What is healthier to drink: sparkling water or still water? Which mineral water is alkaline? Which mineral water without gas is better?

Many of us love mineral water not only for its pleasant taste, but also for the presence of bubbles

Everyone chooses water according to their taste or on the recommendation of a doctor. We drink mineral water instead of drinking water or to improve our health, from pump rooms and in bottled form. Mineral water can be purchased both wholesale and retail. If we talk about the composition and quality of water, we can find out the information on the label, but we are still not completely sure - which mineral water to choose - with or without gas?

During production mineral water, or rather, when bottling it, natural mineral water is carbonated, otherwise carbon dioxide is added in a concentration of 3 - 4% so that when bottled, mineral water does not lose its unique chemical composition and medicinal properties. Carbonation gives water additional taste.

Is it healthy to drink sparkling water?

In the recommended amount, carbon dioxide cannot harm the body. In general, a lot depends on the purposes for which you use mineral water: for treatment or for pleasure. Also important is the state of health, the presence of specific diseases (for some, mineral water without gas is indicated, for others - with gas), as well as the composition of the mineral water itself (highly salty medicinal waters, usually non-carbonated).

For example, to drink water for the purpose of treatment, I recommend degassing it. With dyskinesia of the gallbladder, with gastritis, drinking carbonated mineral water will serve as an even greater irritant, which can aggravate the disease. Carbon dioxide irritates the walls of the diseased stomach and stimulates the production gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid.

With reduced secretion of gastric juice - gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcer - such dosed stimulation of the stomach is not harmful, but very useful. Thus, not all gastrointestinal diseases require drinking mineral water without gas. For diseases associated with decreased secretion of gastric juice, in old age, as well as for prevention cancer diseases such dosed irritation is recommended for the stomach.

There is a misconception that people with cardiovascular diseases are contraindicated to drink mineral water with gas. However, this is not true - carbon dioxide dissolved in water does not enter the blood. In this case, what is much more important is that excessive consumption of mineral water with gas can expand the stomach, which can reflexively affect the functioning of the heart. So you just need to keep it in moderation. But the main thing here is compliance with the measure. Thus, there are a number of cases when the presence of gas in mineral water is an advantage.

Pros of sparkling mineral water:

● its chemical composition is stable, because carbon dioxide is a kind of preservative;

● it can be used to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice;

● sparkling water has a richer and brighter taste;

● carbonated water easily becomes still, but the reverse transformation is possible with great difficulty.

By and large, what kind of water to choose is a matter of your taste, as well as the complex effect of water on your body. What matters is the chemical composition of mineral water and the fact that it is natural.

As for drinking mineral water for your own pleasure, if there are no medical contraindications mentioned above, the choice - with or without gas - is yours. The debate between supporters of water with gas or without gas will continue, although it seemed that there was no dispute about tastes.

Sparkling water is a drink loved by all generations, from kids to grandmothers. The prickly bubbles of carbon dioxide in it have never left anyone indifferent. But is carbonated water so harmless or should its consumption be limited?

What does it consist of?

The composition is very simple. It contains directly water and carbon dioxide. This is the composition of simple sparkling water. Whether it will harm or benefit the body is the subject of ongoing debate between supporters and opponents proper nutrition. It all depends on what kind of water is in the composition. It can be simple, mineral or sweet with the addition of dyes and flavors.

Depending on the level of carbon dioxide saturation, water comes in three types. These are lightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated water. The level of carbon dioxide in it ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 percent, respectively.

Beneficial features

Natural carbonated water has been known to man since ancient times. Initially it was used only as remedy. Everyone could come to the natural spring, draw water and even swim in it. In the 18th century, water began to be bottled on an industrial scale. But since such an enterprise turned out to be unprofitable, since the liquid quickly fizzled out and lost most of its beneficial properties, it was decided to carbonate it artificially.

Only carbonated mineral water can have a positive effect on the body. The harm or benefit of this product will depend on the quantity and quality of the drink consumed. In general, natural medicine is prescribed by a doctor in medicinal purposes. It is not recommended to abuse this drink, despite the fact that it promotes the production of gastric juice with low acidity and supports alkaline balance, activates the work of enzymes, prevents the leaching of calcium from the body.

In addition to natural carbonated water, sweet drinks based on medicinal “Baikal” and “Sayan” can also be beneficial for the body.

Negative effects and contraindications

Water that has artificially become carbonated due to the addition of carbon dioxide is of synthetic origin and has no nutritional value does not carry within itself. This is especially true for sweet drinks.

The harm of carbonated water to the human body lies in the fact that carbon dioxide, which is present in this product, causes flatulence, belching and bloating.

Sugary carbonated drinks are especially harmful to humans. They contribute to disruption of the pancreas and liver, cause disruptions in the endocrine system, and provoke the development of diabetes and other serious diseases.

Carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which lies in its composition, can either restore and maintain the water-salt balance, or disrupt it.

Mineral sparkling water

Useful micro- and macroelements, as well as mineral compounds, make the product beneficial for the body. It should be noted that, in addition to the level of carbonation, such water has different mineralization. Weak and medium mineral water is suitable for daily use. It will not only quench your thirst perfectly, but also saturate your body. useful compounds. But sparkling water with high degree mineralization is intended for use for medicinal purposes. It should be consumed only in limited quantities, since the content useful elements It's large enough for everyday use.

Carbonated mineral water, the harm or benefit of which depends on the amount of important compounds in it, is certainly of higher quality than sweet drinks. But every rule has exceptions.

Sweet sparkling water

Carbonated drinks can be beneficial. It all depends on the contents of the bottle. Sweet carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which is the subject of debate among doctors, nutritionists and manufacturers, may contain artificial food additives or extracts of medicinal herbs.

"Duchess" and "Tarragon" contain tarragon, which is an effective vasoconstrictor and improves the functioning of digestive system and increases appetite. Carbonated water "Sayany" and "Baikal" contains an extract of the Leuzea plant, which helps relieve fatigue, increase muscle activity and normalize the nervous system.

In addition to natural ingredients, water may also contain harmful food additives: dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers. These carbonated drinks can cause addiction, rashes and allergic reactions, damage to the gastric mucosa, damage to tooth enamel.

The dangers of "fizzy" water for a child

IN last years nutritionists and pediatricians are sounding the alarm. Parents increasingly began to buy food for their young children. The consequences of such unreasonable actions are obvious: the number of boys and girls who are obese is steadily growing every year. What can abuse of soda lead to? Increased nervous excitability, problems with bone and endocrine systems, bad teeth. All this is just a small part of the harm that sweet carbonated water can have on the body.

In addition to children, sweet soda should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people who are struggling with excess weight and organ diseases. gastrointestinal tract, and for allergy sufferers.

Carbonated water: harm or benefit for weight loss

Everyone knows that any diet is based on sufficient fluid intake, namely clean water. Otherwise the weight will stand still. Carbonated water does not provide any nutritional or energy value. It does not contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, and its calorie content is also zero.

It will promote weight loss in the same way as plain water. It is known that liquid in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness. Therefore, it must be drunk by those who lead active struggle overweight. At the same time, the harm of carbonated water can manifest itself in the fact that it causes bloating and flatulence, that is, some discomfort in the intestines. But if this does not cause inconvenience, then you can lose weight with any water, including carbonated water.

It should be noted that we are talking only about plain sparkling water, without food additives: sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, colorings. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may gain a few extra pounds.


It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what sparkling water will bring to the body, whether its consumption will be harmful or beneficial. First of all, when choosing this drink, you should pay attention to its origin: natural or synthetic. Natural mineral water contains useful microelements that contribute to the health of the body. Soda, especially sweet soda produced artificially, cannot be healthy. One should expect only negative consequences, deterioration of the body's functioning.

Bottled mineral water can be highly carbonated, carbonated, and still mineral water is also available. There is a constant debate about which mineral water is the best. A lot of copies on this topic have been broken. However right choice carbonated mineral water or still mineral water can be made only after comprehensive assessment, choice maximum quantity positive properties that it can give specifically for you.

Carbonated mineral water and still mineral water have a small but significant difference. Carbon dioxide. But if you remember that carbon dioxide is a weak preservative. So, in order for carbonated mineral water to be stored longer, you can add less preservatives to it than mineral water without gas would have. In this case, carbonated mineral water wins, and still mineral water loses.
It is necessary for ulcer sufferers to beware of carbon dioxide, but not for everyone. Carbon dioxide is a natural irritant for the stomach. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, the production of gastric juice increases, the content in gastric juice increases of hydrochloric acid. At peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcers, erosive gastroduodenitis, increased secretion of gastric juice, carbonated mineral water loses, and mineral water without gas receives a bonus.
However, with gastric ulcer, the secretion of gastric juice is most often reduced. And healing ulcerative defect, preventing the appearance of stomach cancer depends on dosed irritation of the gastric mucosa. One of the mild irritants can be carbon dioxide. And in case of gastric ulcer, carbonated mineral water significantly benefits; mineral water without gas again remains out of use.
Dosed irritation of the gastric mucosa and increased secretion of gastric juice is very useful not only for various disorders of the digestive system, but also for elderly people. In this case, carbonated mineral water again receives an additional bonus, and still mineral water remains on the shelf in the store.
It is a common misconception that if there are problems of cardio-vascular system or respiratory organs, in case of anemia, carbonated mineral water is dangerous, and still mineral water should be consumed. But this is a misconception. Carbon dioxide is always present in the inhaled air and enters the respiratory system. At the same time, it is very difficult for carbon dioxide to enter the blood from the lumen of the digestive system. Therefore, in these cases, it practically does not matter whether carbonated mineral water or still mineral water is consumed.
Another circumstance is more important. Excessive use carbonated mineral water can lead to dilation of the stomach and reflexively disrupt the functioning of the heart. But for this it is important to maintain a sense of proportion. If we take into account that carbonated mineral water improves the digestion process to a greater extent than still mineral water. This potentially reduces bloating. And complications from the cardiovascular system when carbonated mineral water is consumed become less likely. Compared to when drinking mineral water without gas.
Carbonated mineral water is easily modified. If bottled mineral water is opened for some time, then carbonated mineral water easily and simply disappears, and still mineral water appears. The reverse transformation is much more difficult to do. So that mineral water without gas becomes carbonated again mineral water special equipment is required.
Which water suits you best: sparkling mineral water or still mineral water is decided individually. Taking into account the complex effect it has on your body. In which, in addition to carbon dioxide, it is necessary to take into account the chemical composition. It is the chemical composition, as well as the concentration of mineral salts, that determines whether the mineral water you have chosen can be used as drinking water. It is equally important that it be natural mineral water. Which will allow for a complete renewal of water in the body.
What should happen after choosing mineral water for drinking? It is necessary to include water in an individual health system. Because chronic water starvation is manifested not only by the accumulation of salts in the renal pelvis uric acid, oxalic acid. But also the need to treat salt diathesis of the kidneys. Often, chronic cystopyelitis and pyelonephritis are present in the kidneys, culminating in chronic renal failure. With time

Mineral water is water extracted from natural underground sources. It has a certain chemical composition: it contains a set minerals. Actually, that’s why it’s called mineral.

Depending on how many minerals are contained in such water, it can be medicinal, table or medicinal-table.

Medicinal mineral water
Medicinal mineral water usually contains greatest number minerals - more than 10 g per liter. Also considered medicinal is water containing biologically active substances: iron, hydrogen sulfide, iodine, bromine, fluorine and others.
The degree of mineralization, as well as the content of other substances, is usually indicated on the label.

Healing water can be found in pharmacies, but it is better to go for it, of course, to water resorts - it better retains its healing properties directly at the source.

The most common of those that are usually found in stores are table and medicinal table waters. What kind of water it is, as a rule, read on the label.

Table mineral water
Table mineral water contains no more than 1 g of minerals per liter. This stimulates digestion and has no medicinal properties. It can be drunk in any quantity. Which one you choose is up to you.
True, it is recommended to only drink table water and not cook food with it. When boiling mineral salts precipitate or form compounds that are not absorbed by the body. Accordingly, the load on the kidneys increases, in addition, salts can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Medicinal table mineral water
Medicinal table mineral water contains from 1 to 10 g of minerals per liter. Also, medicinal table water may have less mineralization, but contain a certain amount of biologically active components - iron, arsenic, boron, silicon, iodine.

Medicinal table mineral water is drunk both for prevention and as a table drink. But you should be careful with it: in unlimited quantities it can lead to disruption of the salt balance in the body and aggravation of chronic diseases. Such water will only heal if it has been selected for you by a specialist.

By chemical composition Mineral water can be: hydrocarbonate, chloride and sulfate.

There is also mixed mineral water (bicarbonate-chloride, sulfate-bicarbonate, etc.), as well as with biological active substances(iodine, calcium, fluorine, etc.). The taste of the mineral water depends on the spectrum of certain mineral substances and their quantity.

Mineral water with a high content of sodium chloride has salty taste, magnesium sulfate - bitter. The most delicious mineral water is considered to be from the hydrocarbonate group (the label indicates sulfate-bicarbonate, bicarbonate-chloride, bicarbonate-sodium, etc.).

Hydrocarbonate water- contains bicarbonates (mineral salts), more than 600 mg per liter.

Sulphate water- contains more than 200 mg of sulfates per liter.

Stimulates the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on the restoration of liver and gallbladder function.
Used for diseases biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, obesity.
Has a mild laxative effect, removes from the body harmful substances and impurities.
Sulfate water is not recommended for children and adolescents: sulfates can interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Chloride water- contains more than 200 mg of chlorides per liter.

Used for disorders of the digestive system. In combination with sodium, it regulates the functioning of the intestines, bile ducts and liver.
Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, improves the secretion of the stomach, pancreas, small intestine.
Contraindicated for high blood pressure.

Mixed mineral water- has a mixed structure (chloride-sulfate, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, etc.). This increases its healing effect.

About some popular mineral waters

Water with oxygen
Oxygenated water is one of the most common. Such water is an alternative source of oxygen saturation in the blood. It acts like oxygen foam, familiar to many from childhood. This water is useful for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - chronic bronchitis etc.

Water with silver
Silver is an antioxidant. It neutralizes harmful organisms, including those in water. Therefore, water with silver is stored longer. This, in particular, explains the fact why in church, when blessing water, they lower a silver cross into it.

Water with iodine
Most of Ukraine suffers from iodine deficiency (it is especially noticeable in Western Ukraine). Iodine deficiency leads to many serious illnesses, in particular, to dysfunction thyroid gland. As a result, metabolism is disrupted and performance deteriorates. blood pressure. Lack of iodine also affects mood - a person is depressed.

However, it is better to get iodine from natural sources(sea fish, seaweed). So, in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seaweed contains daily norm Yoda. Iodine in mineral water is inorganic and is quite difficult to absorb by the body.

Word from the expert
Gastroenterologist, nutritionist
"Healthy Nutrition Center"
Ukrainian Research Institute of Nutrition:

“When choosing mineral water, first of all you should find out whether you have any contraindications to the use of this or that water. Even whether it is carbonated water or not can affect your well-being.

Soda quenches thirst well, which is why it is popular in the summer. Carbon dioxide irritates the taste buds of the mouth, and the body receives a signal that liquid is entering.

Carbonated water increases the acidity of the stomach: when gases enter it, they form a bubble that stretches the walls of the stomach and it reacts to this as if it were taking a large amount of food. As a result, acid production reflexively increases in it. Therefore, it is useful to drink carbonated water for people with low stomach acidity.

People who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should drink still water. Gas bubbles irritate the walls of the stomach, causing them to produce more acid, and also irritate the biliary system, causing it to spasm. In general, the digestive process is disrupted.

Healing mineral water should be treated in the same way as medications. If you drink it systematically, but it is chosen incorrectly (for example, you just like its taste or someone you know recommended it), then you can harm your body.

Uncontrolled consumption of medicinal mineral water leads to changes in the acid balance of the human body. At increased acidity stomach, it can cause ulcers, gastritis, and heartburn.

“Healthy” highly mineralized water can provoke the formation of sand in the kidneys. If such water also has diuretic effect, it can provoke renal colic.

In addition, some medicinal mineral waters have a choleretic effect. If in gallbladder there are stones or sand, water can lead to hepatic colic.

Therefore, you should drink medicinal water only on the recommendation of a doctor.
In any case, you cannot drink the same mineral water (medicinal or medicinal table) for 10 years.

Much depends on the packaging of the water: medicinal mineral water manifests its properties to the maximum. healing properties directly at the source. The further it moves away from it, the less of these properties it retains.

Medicinal mineral water should be stored and sold in glass containers. Only in this case will it be as useful as possible. The point is that under the influence sun rays destruction processes occur in water useful substances and she loses hers beneficial features. Mineral water stored in transparent plastic bottles, can be called therapeutic only with great reserve. Therefore, if you pay attention, mineral water in “glass” is much more expensive. Of course, the difference is felt in the taste.

How much water you need to drink per day, mineral or regular, depends on the person and his diet. There is an opinion that you should drink from 1.5 to 3 liters of water per day. This is not true, because water enters the body not only in pure form, but also as part of other products: fruits, vegetables, etc. In addition, some people are prone to swelling, so they a large number of water is contraindicated.

You need to drink as much as you want. If you want to drink, drink."

Some people claim that they just can’t get drunk with plain water, but sparkling water amazingly cools in the heat and quenches thirst! Perhaps this is true. But this article is for those who have not yet decided on the question of what they want more: not feel thirsty or be confident in the benefits of what you drink . I'm not talking now about sweet carbonated drinks, the harm of which is constantly discussed. Only about clean water with and without gas.

So, what does carbonated water bring to us: quenching thirst and benefiting or harming the body. Is gas in water as dangerous as they say? What is healthier to drink: sparkling water or still water?

To the origins of sparkling water

Let's get back to history. The secret of making sparkling water was discovered as unexpectedly as many other great discoveries. In 1767, the English scientist Joseph Priestley personally made the first bottle of sparkling water. The fact is that he lived not far from the brewery and his curiosity was attracted bubbles produced by beer during the fermentation process. The scientist placed a container of water over the brewing beer and soon discovered that the water has absorbed the gas and has an unusual, pleasant and pungent taste. For this discovery, Priestley was admitted to the French Academy of Sciences and was awarded the Royal Society medal. And sparkling water began to be sold in pharmacies.

Sparkling water caught on and gained popularity. Gas began to be added to sweet drinks. In 1833, the first carbonated lemonades appeared on sale in England. In the 1930s, Schwepp founded a company in England producing lemonades and other sweet fruit waters, which has flourished to this day.

"Prohibition" in the USA in 1920-1933. – gave impetus to the development of the production of carbonated drinks, because consumers were now forced to replace wine and whiskey with soft drinks.

Production of soda. It's all about the gas.

So, let's return to our time.

Carbonated water is water saturated with gas. Typically used for carbonation carbon dioxide (CO2), which is highly soluble in water. In itself, it is harmless and even helps to keep water fresh longer, and on the label it is designated as E290. But the effect of this gas on the stomach, not even the gas itself, but small bubbles with it, stimulates gastric secretion, and this leads to increased acidity and bloating. Carbonated water also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which causes a feeling of hunger. People prone to obesity are contraindicated to drink sparkling water.

Carbon dioxide simply stretches the walls of the stomach, causing belching. With gas, acid is thrown into the esophagus from the stomach, and this can lead to very negative consequences.

Who should drink and who shouldn't...

To summarize all of the above, then we can come to the conclusion: carbonated water is harmful for those who have problems with the stomach and intestines - ulcers, gastritis, colitis or increased acidity.

But in general, if you do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can drink sparkling water, but not every day and in small quantities.

Let me remind you once again that this does not apply to sweet drinks with gas, which are contraindicated for drinking even by healthy people.

If you shake a bottle of sparkling water and leave it open for a while, you can get rid of the aggressive effects of gas bubbles or significantly reduce it.

Regarding mineral water, the principle remains the same. Still the same carbon dioxide, and the irritating effect of bubbles, which can always be shaken and “blown away” a little.

But in general, at least sparkling water without additives will not do any harm, and it is really refreshing, and even for some people it can be useful; a drink better than simple purified water has not yet been invented. Read the article about healing with water here.

Brief summary: the harm and benefits of sparkling water

Benefits of sparkling water

— Carbonated water refreshes and quenches thirst.

— For people who suffer from low acidity, doctors recommend drinking carbonated water, as it improves the secretion of gastric juice.

The dangers of sparkling water

- Small bubbles of soda stimulate gastric secretion and as a result, acidity increases and intestinal bloating occurs.

— Carbonated water increases appetite and is harmful for overweight people.

— Soda is harmful for pregnant women because it interferes with normal operation intestines.