Why does it twitch in the upper left side of the abdomen? Causes of pulsation in the abdomen and ways to eliminate it

Lower cavity The abdomen is the area in which important vital organs, such as the liver, are located. Also for women it is located reproductive system. Diseases related to important organs can create a situation where there is a sensation of throbbing in the lower abdomen. The discomfort can be so strong that the young lady is unable to lead her usual lifestyle. Doctors advise to take care of your health and not let illnesses develop. By regularly undergoing examinations, you can avoid the development of ailments that negatively affect the body.

Who is susceptible to abdominal pain?

Throbbing pain in the lower abdomen affects in most cases the fairer sex. According to statistics, they are much more likely to encounter this problem than men or children. This is easy to explain: due to physiological characteristics buildings female body more susceptible to malaise in which the lower abdomen throbs. But this does not mean that the disease in men and children may be less serious than in girls.

Often, cramps in the abdominal area simply paralyze people. They don't want to see doctors. Instead of effective treatment start taking painkillers. But people forget that analgesics can only treat the symptoms, not the cause. discomfort. Such medications do not eliminate the source of pain. Doctors distinguish two distinct subtypes of pain in women. Firstly, it is a sharp and sharp pain in the lower abdomen. Secondly, not strong, but pulling and aching.


In patients, a malaise in which the lower abdomen pulsates is often associated with gynecological problems. Typically, such problems are directly related to critical days or pregnancy. The physician is obliged to determine whether the ailment poses a danger to the patient’s life. After all, discomfort can be a consequence of more serious problems, rather than the approaching menstruation:

  • Acute pain with severe pain accompanies diseases such as internal bleeding, peritonitis. In such situations, the patient needs prompt surgical intervention.
  • Pain characterized by rhythm and pulsation is classified as ailment of the genital organs. They often appear when there are problems with blood pressure.
  • Permanent, It's a dull pain occurs when there are problems with the blood supply to the uterine capsule.
  • Inflammation can cause dull pain internal organs: ovaries or cervix.

In addition, ailments in which the lower abdomen pulsates in women appear for several main reasons:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. In women, there is a pulsation in the lower abdomen on the right at the very beginning of the first trimester. This pain occurs in cases where the patient’s tubes are narrowed. The egg cannot reach the uterus. Therefore, implantation begins directly in the tube. Over time, the shell of the egg destroys it - pain appears in the lower abdomen. Treatment is possible only through surgery.
  2. Hemorrhage occurs when the follicle ruptures with the egg. Treatment is only surgical.
  3. Twisting of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst. When this happens, the outflow stops venous blood. But the influx remains the same. The cyst expands and fuses with nearby organs. Ailments in the abdominal area appear after intercourse or physical exertion.
  4. Infection of the uterine appendages. The infection process develops after the birth of a child or drug intervention in pregnancy. Not much at first. But then the infection spreads throughout the entire pelvis. Even the slightest touch to the pulsating area brings pain.

Pain is a symptom of another disease

Women more often than others complain of pain that pulsates in the lower abdomen on the left or on the other side. Unpleasant sensations tend to spread to other parts of the body, for example to the back. Sometimes, even after medical intervention, a woman continues to feel phantom ailments.

To accurately determine the diagnosis, the gynecologist must remember the patient’s sensitivity level, while determining the severity of the pain. Ailments in the stomach area become a symptom:

  • Bleeding from the genital tract.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  • Ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Pathologies of the urinary tract.

The effect of abortion on pain in the lower abdomen

Another reason why the lower abdomen pulsates is the consequences of an abortion. After the procedure, discomfort in this area may go away, or it may get worse due to the remnants of the fertilized egg, infections and complications. Medical abortion is a process that must be supervised by a doctor. A week after taking the pills, the woman needs to return to the gynecologist to undergo an ultrasound again and early stage identify deviations.

About 5% of girls who undergo a similar procedure become victims of incomplete medical abortion. Most often this happens due to the fault of women themselves. They do not pay attention to the doctor’s recommendations and do not visit the gynecologist for the third time. In this case, the development of infection is characterized by pain in the abdomen, bleeding, increased body temperature, purulent discharge from the vagina.

Pulsations in the abdomen during pregnancy

Women experience throbbing in the lower abdomen during pregnancy for several reasons:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the pain may spread to only one side. Sometimes it can be bilateral.
  2. Miscarriage. In pregnant women, abdominal pain and bleeding are a sign of spontaneous abortion.
  3. Premature birth. Throbbing pain in the abdominal area in the last stages of pregnancy can be caused by contractions and dilatation of the cervix.
  4. Placental abruption. Sometimes pregnant women experience separation of the placenta before delivery. Most often this occurs due to injury in the abdominal area.
  5. Uterine rupture. At 30-35 weeks of pregnancy, the stretching of the organ is maximum. During this period, if pathologies or scars are present, premature birth may occur.

Lower abdominal pain and other diseases

Often, pain in the lower abdomen can be a symptom of another disease:

  • Discomfort occurs in the middle menstrual cycle. This type of pain may be normal for women.
  • Unpleasant sensations are possible with disease and torsion of the ovaries, apoplexy, benign and malignant formations. Pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to ischemia.
  • Inflammation. Pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by discharge from the genitals, is a symptom of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Appendicitis. When pain in the abdominal area cannot be localized and is characterized by gradual intensification, then there is a high probability of developing appendicitis.

The occurrence of pain and sexual intercourse

Women may experience throbbing in the lower abdomen after intercourse. This is influenced the following factors: rupture of a cyst, ovary, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, acute anemia, injury, genital tract infection, cervicitis, vaginitis, erosion and polyps, cervical cancer.

Chronic abdominal pain

Doctors note: sometimes this type of ailment is not a consequence of illness. So, algodismenorrhea, or pain during critical days, characterized by cyclicity. It is chronic and habitual for some women. Pain also occurs when ovulation occurs. The throbbing discomfort sometimes extends to the lower back and hips. The first pockets of discomfort also appear on the first day of menstruation. Their duration is no more than two days.

But, unfortunately, as practice shows, pain in the lower abdomen in women most often occurs under the influence of diseases from the field of gynecology. Doctors recommend that patients do not delay visiting a doctor, especially if the illness arose during pregnancy. Gynecologists note that treating pain at home can cause the development of pathologies and lead to death.

Painful sensations in the abdomen near the navel are not uncommon, and occur to every person at least once in their life. Pain around the navel does not go away on its own, but is considered a symptom of organ abnormalities gastrointestinal tract. Provoke painful symptom various factors: infectious diseases, inflammatory processes and more serious illnesses. But in some cases, pain is a sign of poor nutrition and overuse junk food. In any case, you should not neglect this sign and should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to promptly identify the source of pain in the intestines and eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

What you need to know about the intestines?

The small intestine and duodenum are located behind the anterior wall abdominal cavity, where a significant curvature of the stomach and pancreas is formed. These organs are covered with a thin connective tissue. There are muscles on the side of the abdominal cavity that serve as a protective barrier. In the navel area there is the least amount of such muscles and a thin layer of fat. At the same time, the navel area remains poorly protected and vulnerable. This structure often serves to cause an umbilical hernia, causing pain. In other cases, the problem lies in diseases and inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Causes: intestinal diseases

When a person has pain in the navel area, the problem is often associated with intestinal diseases that occur in an acute form. Often, in addition to pain, the patient complains of flatulence. In the chronic course of intestinal diseases, pain near the navel is aching in nature and accompanies the person throughout the day. If the cause lies in intestinal diseases, then painful sensations especially aggravated after eating.

Acute and chronic enteritis

  • brittle nails;
  • dry skin;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • general weakness;
  • bleeding gums.

Cramping pain and nausea may be a sign of intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction or volvulus is characterized by cramping pain. The symptom continues for several hours (in best case scenario), and sometimes lasts several days. Most often the problem is diagnosed in teenagers. In parallel, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, and vomiting are observed. Over time, the limbs become numb and the skin becomes pale.

Oncological diseases

Often the source of pain around the navel is a malignant tumor in the small intestine or stomach. Often the patient feels nauseous, vomits, and has a bloated stomach. As a rule, the painful sensations are spastic in nature and spread to the entire abdominal cavity. If such symptoms occur frequently, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely treatment cancer increases the chance of a successful recovery.


Diverticulitis or diverticulosis is marked by the appearance of pouch-like protrusions in the intestinal wall. This deviation causes inflammation and pain in the navel area. The patient's body temperature rises and bowel movements are disrupted: constipation alternates with diarrhea. Often the pathology provokes bleeding, which manifests itself as blood in the stool.

Diverticulitis can be treated with antibacterial therapy, which is prescribed after diagnosis.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The syndrome is attributed to functional disorders in the functioning of the intestines, manifested by flatulence and pain near the navel of a cramping nature. Women are most susceptible to pathology, especially those who lead an active lifestyle. Unpleasant symptoms such as pain, diarrhea or constipation appear before noon. Often, painful sensations occur immediately after eating and disappear after bowel movement. In the evening, the syndrome weakens and does not bother the person.

Other intestinal diseases

Painful sensations in the navel may require immediate medical attention.

Painful sensations near or below the navel are often associated with a violation autonomic system person. In some cases, pain is caused by insufficient blood supply to the abdominal organs. More serious deviations that require immediate medical intervention can also provoke pain in the navel diet. Such ailments include:

  • Aneurysm abdominal aorta, in which the wall of the aorta expands and protrudes into the abdominal region. This deviation is quite serious and dangerous if it is not promptly corrected surgically.
  • Non-specific ulcerative colitis, characterized by the formation of necrosis and ulcers on the intestinal mucosa. The disease causes pain, diarrhea, bloody issues from the anus.
  • Crohn's disease, which affects different parts of the intestines. The patient experiences weakness, elevated temperature, diarrhea, weight loss, pain in the navel.
  • Mesadenitis causes inflammatory process in the mesenteric lymph nodes as a result of the penetration of bacteria or viruses into the body. Pathology causes pain and intoxication.


Above or below the navel

Pain above the navel is associated with gastropathy or ulcerative processes that occur in the pyloric region of the stomach and duodenum. At first there is a burning sensation and minor discomfort. As the pathology develops, the pain intensifies and continues throughout the day. Over time, the sensations become unbearable, and often a person loses consciousness from pain. This is observed in the case of the development of peritonitis or rupture of the ulcer.

In women, pain below the navel is associated with problems in the genitals.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by a disease of the female genital organs.

Abnormalities in the colon or an ischemic condition can provoke painful feelings in the lower abdomen. With chronic pathology, there is pain that is constantly present. Acute form ischemic condition intestines causes sharp pain and paralysis of peristalsis of the internal organ. Often the cause of pain at the bottom of the navel is cystitis, ovarian or uterine cancer, uterine fibroid or atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Right or left

Localization of pain on the right is associated with a lesion in the large intestine or renal hilum with right side. Pain on this side is a sign of inflammation of the appendix. The occurrence of an unpleasant sensation in the navel also indicates the development of appendicitis. Painful sensations on the left side are caused by viral lesions of the lungs. Sometimes a painful sensation indicates the presence of gas in the colon. In this case, there will be no symptoms of colon disease: broken stools, blood and mucus in the stool, elevated temperature.

Features of intestinal pain in the navel area

In pregnant women

During the process of bearing a child, a woman is bothered by various unpleasant sensations, including pain in the navel area. This symptom during pregnancy indicates umbilical hernia which has developed above the navel. Often, unpleasant feelings are caused by tightening of the skin or relaxation of the abdominal wall. If a sign of pain appears, you should consult your doctor to rule out dangerous complications.

Pain in children

Particular attention should be paid to unpleasant sensations in the navel area in newborns and older children. In adolescents, pain is associated with abdominal disease, which is associated with uneven or spasmodic development of organs. In some cases, the disease is confused with poisoning. But it should be noted that with abdominal disease in children, the limbs turn pale and become cold.

In younger children school age, pain in the umbilical region, may be caused psychological factors.

In young children, intestinal volvulus often occurs, which must be detected promptly. Otherwise, intestinal obstruction will occur, which will soon lead to the death of the child. Sometimes painful sensations in the umbilical region are associated with psychological factors when the child is worried or worried.


When a painful symptom bothers you, you should comprehensive diagnostics. The problem should be resolved with a specialist and taken to general analysis urine and blood. You should definitely go through ultrasonography abdominal organs, which will fully indicate the cause unpleasant symptom in the navel area. Children are recommended to have their stool tested for dysbacteriosis.

Condition correction and prevention

When a painful sensation occurs in the navel, you should not ignore it. At severe pain An ambulance should be called immediately. Painkillers and taking horizontal position. It is recommended that the patient place a large pillow under his head and apply a heating pad to his stomach. Under no circumstances should a heating pad be used if a person has appendicitis. This method can cause appendicitis to rupture. Until doctors arrive, you should remain calm and refrain from eating.

It is extremely important to identify the cause of the deviation, since the intestines are vital important body, violations of which pose a danger to human health and life. To avoid an unpleasant symptom, you should control your daily ration and do not eat heavy foods. It is necessary to maintain the vitamin and mineral balance of foods so as not to impede intestinal function.

Stomach hurts and nausea

Pain is a signal from the body. There was a problem with the operation, help is needed, surgery. A common ailment in people of all ages is abdominal pain and nausea. There are many factors causing the phenomenon.

Common reasons

Discomfort is caused by infectious diseases, intoxication, and injuries. Sometimes accompanied by fever and vomiting. You should immediately seek medical help.


Happens when consuming low-quality food, with expired shelf life, prepared in unsanitary conditions. They enter the body with food harmful bacteria, causing poisoning.

Problems in the gastrointestinal tract

Gastroenterological abnormalities are the main cause of a sore stomach. Observed: nausea, heartburn, rumbling, seething. There are chronic, inflammatory infectious, oncological:

  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • Damage to the gallbladder and biliary tract.
  • Pathologies of the liver, kidneys, spleen.
  • Oncology.

It is important to diagnose correctly, start treatment on time, avoiding complications. Due to the similarity of manifestations, it is difficult to determine the focus. It happens that a person suffering from cancer is treated for a long time for gastritis, ulcers, and oncology is discovered late. The third and fourth stages of cancer are incurable. Neglected diseases develop into chronic ones, causing suffering.


Inflammation of the appendix can easily be confused with indigestion or poisoning. Distinctive features:

  • Pain begins in the navel area and gradually moves down to the right.
  • Hard belly, bloating.
  • Sharp in the lower right part of the peritoneum with light pressure.
  • Chills, fever (38 degrees and above), profuse sweating.
  • Symptoms of indigestion: diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting.
  • In the back area, like renal colic.

With a thorough examination, the doctor may not immediately determine the inflammation. Required additional research: blood tests, urine tests, pelvic ultrasound, probing.

In pregnant women, appendicitis is located higher than usual. As the fetus enlarges, organs other than the bladder move upward, changes in blood circulation occur, and frequent constipation occurs.

In a child, inflammation of the appendix does not always manifest itself as in an adult. The baby cannot correctly describe the symptoms or clearly say where it hurts. If a child complains of feeling sick or refuses to eat, you should call a doctor.

Myocardial infarction

In an adult, stomach pain and vomiting are caused by the histological form of myocardial infarction. It is confused with appendicitis, exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis. If it gives in the area of ​​the heart, left shoulder– a serious reason to undergo an urgent examination.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, it is difficult for an experienced specialist to identify heart damage the first time. You can distinguish by paying attention to human behavior. A patient with a heart attack tries to take a sitting position. During exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, appendicitis, he often lies down and tries not to make sudden movements.

Food intolerance

At food intolerance the body refuses to digest a certain product, causing:

  • Increased gas formation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bloating, heaviness.
  • Weakness.

People do not realize that they suffer from food intolerance, confuse it with an allergy, and refer to the wrong eating behavior. The most common intolerances are lactose and gluten. To determine the disease, blood tests and tests for antigens of products are carried out, identifying potentially dangerous ones. It is recommended to exclude prohibited foods from the diet for up to six months. After prolonged abstinence, the disease goes away on its own, unlike allergies.

Appear by various reasons:

  • Poor hand hygiene.
  • Poor quality products, water.
  • Fruits and vegetables that are poorly washed after contact with the soil.
  • Insufficiently cooked meat and fish.

Orthopedic deviations

May occur due to problems with the spine. The spine is connected by nerve endings to the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. With problems of the musculoskeletal system, aching pain in the lower abdomen, constipation, bloating, and hemorrhoids appear.


Nervous tension, stress, depression negatively affect the stomach. They lead to impaired blood circulation in the mucous membrane, destroying its integrity. If a person eats right, he leads healthy image life, stress can cause irritable bowel syndrome.

Pain typical for women

Due to the special physiology in women, abdominal discomfort occurs more often than men. Let's look at the reasons specific to women.


During puberty, from the first day of menstruation, the girl begins to be bothered by:

  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • pulling in the lower abdomen;
  • my head is spinning.

The condition lasts for several days. To ease a girl's menstruation, it is enough to take an antispasmodic.


If a girl feels sick in the morning, this may be the first sign of toxicosis. During pregnancy early stages there is often a feeling of fullness, nagging pain, dizziness, headache. Body temperature rises to 37 degrees, freezes, boils in the stomach, vomits. On later During pregnancy, a woman may experience discomfort in the navel due to weakness of the abdominal muscles, and lower back pain.

Diseases of the female reproductive system

Sometimes after menstruation, severe painful cramps do not stop - alarm signal. Pregnancy is ruled out. If the test is negative, there are signs of diseases of the genital and urinary organs. There are cutting, burning, cramping pains.

In men

In men, it is often caused by a violation of reproductive function. Due to the close location of the prostate gland to bladder, rectal damage affects these organs simultaneously. Hemorrhoids and prostatitis occur.

In children

A problem for all mothers is baby colic. All due to poor absorption of lactose, which is part of mother's milk and feeding formulas. Other causes of tummy pain:

  • constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hernia;
  • rotavirus infection.

Types of pain

To understand the reasons, take a closer look at the appearance and location of the source of pain.

Top center

Sharp, cutting in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, distension, gas formation - a manifestation of gastritis, peritonitis, myocardial infarction.

In the right hypochondrium

Sharp discomfort in the upper right is a symptom of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, myocardial infarction.

In the left hypochondrium

The upper left peritoneum usually hurts due to inflammation of the pancreas. With pancreatitis, the stomach aches, pain encircles, nausea and bloating occur.

In the middle

At increased acidity There are constant sharp sensations above the navel. It radiates to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium - it hurts gallbladder, possible exacerbation of cholecystitis. Localization around the navel - problems with small intestine. The navel often makes itself felt in acute peritonitis, hernia, and problems with the intestines. The stomach turns and growls, usually during diarrhea.

On the right side

One of the signs of appendicitis occurs when the cecum is unhealthy. In women - with inflammation of the right ovary.

On the left side

This symptom indicates the presence of inflammation. genitourinary system, infections in the intestines, diseases of the left ovary in women.

At the bottom

Happens for various reasons. The most serious are lesions of the urinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, damage to the genital organs. If kidney function is impaired, lower back pain, noise in the head, and frequent urination are observed.

When illness appears without visible reasons, it is difficult to determine the source and choose a treatment method. Self-removal is dangerous to health. The same drugs can improve well-being, but harm the body. For prevention, exclude heavy foods from your diet. junk food, move more, get checked regularly.

Pulsation in the stomach area is rare, but very indicative for a specialist of any specialty clinical symptom, thanks to which the doctor can suspect one or a number of existing pathological processes.

The phenomenon of pulsation in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall in itself is not very pleasant for any patient. But you should not immediately suspect the presence of a serious disease of the abdominal organs, in particular the stomach. The abdomen can pulsate even when your body is in normal condition.

Why does the stomach area pulsate?

There are several reasons:

Often the feeling of the usual painless pulsation in the stomach is replaced by pain syndrome, sometimes throbbing pain is observed initially as the first symptom possible pathology. More often such pains are sharp, shooting, periodic in nature, but they can also be constant and aching.

What to do if your stomach is throbbing?


  1. Don't panic and try to identify the specific area where you feel the pulsating movements.
  2. Determine the nature of the pulsation based on your feelings: periodic, constant.
  3. Determine the strength of the pulsation.
  4. Note whether the appearance or disappearance, as well as the strengthening and weakening of pulsating movements depends on changes in body position, food intake, and the amount of food eaten or drunk.
  5. Observe whether there is pain during pulsation, and if so, determine the nature pain, their intensity, rhythm.
  6. If there is any suspicion of serious illness or if you experience severe pain, be sure to consult a specialist.

Only qualified doctors can give you an accurate explanation of the pulsating sensations, so do not neglect their advice and help.

Modern methods ( ultrasound diagnostics, CT scan, X-ray examination) allow doctors to more quickly determine the causes of pulsation, no matter how varied they may be.

Pulsation in the abdomen can be a symptom of not only diseases or conditions associated with the stomach and other nearby abdominal organs. Therefore, timely attention to this sign will only improve the diagnostic process and, if necessary, treatment of the etiological factor.

A huge number of processes occur in the human body every second. Some phenomena may arise spontaneously and stand out from the general normal picture. One of them is pulsation in the abdomen. It can occur in any person, and at any age.

Accordingly, the reasons for discomfort can be completely different. It is this issue that needs to be considered in more detail.

Causes of pulsation

It is almost impossible to independently identify the exact causes of pulsation in the abdomen. The diagnosis should only be made by a doctor, and after the patient has undergone a certain list of studies. A preliminary diagnosis can be made in the form of an assumption based on a patient interview and initial examination.

For example, specific symptoms The sensation may be localized: near the navel, in the right or left side. Also distinctive indicators are the intensity of spasms and the frequency of their occurrence.

Presumably the causes of pulsation may be:

  • digestive system disorders;
  • problems with the abdominal aorta;
  • influence of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy.

To find out the reasons for this phenomenon and possible consequences Each factor should be considered in more detail.

Digestive disorders and organ pathologies

Quite often, pulsation in the lower abdomen is a banal sign of intestinal dysfunction. Such a manifestation may be associated with dysbacteriosis, poisoning, or bloating. In the latter case, the intestines are filled with gases, so it puts significant pressure on the wall and vessels of the abdominal cavity. In addition, the movement of accumulated air can also lead to similar sensations.

Pulsation in the navel area can be a signal of the development of inflammation. You should also be wary if you suspect a worm infection. But the causes of discomfort in the epigastric region may be associated with disruption of the functioning of the ventricles of the heart.

Also, with abdominal pulsation, the following possible problems should be taken into account:

  • spasm and hiccups;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • liver pathologies, in particular its enlargement;
  • binge eating;
  • stress.

Sometimes it can be triggered by banal inconvenience if a person spends a long time in an uncomfortable position. If symptoms occur frequently, it is worth getting tested. Ultrasound is the best way to identify the exact cause.

Aortic aneurysm

The aorta is the largest artery human body. If you detect a feeling of pulsation in the abdomen just above the navel, you should be wary. This phenomenon may be a direct symptom of the development of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

An aneurysm is an expansion of a vessel with a characteristic protrusion of its wall. An aneurysm can vary in appearance: saccular and fusiform. In the first case, only one side of the artery becomes convex, and in the second, distortion occurs over the entire area of ​​the walls.

Local vasodilation can occur for various reasons. In some people it is caused by atherosclerosis. This is especially true for older people. Any problems with cardiovascular system may cause aortic aneurysm.

This disease is quite dangerous. If there is a slight change in the walls and lining of blood vessels, it is enough to carry out preventive therapy which will bring the body back to normal. In advanced forms, the patient may also be bothered by symptoms such as cold extremities, abdominal pain, and respiratory distress. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because surgical intervention may be necessary. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing swelling or rupture of the aorta, which most often leads to death.

Menstrual cycle

Many women, and especially young girls, suffer from unpleasant sensations that occur before menstruation. A pulsating sensation may be completely normal. natural processes. In this case, the same rule applies as for ordinary pain: minor discomfort is the norm, but the intense manifestation of such symptoms with heavy bleeding– this is definitely a pathology.

Why does pulsation occur in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation? It's all about the contraction of the uterus. During menstruation, endometrial rejection begins, and to get rid of it, the uterus pushes the contents out, which results in unpleasant sensations.

At the same time, only such sensations are considered normal that are completely tolerable and do not have too much impact on general state women.

If there is excessive pulsation and severe pain, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. This may be a symptom of uterine hypertonicity. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage.


Pulsation in the lower abdomen is often observed during pregnancy. The fact is that when carrying a child, the pressure on a woman’s organs, including blood vessels, increases. So-called vena cava it is pinched in the later stages, which provokes a feeling of pulsation.

In addition, it is worth noting that the occurrence of such sensations is also affected by the growth of the uterus itself. The longer the period, the more the vessels are compressed. If the expectant mother is carrying not one child, but twins or even triplets, pulsation in the abdomen - common symptom for her.

Other interesting reason- the baby himself. If he swallows amniotic fluid, he may experience hiccups. If this is not observed too often in the last trimester, everything is normal.

In order to get rid of the pulsating feeling, a pregnant woman should rest more. You need to lie on your back and relax, you can put your legs higher, for example, on the back of the sofa. Then turn to your side to redistribute the pressure.

If you notice that you often experience a symptom of pulsation in the abdominal area, there is no need to draw hasty conclusions.

Before you start self-treatment It is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the discomfort. Sometimes this can save your health and even your life.

Many people complain that something seems to be moving in their stomach, and sometimes this can even be visually determined. This may be due to several factors, however, it is worth remembering that only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis.

In this case, signs such as:

  • bloating;
  • movement within;
  • muscle mobility;
  • strange noises.

The sensation may be quite painful or painless. The reasons for the feeling that something is moving in the stomach can be very different. Among the main reasons are:

  • violation of peristalsis of internal organs;
  • helminthiasis;
  • increased gas formation;
  • neoplasms.

That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out comprehensive examination.

The main causes of movement

Many girls complain that they are not pregnant, something is moving in their stomach. There may be several reasons for this, and some of them are quite dangerous. In thin girls, a pulse can be felt when lying on their stomach. This is due to the fact that there is practically no fat layer in the abdominal cavity, and when the muscles are tense, pulsation can be clearly observed.

However, such a manifestation may also be a sign serious illness, in particular, such as aortic aneurysm. This disease is additionally accompanied frequent urges to the toilet, belching and painful sensations near the umbilical fossa. In some cases, there may additionally be nausea and bloating.

In addition, movement can occur during fermentation in the intestines, which is associated with malnutrition, as well as the installation of internal organs in their original place after childbirth. If something seems to be moving in the stomach, then the reason for this may be helminths, which are found in many people and cause damage to the body. great harm.


If you feel like something is moving in your stomach, this may be due to intestinal motility. Wave-like contractions of the hollow organs are observed as food moves through them. They can be felt even through the abdominal wall. Such waves are formed regardless of a person’s desire. Not only the stomach and intestines can contract, but also urinary tract And the fallopian tubes.

The sensation of movement in the abdomen may be chaotic or have a certain direction of movement, as well as different quantity abbreviations. It all depends on your health and diet. Usually peristalsis is almost invisible and does not cause any particular inconvenience.

Gas formation

The feeling that something is moving in the stomach may occur due to increased gas formation. This syndrome affects approximately 40% of the world's population. Increased gas formation processes lead to symptoms such as:

  • bloating of the intestines;
  • rumbling;
  • bloating;
  • painful sensations.

Among the main reasons for increased gas formation are an increase in the amount of air swallowed along with food, a violation of the intestinal microflora, insufficient output enzymes. In addition, this can occur if you consume food that produces a lot of gases during digestion. This problem may be present constantly and not go away.


Worms very rarely cause a sensation of movement, the only exception being enterobiasis. This disease is considered to be a childhood disease, but adults can also be carriers of pinworms. It is transmitted through contact with objects that are contaminated with the eggs of these small worms.

Worms irritate the digestive organs with the products of their vital activity, which is why flatulence, digestive problems, and pain in the navel area occur. Helminths not only provoke digestive problems, but also release toxins into the body, which negatively affect the condition. The more worms in the body, the stronger the signs of intoxication.

Among the main symptoms of the presence of worms in the body are the following:

  • migraine;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • anemia;
  • chronic fatigue.

The patient may suffer from insomnia for a long time, and children may grind their teeth in their sleep. Worms very often provoke the occurrence of skin rashes, and in severe cases can provoke the development of asthma.

If something is moving in the stomach, then it is advisable to get tested for the presence of worms. There are several various types These worms, but the most common are pinworms and roundworms. When their larvae enter the body, they begin to multiply very quickly, causing various types of gastrointestinal disorders. This results in a feeling of movement.

Malignant tumors and the occurrence of adhesions in the intestines can cause movement in In addition, other characteristic symptoms are observed. Movement may indicate the presence of a cyst in the ovaries. These are very serious diseases, therefore, immediate consultation with a doctor and proper treatment are required.

A huge number of processes occur in the human body every second. Some phenomena may arise spontaneously and stand out from the general normal picture. One of them is pulsation in the abdomen. It can occur in any person, and at any age.

Accordingly, the reasons for discomfort can be completely different. It is this issue that needs to be considered in more detail.

Causes of pulsation

It is almost impossible to independently identify the exact causes of pulsation in the abdomen. The diagnosis should only be made by a doctor, and after the patient has undergone a certain list of studies. A preliminary diagnosis can be made in the form of an assumption based on a patient interview and initial examination.

So, for example, specific symptoms may be the localization of sensations: near the navel, in the right or left side. Also distinctive indicators are the intensity of spasms and the frequency of their occurrence.

Presumably the causes of pulsation may be:

  • digestive system disorders;
  • problems with the abdominal aorta;
  • influence of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy.

To find out the reasons for this phenomenon and possible consequences, each factor should be considered in more detail.

Digestive disorders and organ pathologies

Quite often, pulsation in the lower abdomen is a banal sign of intestinal dysfunction. Such a manifestation may be associated with dysbacteriosis, poisoning, or bloating. In the latter case, the intestines are filled with gases, so it puts significant pressure on the wall and vessels of the abdominal cavity. In addition, the movement of accumulated air can also lead to similar sensations.

Pulsation in the navel area can be a signal of the development of inflammation. You should also be wary if you suspect a worm infection. But the causes of discomfort in the epigastric region may be associated with disruption of the functioning of the ventricles of the heart.

Also, with abdominal pulsation, the following possible problems should be taken into account:

  • spasm and hiccups;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • liver pathologies, in particular its enlargement;
  • binge eating;
  • stress.

Sometimes it can be triggered by banal inconvenience if a person spends a long time in an uncomfortable position. If symptoms occur frequently, it is worth getting tested. Ultrasound is the best way to identify the exact cause.

Aortic aneurysm

The aorta is the largest artery of the human body. If you detect a feeling of pulsation in the abdomen just above the navel, you should be wary. This phenomenon may be a direct symptom of the development of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

An aneurysm is an expansion of a vessel with a characteristic protrusion of its wall. An aneurysm can vary in appearance: saccular and fusiform. In the first case, only one side of the artery becomes convex, and in the second, distortion occurs over the entire area of ​​the walls.

Local vasodilation can occur for various reasons. In some people it is caused by atherosclerosis. This is especially true for older people. Any problems with the cardiovascular system can cause an aortic aneurysm.

This disease is quite dangerous. If there is a slight change in the walls and lining of blood vessels, it is enough to carry out preventive therapy, which will bring the body back to normal. In advanced forms, the patient may also be bothered by symptoms such as cold extremities, abdominal pain, and respiratory distress. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because surgical intervention may be necessary. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing swelling or rupture of the aorta, which most often leads to death.

Menstrual cycle

Many women, and especially young girls, suffer from unpleasant sensations that occur before menstruation. A pulsating sensation may be a completely normal manifestation of natural processes. In this case, the same rule applies as for ordinary pain: minor discomfort is the norm, but the intense manifestation of such symptoms with severe bleeding is definitely a pathology.

Why does pulsation occur in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation? It's all about the contraction of the uterus. During menstruation, endometrial rejection begins, and to get rid of it, the uterus pushes the contents out, which results in unpleasant sensations.

At the same time, only those sensations that are completely tolerable and do not greatly affect the general condition of the woman are considered normal.

If there is excessive pulsation and severe pain, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. This may be a symptom of uterine hypertonicity. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage.


Pulsation in the lower abdomen is often observed during pregnancy. The fact is that when carrying a child, the pressure on a woman’s organs, including blood vessels, increases. The so-called vena cava is compressed in the later stages, which provokes a feeling of pulsation.

In addition, it is worth noting that the occurrence of such sensations is also affected by the growth of the uterus itself. The longer the period, the more the vessels are compressed. If the expectant mother is carrying not one child, but twins or even triplets, pulsation in the abdomen is a common symptom for her.