How to properly cleanse your lungs using folk remedies at home. Cleansing the lungs (best ways)

Smoking is a habit that causes significant harm to the human body. Smoke contains a large number of dangerous elements - carcinogens. These substances accumulate in the body and lead to serious negative consequences for good health. If a person gives up this bad habit, then a logical question arises: how to cleanse the lungs after smoking at home.

Why is lung cleansing necessary?

Along with cigarette smoke carcinogenic substances enter the lungs. This is the cause of their swelling. The mucous membranes produce sputum, through which toxic elements are eliminated. If a person smokes infrequently, his lungs cleanse themselves. In chronic smokers, the respiratory organs cannot cope with these loads, which over time provokes poisoning of the body.

The amount of mucus increases, which leads to the development of a chronic cough. If sputum completely fills the bronchi, then serious diseases appear. These include lung damage, obstruction, and bronchitis. After some time, this causes the development of lung cancer.

Therefore, you need to know everything about how to clean the bronchi and lungs of a smoker after many years of smoking. Through systematic cleansing procedures, it is possible to ensure the supply of sufficient oxygen to the tissues and internal organs, remove chemicals from this organ and cope with accumulated mucus.

Medication methods

Answering the question, how to get rid of nicotine in the lungs, most doctors advise medications. Traditional method removal of unwanted substances is the use of sprays, syrups and tablets.

Today, many drugs are known to remove mucus. If the resin begins to cause the cilia to stick together and the sputum becomes viscous, secretomotor agents must be taken to remove it.


This remedy is the most affordable drug, which ensures the removal of harmful elements accumulated in the lungs. Also, this remedy prevents the alveoli from sticking together. If you carry out a full course of treatment, the bronchi and lungs will be cleared of toxic substances much faster.

Instead of this drug, you can use Ambroxan, Lazolvan, ACC or other drugs with the same effect.

A toxicologist can tell you how to remove nicotine from the lungs, who will select the duration of treatment and dosage, taking into account the period of smoking.


Cigarettes leave a large amount of dangerous substances in the lungs chemical elements. To speed up cleansing, you can use special remedy- Gedelix. This is a herbal preparation made from ivy. Thanks to it, you can clean your respiratory organs even with a long history of smoking.


This medicinal product Suitable for experienced smokers. Ascoril has bronchodilator, mucolytic and expectorant properties. With its help, it is possible to facilitate the release of mucous secretions. In order to achieve good effect, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment. Preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

Cleansing a smoker's lungs with folk remedies

There are a lot effective recipes , following which you can answer the question of how to cleanse your lungs of nicotine, for example:

Proper nutrition

Is it possible to treat the respiratory system with food? In fact, compliance special diet allows you to speed up the process of leaving the body harmful substances.

In order to solve the tasks, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Drinking green tea is also beneficial. This drink has a pronounced antioxidant effect and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Under the influence of nicotine, the absorption of vitamin C into the blood is disrupted. In addition, this substance makes the blood more viscous. Therefore, it is so important to include products containing ascorbic acid. This category includes citrus fruits, kiwi, sauerkraut, bell pepper.

In addition, you need to include foods that have a cleansing effect in your diet. These include onions, garlic, ginger and horseradish root. Garlic contains an important substance - allicin. It is this component that thins the mucus and makes it easier to come out.

But most effective product Milk helps cleanse the lungs. However, not all people can drink it in pure form. In order to strengthen beneficial features this product and facilitate absorption, it can be combined with other substances.

The simplest thing is to make jelly from milk. To do this, you need to mix a glass oatmeal with 0.5 liters of milk. The composition must be simmered over low heat for an hour so that the original volume is halved. Grind the prepared product using a blender or pass through a sieve. The product should be used daily for a week.

A couple of weeks after quitting nicotine, the lungs recover. After a few months, mucus and cough gradually disappear. It should be borne in mind that the production of sputum and the development of a cough indicate the beginning of the cleansing process.

What is useful to consume to activate cleansing? To the very useful products include:

Breathing exercises

Execution of specially designed breathing exercises helps remove toxins from respiratory organs and allows you to completely heal the body. Thanks to this gymnastics, the movement of mucus through the bronchi is enhanced, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, the volume of the lungs increases - all this makes it easier to cleanse the lungs at home.

The simplest exercises are releasing air through a straw placed in a glass of water and inflating balloons. If the lungs require more serious cleaning, then yoga complexes can help.

One of the most effective ways strengthening the lungs - cleansing breath, which can be included in your morning exercises:

Cleansing procedures

Quite useful massage to cleanse the lungs. Why can you influence only one point, called “Haba-ex” in acupuncture. Find index finger a small hole that is located in the central part of the neck - approximately 3 cm from the intersection of the collarbones.

When applying pressure to this area, slight pain should appear. This speaks of the right choice points. Over the course of 30 breathing cycles, it is necessary to apply gentle pressure and gently release this area. This massage must be performed three times a day.

It is also an effective way classic massage . In order to do it at home, a person needs to lie on his stomach. The back is treated with a warming cream - this allows the pores to open. Using warm palms, the massage therapist makes sliding movements from the spine to the sides, and then towards the neck and back to the sides.

The movements must be repeated until the skin turns red. Then the palms are folded in the shape of a boat and light blows are made on the back. After completing the procedure, the chest and back should be wrapped in a warm towel.

Quite useful to take medicinal baths and go to the bathhouse. With help bath procedures you can warm up the body, due to this the bronchi are cleansed and the pores open.

In addition, it is useful to steam using oak or birch brooms. After the bath it is recommended to drink herbal tea.

If it is not possible to go to the bathhouse, then you can take pine and herbal baths. Why is it necessary to pour branches of pine needles or collections of medicinal plants? hot water and let it brew. This product should be added to the bath. Pine needles promote the release of toxins and help cleanse pores.

Also quite effective soda baths. To make them you need to take 100 grams. soda and dissolve in the bath. You can add 100 gr. salt. The duration of this procedure is one hour.

  • mince the lemon and mix with honey. Eat 1 tablespoon before meals. This composition effectively removes phlegm;
  • To remove mucus and toxins, you can take 250g of oatmeal and boil 0.6 liters of milk. Cook on fire for half an hour. The composition should be filtered and drunk 150 ml on an empty stomach. Repeat the procedure in the morning. Course – 2 weeks;
  • Onions and garlic cleanse the respiratory system well. You need to peel the vegetables, chop them finely and mix. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar in equal proportions and leave for 3 hours. The resulting juice should be taken in a spoon 3 times a day before meals for a week. Course 1-2 months.

We perform proper cleaning of the bronchi

Recipes for dishes made from vegetables and fruits are great for reading the bronchi. Vegetables containing antioxidants that support the immune system are especially beneficial. You can eat vegetables and fruits in their pure form, freshly squeezed juices.

Recipes for cleansing the bronchi:

  • corn silk. You need to take a dry plant, crush it and mix it with honey. Take before every meal;
  • You can prepare a cleansing tincture from 200 g. aloe leaves rolled into a meat grinder with 0.3 liters of red Cahors and natural honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take before meals three times a day.

How to clean the lungs of a smoker with 20 years of experience?

A smoker with 20 years of experience is a serious patient, since it is almost impossible to remove all toxins and tars. For such patients, in addition to folk ways drugs should be combined with and taken in food, various procedures, breathing practices.

Inhalation procedures are particularly effective. The inhaler is filled with various herbal solutions or essential oils.

Inhalations can be performed at home. To do this, you need to consult with your doctor about the composition that is poured into the nebulizer. Next, preparing the solution is easy: take 1 spoon of herb and brew 250 ml of boiling water.

Infuse for about half an hour, strain thoroughly. You should fill your inhaler with this composition and inhale the steam through your nose and mouth 2 times a day.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

What does a lung x-ray look like?

If you look at an X-ray of the lungs healthy person, there are no black spots on it, which cannot be said about the photo of the smoker. Normal lungs, not covered with resins, have a pinkish color. A smoker has a black organ with a rotting mass, exhausted by smoke.

The pulmonary lobules are separated from each other by septa in which veins and lymphatic vessels. IN connective tissues smokers accumulate soot from cigarettes.

What do smoker's lungs look like? The partitions of the lungs become darker, as if highlighted with a felt-tip pen. The coating is pronounced, lumpy. The lung tissue is also impregnated with black plaque.

Soot accumulates in the bronchi and bronchioles. The lungs work hard to filter large volumes harmful substances.

The soot entering the lungs clogs the alveoli, and the organ cells cannot participate in gas exchange. Therefore, heavy smokers cannot breathe normally, cough, and suffocate during physical exertion.

Take the smoking test

Necessarily, before taking the test, refresh the page (F5 key).

Do they smoke in your home?

Smoker's lung diseases

According to statistics, the lungs suffer from various pathologies much more often. Harmful substances in a cigarette destroy the respiratory system, making it weak and susceptible to various diseases. Smoke itself contains about 4,000 different chemicals, so passive smoking equivalent to regular smoking.

Tobacco smoking provokes the emergence of many dangerous diseases:

  • The cause of back and joint pain in most cases is smoking;
  • due to carbon monoxide entering the blood, oxygen deficiency occurs in all organs and the brain;
  • large doses of nicotine that enter the body regularly can lead to paralysis;
  • appears from clogged lungs, and later pneumonia, chronic bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ecphysema;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • oxidation of the body leads to the formation of tumors - lung oncology.

A smoker is constantly plagued by shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, teeth and nails turn yellow, a large number of wrinkles appear, bad breath appears, and taste and olfactory receptors weaken. The smoker feels physical weakness, memory suffers, and concentration decreases.

Does everyone need cleansing?

Different ones are not suitable for everyone. Allergic reactions to certain drug ingredients or herbs may occur. Some fees may aggravate already existing disease. Before cleansing the lungs and bronchi, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

It is prohibited to perform cleansing under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • anorexia or exhaustion of the body;
  • weak immunity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • seizures, epilepsy, asthma;
  • for serious chronic diseases.


Proper preparation for cleaning

You cannot start cleansing abruptly without special preparation. Preparatory stage- This is an important stage in cleansing the respiratory system from resins.

The lungs are the most important organ for normal life, and the quality of health depends entirely on its work.

Before cleansing, you must listen to the following recommendations:

  • stop smoking;
  • Heavy smokers have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so you need to undergo examination and start treatment with the digestive system. Otherwise medicines will not be absorbed correctly;
  • analyze whether the air is fresh in the area where you live. It will be more useful to move outside the city for a short while;
  • consult a specialist about treatment folk remedies.

Preventing lung cancer in smokers

Tumor statistics make you wonder whether it’s worth starting this project at all. bad habit to then experience a similar illness. The incidence is growing, treatment is very difficult and not always effective. Cancerous lesions do not manifest themselves immediately.

The initial stage is preceded by a number of symptoms:

  • hacking cough;
  • expectoration of sputum;
  • chest pain;
  • severe runny nose.

If blood streaks appear in the sputum, this is the first sign of cancer development.

Then the following obvious symptoms appear:

  • constant ;
  • painful cough;
  • when breathing;
  • rapid fatigue, decreased performance.

This process is irreversible and the only way out is to stop smoking and start treatment.

To avoid such symptoms, you need to follow preventive measures:

  • if the number of cigarettes smoked per day exceeds 5, then the risk of getting cancer increases significantly;
  • passive smoking causes a third of cancer cases;
  • you need to quit smoking abruptly and forever, without replacing or prolonging it;
  • stay in the fresh air as much as possible;
  • at the stage of gradual withdrawal, purchase cigarettes with a minimum amount of nicotine;
  • start playing sports;
  • adjust your diet, increase your consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs;
  • pass the medical examination in the clinic;
  • consume fats of natural origin;
  • drink more fruit drinks and water.

Smoking kills the body and destroys health. If the stage of cancer has reached - death in every second case.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi from tobacco poisons is necessary to restore your health and again experience the colors of life as a healthy person.

How to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of smokers

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Hello, dear readers! In the article we discuss cleansing the lungs with folk remedies.

Talk about various means for cleaning the lungs, inhalations, breathing exercises and medicines to remove mucus.

Lung cleansers

You can cleanse your lungs at home different ways. The most popular among them are cleansing procedures with the following ingredients:

  • oats;
  • milk infused with pine cones;
  • spruce shoots;
  • onion or garlic;

Before you begin the procedures, remember: cleansing the lungs may be accompanied by prolonged cough, indicating the ongoing cleaning of the respiratory system. If you have had pneumonia, you may be releasing sputum in green clumps.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi with oats


  • 1 cup unground oat grains;
  • ½ liter of milk

Pour milk over oats and simmer over low heat by half. Rub the resulting oatmeal through a sieve. You will get 0.5 cups of thick liquid, which is stored in the refrigerator.

Take this mixture daily before your main meals for a week.

Cleansing with milk on pine cones


  • 3 fresh pine cones;
  • a piece pine resin;
  • ½ liter of boiled milk

Wash the cones under running water. Pour into a thermos along with hot milk and leave to infuse. After a few hours, filter the infusion through a gauze filter.

Take the infusion on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed for 2 months.

Cones can be used to prepare an infusion 2-3 times, but do not forget to rinse them thoroughly after each use.

Cleansing with spruce needles

Not only pine, but also other conifers have excellent disinfectant properties. Spruce needles are rich in essential oils that thin and remove mucus.

Collect spruce shoots in late spring - early summer. Place the shoots in a liter jar, alternating with a layer of sugar, and compact tightly.

By shoots we mean the bright green, soft shoots at the tips of the branches.

Leave the jar in a cool place for 3 weeks, after which filter the contents using a gauze filter. You should get a greenish syrup.

Store spruce syrup in the cold and take a teaspoon three times a day.

This cleansing of the lungs with folk remedies can be done once a year for several weeks until the syrup runs out. In this case, your lungs will be reliably protected from dirt and toxins.

Cleansing with onion or garlic


  • 1 head of onion or garlic;
  • honey or granulated sugar.

Grate the onion or garlic, mix with honey or sugar in equal proportions and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon of onion or garlic syrup after your main meal once a week.

The effectiveness of onions and garlic is explained by the high content of phytoncides present in their essential oils and having an antimicrobial effect.

Cleansing with honey

There are 2 recipes for making honey:

In the first case you will need:

  • 250 grams of honey;
  • 15 ml freshly squeezed aloe juice;
  • 300 ml Cahors wine

Mix honey with aloe juice and wine, leave it warm for a week. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

In the second case you will need:

  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 100 grams of lard;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of beeswax;
  • 1 liter of aloe juice.

Melt honey, unsalted lard and wax over low heat. Remove from heat, add aloe juice, stir and boil. Take the resulting mixture 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

At this method cleansing benefits of honey are combined with other natural means, such as aloe or rendered lard.

How to clear mucus from your lungs

Except folk recipes There are several traditional cleansing techniques that are easy to apply at home. They also effectively help cleanse the lungs:

  1. inhalations with oils;
  2. breathing exercises;
  3. medical preparations.

Inhalations with oils

Inhalations with essential oils of pine, eucalyptus and marjoram serve to cleanse the lungs.

To carry out the procedure, boil water in a large enamel pan. Keeping the temperature at low heat, add a few drops of each oil to the pan and deeply inhale the emanating vapors, covering your head with a towel.

The duration of inhalation is 5-10 minutes. The course lasts 2 weeks.

Breathing exercises

Stand straight with one hand on your stomach. Exhale through your mouth, then slowly inhale through your nose, counting each second.

The hand lying on the stomach should feel the protrusion of the abdomen as you inhale.

Hold your breath for a couple of seconds and also exhale slowly. At the same time, the stomach should retract, but rib cage should not move.

Repeat this exercise for 6-7 approaches after sleep and before going to bed.

During such exercises, blood circulation increases, the body is saturated with oxygen, and overall well-being improves.

Keep in mind that your cough may become worse during these exercises. This is an indicator of the effectiveness of the actions taken, so do not be alarmed and continue the exercises. To soften a cough, it is recommended to drink tea with a slice of lemon.


Such means for cleansing the lungs show a good effect plant origin, like Gedelix, Lazolvan and Mukaltin.

Gedelix Suitable for both infants and heavy smokers. Its components dilute sputum well and help activate the bronchi. As a result, sputum is quickly cleared from the lungs, and all pathogenic bacteria die.

Mukaltin used for very serious illnesses respiratory organs to destroy viscous and poorly excreted sputum.

It contains the following active substances, such as marshmallow polysaccharides, as well as tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Under their influence the cilia epithelial tissue bronchi move more actively, diluting sputum.

These are the most popular ways to cleanse the lungs using folk remedies. Their effectiveness has been tested by time and a large number of people cured of various lung diseases.


Cleaning the lungs with folk remedies can cause allergic reactions to one or another component used in the cleaning process. For example, people with lactose intolerance and diseased kidneys should not cleanse their lungs with milk.

To avoid allergic reaction We recommend that you take a serious approach to choosing the method by which you will cleanse your lungs using folk remedies. Try to choose one that optimally takes into account the characteristics of your body.

Do not put off lung cleansing procedures for later - your health is in your hands.

Nature provides the production of a certain amount of mucus in the bronchi; it is needed for protection respiratory system. But, with the appearance of inflammation, artificial pollution, bad habits, the process of sputum production is out of control. In this case, the body cannot remove the accumulated mucus on its own. IN modern conditions breathing air that is full of exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, aerosols, it is necessary to help the body in self-cleansing systematically. You don’t have to pay a lot of money for this; you can cleanse the lungs and bronchi with folk remedies. There are a lot of recipes for herbal decoctions for cleansing the pulmonary system of phlegm; it won’t be difficult to choose something for yourself.

Preventive cleansing of mucus from the lungs and bronchi helps to normalize the functioning of the respiratory system and improve general state health, will reduce the risk of disease.

Indications for cleansing the lungs and bronchi at home:

  1. people working in hazardous enterprises, living in environmentally unfavorable areas and big cities, participating in repair work;
  2. experienced smokers living with smokers;
  3. people who often suffer from colds and chronic bronchitis;
  4. for allergy sufferers.

It is not always possible to change places of residence or work for the benefit of health, but maintaining it on your own is possible for everyone. Clearing the lungs of mucus should be done once a year. It is important to understand the relationship between organs human body: contamination or interruptions in the work of one system negatively affects the health of another. Constant contamination of the lungs and bronchi will ultimately lead to hypoxia of the blood and tissues. Which can cause metabolic disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the heart - vascular system, decreased immunity.

During the cleansing of the lungs and bronchi from dirt, it will help:

  • increase the degree of immune protection;
  • improve overall health;
  • get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth and plaque on teeth;
  • clear your breath;
  • When the body is saturated with pure oxygen, blood vessels are automatically cleansed.

Cleaning the lungs with folk remedies, in most cases, if done correctly, ends with a positive effect. When choosing a prescription, you need to take into account the individual tolerance of all components of the medicine.

Contraindications to cleansing the respiratory system

Any intervention in the functioning of the body, even life-saving and health-improving cleansing, has its contraindications, which must be identified before the procedure begins.

List absolute contraindications to cleanse the lungs and bronchi:

  1. inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. elevated body temperature, febrile conditions:
  3. convulsions of any origin;
  4. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. exhaustion of the body, a state of severe weakness;
  6. anemia;
  7. oncological diseases;
  8. tuberculosis in the active stage;
  9. genetic pathologies of the respiratory system.

Even if you are in excellent health, before starting cleansing you need to undergo an examination and consult with a doctor when choosing a cleansing method.

Viscous sputum mucus on the walls of the lungs and bronchi, accumulates in excess with active smoking, frequent colds. In cases chronic bronchitis or acute respiratory diseases, in viscous sputum particles of pus, blood, and lung tissue are formed. Clearing the lungs of mucus in such cases is urgently necessary, but only after the disease has alleviated. You can remove phlegm from the bronchi using folk remedies using hot expectorant teas and decoctions.

In some cases, you can enable cleansing using breathing exercises And physical activity. Additionally, you can perform the following cleansing exercises:

  1. Take a position lying on your back, put your arms along your body or throw them behind your head. One leg needs to be bent at the knee and rested on the floor, then you need to twist the lower body to the right and left;
  2. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. In this situation you need to do deep breath, raising your shoulders, stay in this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

These exercises should be performed daily throughout the course of clearing the bronchi from mucus, 10-15 repetitions. It is important to know that any physical exercise promote the removal of mucus from the walls of the lungs.

Drainage massage as an effective remedy for getting rid of phlegm and mucus on the lungs

You can perform the procedure at home:

1. first of all, you need to take a warm bath and steam your body;
2. You can use cream or heated olive oil to moisturize;
3. massage should be done from the chest and then from the back;
4. Next you need to warm up the skin with massage rubbing movements;
5. Afterwards, a series of vibration taps are performed in the area of ​​the bronchi for 10 minutes;
6. Cover the patient with a warm blanket and allow him to rest and cool down for 30 minutes.

Well of this massage should be at least 10 procedures, carried out every day.
Cleaning of the lungs and bronchi cannot be carried out separately from other organs; cleaning of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract must be carried out before or after any technology for cleaning the lungs.

It is important to remember two stages of action, without which it is impossible to clear the respiratory system of sputum and mucus using folk remedies. The first is the dilution of phlegm and mucus - this stage needed to facilitate elimination, thick mucus will not come off the walls of the lungs. Secondly, it is very important to stimulate the work of the epithelial muscles, due to which the sputum will be removed faster.

Popular methods of cleansing the lungs and bronchi

Cleansing the bronchi and lungs has been practiced by people at home for many years, so many popular recipes have accumulated. The most current methods of cleansing today:

  • breathing exercises;
  • cleansing with honey and milk;
  • garlic-onion mixture;
  • corn silk;
  • cleansing with viburnum;
  • soda
  • pine cones, buds and milk;
  • certain foods;
  • cleaning the bronchi with a decoction of viburnum;
  • cleansing the lungs at home using herbal teas;
  • cleansing with Cahors and aloe juice and faith.

Usually, you have to alternate several techniques, since some of them are recommended to be carried out in a short course. For cleaning, it is better to choose a complex of folk remedies and supplements in the form of exercises or massage. It is important to complete the course of procedures; interrupted cleansing will not give any result. During the cleansing, you need to stop drinking alcohol, fatty foods in your diet, and caffeine. You need to quit smoking forever if you decide to cleanse your lungs.

Viburnum helps to separate and remove even old and stubborn mucus, improve overall health, and improve immunity.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  1. viburnum fruits 200 grams;
  2. boiling water 1 liter;
  3. honey 30 grams.

Pour boiling water over the fruits and simmer the broth over low heat for 25 minutes, then cool and filter. Add honey at the end. Take 200 ml 4 times a day. The course of cleansing is 30 days. This recipe should be used in combination with other cleansing methods. Cleansing the bronchi and lungs with folk remedies gives good results, and there are also recipes traditional medicine always affordable.

Cleaning the lungs and bronchi with this method is considered very effective and beneficial for the whole body.


  1. pine resin (about the size of a coin);
  2. green pine cones 3 pcs;
  3. milk 0.5 liters.

The resin and cones are poured with boiling milk, then you need to leave the infusion for 4-5 hours. Strain the cooled product and take 150-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of cleansing with this product is 2 months, in special cases you can extend the course. This remedy will cleanse the lungs of mucus without harm, improve breathing and health.

Cleansing the bronchi with vegetables has a long-lasting and quick effect. It’s not enough to just enrich your diet with vegetables and herbs; you need to prepare a special medicinal mixture:
carrot juice(500 ml) mixed in equal parts with beetroot and black radish juice. Combine the juice mixture with vodka (500 ml), mix everything well and close tightly. Do not allow air to get into the drink. Place the bottle (fireproof) in the oven for 2 hours, choose a not very high degree so that the bottle does not burst, the main task is to simmer the composition in the heat. Take 50 ml three times a day after meals. Course duration is 30-35 days.

This remedy for cleaning the respiratory system is especially important after suffering from bronchitis and colds. These vegetables have an antioxidant and disinfecting effect due to the content large quantity phytoncides.

To prepare the syrup you will need:

  1. onion 1 piece;
  2. garlic 2 heads;
  3. sugar 1 pinch.

Everything needs to be finely chopped to a puree, and left to give juice for several hours. Take with caution, 1 tablespoon three times a day. The course of cleansing is a week. Cannot be accepted this remedy people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi with a mixture of corn silk can only be used in conjunction with other cleansing methods. This product helps reduce acute condition diseases respiratory tract.

To make the medicine you will need:

  1. dry corn silk;

Grind the stigmas to flour, add honey to them in a ratio of 1:2. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 14 days.

Violet and oregano to cleanse the lungs

Oregano has a strong cleansing and medicinal properties, has a deadly effect on infections and bacteria, and is often more effective than antibiotics. Cleansing the lungs with folk remedies, such as a decoction of violet and oregano, can be started at the first appearance of a cough, since this remedy is healing.

To prepare healing and cleansing tea you will need:

  1. dry violet 10 g;
  2. oregano 10 gr.

Mix the herbs, pour boiling water over them, let them brew for about an hour. Drink 200 ml, 2-3 times a day, more is possible. Good remedy to combat bronchitis and respiratory diseases.

Oats and milk

Most ancient way. To prepare medicinal porridge you will need:

  1. milk 0.5 liters;
  2. 250 grams of oatmeal.

Pour milk over the oats and cook over low heat until the milk is absorbed into the oats and the porridge doubles in size. Next, rub the thick mixture through a grater or sieve, and take 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Cleansing will begin to occur along with increasing coughing and sputum production. When the cough ends and mucus is no longer coughed up, then the cleansing can be considered complete.

Cleaning the lungs and bronchi is easy to do at home using traditional methods. You cannot decide to cleanse the body on your own; it is important to undergo examination by a doctor and take tests to identify contraindications to the cleansing procedure. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations, prepare folk remedies exactly as prescribed and take them according to the schedule. Any worsening of the condition: nausea, diarrhea, racing blood pressure, weakness, dizziness - a reason to stop the procedure and go to the hospital.

The lungs in the body are vital important body, therefore it is important Special attention pay attention to cleansing the lungs. The first step is to quit smoking if you haven't already. Many respiratory and pulmonary diseases arise precisely due to contamination of the lungs with harmful substances. Everyone knows that the lungs can become polluted not only from smoking, but also from harmful substances in the air. Therefore, it is necessary for all residents of large cities to cleanse their lungs, even those who do not smoke.

The fastest and in a simple way cleansing is the application herbal remedies. Best time to cleanse the lungs - from mid-September to mid-November.

Symptoms of lung pollution:

  • weak breathing, speech
  • shortness of breath on exertion
  • cough, asthma, pulmonary diseases
  • swelling of the face, mucus in the nose, nose bleed, venous diseases, urology, eczema in the elbow
  • the person has a quiet voice when speaking and yawns frequently

Herbal tea to cleanse the lungs

Mix herbs: plantain, lungwort, mullein and speedwell flowers (1:1:1:2). Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and brew 150 ml of boiling water. Drink the infusion throughout the day, and the next day prepare a new infusion. This tea will help cleanse the lungs of mucus and toxins. Cleansing course: from 14 days to 1 month. Essential oils can be used in parallel with cleansing tea.

Essential oils

Mix 50 ml olive oil with essential oils (oil tea tree, oregano, eucalyptus) approximately 10 drops. Rub the oil mixture onto the chest area morning and evening to help naturally cleanse the lungs.

Curry for the lungs

Good news for former smokers. According to research conducted by the National University of Singapore, curry seasoning increases lung capacity by 10%. Former smokers should add this seasoning to all dishes daily. Antioxidants contained in curry repair and relieve inflammation. Curry seasoning can be mixed with any sauce, mustard, sour cream, etc.

Strengthening the respiratory tract

To strengthen the respiratory tract, plants that contain silicon (horsetail, knotweed) are suitable. To do this, prepare a slightly bitter drink.

Centaury 10 g

Goldenrod 15 g

Thyme 25 g

Nettle 25g

Marshmallow root 30 g

Knotweed 20 g

Brew 2 tbsp in a teapot. spoons of prepared collection from these herbs. Add 15 drops of echinacea tincture to each cup of tea. Take this strengthening tea once a day for 14 – 20 days.

Removing mucus and toxins from the lungs (instructions)

1 Before cleansing the lungs, you must not consume dairy products for 2 days, because they can interfere with the detoxification process.

2 The night before your first day of cleansing, drink 1 cup of herbal laxative tea. Tea can be purchased at a pharmacy.

3 In the morning, drink lemonade: 250 – 300 ml of water + juice of 2 lemons. This drink should be drunk 30 minutes before breakfast.

4 For breakfast, drink 300 ml of fresh grapefruit or orange juice. These juices contain antioxidants that improve respiratory health.

5 Between lunch and dinner, drink 250–300 ml of carrot juice.

6 For lunch, drink 350 ml multi-juice: carrots, spinach, parsley, seaweed (pass through a juicer).

7 Before dinner, drink cleansing tea: rosehip, ginger, mint (steam 4 tablespoons in a thermos (500 ml) for 12 hours).

8 At night, drink 300 ml of pure cranberry juice. This way you can clean your lungs once a month. Cleaning is carried out within 3 days.

Tips: Avoid drinks that contain chemical substances. Drink only fresh juices. To prevent blockages, drink cranberry juice and visit the bathhouse (sauna). Take a walk in nature every day; a brisk walk is especially good for your lungs.

Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C. Eat more vegetables such as garlic and horseradish. Minimize your consumption of foods that contain white flour. Avoid coffee and black tea.

8 Best Herbs to Cleanse Your Lungs

For health and cleansing the lungs Herbs that have a number of benefits are suitable. They can be expectorant, i.e. allowing you to remove mucus from the lungs and increase blood flow to the chest. Some herbs help soothe irritated nasal passages and airways. Let's take a look at eight best herbs, which are ideal for health and cleansing of the respiratory system!

1. Osha Root

Osha Root grows in mountainous and rocky areas. The roots of the plant contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. The herb improves blood circulation in the lungs, facilitating the act of deep entry. At respiratory infections Osha Root helps soothe irritated airways.

2. Eucalyptus

Australian natives, Germans, Americans, Russians, etc. use eucalyptus to improve the health of the respiratory system and also to treat sore throats. Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough syrups and lozenges. The active compound cineole has many benefits - it is an expectorant, can relieve coughs, and soothes irritated sinuses. In addition, eucalyptus contains antioxidants that support the immune system during colds or other illnesses.

3. Lungwort

Lungwort has been used to treat respiratory problems since the 1600s. Lungwort by appearance reminds lung tissue. The plant contains compounds that destroy germs, viruses, and improve lung health.

4. Oregano

Oregano contains many vitamins and nutrients which are necessary to maintain immune system. Oregano has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

5. Plantain leaves

Plantain has been widely used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. Plantain is effective in treating pulmonary diseases. The plant relieves coughs, relieves inflammation, and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Plantain leaves are used to treat dry cough.

6. Elecampane

The Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and even Indian Ayurvedic medicine use elecampane to support lung health. In the 1800s, the first cough drops were produced from elecampane root. Cause? Elecampane relaxes the smooth muscles of the trachea. There are two active compounds in elecampane that provide positive effect- inulin and alantolactone. Inulin calms bronchial congestion, and alantolactone relieves expectoration and treats cough.

7. Lobelia

Lobelia is the most valuable medicinal plant. The plant contains an alkaloid known as lobeline, which thins mucus and removes it from the lungs. In addition, lobelia stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which relaxes the airways and makes breathing easier. The herb is ideal for treating respiratory conditions, breathing problems and cleansing the lungs.

8. Mint

Peppermint and peppermint oil contain menthol, a soothing substance that relaxes the smooth muscles of the airways and promotes free breathing. Mint has an antiallergic and decongestant effect. In addition, mint is an antioxidant.