Medicinal properties of Indian onions and use in folk medicine. Meet the tailed birdbird

The use of Indian onions in folk medicine has gained popularity since 1961. It was this year that the poultry plant was brought to the territory of the Russian Federation from Germany. There and in many other countries, Indian onions are grown as ornamental plant in the flower beds. The plant's rapid reproduction and unpretentiousness relative to growing conditions contribute to its popularity.


The popular name “Indian onion” was given to the poultry plant for its similarity with Indian spices. The plant has no roots in India, and it is united with the usual varieties of onions only by the appearance of the root. In science, the plant is called the tailed ornithischium, due to the similarity of the inflorescences with the tail; botanists classify it as a member of the hyacinth family.

Where does it grow?

Indian onion originated from Southern countries African continent. From there the plant spread to countries with tropical and temperate climates in Europe, Asia, and America. It is grown everywhere as an ornamental. The indoor plant adapts well to any conditions and develops well in open ground if it is transplanted there for the summer.


The root part of the poultry plant is almost entirely located above the surface of the soil, which is the main difference between Indian onions and onions and other varieties familiar to us. The plant is a perennial and looks like this.

A characteristic feature of Indian onions is the formation of children directly on the body of the bulb, which, as they grow, descend to the soil and grow nearby. Reproduction by children is the main method of distribution of Indian onions.

Is it possible to prepare

Indian onion juice is of particular value in folk medicine. It is a concentrate of biologically active substances. It is from the pulp of the plant and juice that the prepared preparations get greatest number useful substances. Drying the plant will lead to the loss of its most useful part - juice, so it is recommended to keep Indian onions at home, growing them in room conditions. All parts of the plant are succulent, so they can be used for medicinal purposes:

  • large bulbs;
  • baby bulbs;
  • peduncles and inflorescences;
  • old leaves.

Indian onions are used to make medicines alcohol tinctures, the shelf life of which is much longer than that of pure juice.

When collecting juice or processing plant materials for preparing medicines, it is necessary to work with gloves, avoid inhaling vapors, protect your eyes from getting juice in them, and cover damaged skin on your palms. The reason for this is the content of toxic substances in the plant.

Chemical composition of raw materials

Special study chemical composition Official medicine does not deal with Indian onions. This is due to the fact that the toxic properties of the alkaloid concentrated in onions, colchicine, have been proven. It is because of its content that the Indian onion was included in the list poisonous plants, completely excluded indoor application preparations from the plant. It is worth saying that some doctors still recommend using the plant for some skin diseases. The effect of colchicine on the body is as follows:

  • pain reliever - an alkaloid blocks receptors located on the surface of the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory– inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators;
  • vasoprotective– dilates small vessels and capillaries, improving peripheral blood flow;
  • antithrombotic– prevents the formation of blood clots.

All parts of the plant contain other biologically active substances– colchicine derivatives, among them:

  • kolhamin;
  • colchicoside;
  • thiocolchicine;
  • glycoalkaloids.

These compounds provide the effect of Indian onion juice with an extensive list of other qualities:

In addition to these substances, mucous compounds were found in the Indian onion, providing an enveloping effect. Several types of flavonoids help strengthen vascular walls at the site of application of the Indian bulb, which goes well with the plant’s ability to cause blood flow to the affected areas.

Medicinal properties

Indications for the use of Indian onions include a huge amount skin diseases, among which are oncological lesions. All of them involve the use of drugs and plant juice only externally. With steam, gruel, or infusion of leaves and bulbs, you can get rid of the following ailments:

  • immune disorders– psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, allergy rashes;
  • oral diseases– sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, herpes;
  • skin damage– bruises, bruises, burns, frostbite, inflammation after an insect bite;
  • infectious diseases– suppuration, boils, carbuncles, internal suppuration, pimples, fungal diseases;
  • formations on the skin– papillomas, warts, wen, tumor structures, dropsy.

The medicinal properties of Indian onions include the elimination of disorders in the musculoskeletal system. It is used for many joint and muscle diseases.

  • Arthrosis.
  • The plant slows down degenerative processes in joints, ensures normalization of trophism of nerves, joint capsules, and cartilage. Eliminates pain and swelling.
  • Arthritis. Indian onion relieves inflammation well, improves blood flow, and eliminates associated infection. Gout. The powerful analgesic effect of Indian onion can cope with gouty pain. Improving blood circulation and eliminating salts uric acid
  • allows you to significantly slow down the growth of spurs.
  • Osteochondrosis. Preparations with Indian onion improve the trophism of the tissues of the treated joints, activate the recovery process, and improve metabolism.
  • Myalgia. Sprains, bruises, muscle hypothermia. This may include myalgia caused by viral and bacterial diseases. Pinched nerves. Radiculitis, damage sciatic nerve, pinched nerve roots in the spine are eliminated, thanks to the plant’s ability to activate blood flow to the sore spot, eliminate

muscle spasms

, which helps release pinches.

  • Headache. Essential oils of Indian onion have an antispasmodic and relaxing effect, helping to relieve migraine attacks, headaches due to colds, as well as pain accompanying changes in blood pressure.
  • Mastitis. The crushed leaves are tied to the compaction site. Supposedly, the plant relieves mastitis by improving blood flow.
  • Cold. Indian onion juice can be used instead of asterisks - rub it into the bridge of the nose, eyebrow spaces, and behind the ears. The effectiveness of the plant against sinusitis is noted.
  • Toothache. The plant gets rid of it thanks to its alkaloid composition.
  • Oncology. Indian onion is used for tumors, as well as for reducing the area and healing of cancerous ulcers.
  • Varicose veins

Compresses from the plant help eliminate vein nodes and their soreness.

There is a popular belief that the effectiveness of Indian onion treatment can be instantly tested at home. To do this, you need to crush the leaf and apply it to the painful area. A burning sensation indicates the advisability of using the plant. If there is no such feeling, you should not waste time on compresses and rubbing.

Role in home cosmetology

The ability of Indian onions to normalize blood circulation was immediately noticed by lovers of home cosmetics. They recommend preparing tonics and facial lotions from the plant using alcohol tinctures. They are also added to water intended for rinsing hair - this will make the hair thicker. The healing properties of Indian onions are used for weight loss, or more precisely, for slim thighs. The juice of the plant is mixed with vegetable oil , keeping the proportion 1:10. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the problem areas

for 10 minutes. After the massage, you need to put on warm tights or pants. According to reviews, a month of daily procedures completely eliminates cellulite.

The use of Indian onions in folk medicine: recipes Before using pure Indian onion juice or preparations prepared from it, you should do an allergy test: do not apply a large number of

composition of the inner bend of the elbow. If there is no burning or swelling after 15 minutes, the product can be used for treatment.


Peculiarities. This recipe is used with Indian onions for joint pain of any location and origin, as well as for compresses, for radiculitis, varicose veins. This recipe is used to prepare a remedy for nail fungus.

  1. The lower leaves of the Indian onion are washed with water and cut with a knife as finely as possible.
  2. Place the prepared leaves in a glass jar and fill with water, maintaining a ratio of 1:10.
  3. Infuse for two weeks in the basement, shaking the container regularly.
  4. After the infusion period has expired, the product is filtered. Use the tincture only externally, up to three times a day.


Peculiarities. Used for rubbing joints and muscles. Used for intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, cervical osteochondrosis for massage.

Peculiarities. This recipe is used with Indian onions for joint pain of any location and origin, as well as for compresses, for radiculitis, varicose veins. This recipe is used to prepare a remedy for nail fungus.

  1. A medium-long leaf of Indian onion (about 20 cm), chop with a knife and pound until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  2. The resulting substance is mixed with 50 g of lanolin, petroleum jelly or other fatty base.
  3. Add two tablespoons of honey to the mixture and stir until smooth.


Peculiarities. Used to treat acute pain. Infusions should not be allowed to be ingested due to high concentrations of colchicine. Used for compresses and lotions.

  1. The middle leaf is thoroughly crushed and placed in a thermos.
  2. Pour the raw material with a liter of boiling water.
  3. After two hours of infusion, filter.

Safety regulations

The harm to health of Indian onions is associated with the content of toxic substances in them that can lead to severe work disorders nervous system. Therefore, treatment with the plant requires special attention and caution. This also applies to external use, since colchicine and its derivatives penetrate the skin well.

Main by-effect with long-term use – the development of leukopenia and decreased immunity. If recommended doses are exceeded, burns may occur on the skin. Contraindications for Indian onions include a tendency to bleeding and hemorrhage, as well as hemophilia. The plant should not be used for more than a month.

Treatment with Indian onion is best carried out according to the recommendation, as well as under the strict supervision of a healer. When used independently, the plant should only be used externally. It is important to remember that Indian onion therapy cannot replace the use of specialized medical supplies, but acts only as an addition to the complex of therapeutic measures.

Indian onion plant(in Latin Ornithogalum caudatum, other Russian names - tailed poultry, Chinese onion, sea onion, Mongolian onion, false sea onion, hellish root, and brandushka) - It is a perennial of the Liliaceae family, growing mainly in South Africa, in addition to India, China, the central and south-eastern parts of the European continent, in particular in the Mediterranean region.

Did you know? The Latin name of the Indian onion literally reflects the Russian version “poultry farmer”. It comes from the Greek "ornis", meaning "bird", and "gala", meaning "milk". In our understanding, “bird's milk” is associated with something unreal, existing only in fantasy (like a “chimera”, but with a positive connotation). Perhaps the Indian onion received this name because of the amazing beauty of its flowers, mainly white. So, for example, in German the plant is called “milchsterne”, that is, “milk stars”, English version– “stars of Bethlehem”, (“Stars of Bethlehem”). However, it is possible that the matter is also in the milky juice that is secreted by the leaves of the Indian onion, because, say, in Hebrew the name of the plant sounds like “netz-halav aravi”, that is, “milk of the hawk”.

On the territory of the USSR, poultry plant began to be bred mainly as a greenhouse plant in the second half of the last century.

Externally, the plant looks like a familiar one onion, but the bulb itself is not white, but green, and the husk covering the bulb is not golden, but light brown, almost white. Such a bulb lives much longer than its onion counterpart - up to three decades. The leaves look rather inconspicuous, do not stand up straight, curl up and dry out at the ends, which, however, does not prevent them from continuing to grow, sometimes reaching a meter in length and 5 cm in width.

But if you see what the Indian onion looks like during flowering, you will definitely want to have a similar decoration on your own windowsill. Lush inflorescences, slightly reminiscent of hyacinth in shape, consisting of numerous white or green with a white border of small delicate flowers in the shape of stars, gradually opening from bottom to top, look truly fabulous and turn a rather dull-looking plant into a real holiday for the soul!

And if we take into account that such a treasure also has numerous beneficial properties(Indian onions have been successfully used in folk medicine for a long time), then you will want to grow them at home even more.

Features of growing Indian onions at home

Indian onions are not demanding in care, and growing them is not particularly difficult if you know and follow certain rules.

The soil

It is best to grow Indian onion as a houseplant in a substrate consisting of sand, leaf soil and humus (the first two components are mixed in equal parts, after which the same amount of humus is added to the resulting mixture). You can replace humus with turf soil, but in this case you need to take a little more sand.

In order for the poultry plant to grow better and delight you with its flowering, in addition to the right soil, it is also important not to make a mistake with the choice of pot. Like most bulbous houseplants, it is better to plant Indian onions one bulb at a time in a small pot, as excess space will slow down the growth of the onion.

Preference should be given to earthenware, it has a number of advantages over plastic, and in relation to Indian onions this is quite important. Not to mention the fact that such a pot looks much more solid, it will not tip over as the leaves of the plant stretch out, and it will not split if the bulb grows too much.

Clay does not retain excess moisture and has the ability to cleanse the soil of salts and other sediments that fall into it along with watering (if you paid attention to the peculiar white coating formed over time along the edges of clay flower pots, then these are just “pulled out” from the ground harmful substances, which in plastic pots simply accumulate in the soil).

Before planting, you need to lay out drainage (for example, fine expanded clay) at the bottom of the pot, then fill in the prepared soil mixture and carefully bury the bulb in it so that its upper part remains outside.

Important! Never screw the bulb into the ground, this damages the root buds and can kill the plant!

As mentioned above, Indian onions are a real long-liver. Therefore, you should keep in mind that the bulb you planted will grow, and eventually the originally selected pot will become cramped for it. It is the size of the bulb that determines the moment of transplanting Indian onions, but this procedure is best done in the fall.

In order for Indian onions to grow better, the soil in the pot should not be allowed to turn into a monolithic stone. The root system of a plant needs air, so upper layer The soil needs to be loosened regularly.


Indian onion is a sun-loving plant; for normal development it needs bright lighting, so in a city apartment it is better to choose southern, western or eastern windows for a flower pot. In darker places (on the north side or away from the windowsill), Indian onions grow worse.

Therefore, if you do not have free space on a well-lit window (or there are no such windows at all), you will have to try to fill the plant’s need for light by organizing “sunbathing” for it. Indian onions should be kept in a sunny area for at least a week during the month, and if this requires taking the flower to be “fostered” with neighbors, perhaps this is worth doing.

In the summer, it is quite acceptable to take Indian onions to open balcony or plant it in the country, but you need to take care that the scorching July sun does not fall on the plant, otherwise it may get burned.


Indian onion grows well under room temperature. Having African roots, this plant tolerates heat much better than cold. If in winter the room temperature drops below 12 degrees Celsius, this may be critical for the poultry farmer.


Indian onions will forgive you if you forget to water them, but the plant reacts very poorly to excess moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to focus on the condition of the soil in the pot: do not water the plant until the soil is dry.

If you water a plant with tap water, be sure to let it sit thoroughly in an open container first: firstly, this procedure will allow chlorine, which is harmful to flowers, to evaporate; secondly, it is better for the plant that the water is not too cold - ideally at the same temperature as the soil in the pot.

But the poultry farmer is very demanding when it comes to air humidity. If the room is dry, the leaves of the Indian onion begin to turn yellow, in addition, the plant becomes very vulnerable to various diseases.

Because important point In caring for the poultry plant, spraying is especially important, it is especially important to do this in the summer, when it is hot, and also in the winter, if the room is very heated.

Important! You can’t spray the plant on a sunny day; it’s better to shower early in the morning. Drops of water should not remain on the leaves when the sun's rays are directed at them!

No less than water, Indian onions need oxygen. To access air to the roots, as was said, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, and it is necessary to remove dust from the leaves of the plant, this will ensure proper gas exchange and the process of photosynthesis will proceed faster.

Top dressing

Even soil that is correctly selected for Indian onions loses the necessary nutrients for the plant within a couple of months. useful material and is depleted, so flower care, especially at home, when the bulb is in a cramped pot with a limited amount of soil, includes mandatory fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

For these purposes, you can purchase complex preparations in a specialized store and use them in accordance with the instructions. But if such a drug is not at hand, fill the plant’s need for the necessary substances. nutrients may I help weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The second option for a good mineral fertilizer prepared “from improvised means” is ordinary wood ash infused in water. It is undesirable to use ash obtained from burning trees (branches, twigs) that grew in heavily polluted industrial areas. You should also give preference to young deciduous trees; such ash contains more potassium necessary for indoor plants.

Important! When feeding poultry grass, you should always remember that its development has certain natural phases. For normal growth, Indian onions, like any other plant, require a dormant period when it cannot be fertilized or actively watered. Fertilizing should only be done when Indian onions are growing or flowering.

Methods for propagating Indian onions

There are three ways to propagate Indian onions: seed, bulbous children and division of the bulb itself.

As with any bulbous plant, for Indian onions the simplest is reproduction by bulbous children. On one bulb after flowering, several (sometimes even up to two dozen) small bulbs are formed at once. Gradually they grow up and eventually separate themselves from the mother tuber, tearing its skin.

You can carefully separate them and plant them in moist soil, where they will take root fairly quickly, or you can wait for each “baby” to take root in the mother pot, and only then carefully remove it and transplant it into a separate pot.

Seed propagation method is also quite common (by the way, in Soviet Union Indian onions were first introduced in the form of seeds). But there is a nuance here: seeds can only form from a pollinated plant, and when grown indoors it will not pollinate on its own.

If you do not grow Indian onions in open ground and do not take it out to the balcony in the summer, where insects can gain access to it; you can carry out the pollination procedure yourself by carefully touching with a small brush all the flowers of the plant older than one year.

After the seed capsule has completely dried, you can collect the seeds and sow them in fertile soil. In this way, you can get much more small onions than with the first propagation method, and the seeds of Indian onions germinate well. After they grow a little, we plant each one in a separate pot - and the new generation is ready.

If you were unable to obtain seeds and the plant does not produce young bulbs, you can simply split an adult onion in half, thus obtaining two independent plants.

Features of growing Indian onions in open ground

You can plant Indian onions in your dacha, but growing this plant in open ground has its own characteristics.

As mentioned above, the poultry bird does not survive under negative temperatures, but even if the winter temperature in your region does not drop below 10 degrees, the plant may still not survive such cold.

Therefore, there can only be one option here: We plant it in the spring and move it to a warm place in the fall. Indian onions tolerate replanting quite easily, so there won’t be any special problems.

It is best to plant Indian onions in late spring, when night frosts on the soil are completely excluded.
We determine the location for the plant based on its lighting requirements (however, in open ground, Indian onions can be planted in the shade of trees or other perennials). The soil does not have to be very fertile, but the plant does not like too acidic soil and certainly will not grow in a wetland. Next – moderate watering and, in fact, that’s all.

In the fall, we dig up the plant, replant it in a pot and bring it indoors. There are two options here: grow it in winter as usual indoor plant(care rules are set out above) or organize wintering for it in the resting phase.

In the first option We place the flower pot on the windowsill and water it as described above.

In the second case We place the plant away from direct light and do not water it at all (only occasionally you need to spray the soil in the pot). We resume watering after a new planting in open ground, and the Indian onion will perceive the first watering as a command to awaken and resume active growth.

Transplanting Indian onions into open ground for the summer has a number of advantages.

Firstly, the plant can be fed much less: having a fairly powerful and deep root system, the poultry farmer himself will take everything he needs from the ground (however, the plant will be very grateful if you feed it with mullein once a month).

Secondly, the plant gets the opportunity to pollinate in a natural way, as a result of which it reproduces much better. Indian onions also grow very quickly in open ground, they produce much more babies (they say that their number reaches almost a thousand, although this is hardly true), flowering is also longer and more abundant.

The only precaution to remember is: Indian onions need to be replanted in the fall very carefully so as not to damage the root system, which in open ground can go up to a meter deep into the soil.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

As already mentioned, Indian onion has numerous medicinal properties.

This plant has the property relieve pain, heal wounds, improve blood flow, kill pathogenic bacteria. The benefits of Indian onions were long ago noticed by Siberian healers who treated osteochondrosis and colds.

Did you know? There is a belief that the Indian onion remembers the pain that was caused to its flowers, so every time before picking such a flower, you must ask for forgiveness from it. Otherwise, the plant is considered very positive in terms of energy; its presence in the house promises career growth, activity, good mood And financial well-being. Poultry milk has a particularly good effect on the mood of children.

Perhaps one may have doubts about positive energy, but what exactly Indian onions are useful for is their phytoncidal properties. The plant is capable of significantly cleaning the room from pathogenic bacteria present in it. Indian onion has even found application in pharmacology, in particular, it is used to produce medicines for respiratory diseases throat and respiratory tract. Such drugs are highly effective primarily due to their very rapid action.

However, Indian onions are used much more widely in folk medicine. From the juice squeezed from fresh leaves, water or alcohol tinctures are prepared, used to heal wounds and bruises, as well as for joint pain, headaches and many other diseases. Just like aloe juice, Indian onion juice is used for rubbing and compresses: it is rubbed or applied to a sore spot (temples, bridge of the nose, back of the head, lymph nodes- depending on the disease). The effect occurs within a quarter of an hour.

Important! Indian onions should not be taken orally! The plant is poisonous and very dangerous if it comes into contact with mucous membranes. If Indian onion juice gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water, drip in two drops of Taufon, close them and do not open them for ten minutes.

Like any potent medicinal plant, Indian onion also has a number of other contraindications. Thus, individual intolerance and a severe allergic reaction to Indian onion juice are possible. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form skin rashes, redness, burning or itching sensation, and swelling.

To avoid burns, you need to wear protective gloves when working with Indian onions. IN medicinal purposes The juice should be applied only to well-cleansed skin.

Indian onions should not be used for hemophilia.

So, Indian onion is very beautiful (in bloom) and unusual useful plant. Growing it is quite simple. However, before using it in your home medicine cabinet, you must first consult your doctor and conduct a test reaction for the presence of allergies.

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366 once already

Healing properties of plants

Indian onion - a useful indoor plant - Another plant from the medicine cabinet on the windowsill


many many many


poisonous, there are contraindications.

Indian onions in my house take pride of place on the windowsill, next to aloe and golden mustache. Unfortunately, from our parents and grandparents we inherit not only our appearance and real estate, but also some ailments. So I have arthrosis - a disease that passes from generation to generation. It's a shame, but what can you do? We are being treated. And Indian onion is a plant that is very effective for all sorts of similar diseases. i.e. arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis, etc. The only negative is that the plant is very poisonous, so you always had to watch your little child to make sure she didn’t interfere with him (when she was little she loved to pick leaves from flowers), and so I myself had to wash my hands after every interaction with the flower.

This is what my handsome man looks like.

Onions reproduce very simply - “babies” appear from time to time next to the main bulb. You plant these small bulbs in another pot - and after 3-4 months there is a new plant, a new bush. Although the older the plant, the more useful it is. Some are of the opinion that treatment should only be done with a plant that is at least 2 years old.

Well, I’ll tell you about other diseases that are treated with Indian onions.

1) The plant has strong analgesic properties, so it is irreplaceable for bruises and joint pain. It is enough to rub the sore spot with a leaf. The main thing is that there are no cuts - on open wound- this is unbearable pain.

2) For acute respiratory infections and runny nose, rub Indian onion juice into the bridge of the nose and lymph nodes.

A vodka tincture is made from Indian onions (the leaves of the plant are crushed with a WOODEN spoon and poured with vodka). Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

The tincture helps with sore throat (in the form of compresses before bed for an hour),

for TONSILLITIS (also in the form of compresses, only with the addition of eucalyptus essential oil)

FOR VARICOSE VEINS, make an oil tincture of onion and rub it on the sore spots, or leave it in the form of compresses for a while (compresses cannot be made for thrombophlebitis)

WARTS (a piece of leaf under the patch at night)

for HEMORRHOIDS, again with an oil mixture

for BRONCHITIS, use Indian onion leaves instead of pepper plaster; keep it for no more than 3 hours

They also say that wounds, abrasions, and abscesses also heal faster, but to be honest, you need to be a hero to endure the pain. Onion juice is very hot.

By the way, many people think that correct name This plant is not Indian, but Chinese onion. Probably due to the fact that onions are mentioned in Feng Shui. According to this system, onions have a calming effect on teenagers; in Chinese schools, a pot of onions is placed in schools. It is believed that the bow can establish order in the classrooms and corridors of the school. Well, besides, with the help of a plant, if necessary, a teacher can provide first aid to a student, because this " green doctor"It may well replace iodine or hydrogen peroxide. And due to the fact that the flower is covered with small bulbs, it is believed that this strengthens harmony and mutual understanding in the family. It maintains a friendly atmosphere in the house or team. And the Chinese also consider Indian (Chinese) onion a plant -" careerist." The flower pot should be placed on the table to your right and a coin should be placed under the pot.

If you are given this plant as a gift, it is a sign of good attitude towards you.

This plant is also blooming. But if it blooms very young, then it’s worth waiting for a new addition to this family.

I can’t say anything about career and replenishment, the Chinese know better, but the fact that in medicine he is the first assistant is a fact!

Usage time: 5 years

Price: 200 rub.

How useful is Indian onion?

Beneficial features

or brandushka, or Chinese onion... This plant has several names, in different countries it is called differently. , that besides the vague name, it also does not have reliable data about the country of origin.

It is not clear why it was called Indian; it grows in South Africa, the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and of course in India.


Annual onion or mouse hyacinth,

Indoor chionodox.

All plants have a lot in common, have beneficial properties, and therefore they are used in the manufacture of various medicines.

Indian onion - medicinal properties

Indian onion is a very useful plant that has a strong analgesic and antiseptic effect. Thanks to its active substances, blood flow to diseased areas of the body increases.





Salt deposits in joints.

It also effectively affects mechanical and infectious lesions skin, including bruises, abscesses, tumors. The plant heals wounds and cuts well, relieves swelling after bee and wasp stings, and itching after a mosquito bite. With the help of Indian onions, rashes on the face, herpes on the lips, and warts are treated. The plant is also used to relieve headaches.

Indian onion - dosage forms

The leaves, bulb and arrows of the plant contain a very large amount of mucus. It is she who has beneficial properties. Therefore, leaves, arrows, bulbs of the plant, as well as its juice, which is colorless, are used as medicinal raw materials. From all these raw materials, infusions, decoctions, ointments, baths are prepared, which, as a rule, are prepared on the basis of alcohol or water.

The highest content of useful biological substances in the largest leaves. It is also worth noting the very rapid action of Indian onion preparations.

Indian onion - recipes

In order to cure old radiculitis, rub the lower back with a small piece of leaf and wrap it in a woolen scarf. This needs to be done within just one minute, as the onion burns strongly and acts instantly.

In order to remove headache, to cure acute respiratory infections, rub Indian onion juice on the temples, back of the head, bridge of the nose, brow ridges, The lymph nodes.

The juice of the plant is also rubbed onto wounds and animal bites.

To cure joint diseases, a tincture of Indian onion is prepared. To do this, fresh leaves of the plant are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. This infusion retains its medicinal properties for several years.

To relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve, use a rub prepared by pouring moonshine over crushed comfrey roots and leaves and onion bulbs in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Indian onion - contraindications

Because of high content cardiac glycosides, the plant is poisonous.

Plant sap can also cause allergic reaction, as well as rash, blisters, itching. You need to be especially careful about the interaction of plant juice with your eyes; if it gets into your eyes, they should be immediately rinsed with water.

Instructions for use:

The popular interpretation of the name of the Indian onion sounds like “brandushka”. The botanical name literally translates from Greek as "bird's milk", which was presumably given due to the graceful white flowers. South Africa is considered the birthplace of onions, but the plant is widespread in America, Mediterranean countries and India, China, as well as in South-Eastern and Central Europe.

Thanks to healing properties Indian onion in Germany is considered a sacred plant, and recipes for drugs for the treatment of various diseases, which include onions, are passed down from generation to generation. The plant's strong bactericidal properties were known back in the last century.

There are approximately 600 species of Indian onions in the world, and some of them differ significantly in appearance. Onion is also a fairly popular “material” in feng shui, in which it is used to attract harmony and peace into the home, it is the patron of affairs, promotes labor success and career growth. In addition, the Indian onion is a symbol of optimism, energy, prosperity, vitality, curiosity and active life position. Onions are also widely used by florists to create unique compositions.

Externally, Indian onions resemble simple onions. It has string-like white roots and a bulb Green colour, living from 20 to 30 years. It is from the bulb that from time to time drooping leaves grow, which are rolled into a tube at the ends. If a leaf is torn from the plant itself, a special juice will be released from it. An adult plant can have leaves 5 cm wide and up to 1 m long.

The bulb has a soft green color, as well as white film-like scales. It is under the scales that seeds are born, which can later be rejected when they reach 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter.

Indian onions bloom in November-December, reaching their second or third year of growth.


IN official medicine there is no information on the use of onions, it is not listed medicinal plants. But treatment with Indian onions is quite widely practiced in folk medicine.

Onions can be absolutely safe only when used externally. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties, which, it should be noted, appear only in the second year of growth of the Indian onion. The maximum healing properties are achieved during the flowering period, however, treatment with a piece of onion or a leaf can be carried out much earlier. The medicine is mucus, which is secreted by the arrows, leaves and the bulb itself. The juice has neither color nor odor, so it is easy to use.

The healing properties of Indian onions lie in the antiseptic and analgesic effect of the plant. The active substances in onions can promote active blood flow to certain diseased areas on the body.

Preparations containing Indian onions, which can be treated in the form of decoctions or tinctures, differ extremely quick action. The mother bulb should be used as the main plant, which will subsequently produce offspring. In this case, it is best medicine sprouts and small onions will appear. From a large bulb, you should take only the largest leaves, even if some of them have already dried, since it is in this area that the most biologically active substances accumulate.

A freshly cut part of the leaf will be enough for local application. In this case, it will be enough to rub the sore spot, the pain will go away within a few minutes, although a slight tingling sensation is possible. Treatment with Indian onion is carried out for a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthrosis, polyarthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and salt deposits in the joints. It also helps with infectious and mechanical skin lesions. The use of Indian onions can significantly relieve headaches and various colds. Indian onions can also be used to treat warts.

A lot of famous traditional healers onions are considered one of the the best means for the treatment of radiculitis, especially old ones. Also, with preparations that include this onion, you can treat wounds, especially from animal bites. It is noted that after this procedure there are practically no scars left. Preparations containing Indian onions are widely used to treat rheumatism.

Indian onion is also indispensable in the treatment of mastitis at any stage, because it has a very powerful analgesic effect and increases blood flow, while removing accumulated harmful substances.


The use of Indian onions can also be dangerous, because the information available about it is quite contradictory, so you need to use various drugs with the utmost caution. It is allowed to take a few drops of the tincture, diluting it in a quarter glass of water. Under no circumstances should undiluted plant juice be ingested, as it is poisonous. Absolutely all drugs containing this plant are contraindicated for patients with hemophilia.

Can only be applied externally to absolutely clean skin, it is also worth considering the fact that intensive treatment with Indian onions can cause burns or allergic reactions.

Indian onion preparations can only be prepared with rubber gloves.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Radiculitis, rheumatism, diseases associated with salt deposits in joints, osteochondrosis - these are far from full list those physiological problems from which it saves Indian onion.

"Indian onions are called a panacea for many ills. medicinal properties allow you to get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and improve the health of the body. "

Of course, medicine only works if used correctly and wisely. For example, it is never taken orally, as the plant is poisonous. And here external application always turns out to be very effective. To those who have chronic diseases musculoskeletal system, it is definitely worth paying attention to this plant.

Products containing Indian onions are used only in traditional medicine. We advise skeptics to hold off on drawing conclusions: the reason for the absence medications with this plant in the pharmacy is that research into its effects has not yet been completed. However, doctors now recognize that the active substances of the plant can have an antiseptic effect, accelerate blood flow and improve metabolic processes on damaged areas, accelerating wound healing and acting as a pain reliever.

Glycosides are toxic substances contained in onion leaves that also have a beneficial effect. They activate metabolism in the affected area, relieving swelling and quickly improving the patient’s condition. This is especially true for those suffering from rheumatism and radiculitis.

The juice of the leaves is quickly absorbed into the skin - this, on the one hand, helps to achieve results faster, on the other hand, it allows you to use the product in daytime without the risk of staining your clothes.

For abscesses, bruises and others painful conditions Indian onion helps relieve pain and prevent the development of inflammation.

Indian onion: methods of use

There are many recipes for using Indian onions for various diseases.

1. Finely chop the green leaves of the Indian onion, place in an earthenware container, mash and compact. Fill them with vodka at the rate of 1 to 10. Let it brew for 2 weeks, then strain and store in the refrigerator. Compresses with this remedy help fight sore throat - It is enough to apply a compress on your throat for 1 - 1.5 hours before going to bed for three days. Similar compresses are effective for joint diseases .

2. Mix chopped Indian onion leaves (3 tablespoons) with 15 ml essential oil eucalyptus or fir, add 50 ml of medical alcohol. Stir, pour into a glass bottle and seal tightly. You need to smear this mixture on your throat. at acute tonsillitis - three procedures are enough.

3. Bath with Indian onions and sea ​​salt(0.5 kg each) helps for exacerbations of arthritis . You can also add half a glass of soda. The water should be hot, almost scalding, and the temperature should be maintained. After 20-30 minutes of taking a bath, you need to rinse with cool water, wrap yourself up and fall asleep.

4. Mix Indian onion leaves and finely chopped hellebore roots in a 1 to 1 ratio, pour in medical alcohol (so that the liquid barely covers the mixture). Leave for 10 days. Compresses with this tincture help a lot for dislocations, joint injuries, rehabilitation after complex fractures .

5. Soothing compresses for joint pain are also effective. Add lemon balm and mint to the decoction alcohol infusion Indian onion in a ratio of 1 to 20. Make evening compresses from the resulting mixture.

6. If appointed warming up the joints , mix 2 tablespoons of crushed cherry seeds and 3 tablespoons of leaves and roots of Indian onion. Boil in a glass of water.

7. To avoid having to buy expensive ointments with poisons and other means for warming up the joints, you can also use Indian onions. Its crushed leaves should be mixed with pork lard 1 to 15, respectively. Apply the ointment before going to bed and leave overnight.

8. To reduce joint pain , especially after injuries, various types mechanical damage, apply compresses of onion and burdock. Mix 4-5 tablespoons of finely chopped burdock root with the same amount of chopped onion leaves, pour in alcohol so that it barely covers the mixture. Leave for 10 days, use as compresses.

9. A similarly made tincture of 3 parts lilac and 2 parts chopped onion leaves will help with salt deposition in joints .

10. Mix linden honey, aloe juice and tincture of Indian onion with vodka in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 3. Make compresses for exacerbation of joint pain - up to 4 times a day.

11. This compress is also suitable for pain relief. Boil 3 tablespoons of crushed aloe leaves in a glass of water, add 3 tablespoons of vodka infusion of Indian onion. Make compresses from the mixture and keep them for no more than 30 minutes.

12. To speed up the healing of cuts , you should boil a third large sheet Indian onion, treat the cut with alcohol and squeeze the juice coming from the boiled leaf onto the cut. Do not rinse off.

13. For rheumatism , especially during exacerbation of pain, soak bandages in onion juice and apply bandages to the affected areas.

14. To relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa and reduce runny nose , it is recommended to lubricate the nostrils with the juice of Indian onion, diluted boiled water on a 1 to 1 basis.

15. If swollen gums , but it does not bleed, there are no cuts, you should apply a leaf of Indian onion to it for 10 minutes. Do not swallow the secreted juice, lubricate the gums with it.

Remember that you should use Indian onion carefully, because it is poisonous and is not intended for internal use. Before starting any self-medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor.