pressure, malpositioned fetus, thrombophlebitis, kidney pathology in pregnant women, etc.
Tranexam– a drug that has a pronounced hemostatic effect, and also has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-infectious and anti-tumor effects. At simultaneous use with other hemostatic drugs, the risk of blood clots increases.
  1. Surgical methods to stop bleeding
- Scraping uterine cavity and cervical canal.
-Cold treatment (cryosurgery), use special devices with liquid nitrogen to destroy the upper modified layer of the uterus.
- Endometrial ablation, removal of the endometrium using a laser, loop or ball electrode, as well as using electromagnetic energy. When exposed various types energy, the endometrium “evaporates”.
Scraping is the most effective and main method of stopping bleeding in women of the reproductive and menopausal periods.
Cryotherapy- The procedure has no contraindications. Gives a lasting healing effect.
Endometrial ablation – performed on patients who are not interested in having children.

Traditional recipes for stopping bleeding

Important! Traditional medicine recipes should be used as an addition to the main treatment and should be discussed with a specialist doctor.
Compound: Method of preparation and use Effect
Nettle 1 tbsp. dried leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take half a glass 3 times a day. Contains large doses of vitamin C, which helps strengthen blood vessels.
Increases blood clotting, increases uterine tone.
Viburnum bark 1 tbsp. crushed bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water, heat for 10 minutes. over heat, strain. Take 3-4 times a day, 2 tbsp. It has a vasoconstrictor, analgesic and antiseptic effect.
Horsetail Prepare the infusion: 2 tsp. for 200 ml. boiling water 1 table each. take a spoon every 2 hours. It has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and diuretic effects.
water pepper 1 tbsp. chopped herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 60 minutes. 1 tbsp. take 3 times a day. Accelerates blood clotting processes, reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels, has an analgesic and wound-healing effect. A good antiseptic.
Highlander 3-4 tsp. herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 60 minutes. 1 tbsp. take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Has a strong hemostatic effect.
Shepherd's Purse 10 gr. herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. Used for decreased uterine tone and bleeding. Increases the tone of the uterine muscles and promotes contraction of the uterine muscles.
Yarrow 1 des.l. herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day, 1/3 cup half an hour before meals. Drink tea after bleeding stops, for prevention.

Prevention of dyscirculatory uterine bleeding

  1. General strengthening measures: correct mode work and rest, healthy eating, avoidance stressful situations and negative emotions.
  2. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs for the first time for 1-2 months (mefenamic acid 50 mg, 3 times a day; nimesulide 100 mg 2 times a day).
  3. For the first time 1-2 months, taking hemostatic drugs (aminocaproic acid and its derivatives).
  4. Treatment with hormones (estrogen-gestagen drugs, progestin drugs). The average duration of treatment is 3-6 months. The ineffectiveness of hormonal therapy may indicate an incorrectly identified cause of bleeding, or incorrect selection of the drug or its dose, individual sensitivity, or premature termination of the course.
  5. Vitamins: vitamin C 1 g. per day from the 16th day of the cycle, for 10 days; folic acid 1 tablet. knocking from the 5th day of the cycle for 10 days; tocopherol acetate for 2 months, multivitamin and mineral preparations containing iron and zinc.
  6. Drugs that calm and stabilize the nervous system (tincture, valerian, novopassit, etc.).
  7. Physical education, fitness, swimming, jogging, yoga, dancing, etc. are useful.

Bleeding from the uterus is a serious health problem for women. It is very important to determine the cause of such symptoms, as this may be the first sign of such symptoms. serious illnesses, like fibroids, endometriosis, polyps. These diseases require immediate consultation with a specialist and treatment. Sometimes you can mistake bleeding in gynecology for heavy periods and skip it important symptoms diseases that a woman doesn’t even know about. This leads to untimely diagnosis and the development of complications that pose a serious threat to the life and health of the female body. To avoid such situations, it is important to be attentive to your health and consult a doctor in time.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our website.

Heavy periods and their causes

The release of large amounts of blood during menstruation should alert a girl, especially if they continue for several cycles in a row. In gynecology, this condition, bordering on pathology, is called menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea. It is characterized by the appearance of large amounts of blood during menstruation. This condition is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and significantly complicates the usual rhythm of life.

Sometimes hypermenorrhea is provoked by certain factors:

  1. Taking combined oral contraceptives;
  2. Setting up hormonal intrauterine device the day before;
  3. The presence of diseases requiring the use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents to thin the blood and prevent thrombosis;
  4. Correction of hormone levels using drug therapy;
  5. Heavy physical training and exercise regime shortly before menstruation;
  6. Severe stressful situation;
  7. Change of climatic conditions.

If heavy bleeding lasts throughout the entire period of menstruation, this indicates the presence of gynecological disease requiring diagnosis and treatment. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will identify the cause of heavy menstruation.

Some body conditions can provoke heavy menstrual flow, but in such cases, menorrhagia is considered physiological:

  • The formation of menstrual function in adolescents within two years after the onset of the first menstruation;
  • Abortion;
  • Surgeries on the uterus or ovaries;
  • Beginning of menopause;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases ( diabetes, hypothyroidism, disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system).

Diseases leading to heavy menstruation

Even a slight change in hormonal levels, namely progesterone, causes endometrial hyperproduction. This leads to increased rejection during menstruation. Accordingly, this is accompanied by severe bleeding from the uterus. Most often, heavy bleeding is caused by the following pathological conditions:

  1. Endometriosis;
  2. Uterine fibroids;
  3. Benign tumors and polyps;
  4. Neck bend;
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  6. Malignant diseases of the pelvic organs.

The earlier the existing pathology is identified, the greater the chance of a complete recovery. All diseases that lead to heavy bleeding cause quite serious harm to a woman’s health, so timely seeking medical help is the right decision.

Menstrual bleeding is sometimes combined with discharge outside the cycle. This is called menometrorrhagia. They are a sign of inflammatory processes, mechanical or traumatic injuries, dysplasia of the epithelium lining the uterine or vaginal cavity. Sometimes bleeding can be a symptom of several pathologies, so it is important to pay close attention to your health.

Bleeding during menstruation

Heavy bleeding during menstruation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Premature onset of bleeding;
  • The onset of menstruation later than usual;
  • Excessive bleeding, requiring a large amount of hygiene products;
  • The presence of blood clots, which has not previously been observed;
  • Heavy periods are accompanied by initial signs anemia, weakness, loss of appetite, pallor;
  • The presence of cramping pain in the lower abdomen of a pressing or aching nature of medium to high intensity.

With strong monthly bleeding disrupts the menstrual cycle, so it is impossible to guess when the next menstruation will occur.

Symptoms of heavy menstruation

The woman’s general condition also changes – a feeling of unmotivated fatigue, lethargy, and apathy appears. Sometimes women report complete powerlessness and the inability to get out of bed. This is due to a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which the body loses along with spotting. If you do not pay attention to the existing problem and do not consult a doctor in time, hair loss will occur and your condition will worsen. skin and hair. The skin of such girls acquires a marble-gray tint and becomes moist.

Sometimes normal menstruation has the character of heavy bleeding. They can be mistaken for bleeding from the uterus, but the main difference is the regularity and cyclical nature of the discharge, taking into account the menstrual cycle. Any change in the nature or quantity of menstruation should be wary and taken into account. It happens that a lack of vitamins leads to heavy menstruation. In such cases, normalization of nutrition and a course of vitamin therapy will help eliminate this condition.

The following situations can help in determining changes in the nature of menstruation:

  1. Is there a need to change hygiene products at night?
  2. How does heavy menstruation affect a woman’s general condition?
  3. Do you have to change your usual rhythm of life during menstruation?
  4. Are visible blood clots detected?
  5. Was anemia detected or general symptoms ailments;
  6. Do you experience pain during heavy menstruation?

These simple questions will help a woman independently determine what new signs have appeared along with the bleeding. If affirmative answers to the questions are given and symptoms of malaise are identified, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Very severe bleeding can be life-threatening, so in case of such manifestations you need to react quickly, try to stop the bleeding by taking a certain position and call an ambulance, since self-medication can lead to more severe bleeding. serious consequences.

Some medicinal herbs and medications can cause heavy bleeding. Among them:

  • Sage leaf;
  • Ginseng root;
  • Common prutnyak;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Antipsychotic drugs;
  • Glucocorticosteroids.

Uterine bleeding with clots

The appearance of uterine bleeding with clots occurs if women have a special structure of the internal genital organs. If there is a pathology in the structure of the uterus, the blood in it stagnates with the further formation of clots. At increased content In the blood of the female sex hormone progesterone, the endometrium tends to actively grow and quickly shed.

There are a number of reasons that contribute to the formation of blood clots:

  1. Pathology of the blood coagulation system increases the formation of blood clots and clots;
  2. Disruption of the pituitary gland, accompanied by overproduction of the hormone estrogen, which leads to stimulation of follicle maturation and accelerated menstruation;
  3. Inflammatory process of the pelvic organs in the acute stage or unstable remission;
  4. Proliferation of the inner layer of the uterine cavity with the further formation of endometriosis;
  5. The presence of a tumor in the uterine cavity;
  6. Placental abruption during pregnancy.

Each case of blood clots during heavy menstruation requires special attention. Diseases manifested by uterine bleeding with clots require full diagnosis and treatment.

How to stop heavy uterine bleeding

The discharge of copious amounts of blood from the uterus can continue for a long time. This is accompanied by loss of formed elements and can lead to serious consequences in the form of hemorrhagic shock. If help is not provided in time and no attempt is made to stop the bleeding, the woman may die from blood loss.

To stop bleeding, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Place a cold compress or ice on the lower abdomen;
  2. In case of bleeding, complete rest and strict bed rest, so the woman needs to lie on her back;
  3. Raise your legs above your head to ensure blood flow to the head;
  4. If you have lost a large amount of blood, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids to replenish the volume of circulating blood. Sweet tea, compote or water will do.

There is no need to take medications at home on your own, as this can lead to undesirable effects and worsening general condition. It's better to call an ambulance.

Bleeding due to uterine fibroids

Bleeding from uterine fibroids can occur suddenly outside the cycle. Heavy discharge pose a real threat to human health and life.

Bleeding from uterine fibroids occurs in the following cases:

  • Increased levels of estrogen in the blood serum;
  • Uneven growth of the mucous layer of the uterus;
  • The presence of a large node in the submucosa;
  • Rapid tumor growth.

Nodes less than three centimeters are most often asymptomatic. Sometimes uterine fibroids are combined with endometriosis. In this case, this aggravates the condition and increases the likelihood of bleeding from the uterus.

Causes of bleeding with uterine fibroids

Among the many reasons for the development of bleeding from the uterus with fibroids, the main ones can be identified:

  1. Rapid growth of the endometrium and an increase in the size of the uterine cavity;
  2. Decreased contractility of the muscle layer;
  3. Active growth of vessels feeding the uterus and a large number of venous plexuses;
  4. Decreased elasticity and tone of blood vessels;
  5. Hyperplasia of the muscle layer.

Bleeding with fibroids can be different: from spotting in the middle of the cycle to heavy bleeding, which is accompanied by a large number of clots. In addition to the symptoms of bleeding, pain of an aching or cramping nature is associated with localization in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum or perineal area.

Bleeding from uterine fibroids during menopause

With age hormonal background a woman's blood pressure declines and she enters menopause. Monthly bleeding from the uterine cavity decreases in duration and subsequently disappears completely. When fibroids and menopause are combined, spotting may appear spontaneously and unexpectedly against the background complete absence menstruation throughout the year. In that case it is alarm signal for a woman and a reason to immediately consult a doctor. If bleeding increases in length of days and amount of blood every month, this is also a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Symptoms of bleeding with fibroids

Due to incomplete shedding of the endometrium, the uterus cannot contract completely. This leads to bleeding. The main features are:

  • Profuse bleeding from the vagina;
  • General weakness, pallor;
  • Dizziness;
  • Weak pulse;
  • Brief loss of consciousness.

Heavy periods or bleeding - how to identify and distinguish

In order to determine whether bleeding or menstruation has occurred, it is important to keep an observation diary and a menstrual cycle calendar. By the date of the onset of menstruation, you can understand whether the bleeding is regular or extraordinary. There are some other diagnostic methods:

  1. A large amount of blood released most often indicates bleeding. Typically, during menstruation, the volume of blood that leaves the body is up to 80 ml. When bleeding, bloody discharge is released in larger quantities;
  2. The consistency of menstrual blood is thicker and denser. And when bleeding, the blood is often clotted and has a liquid consistency;
  3. In terms of duration, menstrual bleeding disappears in 5-7 days. If bleeding develops, the duration of this condition is unpredictable;
  4. The color during uterine bleeding is very different from the dark cherry color during menstruation. It becomes scarlet, deep red or crimson due to the presence of a large number of red blood cells;
  5. When bleeding occurs, the specific smell that is observed during menstruation disappears.

For further therapy of such pathological conditions important accurate diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

It is important to carefully study the nature of the bleeding to understand its cause and location. To do this, it is best to contact a clinic that specializes in bleeding at the slightest suspicion of bleeding. gynecological problems ah, has an extensive diagnostic base for identifying uterine fibroids and highly qualified specialists. Doctors working at the European Clinic and the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction carefully study the problems of the female reproductive system and take an individual approach to such delicate issues. Specialists have been working since 2002. During this time, more than 6,000 successful uterine artery embolization operations were performed.

How to stop or reduce period bleeding

Treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding should be comprehensive. The main principles of therapy are:

  1. Prevent bleeding and the development of hemorrhagic shock;
  2. Eliminate signs of an anemic condition;
  3. Prevent the development of heavy uterine bleeding in the future.

Sometimes you can prevent increased bleeding during your period. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Avoid taking a hot bath;
  • Avoid visiting the sauna or steam bath;
  • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous physical labor;
  • Do not take anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • Include herbal soothing teas in your diet.

It is important to help a woman with bleeding as early as possible. To do this, you need to lay her down, calm her down and put cold on her stomach.

The sooner qualified assistance is provided, the fewer complications heavy uterine bleeding will cause.

If the bleeding is not very heavy, you can prepare infusions of medicinal herbs. Of these, a decoction of nettle or shepherd's purse is used. To prepare the drink, add 20 grams of dry herb to a glass of boiling water, let it brew and take it daily on an empty stomach. Herbal decoctions will not stop uterine bleeding completely, but can reduce its intensity.

Drug therapy

Among medicines They use drugs from two groups: vasoconstrictors and hemostatics. These include dicynon, vikasol, tranexam and others. In addition, drugs are used that restore the volume of circulating blood, iron supplements to eliminate signs of anemia, vitamins and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The entire range of medications has its own indications and contraindications, so you cannot prescribe them yourself. The doctor also chooses the dose of the drug, based on the degree of blood loss and the cause of bleeding. Self-medication will lead to a worsening of the condition and the development of complications. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right specialist who will carefully collect complaints and medical history and prescribe all the necessary diagnostic measures to make a diagnosis.

If all of the above methods in the fight against heavy uterine bleeding are ineffective, resort to surgical treatment. Among them:

  • Diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and endometrium;
  • Uterine artery embolization method;
  • Excision of the myomatous node;
  • Polypectomy;
  • Endometrial ablation;
  • Hysterectomy.

To carry out such operations, you need to take the choice of a clinic seriously.

The European Clinic and Center for Family Planning and Reproduction specialize in solving gynecological problems, studying the problems of uterine fibroids and introducing world-class treatment methods. Many women with fibroids dream of becoming pregnant. This will become possible after contacting the clinic. Experienced doctors will select the appropriate treatment protocol. A treatment method such as uterine artery embolization has been introduced into practice. This minimally invasive procedure will help get rid of the problem of heavy uterine bleeding. The procedure is carried out using a certified innovative drug Embosin. An endovascular surgeon who performs UAE operations, together with 14 doctors from the clinic, were awarded the highest medical award in Russia, “Calling”.

Treatment of heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding in Moscow

Wide range diseases that are accompanied by heavy uterine bleeding require careful diagnosis and treatment. We perform UAE and use other methods for the removal and treatment of uterine fibroids at two main clinical sites in Moscow: the European Clinic and the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction. Consultation with leading gynecologists can be obtained online or by phone. The attending physician will review the problem and make an appointment at any convenient time. The price for a consultation in Moscow can also be obtained by phone. High-tech equipment will help you see the problem, and experienced candidates medical sciences, using all their experience in gynecological surgery, will relieve the woman of problems with heavy bleeding from the uterus. Operating doctors perform up to 600 operations per year on uterine artery embolization and are among the top five leading doctors in Europe.


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