Why is the dog thin: reasons, what to do, how to cure the animal? The main reasons why a dog loses weight

Cachexia or wasting in a dog occurs as a result of slow or rapid weight loss for various reasons.

Exhaustion can be recognized by certain signs, in particular by clearly visible ribs, a strongly retracted abdomen, in addition, an exhausted dog exhibits lethargy and loss of strength. Exhaustion also affects the shine of the coat; the animal may refuse to feed.

However, visible ribs and a retracted abdomen may not necessarily be signs of emaciation. Some dog breeds are genetically predisposed to thinness, such as greyhounds.

Causes of wasting in dogs

As a rule, dogs with such diseases lose their appetite or eat too little, and as a result they lose weight. An animal may refuse food when under stress.

Pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the bitch may experience hormonal imbalances. As a result, the bitch can suddenly lose weight. If your dog is not gaining weight long time If you are feeding correctly, you should get tested.

Lack of feed. One of the common reasons is insufficient feeding and improper maintenance of the animal. Dogs that were once pets, but then for some reason ended up on the street, especially suffer from hunger. As a rule, it is difficult for them to obtain food for themselves, because they are accustomed to the fact that food was always provided by the owner. Some unscrupulous owners deliberately starve their animals. In most cases, thinness in puppies with proper feeding is the result of a lack of food. You may need to increase your puppy's food intake.

Increased physical activity. Active, working or sport dogs with insufficient feeding they can lose weight, which is usually immediately noticeable.

Diagnosis and treatment

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by contacting a veterinarian. After all, if there are signs of exhaustion in a dog, this does not always mean that the pet needs to be treated by fattening it. In most cases, the cause of exhaustion in dogs is various types of diseases. Then you need to first eliminate the cause of exhaustion, and only then treat your pet for painful thinness.

If the pet is eating well, eating with pleasure, or even began to eat more food, then the cause of exhaustion may lie in problems digesting food. Perhaps the food is poorly digested and poorly absorbed. The cause may be enteritis.

If your pet has a decrease in appetite, then this is the reason for weight loss. It is necessary to find out why the dog has lost its appetite; such a phenomenon can be a symptom of various diseases, which only a veterinarian can determine.

Even if the cause of exhaustion is forced starvation, the dog should definitely be shown to a veterinarian, because under conditions of improper maintenance and feeding, serious diseases could develop.

You can fatten a dog yourself, but in some, especially serious cases, you can’t do without the help of a veterinarian. If the case is complex and the dog is severely exhausted, then it will need special nutritional supplements to maintain its vital functions. In addition, the veterinarian will advise the most suitable food depending on the nature of the existing diseases.

In the early stages of exhaustion, self-feeding is possible. Pet stores sell special medicinal or dietary wet food. It is important to remember that an exhausted dog cannot be fed dry food right away. If you have any doubts about your pet's recovery process, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

How and what to feed an exhausted dog

To restore the weight of emaciated animals, only wet food, preferable natural food. Feed consisting of beef or chicken, boiled rice, boiled vegetables should have a consistency similar to liquid porridge. There must be at least 50% meat. Food should not be greasy or heavy. Dairy products(non-fat cottage cheese and kefir) are introduced gradually, separately from the main food for timely detection of allergic reactions.

Treatment with dry food is contraindicated. Medicinal or dietary dry food can be given only after the animal has fully recovered, gradually replacing natural products. Later, the pet is gradually transferred to complete dry food, since medicated food is not intended for constant feeding. The dog should always have water during the recovery period and after.

Feeding should begin with two meals a day, gradually increasing the volume of food and the frequency of feeding. With noticeable improvements in the pet’s condition, they begin to feed 4-5 times a day, but in small portions, i.e. the daily portion intended for healthy dog, divided into 4-5 parts and fed throughout the day. It is important not to overfeed an exhausted dog, especially if the exhaustion is severe.

The first signs of improvement in the pet's condition are manifested in activity, weight gain, and shiny coat. After the condition improves, deworming is carried out. Improvements are observed during the first month, but full recovery it takes more time, and until this point the dog must eat a strict diet.

The owner usually judges the health of a pet by its appearance, and in particular, taking into account the dog’s fatness. In this regard, a downward fluctuation in weight should be regarded as an alarming signal, often indicating the development of an illness. The owner will be able to recognize the disease not only by understanding the physiological condition of the pet, but also by understanding the reasons for the development of thinness. The greatest concern is cachexia in good appetite at the dog.

Read in this article

Normal dog weight

To the owner, before sounding the alarm about the appearance of thinness in four-legged friend, you need to know what a dog with normal weight looks like. When determining the degree of exhaustion, the breed, age, and sex of the animal should be taken into account.

Representatives of some breeds - greyhounds, toy terriers, Italian greyhounds, Chinese Crested due to genetic prerequisites and choleric temperament characteristics with normal weight may seem thin.

Young individuals of large breeds ( german shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes) in adolescence look thinner compared to adult pets. As a rule, females look lighter and smaller compared to males.

To be sure that the dog is in good physical shape, the owner just needs to take a close look at its shape from above when the dog is standing quietly. The outline of the animal should normally resemble an hourglass. The ribs and bones of the pelvic area should not protrude, but can be easily felt. There is a small amount of fatty tissue in the abdominal area.

Thinness is indicated by prominently protruding ribs, spinous processes of the vertebrae, and pelvic bones. This picture is especially pronounced in short-haired individuals. If the animal has thick hair, then sharp corners of the bones can be felt upon palpation. In the chest and abdomen area body fat are missing.

In general, there is a lack of muscle mass. Having discovered signs of exhaustion in a pet, the owner must find out the reasons and, if possible, eliminate them himself or seek qualified help.

The main reasons why a dog loses weight

According to the observation of veterinary specialists, experienced dog breeders and dog handlers, a pet can lose live weight for the following reasons:

  • Errors in feeding. This group of factors includes, first of all, insufficient nutrients due to underfeeding.

Often the owner does not know the animal’s needs at a given age, and regular inadequate portions lead to the pet losing kilograms.

A novice dog breeder does not always adjust the dog’s diet and portion size. winter time years, which may negatively affect his muscle mass. A four-legged friend can lose weight due to an unbalanced diet not only in protein and carbohydrates, but also due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in food.

Feeding a dog monotonous food, for example, only fish, disrupts the function of digestion and metabolism, which manifests itself in weight loss. Illiterate use of dry food (failure to comply with dosage, small amount of water consumed, incorrect selection of composition) is a common cause of weight loss in dogs.

  • Dental problems. , caries, wounds and abscesses in oral cavity often accompanied by pain, which makes eating difficult.
  • In addition to dental sores, they can lead to refusal of food and rapid weight loss. ear diseases. When a dog has inflammation of the middle ear, severe pain makes chewing and swallowing difficult.
  • The most common cause of weight loss in dogs is diseases of the digestive tube. , liver disease, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines are often accompanied by digestive dysfunction in the form of,.

A decrease in enzyme activity, disruption of intestinal motility and its absorption function lead to the fact that the nutrients entering the body are not used.

  • Allergic manifestations. IN Lately veterinary specialists observe many clinical cases where a dog’s weight loss is caused by food allergies. A large amount of synthetic dyes, flavor enhancers and antioxidants in ready-made food, which increase the shelf life of the product, lead to serious disruptions in the pet’s body due to an allergic reaction.
  • Diseases of oncological nature. Tumors and neoplasms consume a large number of nutrients, while simultaneously poisoning the body with toxic substances. Muscle mass in dogs decreases not only with oncological pathology, but also during its treatment with chemotherapy.
  • At viral infections (adenovirosis,) due to the development of diarrhea and severe intoxication, the animal quickly develops cachexia.

To the group physiological reasons Experienced dog breeders and veterinarians attribute weight loss in four-legged friends to such factors as the hot season, change of teeth in young animals, the period of estrus, and the rehabilitation period after surgery. After the physiological causes end, the dog’s body quickly returns to normal, and the lost kilograms return.

If he eats well but loses weight

In some cases, the reason for the causeless weight loss of a four-legged friend is diseases of the digestive system. It will help to establish the exact cause of cachexia comprehensive examination in a specialized clinic.

To help determine the cause of muscle loss, taking a medical history, analyzing the nutritional value of your diet, and biochemical blood. Based on the research results, a veterinary specialist will give recommendations on improving the quality of nutrition, the use of feed additives, multivitamins and mineral complexes. In some cases, switching your pet to a specialized food from a medicinal line will help solve the problem.

Ultrasound and endoscopic examination of the abdominal and chest cavity. For diseases of the digestive tube, the dog will first be prescribed therapeutic diet, enzyme preparations, hepatoprotectors. By radical method The treatment for cancer is surgery followed by chemotherapy.

To learn why a dog is losing weight but eating well, watch this video:

With a good appetite on dry food, but loses a lot of weight

In a situation where exhaustion is observed against the background of preserved appetite with a concentrated type of feeding, the owner needs to analyze the correctness of the chosen product and compliance with the feeding regimen. In some cases, cachexia when feeding a dog dry formulas is caused by the following reasons:

  • Incorrect selection of dry food. The composition may not correspond to the age, breed and physiological needs of the pet. For example, it is unacceptable to feed food intended for adults to puppies, and vice versa.
  • Cheap economy-class food is a common cause of exhaustion of an animal with a satisfactory appetite. Such compositions do not correspond to the declared nutritional value; they contain few protein ingredients, but many ballast and harmful substances.
  • Non-compliance with feeding regime. The owner’s ignorance of the amount of nutrients required can lead to exhaustion in the pet. Regular underfeeding leads to a decrease in muscle mass in a dog. Violation of the diet, feeding your pet at different times has a negative impact on fatness.
  • Violation of drinking regime. In order to useful material dry food is effectively absorbed by the body, it is necessary that the animal has free access to water. A normal digestion process is possible only when dry food swells in the stomach under the influence of liquid. After this, digestive enzymes begin to work.
  • If an animal receives a limited amount of water, nutrient absorption processes are disrupted, which is accompanied by cachexia.

Lose muscle mass a four-legged friend can for many reasons - from violation of feeding rules to serious problems with health. A timely visit to a veterinarian and carrying out the necessary diagnostic procedures will help determine the root cause.

Adjusting the diet, adding multivitamin and mineral complexes to the dog’s diet, switching the pet to specialized premium and super-premium food will bring the animal into the desired condition if the cause of exhaustion was due to errors in nutrition. When a disease is detected veterinary specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Useful video

To learn how to choose dry dog ​​food, watch this video:

The caring owner of a four-legged friend will definitely notice that for some reason the pet, who eats regularly and with appetite, has begun to lose weight. Naturally, this will cause concern and anxiety, especially if visible reasons for something like this, no. Why does a dog lose weight with a good appetite? When is this normal and when is it a sign of illness?

How can you determine if your dog weighs the right amount? Of course, you can look into the standard and find out the parameters of representatives of a certain breed. But the height and sex of the animal should be taken into account, since the mass located on upper limit, will not be normal if the pet’s height is located at the bottom. In addition, many pets do not have a breed, being mestizos or mongrels. In this case, there is no data or tables - everything is strictly individual.

In a dog of normal build, the ribs, croup bones and bones of the head should be palpable hip joints. Upon visual inspection, protruding bones are a sign of excessive thinness. However, it is worth considering that there are a number of breeds that are naturally thin. Even when eating well, Salukis, Great Danes, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds and others remain slim and lean. And that counts normal indicators. There are also dogs of the same breed, but with different builds, for example, there are shepherd dogs that are tightly built, and there are “dry” ones.

Of course, it is easier for owners of a short-haired pet to notice that their pet has lost weight. While long-haired individuals retain their appearance, regardless of body weight. But if weight loss is associated with pathological process, then the animal will definitely show accompanying signs:

  • deterioration in the quality of wool - it loses its shine, becomes faded, dry, thinned, and may fall out profusely;
  • change in behavior - the pet is lethargic, irritable, does not show interest in others, is more often in a lying position, does not participate in games, and even a call to go for a walk does not evoke positive emotions in him;
  • vomiting, diarrhea occurs;
  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • tremor;
  • breathing disorder.

Some serious illnesses can provoke aggression and inappropriate behavior. In this case, even emergency delivery of the dog to the clinic does not guarantee a good outcome.

Why does a dog lose weight quickly?

What should an owner pay attention to first if their dog is eating but losing weight? First of all, you need to look into his mouth, assess the condition of his teeth, tissues of the palate, pharynx, and gums. If their color has not changed, there is no plaque or inflamed areas, you can proceed to examination and palpation of the peritoneum.

Unintentional weight loss can be associated with a number of pathological conditions.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Normally, the dog's stomach remains soft if you gently press on it. If the abdominal muscles tense when touched, this may be a sign of illness. This is observed with inflammation of the stomach, the presence of a foreign object in this organ, ulcerative damage to the walls, intestinal blockage and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

For illnesses gastrointestinal tract The dog develops diarrhea, becomes lethargic, apathetic, and vomits. For any of the symptoms, it is recommended to measure the pet’s temperature and assess the condition of the mucous membranes - their blue or yellowing is serious symptom diseases.

Almost any disease associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by pain of various nature. You can usually tell that a pet is in pain by its reactions. If the dog is trembling, irritated, behaves cautiously, and his breathing is shallow, we are talking about severe pain. In this case, the dog, when standing, begins to hunch his back, and his steps are small, without scope.

Ears or teeth hurt

If your dog is worried about dental or Ear ache, she refuses to eat. In such cases, you can identify the problem by pressing on the base ears– a sharp reaction from the pet will confirm that this is where the inflammation is localized. It is important to seek help from a veterinarian immediately.

Allergic reactions

Food allergies are another reason why your dog eats and loses weight. With this pathology, the animal’s body begins to function in emergency mode, which leads to increased energy consumption and a decrease in body weight.

This condition is accompanied by certain signs: the dog begins to actively itch, the flow from the eyes and nose intensifies, and the appetite worsens. Irritated areas may appear on the skin, and hair may fall out in places.

Worms – frequent guests canine body, which eat what is intended for the normal functioning of the animal’s organs and systems. In this case, the dog eats with increased appetite, but important substances are provided not by it, but by its “neighbors”.

There is a schedule for deworming dogs, according to which pets are given anthelmintics, usually this event is carried out once every 3-4 months. If you follow this rule, the helminths that have entered the body will not have time to actively multiply and cause serious harm.

If the owner forgets about the procedure or ignores it completely, the worms can spread throughout all systems, consuming vital components before they are digested and absorbed into the intestines. Some of the worms can seriously damage the tissues of the liver, lungs, heart and even brain. And if this happens, you can expect serious changes, including metabolic disorders.

IN similar situation the pet sharply loses weight, lacks vitamin components and microelements, and organ failure develops. Such conditions often lead to irreversible consequences and death of the dog.

Contacting a veterinarian will help save your pet's life, but the consequences helminthic infestation are capable of causing various complications in the future and periodically reminding themselves. So it is better to take care of prevention; this will not 100% protect the dog from worms, but it will reduce the likelihood of them staying comfortably in the pet’s body.

Postoperative recovery

Any surgical intervention, even minimally invasive, is stressful for the animal’s body, and weight loss during this period is considered normal occurrence. But, of course, we are not talking about critical weight loss, when only “skin and bones” remain from a well-fed pet.

Unfortunately, four-legged friends tolerate anesthesia worse than humans. This applies even to physically strong, young animals, but they have enough internal reserves to recover. Much depends on how complex the operation turned out to be, and during this period it is important that the pet is monitored by a specialist.

If a dog is losing more weight than expected, an experienced doctor will definitely pay attention to this fact. If he does not consider this sign dangerous, it is worth consulting with another veterinarian.

Viral infections

Viruses are very dangerous for dogs, regardless of the age and breed of the animal. The risk group includes puppies and dogs old age. A sharp decrease in body weight can be caused by any viral pathogen, but vaccination can protect against some of them:

  • rabies– the disease is dangerous for humans, but fatal for dogs;
  • carnivore plague- can only be cured by early stage development;
  • enteritis– even vaccination will not protect your pet 100%, but it will help avoid acute manifestations of the disease;
  • adenovirus– rarely detected, requires serious, long-term treatment;
  • leptospirosis– the disease is dangerous for people, treatable, rarely diagnosed;
  • piroplasmosis– with the help of a vaccine, acute manifestations of the disease can be avoided.

Oncological processes

Malignant formations and metastases also lead to a sharp weight loss in the animal. The danger lies in the fact that in most cases it is possible to identify the disease only by late stages. The initial stages of cancer occur latently, without severe symptoms, therefore they are often detected during diagnostics not related to oncology.

Late stage cancer is not curable, but stops. The animal is prescribed a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These methods are quite harsh, they harm not only malignant cells, but also healthy ones, so the dog loses weight and feels unwell, both during treatment and after it. With the help of competent restorative therapy, it is possible to restore the dog’s strength and appetite.

Incorrect feeding regimen and diet

Any veterinarian who did not identify pathologies during diagnosis will be interested in what the owner feeds his pet. It's not uncommon for a dog to lose weight by not eating a balanced diet or sticking to a schedule. What should an owner pay attention to when feeding a four-legged friend?

  1. Variety should be moderate. With natural feeding, you should not give your dog everything, trying to keep his menu varied. In fact, a balanced diet for these animals consists of 5-6 products, and the list of prohibited foods is quite long. But if your dog consumes only 1-2 products, it is worth reviewing its diet and including a few more components in it.
  2. You need to be more careful when selecting food. Low-price products consist of cereals with a small content of meat processing waste. Naturally, such food cannot be called suitable for a dog, since most of the ingredients are not absorbed by the dog’s body. In this case, even increasing the portion will not help your pet gain weight. The food must be of high quality, consist of meat components, vegetables, small quantity cereals, vitamin and mineral supplements. Premium and super-premium brands meet similar requirements. It is recommended to periodically give your pet canned food to diversify your pet's diet. It is advisable that it be of the same brand as the main one.
  3. It is important to take care of your pet's access to water. If during natural feeding the animal receives part of the moisture from food, then when eating “drying” it comes mainly from a separate bowl. The owner must remove the remains of uneaten food, but this does not apply to water - it must always be in the bowl so that the dog can drink at any time. Otherwise, the animal may experience dehydration, which may result in vomiting, regurgitation of dry, undigested granules, difficulty defecating, etc.

Pet weight loss – warning sign, especially if his appetite does not spoil. The owner should take a closer look at the behavior of his four-legged friend, and for his own peace of mind, take him to the veterinarian.

There are a number of reasons why a dog loses weight. All pets depend on their owners. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the dog’s health. Very often, pet owners can observe a noticeable weight loss, despite the fact that the animal eats as before.

Why does a dog lose weight very quickly?

There are many reasons for an animal to suddenly lose weight. Starting from the simplest to the development of pathological diseases.

  1. If your pet has suddenly lost weight, you may have reduced the amount of food you feed.
  2. Insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the animal's food.
  3. When a pet eats a lot and loses weight, perhaps the reason is the presence of a hidden pathology, such as gastritis or an ulcer. But in this case there are additional symptoms of the disease.
  4. When feeding your animal dry food, you must provide sufficient fresh and clean water. If there is not enough fluid, the dog may regurgitate food, and other signs of malaise will begin to appear, such as constipation and gradual exhaustion.
  5. Please note that during the summer, food intake may decrease and due to extreme heat, dogs' appetite may decrease.
  6. If you use it as food natural food, then in hot weather it spoils quickly. Eating such food by a dog can cause poisoning or other problems.

Oral injuries

Sometimes the reason why a dog is losing weight is not a problem with feeding, but the presence of injuries in the mouth, gums or throat. Therefore, the dog can consciously refuse to eat. Should check this fact. One of the reasons may be an inedible item that he ate and is now suffering from pain. In this case, there are additional symptoms, such as constant whining, loss of activity and, as a result, weight loss.

The presence of infectious diseases is also one of the reasons for weight loss. Moreover, in addition to refusal to eat, there are other signs of illness: fever, diarrhea, vomiting, slight yellowness of the mucous membranes, loss of strength, lethargy.
Perhaps your pet is in pain, so he refuses to eat, gradually losing weight. This reason supported by additional symptoms:

  1. difficulty breathing;
  2. increased irritability, the once affectionate dog may growl or try to bite the owner, especially if he touches a sore spot;
  3. hunched back; the animal’s gait may change due to pain;
  4. the dog stops leading an active lifestyle, as it was before, preferring to lie down.

Loss of interest in food may be caused by ear infection. Because when chewing they are tested severe pain, especially if the main food is dry food.
Sometimes the presence of any infections can provoke an allergy to certain components in a dog’s food.

Loss of appetite is often a sign of cancer. In some cases, the reason for sudden weight loss is surgery. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor. Any surgical interventions- this is stress for the body. The doctor will tell you whether weight loss is normal during the postoperative period.

If the dog is losing weight, but eats well, at the same time external signs There are no problems with digestion; perhaps you increased your physical activity while maintaining your old diet. It is important to know that in winter period The amount of food given to the animal should be increased, since calorie consumption increases during cold periods.

You can check whether your pet's weight is normal by regularly weighing the dog. There are also special tables indicating the normal weight of various breeds dogs.
If you notice the first signs of an imbalance in your animal’s weight, you should seek advice as soon as possible. If there are no obvious signs serious pathologies, then as a treatment it will be enough for you to drink a vitamin complex.

The main mistakes made by owners

Often the main mistake of all dog breeders is the wrong approach to the diet of their furry pet. It is important to remember that the amount of food consumed should be proportionate physical activity animal.

If the dog leads an active lifestyle, then the amount of food needs to be increased; if he prefers more rest, then do not overfeed him. Obesity common problem in pets, do not give in to your pet’s blandishments or puppy dog ​​eyes. The dog will continue to eat, no matter how much it is fed. This syndrome in animals is called pathological greed.

It is important to control the animal’s diet; it is best to feed at certain hours, this will discipline the animal. There are times when your pet has had a very active day and needs an extra portion, so pay attention to the behavior.

Accustom your dog to discipline by feeding at certain hours, and it is necessary to remove the dog's bowl 15-20 minutes after adding food. And it doesn’t matter whether the dog ate everything or not.

Necessary elements for a dog menu

An important rule when feeding an animal dry food is drinking plenty of fluids. Water should always be in an accessible place, especially during hot periods. Change the water regularly to keep it fresh.
Lack of sufficient quantity important elements in food such as:

  • Calcium,
  • Glycerophosphate,
  • Bone meal and other minerals lead to imbalance and the development of a number of diseases.
  • Micronutrient deficiencies interfere with normal functioning internal organs, reducing resistance to various diseases and infections.

But this does not mean that you need to be diligent; an excess of various elements also does not benefit the animal. An increase in the amount of minerals often provokes the development of fragility bone tissue, and as a result, frequent bone fractures.

Experienced dog breeders know that some dog foods need to be excluded altogether, due to intolerance by the body or the inability to process them. Here is a list of such products:

  • All sweets. Sugar is generally difficult to process, especially in animals, so various cakes, sweets and any sweet products are prohibited from being given to dogs. The required amount of sugar is already present in your pet's food.
  • Restrictions also apply to the salt included in the diet. Its quantity must be minimized.
  • There are some types of meat that are not recommended for feeding dogs: pork and lamb. The reason for this is the abundant amount of fats that are difficult for the body to process.
  • Due to lactose intolerance, many animals cannot be given milk. Milk is only beneficial for puppies.
  • It is necessary to exclude the consumption of fruits, especially pears and grapes, as they can cause diabetes mellitus.
  • Various spices and chemical flavoring additives can cause strong allergic reaction to the point of fainting.

Raw foods

There is also a lot of controversy regarding the consumption of raw foods. Of course, it is necessary to include it in dog food sometimes raw foods like:

  • Raw lean meat
  • Fish,
  • Vegetables.

What to do to prevent your dog from losing weight

To avoid weight problems in your dog, you must follow the recommendations described above. The right approach to nutrition pet will help to weed out a number of reasons for the animal’s sudden weight loss.

If you regularly feed your dog various fresh vegetable salads, then you should add a little sour cream to them, this will help to absorb the vitamins received well.
Under no circumstances should you force an animal to eat. It is better to find out the reason for this behavior by consulting a doctor. You can check some signs yourself and rule out a number of reasons for your dog’s weight loss:

  1. Examine the animal's mouth yourself for the presence of various damages teeth and gums.
  2. Visually examine the condition of the animal's excrement for the presence of helminths. Whether a dog has diarrhea or constipation can be determined by the consistency of the stool: liquid or solid.
  3. Normally, dog excrement should not be very hard, but not liquid either.
  4. It is possible to prevent helminths, but first you should consult with a veterinarian which remedy is best and safest to use.

In custody

It is important for any dog ​​breeder to remember that gradual or a sharp decline the weight is a clear sign presence of problems in the dog’s body. Therefore, it is important to stop such a symptom in time in order to avoid serious violations leading to the development of severe pathologies.

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