When should I expect my period to start after a miscarriage? Heavy periods after a miscarriage When should periods come after a miscarriage?

Pregnancy failure is a serious hormonal shock to a woman’s body and menstruation will not come immediately after a miscarriage. During this period, the mechanism for regulating the menstrual cycle is launched, and a new egg begins to mature. When the first period comes after a miscarriage, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the discharge. According to such criteria as the smell and abundance of fluid, the duration of the new cycle, the severity and how much days go by menstruation, the gynecologist assesses the state of the woman’s reproductive function.

What is a miscarriage and its types

The term “miscarriage” refers to the inability of the uterus to “hold” a embryo or developing embryo until the end of pregnancy. The woman feels pain, bleeding begins, and the organ begins to spontaneously reject the product of conception. The blastocyst, or embryo, is then expelled from the organ cavity through the prematurely dilated cervix. When your period comes after rejection depends on the type of miscarriage and individual characteristics woman's body.

Doctors distinguish two types of spontaneous pregnancy, and they differ in the timing of pregnancy failure. This factor affects the duration of the recovery period after spontaneous miscarriage. Your period should come with the resumption of normal functions reproductive system.

Types of spontaneous abortions:

  1. Miscarriage during biochemical pregnancy. This is a spontaneous abortion of a product of conception, when the fertilization of the egg is determined only using the hCG test. In case of early miscarriage (up to 14 days of delay), women perceive the bleeding as menstruation as a result of a cycle failure. Therefore, many do not turn to a gynecologist for treatment.
  2. Complete and incomplete spontaneous miscarriage. This is a spontaneous abortion of an embryo weighing up to 400 g between 3 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. In a complete miscarriage, the entire product of conception is removed from the uterus. The second subtype is characterized by the decay of biomaterial with retention of fragments in the organ cavity.
  3. Miscarriage occurs between 21 and 37 weeks. Doctors classify such a pregnancy failure as a premature birth of a living or dead child.

The nature of discharge and first menstruation in case of pregnancy failure

It happens that after a pregnancy failure, fragments of the embryo remain in the uterine cavity. Complication disrupts reproductive functions and dangerous to a woman's life. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the nature of the discharge after a miscarriage and menstrual blood when the first menstruation begins. Their smell, color, abundance and composition indicate the presence or absence of functional disorders and pathological process V reproductive organs.

The nature of the first menstruation

The first menstruation after a miscarriage in 95% of cases changes its characteristics in comparison with menstruation before conception. Often a new cycle coincides with the previous schedule, but its shift is also considered normal. A change in the volume of blood released, the presence of PMS and other criteria are not a violation if the indicators fit into the medical standard.

Normal first menstruation and cycle after a miscarriage:

  • duration of menstruation – 3─7 days;
  • amount of blood – 90─150 ml (about 4 changes of pads per day);
  • the composition of the discharge is dark red or red-brown in color with no clots larger than 1.5 cm, without unpleasant odor;
  • restoration of the cycle - within 3 months after spontaneous abortion;
  • PMS – moderate or moderate severity of symptoms;
  • the duration of the follicular and luteal phases is 14-16 days each;
  • – full-fledged.

How long it will take for menstruation to appear depends on the severity of the woman’s condition after a miscarriage. According to the standard, gynecologists take the day of spontaneous complete abortion as the beginning of the follicular phase. With a favorable prognosis, the first menstruation occurs 24-35 days after pregnancy failure. Deviation of the nature of the following cycles from the norm is regarded by doctors as a sign of functional disorders and pathologies.

The nature of discharge before the first menstruation

For spontaneous abortion bleeding is coming up to 10 days and can be resumed briefly until the cycle frequency normalizes. This is a consequence of a pregnancy failure, which a woman mistakes for menstruation. The first full periods after a miscarriage without cleansing appear at least 3 weeks from the day of the spontaneous abortion.

Differences in discharge after pregnancy loss:

  1. Bleeding is characterized by a sudden onset, an abundance of fluid, scarlet-colored discharge, and the presence of loose clots up to 2 cm in size. It can periodically open in any phase of the cycle. Stops with therapy with hemostatic agents with a gradual decrease in abundance.
  2. Dangerous discharge appears after post-abortion bleeding stops. They are characterized by an unpleasant or fetid odor, dark brown and black color, slimy green-yellow inclusions, and the presence of large dense fragments.
  3. The first menstrual discharge begins and ends with a red-brown spot 4-5 weeks after the miscarriage. The characteristics of critical days must correspond to the norms of the menstrual cycle.

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Arbitrary abortion is a severe stress for the body, disrupting the functions of the reproductive system. Therefore, there are no clearly established boundaries for when menstruation will appear after a miscarriage or how long it will last. A woman should be observed by a gynecologist for the first six months. They are urgently examined if menstruation does not correspond to the norms of the cycle, bleeding, or the appearance of dangerous discharge.

Reasons for delay

There is a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage due to dysfunction of the reproductive organs and endocrine glands. The second reason is complications of spontaneous abortion. It happens that there is no menstruation due to side effect medications for treating the consequences of miscarriage. If there is a delay, it is prohibited to induce menstruation and self-medicate. The exact cause is determined using laboratory research and hardware diagnostics.

What secretions can be considered dangerous?

The gynecologist determines the absence of complications of a miscarriage by the number of critical days and the volume of menstruation. What secretions are considered dangerous?

Heavy periods after a miscarriage pose a threat, in which a woman changes more than 4 pads per day or critical days last longer than a week. They indicate incomplete spontaneous abortion, inflammation of the reproductive organs, and the onset of bleeding. Against the background of heavy menstruation for more than 3 cycles, iron deficiency anemia develops.

Scanty periods after a miscarriage are also dangerous. This is a symptom of cycle disorders (oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, etc.), tuberculosis of the reproductive system, anemia, stress, endocrine diseases, early menopause. After a spontaneous abortion, scanty periods also indicate adhesions in the uterine cavity, which provoke repeated failures in subsequent pregnancies.

Doctors' opinion

Gynecologist-obstetrician E. P. Berezovskaya

“After a miscarriage, before the onset of the first menstruation, a woman undergoes serial ultrasound scans every 5-10 days, observing the process of cleansing the uterus. Scraped in mandatory in case of dangerous secretions, heavy bleeding, severe symptoms inflammation and the risk of sepsis. Curettage causes a number of complications: infection, Asherman's syndrome, damage to the growth layer of the endometrium. Modern clinical observations confirm the inappropriateness of cleaning in the first 14 days after a spontaneous incomplete abortion, if there are no direct indications for curettage.”

Gynecologist-obstetrician N. P. Tovstolytkina

“Often in the first cycle after a miscarriage, scanty periods are accompanied by discharge with an unnatural odor. This is a sign of inflammation of the endometrium or other pathology of the uterus. You cannot wait for the end of menstruation - you need to immediately be examined by a qualified gynecologist. If not treated promptly, an abscess, pyometra or infertility may occur.”

Under the condition of a regular menstrual cycle and normal hormonal levels, menstruation after a miscarriage will occur on days 21-35. Roughly speaking, the first day of bleeding accompanying a spontaneous abortion is considered the first day of menstruation after a miscarriage.

Bleeding may be a cause or a result hormonal imbalance in a woman's body.

This is a concern for many women who have suffered a miscarriage as they wait for their next opportunity to become pregnant, carry them to term and give birth to a healthy baby.

Definition and consequences of the phenomenon

Miscarriage is spontaneous pathological interruption pregnancy.

Miscarriage occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • infection in the internal genital organs;
  • infection throughout the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • experienced severe stress;
  • weakened body after severe illness

Spontaneous abortion begins with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen and back pain. The temperature rises, weakness, chills appear, and severe bleeding begins. With blood, the uterus pushes out the fertilized egg and placenta. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Bleeding may last about 10 days, give or take a few days. After the discharge stops, specialists should carry out ultrasonography the uterine cavity for the presence of fetal remains or placenta.

If, after an examination, particles were found in the uterus, the uterine cavity was curetted. The remnants of the fertilized egg are mechanically removed. These materials are sent for examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion.

After an early miscarriage and cleaning, doctors prescribe drug treatment: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkillers, antibacterial medications, iron supplements, vitamins, observation by doctors, frequent checks of the uterus using an ultrasound machine. In case of severe bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed that cause uterine contractions.


Cycle recovery

As mentioned above, a miscarriage is considered the first day of your period. Between this cycle and the next, minor bloody issues.

Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleaning, provided the condition of the uterus is satisfactory (its cavity should be clean after spontaneous cleansing), will occur the next month.

The onset of the next menstruation may begin on time or late. The duration and intensity of the next period after a miscarriage may vary depending on the state of hormonal levels, stress experienced, and the presence of a bacterial or fungal infection.

When your period begins after a miscarriage, it may last more days than usual, or it may last less. There may also be changes in intensity. The volume of monthly bleeding may increase or, conversely, become scanty. Heavy periods are associated with the remaining particles of the amniotic membrane. Heavy menstruation threaten women's health with anemia. The body weakens, becomes exhausted, and immunity decreases. It's inconvenient and unpleasant. After cleaning, particles of the membranes and tissues of the fetus may sometimes remain. Therefore, repeated cleaning is required. It is worth insisting on an ultrasound examination.

Bleeding during a miscarriage and subsequent menstruation with residues in the uterine cavity of unscraped particles are often accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, back, high temperature, weakness, chills. In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Scanty periods are no less dangerous. Reasons scanty menstruation may be strong stressful situations, formation of adhesions on the walls of the uterus, hormonal disorders. Adhesions become a serious obstacle to pregnancy. They act like contraceptives intrauterine device, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

If you do not have your period, you need to rule out pregnancy and consult a doctor immediately. Menstruation may not begin due to functional impairment ovaries. It happens that there is no ovulation even several months after curettage. The doctor must find out the reason.

In case of hormonal imbalance, tests are carried out and prescribed hormonal drugs. A woman must change her lifestyle.

Sex life and pregnancy

When your period comes after a miscarriage, sex life you can start after a month (or one menstrual cycle). Since the walls of the uterus are still inflamed, the cervix is ​​slightly open, infection of the genital organs is possible.

After a miscarriage, the menstrual cycle will normalize for 2-3 months. Even if the cycle is restored the next month, you should use contraception during sexual intercourse. Doctors do not advise getting pregnant in the first six months after the incident. The woman’s body is weak, it takes time to recover, and if pregnancy occurs, the same outcome is possible. The uterus should also tone up. It is better to allocate this time to treat the reasons that caused spontaneous abortion, to restore and improve health: go in for sports, improve nutrition, give up bad habits, walk more often fresh air. Pregnancy should be planned and prepared for.

If pregnancy does occur, you should not despair. Most likely, everything will be fine, the body is already ready for new pregnancy. You need to see a doctor and follow his recommendations.


Any deviations from the norm during menstruation after a miscarriage that do not disappear after three months are obligatory reason visit the doctor. You need to carefully monitor changes in the body, respond to increases in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen. Complete the prescribed treatment and follow the recommendations.

Termination of pregnancy is a great tragedy for the whole family, especially for the woman and mother. But after what happened, you need to continue to live, you don’t need to let yourself go. It’s better, on the contrary, to pay more attention to yourself and improve your health. Consult with doctors more often; you should be more attentive to yourself. This will give you a greater chance of conception and a healthy pregnancy.

In 15% of women childbearing age For one reason or another, a miscarriage may occur. Gynecologists have named the main reasons for the body’s spontaneous elimination of nascent life, but in each case it is a huge stress for the woman and the entire reproductive system. Restoring normal functioning internal systems takes some time, so the question of when to start menstruation after a miscarriage is quite justified. You should know the timing of their onset, which discharge is considered normal, and what should force you to immediately consult a doctor.

Miscarriage concept

In gynecology, the term spontaneous miscarriage is applied to a situation when the uterus is not able to “hold” the embryo attached to its walls. First there is a feeling of cramping pain, then bleeding begins. The cervix opens prematurely, and the developing embryo is pushed out of the organ cavity.

Spontaneous abortions are divided by gynecologists into several types depending on the period at which they occurred.

  1. Miscarriage during pregnancy, which is determined solely by the hCG test. This occurs in the early stages, indicating the onset of pregnancy, and then an abortion occurs with bleeding, which the woman perceives as the beginning of her period. In this case, many do not go to the doctor.
  2. Incomplete and complete spontaneous abortion is considered a miscarriage between 3 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus can reach 400 g. The embryo is completely self-excreted with a complete miscarriage. In case of incomplete abortion, particles of biomaterial decay may remain in the organ cavity.
  3. Premature birth is considered a miscarriage that occurs between 21 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. The baby may be born alive or stillborn.

The onset of menstruation after a miscarriage does not depend on the type of spontaneous abortion.

The time for the first egg to mature is individual and depends on how quickly the reproductive system recovers. Menstruation occurs 14-17 days after ovulation occurs.

Recovery time

Normally, menstruation comes 25-35 days after a spontaneous miscarriage. After stress, the body needs a recovery period. Its duration depends on whether the cleansing was carried out or not, and the state of the woman’s reproductive system.

If the menstrual cycle does not resume within these periods, you should consult a doctor. This will exclude the development of pathologies, the gynecologist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe medication.

When a woman, knowing when her period should come after a miscarriage, notices spotting much earlier, this should be alarming. Such a sign is alarming and may signal an inflammatory process or another problem. A doctor's examination will clarify the situation.

The presence of a delay after a miscarriage is considered normal, but the woman must closely monitor the state of the body during this period, monitoring her well-being. Your period should start within a maximum of 35 days. In this case, the discharge may be more abundant than before the failed pregnancy. Scanty spotting in the first days of a new cycle is also considered normal.

There may come a time when you need the help of a specialist. If, in the discharge, there is an increase in temperature during this time, this may indicate that there are remains of the embryo in the uterine cavity. This condition cannot be ignored or self-medicated. After the examination and examination, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Character of the first menstruation

After a miscarriage, as a rule, they are abundant. This is not a reason to panic, but evidence of recovery of the body. on average occurs within 2 months, the abundance of discharge will decrease. When the first menstruation is accompanied by heavy painful sensations If your temperature rises, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, a woman needs cleaning if there are remains of the embryo in the uterine cavity.

If heavy periods after a miscarriage persist for 3 months or more, you should consult a gynecologist. Consultation is needed even in the absence of other symptoms. The doctor will tell you what is causing the deviation.

Women are interested in after a failed pregnancy. Normally, their duration is from 3 to 7 days. At the same time, the woman feels characteristic features PMS. The discharge does not have a sharp unpleasant odor; it has a dark red tint. Do not worry if there are small clots not exceeding 1.5 cm in size. Full recovery The menstrual cycle in the absence of pathologies occurs within 3 months.

Types of discharge before menstruation

After a spontaneous miscarriage, bleeding occurs, which many women mistake for menstruation, especially when pregnancy could only be determined by hCG.

Bleeding can last up to 10 days, and it can often occur periodically until the menstrual cycle is completely restored. A woman should know the difference between such discharge and menstruation:

  1. Bleeding begins suddenly. The discharge is abundant, scarlet in color and contains clots, the size of which can reach 2 cm. Bleeding can occur at any time. To stop it they use.
  2. It happens that the bleeding has stopped, but instead they appear with a sharp, fetid odor. They are brown, black in color and may have yellow-green clumps. There may also be dense particles in the discharge. This condition requires competent treatment.

Normally, menstruation occurs 4-5 weeks after a spontaneous abortion. At the beginning and end of menstruation, red-spotting discharge is observed. Brown.

What is considered a danger?

A woman should know which menstruation is not normal and can threaten her health. When after a miscarriage and for a long time, this should alert you. Discharge will be dangerous if a woman changes more than 4 pads during the day, including at night, and the duration of menstruation exceeds 7 days.

Scanty menstruation after a miscarriage should also be cause for concern. It may indicate the development of other pathologies.

There may be scanty, spotting discharge if, as a result of spontaneous abortion, adhesions have formed in the uterus. In the future, this leads to problems with conception and pregnancy. Repeated breakdowns are possible. A woman must undergo an examination by a gynecologist, identify the cause of the abnormalities, and undergo treatment.

Spontaneous miscarriage takes a toll on the physical and psychological health major injury. A woman must pass recovery period, follow your doctor's recommendations to maintain reproductive health and the opportunity to carry and give birth to a healthy child in the future.


When a pregnancy is spontaneously terminated, bleeding occurs, but it should not be confused with menstruation. Menstruation after a miscarriage begins 21-35 days later. The exact period depends on the patient’s health status, hormonal levels, and the regularity of the cycle before spontaneous abortion.

Features of the menstrual cycle after miscarriage

When pregnancy occurs, the amount of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the development of the fetus, increases significantly. If the fertilized egg is rejected, it turns out hormonal background changes dramatically, the restructuring of the body begins. This affects the nature of menstruation, which begins after a spontaneous abortion.

Bleeding that occurs after a miscarriage is similar in nature to menstruation. It is necessary for the uterine cavity to be freed from the endometrium, which has grown under the influence of progesterone. The discharge will be heavier than during normal periods. During this period, you need to monitor their intensity so as not to miss the onset of bleeding.

Some women have no problems after pregnancy loss. Sharp fluctuations in hormone levels can lead to malfunctions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and ovaries. As a result, the regularity of a woman’s cycle is disrupted, the intensity and nature of the discharge changes.

How long after a miscarriage does your period start?

After an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of complications, menstruation begins after 28-35 days. If a woman had a cycle length of more than 35 days before pregnancy, the situation will not change. You should expect the onset of your next menstruation after the usual number of days. The countdown starts from the date when the pregnancy was terminated.

If you experience a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage, you should consult a gynecologist. In the absence of menstruation, a gynecological examination and ultrasound are performed. Examinations are needed to assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries. Sometimes drug therapy is required to restore hormonal levels.

Important! If there is heavy discharge, doctors recommend monitoring blood counts in order to promptly detect the onset of anemia.

Periods after early miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy, even in the first weeks, is severe stress for the body. In the absence of complications, quick recovery The body's next period will come after 4 weeks.

With early miscarriage, complications are rare. The fertilized egg comes out completely; the likelihood that the uterine cavity will not be freed from foreign bodies is low. According to the nature of the discharge after spontaneous abortion on early stages practically no different from standard menstruation.

When does your period start after a late miscarriage?

If you have a miscarriage in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the risk of complications is higher. If there are no problems, your period will start in 3-5 weeks. At long term During pregnancy, complex hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. It takes time for the condition to normalize.

If you have a long-term miscarriage, complications may arise; recovery takes 1-6 months. Some women experience their periods earlier than expected. If they are brown in color or have a distinct unpleasant odor, an ultrasound is required. The cause of this condition is the incomplete delivery of the fetus, the child's place, in which there are remains in the uterine cavity foreign bodies.

Patients with late spontaneous abortion are prescribed curettage. The operation allows you to free the uterine cavity from foreign objects. This reduces the likelihood of complications.

Periods after miscarriage without cleaning

If a woman's fertilized egg is completely expelled, no additional medical intervention is required. The next menstruation will begin in a month. Doctors recommend a control ultrasound a week after the fertilized egg leaves the uterus. An examination is necessary to make sure that all foreign bodies have come out and that no inflammatory or adhesive process has begun in the cavity.

Important! The nature of menstruation may vary. If there is a miscarriage without subsequent curettage, many women's periods are heavier and more painful.

Periods after miscarriage with cleaning

Immediately after surgical abortion By medical indications Menstrual-like discharge begins. They last 3-5 days. If there are no problems after the miscarriage and curettage, menstruation will begin a month later. If your period appears before the 21st day of your cycle, you should see a gynecologist. The doctor will assess your health and check for postoperative complications.

After a surgical abortion, a woman may face the following problems:

  • development of endometriosis;
  • appearance hormonal disorders;
  • activation of the adhesive process.

The nature of the discharge after curettage should not differ from normal. If your periods are scanty or heavy, the release of blood is accompanied by the appearance of large number clots, unpleasant odor, then you need to check your reproductive health.

Duration and nature of the first menstruation after a miscarriage

The first menstruation after an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of health problems should not differ from normal menstruation. The onset of discharge 3-5 weeks after the date of miscarriage is considered normal. Over time, the regularity of the cycle is restored.

In the first 1-2 cycles, women complain of heavy periods, which cause severe pain in the lower parts abdomen, sacrum. The appearance of blood clots and mucus is allowed. But after 2 months the situation should normalize.

Do not panic if you experience heavy discharge in the first days of your period. The exception is when the pads have to be changed every 1-3 hours. A visit to the gynecologist is necessary if the condition has not returned to normal by the 3rd cycle.

If after the birth of the fetus a woman does not stop bleeding, the discharge continues for a whole month, then doctors recommend an ultrasound scan. Based on its results, it is decided whether it is necessary to scrape the uterine cavity. This procedure is performed to stop bleeding.

How many days does your period last after a miscarriage?

The standard duration of bleeding after termination of pregnancy is 7-10 days. The next menstruation should begin in a month. The duration of menstruation varies from 3 to 7 days. The reason for panic will be the appearance scanty discharge, which stop after 2 days, heavy bleeding lasting more than a week.

What discharge is considered normal?

Gynecologists recommend that patients after spontaneous abortion monitor the nature of menstruation. It is considered normal if about 20-50 ml of blood is released per day, the maximum permissible blood loss is 80 ml. If 4-6 pads are enough for a day, then there are no deviations from the norm.

Attention! Appearance small quantity blood clots and mucus are normal.

Scanty periods after miscarriage

As a result of stress and sudden hormonal changes in the uterus, some patients develop synechiae. One of the symptoms of adhesions is scanty periods.

A decrease in the amount of discharge may occur due to hormonal imbalances. To identify problems, hormonal levels are examined, the condition of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes is checked.

Heavy menstruation after miscarriage

Women who have to change pads every 2-3 hours should contact their gynecologist with complaints of heavy periods. By establishing their cause, you can avoid worsening the condition and causing complications. Some patients may confuse heavy discharge with the onset of bleeding. Lack of timely medical care is one of the causes of death.

The appearance of heavy periods is possible with activation inflammatory process, development of endometriosis, infection. Depending on the situation and cause, doctors prescribe diagnostic curettage uterine cavity or select drug hemostatic therapy.

Why are there no periods after a miscarriage?

If a patient does not begin menstruation after 5 weeks after termination of pregnancy, then they speak of a delay. Reasons why your period may not start on time:

  • the appearance of a new pregnancy;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • adhesive process.

Sometimes the absence of menstruation is a consequence of severe stress experienced by a woman. If physiological changes If there is no evidence of a deterioration in health, then wait-and-see tactics are used.

Possible complications

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to closely monitor her health; during this period, many chronic diseases worsen, and new ones arise. After a miscarriage, the following complications may occur:

  • hormonal imbalance, malfunction brain structures, ovaries;
  • development of infectious and inflammatory diseases due to activation of pathogenic microflora;
  • adhesive process, as a result of which the fallopian tubes become impassable.

These reasons can lead to secondary infertility. You can avoid the occurrence of most complications if you control your condition, take prescribed medications, and consult a doctor if problems arise.

Important! After a miscarriage, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages to check whether hidden infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, HPV, herpes.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives. You need to take the pills for 3-6 months. They are recommended to be taken to minimize the likelihood of pregnancy during this period and to avoid the development of hormonal problems.


Menstruation after a miscarriage, in the absence of health problems, begins after 21-35 days. If the body was able to recover within a month, then the nature and intensity of the discharge will be the same as during normal menstruation. Minor changes in the amount of discharge over 1-3 months after spontaneous abortion are normal. If you notice significant deviations in the nature of menstruation, pain, or a disturbance in your general condition, you should consult a gynecologist.

The loss of a child, even in the early stages of pregnancy, is a strong psychological blow for a woman. The longer the period, the more difficult it is for the body to recover. After a miscarriage, especially in the first three months, it is necessary to closely monitor menstruation and the condition of the body as a whole. If any deviations occur, you should contact a gynecologist. Let's figure out when menstruation starts after a miscarriage, what is considered normal and what is a deviation.

Condition of the body and causes of miscarriage

The psychological and physiological state of a woman is of great importance for the successful course of pregnancy. Miscarriage can occur at different stages of pregnancy. It is a situation where the developing embryo cannot stay in the uterine cavity by various reasons. A miscarriage is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bleeding

The appearance of bleeding is due to the fact that the placental bladder breaks away from the walls of the uterus and leaves it along with the embryo. It is very important that all remnants of the undeveloped embryo come out of the cavity. If this does not happen, then an inflammatory process and even sepsis may develop. In such cases, doctors carry out.

  • pain in the lumbar region

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs most often manifest themselves as pain in the lumbar region. This happens because the nerve endings from the uterus extend to spinal column, and if there are deviations in the functioning of this muscular organ, they respond with pain in this area.

  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen

They are associated with cramps in the uterus. To push out the placental bladder, blood and remains of the embryo, it contracts.

If such symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Spontaneous abortion is divided into the following types:

  • at the beginning of pregnancy

In this case, in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. During this period, the woman’s body does not yet have time to fully adjust at the hormonal level. Therefore, this physiological stress will have a less traumatic effect on the reproductive system. After a miscarriage during this period, the woman’s body quickly returns to normal.

  • mid term

Pregnancy failure at 4-6 months seriously affects a woman’s body. The fruit is already almost formed. During this period, curettage is most often prescribed, since particles of biomaterial remain in the uterine cavity.

During this period, the baby is fully formed and miscarriage is often classified as premature birth with a live or dead fetus.

If there is a miscarriage in the early stages, the body can recover more easily, since hormonal changes have just begun to take place.

The causes of spontaneous abortion can be different; they can be divided into physiological and psychological.

The nature of menstruation after a miscarriage

After a miscarriage, a woman’s body should return to normal. This requires about six months, and if there were complications, the process may drag on for a longer period. After pregnancy failure, menstrual function should be restored again. In the first 3-4 months, periods may not be as usual, and the cycle may be irregular.

You should expect another bleeding within a month from the moment of miscarriage. A woman needs to pay attention to the nature of the discharge:

  • amount of blood

Normally, during the first menstruation after a miscarriage, the frequency of changing pads should be no more than 4-5 times a day. If this happens more often, then we can state the presence of bleeding, especially if the color of the blood is not dark, but scarlet.

  • smell

An uncharacteristic smell should also alert you; if it is sour, putrid, then there is an inflammatory process. You should immediately contact a specialist to prevent the development of sepsis.

The color of menstrual blood is usually red with a brownish tint; if the blood is scarlet, then this indicates the presence of bleeding; if the discharge is brown or black, then this indicates a hidden inflammatory process.

  • duration

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage should not exceed a week. If they do not stop, then you need to consult a doctor. The menstrual cycle during this period may vary slightly, this is normal, since the woman’s body has not yet recovered from the miscarriage.

  • physiological symptoms

Availability severe pain And spasms should also alert you. Such physiological discomfort indicates the presence of a hidden inflammatory process.

If there are any deviations, you must contact a specialist. Depending on the test results, ultrasound readings and the physiological state of the woman, she may be prescribed curettage.

Alarming symptoms

You should be alert to the following symptoms:

Various factors influence how quickly a woman’s monthly cycle recovers:

  • was there any scraping?

Any mechanical impact on the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina, even done by a specialist high level, leaves micro-scratches on it, which then take a long time to heal and can fester and become inflamed.

Cleaning significantly increases the process of rehabilitation of the reproductive system after a miscarriage. There is a risk of adhesions and neoplasms. Your periods may remain irregular for a long time.

  • at what stage was the embryo aborted?

How shorter period pregnancy before miscarriage, the better. The body does not have time to rebuild and receives less physiological stress. After this, periods usually return to normal within six months.

  • cause of pregnancy failure

This also plays an important role. If the cause of pregnancy failure was any traumatic factor, for example, a fall or an accident, then recovery will take many times longer. When a miscarriage occurs due to psychological stress, the recovery process is somewhat easier.

Health status is of great importance female body generally. If the immune system is weakened, there are many chronic diseases, including the reproductive system, it will take a lot of time for your periods to return to normal.

Causes of irregular periods after miscarriage

Sometimes it happens that menstruation does not return for quite a long time. The main reasons for this may be the following:

  • adhesions organs of the reproductive system;
  • malfunction of the ovaries;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • severe psychological stress;
  • poor environment and nutrition.

The nature of menstruation after a miscarriage is influenced by a large number of various factors. On average, it takes 5-6 months for a woman’s body to return to normal.

How to restore your menstrual cycle after a miscarriage

During this difficult period, a woman’s body needs supportive therapy. You should not self-medicate; before taking any medications, you should consult a specialist. The main ways to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage include the following:

  • vitamin therapy

Before taking various vitamin complexes you need to consult a gynecologist. Depending on the condition of the body and the specifics of the medical history, the doctor will select necessary medications, which are best suited for quickly improving the condition of the reproductive system.

  • traditional medicine

Don't forget about healing power natural components. To restore menstruation in the period after a miscarriage, various decoctions of herbs, such as oregano, mint, and lemon balm, are suitable. They will help calm you down nervous system and accelerate regenerative processes in the body.

  • light physical activity

We should not forget about physical therapy in this period. This will help the body get in shape and gain strength. However, the loads should be light so as not to provoke a deterioration in the woman’s condition. To do this, you need to discuss this point with a specialist.

  • walks in the open air

This is necessary to enrich the body with oxygen and restore the psychological and physiological strength of the body.

  • dietary review

Don't overload digestive system. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try to eat less fatty, carcinogenic foods and fast food.

  • review of sleep and rest patterns

This is necessary, especially in the first time after a miscarriage, so that the body can recover faster.

  • no stress

This is one of the main factors for normalization after pregnancy failure. Often it is psychological factor is the main cause of miscarriage and premature birth.

  • work with a psychologist

Sometimes a pregnancy failure has such a strong impact on a woman’s psyche that she can go into deep depression. It is important to understand that this period You just have to survive, there will still be a chance to become a mother. If you leave similar condition If you can’t do it on your own, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Pregnancy failure is a serious psychological trauma for a woman. In the first months after a miscarriage, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body and menstrual cycle. In case of various types of abnormalities, such as uncharacteristic color and smell of discharge, long duration, pain, you should contact a gynecologist. With normal rehabilitation, periods after a miscarriage are restored within six months.