How does ringworm develop? Ringworm in humans and its effective treatment. Superficial trichophytosis and features of the lesion

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In the absence of these predisposing factors, the fungus does not cause the development of the disease, since it is destroyed immune cells or washed off from the surface of intact skin during hygiene procedures.

Types of ringworm

Depending on the area of ​​skin affected by fungi, the following forms of ringworm are distinguished:
  • Tinea pedis – on the soles of the feet;
  • Tinea unguium – on the fingernails and toenails;
  • Tinea corporis – skin of the arms, legs and torso;
  • Tinea cruris or eczema marginatum - in the armpits and on the skin of the inguinal folds;
  • Tinea manuum – hands and palms;
  • Tinea capitis – scalp area;
  • Tinea barbae – scalp and facial hair;
  • Tinea faciei or face fungus - facial skin.
This classification uses the Latin names of parts of the body that have been infected by fungi. This unified designation allows doctors to understand where on the human body the ringworm was.

In addition to the classification of infection according to the site of infection, there is a division into clinical forms, depending on the type of course, the depth of the lesion and the reactions of the human immune system. The following clinical forms of ringworm are distinguished:
1. Superficial (the lesion is localized on the scalp or on smooth skin).
2. Chronic.
3. Nail.
4. Infiltrative-suppurative (deep).

Superficial ringworm is most often transmitted to children from sick adults in whom the disease has not been identified and treated. When one child or adult with ringworm appears in schools or kindergartens, it leads to a very rapid spread of infection and an epidemic outbreak. The same thing happens with family members living in the same territory.

If superficial ringworm is not treated in childhood, it will progress slowly until puberty. Upon reaching the age of puberty, most boys recover from ringworm on their own, but in girls the infection can develop into chronic form, which is called black-dot.

Among adults, chronic ringworm occurs only in women who had a superficial infection in childhood. Chronicity of ringworm in women occurs when microcirculation is impaired, malfunction thyroid gland and genital organs (ovaries, etc.), as well as against the background of low body resistance to infections and vitamin deficiency.

The deep form of ringworm is caused by fungi transmitted from animals to humans. These fungi lead to inflammation of the hair follicles as they multiply there.


In general, all forms of ringworm are similar and have a number of common symptoms. However, each clinical form characterized by its own characteristics. Let's look at the symptoms of each form of ringworm.

Superficial lichen of the scalp

Areas of hair thinning appear on the scalp round shape, which can be single or multiple. In places where hair strands are thinning, there is peeling of the skin, multiple small whitish or gray scales that look like dandruff. The hairs at the location of the fungus break off at a distance of 1 - 3 mm from skin surface, taking on the appearance of short-cropped hair. Such appearance hair and gave the name to the infection - ringworm. At the site of hair thinning, there may be slight redness of the skin, and small blisters develop along the perimeter of the lesion, which become covered with crusts. yellow color. The diameter of the lesions can vary significantly, from 3 to 7 or more cm.

Usually, superficial lichen is not accompanied by inflammation, so nothing bothers a person except mild itching and an unpleasant aesthetic appearance.

Superficial ringworm on smooth skin

Superficial ringworm on smooth skin can be localized to the face, neck or body. In this case, clear, round spots are visible on the skin, which are lesions. The spots increase in size over time. The lesion is surrounded around the perimeter by a small ridge of vesicles and nodules Pink colour, and yellow crusts. In the center of the lesion, the skin has a paler color, and on the surface there are small plate-shaped gray scales. Usually the lesions do not cause any inconvenience to the patient, with the exception of slight itching and an unesthetic appearance.

Chronic ringworm

Chronic ringworm can be localized on the scalp, fingernails, or smooth skin. On the head, lesions are localized, for the most part, at the temples and the back of the head. The lesion is a small (no more than 0.5 cm) smooth scar, similar to an atrophic one, which peels off a little, but has no signs of an inflammatory reaction. At the site of this outbreak, the hair breaks off at the very root, forming a spot called black dot.

Chronic ringworm on smooth skin is most often localized on the buttocks, thighs, knees and elbow joints or palms. In this case, the lesion looks like a bluish or pinkish spot of a fairly large size with a vague outline. The surface of the spot is moderately peeling.

Typically, lesions of chronic ringworm are characterized only by mild itching, and there are no other subjective symptoms. Nails affected by lichen become dull, cloudy, gray in color, the outer edge becomes jagged and is easily painted. The nail can suddenly become very thick or, on the contrary, thin.

Deep (infiltrative-suppurative) ringworm

Deep (infiltrative-suppurative) ringworm on the scalp is characterized by the development of large plaques on the skin with a diameter of 6–8 cm, colored bright red, having a bumpy surface and similar to tumor formations. Plaques rise greatly above the surface of the skin. These formations are multiple inflamed purulent hair follicles with edematous dermis underneath that have merged together. These plaques are extremely painful. On their surface, purulent contents are released from the mouths of the hair follicles. Over time central part formations are covered with crusts with a loose structure, painted in a dirty brown color. Often such deep ringworm is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, which are also painful when palpated. Malaise, allergic rashes or fever may often develop. Total duration of the course infectious process is 2 – 3 months. In women, deep lichen is localized only on the scalp, and in men it can affect the facial skin in the area of ​​the beard and mustache.


The diagnosis of ringworm is made based on the results of a doctor's examination and is confirmed by bacterioscopic examination of scrapings from the lesion. For scraping, scales and stumps of hair are taken, which are examined under a microscope for the presence of fungus. Usually in upper layers spores and mycelium of fungi are detected on the skin, which confirms the diagnosis made by the doctor based on the examination.

Superficial ringworm on the scalp should be distinguished from alopecia alopecia and favus, and on smooth skin - from psoriasis and eczema.

Chronic ringworm is differentiated from the following pathologies:

  • nail eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dystrophy and lichen planus.
Deep ringworm must be distinguished from the following pathologies:
  • ostiofolliculitis;
  • iododerma;
  • bromoderma;
  • staphylococcal sycosis.


General principles of therapy

To treat all forms of ringworm, antifungal drugs are used orally (in tablet form), which are combined with local therapy. The following medications are effective for treating ringworm:
  • Micoconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Preparations with active substance terbinafine (for example, Lamisil, Terbifin, Terbizil, etc.).
Foot fungus is best treated with Clotrimazole or Ketoconazole orally; if necessary, selenium sulfide is applied externally. Ringworm on smooth skin can be easily cured with drugs containing Terbinafine and tolnaftate. Externally, as a local treatment, 5% is most often used alcohol solution Yoda.

After the symptoms disappear and the structure of the skin and hair normalizes, antifungal medications are continued for another 1 week to avoid recurrence of the infection.

Treatment methods for superficial ringworm

Before starting therapy, hair on the head and body is shaved. Throughout the course of treatment, shaving of hair on the head and body is carried out once a week.

Systemic treatment. Therapy for fungal infections of both the scalp and smooth skin includes oral administration of griseofulvin. The dosage of griseofulvin is calculated based on a person’s body weight - 15 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. Thus, for a person weighing 70 kg, the required amount of griseofulvin is 70 * 15 mg = 1050 mg. The resulting amount of the drug needed to treat the fungus is divided by three and taken, respectively, three times a day. That is, for a person weighing 70 kg, it is necessary to receive 1050 mg of griseofulvin per day - this means that he must take the drug 350 mg (1050 / 3 = 350) three times a day. Griseofulvin is taken every day for 15–25 days, conducting a bacterioscopic analysis once a week for the presence of fungus in the scraping. After the fungus is no longer detectable in scrapings, it is necessary to continue taking griseofulvin every other day, at the same dosage, for another 2 weeks.

Local treatment. In addition to taking griseofulvin orally, local treatment of the lesions is necessary to treat ringworm. To do this, in the morning the lesions are treated with a 3–5% solution of iodine in alcohol. In the evening, before going to bed, the lesions are treated with sulfur-salicylic, or 3% pure salicylic acid, 10% precipitated sulfur or sulfur-tar ointment. You can prepare sulfur-tar ointment yourself - for this you take 5% or 10% sulfur or tar, in equal quantities, for the same amount of ointment base (for example, Vaseline or lanolin). For example, take 10 g of sulfur, 10 g of tar and 10 g of ointment base, mix everything thoroughly and apply to the affected area.

If griseofulvin cannot be used for any reason, then they are content with local treatment. To do this, hair is first removed from the affected area with a 4% epilin patch. If it is impossible to use an epilin patch, they resort to X-ray hair removal before treating superficial lichen. Before irradiation, you must cut your hair short (no longer than 2 cm) or shave your head. All crusts are removed using oil dressings, and the ulcers are dried. Then adults receive the entire dose of X-ray hair removal at once - 400 g with irradiation of four fields, and for children it is divided into 2, 3 or 4 equal parts, for example, 100 g + 100 g + 100 g + 100 g or 100 g + 150 g + 150 g. In children, irradiation is carried out with one, two or three fields at a time. Fractional irradiation is used to treat the mustache and beard growth area in men. Hair falls out 2 - 3 weeks after X-ray hair removal, and the remains are removed manually with special tweezers.

After hair loss due to X-ray irradiation or the use of an epilin patch, local treatment is carried out. In the mornings, treat the affected skin with a 2% iodine solution, and in the evenings apply 3% salicylic, 10% sulfur, 10-15% tar ointment or Wilkinson ointment for 2 to 3 weeks. After this, the skin is treated with only a 2% iodine solution every day for another month.

After completing the course of treatment for ringworm, it is necessary to conduct a bacterioscopic analysis of scrapings from the surface of the skin in the area of ​​localization of the former lesions. Scrapings are taken three times - immediately after treatment, after 7 days and after 2 - 3 months. If all three tests are negative, then ringworm is cured. If the test is positive, then you will have to undergo another course of therapy.

Treatment methods for chronic ringworm

Treatment of chronic ringworm involves the use of the antifungal drug griseofulvin orally, local treatment and medications that destroy predisposing factors:
  • vitamins;
  • products that improve microcirculation and strengthen blood vessels;
  • hormones, etc.).
The dosage of griseofulvin and duration of therapy are similar to those for superficial ringworm. Local therapy is also identical to that for superficial lichen (morning application of a 5% iodine solution and evening treatment of the lesions with sulfur-salicylic and sulfur-tar ointments). Typically, chronic ringworm responds well to treatment, but occasionally there are relapses when it is necessary to undergo a new course of antifungal treatment.

Chronic ringworm often involves nails that need to be removed and topical treatment applied to the nail bed. Treatment of chronic nail lichen is carried out using the detachment method, the Arabian or Andriasyan method.

Nail detachment method consists of applying bandages with salicylic-lactic or benzoin ointment. The ointments are applied to the nail twice, and each time left for 2 days. Then 5% salicylic petroleum jelly is applied to the nail plate for two days. Then the entire nail plate, which has become soft, is scraped off with a scalpel. If it was not possible to remove the entire nail, then the procedure of applying ointments and Vaseline is repeated, and upon completion, the softened layer of the nail plate is scraped off again. The horny deposits on the nail bed, which are exposed after the nail is removed, are also removed. Then the free bed is treated with iodine solution for 7 - 10 days, in increasing concentrations: 5% - 10% - 50%. After treatment, take a break for 2–3 days, and repeat the course of therapy. Such courses of treatment for nail fungus must be carried out three times.

Arabian method consists of using an ointment consisting of an equal amount of potassium iodide and lanolin, which is applied to the nail plate to soften it for 10 days. Then the soft nail is removed, and the nail bed is treated every day for three days with Arabian ointment, to which a 2% iodine solution has been added. The ointment can be applied to the nail bed several times a day.
Andriasyan method consists of removing the nail using onycholysin, which contains 15% barium sulphide in technical talc. The product requires care when working with it. Onycholysin is diluted with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained and applied to the nail plate. Then, at intervals of 2–3 minutes, water is dripped onto the slurry from an eye dropper, making sure that the composition does not get on the skin of the finger. After half an hour, onycholysin is washed off with water, and the soft layer of the nail is quickly scraped off with a scalpel. This application of onycholysin with scraping of the softened part of the nail is carried out until complete removal nail plate. An ointment consisting of 14% resorcinol, salicylic or benzoic acid, and petroleum jelly is applied to the vacated bed. Apply on top of the ointment gauze bandage, which is covered with waxed paper and cotton wool and left for 2 days. In total, during the course of treatment it is necessary to apply 3 dressings in a row, replacing one with another. Each time after removing the bandage, the horny scales are removed and the bed is treated with a 5% iodine solution. After removing the third bandage, 5% salicylic petroleum jelly is applied to the nail bed for 3 days. It is necessary to undergo two courses of treatment with ointment dressings and salicylic petroleum jelly to eliminate nail fungus.

Nail removal can also be done surgically, and using soda hot bath. To do this, prepare a bath with a solution of 2 teaspoons of soda per 200 ml of water, into which the nail to be removed is immersed. As the nail steams and softens, it is carefully scraped off with a scalpel. After removing the nail, salicylic-milk ointment, 20% pyrogallic ointment is applied to the bed, treated with iodine solution in increasing concentrations of 5 – 10 – 50%.

Treatment methods for deep ringworm

Treatment of deep ringworm also involves the use of griseofulvin orally, and local therapy. Griseofulvin is taken at the rate of 15 mg per 1 kg per day. Calculated daily dose divided into three doses per day. The duration of therapy with griseofulvin ranges from 1 to 1.5 months.

Local treatment of deep lichen is more difficult than superficial or chronic one. During acute inflammation lotions with drilling fluid, 2% boric acid, 0.25% silver nitrate or 10% aqueous ichthyol are applied to the plaques. After elimination inflammatory process Sulfur, sulfur-salicylic or Wilkinson ointment is applied to the affected areas. Typically, complete recovery occurs after 1 - 1.5 months of therapy.

Ringworm (microsporia): diagnosis, treatment - video

Hygiene and rules of behavior when treating ringworm

Griseofulvin tablets should be taken with foods containing fats for the most complete absorption of the drug. Therefore, take griseofulvin with milk or ice cream.

If lichen is localized on the scalp, after hair removal, you should wash it every day with tar or other antifungal soap. You can wash your hair with lotions and shampoos containing selenium sulfide, in a concentration of at least 2.5%. Selenium has the property of destroying fungal spores and helps speed up recovery. However, products with selenium can only be used if there is no suppuration or crusts. At severe course lichen, you should wash your hair with selenium shampoo every day, if mild form– two or three times a week is enough. All family members living in the same area as someone with ringworm can also wash their hair with selenium shampoo to prevent the fungal infection.

Place separately all personal items of the patient with ringworm - combs, combs, towels, hats, bed linen, etc. Take special care to ensure that children do not grab potentially infectious objects. Do not allow other family members to play or be in close contact with someone who has ringworm.

Do not scratch the affected areas, even if you really want to - be distracted by doing any tasks that require high concentration of attention. If a child is sick, distract him with games. Unfortunately, nothing can be done at night while you sleep to prevent scratching of the affected area. Therefore, while sleeping, wear protective gloves on your hands so as not to damage the skin with your nails when scratching.

If ringworm is detected in one of the family members, it is best to get tested for everyone living in the same area as the patient.

When treating ringworm on smooth skin, you can, in addition to those prescribed by your doctor, use ointments with miconazole or clotrimazole (for example, Mikatin, Lotrimin, etc.). These ointments can alleviate the subjective condition.

Do not use ointments with hormonal components, such as cortisone. The hormone will not speed up treatment, but it may do a disservice. Hormones relieve inflammation, as a result of which, after using ointments containing them, redness on the skin disappears, which people consider a successful recovery and the disappearance of signs of infection. But treatment must be continued, because if you stop it, then after a while the ringworm will recur.

Treatment should be carried out until there is no fungus in the scraping and the symptoms of infection on the skin completely disappear. A sign of recovery is the flattening of the rash and the drying out of abscesses, if any. In this case, the skin may become covered with scales and begin to peel off severely. Complete recovery can be determined as follows: close your eyes and run your finger over the place where the lesion was. If the skin is flat and does not differ from the surrounding tissues to the touch, then we can assume that ringworm has been defeated.

During treatment, the child or adult can go to school and work. It is necessary to carefully observe hygiene, and do not allow the child’s colleagues and classmates to touch the lesion. You should not give a comb, clothing, shoes or other personal items to healthy people, as they may be contagious.

Ringworm - photo

Lichen deep

Superficial lichen of the scalp

Ringworm on smooth skin
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The concept of “lichen” appeared in the time of Hippocrates. It does not describe one specific disease, but is a definition of a group of skin diseases called ringworm in humans (herpes, herpes zoster, psoriasis, scaly lichen), the symptoms of which include the appearance of flaky colored spots on the skin. The conventions of this definition are quite large, because there are diseases to which the definition of lichen is attributed with great stretch.

The factors that provoke the occurrence of lichen are quite diverse. It could be a fungus or a virus. Also, do not forget that quite common cause its appearance becomes a deterioration of the immune system. Quite often the appearance of lichen is associated with constant stressful situations, allergic reactions to medications taken, ODS, also one of the versions is genetic predisposition person.

Currently, despite the excellent development of our medicine, the etiology of some forms of lichen is still unknown.

In children, ringworm has the same symptoms as in adults, but according to statistics, it occurs much more often and not in all cases, cat ringworm is to blame. It is worth remembering that ringworm is contagious, and transmission of the infection has several routes. One of them is close contact with a sick person, the second is the use of personal items together with a carrier of the infection (combs, hats, bedding, clothing). Also, the penetration of the fungus into the body can be affected by the duration of contact with the patient and the presence of damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and of course a weakened immune system. Ringworm is considered a highly contagious disease; there are frequent cases of epidemics within families or in educational institutions.

The trichophyton fungus, which provokes the appearance of lichen, spreads favorably not only throughout the entire skin, but there is also a lymphogenous route of spread.

Ringworm has several subspecies, which differ from each other in the causative agents of the disease, location, and reaction of the patient's body. This:

- superficial ringworm (affects the skin of the entire body and scalp);
- chronic ringworm;
- ringworm affecting the nail plate;
- infiltrative-suppurative ringworm.
Signs of ringworm appear within a period of up to 2 weeks from the moment the fungus enters the body, then it begins to manifest itself on the skin, hair or nails.

To diagnose ringworm, you must be examined by a dermatologist. Using a fluorescent lamp (a Wood's lamp specialized for this application), the doctor will examine the affected area of ​​the skin or hair. If the cause is trichophyton fungi, the glow will be green, also for further research Under a microscope, a specialist will take a scraping from this area.

Ringworm symptoms

Ringworm in humans has various symptoms. These may be flaky areas of the skin, the scales of which range from white to grayish shades, and there may also be noticeable thinning of hair on the head and other parts of the body (partial hair breakage occurs at the site of the disease, a small hair of 1 to 3 mm remains from the level of the skin, due to this the lichen received the name ringworm). The foci of the disease are most often the same. These are rounded formations in shape (there are also irregular shape), the diameter of which reaches 3 centimeters. Depending on the size and quantity, small-focal and large-focal forms of ringworm are distinguished.

Initially, ringworm on the head, neck, face, torso and limbs has small lesions, which over time can change shape (from round to distorted) and increase in size. The center of the lesion is usually pale pink in color and on its surface there are many grayish scales of a fine-plate nature. Over time, the lesion grows and begins to rise significantly above the skin, it becomes lumpy and acquires a purple color, and the release of thick pus is possible spontaneously or with pressure.

The hair of the damaged area of ​​the body falls out on its own; the remaining hairs are absolutely easily removed with tweezers. After growth, the lesions begin to emit sweetish odors, which are quite unpleasant. In most cases, the number of lesions is not so numerous and their size varies - from the smallest (up to 3 centimeters) to the size of a palm (in some cases there are also large sizes).

A possible complication of the spread of the fungus may be an increase in the lymph glands of a painful nature, possibly their further softening and opening. Patients with a weakened immune system experience fever, headaches, and general malaise.

The chronic form of ringworm is mostly characteristic of women, especially those who have already had ringworm at a younger age, affecting their scalp and skin in general. The development of a chronic form of ringworm occurs as a result of a number of dysfunctions of the reproductive and thyroid glands, as well as circulatory disorders and vitamin deficiency, and, of course, problems with the functioning of the immune system play a role in this.

Chronic ringworm has symptoms that are slightly different from other types. Damage to the scalp, skin, limbs and nail plates is accompanied by the appearance of scars or inflamed formations, which can be either smooth or slightly flaky. The hair on the affected areas breaks down to the level of the skin and leaves blackheads in their place.

There is also the presence of flaky, slightly inflamed spots of a larger size, the color of which can range from pinkish to bluish, and the buttocks are usually the affected areas. smooth skin hips, under the knees and elbows (extensor surface) and palms. In addition, mild itching in the area of ​​​​the lesions is possible; if the nail plate is affected, it loses its transparency and shine, the nail plates become a grayish color of a cloudy nature, the edge of the nail begins to peel and become jagged due to peeling, a sharp change in the thinning and thickening of the nails is noticeable.

The course of chronic ringworm can take several years or even decades; the vectors of infection in our society are quite dangerous, especially for children.

Deep ringworm of the scalp is characterized by acute inflammatory reaction who accompanies him. The flaky growths are lumpy, similar to the surface of a raspberry and stand out in a rich red color. This form of ringworm is distinguished by its ability to self-heal, which usually occurs after 2–3 months, but just like others, it is fraught with the appearance of scars on the skin and incomplete hair loss.

Ringworm in humans, treatment

There are many types of ringworm, which is why treatment for ringworm has its own, individual treatment. Only a specialist (dermatologist) will be able to determine exactly how to cure ringworm in your particular case, and the approach to treatment must be serious.

If described in general outline, then we can list several existing methods, which will answer your question of how to get rid of ringworm. Modern medicine can offer you an ointment for ringworm, which, like tablets for it, will help you completely cure this disease, qualitatively destroying the fungus present in the body.

Griseofulvin is a ringworm tablet that is antifungal antibiotics. When prescribing a course of treatment, where they are the main component, the following scheme is applicable: 3 doses per day, the calculation of the amount of one dose depends on your body weight (15 mg per 1 kg of body weight), it must be used until the analysis for the presence of the body of the fungus will not become negative, it usually takes from two weeks to a month of taking medications; after a negative test, griseofulvin is prescribed to be taken in the same dose for another two weeks, after which tablets are taken at intervals of three days for two weeks.

Simultaneously with taking the tablets, sulfur-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointments are prescribed. They are rubbed in at night, and in the morning the affected areas are treated with iodine solution (3–5%).

If the scalp is affected, it is necessary to completely shave the hair before starting the procedure and repeat this every week. It is also necessary to periodically examine persons in close contact with the patient for infection, and isolate the patient until complete recovery. Taking the child to kindergarten permitted after a negative fungal test has been performed three times and the skin is clean.

Ringworm, folk treatment

If you notice changes on your skin that are similar to ringworm that has begun to develop, you should consult a specialist. If you do not have such an opportunity, folk remedies for ringworm will help. This disease responds well to treatment on its own. early stages, so it’s worth trying first at home to stop the development of the fungus and the infection of new areas. To do this, you need a weak solution of vinegar, which should be used to wash areas of the skin already affected by the fungus. In addition to the vinegar solution, lemon and garlic juice are used, which are also quite beneficial for the skin.

The next folk remedy for ringworm is a compress made from finely chopped cabbage leaf mixed with sour cream.

Beetroot broth with honey or Apple vinegar with mustard are also used in the treatment of ringworm. They need to lubricate the affected areas of the skin and hair. This method is dangerous because you can get a burn to the skin if you use it carelessly.

It is necessary to wash the skin soap solution several times a day. Effective folk remedy is to rub plantain juice mixed with birch ash into the affected areas. If there are wounds on the skin as a result of ringworm, they must be treated with iodine solution or brilliant green; when applied, areas should not be affected healthy skin, if only slightly.

Still, you shouldn’t fully rely on traditional medicine, getting rid of external manifestations depriving, you need to be sure that there is no fungus in the body that caused this disease, and for this you need to undergo a course of treatment with antifungal drugs and have a negative test for the presence of infection.

Prevention of ringworm

In order to avoid infection with ringworm, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures, the implementation of which is accessible to everyone. It is necessary to strictly monitor the personal hygiene items that you use (towel, comb, washcloth, nail scissors), strictly ensure that your children are careful in this matter, teach them to use individually and explain clearly about the possible consequences.

Taking a public bath is only possible using disinfectant treatment, at least with detergents. After each use of the washcloth, you must rinse it thoroughly and dry it well. After visiting public swimming pools and water parks, you must immediately wash your swimsuit and take a shower, always with soap.

If your pets go outside, you should periodically examine the condition of their fur, and if there are missing hairs or flaky skin, you should immediately go to the veterinarian. Children should also be taught to avoid contact with stray animals.

Ringworm is rightfully considered a highly contagious skin infection caused by pathogenic fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton. From the name of the fungus, the disease is known as Trichophytosis and Microsporia, Dermatophytosis and. Nails and hair are also involved in the process. Microsporia is transmitted to humans from domestic animals, and trichophytosis is found only in humans. Children and adolescents are more often affected by shingles, and the problem itself dates back to ancient times.

Types of mushrooms were isolated and classified only in the 30s of the 19th century, and a century later they appeared effective drugs to fight them. Before the disease poor people living in unfavorable conditions were exposed. And today let’s figure out why ringworm is dangerous and what it looks like in an adult and child, and how to treat it on the head and body.

Features of the disease

The pathogenic fungus causes trichophytosis, spreading to the nails, feet and palms. Adults become covered with red spots with patches of peeling on the face and neck, arms and torso. Places with marks may cause.

Ringworm (photo)


Ringworm occurs:

  • surface;
  • chronic;
  • infiltrative-suppurative;
  • follicular (abscess of the scalp)
  • At superficial form
    • on the head Round lesions appear where the hair grows. They have jagged edges and are sharply separated from healthy skin. The lesions are covered with scales in the form of gray or white bran. Outside such areas, and appear. The hair begins to break off a centimeter from the root. The hair looks stuck together and covered with plaque; there may be no sensations, but aesthetically the affected areas look unattractive.
    • When the process occurs on smooth skin, then it can occur independently or with the involvement of the scalp. The spots that appear on the skin may be pink or red and are usually round in shape. Soon the spot begins to resemble a ring.
  • In chronic form lichen goes on when it is not treated superficially.
    • This form is most often observed in adult women. It is characterized by weak manifestations and long development. There is practically no and there is no acute inflammatory process. There are black dots in the root zone on the head, indicating the disease. This is a sign of hair breakage due to fungal infection. When areas of peeling appear, they have a bluish tint and atrophied skin.
    • The process on smooth skin involves vellus hair, and lesions without defined edges can become covered with plates. Their favorite places are joints lower limbs, buttocks and legs. The body reacts poorly to the disease, so the process is sluggish. Patients note detachment and fragility of the nail plate, and tuberosity appears.
  • At infiltrative-suppurative form Painful round nodes appear after lesions in different parts of the body. Inflammations are obvious, sometimes with suppuration.
  • Lesions of the scalp are called follicular with single foci hiding behind purulent crusts. The follicles are affected and the hair easily becomes loose and falls out. Lesions also occur in the area of ​​the beard and mustache. Areas with purulent lesions are painful. Crusted plaques disappear after a few weeks, leaving pigmented areas.

Suppuration can independently destroy the mycelium of fungi. The disease does not return and lasting immunity is developed. A scar forms in the affected area.

If the fungus affects the nails, they become uneven and dull. Transverse or longitudinal grooves may appear on the nail bed. Nails crumble and jagged edges form. This form has frequent relapses.

A specialist talks about the features of ringworm in this video:


  • Infection occurs after contact with a sick person or his hygiene items, when working with hay and soil, after contact with an animal.
  • More often, the disease occurs against a background of decreased immunity and violation of personal hygiene rules, long-term care of animals and damage to the outer covering of the body (scratches, abrasions, etc.).
  • Chronic diseases and vitamin deficiency contribute to the appearance of deprivation.

We will tell you further about the symptoms and signs of ringworm in children and adults.


With ringworm, ring-shaped spots appear on the patient's body. The elements become noticeable a few days after infection, their color is pink or red, and they can be very itchy. Bubbles form near the spots, leaving behind a crust and areas of peeling. If there is hair in the affected area, it will break and fall out.

Symptoms depend on the form of the disease and the pathogen, and the general condition of the person also affects this. Doctors identify the localization of rashes:

  • skin of the arms and legs, feet, palms and hands;
  • torso;
  • fingernails and toenails;
  • armpits;
  • inguinal folds;
  • skin on the face;
  • scalp skin.

Diagnosis of ringworm on the body, face and head in a child and an adult is discussed below.


To establish a diagnosis of ringworm, an initial examination of the lesions by a specialist in the field of skin diseases is necessary.

  • For inspection, you can use ultraviolet light.
  • You can clarify the diagnosis using. They take hair stumps and skin flakes from the source of inflammation to check for the presence of fungi. For ringworm in microbiological analysis fungal spores are detected.
  • When the disease is localized on the scalp, differentiation is made with alopecia and favus.
  • The cutaneous location of ringworm should be distinguished from and.
  • The chronic form is differentiated from candidiasis, acne, psoriasis and nail eczema are excluded, as well.
  • Deep ringworm in humans may resemble staphylococcal, iodo- and bromoderma, etc.

Read below about ointments, tablets and other remedies for ringworm.

Diagnosis and treatment of ringworm are described in this video:

Treatment of ringworm

The main goal in the treatment of ringworm is the fight against the causative agent of dermatomycosis - a fungus. The treatment plan is drawn up by a dermatologist. This may include ointments, gels and creams, shampoos and sprays, and oral antifungal medications.

The main active ingredients of creams and shampoos are:

  • Terbinafine;
  • Micoconazole;
  • Mycoseptin.
  • In the morning it is recommended to treat with a 5% iodine solution, and in the evening with preparations based on salicylic acid.
  • You can make Vidal's milk according to the recipe. It consists of alcohol and salicylic acid, camphor and glycerin, added boric acid and lotion with sulfur.
  • Along with antifungal drugs, vitamin therapy and stimulation of the immune system are added.

However, treatment for such a disease is also possible. Further, the prevention of ringworm is unclear.

Prevention of disease

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to promptly identify foci of the disease and isolate infected representatives.

  • Disinfect personal items and systematically examine children in child care institutions.
  • Warn that it is better to avoid contact with stray animals and observe personal hygiene rules. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes in the autumn-winter period on your own or after consulting a doctor.
  • City services must identify and treat sick animals.
  • Regular sanitary cleaning of premises with chlorine-containing disinfectants will be useful.
  • If domestic dogs and cats live in the countryside in the summer, they must be scanned with a Wood's lamp for the presence of trichophytosis.
  • And don't forget about.


Complications, both mild and serious, can occur after ringworm. It all depends on the pathogen and the degree of neglect skin lesions, from efficiency therapeutic measures. If treatment is not started immediately, or if the hair follicles are deeply damaged by the fungus, there is a possibility that hair may no longer appear in these places.

This does not harm health, but it brings significant discomfort to a person in an aesthetic sense. Therefore, if you suspect lichen, begin proper treatment immediately and do not expect the disease to go away on its own.

Self-administration of medications for ringworm can only cause harm and lead to severe complications.


Usually, ringworm is not life-threatening and after complete recovery, the skin and hair are restored. But with an inflammatory or purulent process that joins the infection, the person faces irreversible hair loss. This often leads to bald spots and bald spots on the head.

The video below will tell you about the features and manifestations of ringworm in children:

Ringworm is a common and highly contagious skin disease. He is called Mushrooms Microsporum, hence another name “microsporia”.

Microsporum fungi - pathogens

In nature, there are about 20 species of this fungus, all of them cause skin damage. Microsporia affects skin cells and hair follicles, leading to brittleness and hair loss, the appearance of foci of inflammation and peeling of the skin.

Children and adolescents aged 4-15 years are most often affected by lichen., especially those who attend educational and non-school institutions:

  • Firstly, their skin is delicate and not dense enough, and it is easier for fungal spores to penetrate the pores.
  • Secondly, they are more likely to come into contact with animals, which are the main source of infection.
  • Thirdly, their immune system is not fully formed, so when a pathogen comes into contact with the skin, infection almost always develops.

Ringworm on a person's temples

Risk factors and routes of infection

Ringworm in cats is contagious to humans

The mode of transmission of this disease is contact. A person can become infected from:

  1. Animal, especially someone who is homeless or has been in contact with someone who is homeless. Cats, especially kittens, are most often affected by shingles. A seasonal surge in microsporia in humans is observed in August-September, when cats give birth. Less often, but still, dogs suffer from ringworm. Microsporum fungus spores are found on the fur and skin cells of a sick animal.
  2. From another person- through direct contact with skin or through household objects. The spores are extremely tenacious, persisting in the external environment for up to 3 months. There is a risk of infection through the skin in public places.

Getting on the skin healthy person Microsporum does not necessarily cause disease. Weakened immunity, existing skin inflammations and wounds increase the risk of developing microsporia several times.

What does ringworm look like? Diagnostics

The infection is not always localized exactly at the site of infection. Most often, lichen occurs on the skin of the face, neck and shoulders, scalp, and less often on the palms and soles.

Scales and vesicles on the skin from lichen

On the skin

  • Oval reddish spots ranging in size from half a centimeter to 7 centimeters in diameter appear on the skin.
  • Often several spots appear on a small area of ​​skin that merge into one. Usually no more than 3 large lesions appear.
  • The skin soon becomes covered with scales and crusts (in the center), and vesicles (rashes) form along the perimeter of the spot.
  • The spots have clearly defined boundaries and have a bubble “ridge” along the edge.

A red spot with clear boundaries on the skin

At purulent form There are ulcers of varying sizes throughout the affected area.

The skin at the site of the lesion is red and swollen, the swelling spreads beyond the lesion.

On the scalp

If the infection is localized on the scalp, upon examination, formations around the root of each hair are noticeable.

Microsporia on the scalp: fungus around each root

The fungus grows inside hair follicle, filling it and damaging the hair root. Therefore, it becomes weak and brittle, and falls out easily and painlessly if you pull it with tweezers.

The patient complains of itching and often scratches the wound. Manifestations of the disease occur 5-7 days after infection.

When infected from person to person incubation period can last up to one and a half months.


Diagnosis of microsporia: scraping of lichen scales for further analysis

If microsporia is suspected, an additional examination is prescribed:

  1. Microscopy of the scales of the affected area, which helps to establish the type of pathogen;
  2. Bak sowing of scales on nutrient media;
  3. The luminescent method (using a Wood's lamp) allows you to assess the extent of the lesion.

The data from these studies help to distinguish microsporia from dermatoses of various origins.

Classification and symptoms of microsoporia

Depending on the location of the infection, there are 4 types of microsporia:

It often forms in the area of ​​the temples and crown, leading to fragility and hair loss (hairs break off at a distance of about 6 cm from the root and acquire a grayish faded tint).

The spots are small - no more than 5 centimeters in diameter. Usually one area is formed, with severe infection - several, but they do not merge.

The skin is red and swollen, along the edges of the wound there are blisters with liquid contents. When they burst, a white-yellow crust forms on the surface.

Occurs most often on the face, neck, shoulders, and arms. Small areas are formed, up to 4 cm in diameter, their number can reach 30 pieces.

Each spot is characterized by the presence of white scales in the center and small rash around the edges.

During the first days of the disease, grayish areas with flaky skin appear on the skin, and after a few days a blistering ridge forms along the edge of the infection.

Chronic ringworm

It combines the previous two and often affects the area of ​​the elbows, knees, and buttocks.

Foci of inflammation do not have a blister rim, but smoothly transition into healthy skin.

Affects deep tissues, develops against the background of attached bacterial infection, which penetrates the affected areas of the skin.

Typically, this form of ringworm occurs when improper treatment, scratching a wound with dirty hands, as well as against the background of serious concomitant diseases(diabetes, autoimmune).

Often the patient’s temperature rises, and the lymph nodes closest to the site of infection become enlarged and inflamed.


Immediately after the diagnosis is made, a patient with ringworm must be isolated from other family members and his personal belongings must be disinfected - otherwise, re-infection may occur after treatment.

We deprive the patient of his clothes; they must be washed at high temperature and be sure to iron it

During treatment, the patient should be provided with individual hygiene products (separate soap, towel, etc.) that should be gently disinfected regularly.

Wash clothes, towels, bed linen separately, with powder, at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees.

An effective treatment regimen for ringworm

Griseofulvin tablets

Mushroom mycelium develops quickly, growing into the pores of the skin.

Therefore, local treatment is often not enough, and the doctor prescribes a combination: external therapy and oral antifungal drugs.

One of the most effective treatment regimens used for adults and children is griseofulvin for internal use.

Adults are prescribed tablets, children a suspension (has a pleasant consistency and sweet taste). The drug quickly stops the growth of fungal mycelium.

Griseofulvin is used in courses (there are two options):

  • First - once every two days for two weeks, then another 2 weeks - twice a week.
  • The second option is to take the drug every day for 10 days, then take a three-day break - and again take a 10-day course.

The doctor prescribes the dosage regimen based on test results.

Sulfur-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointments are prescribed externally.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the presence of other diseases, general health, and allergies to medications.

Ointments and gels

Clotrimazole ointment

Used for local treatment. They allow you to suppress the activity of the pathogen, stimulate fast healing skin.

After complete healing local remedies needs to be used for at least another week.

Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug that is used to treat fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

Also used:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Bifonazone;
  • Sulfur-tar ointment;
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment.


Lamisil spray

Used to clean wounds from scales, as well as for antifungal treatment.

Often the doctor prescribes them as an addition to ointments - to enhance the effect and to prevent the formation of resistance to the drug.

Most often used:

  • tincture of iodine.


Terbizil tablets

If the patient has increased sensitivity to Griseofulvin, you can use:

  1. - take 1-2 times a day, depending on the dosage. The minimum course of treatment is two weeks. For microsporia of the scalp, the treatment period with the drug increases to 6 weeks.
  2. Imidazole 1 tablet is prescribed daily for 1-2 months, depending on the degree of infection.


Microsporia often occurs against the background of reduced immunity and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products, and lean meats in the patient’s diet.

Do not eat foods that have been stored for a long time or may have spoiled.

It is worth excluding sweets, yeast baked goods, products obtained by fermentation, and alcohol. Blue cheeses, sweet drinks and juices, pickled vegetables, smoked meats and semi-finished products are also contraindicated.

Since the immune system is weakened by a fungal infection, Vegetables and fruits are best peeled, and avoid products that have been stored for some time and could theoretically be susceptible to mold, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Hygiene measures when in contact with a sick person

If there is a person with ringworm in the family, you should not share household items with him or her.. When handling skin, you should wear gloves, and wash your hands with soap and water before and after manipulations.

Household items in the apartment must be disinfected! You can use a soda solution for this.

Even if you just interacted with the patient without coming into contact with the wounds, you need to wash your hands.

General items ( door handles, surfaces with which the patient may have come into contact) must be regularly disinfected.

Patients with ringworm are not allowed into nurseries and educational establishments, swimming pools and baths. Until your final recovery, it is better to stay at home to minimize the risk of infecting other people.


You can get infected with ringworm even in a hairdresser - through poorly sterilized tools. Therefore, it is important to choose trusted hairdressing salons and ensure that your hair is cut with clean and sterile instruments.

Be sure to check your pets regularly for ringworm.

Microsporia is a very common and contagious disease, therefore:

  • After visiting public places and transport, you need to wash your hands. It is imperative to wash your hands after contact with animals, especially stray ones.
  • If your pet lives in an apartment or in a yard and may come into contact with other animals, you need to regularly examine it and vaccinate it.
  • It is important to support the immune system and adhere to proper nutrition, treat on time chronic infections, disinfect scratches and skin damage.

After completion of treatment, the patient must undergo a follow-up examination for several months (2-3 times - a week after the end of treatment, then 2-3 months later).

Children who have had ringworm should be observed by a doctor throughout the year and undergo repeated examinations.

Ringworm is a disease that affects the skin, nails, and hair. The pathogen belongs to the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. It is called Trichophytosis or Microsporia. The basic difference is that the first option occurs only in humans, and Microsporia is transmitted from animals (cats and dogs).

A person becomes ill by contact with a source of the fungus. Ringworm is a childhood disease. Defense system the child is not fully formed. In the adult population, on the surface of the skin and hair there are organic acids, which inhibit the reproduction of the pathogen.

Causes of ringworm

The fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton are among the most studied. They live only in the superficial layers of the skin and do not penetrate deep into the body. Damage to mucous membranes ( oral cavity, genitourinary system) ringworm is also not observed.

You can become infected with fungus in four ways: from humans, from animals, in a pool or sauna, and through soil. But for the development of a full-fledged process, predisposing factors are required:

  • using other people's household items - combs, towels, bed linen, clothes, shoes;
  • since ringworm is transmitted to humans through animals, contact with them and irregular hand washing leads to infection;
  • skin injury, including invisible to the eye;
  • decreased immunity.

The causative agent of the disease persists in the external environment, so it is enough to touch the surface where the sick animal was previously located, and the fungus will get on the skin. There he is usually destroyed by the system local immunity, but when several predisposing factors are combined, it causes the manifestation of the disease. Ringworm is less common in adults than in children.

Main symptoms of ringworm

The incubation period ranges from several days to two weeks. Sometimes symptoms develop several months after the fungus gets on the skin. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine the time and source of infection and organize timely anti-epidemic measures.

The first manifestations often go unnoticed by a person. initial stage characterized by small nodules or blisters that are “confused” with an allergic reaction. Then the elements quickly merge and form a typical lichen lesion. Various shapes diseases are described by their symptoms.

Ringworm on the surface of the scalp

Mostly children from 5 to 12 years old are affected. Since the scalp is less often examined by a person, a significant time passes from the onset of the first symptoms to the diagnosis.

At first, there is simply thinning of the hair. After a week they break off a short distance from the skin. Ringworm on the head is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a peeling area with a diameter of 2-5 cm. Sometimes there may be several lesions;
  • After a week, the fungus penetrates deep into the hair, making it brittle. The hair begins to break off. The photo clearly shows round or oval bald spots;
  • “stumps” of hair remain above the surface, around which fungal spores are located. The lichen element looks dull, as if dusted with dandruff;
  • the skin is red, swollen due to the inflammatory process;
  • the hair looks “sick” if you run your hand over it; it does not return to its original position, but remains crushed.

Most often, ringworm is localized in the temporal part of the head, on the crown or crown. In the absence of treatment, several daughter screenings of smaller diameter “bud off” from the primary element.

Superficial ringworm affecting smooth skin

Ringworm on smooth skin is classified as superficial. But it is diagnosed much earlier, since a person notices pathology in open areas faster.

The manifestations of ringworm on smooth skin can be confused with other types of ringworm, especially pink ringworm. There are a number of signs that allow you to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • lack of specific localization - on the body (especially in the inguinal folds), on the arm (hands, there is no pink here), on the face and feet, which is also not typical for other types of lichen;
  • rash element bright color, edges are clear, rise above the surface;
  • in the central part it is lighter, flaky;
  • itching is typical.

Unlike, which heals on its own after a maximum of two months, the ringworm haunts a person for years and without treatment acquires severe complicated forms.

Chronic ringworm

It develops more often in women who have a history of skin disease, presumably of a fungal nature. The trigger mechanism for exacerbation is ovarian diseases, thyroid gland, decreased immunity.

The chronic disease has the same location: head, smooth skin and nail plates. The manifestations have some differences from the primary infection:

  • the hair breaks off immediately at the root, the lesion is small (about 1 cm in diameter) without signs of inflammation;
  • on smooth skin the element is large, but without clear edges. Always arises severe itching and peeling;
  • if the disease is localized on the nail, it changes its color to gray, becomes dull, begins to break and crumble. Sometimes the nail thickens into uneven bumps.

At any localization of the chronic process, it is less pronounced than acute. Not inflammatory, but atrophic processes predominate. This sluggish course is explained by the body’s reduced ability to respond to the pathogen.

Deep infiltrative-suppurative ringworm

A special form that involves you in the process hair follicles. A person becomes infected only from an animal. A prerequisite is severe suppression of the immune system or improper self-treatment, which “drives” the disease deep into the tissues.

With deep lichen, the leading role in the clinic goes to general symptoms. The fungus is always combined with bacterial flora, which causes symptoms of intoxication:

  • fever;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • regional lymphadenopathy, painful nodes;
  • multiple allergic rashes;
  • the element looks like a tumor: it protrudes above the surface of the skin, has an uneven, bumpy surface;
  • skin red, painful;
  • the hair follicle suppurates; if you press on it, you can see the flow of pus.

After opening the abscesses, the area becomes covered with a crust. When injured, it bleeds. There are several more forms of ringworm, which are much less common than those described: abortive, erythematous-edematous, papular-squamous.

Medicines for the treatment of ringworm

Fungal infections are always difficult to cure. The pathogen is very viable, so specific medications are required to destroy it. They are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the type of fungus, form of the disease and general condition patient.

Therapy may take long time. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations received. It is impossible to cure ringworm on your own. Local treatment is prescribed only for a single small lesion that does not involve vellus hair. In other cases, combination therapy is required. The following groups of drugs are used in treatment.


They are preferable because they contain a high concentration of the active substance, do not stain clothes, and are convenient to apply. They are prescribed for skin lesions, sometimes on the scalp.

  • "Exifin". Terbinafine concentration is 1%. It specifically acts on the pathogen, destroying its shell. “Works” on the surface of the skin, the surface of the nail. Apply 2 times a day for a month.
  • "Mikogel KMP". Additionally has antimicrobial effect, therefore it is used for complex deep forms of the disease. The active ingredient is miconazole.

Before applying the gels, hygienic measures are carried out, the lesion is lubricated with an antiseptic solution (usually 5% iodine) and only then a thin layer of the drug is applied. The zone should be slightly wider than the diameter of the hearth.


The largest group medicines local action. They contain effective specific agents that destroy the pathogen. Ointments can only treat superficial forms of the disease, since they do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

  • "Lamisil" ("Zalain", "Exifin") - active substance terbinafine Particularly effective for ringworm of the skin. Apply to the lesion 2 times a day for 4 weeks.
  • “Clotrimazole” (“Canesten”, “Fueginal”) - imidazole, which is part of these ointments, copes with the pathogen in a month with regular three-time application.
  • "Loceril" ("Exoderil", "Batrafen") - drugs latest generation, killing fungi in two weeks. Apply twice a day.
  • “Salicylic ointment” is a nonspecific antiseptic. It is used additionally to reduce the symptoms of inflammation.
  • “Sulfur-tar ointment” is one of the oldest proven antilichen drugs. Relieves swelling of tissues, disinfects the surface of the epidermis. Due to the specific smell, it is better to apply at night in addition to the main treatment.
  • “Lassara Paste” is a combined local preparation based on zinc, salicylic acid, starch and petroleum jelly. It is a symptomatic remedy and does not cause allergic or other unpleasant reactions.

Anti-ringworm ointments are beneficial in treating the disease on exposed areas of the body. Others are used on the scalp or in hidden places. dosage forms. Ringworm can be cured with ointment only at the first stage of the process, when the lesion on the skin is isolated.


These drugs are absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and act systemically on the fungus. They are prescribed for numerous foci of ringworm, with a deep form and chronic process, which does not respond to traditional local treatment.

  • "Griseofulvin". It purposefully penetrates the cells of the skin, nails, and hair, killing all pathogenic pathogens there. Has many adverse reactions, therefore the need for use is discussed with a doctor. The dose is calculated individually depending on body weight.
  • "Orungal." A drug wide range Effective against many types of mycoses. It blocks the synthesis of the main substance of the cell wall of any type of fungus. The course of treatment is short, from 3 to 7 days.
  • "Lamisil." A systemic drug that, unlike many similar drugs, is well tolerated by patients and has a minimum side effects. This significantly expands the scope of its application (in children, elderly and debilitated patients). Duration of therapy is 6 weeks.

After a course of tablets it is necessary to carry out control study. If the fungal cells remain in the repeated scraping, the drug is replaced with another one.


The dosage form is very convenient for getting rid of ringworm on the scalp. The solutions do not stain the hair and penetrate well between the hair follicles. On smooth skin, they are recommended to treat the lesion before applying ointment or gel.

  • "Vocadine (iodine)." It acts not only on fungi, but also on bacteria and viruses. Broad-spectrum antiseptic. It is used in pure form or divorced. The concentration and frequency of application are prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.
  • "Yoddicerin." Contains iodine and glycerin. Does not have a local irritant effect. Penetrates deep into tissues. Effective against fungi and many bacteria.
  • "Nitrofungin". Specific modern remedy, suppressing the growth of fungi of the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. Sometimes it causes skin irritation; in such cases it is recommended to dilute the solution with water in a 1:1 ratio. After treating the elements with Nitrofungin, areas of the skin should be protected from the sun.

We have listed the main drugs and principles of their use. They are prescribed only by a dermatologist. Study self-treatment this serious disease is absolutely forbidden.

Treatment of ringworm with folk remedies

Ringworm has always been a common disease in humans, so there are many recipes for treating it. folk ways at home. Today these methods are regarded as auxiliary, facilitating unpleasant symptoms or helping specific drugs fight the fungus.

Traditional methods of treatment are based on the use of natural antiseptics and anti-inflammatory substances to combat fungus.

  • Apple vinegar. The solution is not diluted. Rub or apply to the affected area up to 6 times a day.
  • Garlic. A clove of garlic is cut in half and rubbed into the elements of the rash. The procedure is complemented by applying a mixture of birch charcoal and burdock juice in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Cranberry. Famous natural antiseptic may speed up recovery from ringworm. Soak gauze in the juice and apply a compress to the affected area of ​​skin 3 times a day.
  • Hops, burdock, calendula. Mix calendula flowers (1 tbsp), hop cones (2 tbsp) and burdock roots (2 tbsp). Pour a glass of boiling water and continue boiling for 10 minutes. The mixture is filtered and an ointment based on Vaseline is made (for 2 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon of solution). Apply lichen several times a day.
  • Infusion medicinal herbs. It is used when the process is localized on the scalp. Mix the string (4 parts), celandine (2 parts), horsetail (1 part). Take 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water (200 ml). Leave for 1 hour and rub into the scalp or apply compresses to smooth skin.

Hygienic measures in the treatment of ringworm

The causative agent of ringworm persists in the external environment for a long time. A sick person releases fungal spores with dandruff and scales from the lesion. They can persist on household items, furniture and lead to re-infection the patient himself or his loved ones.

To prevent the spread of ringworm (especially to family members) and reduce treatment time, it is imperative to observe hygiene measures.

  • Daily cleaning of the apartment: after a thorough wet cleaning, all surfaces are disinfected antiseptic solutions(solutions of organic silver cope well with this). After cleaning, all rags are boiled or soaked in special solutions.
  • Treatment of bed linen: fungal spores are killed by boiling, so all linen with which the patient comes into contact must be boiled. If treatment is carried out at home, the kit is changed to a new one daily. The same goes for underwear. You can wash things with the addition of a 1% chloramine solution.
  • If a child is sick, all toys must be disinfected. The child is isolated from the children's group.
  • If the process is localized on the head, it is washed daily with antifungal agents (tar soap).
  • Destroys pathogen spores and selenium. There are many hygiene products– soap, gel, shampoo. They are used when washing hands and bathing. In severe cases of the disease, you need to bathe daily (only in the shower); in mild cases, at least twice a week. You can’t rub the affected surfaces with a towel; it’s better to just get wet. A protective bandage is worn on the head to prevent the spread of spores.
  • All the patient's belongings should be stored in a separate place.

All family members in contact with the sick person should wash their hands and bathe with special antifungal drugs and examine their skin and scalp scalp (if peeling or dandruff appears, you should immediately consult a doctor).

Features of treatment of ringworm in children

Ringworm occurs in children much more often than in adults and has its own characteristics, on which treatment tactics depend. Children are more susceptible allergic reactions, they are more likely to experience multiple lesions and infections of skin areas.

When prescribing therapy, it is important to prevent it from becoming chronic (insufficient doses and course duration), but also not to cause adverse reactions and complications from taking rather toxic antifungal drugs. The principles boil down to the following:

  • mandatory appointment antihistamines. The lesions cause severe itching, so young patients scratch the primary lesion;
  • combination of specific local drugs and anti-inflammatory ointments. Children, scratching elements of lichen, cause a secondary bacterial infection;
  • preference is given to local antifungal agents. The decision on systemic treatment is made only by the doctor;
  • children must be strictly isolated from their peers, otherwise ringworm will quickly spread in the children's group;
  • means are always prescribed to strengthen the immune system. The food is enriched with proteins and vitamins, the child should not worry too much about his diagnosis (this often happens in adolescence), sometimes it is necessary to prescribe mild sedatives.

In boys, ringworm can sometimes heal on its own. In such cases, it is important to check whether the cure is complete, otherwise the process will transform into a chronic form.


The causative agent of ringworm is very common in environment. Its carriers are animals that cannot be completely controlled. A person is constantly in contact with fungi. In order not to get sick, he must remember about prevention.

Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. This is fully true for ringworm. Let us briefly list the measures that are known to everyone:

  • limit contact with stray animals. Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling even healthy pets;
  • do not use other people’s personal hygiene items and clothing;
  • avoid excessive sweating. Clothes should be made from natural fabrics;
  • if there is a sudden appearance of excessive dandruff, be examined by a dermatologist;
  • regularly disinfect children's toys (especially after playing with other children);
  • Wash children's clothes in hot water, iron on both sides.

If the disease is diagnosed, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, do not self-medicate and do not stop therapy at the first improvement.