How to effectively cleanse your lungs of dust and dirt. How to clear dust from your lungs: effective methods at home

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The lungs are the organ responsible for the respiratory function, which enriches the blood with oxygen. On average, a person inhales/exhales about 15,000 liters of air per day.

Unfortunately, in 90% of cases the inhaled air contains impurities: tobacco smoke, construction dust, toxins, fungal spores, microorganisms, allergens, exhaust gases. And all this, getting through the respiratory tract into the lungs, settles on the walls of the organ, which provokes nonproductive cough(as a symptom) and the development of serious pathological diseases.

This raises the question, how to cleanse your lungs of dust in order to breathe deeply, not be afraid of complications, and at the same time not harm the body?

Risk group

People at risk should have their lungs cleaned at least once a year. Regular cleansing this body requires in such cases:

  • Work in hazardous industries (even if the use of gauze bandages and respirators is provided);
  • Work related to construction or repairs;

Do-it-yourself home repairs can also be included in this item. Construction dust or mold spores that rose into the air when removing old wallpaper all enter the body, so after renovation in the house you should clean your lungs.

  • Living in environmentally polluted regions;
  • Smoking.

Basic methods of cleansing

First of all, before clearing your lungs of dust and dirt, you should definitely consult a doctor and make sure that unpleasant symptoms not associated with pathologies.

There is no universal remedy for cleansing dust from the lungs, so in order to get the best effect, you should try several options and choose the one that is most suitable in this particular case.


Inhalation is the direct effect of medicinal vapors on the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is believed that inhalation is the most effective cleanser.

A nebulizer can be used to carry out the procedure. But not all manufacturers allow the use of homemade decoctions in the device. Therefore, it is better to do inhalations in the old proven way over a saucepan or kettle.

To remove dust in the lungs, you can use chamomile, eucalyptus, plantain, juniper, pine (buds), cedar. One tablespoon of any of these herbs should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, brought to a boil and heated over low heat for about five minutes. Afterwards, remove the broth and allow to cool slightly. You cannot use boiling water for inhalation; the liquid should be 45-50 o C.

Then you need to place the container with the broth on the table, bend over so that you can freely inhale the steam and at the same time it should not burn. Cover yourself with a towel on top. The total duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, but the first inhalation should be done for no more than 2 minutes, as there is a possibility of developing allergic reactions. If after the first procedure no allergy is observed, then the next inhalation can last 10 minutes. In total, it is advisable to do 10 procedures (1 time per day).

Inhalations are done 1.5 - 2 hours after meals and 1 hour before meals. After cleaning, you need to rest; you should not go outside for half an hour in the summer and for two hours in winter time. It is also better not to talk for about 30 minutes after the end of the procedure.

You need to breathe evenly over the steam, get too close to the liquid and don’t inhale deeply; the steam should be tolerably hot. At elevated body temperatures (37.2 o C and above), it is impossible to cleanse yourself using inhalations. Contraindications also include a tendency to nosebleeds, the proximity of facial blood vessels to the surface of the skin and heart disease.

Medicines in cleaning

Dust in the lungs can also be removed using pharmaceutical drugs. But we should not forget that this is no longer just a cleansing, but a treatment that must be supervised by a doctor.

  • Ambroxol. Expectorant and secretolytic agent. Effective when coughing produces viscous sputum.
  • Bromhexine. It also has an expectorant effect, but has virtually no contraindications and has no effect on the circulatory system. The variety of release forms (tablets, syrup, solution for injection and inhalation) allows the product to be used regardless of age and availability chronic diseases.
  • Acetylcysteine. In addition to being an expectorant, it has detoxifying properties. At the same time, it is a stimulator of motor function respiratory tract.
  • Gedelix. This syrup It is made on the basis of ivy leaf extract, which is its advantage.
  • Mukaltin. Inexpensive, but effective drug with expectorant, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties.

Exceeding the dose of these drugs or simultaneous use several of them can lead to serious consequences.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises not only help cleanse the lungs, but also general strengthening body. To perform gymnastics, you should stand so that your back is straight, exhale as much air as possible and inhale through your nose. Then you need to hold your breath for 5-10 seconds and exhale the air in small portions (10 abrupt exhalations).

The procedure can be done 2-3 times a day.

Before cleaning the respiratory organs, it is necessary to realize that the main efforts should be directed to improving the quality of the air inhaled, otherwise such cleanings will have no effect.

Firstly, you definitely need to quit smoking. Secondly, it is better to spend weekends and vacations outside the city, where the air is not polluted by exhaust gases and chemicals.

It is imperative to carry out daily wet cleaning of the house. It is important to humidify the air in the room, since microparticles of fungi, dust, dust mites, etc. immediately settle in humid air. And in dry air they not only fly in almost every corner of the room, but also the dry nasal mucosa is not able to stop them when inhaled, all this dirt immediately enters the lungs.

It is important to ventilate the premises being repaired to reduce the concentration of construction dust in the air. Any repair work must be carried out not only in special clothing, but also in a respirator.

People who live in polluted regions should constantly monitor the cleanliness of their body. In this case, you can drink two glasses of green tea, which has an antioxidant effect. For the same purpose, you can drink decoctions of rose hips or fennel.

More effective cleansing respiratory tract will be in case of management healthy image life. Morning exercises, evening jogging, hardening contribute quick cleansing not only the lungs, but the whole body.

IN modern world people are constantly exposed to harmful effects from environmental factors. Residents of megacities inhale toxic smog, cities concentrated around large industrial enterprises, are polluted by emissions into the atmosphere chemical substances, harmful to all living things. Everyone understands this, but they can’t change anything. Bad habits are added to the factors polluting the environment; tobacco smoking is widespread.

People working in hazardous industries are at risk for respiratory diseases

People working in hazardous industries in mines, construction organizations, and woodworking industries are at risk for respiratory diseases; their lungs and bronchi constantly suffer from the penetration of dust and other foreign substances, such as wood shavings, putty, and metals.

Safety precautions provide protective equipment, but they only reduce the penetration of harmful particles into the respiratory tract. Having lost health at work, having severe symptoms pollution, many people wonder how to cleanse their lungs of dust.

Why clear your airways?

Perfect human body capable of self-cleaning. But its reserves are exhaustible. If a harmful factor is constantly present, you need to help yourself and think about how to remove dust from your lungs. The anatomy of the respiratory tract is such that protection against foreign dust begins with inhalation through the nose. Large and heavy dust lingers and settles there. If nasal breathing difficult and the person breathes through the mouth, then he is less protected, the bronchi will be the first to take the blow. The smallest fractions of dust enter the alveoli.

The alveoli are also able to protect the lungs; some of the dust is regularly removed due to the movement of the cilia of the epithelium. In natural cleansing, dust is removed through the respiratory tract and with the help of lymphatic system body. It is necessary to clear the airways. Over the years, dust accumulates, symptoms of chronic diseases appear, the lungs and bronchi suffer, general state human health.

Means of protection

Fine wood dust and dust suspension from putty are very dangerous. People who work with wood need to protect themselves. Microchips injure tissue, settle and accumulate. Symptoms such as:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • allergic reactions;
  • swelling and sore throat;
  • asthma.

Various types of wood also have toxic effects, wood dust is dangerous, protective measures:

  • a simple respirator with replaceable filters;
  • air filter – used in work areas, reduces dust,
  • collecting dust suspended in the air;
  • injection and exhaust of air through pipes.

These precautions should be in place in production to protect workers from wood dust.

When making home renovations or working on a construction site, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract from microparticles of building materials suspended in the air, most often from putty.

Precautionary measures:

  • protect the room in which you are making repairs (film, temporary doors, wet thick fabric);
  • cover all surfaces with film, especially upholstered furniture;
  • use construction vacuum cleaners;
  • open the windows, humidify the air;
  • thorough wet cleaning after repair work.

By following safety precautions, you will reduce the risk of respiratory contamination.

A respirator is one of the means of protecting the respiratory tract

Airway clearance methods

What to do if your lungs are contaminated after exposure to harmful substances, how to remove dust from your lungs. There are methods of cleansing the respiratory tract using folk remedies, after which people breathe much easier. Let's look at some of them. Recognized, ancient traditional methods There was cleansing in a steam bath with herbs, essential oils, brooms, massages with honey. Breathing exercises are useful; there is a specially developed breathing technique by Strelnikova. Rest on sea ​​air, in a clean forest, will ventilate the lungs well and restore strength.

If you are ready to do something to cleanse your lungs, or you have signs or symptoms, use proven recipes.

Fruit and vegetable juices help as cleansers; you can mix them with honey, this will enhance the effect. Juices:

  • Carrot juice with honey – diluted in half, take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. spoon.
  • Black radish with honey or sugar, dilution 1:1, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day; cabbage juice with sugar, 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.
  • Based on these three juices, it is made alcohol tincture, mix all the juices, one liter at a time (carrot, black radish, beet), in an enamel bowl, seal the lid with dough, simmer in the oven for 1 - 1.5 hours, leaving there until completely cooled. Mix with vodka (half a liter) and drink this “liqueur” 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals, course – a month.

Fruit and vegetable juices work as cleansers

Garlic and onions contain essential oils, phytoncides, and vitamins. This natural antiseptic. They will not only protect against the virus during the season, but also cleanse the lungs. Do it once a week onion syrup: Sprinkle the chopped onion with sugar and let the juice release. Syrup take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 - 4 times a day, after meals. Chicken broth helps in cleaning the lungs, from domestic chicken. Season it with herbs and garlic to enhance the effect.

Milk is harmful for a reason. By itself, milk removes toxins if you drink it regularly. Good to use and dairy products. Several milk-based recipes:

  • Pour 0.5 liters of unpeeled oats into a glass. Reduce milk to half over low heat. Rub through a sieve and strain. Drink the resulting solution. Take half a glass (this is what you get at the end) before meals 3 times a day. An excellent expectorant.
  • Pour half a liter of boiling milk into a thermos, put in pre-washed three green pine cones and a piece of resin the size of a coin.
  • Infuse for 4 hours in a thermos, strain and take on an empty stomach and before bed, for a course of 1 - 2 months. The cones can be infused three times. Strain thoroughly using 6 layers of gauze.

Herbal tea is an excellent cleanser. Oregano and tricolor violet are used to cleanse the respiratory tract. Herbs are used, like essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon) for inhalation, which is also very effective. Essential oils diluted in alcohol, they are water insoluble. 5 drops of oil per spoon of alcohol. Sage, chamomile, and calendula cleanse well. It is recommended to clean the lungs with activated carbon, 2 tablets per day. But charcoal is a detoxifier, it adsorbs both good and bad, so you shouldn’t abuse it.

A person addicted to smoking probably does not know or does not want to know what changes occur in the lungs due to his addiction. But if you show a person what the lungs look like on fluorography, he will probably be interested in the topic of cleaning the lungs, because when they become dirty, they not only stop functioning normally, but also cause disruption to the activity of other organs - the heart, brain, circulatory system.

Do your lungs need cleaning?

Most of our organs are naturally endowed with the ability to cleanse themselves. But let's not forget what times we live in:

  1. The dustiness of city air, emissions from hazardous enterprises, and transport smog - all this creates additional stress on our respiratory organs.
  2. If to all these external influences is added such bad habit like smoking, it is rare that the body can withstand such a load, and the lungs are most often the first to suffer.
  3. It is extremely unwise and dangerous to leave this most important organ without help, because its pollution causes the development pulmonary diseases, negatively affects the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular, immune and central nervous systems, affects the structure of the blood.

That is why, if the lungs are excessively polluted, you should not hope for their self-cleaning, but help them with everything possible ways. Cleansing procedures will help restore normal ventilation of the lungs, and with them the activity of other organs and systems.

Can everyone cleanse their lungs?

The methods used to cleanse a smoker's lungs are not suitable for every person. Someone may be allergic to herbal ingredients the simplest folk remedies, someone is experiencing an exacerbation of a serious pulmonary disease. Therefore, before cleaning your lungs, it is advisable to visit your doctor and discuss this issue with him.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • reduced immunity;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant formations;
  • the presence of genetic pathologies.

Chronic lung pathologies (COPD, asthma) are also considered as an obstacle to cleansing the lungs at home.

How to prepare for cleaning?

The process of cleansing the lungs cannot be carried out spontaneously, without preliminary preparation respiratory system and the whole organism to radical changes.

  1. First, you need to give up the most harmful habit for your lungs - smoking. Think for yourself, is it possible to cleanse your lungs if they become clogged again every day?
  2. If you have been smoking for a long period, then not only your respiratory system, but also your digestive organs, in particular your intestines, have probably suffered. Inhaled tobacco smoke and the tars and other toxins it contains contribute to the formation of mucus and even stones on the intestinal walls. Before you cleanse your lungs, be sure to cleanse your intestines.
  3. If it is possible to change your place of residence or work to less harmful living and working conditions, do so. Then your lungs will become truly easy to breathe.
  4. Be sure to consult with your doctor, find out if you have any contraindications for such a process as cleansing the lungs with folk remedies and other procedures.

Only after you are confident in the safety of cleansing techniques in your individual case can you begin the step-by-step process of healing your lungs.

Popular ways to cleanse the lungs

There are many ways to cleanse your lungs of dust, mucus and tarry compounds. Of course, the lungs of a smoker and healthy person exposed to harmful atmospheric influences, have different degrees pollution. Therefore, the expected effect in these cases may occur in different terms. For example, if self-cleaning of the lungs after quitting smoking takes approximately 1-3 years (depending on the degree of damage to the organ), then with the help of special methods this period can be reduced to 3-6 months.

What methods are popular today?

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises force the lungs to work, and, moreover, to work with a large rush of blood to the alveoli. This allows you to speed up the air exchange process and remove harmful substances from the deep parts of the respiratory tract.

  1. To fully cleanse the lungs, 15-20 minutes of exercise a day is enough. In this case, you can use the Frolov breathing simulator.
  2. You can go to your nearest fitness club to perform exercises under the guidance of a specialist.
  3. The lungs will also be cleaned well thanks to the “full yogi breathing” system, which experienced yoga instructors can teach.
  4. To cleanse the lungs of a former smoker at home, you can master the “Strelnikova Breathing Gymnastics” system.

Generally speaking, any physical exercise(exercise, jogging, jumping rope, etc.) also make the lungs work. And this is especially useful to do on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. If you can’t do breathing exercises with a professional trainer, at least master the following exercise:

  • do very deep breath nose (if the nose is not breathing, first clean it using nasal drops);
  • hold your breath for 5 seconds, trying to press your stomach to your spine;
  • slowly exhale air through your mouth, stretching your lips into a narrow tube;
  • Do not exhale all the air to the end - exhale the remaining portion in several short bursts.
  • rest (breathe randomly for a few seconds) and repeat the exercise again, after a short rest, repeat the exercise again.

It is advisable to do this exercise to cleanse the respiratory system 3 times a day for 3 “approaches”.

How to cleanse your lungs with oats?

Sometimes you can hear about such a method as cleansing the lungs with oats. Is it really possible to use this product to remove dust from the lungs and free them from mucus and toxins? Yes, but you have to work hard for it.

  1. Take 200 g of whole, unrefined oatmeal, rinse and place in boiling 500 ml of milk.
  2. Reduce heat and simmer the mixture over low heat for about half an hour, stirring.
  3. Remove the product from the heat, let it cool slightly and drain through a filter (for example, 2 layers of gauze) into another container.
  4. The resulting 100 ml of light brown viscous mass should be eaten immediately in 1 dose on an empty stomach.
  5. Do this procedure before every meal.
  6. After a few days, a productive cough will appear, indicating that “the process has begun” - we clean the lungs, spitting out light-colored (and possibly yellow-green) sputum.

The duration of treatment is 14 days.

Medicinal oregano and violet

Medicinal herbs for cleansing the lungs will also be beneficial, and oregano and violet are considered the best in this matter. You can make a healthy and very pleasant-tasting tea from them:

  • mix oregano and violet in equal parts, measure 20 g of the mixture and pour into 500 ml of boiling water:
  • cover with a lid and let sit for about 50-60 minutes;
  • Drink as much as you like to quench your thirst.

Spruce shoots

Young spruce shoots also have cleansing properties. To prepare the cleaning composition, you need to collect at least 3 kg of young spruce shoots in late spring - early summer. They are easily recognized by their lighter color and soft needles (as opposed to the hard old “needles”). The needles should be torn off the branches and a liter jar should be filled with these “needles” as follows:

  • bottom layer – needles;
  • layer of sugar;
  • needles again;
  • again sugar and so on until the entire jar is filled.

The needles need to be compacted and pressed down tightly. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and refrigerate for 3 weeks. During this time, greenish juice with a pleasant pine aroma will be released from the needles. You need to strain it and drink 10 ml 3 times a day until all the “medicine” is gone. The method is ideal for those who are looking for how to quickly clear their lungs of mucus and other contaminants.

Pine milk

The so-called pine milk cleanses the respiratory system a little longer. To prepare it you will need 3 medium-sized green pine cones. They need to be washed thoroughly, pour 500 ml of boiling milk, and put a piece in there. pine resin with a 5-kopeck coin. The product needs to be wrapped or poured into a thermos (but it will be more difficult to wash this container from milk) and let it brew for 5 hours. The strained milk infusion should be drunk 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and shortly before bedtime for 1 month.

Pine jam

Another way to use pine cones to cleanse the lungs, make jam from them. You will need very young, green with a bloom, cones (as if powdered).

  1. They need to be placed in a container and filled with water so as to completely cover the forest product.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for about 8 hours.
  3. When the broth has cooled a little, pour it into another container through a filter and add sugar 1:1, then boil the syrup for another 1 hour.

Take 20 ml of the product before each meal, unless the body “resists”. Otherwise, you can drink it after meals, the lungs will clear within 1.5 months.

Viburnum decoction

A very simple method with incredible affordable product– red viburnum berries – perfectly cleanses not only the lungs, but also the body as a whole. However, there is one caveat - it should not be used by hypotensive patients. The recipe is as follows:

  • boil 1 liter of water and add 200 g of viburnum berries;
  • let the product simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat;
  • let the broth cool, filter and add 30 ml of linden honey;
  • keep the mixture covered for 5 hours;

Drink 100 ml 4 times a day.

Onion-garlic syrup

Phytoncides and essential oils contained in garlic and onions also do an excellent job of cleansing the respiratory system, while also exhibiting an antibacterial effect. And this property could not but be used in the method of cleansing the lungs. Try the recipe:

  • Peel the garlic and onion, rinse and finely chop;
  • pour the mixture with sugar 1:1, mix well and place in a warm place for 2.5 hours;
  • drain the released juice through 2 layers of gauze;

Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, only 1 time a week for 1-2 months.

Cleaning the lungs and bronchi with vegetables and fruits

Some products have special properties that allow them to be used to cleanse a smoker's lungs. This applies mainly to vegetables bright colors, they contain antioxidants and will help strengthen the immune system. To achieve a cleansing effect, it is necessary to include as many fruits and vegetables in the daily menu as possible, both fresh and in the form of juices and as part of a variety of dishes.

Corn silk

Corn silk has long been known for its healing properties, they are also useful for cleaning the lungs. Grind dried corn silks into flour, mix with two parts of natural honey and take half a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Honey, aloe and Cahors

These products can be used to make a cleansing balm for your lungs. Grind 300 g of young aloe leaves (the plant should not be watered for 14 days before removing the leaves), previously cleaned with a damp towel. Add 400 ml of Cahors wine and 350 g of natural honey to a glass container with aloe mass. Close the container with a lid and shake thoroughly to mix all the ingredients. Leave in a dark place for 14 days. Then filter and drink a teaspoon of balm before meals.

Inhalations for the lungs

Inhalation procedures for the lungs are particularly effective and, most importantly, easy to use. Can be used as an inhalation substance aqueous solutions with essential oils of plants such as sage, lavender, fir, mint, wormwood, eucalyptus, juniper, pine, cedar. You can also use decoctions from the indicated plants (leaves, flowers or bark), cooked according to the recipe: 1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water. Inhalations to cleanse the lungs are conveniently carried out using a special device - a nebulizer.

Herbal infusions

When we cleanse tobacco-contaminated lungs, herbal remedies must be included in the cleansing course. You can use ready-made “breast preparations” from the pharmacy, or you can prepare the mixture yourself.

  1. Take an equal amount of marshmallow and licorice roots, anise seed and coltsfoot leaves, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into boiling 200 ml of water and let stand for half an hour. Drink 100 ml of strained infusion before meals.
  2. Mix sage, anise seeds, marshmallow roots and licorice roots in equal proportions. Brew 1 tablespoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water and let it sit for half an hour. Take 100 ml of the strained product 3 times a day, adding honey or jam if desired.

Cleansing the lungs with medications

If you are a follower traditional medicine, then the list below will be of interest to you. Here are the medicines, recommended for cleansing the lungs. These are drugs with a mucolytic, expectorant effect that promote liquefaction. bronchial secretion and facilitating its evacuation from the lungs.


A medicine produced in the form of syrup and lozenges that facilitates the removal of sputum, dilates the bronchi and relieves bronchospasm thanks to the salbutamol contained in the drug. Taken in accordance with the instructions for use.


Mucolytic, popular due to affordability and effectiveness therapeutic action. It is used for bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, quickly clears the bronchi of mucus, removes phlegm, and makes breathing easier.


One of the best phytotherapeutic agents, characterized by good tolerability, high efficiency and, as a rule, the absence side effects. Promotes liquefaction of sputum and its rapid evacuation from the bronchi of smokers.


A highly effective expectorant characterized by a rapid and stable cleansing effect. It is able to cleanse the lungs even of long-term smokers and quickly makes breathing easier.

In conclusion, we can summarize - cleaning the lungs of smokers is necessary to prevent pulmonary diseases and damage to other organs and systems. Today there are many known ways to cleanse the lungs - from medicines to folk remedies, proven by many years of experience. Be healthy!

Clear the lungs of dust, avoid development various diseases against a background of dust, it is possible if cleaning procedures are carried out annually. The environmental situation in cities is deteriorating every year. Industrial waste and the release of toxic substances make breathing difficult.

The vital functions of the body depend on the respiratory system. Harm comes from settled dust from various types of pollutants released into the atmosphere and entering the body through the respiratory tract. You should think about cleansing the respiratory system if you have the following phenomena:

  • nasal congestion, frequent runny nose;
  • causeless prolonged cough;
  • constant allergies;
  • pain, swelling in the larynx;
  • bronchitis, asthma.

The respiratory system can become clogged for many reasons, but the main ones include tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, frequent colds. Work in enterprises where wood and cement dust is inhaled, in factories - metal shavings and fumes chemicals. It is vitally important to cleanse the lungs of harmful dust, oxygen starvation is fraught with complications.

The body is capable of self-cleansing from dirt due to endocrine system, with a regular harmful factor, reserves are exhausted. It is important to clear the bronchi of dust; they are the first to be hit.

At-risk groups

At risk are people who are most susceptible to respiratory contamination and require regular cleaning:

  • actively abusing tobacco products;
  • residents of polluted cities;
  • passive smokers;
  • residents of industrial, environmentally polluted areas;
  • workers of coal mines, woodworking enterprises and construction organizations are susceptible to organ clogging with coal dust, wood and metal shavings, and construction dust.

Safety precautions include protective equipment that reduces the entry of dust particles into the respiratory system. Respirators, gauze bandages unable to fully protect organs.

Methods for cleaning the lungs from construction dust

During repairs, you have to deal with sawing, sanding or trimming wood and cardboard. The grains are able to penetrate into the respiratory tract. When cardboard or wood dust gets into the nose, irritation occurs, weakening of the sense of smell, sensitivity of the ciliated epithelium, sneezing, infection, and bleeding. When wood shavings settle on the walls of the organ, microwounds and scars appear.

The impact of cement dust on the respiratory system has a destructive effect. The lungs, eyes, and skin suffer from building materials. In the absence of proper protection, the eyes begin to water, itch, and with prolonged contact causes blindness. The skin dries out, the cement absorbs moisture. Cracks and bleeding wounds appear on the skin. The lungs are most at risk; under the influence of dust they begin to collapse and become rough.

Dangerous construction dust in the lungs without proper purification leads to irreparable consequences that poison life. Concrete and limestone impurities during repair work can cause pneumonia, sneezing, coughing, irritation of the mucous membranes, and asbestos dust particles with prolonged exposure can cause scarring of lung tissue.

Workers Agriculture suffer from flour dust. When interacting with the mucous membrane, grain dust forms an adhesive-like membrane, inflammatory on the bronchial mucosa. Manicurists are exposed to nail chips, which cause destruction of the thin membrane of the respiratory system.

By observing safety conditions, the risk of developing pulmonary diseases is reduced.

When the first symptoms appear, do not rush, start the procedure immediately, consult your doctor. There is no general cure for cleansing; you can try several options and choose the method you like.


By directly affecting the respiratory tract with medicinal vapors, the effectiveness of inhalation is confirmed. A nebulizer can be used for therapy. Device manufacturers do not allow the use of homemade solutions. You can resort to the old proven method - inhaling vapors over a basin.

Herbs will help cope with dust in the lungs: pharmaceutical chamomile, eucalyptus, pine buds, plantain, cedar and juniper. The decoction is easy to prepare - 1 tablespoon medicinal plants Pour boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters, reduce the heat, and simmer for five minutes. Cool to 45-50 0 C so that the steam does not burn, cover your head, place the basin on the table, and freely inhale the medicinal vapors. For the first procedure, two minutes is enough to check for allergic reaction. Subsequent ones should be 10 minutes long. Well inhalation therapy should consist of ten procedures, once a day. Start inhalation two hours after eating; once completed, do not go outside.

You can cleanse your lungs of traces of smoking by inhalation with decoctions of elderberry herbs, pine buds, juniper, cedar, eucalyptus, and chamomile. For the greatest effect, you need to combine several components in a decoction. Essential oils of fir and cedar/pine trees cleanse the respiratory tract.

Drinking a glass of milk daily can remove toxins from the lungs. A glass of green tea works similarly. Herbal infusions of fennel, thyme, rose hips, and cardamom will help.

Contraindications for inhalation: elevated temperature, closely located blood vessels on the face and predisposition to bloody discharge from the nose.


Medicinal cleansing should be done as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician. The following drugs are used to cleanse the lungs:

  1. Ambroxol cough syrup. It has an expectorant and secretolytic effect. Helps with coughs that produce sticky sputum.
  2. The drug "Bromhexine". It has an expectorant effect and has no contraindications. Due to the variety of produced forms (solution for inhalation and injection, tablets and syrup), it is possible to use different age categories and people with chronic diseases.
  3. The drug "Acetylcysteine" has a mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant effect, stimulating the motor function of the respiratory tract.
  4. Ascoril dilates the bronchi, relieves bronchospasm, thins sputum due to the content of salbutamol.
  5. Mukaltin tablets have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchi-enveloping effect.

If medication does not bring relief, you should go to the hospital.

Breathing exercises

You can cleanse your lungs and strengthen your body with breathing exercises:

  • stand up, straighten your back;
  • take an extremely large breath of air through your nose;
  • hold your breath for 10-15 seconds;
  • exhale air through your mouth, sharply, about ten abrupt exhalations.

Breathing exercises are repeated approximately 30 times.


Effective traditional methods for cleaning breathing systems:

  • Adoption activated carbon in the morning;
  • back massage using natural honey. Spread a thin layer of honey on your back, stick your hands to the skin, peel off your palms;
  • remove the spray from the top respiratory organs rinsing the larynx with mineral water will help;
  • using an infusion of coltsfoot and oregano plants, combined use enhances cleansing.

The accumulation of dust in the lungs has Negative influence on coordinated work body. For achievement maximum results Your doctor will help you choose the right method.

Contraindications to cleansing

The product may have many individual contraindications. The main limitations of the cleansing procedure include:

  • allergic reaction to drug components;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system, tuberculosis;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Restoring your lungs from dust is a long process that requires a lot of patience. But the result will please you good performance body work.

It's no secret that the environmental situation in major cities it gets worse every year. More and more toxins are entering the atmosphere, which consist of tiny elements that settle on the surface of the respiratory tract, making breathing difficult, and leading to bronchitis, allergies and even asthma. Even simple dust does not become a “gift” for the body. You need to get rid of it as soon as possible, using a set of methods that can be applied at home. It is worth remembering that people doing hard work in dusty conditions inhale up to 12 thousand liters of air with 2 tablespoons of dust in one shift, which is dissolved in it. Many gerontologists come to the conclusion that dust is largely responsible for accelerating the human aging process. Therefore, the question of how to cleanse your lungs of dust requires serious consideration.

Most of the dust is retained in the respiratory tract thanks to the ciliated epithelium equipped with cilia. It covers all respiratory organs and ensures that particulate matter is eliminated from the body during sneezing or along with phlegm and mucus. But not all pollutants can be dealt with on our own, and some elements remain in the lungs and bronchi forever. Because of this, air exchange is disrupted - the alveoli cannot absorb a sufficient amount of oxygen from the air, the level of blood supply drops and pressure rises. For those who work in laundries, the problem is dust mites, which enter the body from contaminated laundry, and farmers can develop fungal lung infections due to the fact that they inhale fertilizer particles. If the body’s own strength is not enough to remove dust, you need to use proven methods. Otherwise, you can develop silicosis, which is detected only a few years after starting work in a hazardous industry.

In case of presence harmful factor at work, clearing your lungs of dust will not be so easy, you will have to change your occupation. Otherwise, contaminated lungs will affect the entire body, leading to arterial hypertension And pathological change heart muscle. The process of cleaning the lungs should include a set of measures aimed at both changing living conditions - humidified air, ventilated rooms, and combating allergies and improving lung ventilation. In order to achieve best result drug treatment, aimed at improving blood supply to alveolar tissue, is combined with techniques breathing exercises. The doctor prescribes expectorants that increase sputum production and thin it. Eufillin is a drug for improving blood circulation in the circle connecting the heart and lungs; it also helps to overcome the problem caused by contamination of respiratory tract tissues.

It is necessary not only to clear the airways, but to support the heart muscle. To achieve this goal, antioxidants, antihypoxants and metabolites are prescribed. For many people good effect allow you to spend several months on the Black Sea coast in a special health resort, where inhalation treatment will be provided. The air itself, saturated with salt ions, also has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Inhalations can be carried out not only under the supervision of doctors, but also at home. To do this, you will need to use decoctions of chamomile, sage and calendula. Inhaling medicinal vapors causes liquefaction of mucus in the bronchi and lungs - it easily comes off along with phlegm and carries dust with it. Alternative herbal infusions consists of tea tree, lavender and eucalyptus oils. In order for the oil to dissolve in water, it must first be mixed with alcohol or vodka.

In order for cleansing of the bronchi and lungs to occur quickly and painlessly, it is useful to use traditional methods, such as back massage using honey. You need to get support for this process. loved one, who will conduct sessions every day. Another effective way To cope with the problem of dust in the lungs, you need to take activated carbon - you need to drink two tablets every morning. Bronchial dilatation can be achieved by using urological and chest collections, alternating them with each other. To remove dust from the upper respiratory tract, it is enough to gargle every day for a month with mineral water. But if possible, it is better to spend this time in a health resort on the seashore. Very popular and effective means becomes an infusion with tricolor violet, which enhances the work of eyelashes ciliated epithelium. Using a set of methods, you can quickly get rid of dust in your lungs.