What diseases does propolis tincture with alcohol help with? Propolis tincture with alcohol, use and preparation: medicine - first aid

Propolis is very beneficial for the human body. The product contains 8 amino acids, vitamins (A, E, B, C) and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.). IN pure form it is rarely used. Propolis tincture with alcohol is often used.

The product is widely used in folk medicine. It has proven itself in the fight against various types of diseases: from colds to stomach ulcers.

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    Beneficial properties of alcohol tincture

    Propolis tincture has many useful properties, among which:

    1. 1. Anti-inflammatory.
    2. 2. Immunostimulating. The product helps to activate the cells that are responsible for immunity; helps strengthen the body's defenses.
    3. 3. Antioxidant and detoxifying. The drug protects cell membranes from destruction by neutralizing free radicals. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration. Helps neutralize poisons that are released during the breakdown of damaged tissue.
    4. 4. Antibacterial and disinfectant. The use of the tincture stops the development of viral pathogens and destroys them.

      Indications for use

      Propolis tincture is universal remedy in the treatment of various diseases, such as:

      • flu, otitis media, sinusitis, colds, cough, runny nose, etc.;
      • periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries;
      • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
      • eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis;
      • prostatitis, cystitis, erosion, hemorrhoids;
      • oncological formations.


      The drug has no special contraindications unless you are allergic to honey or other bee products.

      Doctors do not recommend using the tincture for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 3 years of age.

      Strict adherence to the required dosages when treating a specific disease is mandatory. Excessive use the drug is fraught with the appearance side effects. They can manifest themselves as: nausea, headache, shortness of breath, redness and itching. Possible increase in body temperature. It is necessary to stop using the product if adverse reactions.

      Instructions for use of propolis

      The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the dosage depends on the specific disease. Doctors recommend using the product for several days minimum concentration(5%). This is necessary in order to check for allergies in the patient.

      All dosages indicated in the instructions are for adults. Use for children under 3 years of age alcohol infusion ki is prohibited. Often it is used instead water solution. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. It is also recommended that children be given honey with propolis. This remedy helps prevent stomatitis: you need to take a piece of propolis (the size of half a match head) and give it to the child, dipping it in honey.

      Using tincture for diseases

      For colds, runny nose, sinusitis and bronchitis, inhalations are indicated. To do this, you need to boil a liter of water. Then add one teaspoon of tincture and mix well. Remove the pan from the heat and place on the table. Wrap yourself in a blanket along with the container and inhale the vapors of the mixture. Continue the procedure for at least 15 minutes. Inhalations help cleanse the nasal sinuses, clear the throat and facilitate the discharge of sputum. This is especially true for bronchitis.

      The procedure must be carried out 2 times a day for better effect. If you don’t want to take inhalations when you have a cold, you can drink tea or milk with the addition of 30 drops of tincture 3 times a day.

      Use of the drug for angina

      If lubrication of the tonsils is indicated, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

      Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

      The drug is used for various diseases liver and organs gastrointestinal tract. The dosages differ.

      For the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer use a 20% solution. You need to dilute 40 drops of the drug in 50 ml of water and take it orally 2 hours before meals. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months.

      For liver diseases, take 20 drops of the drug twice a day. The tincture is diluted in water or tea. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 7 days of use, 7 days of rest, then start using again. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

      Application in dentistry

      Propolis tincture is widely used in dentistry. When treating periodontal disease, the dentist injects a solution into the inflamed gum pockets. For inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, it is recommended to rinse with a solution of 15 ml of tincture and 100 ml of water. Such procedures are also carried out for stomatitis and caries.

      Oncology treatment

      Propolis is used to treat a variety of oncological diseases. The drug has a destructive effect on cancer cells and destroys intercellular connections.

      The method of use and dosage in oncology therapy is determined by the doctor. He is guided by the diagnosis and severity of the disease. It is recommended to use a solution of 50% concentration as a general tonic. You need to mix 35 drops with milk or tea. Take 4 times a day before meals.

      Therapy of diseases of the reproductive system

      When treating erosion, the drug must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and insert it into the vagina overnight. The course of treatment is 15 days.

      For the treatment of hemorrhoids and prostatitis, a solution is taken orally or rectal suppositories are used:

    1. 1. Ingestion. Maximum dose drug - 60 drops. Treatment should begin at 30, gradually increasing the dose. Drops are mixed with milk or tea. They should be taken once a day. To achieve the desired effect, the course of treatment must be at least 30 days.
    2. 2. Rectal suppositories. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or made yourself. Recipe: take 50 g of propolis and beeswax, finely chop. Melt animal fat (any kind) in a water bath. When it melts, add wax and propolis. Mix the mixture well and put it in the refrigerator to harden. Before use, cut the product into pieces 4–6 cm long. Use at night for at least 10 days.

    Tincture for diabetes

    For diabetes, a 30% solution is used. It should be taken undiluted, 1 tablespoon per day. The course of treatment is 1 month. While taking it, you should not stop taking medications that lower blood sugar.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Propolis tincture: instructions for use


Alcohol extract from propolis 1:10. Contains at least 70% ethanol.


A transparent liquid from yellow-brown to red-brown color with a characteristic odor of propolis. Formation of sediment is allowed.

Indications for use


Superficial damage to the skin and mucous membranes;

Pustular diseases of the skin and mucous membranes;

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (catarrhal gingivitis, aphthous stomatitis);



Chronic purulent otitis;




Acute eczema;

Individual intolerance;

Children under 18 years of age;

Availability allergic reactions, including beekeeping products;

Directions for use and doses

Propolis tincture is used only topically in the form of applications, rinses, rinses, and also in the form of inhalations.

Superficial damage to the skin (microtraumas), as well as foci of pustular skin lesions, are treated with an undiluted solution of Propolis tincture using a tampon 2-3 times a day. The course of applications is up to 10-14 days.

For otitis media externally ear canal(after cleansing) insert a tampon moistened with tincture for 1-2 minutes or instill 1-2 drops of the medicine 3-4 times a day.

For pharyngitis and tonsillitis, Propolis tincture is used to lubricate the mucous membranes of the pharynx and tonsils 2-3 times a day for 8-15 days. At chronic tonsillitis The medicine is also used to prepare an inhalation solution by mixing Propolis tincture with water in a ratio of 1:20. Carry out 1-2 inhalations per day for 7-10 days.

The paranasal sinuses are washed with a mixture of Propolis tincture with saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution) in a ratio of 1:10 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

For periodontal diseases, tampons (turundas) moistened with Propolis tincture are inserted into the periodontal cavities for 5 minutes.

For rinsing the mouth when superficial lesions and damage to the mucous membrane, use a solution prepared by diluting 30-40 drops of Propolis tincture in 100 ml of warm water. Rinsing is carried out 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

Side effect

Allergic reactions;

Redness of the skin;



Not identified.

Interaction with other drugs

Not recommended to mix with others antiseptics or bee products.

Features of application

During storage of the medicine, sediment may form, so the bottle must be shaken before using Propolis tincture.

Precautionary measures

If allergic reactions develop, the drug should be discontinued and prescribed antihistamines. Use during pregnancy and lactation is possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. The tincture is not recommended to be applied to the chest area during breastfeeding.

Everything that bees produce has found its application in medicine. Collecting resinous substances from plants, these workers process them into bee glue. They use it to seal cracks in the hive and disinfect the walls and frames. By the way, this balsamic product also came in handy for humans.

Propolis is produced in several forms - aqueous extracts, oily solutions, ointments, emulsions, lozenges, chewing gum. The same article is devoted to alcohol tincture. It is a clear aromatic liquid light brown with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

The composition of bee glue includes exclusively biological active substances, so important for human health:

  • organic acids extracted from plant sap;
  • polyphenolic compounds – powerful antioxidants of plant origin;
  • esters and fatty acids;
  • a large set of various vitamins;
  • microelements – iron, iodine, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc, etc.

All these components are present in plant resins, which bees take from buds, leaves, flowers, stems and even bark, and then process into valuable building material.

The properties of propolis have been known for a long time. Even Avicenna, in his treatise “The Canon of Medical Science,” admired black wax, saying that “... it thins, slightly cleanses and greatly softens...” wounds struck by thorns and arrows.

Alcohol tincture of propolis is produced by modern pharmacology and is prescribed by doctors not only as a wound healing agent. Anti-inflammatory properties are also used for damage to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, oral cavity, stomach, and vagina.

  • The tincture cleanses well various injuries skin, being a strong resistance to microbes.
  • Used for treatment purulent inflammation(acne, dermatitis, etc.).
  • An excellent remedy for the treatment of colds and ENT diseases.
  • Eliminates toothache and various dental pathologies.
  • Treats stomach diseases.
  • Actively used to eliminate cervical erosion.

Propolis tincture - excellent remedy to prevent increased immunity. It is also used in the treatment of oncology.

In most cases, propolis tincture does not produce side effects and is well tolerated by patients. But you should take into account the presence of ethyl alcohol, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, you should not exceed doses of the drug that give a clinical effect.

  • There are people who are sensitive to bee waste products. They may have various reactions the effect of the tincture - conjunctivitis, allergic runny nose, urticaria, Quincke's edema, asthma attack and even anaphylactic shock.
  • Other patients who can easily tolerate bee stings should use propolis tincture with caution for diathesis, eczema, and bronchial asthma.
  • Sometimes propolis can provoke the development of dermatoses.

The product is contraindicated for use in inhalations if the patient:

  1. a tendency to vascular spasms and coronary circulatory insufficiency is observed;
  2. previous cerebral hemorrhages or heart attacks;
  3. renal failure;
  4. bleeding (including menstruation).

It is not recommended to prescribe alcoholic propolis preparations on your own, since they should be taken under the supervision of a physician, and only in strict adherence to the prescribed dosage.

Each type of disease has its own recommendations for use. alcohol tincture propolis, and they must be strictly adhered to.


The tincture is prescribed internally for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to improve immunity. To do this, the tincture is diluted with water (the proportions depend on the diagnosis). You can replace water with milk if there are no contraindications.

For children

For children, propolis tincture should be used with caution, taking into account the child’s age. It is prescribed when various diseases respiratory tract in the form of inhalations, lubricating the tonsils, gargling, instillation. The tincture gives an excellent effect in the treatment of chickenpox.

Children's doses should differ from adults - the concentration is taken 2 times less. Best used for children under 12 years of age aqueous extract propolis. For children under 3 years of age, it is better not to prescribe this product at all. It is recommended to add honey to the product. But we must not forget about contraindications - children are more often than adults susceptible to allergic reactions.

For immunity

To boost immunity, alcohol tincture of bee glue is diluted with water or milk in a proportion of 15 drops per 1 tbsp. liquids. Take the product immediately before meals 2-3 times a day.

For the stomach

Gastritis and stomach ulcers are treated with propolis by drinking half a glass of water twice a day (1.5 hours before meals), in which 20 drops of tincture are diluted. You can also make the following composition: a 0.5% solution of novocaine is mixed with 15 drops of the product. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Against cough

You can fight a cough in several ways:

  • diluting the tincture with water in a ratio of 1:2, apply the composition to the inflamed tonsils 2 times a day for a week;
  • gargle with the ratio of tincture and saline solution (1:10) several times a day;
  • for inhalations (once a day before bedtime) take the following proportion: 1 part tincture to 5 parts saline solution.

In this case, it will be necessary to take into account the patient’s sensitivity to the drug.

For otitis media

To treat inflamed ears, the tincture is used in its pure form in the form of drops (1-2 each) or cotton swabs moistened with this remedy (put them in for a couple of minutes). At purulent otitis The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day, after first clearing the ears of pus.

For inflammation of the sinuses

The tincture can be used to treat a runny nose and sinusitis by instilling the pure composition into the nose. At chronic sinusitis dilute the tincture with saline solution ( isotonic sodium chloride) in a ratio of 1:10 and rinse the sinuses 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

In dentistry

The tincture is actively used in dentistry. When treating periodontal disease, the dentist injects several drops of tincture into the inflamed pockets for 5 minutes. In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is recommended to rinse your mouth several times a day at home with a product (15 ml) diluted with warm water (100 ml).

In gynecology

To treat cervical erosion, a tampon moistened with an alcohol tincture of propolis diluted 1:2 with water is inserted into the vagina at night.

  • Bandages soaked in tincture of bee glue are applied to the wounds. They need to be changed 2-3 times a day.
  • Purulent inflammations are blotted with gauze napkins soaked in tincture.
  • For chickenpox, each element of the rash is treated with this remedy, causing them to quickly peel off.

For oncology

Propolis is used to treat many cancer diseases. Having a healing effect on the body, the drug has a destructive effect on cancer cells and deactivates their intercellular connections.

Dosages and methods of use are determined by the doctor, based on the diagnosis and degree of development of the disease. As tonic It is recommended to dilute 30 drops of 50% tincture in a glass of warm black tea or boiled milk. Take 5 times a day before meals.

In cosmetology

The tincture has also found application in caring for one’s appearance. The product is added to lotions for problem skin and in moisturizing milk, it is rubbed into the hair roots to strengthen the hair follicles. By purchasing an alcohol tincture in the form of a spray, you can take care of your feet.

You can prepare a propolis tincture with alcohol yourself. To do this, you will need high-quality raw materials, which are easy to purchase from beekeepers. It is enough to follow the algorithm below to obtain a healing composition.

  • 10 g of the crushed product is placed in a 100 ml glass container and filled to the top with alcohol (it is better to take 96%).
  • You need to infuse the product in a dark place at room temperature for 3 days (for example, in a pantry), and then transfer it to the refrigerator for a day, away from the freezer.
  • Now all that remains is to filter the liquid through 2 layers of gauze.

The composition is ready and you can use it. It is better to store in closed in the refrigerator on the door. If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can use vodka by dissolving 50 g of propolis in a half-liter bottle of alcohol.

Price in pharmacy

Alcohol tincture of propolis – accessible remedy and is sold in any pharmacy in the country. It is produced by domestic pharmacology, so the price of the drug is low. Bottles with healing liquid in a volume of 25 ml cost about 26-40 rubles. (depending on the manufacturer and the pharmacy where the product is sold).

Propolis, or bond, is the name given to the glue produced by worker bees. To prepare it, insects use adhesives that are collected from certain tree species, as well as their enzymes.

Composition and properties of bee glue

The bond includes many organic matter belonging to 11 classes. Among them are proteins, carbohydrates, oils, resins, waxes, flavonoids, pollen, vitamins and minerals. The complex of ingredients gives this beekeeping product unique medicinal properties.

Bee glue has a complex effect: strengthens immune system; activates metabolism; relieves inflammation and swelling; relieves anemia; lowers cholesterol concentration; narrows blood vessels; thins the blood; stimulates wound healing and bone fusion.

It also increases the tone of the body; inhibits aging mechanisms; stops growth malignant tumors; helps get rid of alcohol and drug addiction.

The healing properties do not disappear even after exposure high temperatures, which makes it possible to produce various products containing propolis and use them for medicinal purposes.

What diseases does it treat?

  • musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis);
  • respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • ENT organs (otitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria);
  • circulatory system (hypertension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, leukemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus);
  • nervous system (insomnia, radiculitis);
  • organs of vision (conjunctivitis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids);
  • urinary tract (cystitis, nephritis);
  • genital organs (prostatitis, candidiasis, mastitis, mastopathy, erosion, colpitis, fibroids, endocervicitis, endometriosis, impotence, infertility);
  • oral cavity (stomatitis, caries, periodontal disease);
  • skin (burns, frostbite, allergies, acne, wounds, ulcers, bedsores, fistulas, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, herpes, chickenpox);
  • infections (flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections).

Propolis with alcohol helps with diseases caused by various factors:

  • physical (frostbite, burns, wounds, scratches, cuts) – prevents infection and inflammation, activates regeneration and healing;
  • chemical (poisoning) – cleanses the body of poisons;
  • biological (diseases of infectious origin) – destroys pathogens;
  • social (syndrome chronic fatigue, drug addiction, alcoholism) – removes toxins, saturates with vitamins and minerals;
  • disadvantage nutrients(vitaminosis) – contains almost all vitamins and minerals.

Cooking methods

How to make propolis tincture at home? First of all, bee glue must be cleaned: it is frozen, grated (preferably fine) and poured cold water for 30-60 minutes. Then the beekeeping product is dried and infused with alcohol or vodka. To strengthen therapeutic effect, you can take the extract medicinal plants, infused with alcohol.

Alcohol tincture

There are two ways to prepare propolis tincture at home.

First way

The beekeeping product (10 grams) is heated in a water bath to 50⁰C. Add 70% alcohol (90 milliliters) and stir well. Remove from heat, strain, pour into a dark glass container, and seal tightly. Store in the dark in the cold.

Second way

It is easier, but will require more time. Alcohol is poured into a glass container, propolis is added in a ratio of 9:1. Infuse for 14 days in darkness and warmth, shaking daily.

Using the above methods, a 10% extract is obtained. If a stronger solution (20%) is needed, then use a 4:1 ratio.

You can store propolis tincture in alcohol for 3-4 years.

Vodka tincture

If vodka is used instead of alcohol, then the procedure is similar to the previous recipe, but the proportions are slightly changed (5:1).

Water tincture

Some people should not drink alcoholic beverages. A worthy replacement would be a water tincture of propolis. The water is brought to a boil, settled and poured into a glass container, crushed uza is added. The ratio is influenced by the desired extract concentration: 1:10 (10% solution), 1:5 (20%), 1:3 (30%).

Then the solution is placed in a water bath and heated to 80⁰C. Leave to infuse for 6 hours, filter and place in a dark glass jar. The aqueous solution does not require dilution (with the exception of washing the mucous membranes), but its shelf life is much shorter (no more than a week).

The drug prepared in water will be the best option for drivers, children and women expecting a child.

Increase efficiency remedy adding chaga will help or medicinal herbs:

  • The purified beekeeping product (30 grams) is mixed with chaga (500 grams) and poured with boiling water (liter). They insist for a day.
  • St. John's wort (20 grams) is brewed with boiling water (250 milliliters), left for half an hour, and 50-60 drops of uzy alcohol tincture are added.

Oil tincture

Propolis in alcohol is combined with oil in equal proportions and placed on low heat until the alcohol evaporates (40 minutes), filter and cool. At home, butter or any other vegetable oil is used for extract.

Using the tincture

How to take propolis tincture? Both internal and external use is possible.


How to drink propolis with alcohol? 20-60 drops of tincture are diluted with 250 milliliters of water (you can take tea or milk instead). Drink for 1-2 weeks, and when chronic diseases– up to two months. Use the product an hour before eating. For children under 10 years old, add a number of drops to the drink corresponding to the child’s age.

You can drink 20-30 drops of oil tincture, adding it to milk, for three weeks. For rinsing, use a 3% tincture.

External use

For external use, compresses, ointments, sprays and rubs are made, and tampons are used. For inflammation of the organs of vision or hearing, the aqueous extract is used for instillation.

At respiratory diseases do inhalations, for which a drop of tincture is added to a saline solution (5 milliliters).

Medicinal properties by effect

For women. At gynecological problems They do douching, use ointments, turundas and suppositories. Turundas are bundles of gauze that are soaked in a solution or ointment. For the ointment, mix lanolin (50 grams), petroleum jelly (50 grams) and propolis tincture (5 milliliters).

In case of erosion, a tampon soaked in an alcohol extract diluted with water in equal proportions is placed in the vagina 2 times a day.

For endometriosis, the tincture, after diluting it, is used for douching. You can also use suppositories or tampons soaked in ointment. Such therapy will eliminate pain, stop bleeding, restore menstrual cycle will bring it back to normal sex life, will eliminate the need to resort to hormone therapy.

For fibroids, drink 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day for 10 days. Tampons are inserted into the vagina and moistened in an aqueous solution. Therapy will help relieve pain and stop uterine bleeding. For menopausal syndrome, drink a diluted alcohol extract (20-25 drops) 1-2 times a day.

Treatment of gynecological problems with propolis tincture at home will be an excellent alternative to hormone therapy and surgery.

During pregnancy. Pregnant women are recommended to drink a drink made from uzha and rose hips. Rose hips (80 pieces) are crushed, filled with water (liter) and left for 2 hours. Then the solution is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for an hour. Pour rosehip decoction and water tincture of propolis (20 drops) into a thermos, seal it and leave until the morning.

For men. The beekeeping product will stop inflammation in the prostate gland and increase male strength. In most cases, suppositories are used. They promote rapid penetration useful substances into the bloodstream. You can also use tampons soaked in uza extract.

With an ulcer. An ulcer is a disease in which the lining of the stomach or intestines is destroyed. Bee glue creates a protective shell, allowing epithelial tissue recover. In addition, it destroys Helicobacter pylori and weakens painful sensations.

People who have been diagnosed with an ulcer need to add 60 drops of 20-30% propolis tincture in alcohol to warm milk (150 milliliters). Some doctors recommend using a water or oil extract.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, drink warmed honey drinks at the same time.

A noticeable improvement is observed within a few days: the pain syndrome is weakened, nausea disappears, acidity returns to normal, and the ulcers become scarred. Uza also supplies the body of patients with all essential vitamins and minerals, which they are deficient in due to dietary restrictions.

For gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Uza stops inflammation affecting the gastric mucosa and relieves unpleasant symptoms. You can take oil or alcohol tincture of propolis.

Pharmacy options.

30% (20-40 drops) of the drug is dissolved in chilled boiled water (100 milliliters) and drunk daily, or 10% extract (10 drops) is added to the water and drunk three times a day. Another option is to drink 100-150 milliliters of 30% propolis water tincture twice a day. To increase healing effect, honey is added to the drink and lemon juice.

In case of poisoning, add 25 drops of alcoholic propolis tincture to the water, after which consult a doctor.

For pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is an inflammation that develops in the pancreas. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, oza effectively copes with the disease. It accelerates regenerative processes and restores the integrity of the mucous membrane.

Propolis in alcohol (half a teaspoon) is diluted with water (120 milliliters).

With jaundice. To cope with the disease, take a 20% alcohol tincture diluted with water. First, 20 drops are diluted in 250 milliliters of liquid. Every 7 days, the dosage is increased by 10 drops, bringing it to 40. Another method of therapy is to drink 3 tablespoons of chaga tincture and bonds before meals.

For hemorrhoids. Uza will relieve inflammation, relieve swelling, reduce pain, stop bleeding, heal cracks, restore blood circulation and the digestion process. Use suppositories or lotions made from aqueous tincture.

For otitis. The tampon is soaked in tincture and inserted into the ear canal for a quarter of an hour. You can also use propolis in alcohol for instillation (2 drops in each ear).

For sinusitis. Uza stops infection and inflammation, relieves swelling. For sinusitis, you can use propolis tincture for instillation and inhalation.

Cotton swabs provide quick results. They are soaked in the extract and then in vegetable oil and placed in the nostrils for 30 minutes 4 times a day. Tampons should not be overexposed so as not to burn the mucous layer.

For sore throat and tonsillitis. The most effective will be complex treatment, combining internal and external use: chewing, rinsing, inhalation, treating the throat with a spray, using compresses. Lollipops that are easy to prepare at home work great: propolis in alcohol is dripped onto refined sugar.

For inhalation, the extract is diluted with physical solution in a ratio of 1:10). For rinsing, add a tablespoon of tincture to a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort). Gargle 3-6 times a day.

For pneumonia. The use of a beekeeping product is perfectly combined with drug treatment, increasing its efficiency. It is recommended to use 20% propolis tincture.

It is consumed orally 3 times a day. Adults drink 20-30 drops of the extract, diluting it in water. Children are given medicine according to their age. It is better to give babies a water solution and use an alcohol solution to rub the chest.

For bronchitis. At inflammatory processes Propolis oil compresses applied to the back and chest area will help. It is also recommended to inhale twice a day for 10 minutes: dilute 5 millimeters of extract in alcohol in a liter of water.

When coughing. The treatment method is chosen depending on the cause of the cough. For flu and sore throat, it is recommended to suck or chew the ouse. For pharyngitis, gargle and inhale, treat the tonsils with propolis ointment. To prepare the ointment, mix alcohol tincture of propolis with glycerin.

When rinsing, use a water tincture. Add 50-60 drops of medicine to the water. At severe cough Hot propolis milk with the addition of honey and butter will have an immediate effect. Within a few minutes, the cough will stop, the nose will clear, and the pain and irritation in the throat will ease.

You can make a compress. Add half a small spoon of tincture to melted pork or goat fat (50 grams). The resulting ointment is used to treat the feet and put on socks at night.

For a cold. Propolis milk will provide effective results. It can also be drunk for preventive purposes during epidemics. For children, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of propolis extract to 250 milliliters of milk.

With a runny nose. For instillation, an alcohol tincture of propolis is used, diluted with olive, eucalyptus or peach oil. A couple of drops of solution are injected into each nostril several times a day.

For vascular diseases. Effective action Garlic propolis tincture will help. Garlic (200 grams) is poured with alcohol (250 milliliters) and placed in a dark place for 10-15 days. Shake periodically. A 10% solution of ouse (30 milliliters) and honey (50 grams) are added to the strained concentrate. Take 20 drops three times a day.

For hypertension. Normalize arterial pressure A 20% extract will help if you drink it for a month 3 times a day, 20 drops. After a six-month break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

For dental problems. For diseases affecting the oral cavity, it is best to dissolve or chew bee glue. It will gradually be absorbed into the gum tissue, providing a healing effect.

To avoid getting burned, take a small amount of cord into your mouth. You can also rinse oral cavity water tincture propolis or diluted alcohol (a teaspoon of extract is diluted in 120 milliliters of water). Uza will help strengthen gums, stop bleeding, cure caries and stomatitis.

For nail fungus. Found bee glue wide application in dermatology. It often helps people who have been unsuccessfully fighting it for many years to cope with the fungus. This bee product destroys pathogenic microorganisms, relieves pain and itching, accelerates healing.

Typically, swabs soaked in a 20% undiluted solution are applied to the affected areas, which are replaced with new ones after drying. Baths are also recommended: add a teaspoon of extract to warm water and immerse your feet in it for 10 minutes. Then the nails are treated with propolis oil (propolis tincture is mixed with essential oil). It can also be used to treat nails.

At acne . The main cause of acne is inflammation in the sebaceous glands. Ouse, thanks to its properties, is able to relieve inflammation and activate the regeneration of the epidermis. If you have skin problems, you can wipe your face with alcohol tincture, add it to creams, or make masks based on it:

  • Cosmetic clay (20 grams) is diluted with warm water (40 milliliters), lemon juice (5 milliliters), olive oil (2 milliliters) and propolis solution (2-3 milliliters) are added. Apply to inflamed areas for a quarter of an hour.
  • Mix honey (20 milliliters), aloe juice (10 drops) and ouse extract (10 drops).

At dermatological diseases the affected areas are lubricated several times a day with an alcohol solution.

For oncology. Regardless of the location of the tumor, drink propolis tincture daily, adding 20-40 drops to the liquid.

To strengthen the immune system. For preventive purposes, drink propolis tincture (20 drops added to 120 milliliters of water) for a month, 2 times a year (spring and autumn) or for 5-10 days every month. If the product invigorates, then use it in the morning, and if it causes drowsiness, use it in the evening.

Another option is also possible. First, add one drop to the water, increasing the amount by one every day. When the number of drops reaches 30, decrease by one daily.


Bee glue has almost no contraindications. You will have to stop using it only if you are individually intolerant to the product. It should be used with caution by young children (under three years of age), pregnant and lactating women.

You should not use this beekeeping product in highly concentrated form.

Propolis with alcohol is a unique medicine that allows you to effectively combat pathological processes in organism. The product is not addictive and does not disrupt the composition beneficial microflora intestines. The medicinal composition has wide range effects on the body. We suggest taking a closer look at what alcohol-based propolis helps with.

For oral use, alcohol tincture of propolis can be used in finished form, sold in a pharmacy or. In the latter option, the usefulness will be several times greater. For treatment use 10% or 20% tincture.

To prepare a 10% solution, you will need to take 10 grams of bee glue and 90 ml of ethyl alcohol (70 degrees). For 20% - 20 g of propolis and 80 ml of ethanol.

Add to warm tea. Treatment occurs in several stages:

  • 1 Week. Add 20 drops of tincture to 100 ml of warm drink. Drink 60 minutes before the start of the meal;
  • Week 2. The dosage of propolis is increased to 30 drops;
  • Week 3. Add 40 drops to the drink.

Take a break of 7 days. If necessary, continue therapy.

Ear pain

Propolis tincture can treat diseases of the ENT organs. Otitis media is a serious ear infection. It occurs in mild, moderate and severe forms. The development of pathology is rapid, accompanied by severe complications. One of them is hearing loss. How an alcoholic infusion of propolis will help solve the problem:

  1. Otitis media, cold pain (shooting in the ear). Place 2 drops of tincture into each ear canal. Close cotton ball. Lie down for a quarter of an hour, so that the sore ear is directed upward.
  2. For children, the product is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Instill 2-3 drops. Close the ear canal with a cotton band and lie down with the child for half an hour. For getting maximum results Make a tourniquet from cotton wool, soak it in alcoholic propolis extract. Insert into the sore ear, pre-insulating it with a warm scarf or shawl.
  3. For purulent otitis media of the middle ear, treatment is carried out using a cotton swab soaked in 30% propolis tincture. Change once a day, the course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.
  4. Removal pain syndrome at acute otitis media. Combine the tincture with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1 to 4. Instill 2 to 3 drops into the diseased ear canal, 4 times a day.

Runny nose

The main indication for use is lesions pathogenic microflora upper respiratory tract. Bee glue is especially useful for acute and chronic rhinitis. A comprehensive treatment method helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

For instillation, they are used in several ways:

  • Place 2 drops into cleansed nasal passages. The procedure is carried out up to 3 times a day;
  • It is allowed to combine bee glue with olive oil in equal proportions. Place 1-2 drops into cleansed nasal passages three times a day.


Alcohol infusion of “bee glue” is allowed to be used for long-term therapy. There is no adaptation to the components. Side effects the medicine does not have. Use with caution for people prone to allergic reactions.

Depending on the concentration of propolis, therapy occurs in different ways:

  1. A 10% infusion is used to rinse the nasal sinuses during puncture. Additionally, it is allowed to moisten cotton strands and insert them into the nostrils. How to rinse correctly? Pour warm water into a glass and add 20 drops of tincture, a pinch baking soda. Mix everything thoroughly. Draw the medicinal composition into a syringe without a needle. Gently rinse nasal passages. There is no need to swallow the liquid. Just tilt your head and the liquid will flow out on its own. This rinsing can be done at home to make you feel better no more than 3 times a day.
  2. 20% alcohol tincture. Used for instillation. In equal proportions combine alcoholic propolis, vegetable, sea ​​buckthorn oil. Stir well. Instill 1-2 drops into each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day.

If you do not start treatment in time, then you will not be able to do without a puncture (puncture). Propolis with alcohol can be used to wash out purulent contents after surgical intervention. The medicine disinfects and relieves inflammation.


For treatment, it is used orally or by inhalation. How to take, signs of ARVI, acute respiratory infections:

  1. Combine 60 ml for an adult and 80 ml for a child of warm milk with 20 ml of tincture.
  2. Stir and consume 60 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

After taking the medicine, you should not drink or eat. Propolis improves sputum discharge, eliminates discomfort for coughs and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

External use

As the instructions say, propolis tincture with alcohol is used externally. It anesthetizes, disinfects, eliminates the inflammatory process, and accelerates healing. Used for the preparation of compresses, sprays, inhalations and in the form of compositions for rubbing and rinsing.

Mouth rinse for stomatitis, periodontal disease

Depending on the stage of development, the tincture is used differently. If there is poor blood circulation, treat the gums with hydrogen peroxide. Dry with a cotton swab and add 3 drops alcohol propolis. The procedure is carried out 8 to 12 times.

A film should form on the inflamed area. After the course, take a break of 7 days and, if necessary, continue the course of treatment.

Lotions will be no less useful. In 100 ml pure, boiled water dissolve 10 drops of alcoholic propolis. Fold a gauze napkin into several layers, moisten it in the product and rub the sore gums with massaging movements.

To enhance the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, it is allowed to add alcohol solution calendula. Dilute 10 drops of each component in 250 ml of boiled water. Rinse your mouth three times a day. Increase dosage medicinal compositions Not recommended. The course of treatment for periodontal disease is at least 1 month.

Propolis tincture will also help cure stomatitis. Add up to 20 drops of product to 250 ml of warm water. Stir and rinse the mouth. 2-3 times a day, after meals.


For a sore throat, gargling will be effective. To do this, you need to first brew the plantain (1 tbsp of dry herb per 250 ml of boiling water). Strain the infusion and combine 40 drops with alcohol tincture. Gargle 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is until pain and inflammation are completely eliminated.

Treatment of epithelial problems: burns, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers

Used for treatment and restoration of the skin. The product is often used as antiseptic composition, replacing them with simple iodine. Propolis has soft action, does not dry out skin covering. Effectively eliminates purulent wounds, trophic ulcers.

Using when herpetic rashes, the bubbles do not burst. They pass quickly, leaving no traces. Ulcers, pimples, wounds, abrasions and cuts are simply treated with 3% propolis tincture.

To treat psoriasis and eczema, soak tissue flaps first in liquid wax, and then dip in 10% alcohol infusion of propolis. Apply to sore spots.

For hair

Alcohol tincture is used in its pure form to treat all hair types. For curls with high fat content, the course of use of the product should be at least 30 days.

The product helps regulate the production of subcutaneous fat, strengthening the hair follicles. Acts as prophylactic against hair loss. The composition is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water and rubbed into the scalp using a cotton pad.

To strengthen thin and weakened hair, use a rinse. In 500 ml clean water add 2 tablespoons of tincture. Use after washing your hair.

To make it easier to use, the tincture can be added to ready-made hair care products - mask, shampoo.

Gynecological diseases

For inflammatory processes in the genitals, it is recommended to use douching or sitz baths with medicine. Let's look at a few recipes:

  • combine 1 tablespoon of medicinal plants: yarrow, chamomile, plantain, pouring them into a thermos. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and cover. Leave for 2-3 hours. After time, strain the mixture through a sieve. Add 30 drops of alcohol tincture to the infusion of medicinal herbs. Carry out a hygiene procedure;
  • mix 0.5 tbsp. tinctures of propolis and calendula. Add to 500 ml of clean, boiled water.

Bee glue has virtually no contraindications. Do not use if you are hypersensitive to the components. Use cautiously when treating small children, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use propolis tincture in highly concentrated form.