Burdock healing recipes. Compress on joints. Price of burdock preparations in pharmacies

Burdock (burdock) is a plant of the Asteraceae family. The root is spindle-shaped, thick, branched, grows 15 m deep. The stem is very powerful, appears in the 2nd year of life, reaching a height of 3 m. The leaves are large. The flowers are lilac-purple, small, collected in small baskets. The fruit is small achenes that ripen in August. In this article we will look at where burdock grows, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant, etc.

Places of growth and species

There are 11 species of burdock in total. Its habitat includes Asia and Europe, as well British Isles and Japan. In America, the medicinal properties of which will be described in the article below, prefers fertile soils. This plant was brought to Europe during the War of 1812 by Russian troops. In our country it is found on fairly heavy soils; it can also form thickets along roadsides, the banks of reservoirs, in ravines, and in garbage dumps. Some varieties are used for economic purposes.

Burdock root: medicinal properties, application

Burdock is one of the most actively used plants in folk medicine. Basically, its root has healing properties, but leaves and fruits are also used. The leaves are collected in the summer, while the roots are harvested in the fall. But if the plant is more than 2 years old, then you can collect the roots in late spring. The use of burdock is due to the presence of various beneficial substances in it, including:

Medicinal properties of burdock and traditional medicine recipes

The healing properties of the plant's root have been known for a long time. The root has diaphoretic, choleretic, mild laxative, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates the pancreas, cleanses the intestines, and has a good effect on general condition skin. Burdock root is an excellent disinfectant and antiseptic, eliminates itching and allergies, destroys germs.

It is used to produce medicines that are used for wounds, diabetes and inflammation. Inulin, which is found in abundance in the plant, normalizes the number of leukocytes in the blood, improves metabolism, accelerates hair growth, and also prevents the deposition of salts and the formation of stones in the hair. gallbladder and kidneys.

Also, burdock, the medicinal properties of which are discussed in this article, helps with such ailments as stomatitis, gum inflammation, sebaceous glands, different types ringworm, foot fungus.

How to make your own burdock oil

An effective and efficient oil can be made at home yourself. To do this, you need to grind fresh burdock, the medicinal properties of which are described in the article above, take 3 tablespoons of the resulting powder and pour it vegetable oil, preferably olive. Leave the resulting mixture for a day. After this time, let the infusion simmer for 15 minutes, then cool. It must be stored in a cool place. This oil helps strengthen hair and promote rapid healing of wounds.

Burdock in cooking

Burdock root has a wide variety of medicinal properties, as we found out in this article. But you can also make a very tasty jam from it, especially useful for diabetics. To do this, you need to dissolve 4 tablespoons of vinegar essence in half a liter of water. The mixture is put on fire and after boiling, the chopped roots of the plant are poured in. The product is completely ready for use after 2 hours.

In countries where burdock is cultivated, second and first courses are also prepared from it.

Leaf soup

For it you will need:

  • 80 g onions;
  • 300 g burdock leaves;
  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 40 g each of rice and fat;
  • salt and spices.

First you need to cook the rice and potatoes. 10 minutes before readiness, add chopped burdock leaves and sautéed onions to the soup.


You can hear that burdock has very different medicinal properties and contraindications, and that it should not be consumed by nursing or pregnant women. But this is fundamentally wrong. Burdock is one of the plants that have no contraindications at all. This opinion arose due to the fact that burdock is often included in multicomponent medicinal products, in which some ingredients actually have contraindications for use.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of burdock are described not only in ancient folk herbalists, but also in modern reference books on herbal medicine. IN scientific medicine the plant is prescribed as an antidiabetic, laxative, antiulcer, choleretic, and disinfectant medicine. The study of the chemical composition of burdock is still ongoing. The unique polysaccharide (inulin) in its composition has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves metabolism.

Features of burdock as a medicinal plant

Burdock - medicinal plant, although it belongs to the weed species of grass. Most often, large and cobwebby burdock is prepared as a pharmaceutical raw material. What are the medicinal properties of this plant? What are the indications and contraindications for its use?

Burdock is felted, or woolly, cobwebby. Small burdock. Burdock.


Burdock, like plantain and chamomile, is an easily recognizable medicinal plant. There are about 20 species of burdock. Of these, three species are most often used in folk and scientific medicine, which are similar in botanical characteristics and biological activity.

  • Felt burdock, or woolly, cobwebby. Biennial herbaceous plant with a fleshy, spindle-shaped, thick, large root. Height: from 60 cm to 2 m (sometimes up to 3 m). The stem is strongly branched, erect, ribbed. The leaves are large at the bottom and become smaller up the stem. The bottom is grey-tomentose, the top is smooth and dark green. The peculiarity of this species is the cobwebby-fluffy stem and glandular-hairy flower baskets.
  • Small burdock. Its morphological difference from other species: the baskets are collected in racemes and are larger in diameter. The height of the stem can be from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Most common in Europe and Western Asia.
  • Big burdock. Other names for this species are also known: common burdock, or real burdock, burdock, burdock. By botanical characteristics looks like felt burdock. Average height- 1.5 meters. On wet fertile soils can grow up to 3 meters.

There are also many hybrid species that grow along roads. Formed in close growing conditions. In hybrids, it can be difficult to determine the characteristics of one species or another.


The burdock plant's distribution range covers the whole of Eurasia. Its main species can be found not only in Europe, but also in Siberia, Asia, and China. Also grows in Northern, South America, Australia, New Zealand as an alien species. In the Central Russian zone it is found everywhere. Loves weedy places. Belongs to ruderal (garbage) species. It takes root well in vacant lots, landfills, gardens, orchards, along roads, fences, and near housing. IN wildlife forms tall thickets. It can often be seen in ravines, gullies, forest plantations, as well as along the banks of reservoirs, in willow forests.

Procurement of raw materials

Burdock has been known in folk medicine since ancient times. Ancient herbalists describe recommendations for its preparation.

Healing effect

What are beneficial features burdock root?

  • Blood purifying.
  • Secretory.
  • Antitumor.
  • Antifungal.
  • Diuretic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Wound healing.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Absorbable.

What does burdock root contain? The most valuable substance- polysaccharide inulin. This carbon removes radionuclides, strengthens the immune system, normalizes liver function, stimulates hair growth and bone tissue, promotes the absorption of calcium, has a beneficial effect on lymphoid tissue. This substance is also found in chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, elecampane, dandelion, and asparagus.

In addition, the following were found in the root: mucus, proteins, essential oil, organic acids, fats, glycosides, microelements, tannins, phytosterols, substances with antibacterial and antifungal properties. The leaves contain a lot of mucus, tannins, essential oil and vitamin C.

Indications for use

What does burdock root cure? For what diseases is it most often used?

  • Treatment of joints and bones with burdock. It is useful to drink for rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, rickets. It relieves inflammation in joints, strengthens bones, and soothes pain. Taken orally, used externally in the form of compresses, baths and rubbing.
  • Treatment with burdock of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucus contained in the herb is beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Infusions are drunk at chronic gastritis, stomach ulcer, to stop stomach bleeding, for digestive disorders, constipation, hemorrhoids. Burdock has choleretic properties, it can be taken for gallstones, inflammation of the pancreas, gall bladder. The herb also has antihelminthic properties.
  • Treatment of kidney cysts with burdock. The root of the plant contains substances with absorbable properties. Burdock stunts growth benign tumors in organism various localizations and nature. As a diuretic, it is prescribed for kidney stones, edema, and inflammation of the urinary system.
  • Burdock root treatment respiratory diseases . Decoctions and infusions are taken orally as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for ARVI, flu, colds, respiratory inflammation and cough.
  • Application in gynecology. Recommended for delayed menstruation, for normalization menstrual cycle. Burdock is also drunk for ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.
  • Application in endocrinology. The plant improves everything metabolic processes in organism. Useful for diabetes mellitus(under the supervision of a doctor!). The plant improves the functioning of the pancreas and the production of insulin. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about taking burdock root for weight loss. The product cleanses blood, lymph, urine, rejuvenates the entire body, removes toxins and waste.
  • Burdock root for oncology. Most often used for gynecological oncological diagnoses, stomach and esophageal cancer. Burdock - effective against cancer initial stages. It is also recommended to drink it for prevention malignant tumors, especially in old age.
  • External use. Decoctions, ointments, tinctures, juice are used to treat wounds, burns, boils, trophic ulcers, acne, eczema, lichen, dermatitis, erysipelas, bruises, hemorrhages. Burdock also helps with mastopathy and neuralgia. They treat the throat and oral cavity for inflammation.
  • Detoxifying agent. It is useful to drink for various poisonings - food, alcohol, chemicals, heavy metals and poisons. There are positive reviews of burdock root as an antidote for bites from poisonous animals and insects.

There are few contraindications for burdock root. In rare cases, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to the grass may occur. Can be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. Also, in case of exacerbation of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, medical consultation is required before taking it.

The use of burdock in folk medicine

What are the uses of burdock root at home? Decoctions, ointments, oil extracts, and alcohol tinctures are prepared from it. Fresh leaves and juice of burdock are also widely used. The plant is often used in cosmetology and even eaten.

Pharmacy drugs

You can purchase ready-made herbal raw materials at the pharmacy. And here alcohol tincture Burdock cannot be found on sale; it can be prepared at home.

  • Grass . This is ready-made, crushed plant material. Refers to pharmacological group herbal antispasmodics. Most often it is prescribed as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and disinfectant.
  • Herbal tea. You can buy burdock herbal tea in filter bags. In addition to burdock, other herbs are added - licorice root, chicory, blackberry and hay leaves, chrysanthemum, ginseng, orange zest. This tea is rich in high levels of inulin and tannins. It can be taken for a month, but only after consulting a doctor.
  • Biologically active additives. Dietary supplements can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. But it is still recommended to consult a doctor before taking them. They can be in the form of tablets and capsules - dry extract of burdock leaves and roots. They also produce dietary supplements in the form liquid extract burdock.


The decoction is used internally for gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning, to cleanse the blood, regulate kidney activity, reduce temperature, and stimulate the pancreas in diabetes mellitus. It is also a good bactericidal, wound-healing and analgesic external agent. Usually, more concentrated solutions are prepared for lotions and compresses - 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials take a glass of water.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry root.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 40 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Take ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals. Also decoctions and water infusions prepared from burdock leaves and seeds. Infusions from the leaves are best for stomach ulcers, gallstones and kidney stones. Infusions from the seeds are drunk for chronic constipation.


Vodka infusion is often used externally - for rubbing for radiculitis, arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also taken orally for all of the above diagnoses.

Burdock root tincture recipe

  1. Take 1 part of dry crushed root.
  2. Pour in 10 parts of vodka.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.

Take 15–20 drops orally 3 times a day, diluting in a tablespoon of water.

Recipe for alcohol-honey tincture

  1. Take fresh burdock juice, honey and vodka in equal proportions.
  2. Mix.
  3. Leave for 3 weeks.

You can take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. This tincture traditional healers It is recommended to take it when salts are deposited, as prophylactic from malignant tumors.

Oil and ointment

Oil extract and ointments based on burdock are good for burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers, boils, joint diseases. Oils and ointments are often used to strengthen hair.

Preparation of oil

  1. Take 1 part of crushed dry root.
  2. Pour in 5 parts olive oil.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain before use.

The oil is rubbed into painful joints and weak hair roots for several weeks. This product is used to gently lubricate the affected areas of the skin. It can also be taken orally during a long course of treatment.

Preparation of ointment

  1. Prepare a decoction of 4 tbsp. l. root powder and 4 glasses of water.
  2. Take ¼ of the broth.
  3. Add 4 parts ghee.
  4. Heat up.
  5. Stir thoroughly.

Numerous reviews confirm that burdock ointment - effective remedy For fast healing burns and wounds. The ointment also helps with inflammation sciatic nerve. Rub the product over the sore spot and then wrap it up. Instead of cow butter, you can use another fat - pork or goose. You can add extracts of other herbs to the ointments - St. John's wort, string, oregano, strawberry leaves, licorice.

Features of the use of fresh burdock leaves and juice

How are fresh leaves used?

  • For itchy skin, the leaves are moistened in milk and applied to the affected areas of the skin for several hours.
  • For mastopathy, apply to the chest as a compress.
  • At erysipelas apply leaves smeared with homemade (vershkova) sour cream.
  • Apply to wounds for quick healing.
  • Sore joints are wrapped in fresh leaves, insulated and left overnight.
  • Salads are prepared from young spring leaves and shoots - this good remedy from vitamin deficiency.

What is the main use of burdock juice?

  • This is an effective general tonic.
  • It can be used internally for all of the listed diagnoses, but only in diluted form.
  • The most effective treatment for liver diseases is burdock juice.
  • Juice is added to medicinal ointments, masks for hair and face are prepared on its basis.
  • Heals well purulent wounds, trophic ulcers.
  • For dermatological problems, it is used not only externally, but also taken over a long course.
  • Fresh juice of roots and leaves is a preventative against malignant tumors.

The use of burdock leaf juice is the same as the juice from the root. But the cooking principle is different.

Making juice from leaves

  1. Take young burdock leaves.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

This juice can be used together with a paste of leaves. It is useful to apply it to the affected areas of the skin.

Preparing juice from roots

  1. Grind the fresh root in a coffee grinder.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp.
  3. Pour in the cake cold water(1 part cake and 10 parts water).
  4. Leave the cake for 3 hours, then strain.
  5. Combine the squeezed juice and water extract.

You can drink this juice 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. within 4 weeks. Very wide range pharmacological action juice: it is a good choleretic, diuretic, blood purifying, bactericidal, antitumor medicine.

Contraindications for burdock juice are the same as general contraindications plants. However, it must be remembered that Fresh Juice gives more often allergic reaction And side effects in the form of indigestion. Let us emphasize once again: it should be taken in diluted form.

Application in cosmetology

The main medicinal properties of burdock root are anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antitumor, diuretic, and choleretic. Thanks to such a wide pharmacological spectrum of action, the herb is used to treat diseases of the digestive, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, diabetes, benign and malignant tumors. Externally used to treat traumatic, infectious, allergic skin lesions. It is also an effective skin and hair care product.

Burdock is one of the plants that grows everywhere. Everyone is accustomed to treating it as a difficult-to-eradicate weed with thorns that cling to clothes, sneakers, hair, animal fur, etc. But not everyone knows about the countless beneficial properties of this plant, thanks to which it has gained its popularity in folk medicine, and about the possibilities of its use for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, it is worth getting to know burdock better, finding out its beneficial properties and the preparations that you can prepare from it even yourself at home (especially since you don’t have to look for raw materials for a long time).

Not every burdock is considered medicinal. In fact, there are several types of them. Of particular interest for medicine are tomentose burdock and greater burdock. In principle, they differ little from each other, and almost all of its parts are used for medicinal purposes: roots, leaves, inflorescences, except for the hard stems, which usually reach a height of 1 m or more.

There is no need to say much about what burdock looks like, since everyone has seen it more than once. Huge leaves with fine carvings along the edges grow from one center, and on the tops there are inflorescences - burdock, which has a red-pink color, many hooked spines, with the help of which it clings to everything that comes into contact, and small wrapping leaves.

The widespread use of burdock in folk medicine is due to its rich chemical composition. Moreover, as was said above, useful material are found in almost all its parts:

  • burdock leaves are rich in arctiopicrin (it is this component that gives bitterness), ascorbic acid, beneficial mucilages and tannins;
  • burdock root contains vitamins B, E, D, as well as a whole complex of acids, polysaccharides, inulin, carotene, essential and fixed oils, resin, mineral salts, trace elements (iron, zinc, boron, manganese) and many other useful substances;
  • Burdock seeds are known for their high content of essential oils.

You can use different parts of burdock to combat many diseases. various directions. Preparations based on burdock have the following actions on the human body:

  • diuretic, making burdock excellent for cleansing the entire body of waste and toxins;
  • choleretic. Burdock is widely used in the treatment of gallbladder and kidney diseases;
  • antibacterial and healing, which allows the use of various parts of the plant for external use for wounds, burns, acne rashes, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • laxative, so burdock extracts help cope with hemorrhoids and constipation;
  • anti-inflammatory, which is especially important for diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as diseases arising in the oral cavity;
  • antipyretic for colds and infectious diseases;
  • It is a pain reliever, so burdock is also used to treat a range of joint diseases.

In fact, the list of specific diseases that burdock helps fight is endless. Due to the fact that it can be used both internally and externally, on the basis of this plant they prepare a large number of various preparations: decoctions, infusions, alcohol-based tinctures, teas, creams, ointments, lotions, etc., and are also consumed fresh.

In fact, there are very few of them and they are quite banal. Burdock should not be consumed:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up burdock.

That's all. Therefore, if a particular person does not fit into either the first or second group, then he can use burdock with peace of mind to improve his appearance and treat diseases.

Of all the parts of burdock used in folk medicine, it is its root that is most often used to treat diseases, but the leaves are still more often intended for external use.

Burdock root can only cause harm if it is consumed in excess, so you should always know when to stop even when using products traditional medicine. This is especially true for oral administration.

Also, when independently collecting and harvesting burdock roots, you should pay attention to the places where it grows - you should not collect plants near roadways, as they can be toxic. And before consumption and processing, freshly harvested burdock must be thoroughly washed.

It is believed that freshly squeezed juice from burdock roots or leaves is most effective. To prepare it, you need to soak the previously collected raw materials in cold water for a few hours. This operation will help remove the bitterness. Then you need to dry the leaves and roots of the burdock so that water does not get into the juice.

After the drying stage, the raw materials are ground in a meat grinder, passing it several times. The resulting pulp is wrapped in a piece of gauze and squeezed out. All the juice released is poured into resealable dark glass bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

In principle, burdock juice can be consumed fresh, but the main problem will be that its shelf life in the refrigerator does not exceed three days. And as you know, the parts of burdock collected in May will be considered the most useful for obtaining juice. Therefore, for continuous consumption of burdock juice in courses, it is often preserved with vodka or honey, added to the raw material in a 1:1 ratio and mixed.

Burdock tincture

This product is prepared using an alcohol base. Below are several recipes for preparing such tinctures.

Recipe 1. Tincture of burdock inflorescences

You need to fill 1/3 of a glass jar with raw materials and fill it to the top with vodka. Leave to infuse for 21 days in a dark, cool place, and after this time, filter through cheesecloth and pour into resealable bottles for storage. It is recommended to take this tincture 15 minutes before meals in the amount of one teaspoon.

Recipe 2. Burdock root tincture

Dry crushed burdock root should be poured with vodka in a dark glass bottle in a ratio of 1:10, respectively, and the mixture should be infused for 10 days. At this time, you need to shake the bottle at least a couple of times. After the mixture has infused, it is filtered and squeezed. The tincture is usually taken with honey or aqueous extract propolis, taken in equal parts (1 tablespoon each), half an hour before meals, previously dissolved in small quantity boiled water(1/4 cup).

Recipe 3. Burdock tincture with honey

Here honey will be included as a full-fledged ingredient in the tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 10 g of crushed burdock root and the same amount of honey and pour a glass of vodka. The mixture must be infused for 10 days and then filtered. Usually taken half an hour before meals three to four times a day. Moreover, you first need to dissolve 1 tbsp. the resulting tincture in ¼ cup of boiled water.

Burdock tea

Tea can be made from the root, leaves and inflorescences of burdock. It is taken orally warm, half a glass two or three times a day. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. chopped burdock root pour into a glass hot water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 30 minutes under a lid, allowed to cool for 10 minutes, filtered through cheesecloth, squeezing out the roots, and boiled water is added to obtain the original volume. Thus, the tea becomes ready for drinking.

For cancer

At cancer diseases the use of tinctures and decoctions from the roots and leaves of burdock helps to stop growth and development cancer cells, slow down the development of malignant tumors, and also increase the body’s immunity in order to improve the functioning of protective functions. For these purposes, use internally:

  • burdock root decoction (crushed burdock root is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled) 20 minutes before meals, half a glass;
  • infusion (50 g of crushed root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse for 8...12 hours) 100 g before meals;
  • tincture of honey and vodka (according to recipe 3);
  • fresh plant root, finely chopped, no more than 30 g per day (taken in portions, up to 5 times a day);
  • burdock root juice 1 tbsp. 20 minutes before eating.

However, burdock can also be used for external use. For example, for breast cancer, it is recommended to collect the leaves of this plant, rinse thoroughly and apply to the mammary glands for a while.

you need to grate burdock root with butter, take the ingredients in a ratio of 1:4, respectively, boil for 15 minutes and, finally, strain. Add one to the resulting mixture egg yolk and mix well.

Recipe 1. For the treatment of infertility and spontaneous abortions

Here it is proposed to make a collection by mixing 1 tbsp. cutter herbs, 5 g of crushed burdock root, 3 g of crushed Abraham tree fruits and 3 g of orchis roots. It is advisable to prepare the dry mixture immediately in a thermos, mix well and pour two glasses of boiling water. The thermos is closed with a lid and the collection is left to infuse for 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts for a month, after which they take a break for 10 days and then continue again. To achieve the effect, you will need to take at least three such courses. It is recommended to take the collection up to 4 times a day, 50...100 ml.

Recipe 2. For uterine fibroids

Freshly squeezed juice from burdock root should be mixed in equal quantities with sea buckthorn and St. John's wort oils and add honey. Mix the whole mixture well and at the end add 0.2 g of mummy. Dip a tampon into the resulting mixture and insert it into the vagina overnight. In the morning you need to take it out and throw it away.

Benefits of burdock for women

In addition to the above possible gynecological problems With regard to women's health, constant intake of burdock decoction (tea) helps reduce pain during menstruation, as well as regulate its cycle. And with abundant uterine bleeding you can use the following recipe:

5 g of dry burdock root, crushed into powder, is poured into a thermos with two glasses of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight, then filter and take 100 ml 4 times daily. Usually one course of treatment lasting a month is sufficient. If necessary, the course is repeated, but a pause of 10 days is observed between them.

Thanks to your healing properties Burdock is also widely used in cosmetology - its extracts are included in numerous masks and creams, as well as in hair care products. Below are a few folk recipes using burdock, which will help improve the condition of facial skin and hair at home.

  • For face

Recipe 1. Mask for problem skin persons prone to rashes

You need to boil half a liter of milk, add 6 pieces of medium-sized burdock leaves and cook everything together for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. After removing the mixture from the stove, allow it to cool. The leaves themselves are taken out and applied to the face for 15 minutes, then removed, and the face is washed with warm water.

Recipe 2. Homemade nutritious cream for face

To prepare it you need to take 1 tsp. dry lavender and dry burdock root and pour a glass of clean mineral water without gas. The resulting mixture is put on fire and boiled for 5 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, it needs to be filtered. To prepare the base, you will need to melt 1.5 tbsp in a water bath. beeswax and add 1 tbsp to it. almond oil. When both components are melted, the previously prepared decoction is added to them. The mixture is kept in a water bath until the required thick consistency is obtained, after which the ready-made hot cream is poured into a jar and wait until it cools completely. Then it needs to be stored in a dark, cool place.

  • For hair

Recipe 1. Ointment to improve hair growth

100 g of crushed burdock root should be poured with 150 ml of olive oil and left to infuse in a warm, dark place for 48 hours. After the specified time, the mixture is taken out and put on low heat. It is recommended to cook this mixture after boiling for 20 minutes, followed by cooling and filtering. It is recommended to rub the ointment prepared in this way into the scalp.

Recipe 2. Decoction for hair loss

To prepare it, you need to make a mixture of 200 g of crushed burdock root, 10 g of calendula flowers and 15 g of hop cones. The entire mixture is poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 15...20 minutes, then allowed to brew and filtered. It is recommended to wash your hair with this decoction at least once a week.

Very often used for treatment and prevention skin diseases(acne, seborrhea, dandruff), as well as for healing minor wounds and sunburn. Burdock oil helps quickly remove itchy skin. In cosmetology, burdock oil is used to improve the condition of aging skin and strengthen hair follicles, which helps fight baldness and hair loss.

Burr oil You can purchase it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself using one of the two recipes below.

Recipe 1. Burdock oil from fresh roots

Dug up burdock roots (it is advisable to dig in early spring or late autumn) need to be finely chopped. Next, 100 g of crushed raw materials are poured with 200 ml of any oil. plant origin(sunflower, rapeseed, olive, etc. are suitable) and left to infuse in a dark, warm place for 24 hours. After this time, take out the oil and put it on low heat. You need to cook for 20 minutes, and it is recommended to constantly stir the contents of the pan, otherwise it may burn. After removing the oil from the heat, it is filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a storage container. A resealable glass jar or bottle is perfect for these purposes.

Recipe 2. Burdock oil from dried roots

Here it is proposed to pour 100 g of dry crushed raw materials with 0.5 sunflower oil. This method does not involve cooking or straining. However, the preparation time for the oil is quite long - it will take three weeks to infuse in a dark, warm place.

If you don’t want to collect and prepare burdock yourself, then there is always the possibility of purchasing ready-made preparations at the pharmacy. Of course, prices may vary depending on the region of the country, so only the approximate cost will be given below:

  • dry crushed burdock root without additional additives - a package weighing 50 g costs about 50...70 rubles;
  • juice from burdock leaves - 100 ml of the drug costs at least 300 rubles;
  • juice from burdock root - the price of 75 ml of the drug reaches 1000 rubles;
  • burdock oil with the addition of various components - 100 ml of the drug can be purchased at the pharmacy for 40...70 rubles.

Prices for various cosmetic products produced using burdock extracts, for example, shampoos, creams, etc., vary greatly and depend on the country of origin, the manufacturing company and other factors, so they will not be given here.

In any case, independently collecting and preparing burdock for medicinal purposes will cost much less than purchasing products based on it in a pharmacy.

Burdock and burdock are a plant that is probably familiar to everyone from childhood: everyone knows how difficult it is to remove the prickly inflorescences from clothes, their hair, and animal fur. That’s why the attitude towards the plant is often negative, even in Russian the word burdock means a simpleton, and burdock means annoying. And not everyone knows that burdock is, in fact, not as simple as it seems. In Japan, it is grown as a garden crop and young leaves are used for food (salads and soups are made from them) and roots of first-year plants (they are boiled, fried, eaten raw and added to soups, replacing potatoes with them). In addition, burdock is used in traditional medicine to prepare decoctions, compresses and ointments for the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Description of burdock. Large burdock (another name: burdock) is a biennial plant with a powerful stem and fleshy root up to 60 cm long. Flowering: mid-summer (June, July). Inflorescences: quite large, have the appearance of an umbrella-shaped brush.

Places of growth: near embankments, fences, walls and roads. Burdock can be found in places where cattle are grazed, in vacant lots, and near streams.

Properties. stimulation of metabolism; diuretic; antifungal; diaphoretic; antibacterial; healing; choleretic.

Plant parts used

IN different countries In the world, almost all parts of the plant, processed or fresh, are used for traditional medicine recipes: roots, leaves, fruits, flowers.

The roots of the plant contain stearic acids, mucus, proteins, essential oil, resinous and tannins. The leaves of the plant contain: tannins, ascorbic acid, mucus, essential oil.

Harvesting burdock rhizomes is carried out in the fall, in this way: the dug up root is cut into pieces and dried, providing constant access to fresh air.

Diseases for which burdock is used

DiseaseMode of applicationAction
Urolithiasis, gouta collection that includes burdock root is used for bathing; decoctions- stimulation of metabolism; - diaphoretic; - diuretic
Ulcer, gastritisDecoctions- healing; - restoration of acidity
Boils, ulcersInfusions and decoctions from roots- healing, - antibacterial, - blood purifying
Diseases of the gallbladder, kidneysLeaf infusions- choleretic
Stomach disorders (constipation)Infusions of leaves or roots- laxative
Skin diseases, hair strengtheningExternally use decoctions (in the form of compresses) or burdock oil- antifungal; - healing
EdemaFresh seeds are taken internally- diuretic

Preparation of burdock remedies

Tinctures from burdock rhizomes are prepared in this way: a tablespoon of powder from dried burdock roots is poured into a glass of chilled boiled water and left for 12 hours in a cool, dark place. After this, the product is brought to a boil and cooled. You need to take the infusion 4-5 times a tablespoon daily.

Burdock decoction is prepared from rhizomes boiled over low heat. Proportions: a tablespoon of root powder per 500 ml of water. Cook for 10 minutes.

Burdock leaves. Fresh leaves of a young plant are used to treat rheumatism, joint pain, and to heal wounds simply by applying the leaf to the sore spot. The leaves can be dried, and before use, hold them over steam for several minutes; use dry leaves as if they were fresh.

How to prepare burdock oil

Burdock oil can be made at home from fresh burdock roots. The roots (there should be 3 tablespoons of them) are finely chopped and poured with a glass of olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil); leave for a day in a warm place, then boil for 15 minutes over low heat. The strained oil is poured into a container and stored in the refrigerator. Burdock oil is used to heal wounds, strengthen hair, etc.

Burdock in folk medicine

Salt deposits are treated with burdock leaves. The leaves are harvested in May, washed, squeezed out the juice (half a liter), add the same amount of honey and a glass of vodka. The remedy is taken in stages: half is drunk freshly prepared before meals, a tablespoon three times a day, the remaining half is drunk six months later (in the fall). Ready medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.

Stomach upsets, ulcers, inflammatory processes Treated with freshly dug roots of young burdock. The roots are thoroughly washed (with a brush) and eaten without any treatment. When using this recipe, you need to take into account that the beneficial properties in burdock roots do not last long, so the dug up rhizomes should be used within the next few hours.

Traditional healers treat constipation, colitis and intestinal dysfunction using decoction and burdock seeds. Leave 2 tablespoons of burdock seeds filled with two glasses of boiling water in a thermos for 12 hours. The strained infusion is taken after meals, half a glass.

For eczema, burdock products are used externally and internally. External use: apply an ointment made from fresh roots of young burdock to sore areas, then the patient is walking for 30 minutes in the steam room, where the steam is gradually increased. In the steam room, the patient drinks a glass of warm decoction of burdock rhizomes in small sips. After a few minutes, sweat begins to appear on the body; you should not leave the steam room until the body dries; if you are thirsty, you can drink whey. The same ointment should be applied to the dried skin of the diseased joints and bandaged. Carry out procedures before bedtime. Preparation of the ointment: 4 tablespoons of rhizome powder, 4 glasses of water, boil until reduced in volume by half, then mixed with butter in a ratio of 1:4 (4 parts butter). The prepared ointment is used not only to treat rheumatism, but also for burns and eczema.

An abscess can be cured by applying a burdock leaf to the skin on the side where the surface of the leaf is smooth. A burdock leaf, smeared with sour cream, is applied to erysipelas.

To get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp, wash your hair with a decoction of burdock rhizomes and willow bark. The number of components must be the same. There are no contraindications for the use of burdock, and side effects not detected even when taken in large doses.

- This is a common plant that is found almost throughout the entire territory of our country. It can be seen along the road, in ravines, in clearings, wastelands and parks. In fact, there are two types of this plant - cobweb and felt burdock, but their properties are practically the same and are used equally in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Burdock has long been used to treat a variety of diseases, and its healing power known in many countries and on different continents.

This plant is even used to treat cancer, although in fact it only slightly slows down growth and development pathological formations. However, there are many diseases that burdock can completely cope with. Medications Based on it, it is quite possible to prepare it yourself at home.

IN therapeutic purposes different parts of burdock are used: leaves, roots and even color. The leaves require virtually no pre-treatment; they can be applied to the head to treat headaches, or wrapped around wounds and inflamed joints. Before use, it is recommended to simply rinse the plant and knead it a little with your hands. Slightly suppressed or crushed raw materials are applied to areas of itching, as well as to areas affected by eczema, urticaria, acne, boils, and lichen. The same remedy helps cure burns, insect bites and even snake bites.

The juice obtained from burdock leaves has excellent therapeutic properties. To obtain it, you should pass the plant through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth.

Freshly squeezed juice can be rubbed into the roots of the head - this will prevent baldness and have a strengthening effect on the hair follicles. Swabs moistened with this liquid are applied to ulcers, wounds and burns. In addition, the juice can be taken when various diseases, most often you need to drink it about half an hour before meals, and the dosage can range from a couple of tablespoons to one glass. The course of treatment is selected individually depending on the type of disease and individual characteristics sick.

Juice and other preparations based on burdock leaves are an excellent choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Freshly squeezed juice helps cope with rheumatism, allergies and diabetes. It has a positive effect on the functional activity of the kidneys and liver, improves metabolic processes and protein absorption. Burdock juice is used in traditional medicine recipes as a remedy for cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Despite the fact that there are no clear contraindications to its use, it is best to consult a doctor before treatment with such a drink and other drugs based on this plant.

Burdock leaves are also used to prepare various infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils and ointments. There are a variety of recipes for their manufacture, and usually they directly depend on the intended purposes of using the resulting product.


Take burdock leaves, wash them and dry them. Pass the mass through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the resulting pulp. Mix it with the same amount of natural liquid honey, and then add medical alcohol, maintaining a 10:1 ratio (five parts honey, five parts juice, one part alcohol). Store the resulting tincture in the refrigerator for no longer than two years. Take it a tablespoon three times a day to treat various skin and joint diseases. The tincture can also be used as an external remedy to get rid of joint diseases, acne and furunculosis, in addition, you can wipe the scalp with it when treating dry and oily seborrhea.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of crushed burdock leaves into a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then set aside in a dark place to infuse. After two hours, strain the medicine and take in small doses throughout the day for the treatment of abscesses, warts, wounds and diathesis, in parallel with external use.

Mix two glasses of freshly squeezed juice from May burdock leaves with the same amount of natural liquid honey and add one glass of vodka. Take a tablespoon three times a day immediately before meals. This product will help get rid of salt deposits. It must be stored in the refrigerator. For achievement maximum effect Divide the resulting tincture into two parts, take one during the first time after preparation, and the second six months later (in November).

Boil the burdock leaves until soft, drain the liquid and mix the vegetable raw materials with soft and fresh butter. Use as an ointment to treat burns and hair loss.

Soak burdock leaves in milk and apply them to the joints (if various diseases joints) or on the mammary glands (for mastopathy). The same treatment will help with gout and rheumatism. It is recommended to apply paper for compresses over the leaves and secure them with a bandage.

Pour a tablespoon of crushed leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour to infuse. Take a tablespoon four times a day for ulcers, gastritis and diabetes.

Before using any traditional medicine recipe, do not forget to consult your doctor.