Zinc deficiency: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and replenishment. Lack of zinc in the human body

In humans, zinc is present in all tissues, fluids and organs, but internal reserves are small. It is excreted daily along with feces, sweat, urine, exfoliated skin particles, and semen. Therefore, the lack of this microelement significantly affects the condition of the entire body. And a reduction in the intake of zinc contained in food quickly leads to symptoms of its deficiency.

The variety of functions of zinc is explained by the fact that it is an integral component of cell membranes and many enzymes (carbonic anhydrase, etc.). This vital mineral is important for:

  • normal rates of cell division;
  • formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • adequate action of a number of hormones (folliculin, testosterone, insulin, pituitrin, etc.);
  • the performance of our immunity;
  • sufficient lipotropic effect;
  • protein synthesis;
  • nucleic acid metabolism;
  • neutralization;
  • fast healing affected tissues;
  • reducing inflammation;
  • integrity of the structure of bones and teeth;
  • maintaining the stability of the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • normal course of labor.

Therefore, to ensure all of the above positive effects Our body needs to receive about 12–15 mg of zinc every day. The need increases among vegetarians, athletes, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women.


Vegetarianism often causes the development of zinc deficiency in the body.

The list of causes of zinc deficiency is quite long. It includes:

  • serious injuries (especially extensive burns);
  • starvation;
  • vegetarianism (due to excessive consumption of zinc-binding phytate);
  • taking medications (diuretics, corticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives, calcium or iron supplements, folic acid);
  • digestive ailments in which the absorption of zinc from food is inhibited (sprue, enteropathic acrodermatitis, etc.);
  • consequences of operations (the presence of jejunoileal anastomosis - an artificial connection between the jejunum and ileum, short bowel syndrome, etc.);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • excessive sweating;
  • alcoholism;
  • cancer diseases;
  • excessive passion for coffee, sweets and pickles;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • aging.

In this case, isolated deficiency of zinc alone is practically not observed. Usually its deficiency is accompanied by a lack of other substances no less necessary for the body.


The symptoms of zinc deficiency are extremely variable. A variety of tissues, organs and systems are affected. These patients may gradually develop:

  • skin changes (various rashes near natural openings and on the extremities, deterioration in the healing of scratches, abrasions and other skin defects, dry skin);
  • changes in hair (local loss, appearance of a reddish tint or decreased pigmentation) and striations of nails (transverse white stripes);
  • eye damage (swelling of the cornea, sometimes leading to clouding, cataracts);
  • changes in the perception of tastes and smells;
  • loss of appetite;
  • neurological disorders (trembling of the limbs, changes in gait and speech, dementia, decreased attention and learning ability);
  • behavioral disorders (unreasonable irritability, low mood, drowsiness);
  • prolonged or premature labor, atonic bleeding during childbirth;
  • cessation or delay of growth and puberty in children;
  • long-healing ulcers on the mucous membranes;
  • tendency to frequent infectious diseases;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.


If clinically obvious zinc deficiency is detected, patients should complex treatment which includes both nutritional therapy and pharmacological preparations.

Diet therapy

Nuts and seeds contain large amounts of zinc.

Foods vary greatly in the amount of zinc they contain. If you have a suspected or detected zinc deficiency, you should enrich your diet with those foods that are considered its sources. These include:

  • red meat (beef, etc.);
  • offal (kidneys, lungs, tongue, liver, etc.);
  • seafood (oysters, squid, shrimp, etc.);
  • eggs (especially yolks);
  • bran;
  • germinal parts of cereal grains;
  • sesame;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • Brown rice;
  • yeast.

Processing cereals with grinding leads to the loss of up to 80% of the zinc content. Therefore, you need to choose bread products made from whole grains and with bran. In addition, the absorption of zinc from plants is negatively affected by the phytic acid present in them, which forms insoluble complexes with it. But its removal is facilitated by fermentation of the dough.

Drug treatment

Unfortunately, the bioavailability of dietary zinc is low, therefore, with already developed clinical manifestations For zinc deficiency, doctors prescribe oral pharmacological preparations of zinc: Zincit, Zincteral, zinc sulfate, zinc picolinate, etc. During treatment, you should avoid alcoholic beverages and limit coffee.

At skin rash Ointments, pastes (zinc-naphthalan, zinc-ichthyol, etc.), powders or creams with zinc (its oxide) often help. To treat eye diseases, drops with zinc sulfate are used.


In order to prevent the occurrence of zinc deficiency, certain categories of the population (vegetarians, pregnant women, the elderly, etc.) who have significant risk factors should:

  • enrich your diet with foods rich in zinc;
  • and/or periodically take balanced multivitamin-mineral complexes (Centrum, Multitabs, etc.).

Which doctor should I contact?

Usually a person goes to see a specialized specialist, who, after examination, assumes a zinc deficiency and refers the patient to a nutritionist. In addition, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the lack of this microelement, so the patient is examined by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and oncologist. Depending on the manifestations of zinc deficiency, a dermatologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, and gynecologist are involved in treatment. If you suspect you have a zinc deficiency, it is best to see your GP or family doctor.

Research shows that people's daily requirement for zinc is lower when compared to other micronutrients. But its importance for our health is difficult to overestimate.

Zinc is part of tissues, hormones, enzyme systems, etc. In other words, it can be “found” in every cell, fluid and organ inside a person. Therefore, a deficiency of this microelement can lead to serious troubles.

Severe deficiency of the element is quite rare. However, the shortage medium degree severity is present in two billion people on our planet (according to calculations by specialists from the Linus Pauling Institute).

Why does zinc deficiency occur?

There are several main reasons why the body lacks this element:

Poor absorption of zinc occurs in diseases associated with the kidneys and pancreas. The absorption process of this element is disrupted:

  • with helminthiasis;
  • for infectious chronic diseases;
  • if you have problems with the condition and health of the skin (in particular, dermatitis or psoriasis).

To understand the causes of zinc deficiency, it should be noted that this microelement is consumed differently in men and women. This is especially true for nursing mothers. The microelement in question is contained in breast milk, along with which it is transmitted to the child. Therefore, during breastfeeding, women experience a lack of zinc in the body.

Moreover, problems arise when girls take contraceptives. They increase the amount of zinc excreted from the body through urine.

How to determine zinc deficiency?

A large number of people around the world suffer from a deficiency of this trace element without realizing it. They notice health problems, but do not even understand what exactly they are main reason. It's worth checking to see if you're getting enough zinc through your diet every day. If not, start taking special vitamin and mineral complexes to compensate for the lack of zinc in the body.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the main signs that indicate low zinc levels. If you catch it in time, you can solve the problem even further. initial stages

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

Irregularities at work nervous system

Having trouble concentrating on work or other tasks that require concentration and attention? Mood swings or nervous disorders? A possible cause is zinc deficiency.

It is of great importance for the neuropsychological development of children. Doctors attribute the lack of motor activity and attention disorders in children (from 0 to 12 months) to the lack of this microelement. If problems are not resolved in a timely manner, they will persist and continue into adulthood.

Weakening immune system

Zinc is responsible for effective immune protection our body. This one is vital important element is involved in the creation of lymphocytes, which are present in the blood and fight foreign agents (bacteria, infections) that enter our body.


There are many reasons why a person experiences diarrhea. If it doesn't stop long time or occurs too often, this indicates a lack of zinc. Developing in parallel bacterial infections and other troubles. All this is explained by the fact that a lack of microelement provokes a weakening of the immune response to all kinds of infections.


Due to the lack of the required amount of zinc, the amount of histamine in our body increases. It is released and penetrates the fluids in the tissues. Naturally, this negatively affects our health and well-being.

Too much histamine causes allergic reactions:

  • Sneezing;
  • Runny nose;
  • Rash on the body.

In addition, excess histamine makes people more susceptible to all kinds of allergens. Those. a person notices that he begins to have allergic reactions to foods or other things to which he was not allergic before.

Weakening and hair loss

A lack of zinc in men leads to disruption of the thyroid gland, which affects the condition of the hair. They become thinner and gradually fall out. Faced with such a problem, you need to change your diet, add more foods to achieve daily norm zinc, and also use shampoo that contains this element.

Skin problems

Acne on the body, rashes and other defects. All this is also associated with zinc deficiency. This is the main visual symptom, when faced with which you should make an appointment with a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

What to do if the body does not have enough zinc

To normalize the amount of zinc, you need to know the optimal daily intake: for children from 2 to 8 mg, for adults - 8 mg (women), 11 mg (men). Special mention should be made to nursing mothers. For them, the optimal rate increases to 20-25 mg.

Do you need to solve a micronutrient deficiency as quickly as possible? Good decision natural supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes will become available. The amount of zinc in them may vary. Therefore, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Consult a specialist. He will pick up suitable drug, dosage and timing. Popular means with an impressive zinc content are Zincteral and Zincit.

Add the following to your diet: pumpkin seeds, lamb, beef, chicken fillet, kefir, cocoa, spinach. Try to eat more foods containing zinc and many other beneficial microelements. Do not forget that nutrition must be balanced so that the body receives everything it needs for its health.

Please note that the amount of zinc in dairy products and plant foods much less compared to meat. Do you prefer a dairy diet or are you a vegetarian? Then you need to take care to avoid shortages useful substances.

B vitamins improve the availability of this element in the human body and reduce the amount of zinc excreted in the urine, while calcium, on the contrary, can lead to difficulty in the normal absorption of zinc.

Is an overdose of zinc dangerous?

A lack of zinc negatively affects the nervous system, internal organs and systems in our body. But this does not mean that you need to take medications or foods containing it for a long time. large quantities. This threatens new health problems. You will not replenish the required amount of zinc in the body, but will provoke an overdose. Side effects are different and, worst of all, almost unpredictable. TO frequent symptoms include:

Scientists have found that daily consumption of zinc (over 100 mg), as well as taking appropriate supplements for at least ten years, several times increases the likelihood of developing prostate cancer.

Always consult your doctor before taking any medications, vitamin complexes or prescribe diets for yourself. Otherwise, there is a high chance of new problems with the body.

In order for the fetus to develop normally, it will need a lot of useful substances and microelements. How will he get them? Of course, he will “take it” from his mother. Therefore, women need to carefully adjust their daily diet. Let's consider daily doses for pregnant and lactating women.

  1. Young mothers (up to eighteen years of age) - 13 mg of zinc daily;
  2. Over eighteen years old - 11 mg.

Scientists have calculated that a woman will need 375 mg during pregnancy.

When determining the optimal dose of an element, remember that it is partially absorbed (about 30%). In other words, the volume of the mineral should be increased, taking into account these data.

Nursing mothers need even more zinc. The daily norm increases to 20-25 mg.

Zinc – very important mineral for the body. We get it with food. And if there is little zinc in food, then work is disrupted thyroid gland, stomach, intestines, liver.

Like this zinc has properties:

  • Helps the normal functioning of our eyes
  • Participates in the production of sex hormones
  • Avoids nervous overload
  • Participates in the joining of proteins
  • Thanks to zinc, our taste and sense of smell improve
  • Participates in the production of serotonin, thereby improving mood
  • Helps Metabolism
  • Nourishes our brain; with a lack of zinc, memory deteriorates


  • Zinc takes participation in the conversion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into calories. It helps in the absorption of vitamin A.
  • Zinc is needed for improving immunity, physical, sexual and intellectual development of a person.
  • Zinc is involved in bone formation. Bones are formed not only in children - adults also need skeletal restoration.
  • Zinc is necessary for older people to prevent heart attack and stroke. He protects the brain and prevents damage to blood capillaries.
  • Senile insanity and forgetfulness can be treated with zinc, after treatment, such people regain their memory.
  • Many doctors have already come to the conclusion that schizophrenia is a disease due to a lack of zinc, manganese and vitamin B6.
  • If a woman has enough zinc in her body, she can easily tolerate the onset of menstruation..
  • Zinc is useful for people with diabetes because it regulates blood sugar and is involved in the production of insulin.

Harm of zinc

Excess zinc in the body is harmful to health
  • Zinc in metal form is not harmful to humans. Zinc compounds with other elements are harmful, especially zinc phosphide, which is used to kill mice and rats.
  • For human health galvanized cookware is harmful(bowls, buckets).
  • An excess of zinc in the body is just as harmful as a lack of it.. If zinc is in excess, it interferes with the absorption of iron and copper. This diagnosis is confirmed if the pancreas and liver function worse than before, immunity has decreased, and nausea has appeared.
  • The body cannot take more zinc from food than it needs. Oversupply is possible only when improper use of zinc preparations.
  • Also zinc poisoning may happen if drink water that has been standing for a long time in a galvanized bucket, or cook food in such a container.

Zinc poisoning occurs when the amount in the body is more than 150 mg.

The role of zinc in the body

Eating food rich in zinc, you help the body:

  1. Zinc is essential athletes to build muscle mass
  2. Need zinc pregnant women, especially if a boy is due. In the first 3 months, the placenta develops and the fetus's genitals form.
  3. Need zinc boys during puberty. It is responsible for the production of testosterone in the body - male hormone. The body of a young man contains more than 2g of zinc, and mainly in the testicles. Zinc deficiency affects sexual potency. In adulthood Zinc deficiency leads to diseases such as impotence and prostatitis(inflammation of the prostate gland)
  4. A woman's sex drive depends on zinc– with its help, lubrication is produced, which is so necessary during sexual intercourse

Both men and women need zinc for procreation

Daily value of zinc for women, men and children

The norm of zinc per day for an adult is contained in 200 g of beef steak

Daily value of zinc depends on the age of the person and some characteristics of the body. It amounts to the following amount:

  • Children from birth to 13 years of age require 2-8 mg of zinc
  • P teenagers – 9-11 mg
  • IN adult men and women 15 mg per day, but if there is any disease in the body or the person plays sports intensively, then the rate increases up to 25 mg per day
  • D For a pregnant woman 18 mg per day, for a nursing mother - 19 mg per day

Important. 200 g of beef steak contains the daily requirement of zinc.

Zinc needs to be replenished every day, since it leaves our body every day: through the intestines - about 90% and with urine and sweat. A significant portion of zinc in men is lost during ejaculation.

Important for women. Taking birth control pills, you reduce the amount of zinc in the body.

Symptoms and signs of zinc deficiency in men, women and children

Lack of zinc in a man's body can lead to impotence

Lack of zinc in the body in children:

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body in adults and children the following:

  • Frequent colds
  • Dry skin of the face and body
  • Acne
  • Mood changes often
  • Hair loss
  • Wounds do not heal well
  • Decreased appetite
  • Deterioration of vision
  • Impotence in men
  • Dizziness and tinnitus
  • Memory loss
  • Increased blood cholesterol

If the body lacks zinc for a long time, then the following diseases may develop in the future:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Cirrhosis of the liver

If white spots appear on your nails, they become brittle and break - this is a lack of zinc in the body.

  • A lack of zinc leads to eye diseases such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) and cataracts (clouding of the lens).
  • Zinc deficiency in children most often causes late puberty and insufficient development of the testicles and penis.
  • A lack of zinc in men can cause impotence.
  • Lack of zinc in women sometimes causes infertility.
  • A lack of zinc in pregnant women threatens them with bleeding and miscarriage.

Causes of zinc deficiency in men, women, children

The reason for the lack of zinc in the body is its poor absorption due to the use of cigarettes and alcohol.

As we age, less zinc is absorbed from natural foods.. Besides zinc is interfered with digestible:

  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Coffee and tea
  • Medicines
  • Infectious diseases
  1. Zinc deficiency in the body can occur due to consumption diuretic medications, eating plant and carbohydrate foods.
  2. There is not enough zinc during and after a stomach or intestinal illness.
  3. Women are at risk of zinc deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Important. If you have wounds or ulcers on your body, you need to introduce more foods containing zinc into your daily diet, and the wounds will heal faster.

Zinc excess: symptoms, signs of cause

With an excess of zinc, as well as with a shortage, hair may fall out

Abuse of vitamins with zinc leads to an excess of zinc in organism. These may be the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Digestive problems
  • Hair fall out
  • Nails are peeling
  • Deterioration of liver function
  • Weakened immunity

Important. If consumed natural products, there will be no excess of zinc, only zinc compounds and fermented zinc, in the form of additives and vitamins, cause harm.

Zinc for facial skin

A lack of zinc in the body negatively affects the skin of the face - it becomes inflamed, acne

Zinc in the body is necessary in order to renew dead skin cells in a timely manner.. If you have enough zinc in your body:

  • Skin allergies are reduced
  • Reduces facial dryness
  • Acne goes away
  • Early wrinkles on the face go away
  • Small wounds and cracks heal faster

Zinc is added to various creams that help:

  • Regulate skin oiliness downward
  • Heal ulcers on lips
  • Reduce facial skin inflammation

Zinc for hair

Shiny and silky hair with sufficient zinc in the body

Hair also needs zinc. If it is deficient, hair stops growing normally, loses its shine, becomes dull, hard, brittle and falls out.

In order for your hair to regain its former shine and silkiness, you need to take vitamins A, C, F, E, B5, B6 and microelements zinc, selenium.

To avoid taking each vitamin separately, pharmaceutical companies release combined agents vitamins:

  • Centrum
  • Alphabet Biorhythm
  • Multifort
  • Vitrum Beauty

Vitamins with zinc for women and men

Pharmacies in our cities sell many preparations with zinc, but before taking them, you need consult a doctor, get tested, and find out whether you really do not have enough zinc in your body or whether these are false symptoms.

Preparations with zinc are sold in the following form:

  • Capsules
  • Pills
  • Drops
  • Chewable lozenges
  • Effervescent tablets

Vitamins with added zinc and selenium. They are used for prevention oncological diseases, boosting immunity, better work hearts, prescribed to former smokers and alcoholics.

Men are prescribed these drugs for male infertility to improve sperm motility.

These are the following drugs:

  • Complivit Selenium
  • Vitrum Forize
  • Multivitamins Vitrum Beauty
  • Bioactive Zinc+Selenium
  • Selmevit
  • Multivitamins Perfectil

Vitamins with calcium and zinc have a general strengthening effect on the body, normalize blood clotting, metabolism, arterial pressure, calm nerves and improve sleep.

Also, with the help of vitamins, the condition of the skin of the face, hair and nails improves, pain in joints and muscles decreases:

  • Supradin
  • Multivitamins Alphabet
  • Multivitamins Vitrum Beauty
  • Marine calcium with zinc

Vitamins with zinc, calcium and magnesium. Each of the microelements has its own characteristics: zinc improves immunity, calcium - makes strong bones and teeth, magnesium – strengthens the nervous system and muscles.

The following drugs are sold in pharmacies with these microelements:

  • Supercalcium with zinc, vitamins and magnesium
  • Gravinova
  • Vitrum Osteomag
  • Complivit magnesium
  • Vitrum Beauty

Vitamin E+zinc. The drug is used for infertility, liver diseases, allergies and deterioration of the skin and hair. Vitamins are also prescribed for diabetes and for faster wound healing.

These are the drugs:

  • Centrum
  • Polivit
  • Duovit
  • Alphabet

Vitamin remedy Centrum with zinc

Vitamins with iron and zinc improve blood condition, eliminate anemia, normalize metabolism.

These are the following drugs:

  • Fitoval
  • Centrum
  • Vitacap
  • Teravit

Vitamins with zinc for women and men

Vitamins with magnesium and zinc improve cell division and protein metabolism, water balance, the work of muscles and nerves. Vitamins also strengthen the immune system and regulate blood pressure.

These include:

  • Multi-Tabs
  • MagneZi B6
  • Oligovit
  • Vitacap

Vitamins with copper and zinc bring the body's fat metabolism to a normal level:

  • Ultimate
  • Maevit
  • Multi-Tabs Active
  • Supradin

Vitamin C and zinc- a very common vitamin. It is often prescribed by doctors to boost immunity in autumn and winter, during frequent colds and influenza viruses:

  • Evalar Zinc and vitamin C
  • Blueberry Forte with vitamins and zinc
  • Doppelhertz Active
  • Zinc Lozenge lozenges
  • Dubis

Vitamin C + zinc

Vitamin B6 and zinc– a complex of vitamins for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as for the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

Vitamin B6 has a calming effect on the nervous system.

These are the following:

  • Doppelhertz Active
  • Stressstabs
  • MagneZi B6
  • Prenamin
  • Centrum

Vitamin D and zinc. The product reduces secretions sebaceous glands, protects the liver from toxins, strengthens the immune system, heals wounds:

  • Supradin
  • Materna
  • Pregnakea
  • Jungle

Vitamins with sulfur and zinc for women after childbirth. The product helps tissue healing, tidying up hormonal levels, body and hair, better exchange substances.

This is Nutricap.

Vitamins with zinc specifically for men. Lack of zinc in male body may result in sexual dysfunction. Taking vitamins with zinc for boys and men prevents future diseases such as prostatitis, and then prostate cancer.

In a man’s body, zinc maintains normal testosterone and ensures high-quality sperm.

Medicines for men:

  • Zincite
  • Duovit
  • Zincteral
  • Alphabet
  • Centrum

Vitamin product with zinc for men “Zinkit”

Vitamins with zinc especially for women help maintain youth: improve appearance skin, hair and nails, improve immunity, remove toxins. And the property of zinc to increase metabolism, if observed dietary food, will help you lose weight.

Vitamins for women:

  • Alphabet Cosmetics
  • Complivit Radiance
  • Multi-Tabs
  • Vitrum Beauty
  • Duovit

To look beautiful and healthy, a woman needs to take vitamins with zinc for women.
  • Note. You should not take vitamins with zinc if you have had Previously allergies for zinc
  • Important. You cannot take vitamins with zinc together with antibiotics; the interval should be 2 hours or more.
  • Important. Vitamins with zinc should not be taken with dairy products.
  • Important. Self-medication with zinc products is dangerous to health. Take only as prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamins with zinc for children

For development, a child from 4 years of age is allowed to take vitamins with zinc

In order to grow and develop normally, children from 4 years of age pediatricians are allowed to prescribe vitamins with zinc. In addition to boosting immunity, improving vision, skin and hair, regulating the metabolic process, zinc improves mental abilities and physical development in children.

Medicines for children:

  • Vitrum
  • VitaZhuyki
  • Multi-Tabs for children
  • VitaMishki

Vitamin E+zinc. These drugs are prescribed to children who are growing slowly and are developmentally behind their peers:

  • Rock oil with zinc and vitamin E
  • Polivit
  • Centrum
  • Alphabet
  • Duovit

Zinc in food

Oysters and yeast contain the most zinc for baking, and very little in vegetables (green onions, cauliflower and broccoli, radishes, carrots), as well as in fruits (cherries, pears, apples).

Table of zinc content in products, mg per 100 g of product

Zinc is beneficial for our body, especially during and after illness, but it should not be taken uncontrollably. If you notice symptoms of zinc deficiency in yourself, you need to consult a doctor, and he will attribute vitamins with zinc and other minerals.

Video: What are the benefits of zinc?

Zinc is a useful microelement responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system. It fights viruses and bacteria. It is a natural immunomodulator.

A lot can be said about the benefits of zinc for the body. It is necessary for good growth nails and hair. Takes an active part in the process of cell regeneration skin. During pregnancy, it helps the child develop and grow normally. The microelement is no less important for men's health– regulates the level of sex hormones, improves the functioning of the prostate gland.

An adult should receive from 9 to 11 mg of zinc per day from the main suppliers - fresh natural products.

Causes of zinc deficiency

Every day we lose useful element together with natural secretions our body, epithelial particles. It is intensively excreted in sweat when physical activity. The body is deprived of zinc in large quantities: after undergoing operations, with burns, influenza, acute respiratory infections, colds, radiation therapy. And also during stress, use narcotic substance, And parenteral nutrition in gastroenterological patients. Therefore, due to a decrease in the microelement content in the soil, and without proper replenishment of reserves from food, the majority of the population of our country experiences acute shortage zinc

There are many reasons for the occurrence of “zincemia”. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Fasting, dieting, unhealthy diet;
  • Lack of meat products in the diet - passion for vegetarianism;
  • Eating too sweet or salty foods for a long time;
  • Poor absorption;
  • Too much protein in food;
  • Use of certain oral contraceptives (birth control pills);
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction;
  • Abuse of coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • Severe pathological sweating;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Elderly age;
  • Excessive psycho-emotional stress;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Presence of worms in the body;
  • Inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, chronic excretory organs;
  • Eating foods with large amounts of phytin (calcium-magnesium salt). It makes it difficult to absorb zinc;
  • Progressive diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases skin(seborrhea, psoriasis);
  • Serious injuries.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency

The lack of this microelement negatively affects the entire body. All organs and systems become the target of deficiency at the same time. Without this mineral, constant cell renewal is impossible - internal organs and skin.

The main symptoms by which one can recognize that the body lacks zinc include:

  1. Skin reaction. This is the appearance of premature wrinkles, acne, redness, general dryness skin, even with constant use of moisturizers, peeling (in the elbows and knees, on the face). As well as slow recovery and healing of abrasions, scratches and wounds. A defect may appear in the form of strange spots. Skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers, eczema;
  2. Weakening of the immune system. A characteristic symptom Zinc deficiency is a disruption of the immune system. It is difficult for the body to cope with diseases. Frequent colds begin and the recovery period increases. A general decrease in immunity leads to the body becoming vulnerable to external aggressors. Increased susceptibility to infections. Chronic diseases may worsen;
  3. Condition of nails. Zinc undoubtedly affects the structure of the nail plate - it regulates the formation of proteins and is responsible for tissue growth. With a reduced level of microelement in the body, nails grow poorly, become brittle and peeling. White spots may appear on them in the form of stripes, dots or large areas various shapes and size. More susceptible this symptom women;
  4. Dental problems. Before attack by harmful microorganisms, the gums become defenseless. It is possible to develop periodontitis and gingivitis, which without proper treatment easily become chronic;
  5. Hair loss. A sign of vitamin deficiency is split ends, brittle and dull hair that grows slowly. But the main problem is excessive, sudden hair loss, even baldness. As a rule, alopecia is accompanied by damage to the nails and skin;
  6. Inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of ulcers. The mucous membranes are easily damaged because they become more sensitive. Ulcers and wounds do not heal for a long time;
  7. Problems with potency. In men, zinc deficiency can cause early ejaculation, disorders reproductive function, sexual weakness or other problems in this area. In boys, sexual development may be delayed;
  8. Weight loss is the most common symptom. One of the functions of zinc is to support the condition of the senses, not only visual and olfactory, but also taste. With a mineral deficiency, food may seem devoid of flavor and tasteless. If food ceases to bring pleasure, as a result, appetite decreases, and then weight;
  9. Nervous system disorder. A less global microelement deficiency manifests itself in increased irritability, fatigue and decreased performance. Severe deficiency can cause the development of serious neuropsychiatric diseases and disorders (depression, sclerosis, dementia, schizophrenia). Possible problems with concentration, changes in speech and gait. For children, this is fraught with a slowdown in the rate of mental development. They lose the ability to learn;
  10. Eye problems. Deterioration of vision in dark time days. Recurrent keratitis, conjunctivitis, and corneal opacity may occur. And also cataracts. With age, the processes of retinal destruction and macular degeneration intensify and can lead to blindness;
  11. Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, rheumatism). Lack of the mineral can cause disease bone tissue. Replenishment of microelement reserves in the body significantly reduces the intensity of pain and helps restore joint mobility;
  12. Rapid aging.

Treatment of nutritional zinc deficiency

If you suspect you have a mineral deficiency, it is best to consult a general practitioner or family doctor. After examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient is referred to a nutritionist who prescribes diet therapy - therapeutic nutrition to speed up recovery. Particular attention should be paid to the disease that caused the deficiency of this mineral.

Basic rules of diet therapy:

  • Regular varied meals – 5–7 times a day;
  • Proper processing of products in order to preserve them valuable properties and taste. Most dishes are prepared by steaming or boiling;
  • Meeting the body's need for nutrients;
  • Achievement light feeling saturation.

For normal zinc replenishment, the doctor prescribes special pharmacological preparations, such as: zinc oxide, zinc picolinate, Zincteral, brewer's yeast with Zn, Zincite and the like.

During the period of taking zinc-containing medicines You should give up alcohol, and also limit your consumption of coffee and strong black tea. Because alcoholic drinks and caffeine intensively remove zinc from the body.


To protect yourself from health problems, you need to: special attention make up your diet. Correct and balanced diet gives everything essential minerals and vitamins. The importance of zinc cannot be overestimated. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all body systems, you need to consume foods with large amounts of this microelement. Of these we can note:

  • mushrooms;
  • oysters, shrimp, boiled eels, anchovies in oil;
  • stewed beef, boiled chicken hearts, fried veal and lamb liver, boiled beef tongue;
  • wheat bran and wholemeal wheat flour;
  • and sunflower;
  • sesame, flax and poppy seeds;
  • dry yeast;
  • sprouted grains and oats;
  • peanuts, almonds;
  • nuts – pine, pecan, and cashew;
  • dry peas, beans and lentils;
  • almost all berries;
  • cocoa powder;
  • egg yolk;
  • Brown rice.

Don't get too carried away with sweets, pickles and spicy dishes. Good choice are foods rich in zinc and protein, such as nuts and legumes. Protein promotes better absorption of zinc, and milk (ryazhenka, milk, curdled milk), on the contrary, worsens it. Zinc is absorbed much better from animal products than from plant products. Because animal proteins do not contain phytic acid and its salts, which interfere with the normal absorption of microelements.

You can periodically take special vitamin and mineral complexes containing zinc. People most susceptible to developing deficiency old age, vegetarians, athletes and pregnant women. There is no point in deciding which vitamins to buy on your own. The zinc content in different preparations may vary. Therefore, you need to see a doctor, get tested laboratory analysis to determine the level of zinc in blood serum. And only after implementing such measures, make up for the lack of substance, strictly following the specialist’s instructions.


What role does zinc play in the development and functioning of the body. How does the deficiency of this element manifest itself and how to replenish it.

The role and importance of zinc (Zn) in the body is difficult to overestimate. This element is a component of proteins, cell receptors, biological membranes and hormones. What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body? What effect does the element and the required daily volumes have on the human body? Let's consider the main issues in detail.

Properties and Functions

As mentioned, Zinc plays a key role in the development and functioning of the body. Its main properties include:

  • Improvement metabolic processes. It has been proven that the microelement is involved in the breakdown of dietary fatty acids coming from food, helping them to be absorbed.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Thanks to the action of Zn, antibodies, leukocytes and hormones work better, which activates protective forces body and accelerates healing in case of damage. In addition, zinc plays the role of a “detoxifier”, removing harmful carbon dioxide from the body.
  • Forms enzymes. Research has shown that Zn is contained in more than two hundred enzymes. For this reason, the microelement is involved in many physiological processes occurring in the body.
  • Normalization of the hormonal system. Chemical element plays a key role in the synthesis and excretion of insulin, which is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates coming from food. Also, zinc in the blood protects the beta cells of the pancreas and participates in metabolic processes occurring in the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other organs. The sufficiency of the microelement is especially important for the male body (for the health of the prostate and the formation of hormones).
  • Improving the absorption of tocopherol. It is known that the normal content of this microelement guarantees optimal absorption of tocopherol and retinol, which has a positive effect on health.
  • Skin restoration. It is believed that the deterioration of the condition of the skin is directly related to a lack of zinc in the body. The reason is that Zn improves the absorption of vitamin A, accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing, and effectively eliminates emerging inflammatory processes.
  • Strengthening teeth and bone tissue. This function is associated with the presence of Zn in the structure of these body parts.
  • Help during pregnancy. The results of numerous studies have shown that Zn affects the development of the baby in the womb: it helps in the formation of organs genitourinary system, heart, bones, eyes and brain.
  • Acceleration of cell growth. The main function of the microelement is to participate in cell division, DNA production and stabilization of its structure. This is why the supply of Zn is so important for the normal growth of living tissues.
  • Improving liver performance. The supply of microelements guarantees normal work liver and its production of retinol.
  • Normalization of the nervous system and brain. A lack of zinc is believed to lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Daily norm

Compliance with the daily norm of Zn in the diet is a chance to restore and maintain normal level the course of many processes in the body. It is worth noting that During pregnancy, the need for microelements increases. If there is not enough zinc in the body during this period, atonic bleeding may occur, and the risk of premature birth and other problems increases.

  • children under six months old - 2-3 mg/day;
  • children from six months to three years – 3-5 mg;
  • children from three to eight years old – 6-8 mg;
  • between the ages of eight and thirteen years – 10-11 mg;
  • teenagers 13-18 years – 12-15 mg(the need for guys is higher);
  • for men - 16-20 mg;
  • women - 12-15 mg;
  • during pregnancy and lactation – 22-25 mg and above.

Causes of zinc deficiency

Scientists highlight three main forms of zinc deficiency in the body, the symptoms of which appear equally in men and women:

  • subacute;
  • acute;
  • chronic.

The main causes of deficiency:

  • Excessive intake of copper, cadmium or mercury.
  • Skin diseases, including psoriasis and seborrhea.
  • Periods after surgery different shapes burn conditions.
  • Passion for alcoholic drinks.
  • Increased volume of estrogens, as well as corticosteroid-type drugs.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - fermentopania, dysbacteriosis, deterioration in the quality of absorption in the stomach.
  • Excessive requirement for Zn. Lack of zinc in the body and symptoms often appear during feeding or pregnancy, during wound healing, and during bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lack of meat products in the diet (passion for vegetarianism). Such problems are often attributed to the inclusion of large amounts of soy, which contains phytic acid, in the diet.
  • The presence of worms in the body and so on.

Symptoms of micronutrient deficiency

Zinc deficiency manifests itself in a special way. The symptoms here are:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, problems with digestion of food.
  • Depressive states.
  • Fatigue, memory loss, increased nervousness.
  • The appearance of cravings for alcohol.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Decreased vision.
  • Excessive activity.
  • The nail plates begin to peel, and the hair loses color, falls out, and becomes dull.
  • Develop (get worse) skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers and psoriasis.
  • Body growth slows down and sexual development(especially manifested in males). In men main symptom Zinc deficiency – problems in bed, decreased sexual desire.
  • Deterioration of immunity and, as a result, frequent pain. Allergies and colds are becoming commonplace.
  • There is a risk of developing prostate adenoma.
  • Accumulation of metals in the body - copper, cadmium and iron.
  • Rapid aging and development of malignant tumors.

Long-term lack of zinc in the body in women and men leads to the following diseases:

  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hyperzincuria;
  • hypozincemia;
  • reducing the level of Zn in the liver.

Why is excess dangerous?

It was mentioned above that microelement deficiency leads to negative consequences. But not only a shortage is dangerous, but also an excess. In this case, the following problems are likely:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea);
  • secondary copper deficiency;
  • development of pathology of hair, skin and nails;
  • malfunctions of the prostate, liver and pancreas.

A lack of zinc in the body is always caused by certain reasons. A similar situation arises with an excess of microelements. Only reasons are different:

  • Excessive intake of foods rich in Zn, as well as zinc-containing preparations (ointments).
  • Disruptions in zinc metabolism.
  • Direct contact with zinc (optionally, during operation).

Features of treatment

Zinc deficiency in the body often develops against the background of an incorrectly formulated diet and gastrointestinal diseases, psoriasis, blood diseases and other pathologies. To compensate for the deficiency, it is recommended to include Zn-rich foods in the diet at the first stage. It is worth highlighting here:

  • oysters – 200-400 mg;
  • veal liver – 16 mg;
  • wheat bran and germ – 15-30 mg;
  • blueberries and pumpkin seeds – 10 mg;
  • Brewer's yeast - 10-30 mg;
  • lentils - 5.0 mg;
  • soybean – 4.8 mg;
  • cereals - 5-7 mg;
  • green peas and cocoa – 3-5 mg;
  • egg yolk - 3-4 mg;
  • meat - 2-3 mg.

Zinc is also found in the following foods:

  • mushrooms;
  • walnuts;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • cherry;
  • carrots and others.

Due to low bioavailability, zinc deficiency in the body of men and women treated with special medications:

  • Zincteral is a drug containing 45 mg of zinc in one tablet. Recommended for coal rash, prolonged wound healing, baldness, metabolic disorders, and so on. Zincteral is prescribed in the amount of 1-3 tablets per day, depending on the level of zinc deficiency. Used an hour before a meal or a couple of hours after it. In the case of a long course, there is a risk of copper deficiency. Side effects are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic system, the appearance of headaches, weakness and chills. An overdose is also dangerous, which manifests itself as problems with the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, decreased blood pressure, pulmonary edema, and so on.
  • Zinc oxide is a drug that comes in the form of an ointment (paste) and is intended for external use. After treatment, the skin forms a protective barrier and accelerates healing. Indications for use are ulcerative lesions, eczema, infectious diseases. Appointed to complex therapy with a lack of zinc in a woman’s body, the symptoms of which manifested themselves in the form of skin problems. The frequency of application of the ointment is five times a day. The composition is well absorbed and gives a quick effect.
  • Brewer's yeast with Zn. The lack of zinc in the body of men or women is compensated by taking the mentioned dietary supplement. In addition to the microelement in question, the supplement also contains vitamins, including niacin, biotin, folic acid and others. The drug is prescribed for dermatoses, anemia, diabetes mellitus, acne and other problems. Take 2-3 tablets twice a day with meals.

During the course of zinc-containing drugs, taking tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks should be limited. In addition, folic acid impairs the absorption of zinc. In some cases long-term use leads to copper deficiency. For this reason, it is worth knowing what happens if there is not enough zinc in the body, and what are the symptoms of copper deficiency.


To avoid health problems, It is important to quickly recognize the signs of zinc deficiency in organism. At the same time, people who are at risk (pregnant women, vegetarians) should pay special attention to the formation of their diet and periodically take zinc-containing drugs. In other cases, reception is allowed vitamin complexes– Multitabs, Centrum.

It is worth remembering the relationship between pregnancy and zinc deficiency in the body. Symptoms in women are increasingly manifested in the form of problems with conception. If during the examination no physiological problems or abnormalities are found in reproductive system, doctors move on to blood tests and hormone checks. Against this background everything appears more opinions that Zn deficiency and infertility are interrelated. In addition, the microelement affects the speed and correctness of the child’s development, which makes it especially important for women.


The importance of zinc in the human body cannot be overestimated. Like a number of other microelements, Zn must be supplied in sufficient quantities, primarily through food. For any manifestations of zinc deficiency, you should consult a doctor and take action. Only a timely response and covering the deficit guarantees the absence of health problems.