Acute pancreatitis surgery consequences. Acute pancreatitis. Treatment Indications for surgery

The range of effects of honey massage is quite wide, and it is often used as a medical and cosmetic procedure. However, there are also contraindications for its use.

Most often these are allergies, skin diseases, exacerbation chronic diseases, hypertension, serious mental or heart disease, hemophilia, skin tumors, tuberculosis.

For back diseases and for the purpose of their prevention, massage is used along the entire length of the spine. And although massage as an effective way to influence a person’s well-being has been known for thousands of years, not everyone knows how to perform it correctly and exactly what techniques should be used when massaging the back with honey.

With some differences between this procedure and other types of massage, there are general rules, which must be followed in order to achieve the best result and not harm the body.

  • A honey back massage should not be done too hard or too fast. The resulting sensation of pain (especially in the first sessions) can be dangerous and harmful to health.
  • Moderately intense soft and careful massage movements are performed along the lymphatic tract (from the periphery to the center).
  • During the massage, the lymph nodes and spine should not be exposed.

In order to properly perform a back massage with honey, you will need some knowledge and skills, a few spoons of honey and a little physical effort.

Before the session begins, the entire back surface is massaged and warmed up. After that, honey is applied to the prepared skin, into which you can drop a little for a better effect. aromatic oil(no more than 5 drops per small spoon of honey). Then the honey is slowly rubbed into the skin with light pressure and an up and down motion.

Depending on the type of honey and its consistency, it thickens after some time. After this, you can proceed to the main procedure, which consists of alternately applying your hands to the skin and smoothly lifting it from its surface. Movements can be slowed down or accelerated, focusing on sensations.

The procedure is performed until almost all the honey is absorbed into the skin (no more than 10-15 minutes). The remaining honey should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream should be applied.

Massage for osteochondrosis is part of the complex therapy of the disease. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as much as you like, use expensive chondroprotectors, but you will not achieve the desired effect.

Only because the modern lifestyle provokes the accumulation of chronic muscle tension, which reduces the effect of medications and limits the supply of nutrients to the tissues surrounding the already diseased spine.

Massage for osteochondrosis is a useful and irreplaceable remedy. If you undergo treatment sessions regularly, back pain will bother you less often. This is noticeable after 4-6 procedures.

When combining the course with adequate drug treatment, sufficient mobility and correct, rational nutrition, osteochondrosis will leave you alone, there will be no exacerbations. Therefore, massage for osteochondrosis is not only possible, but also necessary.

But is the procedure always necessary for all patients with osteochondrosis? Specific indications are:

  • Osteochondrosis of any part of the spine without exacerbation.
  • Muscle stiffness, limited mobility caused by osteochondrosis.

Let us especially focus on contraindications. Any patient needs to know about them. Massage is not given:

  • In the stage of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  • With severe pain syndrome.
  • In the presence of any acute pathologies - viral infections and etc.
  • In the presence of oncological pathologies.
  • Patients with arterial hypertension.
  • Patients with inflammatory phenomena on the skin.

IMPORTANT! Massage cervical spine The spine must be done especially carefully and carefully. It is in this department that they are located great vessels, feeding the brain.

If for some reason you do not want to carry out the procedure in a specialist’s office, treatment sessions can be organized at home.

But at the same time, it is necessary that the relative who will perform the manipulations on you has at least the slightest idea of ​​what he is going to do.

Fortunately, there is enough literature on this topic, you can even find a training video.

  • The room you choose should be spacious enough, bright and warm. The preferred air temperature is 22-23 degrees. At a low temperature, the patient will be uncomfortable and the therapeutic effect of the procedure will decrease.
  • Now about the massage surface. The procedure cannot be performed either on a sofa or on a soft bed. The surface of the couch should be hard, but not hard. Remember the hospital couch. If you perform massage at home, look for medical-grade furniture. You can also adapt a table-book to a massage couch. To do this, you need to cover it with foam rubber and cover it with something soft. Massage of the cervical and chest area can be done by seating the patient on a chair, facing the back. The support for the body during massage should be reliable. Otherwise good relaxation muscles cannot be achieved.
  • The patient must take a shower before the session. And after the massage, rest for about half an hour.

There are many types of therapeutic massage. It cannot be said that a certain type is intended for a specific part of the spine. But there are still preferences. Let us consider in more detail the types of therapeutic manipulation and indications for them.


The most common and well-known is classic massage, which is performed by the hands of a massage therapist. The method is universal, suitable for the treatment of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral osteochondrosis, as well as mixed forms of pathology.

Classic massage also has a second name – Swedish. That's what they call it abroad. Therefore, do not be deceived if private specialists offer you a Swedish massage for an amount different from the cost of a classic massage. As a result, you will get the same manual procedure.

Classic manual massage techniques are represented by four sets of movements:

  • Stroking. Smooth movements with both palms.
  • Kneading. Hand movements are reminiscent of manipulating dough. If the massage therapist is too active, the procedure may be a little painful.
  • Trituration. The movement is performed in a circle, using the base of the palm or the pads of the fingers.
  • Vibration or tapping. Short, rhythmic movements of the fingers or the edge of the palm.


Sometimes, for osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar regions, the doctor recommends not only classic massage, but also vacuum massage.

It is one of many varieties hardware massage, i.e., it is performed using special devices.

So that you can clearly imagine the effect of using vacuum, remember the good old jars that your grandmothers used for home treatment.

Of course, few people use classic banks anymore. But it is in their likeness that vacuum cupping massage is performed. Modified cans are equipped with a rubber bulb or are connected to a special vacuum apparatus. During the procedure, vacuum cans move around the body in a certain order.

Vacuum massage is not recommended for use at home. In massage rooms, vacuum is used to treat osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine. Not recommended for impact on the cervical spine.


This is a special effect on acupuncture points. It is called acupressure or shiatsu technique. There are about two thousand acupuncture points on the human body. It is difficult for a non-specialist to learn them, but it is possible to remember a few basic ones. The method is universal, for all types of disease.

Acupuncture points that can be affected for osteochondrosis are not necessarily located on the back. Convenient points for self-massage are on auricle, upper and lower extremities.


The combination of the healing properties of honey and the movements of the massage therapist guarantees an excellent result. However, honey massage cannot be used by people with diabetes. Among such contraindications, an allergic reaction to honey is also taken into account. Regarding osteochondrosis, honey massage is indicated for all forms.

Therapeutic honey massage differs slightly in technique from the classical procedure. The patient should be warmed up before the session. We must warn you that it is advisable to remove hair if it is present on the back, because the impact of the massage therapist’s hands with honey applied to them will be painful.

Only natural honey is used for massage. No artificial product is used.

Self-massage is also an option for a therapeutic procedure. The advantages are obvious: it can be done at home, without involving outside specialists. True, you won’t be able to massage your back; it’s simply inconvenient. That's why various techniques Self-massage can be used for the cervical region, upper limbs, and shoulder girdle.

There are many techniques, but to use them it is advisable to undergo training in special courses. You can influence the cervical spine without training, using the following scheme:

  • Prepare a comfortable chair.
  • Take the most free and comfortable position possible.
  • Start by stroking the cervical spine. Movements should be soft, smooth, directed from the back of the head to the shoulder girdle. Five minutes of stroking will sufficiently warm up the neck muscles, preparing them for a more aggressive effect - rubbing.
  • Rub for the same amount of time. The movement is carried out with the edge of the palm. Too much active movements This should not be done; the effect on the cervical area should be very careful.
  • Kneading is the final stage. Do it with your fingers, on one side or the other of the spine.
  • You need to finish with light circular pressure with your fingertips. The direction of movement is along the spine, from the back of the head to the shoulders.

To avoid exacerbations of osteochondrosis, massage should be done regularly. But how to choose the right one good specialist? You can, of course, go to a specialized office at the district clinic. But there are always queues, registration, etc.

The benefits of massage for the human body

Traditional medicine confirms that honey has a beneficial effect on the human body.

There is no product that surpasses honey in value and nutritional value. It contains everything: enzymes, minerals, vitamins, phytoncides, monosaccharides. You can read more about vitamins for osteochondrosis here.

Consuming honey saturates the body with energy. This is a high-calorie product that can be consumed at any age.

It has a lot of useful properties. It strengthens the immune system and has an antimicrobial effect. In case of inflammation, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

After protracted illnesses, honey restores strength well. Naturopaths say that honey is a doctor who is always at hand.

People who regularly consume honey feel good. They are cheerful, active and physically more stable. Doctors note that children who regularly eat honey have good academic performance and memory ability.

A teaspoon of honey before bed will ensure good sleep and the nervous system will recover better. Honey is rich in iron and choline. A sufficient amount of iron in the body is necessary for the synthesis of proteins.

Choline (vitamin B 4), contained in honey, serves as a balance in the body between harmful and good cholesterol. Vitamin B 4 prevents the protective membrane of the nerve cell from being destroyed.

Choline gives honey hepatoprotective properties. Honey restores liver cells that have been damaged by toxic substances. Honey prevents the formation of stones and fatty liver degeneration.

Honey is a natural prebiotic. Everyone knows about the importance of bifidobacteria. But not everyone knows that polysaccharides in honey are one of these prebiotics. Honey ensures the growth, activity and viability of bifidobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Honey is an effective remedy: it includes a wide variety of vitamins and microelements, it acts as a remedy to relieve heat and inflammation. The beneficial components of honey enter the human body as processed bee enzymes. Therefore, no additional energy is needed to assimilate them. Each crystal is believed to contain the energy of the sun.

Massage with honey for osteochondrosis is used under various circumstances. If the session is carried out correctly, there will be no negative consequences. Honey is well absorbed into skin, enters the bloodstream and takes an active part in metabolic processes, providing positive influence on the body.

This procedure is used for various purposes in solving numerous problems:

  • Health products;
  • Calm;
  • Relaxation or cosmetology;
  • Eliminate defects and improve the appearance of the skin.

Also as a means for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, for example, it relieves joint pain and soreness in radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Massage technique with honey

  • classic, used along the entire plane of the dorsal and cervical spine;
  • point, used strictly on separate areas spine;
  • self-massage, can be used for cervical osteochondrosis in the form of stroking and kneading the neck with your fingers;
  • jarred, in which slightly heated honey is used instead of oils.

However, most often the classic version is used to treat osteochondrosis, since it is this technique that allows you to effectively influence damaged areas of the spine in any type of pathology. During the procedure, stroking, rubbing, squeezing, warming up and vibration are used.

Even if a positive result is obtained after a couple of massage sessions, the course must be completed.

The whole procedure consists of 4 stages:

  1. Preparation. The essence of the stage is to warm up the patient’s skin and muscles. To do this, the patient can take a warm bath or apply a warm compress to the affected areas. Also, as an additional tissue activation, lightly stroking the spine area with your fingers is carried out for 2 minutes. At this stage, the honey needs to be warmed up a little, without bringing it to a boil.
  2. Application of honey. Heated liquid natural honey in the amount of 1 tbsp. poured onto the area of ​​spinal injury and distributed to the ridge with smooth hand movements. In this case, the impact zone cannot exceed the size of 2 palms. During the process, smooth stroking movements are made to bring the honey to the required thick state.
  3. Massage. The massage procedure itself begins as soon as the honey begins to thicken. In this case, the palms must be placed firmly, with slight pressure, on the spine and raised sharply. Such jerks almost always cause slight pain and redness of the skin. During such manipulations, part of the honey is absorbed into the skin, and the rest sticks to the hands. It is necessary to carry out such jerks until all the honey sticks to your hands or the pain becomes too intense.
  4. The final stage. The area where the massage was performed is lightly wiped with a damp towel to remove any remaining honey from the skin. After this, this area of ​​the body must be insulated with a blanket. For 30-40 minutes after the manipulations, the patient needs to lie down.

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The procedure takes on average 30 minutes. The entire course of such a massage consists of 5-7 procedures. Even if a positive result is obtained after a couple of massage sessions, the course must be completed. The break between courses of honey massage for osteochondrosis is at least 2 weeks. However, despite all the effectiveness of the procedure, honey massage for osteochondrosis cannot be the only therapeutic agent used.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, it is better to perform a massage using the services of an experienced massage therapist. It is he who, knowing exactly the technique and points of influence, will help to obtain not only an effective positive result, but will also prevent aggravation and the occurrence of adverse reactions.

  1. Preparatory stage. Preparation begins with the patient. The massage area should be slightly warmed up. This can be done by taking a bath or using a hot compress. The specialist will prepare the honey for now. It is necessary to use only natural honey, preferably flower honey. Crystallized product will also work. Only a natural product is able to crystallize to preserve its positive qualities. Unnatural honey contains only sugar and is not suitable for treatment. Buy honey only from reliable producers. Sometimes massage therapists keep the apiary themselves. Honey crystals need to be heated, not boiled, to preserve it positive properties.
  2. Initial stage. After preparation, the specialist evenly distributes about one spoon of honey on his palms. Then they touch the problem area with their palms. A weak classic massage is performed by stroking the problem area. This causes muscle warming and distribution of honey on the skin.
  3. Main stage. When the honey thickens, the actual session begins. To perform a honey massage for osteochondrosis, you need to press your palms tightly to the surface and then quickly tear them off. It's slightly painful and may sting a little, but you can quickly get used to it and it can even be pleasant. The massage area becomes red and warm. First, the honey is absorbed into the skin, and a little honey remains on the palms and a little on the body. These techniques are used to massage until all the honey is on the palms or the massage is too painful. When massaged, honey turns into a whitish or gray substance. This confirms that dead skin particles have entered it and toxins have been removed from the pores. The session ends when all this is on the palms when they are torn off.
  4. End of session. Hands must be washed thoroughly. It is also better to wipe the massage area with a clean damp cloth. Then such an area needs to be insulated - wrapped in a blanket or covered with polyethylene. The effect of honey will continue. It is recommended to lie down for some time.
  5. The procedure time is usually about 30 minutes. If it hurts to tear your hands off, you can do it gradually. First you need to tear off the lower area of ​​the palm, and then slowly the rest, finishing with your fingers. Apply light pressure, just to ensure full palm contact with the massage area. Soreness, rash, redness are reasons to interrupt the massage. You need to think about your own health, especially your spine.

For cervical osteochondrosis, the specialist’s fingers should work the area along spinal column top down. Press on the area nearby large joints spine (1 thoracic and 7 cervical), gradually moving to the shoulder joint. Then the massage is performed for the entire back. The massage therapist moves his palms in a direction perpendicular to the spine.

The spine massage ends with stroking. The procedure is performed within 20 – 30 minutes. A professional specialist will not allow the patient to experience discomfort or bruises and will wipe the patient’s skin with a damp, warm towel.

But in the treatment of osteochondrosis you need A complex approach, massage should be combined with exercise therapy, traditional medicine, treatment of the spine with bees, diet, and medications that relieve pain and inflammation.

  • The massage therapist applies natural honey in liquid form to those areas of the patient’s body that will be massaged.
  • To prepare the patient and his skin for the procedure, an introductory massage technique – stroking – is used. Thanks to the implementation of soft superficial stroking movements, the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, muscles relax, blood flow in the skin improves.
  • At the next stage, the massage therapist moves on to more energetic and stimulating movements - rubbing. This helps improve the outflow of lymph and toxins from the massaged muscles.
  • Then kneading is carried out, which increases the tone of skeletal muscles, improves metabolic processes in muscles, subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin. It is at this stage that it kneads and relaxes the spasmodic areas of the muscles, which are felt under the fingers as “dense knots”.
  • Carrying out specific movements, the massage therapist affects the skin with vibration. This improves blood supply to blood vessels and lymph outflow.
  • At the end of the procedure, you should again move on to stroking movements, which will be the last stage of the massage.
  • The patient takes a shower to cleanse the skin of honey residues.
  1. The patient is recommended to take a warm shower in order to warm up the body and cleanse the skin (for better penetration of honey).
  2. Apply the required amount of liquid natural honey to clean skin.
  3. Then the specialist performing the procedure presses both palms tightly against the skin, lubricated with honey.
  4. After this, you need to sharply tear off your hands that are stuck due to honey.
  5. Repeat similar movements over the entire massaged surface.
  6. As the massage progresses, the speed of hand release and intensity constantly changes. The most active massage should be in the middle of the procedure, and at the very beginning and before completion it should be done more carefully and gently.
  7. After the honey massage, the patient goes into the shower again and carefully washes off the remaining honey and particles of rejected epidermis.
  1. if the patient is allergic to honey (this point must be clarified before the procedure);
  2. in the presence of severe cardiac pathology (severe arterial hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias, varicose veins in the area where the massage will be performed);
  3. The procedure cannot be performed during the acute period of any infectious diseases.

If the patient has thick hair, then it is necessary to get rid of the hair or refuse the procedure, as it will be very painful.

Honey massage

Internal organs have a nervous connection with the surface of the skin. Accordingly, honey also affects them. His abilities are truly unique; when he enters the body, he first absorbs all the toxins. This helps speed up your metabolism. Honey also calms the nervous system, normalizes blood circulation and gives beauty to the skin. But for all this to happen, you need to become familiar with the massage technique.

But don’t be afraid, massage with honey for osteochondrosis is not so complicated. It is based on two movements - pressing and extracting honey.

First of all, take honey. It should be liquid and, of course, natural. In winter, you can heat the honey in a water bath to return it to its liquid consistency.

Pour 2 tablespoons of honey on your back and get to work. First, spread the sweetness over the skin and start patting. Light, gradually increasing and finally turning into pressure with the palms. First press down, then sharply tear off your palms.

At the end of the massage, small hematomas may be observed. Don't be alarmed, it will pass soon. And after the procedure, you will not only feel lightness in your body, but also in your soul. Since honey has a calming, relaxing effect.

Energy of honey

Honey massage for osteochondrosis, in addition to fighting the disease itself, cleanses and makes the skin elastic.

Honey was used as a preservative for embalming back in Ancient Egypt. The ancient Greeks believed that a person became stronger if honey was rubbed into the skin.

In Tibet, honey massage has been used as a treatment for dozens of centuries. Tibetan medicine used the properties of honey in combination with reflexology. Ancient honey massage treats joints, muscles, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Tibetan honey massage allows the body to completely relax and recover. Modern cosmetology confirms the fact that honey massage can rejuvenate the body.

What are the benefits of honey for the body? Honey can “pull out” waste and toxins from the surface of the skin and subcutaneous structures.

In combination with the mechanical effect of the massage therapist on the skin, honey accelerates the outflow venous blood and lymph. Honey massage starts a reflex process, the centers of the spinal cord are activated, and the functioning of all internal organs improves along the chain.

Thus, honey massage works in two directions: it removes toxins and regulates the functioning of all systems.

Honey massage as a therapeutic and preventive procedure is indicated for osteochondrosis. The healing properties of honey massage for osteochondrosis:

  • Eliminates pain syndrome.
  • Improves blood supply and metabolism throughout the spine, prevents degenerative changes in the structures of the spine
  • Relieves muscle stiffness in the pathological area.
  • Strengthens the muscular corset of the back, thereby stabilizing the spine in an anatomically correct position.
  • Breaks the chain of reactions that occur during inflammation of the intervertebral discs and nearby tissues.
  • Acts as a general strengthening procedure. Normalizes sleep and improves mood.

Is it possible to perform honey massage at home and how effective is it?

Honey massage can be performed at home after undergoing special training. The risk of harm when performing a honey massage at home to treat osteochondrosis is minimal. With this type of procedure, there is no pressure or rough impact on the spine.

When conducting a massage course on your own, you should take into account that the effects may be less pronounced than in the case of professional performance. It is also important that a special place is required, arranged so that honey can be easily used without fear of contaminating surrounding objects and surfaces.

Massage with honey for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is contraindicated in hypertension. Lumbar massage is not performed for ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids. Massage of the chest is not indicated for patients with mastopathy.

If there are no contraindications to the procedure, it is divided into several sessions. Performing the procedure requires the patient to comply with certain rules. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated, but a little activity will not hurt. It is not recommended to go to the bathhouse or take a contrast shower.

Indications for the use of honey for osteochondrosis

Honey massage is recommended for osteochondrosis, both to treat the symptoms of the disease and to generally normalize the functioning of the body. Honey not only helps eliminate pain and stop inflammatory process, but also contributes to the following phenomena:

  • enhances metabolic processes in cells;
  • improves blood circulation, due to which damaged tissues are effectively supplied with the elements necessary for recovery;
  • allows you to eliminate stiffness in muscle function;
  • helps strengthen the muscular system that supports the spine;
  • increases the overall tone of the body;
  • improves sleep.

Massage with honey is suitable for any osteochondrosis. However, to obtain positive effect from the procedure, it is necessary that the honey itself is natural. Its appearance also plays a role in treatment. Linden provides a high anti-inflammatory effect, buckwheat best eliminates pain symptoms, and herbs have a general calming effect.

The main indications for performing a massage procedure are:

  • chronic form of osteochondrosis, accompanied by obvious muscle wasting;
  • period of complete or partial remission;
  • prolonged spasms in the muscle tissue of the back;
  • chronic manifestation pain symptoms at the site of damage to the nerve roots;
  • pathology of static-dynamic type.

The most effective massage is the use of which began at the first symptoms of osteochondrosis.

It is unacceptable to use honey for the treatment of osteochondrosis for the following diseases:

  • the presence of oncological formations;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • liver failure;
  • fungal infections of the skin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • renal failure;
  • pathologies of blood formation.

Using massage with honey during fever, pregnancy and dyspepsia is also unacceptable without the special permission of the attending physician. Based on the characteristics of the effect on the body, it is also unacceptable to use such massage for urogenital infections, HIV-infected people, as well as patients with various forms mental disorders.

There are a number of contraindications:

  1. First of all, it is an allergy to bee products. Be sure to try it. I even had a case where I could eat honey in small quantities without problems, but when I applied a mask of it to my face, an allergy appeared, such that it’s scary to remember.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the skin, various cuts, wounds, skin diseases.
  3. Fever bodies.
  4. Vascular diseases.
  5. Blood clotting disorder.

I strongly advise everyone else to do a honey massage for osteochondrosis and other ailments. It will definitely bring you relief.



Honey massage restores joints, and with regular courses of treatment, it eliminates the unpleasant manifestations of osteochondrosis.

Honey massage gives strength and energy. It allows the hormone of joy, endorphin, to be produced. Perhaps the massage procedure is the most pleasant medical procedure. It is accessible and effective.

Honey massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine eliminates frequent headaches, which may not be possible with medicinal painkillers. Honey massage can be used to treat all parts of the spine and to treat any type of osteochondrosis.

To achieve positive results, honey massage must be carried out with a product with a rich, rich aroma and a fairly good enzymatic composition. This is linden honey (with an anti-inflammatory effect), buckwheat honey (with an analgesic effect), or herbs (with a calming effect).

Video about the benefits of honey massage

The entire honey massage procedure should take place on an area not exceeding the area of ​​two palms. It is better if the honey procedure is carried out in the remission stage of osteochondrosis. At the stage of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, all awkward movements and lack of experience on the part of the massage therapist can lead to undesirable consequences and will only make a difficult situation worse.

The most effective honey massage will be if it is carried out when the first signs of disturbances appear. intervertebral discs with osteochondrosis.

Indications for the honey procedure for osteochondrosis:

  1. chronic osteochondrosis with pronounced muscle wasting;
  2. complete, partial remission;
  3. chronic prolonged spasm of the spinal muscles;
  4. chronic pain syndrome at the exit site of the nerve roots;
  5. static-dynamic pathology.
  • allergy directly to honey;
  • fungal and other skin diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • decreased blood clotting.

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If nausea occurs after a massage session, you should stop using this technique for the treatment of osteochondrosis. It is advisable to trust the procedure only to good massage therapists.

Massage for osteochondrosis helps restore tissue of the intervertebral discs, reduce painful symptoms, increase blood flow, and improve metabolic processes in the affected area, restores the functions of the spine. This procedure also helps to improve blood supply to the brain and affected areas, accelerate lymph flow, and restore flexibility and firmness. Sessions are performed until a positive effect appears in the patient.

Massage with honey for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will allow you to achieve an improvement in the patient’s condition within a short time. This disease causes severe and frequent headaches, and the pain does not go away after taking painkillers.

When contacted with the skin, honey, very rich in vitamins and biologically active components, promotes instant nutrition and enrichment of cells. Mechanical influence relaxes muscles, causes tissue vibrations, accelerates blood movement and fights stagnation in cells.

Accelerating blood supply and saturation with useful substances improves the condition of the damaged area and speeds up recovery processes.

  • The swelling is becoming less, the neck is not so swollen.
  • In addition to the therapeutic effect, the skin is rejuvenated due to plastic peeling (they acquire greater elasticity, firmness, velvety and smoothness).
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated, human resistance to infections is improved, sensitivity to weather changes is reduced, and the reserve capacity of the respiratory and circulatory systems is increased.
  • After a honey massage, resistance to stress improves, depression decreases, the nervous system strengthens, irritability and excessive nervousness go away.
  • Massage with honey reduces or completely eliminates headaches and stabilizes blood pressure.

Massage with honey for osteochondrosis is done 5-7 times with a break between sessions of 14 days. If you feel better after the first procedure, you should finish it. It is impossible to perform a spinal massage on your own.

Massage with honey for osteochondrosis stands out among other types of universal positive influence on the skin, joints, muscles. At the same time, the body is supplied with vitamins and microelements, subcutaneous fat deposits are broken down, and toxins and other deposits are removed. If done correctly, no harm can be done to a person. But a mandatory consultation with a doctor and a competent massage therapist is necessary. Don’t trust your health to someone you don’t know.

The first sessions should be gentle so that additional tension does not arise in the muscles constrained by spasm. The first procedures are best done in a lying position, but the patient can perform the procedure in a sitting position.

Massage is a whole system of influence that serves as prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, improving the physiological and psychological state of the body.

To treat osteochondrosis, honey is used both internally and externally - in the form of compresses and as a means for massage.


Experts believe that meadow, clover, forest, linden or buckwheat honey is most suitable for internal use. These varieties contain maximum amount useful substances.

Methods of administration:

  1. Mix liquid honey (300 g) with aloe juice in a ratio of 3:1, add lemon juice and chopped peeled almonds or walnuts(0.5 kg). Take a teaspoon of the mixture three times a day.
  2. Mix honey with lemon. Take before meals. The mixture can be poured with warm water and drunk instead of tea.
  3. Grate the garlic, add honey to it (ratio - 1:1.5), mix and put in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. Take one dessert spoon of the finished product before meals. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates blood circulation, improves the condition of blood vessels, which is especially important when cervical form osteochondrosis.
  4. Squeeze aloe juice, mix with liquid honey and Cahors wine (1:2:3). Infuse for a week at a temperature of approximately 7-10 degrees, then put in the refrigerator. The recommended dosage regimen is up to 3 times a day. The product has a general strengthening, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. To reduce pain and inflammation in osteochondrosis, you can use next remedy: grate lemons with peel (to facilitate the process, they should first be doused with boiling water), add the same amount of May honey and olive oil. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for approximately 10 days. Take 2-3 times a day.

External use

For osteochondrosis, honey is used externally mainly for compresses and honey massage.

List of diseases for which honey massage can be prescribed

Due to its extensive therapeutic effects, honey massage can be used in sufficiently large quantities. pathological conditions:

  • osteochondrosis of any parts of the spine (this massage is also effective as preventive measures to prevent the development of such a disease of the spinal column);
  • chronic and subacute diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and arthralgia of various etiologies;
  • cellulite, which leads to a significant aesthetic defect;
  • immunodeficiency states (with a mild degree of inhibition of the body's reactivity);
  • psycho-emotional lability and significant emotional overload.

The main clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis are:

  1. pain in the neck, radiating to the head and upper limbs, episodes of periodic numbness of the fingers and a feeling of goose bumps;
  2. headaches (especially after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or prolonged physical labor);
  3. periodically occurring acute pain in the back (the so-called “lumbago”);
  4. feeling of difficulty breathing, discomfort or pain in the heart area;
  5. pain in the lumbar region of varying intensity and character, radiating to the gluteal region, lower extremities and perineum (in addition to the pain syndrome, impaired sensitivity and motor function of the legs may develop);
  6. if the lumbar spine is affected, severe symptoms of a disorder of the genitourinary system may develop (weakened potency in men, dysmenorrhea in women).

Massage with honey shows positive medicinal effects due to the fact that it normalizes the tone of the back muscle corset, improves trophism and metabolism in tissues, due to reflex action normalizes disturbed innervation.

It should be understood that osteochondrosis is an irreversible degenerative process, so there cannot be a complete cure. However, with a properly selected treatment regimen, which may include drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy, a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being and regression of pathological symptoms can occur.

When should you not resort to honey massage?

Honey massage is contraindicated for tuberculosis, infectious diseases skin (fungal, viral, bacterial), chronic renal and liver failure in the stage of decompensation.

The honey massage procedure for osteochondrosis is not indicated for everyone. It is prohibited for patients with cancer or pathology of the hematopoietic system.

Massage with honey has special contraindications. First: an allergic reaction to the components of honey. Before performing a honey massage procedure, the patient is given an allergy test to honey.

On inner surface elbow bend is not applied a large number of honey, kept for about 20 minutes. If redness, itching and burning appear, massage with honey is contraindicated.

The second contraindication is thick hair in the area where the procedure will be performed.

With extreme caution, and only according to the doctor’s indications, honey massage is prescribed to those suffering from hypertension, varicose veins veins, diabetes mellitus.

The honey massage procedure is not allowed for patients with fever, dyspepsia, exacerbations of all internal chronic diseases and during pregnancy. Honey massage is prohibited for mental disorders, HIV infection, and chronic urogenital venereal infections.

After the first honey massage procedures, discomfort and pain at the site of osteochondrosis cannot be ruled out. As a rule, by the third procedure muscle tension It has already been removed quite well and the patient feels much better. But if pain and discomfort persist or become more pronounced, it is better to cancel the honey massage procedure for osteochondrosis.

Honey massage for lumbosacral osteochondrosis is contraindicated in women with benign tumors of the ovaries and uterus. And there is one more special nuance. If there are irritations, rashes, wounds, abrasions, or protruding moles on the skin, they should not be injured during the procedure.

Healing properties honey, which helped get rid of back and joint pain, has been known since ancient times. Natural honey contains many useful microelements, vitamins and other biologically active substances. Here is a list of the main components of this valuable product:

  • various carbohydrate compounds that cause the sweet taste of honey (glucose, sucrose, fructose);
  • essential minerals and trace elements. These are ferrum, potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, iodine, chlorine, cuprum, cobalt;
  • vitamins of various groups (riboflavin, PP, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, folic acid).

The therapeutic effects of honey massage are realized due to the mechanical effect on the skin and due to the direct healing effect of natural honey.

Due to the implementation of special massage techniques, there is an improvement in blood supply to the vascular elements of the microcirculatory bed of the skin, and an improvement in metabolic processes in tissues and cells. There is also an improvement in lymphatic drainage and drainage, which reduces the pastiness of tissue elements and promotes more efficient removal of pathological metabolic products and toxins.

In addition to the direct effect on the skin during a massage session, reflex effect on internal organs and systems that are innervated by the same spinal segment as the massaged area of ​​skin. In addition, this manipulation has a systemic effect on the tone of the central nervous system, which is of great importance.

People who are seriously ill for a long time develop a tendency to nervousness or, conversely, to depression. Another extensive systemic effect of massage using honey is its stimulating effect on the immune system, which provides protection against various adverse internal and external factors.

An important beneficial property of massage using natural honey is that during the manipulation, old keratinized particles of the surface layer of the skin are removed. Due to the cleansing of the epidermis, metabolic processes in the surface tissues are activated, which leads to their active restoration (reparation). In addition to its regenerative effect, due to its rich composition, honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin and helps reduce mild irritations.

The benefits of honey massage for osteochondrosis and not only have been known since ancient times. It was made in Ancient Egypt, India, Tibet, and China. Currently, this type of massage is also quite common and many massage therapists use it in their practice.

Honey is well known to us for its beneficial properties. It can not only be consumed internally, but also used externally, as masks for the face and hair, for example. Honey penetrates human skin and has therapeutic effect thanks to the same unique composition and the content of vitamins and microelements.

Through honey massage, tissues receive a large amount of nutrients and vitamins. But this is not the only effect obtained from massage.

During a massage with honey, an active rush of blood occurs, especially in areas of diseases of the spine, muscles and joints, the vascular system is strengthened, the functioning of internal organs is normalized, massage has a positive effect on the immune and nervous system.

Therefore, honey massage is indicated for osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine, radiculitis, arthritis, as well as cellulite, insomnia, irritability, depression, stress, both physical and mental.

Honey massage for osteochondrosis is an indispensable help. I was convinced of this myself. It is good to perform it for prevention.

During an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, classical therapeutic massage is contraindicated, as it can cause harm, and it can only be done by a specialist. But a honey massage would be just right here, and it’s easy for anyone to do at home. But still, in the first two days of a severe exacerbation, it is better to abstain from it.

After the massage:

  • inflammation is relieved
  • blood microcirculation improves
  • metabolic processes are restored
  • the muscles become elastic and the spine becomes mobile
  • compressed blood vessels and nerves are released
  • pain is reduced and even completely eliminated.

Using honey to treat osteochondrosis allows you to fight salt deposits. Due to the active heating of the skin through its pores, trace elements and vitamins enter the human body. At the same time, it is considered very important that the body does not need to spend its own energy reserves to absorb beneficial substances from honey. Bee enzymes did it for him.

Honey cleanses the body of toxins, as evidenced by the appearance of dirty yellow flakes during the procedure.

This procedure is useful for exacerbations of joint diseases and as anti-cellulite therapy.

Honey back massage, thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of honey and certain massage techniques, successfully copes with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system: helps in the treatment of spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, diseases of the joints and nervous system, diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Honey back massage is necessary, first of all, for people with diseases of the spine and joints, suffering from frequent colds and rheumatic attacks, as well as for those who move little and sit a lot at work, as a result of which the load on the back and muscles increases. After such procedures, symptoms of depression, insomnia, stress and chronic fatigue go away, immunity and performance increase, and headaches disappear.

The essence of a massage with honey comes down to its ability to warm up the body and force blood and lymph to circulate in problem areas with a vengeance, which leads to a reduction in fat deposits. In addition, by irritating the receptors present in the skin, reflex processes are launched that actively affect the functioning of internal organs.

Why is back massage with honey so beneficial at home?

Any massage procedure aimed at one or another part of the body, in any case, in addition to solving a local problem, represents a whole complex of actions and techniques that have a specific effect that help:

  • restore energy to the body and mobility to sore joints, minimize the manifestations of osteochondrosis thanks to the healing effects of honey;
  • increase or decrease muscle tone;
  • eliminate pain;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve mood, eliminate stressful conditions;

    The procedure must be approved by the attending physician and performed by a qualified massage therapy practitioner.

    In order for honey massage for osteochondrosis to give a good result, before the procedure the patient must take a hot shower or bath with essential oils or sea ​​salt. Salt and honey, complementing each other, enhance the effect.

    Afterwards, the massage therapist applies honey to the problem area on the patient’s body, evenly distributing it over the entire surface with rubbing and kneading movements. The massage therapist's palms are also lubricated with honey. The preparatory stage is replaced by the main part of the procedure.

    For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the massage therapist works the areas with his fingers from top to bottom, along the spine. Using pressure movements, areas around the large joints of the spine (first thoracic, seventh cervical) are worked out, gradually moving towards shoulder joint. Next, the honey massage covers the entire back. The massage therapist's palms move perpendicular to the spine.

    The masseur, moving his palms in a circle, presses, “glues” them and then sharply tears them off. Thus, with particles of honey, waste products are “pulled” to the surface of the skin in the form of a gray-whitish substance. The masseur washes them off his hands and continues the procedure again.

    The honey procedure for osteochondrosis is completed with stroking. The total time for the honey procedure is 20-30 minutes. An experienced, highly qualified massage therapist will prevent discomfort and the appearance of bruises in the patient; he will wipe the patient’s skin with a damp hot towel.

    After the procedure, the patient is recommended to take a warm shower and rest for half an hour. As a rule, when treating osteochondrosis, honey massage is prescribed in a course of 7-10 sessions. It is not recommended to interrupt procedures in one course, and it is better to carry them out daily.

    Video about the procedure

    Honey massage for osteochondrosis is special. It has a beneficial effect on muscles, joints, and skin. Honey nourishes with nutrients and removes toxins. It's safe.

5. Indications for surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis

The key issue in the indications for surgery in acute pancreatitis is the impossibility of reliably differentiating pancreatic edema from necrohemorrhagic destructive pancreatitis. For edema, surgical treatment is not indicated; intensive conservative therapy is necessary. Preoperative recognition of the stage of pancreatitis is very difficult, and the error rate approaches 60%. There are currently no specific tests for destructive pancreatitis. The hopes in this area associated with the determination of methemalbumin were not confirmed.

So far we do not have criteria that allow us to set indications for surgery depending on the degree of pathological changes in the pancreas. This forces us to use a number of indirect indications. These include: 1) the impossibility of reliably differentiating acute pancreatitis from some diseases from the group of acute abdomen that require emergency surgery; 2) ineffectiveness of conservative therapy.

The criteria for ineffectiveness are:

a) progressive drop in blood pressure;

b) the impossibility of restoring the volume of circulating blood;

c) increased levels of enzymes, despite the use of inhibitors;

d) persistent shock and oliguria;

e) glucosuria above 140 mg%.

When assessing the effectiveness of therapy, we must remember that the state of various organs before the disease may be different and cannot be assessed based on individual symptoms. It is necessary to identify a form of pancreatitis that occurs with severe intoxication and a progressive increase in necrotic changes. It is better to operate on these patients on the second day after a short but intensive preoperative preparation. The choice of surgical method is determined by the degree and extent of the destructive process in the pancreas. The size of the lesion is finally determined only during surgery. After a wide dissection of the gastrocolic ligament, the anterior surface of the gland is examined. An audit of the biliary tract, stomach and duodenum is performed. For swelling of the pancreas, wide mobilization of the gland with mobilization of the duodenum according to Kocher is indicated. The body and tail are examined after opening the posterior layer of the peritoneum at the lower edge from the place where the mesenteric vessels emerge to the lower pole of the spleen. In this case, retropancreatic leaks and hematomas on the posterior surface of the pancreas are emptied.

Evacuation of exudate is necessary because the pancreatic enzymes contained in it damage parapancreatic fiber, and the presence of protein is a favorable environment for the development of infection.

The operation ends with the drainage of the omental bursa with two drains placed on the side walls of the abdomen, through which it is possible to carry out flow-fractional lavage in the postoperative period with a cold hypo- or isotonic solution with antibiotics and enzyme inhibitors. In case of diffuse small-focal necrohemorrhagic pancreatitis, foci of necrosis are additionally removed. Deep necrotic changes in the distal parts of the gland are an indication for resection of the tail and body. Resection of the pancreas helps prevent the development of complications such as sequestration, arrosive bleeding, and perforation of hollow organs. Removing the most affected part of the gland reduces intoxication by enzymes and tissue breakdown products.

The effectiveness of this operation manifests itself quite quickly and is, therefore, a prevention of shock. If destruction spreads to the head of the gland stump, it is not sutured, but hemostatic sutures are applied around its perimeter, without ligation of the pancreatic duct, but with careful peritonization and drainage. The flow of juice from the stump ensures decompression of the ducts and promotes the reverse development of changes in the remaining part of the gland. The patency of the pancreatic duct is checked by surgical pancreatography or by blocking the duct. If there is an obstacle to the passage of juice into the duodenum, then measures must be taken to restore the passage by removing the stone or by cutting the stricture. If the operation is performed late in the presence of sequesters or dense infiltrate, sequestrectomy is performed, which must be distinguished from the removal of necrotic foci in the stage of progressive destruction. During sequestrectomy, the lesions are removed bloodlessly, no longer being associated with the vascular system of the gland. This occurs no earlier than 6-8 days from the onset of the disease. An important section of any operation for pancreatitis is the issue of drainage. Drainage is performed for various purposes: removal of purulent or enzyme-rich exudate, administration of antibiotics, flow irrigation of the omental bursa. The pancreatic bed and omental bursa are drained through the lateral abdominal wall. It is better to remove drainages through separate incisions, since the release of pancreatic juice and purulent fluid around the drainage worsens the healing conditions of the surgical wound and contributes to the development of suppuration in it. With the help of drainages, toxic exudate can be removed by flow-through irrigation of the omental bursa. Fluid (saline +10-15°) is injected through a drainage tube, drained through an opening in the gastrocolic ligament near the left corner of the large intestine. Additionally, tubes are inserted into the pelvis and the left lateral canal. The operation is considered effective if after 2-3 days the pain decreases, diuresis increases, and hemodynamics improve. Drainage through the right and left lumbar regions is performed in case of extensive retropancreatic fluid accumulations and deep focal changes on the posterior surface of the pancreas. With any type of drainage, it is necessary to strive to make the shortest drainage channel. Tamponade is performed when neither resection nor sequestrectomy is possible. Five or six tampons are used to loosely fill the gland bed. In the first day, tampons play the role of active drainage; toxic effusion and decay products are released through them. Tampons help form a channel between the most damaged area of ​​the gland and the abdominal wall. The formed channel creates conditions for the unhindered rejection of sequesters; if necessary, it can be used for repeated intervention to stop bleeding or sequestrectomy. Tampons are removed one by one on days 6-8 as they become completely mucus. Another important part of the operation for acute pancreatitis is interventions on the biliary tract. Acute pancreatitis is an indication for a thorough examination of the biliary tract. If there is a strangulated stone in the common bile duct or in its papilla, it is necessary to remove it by sphincterotomy. If there are multiple small stones in the bladder and signs of inflammation, it is better to perform a cholecystectomy; if the bile ducts are intact, you can limit yourself to cholecystostomy. External drainage of the biliary tract in acute pancreatitis helps reduce biliary hypertension, remove stagnant pancreatic juice, and reduce its concentration in the blood and urine. To feed the patient after surgery and combat paresis, it is advisable to apply a temporary entero- or gastrostomy tube, through which the adjacent parts of the gastrointestinal tract can be washed on the first day.

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6-12% of patients undergo surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis. Indications for acute pancreatitis are: 1) pancreatogenic enzymatic peritonitis; 2) destructive pancreatitis; 3) failure of conservative treatment within 36-48 hours, manifested in an increase in enzyme intoxication and the appearance of symptoms of general peritonitis; .4) combination of acute pancreatitis with destructive cholecystitis; 5) complicated (purulent pancreatitis, abscess of the omental bursa, perforation of the abscess into the omental bursa or into the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal phlegmon, arrosive bleeding, obstructive jaundice).

Due to the severity of the patient’s condition and traumatic nature, surgical treatment for acute pancreatitis is carried out after stabilization of body functions. Based on the timing of execution, operations are divided into early, late and delayed.

Early surgical interventions are performed in the first 7-8 days after the onset of the disease: in case of peritonitis, a combination of acute pancreatitis with destructive cholecystitis, or failure of conservative therapy.

Late operations are performed 2-4 weeks after the onset of the disease, which coincides with sequestration, melting and abscess formation of necrotic lesions of the pancreas and retroperitoneal tissue.

Deferred operations include operations performed during the period of subsidence or relief. acute process in the pancreas (a month or more after an attack of acute pancreatitis). They are aimed at preventing subsequent relapses of acute pancreatitis.

The scope of surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis depends on the severity and prevalence of the purulent-necrotic process in the pancreas, the presence or absence of delimitation of purulent-destructive foci from healthy tissue, the degree of inflammatory changes in the abdominal cavity, and concomitant diseases of the biliary system. This is determined during laparoscopy, translaparotomy revision of the abdominal cavity and pancreas.

In case of pancreatogenic enzymatic peritonitis established during laparoscopy, laparoscopic abdominal cavity followed by peritoneal dialysis and infusion is indicated medicinal substances. The essence of laparoscopic drainage is to bring microirrigators under the control of a laparoscope to the omental opening and the left subdiaphragmatic space and a thicker one through a puncture of the abdominal wall in the left iliac region into the small pelvis. According to embodiments, the infusion of the abdominal cavity can be fractional and continuous (as in the treatment of patients with peritonitis). The composition of dialysis solutions includes antiseptics (furatsilin solution 1:5000; 0.02% chlorhexidine solution), antiproteases, cytostatics, glucose solutions (10-40%), Ringer-Locke, Darrow, etc. Peritoneal dialysis allows you to effectively remove toxic and vasoactive substances. However, it is advisable only when using 6-30 liters of dialysate per day and only in the first 48-72 hours after the onset of the disease. The method is not appropriate for biliary pancreatitis and fatty pancreatic necrosis.

Infusion of drugs into the abdominal cavity is used for moderately severe pancreatogenic pancreatitis (there is no or a small amount of serous, hemorrhagic exudate in the abdominal cavity). It consists of introducing into the abdominal cavity up to 4 times a day 200-300 ml of infusate containing 100-150 ml of 0.25% novocaine solution, 100 ml of Ringer-Locke solution, Darrow solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution, antibiotics, protease inhibitors, cytostatics.

During surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis, the pancreas becomes accessible to inspection after dissection of the gastrocolic ligament. To assess the condition of the posterior surface of the body and tail of the pancreas, the peritoneum covering it is dissected along the lower edge to the left of midline body, and the head - along the descending knee of the duodenum (according to Kocher) with subsequent mobilization of the gland. At the same time, parapancreatic tissue is examined.

If an edematous form of pancreatitis is detected during the examination, the tissue surrounding the gland is infiltrated with a solution of novocaine (0.25-0.5% - 100-200 ml) with antibiotics, protease inhibitors, and cytostatics. Additionally to the root of the transverse mesentery colon a microirrigator is introduced for subsequent infusions of novocaine, antienzyme drugs and other agents 3-4 times a day. Drainage is supplied to the omental opening through a puncture in the right hypochondrium. A cholecystostomy is performed.

Patients with pancreatic necrosis with the presence of large foci of necrosis (2-3), having a well-defined demarcation shaft, are advised to perform pancreatic necrosequestrectomy in combination with abdominization of the pancreas, drainage of the omental bursa, retroperitoneal space and abdominal cavity, decompression of the biliary tract (cholecystostomy or external drainage of the common bile duct). As a rule, the operation is performed at the 3-5th week of the disease, i.e., with a clear delineation of non-viable tissues, their rejection and encystation. Residual cavities after necrosequestrectomy should be well drained, which is achieved by predominantly using the method of flow dialysis with active aspiration.

Abdominization of the pancreas - mobilization (isolation) of its body and tail from parapancreatic tissue - is aimed at preventing the spread of enzymes and breakdown products to the retroperitoneal tissue, as well as delimiting the necrotic process in the pancreas and omental bursa.

The omental bursa is often drained according to the methods of A. A. Shalimov, A. N. Bakulev, A. V. Martynov.

According to the method of A. A. Shalimov, one drainage is supplied to the head of the pancreas through the omental opening or the hepatogastric ligament from a puncture of the abdominal wall in the right hypochondrium. The second drainage is located in the area of ​​the tail of the gland and is removed through the gastrocolic ligament and contraperture in the left hypochondrium. A modification of the method is the use of one long tube with many holes (through drainage), which provides not only adequate drainage of the omental bursa, but also allows it to be replaced if necessary.

The method of A. N. Bakulev - A. A. Shalimov consists of suturing the gastrocolic ligament to the edges of the laparotomy incision in its upper third with drainage and tampons being supplied to the pancreas.

Retroperitoneal drainage during surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis is performed in the left lumbar region. To do this, the left flexure and the initial section of the descending colon are mobilized (dissected transitional fold peritoneum, as well as the diaphragmatic-colic ligament and peritoneum along the lower edge of the pancreas). Then they stupidly mobilize back surface pancreas and through the contraperture into lumbar region drainage is connected to it (method of A.V. Martynov - A.A. Shalimov). The drainage is located anterior to the prerenal fascia, inferior to the spleen, and posterior to the angle of the colon. When draining according to A. V, Martynov - A. A. Shalimov, drainage through the left side canal should be avoided, since in this case conditions are created for enzymatic flow through the side canal.

Often necrotic lesions of the pancreas continue to progress in the postoperative period. In addition, areas of necrosis cannot always be identified during surgery. In some cases, this necessitates relaparotomy.

In order to improve the results of treatment of patients with pancreatic necrosis, a method of dynamic pancreatoscopy has been developed. Its essence lies in the fact that after dissection of the gastrocolic ligament, revision of the pancreas, necrosequestrectomy, drainage of the omental bursa, parapancreatic tissue, and bringing the greater omentum to the pancreas, the greater omentum is formed with preliminary fixation of the edges of the colonic ligament to the parietal peritoneum. In the postoperative period, with an interval of 1-3 days, an inspection of the pancreas, retroperitoneal space is performed and, if necessary, additional removal of necrotic tissue.

For surgical treatment of patients with pancreatic necrosis, the method of programmed lavage of the abdominal cavity (laparostomy) with periodic revision of the pancreas, necrosequestrectomy and lavage of the abdominal cavity can also be used.

In the case of focal fatty or hemorrhagic necrosis without clear delineation of the foci, drainage of the omental bursa or abdominal cavity is performed in combination with or without abdominization of the pancreas; omentopancreatopexy.

In patients with extensive necrosis of the pancreas, resection of the affected part or pancreatectomy is performed. Resection is indicated in the case of isolated involvement of these parts of the pancreas in the process or disseminated damage to the entire pancreas by small focal areas of necrosis and purulent pancreatitis. The operation eliminates the entry of toxins into the blood and lymph, prevents subsequent vascular erosion, the formation of abscesses and cysts. However, in 30-50% of cases, it is not possible to establish the true prevalence of pancreatic necrosis during surgery, which causes progression of purulent-necrotic complications in the postoperative period. In addition, with a favorable outcome of the disease, a significant proportion of patients develop exo- or endocrine insufficiency.

Pancreatectomy is performed in individuals with total necrosis of the pancreas. When it is performed, a small section of the pancreas remains near the duodenum. Complication of pancreatic necrosis by necrosis of the duodenal wall is an indication for total duodenopancreatectomy. The disadvantage of both pancreatic resection and pancreatectomy is the morbidity and associated high postoperative mortality.

In case of widespread hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis and the impossibility of performing radical surgery, cryodestruction of the pancreas is performed. During cryodestruction, areas of pancreatic necrosis are exposed to ultra-low temperatures (-195 ° C with an exposure of 1-2 minutes). Later they are replaced connective tissue, which prevents autolysis. Based on the area of ​​execution, cryodestruction is divided into total, proximal and distal.

The combination of acute pancreatitis with pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tract requires the performance of appropriate operations on both the pancreas and the biliary system: cholecystectomy, with external drainage of the biliary tract, cholecystostomy, In patients with organic diseases of the large duodenal papilla, to resolve intraductal hypertension and prevent the progression of destructive changes in the gland, endoscopic papillosphincterotomy or transduodenal papillosphincterotomy (plasty) is performed. For inflammatory or functional disorders of the major duodenal papilla, methods of decompression of the pancreatic duct are used that are not accompanied by destruction of the structure of the sphincter of Oddi - immediate or prolonged decompression by deep catheterization of the main pancreatic duct followed by active aspiration of pancreatic secretions.

To eliminate the enzymatic destruction of acinar cells, the complex of surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis also includes intraductal filling of its excretory system. It involves the introduction into the main duct of the gland through its mouth, both endoscopically and during laparotomy, of various adhesive compositions based on organosilicon compounds - silicones, pancreasil, etc. with the addition of antibiotics and cytostatics.

The scope of surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis expands in the event of its complications. Thus, in case of purulent complications, the pancreatic abscess and retroperitoneal phlegmon are opened with sequestrectomy, sanitation and drainage of the omental bursa and the abdominal cavity.

When the duodenum is compressed by the inflammatory infiltrate, a gastroenteroanastomosis is performed. In case of necrosis of the wall of the stomach and duodenum, the initial part of the jejunum due to melting of the pancreas and suppuration of cysts, the wall defects are sutured, the intestine is intubated nasogastrically or through a gastrostomy for at least 50 cm distal to the perforation site. In the postoperative period, enteral nutrition is administered through the drainage. The deep location of the drainage prevents the retrograde flow of injected solutions and mixtures to the level of the intestinal wall defect and the pushing out of the probe. With necrosis of the colon, a double-barrel unnatural anus is formed proximal to the defect.

In case of arrosive bleeding, the operation includes ligation of the bleeding vessel with adequate drainage of the lesions, resection of the pancreas in some cases with ligation of the bleeding vessels throughout. In critical situations, tight tamponade of the arrosion site is acceptable.

In the postoperative period, comprehensive conservative treatment is carried out.

Mortality during surgical treatment of patients with destructive forms of acute pancreatitis reaches 50-85% and 98-100% in cases of fulminant course of the disease.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

Acute pancreatitis is treated only in a hospital hospital. This disease threatens the patient not only with disability, but also with death. Therefore, there can be no talk of any treatment at home. At the first suspicion of acute pancreatitis, the patient should be taken to a surgical hospital or intensive care unit. He will be treated further medications, and with destructive pancreatitis, it is likely that the patient will end up on the surgical table.

Drug treatment of pancreatitis

The first thing prescribed to a patient with acute pancreatitis is cold, hunger and rest. This formula has been used by doctors for centuries, and it has not lost its relevance to this day. The patient is prohibited from moving, eating, and must have ice on his stomach. These non-drug measures can reduce the activity of the pancreas. In this way, a reduction in the area of ​​​​its damage is achieved, since the secretion of digestive enzymes that destroy the organ is significantly reduced.

The tactics of drug treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis differs significantly, depending on the severity of the patient, the prevalence of the pathological process, the presence and severity of the infectious process. With the edematous form of acute pancreatitis, the prognosis is more favorable, and treatment is often limited to the prescription of medications. With a destructive form of pancreatitis, in some cases, surgical treatment is indicated for the patient.

Drug therapy for acute pancreatitis initial stage assumes:

  • pain relief;
  • combating dehydration;
  • fight against intoxication;
  • correction of microcirculation disorders;
  • prevention of bacterial infection;
  • depression of pancreatic function.

To eliminate pain, antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine) and anti-inflammatory drugs (dexketoprofen, diclofenac) are prescribed. Antispasmodics are necessary for several purposes. Firstly, it reduces pain. Secondly, they relax the smooth muscles of the biliary tract and sphincter of Oddi, which helps stop the reflux of bile into the pancreatic ducts. Thirdly, the pressure in the stomach and duodenum decreases.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed mainly for the purpose of pain relief. But they also have an anti-edematous effect, therefore reducing swelling of the inflamed pancreas. In the case of pronounced pain syndrome, characteristic of destructive forms of pancreatitis, the doctor may prescribe to patients narcotic analgesics(eg morphine).

The fight against dehydration involves infusion of infusion solutions intravenously into the patient. The consequence of dehydration is usually uncontrollable vomiting - common symptom acute inflammation of the pancreas. Potassium in the form of chloride is usually added to solutions, since a deficiency of this mineral is a frequent accompaniment of dehydration. It may also include microcirculation correctors, for example, pentoxifylline.

In parallel with compensation of circulating blood volume, detoxification therapy is carried out. For this, in addition to solutions, The patient is given diuretics. Sometimes blood cleansing procedures are prescribed. For example, hemosorption. However, recently their feasibility has been called into question due to the lack of a proven effect on the course of acute pancreatitis. But most doctors continue to use these procedures because they believe they are effective.

Inhibition of pancreatic function is the most important step in the treatment of acute pancreatitis. Proteolytic enzyme inhibitors have always been used for this purpose. But in last years their effectiveness has been questioned. Somatostatin, as well as its synthetic analogues. They significantly reduce the activity of the pancreas, reducing the secretion of digestive enzymes.

To prevent bacterial infection, most doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. They are used even for edematous forms of acute pancreatitis. If pancreatic necrosis occurs, the patient is given the most strong antibiotics, including drugs from the carbapenem group, which are classified as reserve antibacterial agents.

Surgical treatment of pancreatitis

Often, a patient with acute pancreatitis must be treated surgically. Indications for the operation:

  • sharp exacerbation;
  • destructive form of the disease;
  • lack of results from conservative treatment within two days;
  • exacerbation of intoxication syndrome.

If fluid formations predominate in the structure of the pancreas affected by the pathological process, a minimally invasive operation is performed, which involves the installation of drains. Through them, cavities that are filled with liquid are washed. Through drainage systems, dead areas of the pancreas are sanitized. They are washed with antiseptics. But drainages can function on average for no more than two days. Therefore, if the patient’s condition does not improve during this time, a larger operation is performed.

Opening the abdominal cavity and performing open surgery is the last resort. Indications for laparotomy are:

  1. massive bleeding;
  2. peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum;
  3. extensive pancreatic necrosis;
  4. abscess or perforation;
  5. concomitant destructive cholecystitis.

Carrying out surgical intervention With an open approach, the surgeon usually removes sections of the pancreas. Moreover, it is not possible to reliably recognize healthy and dead tissue either before or during the operation. The doctor removes even those parts of the organ that are not affected by the pathological process. For the patient, this results in exocrine and sometimes endocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

This means that the person will suffer from indigestion for the rest of his life, and possibly diabetes mellitus. Therefore, for such a patient, treatment of acute pancreatitis does not end in the surgical department. After discharge, it continues at home. The patient is prescribed replacement therapy, which he takes with meals. In case of diabetes, it normalizes blood sugar levels under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Traditional treatment of pancreatitis

In case of acute pancreatitis, in no case should you delay the patient’s hospitalization in the surgical department. Every lost hour, not to mention days, reduces the patient's chances of survival. However, various recipes for alternative treatment of acute pancreatitis at home are widely distributed on the Internet, and some people are trying to use them as an alternative to standard drug treatment. So, on the Internet you can find that acute pancreatitis is treated:

  • crushed immortelle flowers;
  • young aspen bark;
  • mulberry tea;
  • parsley decoction;
  • in other, no less stupid ways.

If you are a fan of traditional medicine and are going to treat your relative suffering from pancreatitis at home with herbs and other nonsense, he is very out of luck. Herbs will not help here, because the person needs intensive care, and possibly surgery. However, if you consider traditional healers and herbalists smarter than doctors, when buying a medicine from them for acute pancreatitis, you can also buy a shovel. You will need it, because without urgent medical care a person will die in a few days.

In standard medical language, therapy for acute pancreatitis traditional methods at home is ineffective, and the prognosis in case of choosing such treatment tactics is unfavorable. The fatality rate is close to 100%. Every person should understand that traditional methods can only treat those diseases that go away on their own. When life is in danger, it cannot be treated at home. It is necessary to put aside prejudices and urgently transport the patient to a medical facility.

Attention! Articles on our website are for informational purposes only. Do not resort to self-medication, it is dangerous, especially for pancreatic diseases. Be sure to consult your doctor! You can make an online appointment with a doctor through our website or select a doctor in the catalog.