Names knotweed grass ant goose. Epic grass. Knotweed for conception

Beautiful autumn outfit of Kuban nature. The color of trees, shrubs and grasses in fields, meadows, and along river banks changes. But autumn doesn’t have power over everyone!

On lawns, near roads, along the banks of streams, in pastures, despite the fact that winter is already coming, a small plant - knotweed, or, as it is also called, trampling grass, ant grass, continues to stay awake and even... bloom.

We can confidently say that this is the most widespread herb in our country. It has a branched creeping stem with greenish flowers and fruits in the form of a narrow triangular achene-nut.

And this is what the legend says.

Dawn had just begun to break over the earth, and the old witch was already halfway to the mountains, where she had gone for a healing potion.

Full bag magic herbs the sorceress narwhaled and, bent under the weight of her burden, slowly descended from the mountain. The sun was unbearably hot.

“Let me rest in the shade, under a tree,” the old woman thought. I sat down. She laid out the meager food. She began to chew with her weak teeth, looking around. She looked up at the path along which she had just descended. Lo and behold, on both sides of it, tiny grass makes its way into the mountains; in addition, the sorceress saw that she was sitting on a soft green carpet. All around was covered with small grass. I started a conversation with her.

“Why are you in such a hurry to go to the mountains?” the old woman asked the green baby as tenderly as she could.

“I’m leaving people, I have no life downstairs from them,” the grass ant said in a trembling voice. “They’re all plowing and grubbing, and there’s nowhere to live.” So I decided: “I’d better go to the mountains, neither I will disturb anyone, nor anyone will pursue me.”

The sorceress listened and listened to the babble of the little herb-traveler, and decided to do something unkind to people.

Are you saying that the people have plowed up all the land? - She said with false tenderness in a rattling voice. - Well, so what! It will be better for you to grow. You will hold on to the ground more tightly. In the mountains there are rocks, winds, and cold. You'll get lost, stupid. Go back to the people in the lowlands.

“Let it be your way,” the grass-ant agreed without objection and hurried to return to the warm valley.

That’s how it will be better!” the old witch laughed sarcastically after the little one running downstairs.

So, on the advice of the insidious wanderer, knotweed returned to people, populating their vegetable gardens, orchards, and flower beds. Feeling its strength, the grass-ant began to occupy more and more fertile lands. What they didn’t do to the trampling grass: they tore it out by the roots, weeding out beds and flower beds, and trampled on sports fields, but it grows and grows, expanding its vast domain. Moreover, he chooses land where it is looser and more nutritious.

The people realized that these were the tricks of the old witch, and cursed her for such deeds. But the grass ant still lives among people, sometimes causing them great trouble...

However, hardly anyone thinks about its real purpose; many even consider knotweed only a weed. But that's not true. At least pay attention to popular names of this plant: bird's buckwheat, goose grass, knotweed. Young knotweed greens are tender and nutritious; geese, ducks, and chickens pluck them with pleasure. A late autumn they feast on its seeds. After all, taptun grass in 100 grams contains up to 2.5 percent sugar, up to 120 milligrams of vitamin C, that is, three times more than in the famous lemon. There are many other useful and nutrients. Goats, sheep and large animals love her cattle. Knotweed grass in hay is not inferior in vitamin content to legumes and is an excellent food for animals.

This plant also benefits humans. It contains resins, wax, nitrogen-free extractives, carotene, protein, protein, vitamin C, fat, fiber, avicularin glucoside, flavones, vitamin K, traces of essential oil, tannins and other substances. And although chemical composition it has not yet been fully studied, in folk medicine knotweed has long been used for diseases of tuberculosis, malaria, and tumors. Knotweed infusions lower blood pressure and accelerate blood clotting. It is also used for edema of various origins. The plant is used as a general strengthening and tonic for nervous exhaustion and weaknesses in old age. In addition, it works well as an antipyretic, anthelmintic and diuretic.

Externally, knotweed is prescribed in the form of ointments for some skin diseases. Chopped fresh herbs applied to wounds and ulcers promote their speedy healing.

In folk medicine in many countries, knotweed is very widely used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, inflammation and stones. Bladder, catarrh of the stomach, with uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids.

Pharmacologists are now conducting research papers to study this healing plant so that it can be used in scientific medicine when treating people for various ailments.

Irina11/07/2015Herbal medicine knotweed

Dear readers, do you know such a herb as knotweed? If not, then I highly recommend paying attention to it. Everyone needs this herb. Why everyone? To begin with, I will briefly say that it removes metal salts, treats arthritis, arthrosis, is good for the kidneys, in gynecology, treats tuberculosis, even helps crush small stones, strengthens blood vessels and solves other health problems. Today I want to tell you about the beneficial and medicinal properties of knotweed, where and how this herb is used and whether everyone can take it.

Ant-grass, ant-grass... This is how Russian fairy tales and epics speak so affectionately and poetically about one quite ordinary plant, which is probably familiar to each of us from childhood. Knotweed or knotweed grows literally under our feet; the plant is the most ordinary and inconspicuous, but very useful.

This grass can be found near roads and paths, in courtyards near residential buildings, near the shores of small reservoirs, it grows everywhere and small birds feed on its seeds until the frosts. You've probably seen flocks of sparrows along the roads, swarming in the short grass in the fall, chirping cheerfully; this grass is knotweed. As people call it: knotweed, ant grass, bird's buckwheat, gosling grass, trampling grass, sparrow's tongues, but they are all the same plant called knotweed.

I first met her a long time ago. Back when I lived in the Far East. A friend of mine brewed it in a thermos to treat gynecological diseases. This herb helped her a lot then. Now I myself am finishing a course of treatment with this herb. I take it for prevention - to cleanse the body so that salts do not accumulate, and it very well relieves inflammatory processes in the body, if there is something somewhere, it is good for blood vessels. The course of treatment is usually 3 weeks. Let's see what this grass looks like.

Knotweed grass. Photo

Knotweed (knotweed herb). Useful and healing properties

The beneficial and medicinal properties of knotweed have been known for a very long time; it was used in ancient times as a hemostatic and wound-healing agent. Our wise ancestors squeezed the juice from the grass, soaked the fabric in it and applied it to wounds, ulcers, bruises, thereby avoiding complications and speeding up recovery.

Currently, the properties of this plant have been studied more deeply, which makes it possible to expand the spectrum of its action. This inconspicuous-looking herb contains vitamins C, K, E, mineral salts, carotene, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, resins, saponins, coumarins, various acids and much more.

Knotweed herb is widely used in official and folk medicine, as well as in homeopathy; preparations based on it have the following properties:

  • diuretic
  • astringent
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antipyretic
  • disinfectant
  • hemostatic
  • tonic
  • blood purifying
  • hypotensive
  • strengthens blood vessels

Medicinal herb knotweed (knotweed). Application

The range of uses of knotweed (knotweed) is quite impressive, and the herb is considered low-toxic and has a minimum of contraindications, which makes it possible to take it for a long time for various diseases

  1. For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, long-term use of decoctions and infusions allows you to dissolve and remove sand and stones from the kidneys, reduce swelling, relieve inflammatory process for cystitis. If you are prone to stone formation, knotweed is taken as a preventive measure.
  2. At inflammatory diseases liver and gall bladder, a decoction of knotweed is also used, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to make sure there are no large stones in gallbladder. Knotweed copes with small stones, but in the presence of large stones, any choleretic agents are contraindicated.
  3. For vascular diseases and hemorrhoids, knotweed helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and normalize blood pressure.
  4. For internal and uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids, knotweed improves blood clotting, thereby speeding up the healing process. But you need to understand that like all herbs, knotweed is used in complex treatment, especially in severe cases, which include internal bleeding. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.
  5. The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of knotweed (knotweed) allow it to be used for colds With elevated temperature, as well as for sore throat and inflammation of the gums.
  6. Thanks to tannins and antimicrobial properties knotweed is used for treatment various wounds, cuts, long-term non-healing ulcers.
  7. Knotweed is also used in the treatment of gout, it helps remove salts from joints uric acid, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.
  8. Tuberculosis, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines are also included in the list of diseases for which knotweed helps therapeutic effect on the body.

How to take knotweed

Knotweed (knotweed) is taken in the form of infusions, decoctions or as part of complex medicinal fees. It is best to prepare decoctions and infusions for one day, since after just a day their properties decrease.

Infusion of knotweed (knotweed)

It is very simple to prepare an infusion; you need to take a tablespoon of dry crushed herb per glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Decoction of knotweed (knotweed)

The decoction turns out to be more concentrated; to prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of herb per glass of boiling water, put it all in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes, then cool, strain and add boiled water to a full glass. Take 1-2 tablespoons of decoction before meals.

You can prepare a decoction without a steam bath, simply boil the herb for 3 - 5 minutes over low heat, then remove from heat and strain after 20 minutes.

Knotweed juice

Knotweed juice is squeezed from fresh grass, which is harvested during its flowering. It is recommended to take 1–2 tablespoons of juice two to three times a day before meals for hypertension, convulsions, tuberculosis, intestinal diseases and kidney diseases.

To treat wounds and other skin damage, you can also use the juice, which is used to wash the wounds and apply bandages soaked in the juice. You can do it even simpler: wash the grass, dry it and grind it into a paste, which is applied under a bandage to the damaged areas of the skin.

I suggest watching a video about the beneficial and medicinal properties of knotweed herb.

Knotweed grass. Treatment. Recipes

Traditional medicine uses many recipes with knotweed for treatment various diseases, it is taken both separately and in combination with other plants that enhance therapeutic effect knotweed. I will give you some of them, perhaps they will be useful to someone.

  • For kidney stones, mix knotweed herb, bearberry herb and bean leaves in equal parts, pour 15 grams of the collection (this is approximately a full tablespoon) with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink the resulting infusion in large portions throughout the day
  • For cystitis, prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of knotweed and a glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for a week
  • For inflammation of the gallbladder, prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of knotweed herb, keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain after 20 minutes and take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day
  • For hemorrhoids in the summer, during flowering, pick fresh grass and immediately squeeze the juice out of it. Take a tablespoon twice a day
  • For joint diseases, boil a glass of fresh crushed knotweed herb (knotweed) in a liter of water for 5 minutes, leave for at least an hour. Apply lotions from this decoction to sore joints and add it to foot baths.
  • For uterine bleeding, pour three teaspoons of dry herb into a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and take 3-4 times a day, regardless of meals.
  • For anemia, prepare an infusion of knotweed herb by brewing a tablespoon of dry raw material with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, strain the infusion and mix with beet juice in equal proportions. Take one spoon 3 times a day before meals for a month
  • For pulmonary tuberculosis, mix a tablespoon of crushed dry knotweed herb and crushed licorice root, pour two tablespoons of this mixture into 1/2 liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, strain after 30 minutes and take 4–5 times per day 1/4 cup
  • For bronchitis and pneumonia, prepare a mixture of knotweed grass, coltsfoot leaves, and black elderberry flowers, taking a teaspoon of each. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave until it cools and take a tablespoon 3 – 4 times a day
  • For stomach diseases increased acidity gastric juice prepare a mixture of knotweed herb, peppermint, plantain, St. John's wort and calamus root. Mix everything in equal parts. Prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of the mixture and a glass of boiling water.

Knotweed. Grass collection, preparation

Knotweed grows everywhere, but, of course, you cannot collect it in the city; you need to look for it away from city roads and railway tracks.

It is also necessary to distinguish it from other types of knotweed, which medicinal properties do not possess. This is not difficult to do, look carefully at the photographs; in knotweed, the stem begins to branch from the very ground, the stems are divided into knees, the leaves have an elliptical shape, and small, inconspicuous flowers are located in the axils of the leaves and have a dirty white color with a pink tint.

For medicinal purposes, knotweed is harvested at the beginning of flowering, this usually happens in late June - early July, the aerial part is cut off at the base, leaving the lowest leaves, then dried with any in an accessible way without direct exposure sun rays.

It is not recommended to store dried grass for more than two years; it loses its properties over time. healing properties. Glass jars, thick paper bags or linen and cotton bags are suitable for storage.

Where to buy knotweed grass? Price

If you don't want to harvest the herb yourself, buy it at the pharmacy. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. It's very inexpensive. I recently bought it here in Yaroslavl for 30 rubles. Packaging 50 grams.

Knotweed grass. Contraindications

As always, when describing the medicinal properties of any plant, I want to warn you this time that knotweed (knotweed) is a potent plant and taking medications based on it has its contraindications.

Absolute contraindication pregnancy is associated with taking knotweed. They should not be used by people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins, to everyone who is prone to the formation of blood clots, since taking knotweed, which increases blood clotting, can lead to an attack of angina pectoris and even to a heart attack and stroke.

Knotweed is not prescribed to those with low blood pressure.

Despite the fact that knotweed is able to soften and remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, people with cholelithiasis and kidney stones can take knotweed with caution and only after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation, since the stone can block the bile ducts, which poses a threat to life.

People who have stones in the urinary ducts larger than 6 mm should also not take knotweed.

Here is the information for you today about the beneficial properties of knotweed and its contraindications.

And for the soul, today we will listen to the old waltz Autumn Dream. Many considered it a native work, written in Russia, but its homeland is in distant, foggy Albion. It was written by pianist and composer Archibald Joyce in 1908. Just such nostalgia... A brass band and an amazing waltz.

I wish you all good health, good mood, simple joys life and all the warmest and kindest.

Touching poems for our grandmothers
The miracle grass is half fallen. Application.
Herbs for women's health Useful herbs
Treatment of endometriosis and female infertility folk remedies
Plantain grass. Medicinal properties. Contraindications

Knotweed: an herb against infertility

Do you remember how in folk epics mighty heroes loved to sleep on grass-ant, gaining strength before battle? In fairy tales, the cunning Baba Yaga rolled on the grass to regain her health, and even in the poems of Korney Chukovsky, familiar from childhood, a pot-bellied sandwich with sausage lured a red-cheeked bun to walk on the ant... And what’s most surprising is that this fairy-tale grass is actually completely real, and its name is knotweed - its medicinal properties and contraindications have been known to the Russian people from time immemorial to this day.

Cleansing herb for body and soul

Knotweed is a plant with many faces and many names. Take, for example, its official name – bird knotweed. And also bird buckwheat, because small grains of knotweed, similar to buckwheat, are so loved by birds to peck. The most delicate ones are ant grass, goose grass, and knotweed - they grow very sporadically and quickly.

In Rus', the herb knotweed has always been valued - they have tried to use medicinal properties and contraindications even to cure a person of envy, hatred and causeless anger... Whether knotweed can heal the soul is quite problematic to test in our rational age, but one thing is certain - ordinary ailments from the body are avian buckwheat pulls out no worse than fashionable drugs.

  • If you suffer from kidney problems, knotweed will definitely help - the medicinal properties of the herb lower the level of salts in the urine, remove swelling and inflammation, and normalize metabolic processes and remove sand from the kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Relieves gastrointestinal inflammation, kills harmful bacteria and acts as a mild fixative for diarrhea.
  • Heals purulent wounds, heals boils, relieves pimples and blackheads.
  • Improves the condition of respiratory ailments - pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, relieves fever from colds.

Traditional healers recommend walking on a fluffy carpet of grass and ants in the summer as often as possible - such walks energize good mood, relieve fatigue in the legs and significantly strengthen the immune system before the rainy autumn. And if problems with your legs overtook you in the cold season, it doesn’t matter, pharmaceutical knotweed will help (you can buy it for mere pennies!). Hot baths with knotweed for 30 minutes will remove evening fatigue and relieve swelling from the legs (a glass of grass in 3 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for an hour).

Benefits for women's health and contraindications

Ant-grass... There is so much warm, affectionate, feminine content in this name! And in the pictures, knotweed grass looks very attractive - the photos show a thick carpet of powerful stems, on which flowers interspersed with leaves sit in small clusters. And what a beauty these ant fields are - dark blue in late spring, dark green in summer, and soft golden in early autumn...

There are real legends about the benefits of knotweed for women's health. The epic herb saves from a variety of “ladies’” ailments - from the disgusting cystitis familiar to everyone to uterine bleeding. For painful and heavy periods, special herbal teas with bird buckwheat - 10 grams of ants and horsetail, 30 grams of centaury and 50 grams of cinquefoil.

But knotweed is not so simple - its medicinal properties and contraindications have been known for a long time, and the latter are quite serious. It is important to remember the prohibitions on the use of knotweed by heart, otherwise the fabulous ant will turn into a dangerous poison.

The most important contraindication for treatment with knotweed is pregnancy. At the slightest suspicion of future motherhood, stop drinking goose grass, otherwise there will be a risk of bleeding and miscarriage. If you have kidney or gallstones, knotweed should also be removed from the first aid kit. Low blood pressure, varicose veins and a tendency to blood clots, recovery from heart attack and stroke are the most inappropriate diagnoses for epic recipes.

Knotweed as a means of conception

IN Ancient Rus' knotweed was not always an ordinary meadow flower - originally it was a double grain, a symbol of fertility. And only then did our ancestors take a closer look at the mysterious grass in the pastures and fields - what kind of plant is it, it is not afraid of cold or heat, cattle eat it - it only grows more, the village girls trample it in round dances - and it only benefits it!

For its amazing fertility and wonderful ability to quickly restore shoots, the Russians called it knotweed, and only then realized that the grass actually brings profit to the house - a long-awaited pregnancy.

Modern research has shown that knotweed can really help with infertility: it enhances the contractile work of the uterine muscles, normalizes respiratory function and improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, and this significantly increases the chances of conception. And folk legends echo: knotweed is the best thing for desperate women effective method give the husband an heir.

Knotweed for pregnancy: what reviews say

On women's forums and special blogs for mothers, medicinal herbs for infertility are discussed tirelessly, and opinions can be found radically different. Among those who have used knotweed for conception, reviews are also mixed.

Many opinions sound like this:

“My friend drank knotweed for several months and just got pregnant. I doubted whether I should take this herb, but now I’ll definitely start.”

“I couldn’t get pregnant for six years, then I found out about knotweed. I drank it for a year instead of tea and coffee, and now I’m pregnant!”

Other members of the forum warn: the grass-ant is full of contraindications, and before taking knotweed, you should definitely visit a doctor. If you are diagnosed with kidney stones, increased testosterone or a cyst in the ovaries, drinking medicine from folk tales is strictly prohibited! Most visitors write: this herb knotweed is not an easy medicine - its medicinal properties do not help all girls, but if you have already tried all the methods, you can try a course of knotweed. The main thing is to consult your gynecologist.

How to take knotweed?

Traditional medicine has accumulated quite a lot of recipes with herb-ant: for almost every ailment there is its own method of treatment. What are the most effective ways to use knotweed?

  • For pustules, ulcers and skin problems, prepare a simple infusion: pour a tablespoon of crushed dried ants with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then we simply moisten the gauze in healing decoction and make compresses.
  • If you have a cold, bronchitis, or your baby has caught whooping cough, knotweed is useful here - the application is as follows: A large spoon of dried bird buckwheat + 200 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes and immediately remove to infuse for 2 hours. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Are you struggling with your kidneys? Pour 20 grams of dried herb-ant into 200 ml of plain water, boil and keep on fire for 5 minutes. Leave for 15-20 minutes, take as in the previous recipe.
  • And if knotweed is needed for conception - how to take it in this case? The method is very simple: pour a large spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water and wait half an hour. We drink without special restrictions, like our favorite tea, course – 1-3 months. One condition - it is better to be treated with grass-ant in the first half monthly cycle, before ovulation.

Knotweed in cooking

Our knotweed has found its way everywhere - its medicinal properties and contraindications are not its only advantage; on the kitchen table, the grass-ant also works very real miracles. Thanks to ascorbic acid and other vitamins, fresh essential oils and fats, knotweed looks great in spring and summer salads, vegetable side dishes, and green soups. And in the Caucasus and Central Asian countries they make a wonderful filling for pies from it - especially for those who are bored with rhubarb and sorrel.

  • Knotweed puree with cheese and garlic

You will need: 200 grams of young green herbs, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 50 grams of cheese, salt and pepper to taste, vinegar (balsamic can be used). Grind the knotweed in a meat grinder, add crushed garlic. There is also grated cheese, spices, dressing. This puree is an ideal summer side dish for barbecue, grilled fish, and an excellent option for sandwiches.

  • Summer drink made from knotweed

You will need: 1.5 liters of water, 500 grams of tender knotweed herb, 2 cups of rosehip infusion, a tablespoon lemon juice, sugar and any berry syrup - to taste.

Pour cold water over the ant and leave for 5-6 hours. Then strain, add the rest of the goodies - and on the table.

Knotweed is a universal herb: it will help in healing and how it is used as food, and walking on it is a pleasure. In the summer, be sure to look for endless fields of ant-grass at your home country house or in your grandmother’s village - this flower should not remain only on the pages of fairy tales.

Knotweed and its medicinal properties

Do you know what knotweed is? Is the grass an ant? Bird knotweed? All these names were given to the same plant, which lives everywhere - in the forest, in the park, on the banks of reservoirs, in gardens and courtyards. By the way, these are not all the names of the grass, which gardeners consider a common weed.

They call it sparrow tongues, conotope, bird buckwheat, trampling grass, and goose grass. Well, we will still call it knotweed, because this plant got its name from the word “spore”, that is, very quickly.

By the way, in Rus', herbalists long ago noticed the property of knotweed to quickly restore damaged shoots, and this gift of regeneration was used in folk medicine. Moreover, during collection, only the softest, upper parts of the plant were cut off. Decoctions, infusions and ointments were made from them.

And even earlier, BC, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates treated his fellow citizens with this herb.

What is knotweed rich in?

This plant is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and useful substances. Vegetable protein, fiber, resins, sugars, tannins, glycosides, carotene, vitamins C, K, E... And also silicon, which is so needed lung tissue. It is very valuable in the treatment of such a complex disease as tuberculosis. In short, fresh knotweed is a worthy competitor to many berries and fruits.

Knotweed in spring salad is an extremely useful component. If its young leaves are mixed with finely chopped hard-boiled eggs and dill, it is not only fortified, but also very tasty dish!

Use of knotweed

This simple herb has many medicinal properties. Based on it, they are created medications, having anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic properties.

In addition, it has long been known that knotweed is present in medicines that increase immunity, lower blood pressure, and heal wounds.

In pharmacies you can find various herbal preparations, which include knotweed. They are recommended for treatment chronic gastritis, stomach diseases, tuberculosis, kidney stones and other ailments.

Stones turn to sand

This is exactly what patients say, for whom knotweed-based medicines helped get rid of kidney stones. As a result long-term use fees, where the grass-ant is combined with other diuretics, the stones are crushed and turned into sand. The most remarkable thing is that patients hardly notice how this healing process gradually occurs.

The most popular composition of such a collection is as follows: in equal parts - knotweed, dwarf bean pods, bear's ear leaf, hernia grass. The healing drink is prepared separately for each daily dose: 15 grams of the dry mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk warm throughout the day.

Positive Action Even practicing doctors do not deny this infusion. Cases have been recorded where gallstones passed without surgical intervention and even the jaundice receded.

This composition is successfully used and how prophylactic, which does not allow salts to form entire conglomerates.

There is another infusion recipe that effectively removes stones. In this case, only dry knotweed is needed. One tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered and drunk a tablespoon three times a day, without timing these doses with breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Other medicinal uses of knotweed

Traditional medicine has given use to knotweed for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Infusions of this herb are used for oncological diseases. They are also used for metabolic disorders, for example, in the fight against excess weight. Nervous exhaustion, loss of strength after a long illness, elderly age- all these are serious reasons to remember the healing properties of this inconspicuous, but so miraculous herb, knotweed.

These infusions also treat wounds, bruises, ulcers, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, eliminate swelling in the legs.

Knotweed for conception

This is the most controversial point even among doctors. There are experts who claim that knotweed is very effective in helping with infertility. The plant activates the activity of the uterine muscles and actively saturates the body with oxygen.

In these cases, knotweed is used as follows: a glass of dry or fresh knotweed is poured into a liter of boiling water, the mixture is steamed for several minutes, and filtered. This infusion should replace all your usual drinks. The drug should be taken until pregnancy occurs.

Popular rumor has dubbed this remedy a herb for conception and claims that in the end a boy will definitely be born.

Other experts argue that if this happened, it was the result of psychological influence. After all, believing in something can work miracles. And there are no statistics that would confirm the influence of knotweed on the process of conception.

True, back in the 15th century in Encyclopedic Dictionary medicines Armenian naturalist and doctor Amirdovlat Amasiatsi wrote that a woman can give birth to a healthy boy if she and her husband eat 10 grams of plant seeds every morning for forty days. But from the description of the grass it is not clear what kind of knotweed we are talking about. However, this historical episode is often cited as an argument by supporters of the effect of knotweed on pregnancy.

This dispute is not yet over. But practice proves that the plant helps women with certain gynecological diseases, and this is a considerable chance on the path to the desired motherhood.

Knotweed infusion is often used by obstetricians to accelerate uterine contractions after childbirth, in case of excessive heavy menstruation, with uterine bleeding.

Contraindications for taking knotweed

No matter what miraculous properties the herb has, we must not forget that this remedy belongs to the category of potent ones.

  • Knotweed increases blood clotting, but it can also cause thrombosis, cause an angina attack, or even provoke a heart attack or stroke. This especially applies to people old age.
  • By stimulating intestinal motility and simultaneously lowering blood pressure, knotweed can worsen the condition of people suffering from gallstones or constipation.
  • When treating gallstone disease directly, it happens that not all stones are loosened, and then the surviving stone can block bile duct.
  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to use knotweed decoctions, as they can cause miscarriage.

Pies with knotweed

Knotweed is also valued as a food plant. It is believed that this herb is equivalent in protein content to poultry meat. It contains approximately the same amount of starch as legumes. And in terms of vitamin content, knotweed is twice as high as rosehip and lemon.

Young leaves and stems of the plant serve as the basis for beneficial and delicious salads. And in Dagestan, knotweed is used to make an excellent filling for famous national pies.

Knotweed - raw material for paint

To obtain blue dye, use the roots of the plant. And green and yellow dye is extracted directly from the grass, which is used to process leather and fabrics.

Knotweed and its medicinal properties and contraindications

Home → Healing herbs→ Knotweed

Bird knotweed (Polýgonum aviculáre) is a representative of the group of annual herbaceous plants, with high nutritional value and unique healing properties. Other names for this crop are common among the people: knotweed, goose grass, pig grass, trestle grass, bird buckwheat, fringed grass. The original Russian equivalent - knotweed was given to the plant because amazing ability quickly (quickly) regenerate damaged vegetative organs. Medicinal properties are effectively used in folk medicine, taking into account contraindications.

Ant weed

We'll talk about knotweed. You've all seen this weed. It grows everywhere. People also call it ant grass, bird buckwheat, and goose grass.

But knotweed also brings benefits.

A brood of goslings grazes in the wide meadow in front of the house, grazing the grass with great appetite. They are so engrossed in their dinner that you can get very close to them.

What was it about the wide meadow that the geese liked so much? It turns out they feed on knotweed. This is one of the most favorite herbs of geese, ducks, and chickens. It is not for nothing that knotweed is often called bird buckwheat. The plant also has another name - bird's knotweed.

The attention of the bird population to it is not accidental. Knotweed grass contains up to 2.5 percent sugar, in 100 grams - up to 120 milligrams of vitamin C, that is, 3 times more than in the famous lemon. There are a lot of other useful substances in the grass. Goats, sheep, and cattle love her.

Knotweed grows near roads and near homes. Man has long noticed this herb. It was previously used in folk medicine to treat certain diseases. And today doctors have not forgotten her. Knotweed preparations have a good hemostatic effect.

The plant is often called nurse weed. Clouds of dust raised on the road quickly settle as soon as they reach the dense green carpet of knotweed.

And you guys can plant knotweed on your sports field. It is very pleasant to play on such a green carpet, and there will be no dust.

Victoria Proskuryakova
“Ant-grass” (learning a nursery rhyme)”

Technological map of organized educational activities No. 13

Spent: Proskuryakova V. G.

the date of the: 02/16/2015

Age group: middle group № 5

Educational area: "Communication"

Chapter: Fiction

Subject: « Ant weed» (memorizing nursery rhymes) »

Target: help children remember nursery rhyme, learn to read it expressively; develop memory, expressiveness of speech; to cultivate interest and emotional responsiveness to works of oral folk art.

Material and equipment: toy - bunny, picture of spring.

Vocabulary work: grass - ant.

Bilingual component: shp – grass, oyan-hare.

activities Actions of the teacher Actions of children

Motivational and incentive - Guys, today an unusual guest came to visit us. Do you want to know who it is? Guess riddle:

Long ear

A ball of fluff

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Indeed, this is a hare. The children are happy to meet their new guest.

They guess the riddle.

Organizational search Surprise moment. (Knock on the door).

The teacher brings in a toy hare. The bunny greets the children. Bunny speaks: “I heard that you were talking about me, asking a riddle, and I decided to come visit you.”

Our guys know the bunny nursery rhyme I want to tell you about the bunny?

Well done guys, fun nursery rhyme.

Bunny: Children, you are probably tired of sitting on chairs, let’s play with you a little?


In the spring in the garden

The bunny walks happily

He'll dig everything up first

And then everything will be leveled out

He sows the seeds deftly

And he goes to plant carrots

Hole - seed, hole - seed

And look, in the garden again

Peas and carrots will grow

How will autumn come?

He will reap his harvest.

Bunny, soon the snow outside will melt, streams will run, soon the greenery will appear grass, grass - ant.

Bilingual component: shp – grass, oyan-hare.

And now I'll read nursery rhyme, she called: « Ant weed» .

The teacher reads nursery rhyme

« Ant weed» .

Weed - ant,

the pine tree has risen

The tit bird grabbed the grain,

Bunny - for cabbage,

mouse - for the crust,

Children - for milk.

What is this about nursery rhyme?

How it begins nursery rhyme?

What did the tit bird do?

What's the bunny for?

Mouse for what?

And the kids are for...

Guys, listen to this one again nursery rhyme and you bunny.

He reads the poem expressively.

Guys, now I’ll start the line nursery rhymes, and you try to finish it.

A game "I'll start, you continue"

The children also said hello to the hare.

Children tell nursery rhyme:

Bunny is a coward

He ran across the field.

Ran into the garden

I found cabbage

I found a carrot.

Sits and chews.

Go away

The owner is coming!

Listen carefully nursery rhyme.

Perform the movements:

Raise your hands up

Stand on tiptoes

They give up.

Together with the teacher they remember the beginning nursery rhymes« Ant weed» .

Children repeat these words.

Choral and individual responses.

Everyone repeats the lines together.

Repeat the final lines nursery rhymes.

Reading nursery rhyme by heart.

Reflective-corrective Praises children for their active participation.

They express their impressions and what they liked.

Expected Result:


. nursery rhyme« Ant weed»


An idea of ​​the signs of the season - spring; skills learning nursery rhymes by heart.

Be able to:

And as soon as this grass is not called))))) - bird's buckwheat, trampling grass, goose grass,

grass-ant, chicken beetle, knotweed, knotweed,

Belarusian names: drasen ptushyny, grain, bird buckwheat.

Ukrainian: sporish zvichayny, bird buckwheat, girchak zvichayny.

Well, her “pharmacy” name is:

Knotweed (bird knotweed)

The knotweed is truly a treasure trove of protein and sugars. Such useful microelements as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and silicon were also found in it. And how rich it is in vitamins! Ascorbic acid– ant grass, for example, contains 3 times more vitamin C than the vaunted lemons. The juice of the plant contains resins and tannins.

Knotweed, or bird's buckwheat, lowers blood pressure, reduces the permeability of vascular walls, increases diuresis, enhances uterine contractions, and has an antitoxic effect.

It is used when chronic diseases urinary tract, weakened filtration function, renal glomeruli in initial stage and kidney stones and postoperative period after removing stones.

In gynecology, knotweed (knotweed) is used as an excellent hemostatic agent, in postpartum period- with insufficient reverse contraction of the uterus, with uterine bleeding after abortion. Knotweed is especially indicated for iron deficiency anemia caused by juvenile bleeding.

For gastritis, I consider it an indispensable remedy. I used it myself once, and I know from myself that it helped great.

Useful for liver diseases, jaundice and cholelithiasis.

An aqueous infusion of knotweed promotes the passage of stones and sand in case of urolithiasis

Personally, I brew this weed like this:

Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

Knotweed is used in the form of infusions or decoctions.

Pour a tablespoon of chopped knotweed into 0.5 liters hot water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day for inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract and dysentery.

As a choleretic agent, knotweed herb is useful for liver diseases, jaundice and cholelithiasis.

Tincture of knotweed herb. 2 teaspoons per 200 ml of alcohol. Leave for 10 days, strain. Take 15-20 drops in half a glass of water 3 times a day.

In Austria, knotweed infusion is used for nervous exhaustion and as a sedative.

Applying crushed fresh knotweed to wounds and ulcers promotes healing.

An aqueous infusion of knotweed promotes the passage of stones and sand in case of urolithiasis

(10 g of plant per 200 ml of water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day).

Knotweed is often used in collections.

for painful periods. for chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney stones in the initial stages.

Birch leaf - 3 parts, stinging nettle - 3 parts, black currant - 4 parts, knotweed - 5 parts, thyme - 5 parts, celandine - 4 parts, viburnum sprigs - 4 parts, burdock root - 4 parts, chamomile flowers - 5 parts .

Pour 200 g of the mixture into 5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 1 hour, strain, pour into a bath at a temperature of 38 C. Take baths 1-2 times a week

For gastritis with low acidity use the following collection: knotweed herb - 4 parts, St. John's wort herb - 4 parts, blueberry leaf - 3 parts, peppermint leaf - 2 parts, calamus root - 2 parts, caraway seed - 1 part, cudweed herb - 8 parts, leaf plantain - 8 parts.

Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight, strain. Drink one glass on an empty stomach, and divide the rest into 4 doses.

In obstetric practice The following preparations containing knotweed are used.

Knotweed grass - 1 part, horsetail grass - 1 part, centaury grass - 3 parts, cinquefoil grass - 5 parts.

for painful periods.

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day

The collection is used for heavy periods.

Knotweed grass, shepherd's purse grass, mistletoe grass.

Take equal amounts of everything, brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take a glass in the morning and evening 3-5 days before the start of menstruation and throughout the entire period.

For external use knotweed is used in therapeutic and prophylactic baths for children as a calming and metabolism-stimulating agent.

* Polygonum juice: squeezed from fully developed plants picked during the flowering period. Take 1/2-1 glass of juice with a tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications and possible side effects: since the plant has a strong blood clotting effect, patients with thrombophlebitis should not take it.