Why do red spots appear on the head of the penis and how to treat them? Causes of red dots without itching on the head of the male organ - the main provoking factors

Normally, the skin and mucous membranes of the male genital organ should not be covered with a rash (exceptions are), and age spots, erosions and ulcers. If red spots appear on the head, we are usually talking about the development of an allergic reaction or a dangerous internal pathology, which can provoke a violation of potency and cause an imbalance in work genitourinary system.

According to statistics, men aged 20-35 years experience rashes on the glans penis. In 70% of cases the reason lies in venereal diseases, less often – allergic reactions. A visit to a urologist will eliminate the possibility of having an STD and identify the allergen that irritates the skin in the genital area.


Factors contributing to the appearance of red spots on the head male organ, are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. non-infectious;
  2. infectious.

It is possible to correctly determine the nature of the causes of stains on the basis of in-person, instrumental and laboratory research manifestations of the identified symptom. Non-infectious causes characterized by spontaneous appearance and the same disappearance, infectious ones are distinguished by vivid symptoms - severe itching, unpleasant odor, discharge, etc.

Red spots on the head of the penis photo

Non-infectious factors

Irritating factors not related to pathogens of infectious pathologies that can provoke the formation of red spots on the head of the penis include:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules intimate area(irregular cleansing of the skin, rare changes of underwear, superficial washing of the external genitalia can lead to the accumulation of bacterial microflora and its metabolic products on the head of the penis);
  • development of an allergic reaction ( synthetic fabrics underwear, cosmetics for cleansing the skin of the intimate area, condom lubricants, lubricants, household chemicals can cause an allergy on the head of the penis with its characteristic manifestations in the form of itching, swelling, redness and small multiple blistering rash);
  • decline immune defense(against the background of weakened immunity, the body loses the ability to effectively cope with pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi, “opening the gates” for the unhindered development of dangerous pathologies).

As a rule, after eliminating the irritant, establishing systematic correct comprehensive care for the skin of the external genitalia and regulating the work immune system the red rash covering the head of the penis disappears in short time. But behind this reaction of the body there may also be something less harmless. infectious lesion, requiring timely treatment.

Infectious pathologies

The skin and mucous membranes of the penis are different high sensitivity to influence external factors, therefore, red spots on the head in men may appear due to damage by pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. The formation of red spots in the area of ​​the head of the penis is characteristic of the following pathologies:

  1. Balanitis. Small red spots, swelling of the genital organ, the appearance of itching and pain during sexual intercourse or during urination indicate an inflammatory process in the head of the penis. The disease develops against the background of regular irritation of the skin and mucous membranes chemicals, leucorrhoea, discharge due to fungal or bacterial infection, as well as systematic non-compliance with the rules intimate hygiene, weakened immunity, endocrine dysfunction. Due to the lack necessary treatment pathology accepts chronic form With frequent shifts periods of exacerbation and remission. At the neglected stage, ulcerative and then gangrenous balanitis develops.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush). Red spots that appear on the head of the penis may indicate candidiasis, an infectious pathology of the genitourinary system caused by the pathogenic growth of a fungus of the genus Candida. In addition to the red rash in men with thrush, there is the appearance of white cheesy discharge, inflammation, swelling and redness of the head of the penis, severe itching and soreness of the affected area. Infection with the causative agent of candidiasis is possible through sexual contact with a carrier or sharing personal hygiene items with him. To treat thrush, antibacterial, antimycotic, antihistamines, the regimen of which is prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Genital herpes. Blistering and ulcerative elements of a red rash, localized on the head and spreading to the rest of the penis, scrotum and anus, appear in men infected with genital herpes. In addition, patients experience itching and burning during bowel movements. Bladder, mucous discharge from the urethra, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, chills and increased body temperature. You can become infected with herpes during unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier, as well as through direct contact (touch, airborne). Treatment of the disease is based on taking antiviral drugs.
  4. Venereal infections. Red spots on the head in men are one of the symptoms of the development of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and trichomoniasis. In addition to the rash, patients experience itching, discomfort and pain when urinating, as well as urethral discharge of various types (purulent, mucous, with blood, with a fetid fishy odor, etc.). Also, red spots in the area of ​​the head of the penis may indicate balanitis resulting from gonorrhea. Sexually transmitted pathologies require timely drug therapy, since such conditions are fraught dangerous consequences for the health of the genitourinary system and the whole body.

You need to understand that the appearance of red spots on the head of the penis is an alarm bell, which is a good reason to visit a urologist. Even if the reason lies in allergies, the visit will allow you to eliminate the substance that irritates the genital mucosa. Diagnosis of STDs early stages allows you not only to quickly get rid of them, but also to prevent the development of complications that can lead to decreased potency and infertility.

Red spots on the glans in men cannot be ignored. Self-diagnosis and treatment, as a rule, do not give results. If such formations do not go away within a few days, and also begin to hurt, itch, and increase in size, this is a good reason to visit a urologist or venereologist. Often, redness of the head of the penis, which is not associated with a specific disease, goes away quite quickly. A protracted current indicates pathological process.

The first thought of a person who discovers red spots on the head of the penis is infection with a sexually transmitted disease. Indeed, this happens quite often, especially among people who neglect to use a condom and practice casual sex. However, the causes of a reddened scrotum and penis may be different.

Instead of panicking, you need to understand what could have caused the red spots on the head of the penis by analyzing your lifestyle.

The reasons may be as follows:

Some men are interested in what to do if red spots and foul-smelling discharge appear. Your doctor will tell you how to fix the problem, but often it’s an infection.

Venereal and other infectious diseases

Redness of the head and foreskin in men can occur due to the penetration of pathogenic microbes:

  • thrush. If red spots appear on the head, the cause is often candidiasis. Many men believe that this is only female disease, in fact this is not the case. Normally, Candida (the fungus that causes the disease) does not live on the penis. A healthy body does not allow the development of disease if a microbe accidentally enters an organ. It doesn't hurt or itch. If immunity is reduced, then red spots appear on the head and foreskin. Severe course accompanies the appearance of discharge, burning, unpleasant odor, reminiscent of spoiled fermented milk product;
  • herpes. Such a red spot on the skin is not difficult to distinguish even at home. First there is slight redness on the penis, bubbles of various diameters with liquid contents appear. Then they merge with each other and become covered with yellowish crusts. The formations that appear are very painful and itchy. There is often no discharge or odor. Redness of the head of the penis is provoked by genital herpes virus type 2, rarely type 1. After penetration, it constantly lives in the body and is asymptomatic. When the immune system is weakened, red dots and itching appear on the head. A decrease in protective forces can be observed with prostatitis, frequent colds and another;
  • syphilis (treponema pallidum). If the first two pathologies in most cases are not life-threatening, then this disease is a threat to the entire body. First, there is a slight redness of the penis, which gradually progresses and destroys the entire body. It becomes covered with ulcers, an unpleasant odor and discharge may appear;
  • trichomoniasis (Trichomonas). Flagellated protozoa can affect the male and female genitourinary system, but in the stronger sex there are often no symptoms. May cause slight redness of the glans and foreskin;
  • gonorrhea (gonococcus). The pathology manifests itself with quite clear symptoms. Slight redness on the glans penis is usually observed in the first few days after infection. Then painful sensations appear in urethra, itching and burning, appearance purulent discharge. With a long course, the pathology can be complicated by inflammation of the prostate, urethritis, cystitis, infertility, and erectile dysfunction.

The second category includes redness on the head and foreskin caused by opportunistic flora. If only the head of the penis hurts, it is called balanitis, if the flesh hurts, it is called posthitis. But most often they occur together (with the exception of men who do not have a foreskin). May be combined with an inflamed prostate gland.

The main pathogens that provoke redness of the head include:

  1. Streptococci.
  2. Staphylococci.
  3. E. coli.

The head and foreskin may be damaged as a result poor hygiene genitals or during unprotected sexual intercourse.

You should know that it is strong healthy body controls the proliferation of such microorganisms, so even if they are accidentally exposed, the disease does not always develop.

In some men, redness due to the accumulation of pathogenic flora can be caused by phimosis, a condition in which the foreskin is fused to the end of the penis. After the onset of puberty, this structure of the genital organs is considered a pathology and requires treatment.

Tumors and diagnosis

Red spots on the penis caused by neoplasms are a rare occurrence. Most often occurs in more mature men after 50 years of age.

They can be:

  • benign (cysts, warts, keratomas, etc.);
  • malignant (squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma).

A red spot on the head can be combined with:

  1. Pain and burning of the organ.
  2. The appearance of compaction.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Apathy.
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Losing weight.
  7. Slight rise in temperature.

In the early stages, these pathologies are treated. The main thing is not to waste time and see a doctor as soon as possible.

When red spots appear on the head of the male organ, he:

  • conduct a visual inspection;
  • will appreciate general state patient;
  • will prescribe an examination (if necessary).

The easiest way to identify STDs. To do this, it is enough to take a special smear from the urethra and culture the contents to determine sensitivity.

If infectious cause no emerging defects were detected, then the list of diagnostic measures is expanded at the discretion of the doctor.

Most often this is:

  • general tests blood and urine;
  • biochemistry;
  • allergy tests;
  • Ultrasound, MRI, CT, x-ray of the organ;
  • consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, oncologist (rarely).

Treatment is selected only after diagnosis, it can be:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • sedatives, antidepressants;
  • vitamins, minerals, food additives.

If the redness on the skin of the penis is not associated with infectious pathologies, appoint various means, allowing you to treat burning, dryness, itching, for example, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, softening ointments and more.

Traditional recipes, prevention

Eliminate red spots on the head at home only with the permission of a doctor. Often included complex therapy he can recommend baths with medicinal herbs(chamomile, string, wormwood).

They will help:

  • Relieve swelling.
  • Reduce itching and redness of the head.
  • Cope with pathogenic flora.

To carry out the treatment you will need to prepare a decoction - 1 tbsp. spoon of the product, pour 1 liter of water. Wait until it cools down and dip the penis there for 10 - 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day until symptoms disappear.

Redness on the head of the penis can be eliminated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but remember that this composition dries the skin. If there are flaky, itchy plaques on it, and tightness is observed, then it is not advisable to use it.

In order not to be tormented by questions about what could cause redness on the head and foreskin, it is necessary to follow a series of medical recommendations, which will help you avoid many troubles, namely:

  • always use a condom;
  • after sex (vaginal, oral, anal) without protection, it is necessary to instill a Miramistin solution into the urethra (do it immediately);
  • Wash your penis and change your underwear daily.
  • do not scratch red rashes;
  • avoid friction and other mechanical effects on the organ;
  • do not squeeze out red spots on the penis;
  • strengthen the immune system (quit smoking, join the gym, etc.);
  • visit a urologist once a year, if suspicious symptoms appear, contact more often;
  • do not carry out self-treatment.

IN Lately Some men get tattoos and piercings on their penis. This is an extremely dangerous procedure that can cause rashes on the head, infection, injury and others. undesirable consequences.

Most often, red dots on the head of the penis are caused by harmless reasons that are present in the life of every adult man. If nothing else bothers you other than stains, you should wait a few days. If there is no positive dynamics, and new complaints appear, you will need to visit a doctor and undergo treatment.

The appearance of any atypical rash or redness on the head of the penis is an incentive to visit a urologist. A red rash on the penis refers to nonspecific symptoms, that is, its appearance does not allow us to say unambiguously what kind of disease it is. When making a diagnosis, the urologist is guided by full list patient complaints and data laboratory tests. Self-treatment before a diagnosis is made will be ineffective and in many cases even dangerous. The patient can reflect on his symptoms, look at the photo, and make a tentative diagnosis of what causes the red spots. And then you should contact a competent urologist, undergo an examination and receive professional treatment.

Presumptive diagnosis

A disease in which a focal or diffuse inflammatory process develops on the head and inner layer of the foreskin is called balanoposthitis. If only the scalp suffers from inflammation, but the foreskin remains healthy, then the disease is called balanitis. If only the inner layer of the foreskin suffers, then the term “posthitis” is used. The structure of the penis in men is organized in such a way that the foreskin and glans are almost always involved in the inflammatory process at the same time.

What causes a red rash on the head:

  • mechanical: injuries, hemorrhages;
  • allergic: adverse reaction, for example, to a new type of lubricant;
  • infectious: diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • other diseases: vitamin deficiency, diabetes, anemia.

For each case, the doctor selects the necessary list of studies that will help specify the diagnosis. The patient can think about the answers to the following questions in advance:

  1. What preceded the illness? Popular answers: sexual intercourse, using a new lubricant or brand of condom, swimming in a pond or visiting a bathhouse.
  2. How does the malaise manifest itself? Do the small bumps cause any physical discomfort or just look weird?
  3. What are the symptoms of the urinary system, is there urinary retention, increased urge, pain in the urethra?
  4. What is the dynamics of the disease, does the affected area increase over time? Red pimples may appear and periodically disappear, decrease or increase.

Taking an anamnesis is important diagnostic event, but the main information is provided by analyzes. And since the patient does not have a pocket laboratory with everything necessary equipment, he needs to see a doctor.

Mechanical damage

The head of the penis has developed innervation and an extensive network of capillaries. Any intense activity, such as passionate oral sex, can cause small hemorrhages that look like red dots on the glans without itching. The normal physiological reaction to vacuum exposure should completely subside within 6-8 hours. The patient can observe the condition of the genital organ during the day; if the points do not go away, you need to contact a urologist.

In addition to oral sex mechanical damage leads:

  1. Phimosis. This disease, which is common among infants and male children, is rare among adult men. The essence of the ailment is damage to the penis as a result of narrowing of the foreskin. Phimosis has characteristic symptom– the patient cannot fully expose the head. During sexual intercourse or retraction of the foreskin, discomfort and pain occur.
  2. Exposure to hard tissue, such as when riding a horse or cycling. Injuring the penis in this way is quite difficult, but if the patient was intoxicated, it is possible.

Read also: Prevention of varicocele: basic principles

Mechanical injuries do not pose any danger to life. Treatment consists only of eliminating symptoms. A urologist will help you choose products that accelerate tissue regeneration. Many men are concerned about red spots after oral sex and even suspect that they have sexually transmitted diseases. The effect of a vacuum on any part of the body causes minor hemorrhages, and the penis is no exception. If the points pass within 2-3 hours, there is no reason to worry. To definitely exclude pathological causes need to get tested.

Allergic reaction

Individual intolerance can occur upon contact with absolutely any substance. If you take any medicine and read the instructions, it will describe the possibility of allergies in the patient.

What can cause allergies on the skin of the penis:

  • for vaginal or anal lubrication, including lubrication of condoms;
  • for underwear, washing powder, shower gel;
  • to another substance that accidentally came into contact with the skin of the hands, and then with the penis.

Patients without allergic diseases They don’t do intolerance tests, don’t know their list of irritants and are surprised to see manifestations of allergies. What are the symptoms of allergies:

  • rashes, dots, spots appear;
  • when in damage skin infection penetrates, red pimples appear;
  • if contact with the allergen does not stop, dermatitis or eczema develops.

Sometimes dermatitis on the glans penis is autoimmune or psychosomatic in nature. In this case, all examinations for allergens and infections will not provide comprehensive information. With such a diagnosis, you will need to consult with a competent psychotherapist, a specialist in psychosomatic disorders.

In addition, you can contact an allergist, a specialist in autoimmune disorders. In the case of ordinary allergies, the rule applies: the earlier the irritating substance is identified, the faster and easier it is to get rid of the manifestations of the disease. To identify intolerance, you can undergo one of 2 types of examination:

  • blood test, blood is taken from a vein;
  • skin test, the allergen is applied to small cuts on the forearm.

The list of reagents contains the main substances to which allergies most often occur.

If there is still some time left before visiting the urologist, you can treat the skin of the penis with a mild antiseptic solution:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin or similar means.

The patient’s task is to prevent infection. If cracks and wounds caused by contact dermatitis or gets eczema bacterial infection, a pimple forms, in some cases a full-fledged boil. This complication can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. It is imperative to consult a urologist, identify the cause of the allergy, and restore the integrity of the skin.

Infectious diseases

The list of infections that can cause balanoposthitis is very extensive; the most popular pathogens are:

  • gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci;
  • candida fungi;
  • ureplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas.

If a man suddenly has red dots on the head of the male organ, in any case he will have to face worries about his health. As practice has shown, Most often, this symptom is a consequence of insufficient personal hygiene., as well as an allergic reaction to tight synthetic underwear and personal hygiene items. In addition, red spots on the head of the penis can be caused by an infectious disease of the genitourinary system.

It is important for any man to maintain good condition sexual activity, as well as normal functioning of the genitourinary system. And any problems with the genital organs, including red spots on the head in men, can cause serious discomfort and deterioration in the quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor at the first such manifestations for advice.

What could it be?

First, it’s worth understanding what factors negative influence can provoke the appearance of red spots on a man’s penis. The simplest and safest precursor to a rash can be considered an allergy. Allergic reactions are a consequence of the wrong choice of personal hygiene items and household chemicals. In addition, the situation when the head of the penis is covered with red spots, may be caused by mechanical stress on the skin.

Among mechanical influences, the most typical thing for modern men is wearing tight trousers and underwear, as well as active and frequent sexual intercourse, during which the penis does not receive proper natural lubrication and is injured. Special attention The rash that is accompanied by itching deserves it. Itching of the head is already alarm signal about the presence of pathogenic agents, and therefore an infectious disease.

If small red spots have formed on the penis, which in the future are accompanied by itching and other symptoms of discomfort, most likely we are talking about thrush, inflammatory processes, viral or sexually transmitted diseases. Only a thorough diagnosis within the clinic and consultation with a doctor will help find the root cause of the rash, and then find ways to solve such problems.

Possible causes of red spots on the head

For most doctors, red spots on the shaft of the patient's penis are primarily a sign of infection, especially if, in addition to the spots, there is also itching. Medicine says that any atypical neoplasm on the skin is always a consequence of the negative influence of an irritant. But there are cases when there is no threat to a man’s health, and the rash is only a temporary factor due to external environmental influences.

For reference! According to doctors, the source of numerous sexual diseases that manifest as a red rash is unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as promiscuity.

Inflammation of the foreskin on the penis

If a man has red spots, this may be caused by inflammatory process under foreskin. This can be caused by anatomical pathologies or poor hygiene, after which bacteria and microbes accumulate under the flesh. In this case, a man may encounter two types of diseases against this background - balanitis, or inflammation of the head of the penis, as well as balanoposthitis, or inflammation of the foreskin.

For such diseases, not just red spots on the head of the penis and foreskin are typical, but real erosive formations. Over time, such ulcers become bluish tint, hurt and itch. In case of advanced disease, swelling, fever, and general malaise are added to the symptoms.


A red spot on the skin of the penis may be a consequence of ordinary thrush, which most often affects women. For men, this disease usually does not pose a danger, but with a decline in the immune system, stress and frequent hypothermia, candidiasis can recur in men. During an exacerbation of thrush, a white cheesy coating first forms in the genital area, and after a while red spots appear underneath it.

The clinical picture of thrush is as follows:

  • white curdled discharge from the urethral area;
  • redness of the frenulum of the penis, as well as tissues in the area of ​​the opening of the urethra;
  • red spots and white coating, wounds and ulcers;
  • painful sensations.

Unprotected and promiscuous sexual intercourse, as well as the use of other people's personal items (sponges and washcloths, towels and other personal hygiene items) can lead to infection of yeast-like fungi Candida. In this case, treatment is necessary for both sexual partners.

Viral diseases

Small red spots on the skin of the penis can also be caused by viral diseases, one of which is herpes. In this case, the points can change over time, transforming into ulcers and blisters. In addition, herpes also manifests itself with other signs:

  • copious discharge with mucus;
  • severe itching of the head;
  • burning and pain during urination.

Over time, if left untreated, the disease spreads to other organs; lymph nodes in the groin may become enlarged; febrile state, body temperature rises. To become infected with herpes, one unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected woman and contact with the site of the rash is enough. It is currently impossible to get rid of the herpes virus; specialists can only put the virus into sleep mode.

Pathogenic microflora

Under certain circumstances, bacteria are capable of multiplying en masse, provoking the development of infectious diseases. Such diseases are usually accompanied by a number of severe symptoms, and also promise a man genitourinary dysfunction and secondary diseases. Therefore, in this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time and conduct a diagnosis. Usually the doctor prescribes antibiotics to which pathogenic agents are sensitive.

Gonorrhea and syphilis

Sexually transmitted diseases also often cause discomfort to a man, which is why red spots on the head appear with other serious signs. Such diseases require the prompt intervention of doctors, as they quickly lead to serious disorders in the body, even to the death of a person. Sources of infection are promiscuous unprotected sex, blood transfusion with infection, and transmission from the mother during childbirth or in the womb.

If a red spot on the head does not go away for a long time, transforming into erosive ulcers, suspicion will fall on syphilis. Over time, the rash begins to fester and spread massively throughout the human body. Without medical intervention, the man will suffer from deformities and then die.

Gonorrhea can be acquired not only through intercourse, but also through contact and living conditions. At first, a man will suffer from all the signs of balanitis, of which red, scaly spots are a typical symptom. After this, the rash will be accompanied by pain during urination, burning and persistent itching in the penis area, and specific discharge from the urethra mixed with pus and mucus.

Who should I turn to for help?

If a man develops a red rash under and on the head, as well as on the foreskin and along the entire shaft, immediate help is needed medical specialist. To begin with, you can contact a therapist who will refer patients to the right to a specialist. When it comes to dermatitis and allergic manifestations, a dermatologist, dermatovenerologist or allergist can treat a man.

If there is every reason to consider the rash a symptom of an infectious disease, most likely the therapist will refer the patient to a urologist, venereologist or andrologist. Only after a thorough diagnosis will it be possible to establish a diagnosis and the precursors of red dots on the head.

Treatment methods

A rash due to dermatitis requires searching for the allergen and eliminating it. That is, you just need to change your underwear, the brand of household chemicals and personal hygiene products, and reconsider your diet. Latex and polyurethane contraceptives, which also require a brand change, can also provoke irritation. If such measures do not help and the red spots do not disappear, which means a reaction to irritation factors, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Allergies are treated by using antihistamines. If herpes requires treatment, the doctor usually uses antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs to thereby suppress the virus and its manifestations. Urologists and venereologists give best recommendations antiviral drug Acyclovir.

For reference! Genital and simple herpes must be clearly differentiated and differentiated. In the first case local treatment inappropriate, just antivirals, in the second - local application of creams and ointments.

In the case of syphilis, the doctor prescribes a two-week course of therapy with antibacterial drugs. Can also be used for a quick recovery medicines to strengthen the immune system, as well as vitamin complexes. For some time after recovery, the patient will undergo regular examinations, since syphilis tends to recur.

When it comes to psoriasis, which causes a red rash to appear and itch, your doctor may prescribe treatment hormonal ointments. But such products are used only for a short time and on small areas of the skin. For mucous membranes and sensitive skin You can use ointments that contain vitamin D. Taking immunostimulants is also appropriate. Can be used to support primary therapy folk remedies- herbal baths, salt baths, etc.

Prevention is everything!

During treatment and after recovery, the specialist is obliged to indicate to the patient the rules of prevention. They involve the following measures:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • active lifestyle and proper nutrition;
  • careful observance of personal hygiene (washing the genitals 2 times a day);
  • avoidance of unprotected and casual sexual contacts;
  • wearing loose underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • use of hypoallergenic household chemicals.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the skin in the genital area; the skin should not dry out, turn red or become covered with cracks and rashes. During sexual intercourse, the penis must be sufficiently moisturized, for this you can use special aids. If any rash occurs, you should immediately contact a medical specialist.

Malignant formations

In the worst cases, red spots on the head of the penis can be one of the many symptoms malignant neoplasm, that is, oncology. From a medical point of view, oncology is the most dangerous reason rash, so to prevent it, you need to seek treatment in time medical care. If this did not happen, malignant tumor cannot be treated. Cancer cells impossible to identify before they appear.

The appearance of red spots on the head of the penis is alarming symptom. Most often, it indicates the development of certain pathologies that may pose a danger to reproductive health men. If this problem is detected, which is often accompanied by associated symptoms(itching, burning, rashes, etc.), you should consult a doctor - a urologist or dermatologist.

Red spots on the head of the penis, itching and other unpleasant symptoms may appear due to the following reasons:

  • contact dermatitis. It can be either normal or allergic. The first type of dermatitis develops within a few hours after contact with a specific irritant. Usually, all unpleasant manifestations disappear on their own after some time and do not pose a great danger. Allergic dermatitis may bother you for several days to weeks. When it develops, a mandatory consultation with a doctor and appropriate treatment is necessary. Dermatitis can occur upon contact with the latex of a condom, the fabric of underwear, or when using low-quality soap or shower gel;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Itching and small spots on the penis may appear if a man rarely washes or does not change his underwear in a timely manner;
  • decreased immunity. In the presence of concomitant diseases, in stressful situations, when rules are ignored rational nutrition protective functions men's bodies do not work fully. This leads to increased activity of opportunistic microorganisms that colonize mucous membranes throughout the body. In this case, red spots may appear with an increase in the number of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. They provoke the development of thrush, which is also accompanied by a characteristic discharge of a cheesy consistency, itching, and inflammation of the foreskin.

Causes of red spots of an infectious nature

Red spots on the head may appear as a result of the development infectious diseases different types:

  • thrush. This disease can be transmitted sexually. In this case, development unpleasant symptoms happens quickly and causes severe discomfort for a man;
  • psoriasis. Reasons for appearance of this disease are not completely clear. It may appear after stressful situations or as a hereditary problem. With psoriasis, red spots with clear boundaries form. Their surface is dry and flaky. Psoriasis is also characterized by severe itching;

  • genital herpes. Serious disease, which is most often transmitted sexually. With genital herpes, small blisters are formed, filled with clear liquid. They can be very itchy, and after they burst, ulcers form. Wounds on the surface of the mucous membranes are very painful and can cause secondary infection. At the slightest suspicion of genital herpes, you should consult a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment so that the disease does not spread to neighboring areas of the body;
  • syphilis. After contact with a sick woman, a small red spot appears on the surface of the head of the penis within a few days. Over time, its size increases, and an ulcer with dense and painless edges forms. Also, the surface of the skin between the head and the foreskin becomes dark red, which signals the development of superficial erosion;

  • cancerous or precancerous disease. In addition to small red spots on the head, lesions may appear that peel and itch. But the presence of discomfort or painful sensations is not necessarily a symptom of the onset of oncological processes. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the problem after passing the necessary tests.

How to get rid of red spots?

Red spots on the surface of the glans penis can be eliminated only after an accurate diagnosis has been established. To do this, the man’s medical history is studied, symptoms are taken into account, general tests of urine and blood are prescribed, and a smear from the urethra is examined for the presence of infections.

In some cases it is necessary to do bacterial culture with an antibiogram to determine the specific pathogen that led to the development of all the unpleasant symptoms.

The main treatment for red spots is:

  • in the presence of allergic reactions, you should protect yourself as much as possible from all external irritants. In this case, it is recommended to abandon condoms and choose another means of contraception. You should stop using lubricants and questionable means for maintaining intimate hygiene. It is also recommended to abandon synthetic underwear, replacing it with panties made from natural fabrics. If such preventive measures will not help get rid of the problem, you need to consult a doctor for additional diagnostics;

  • if candidiasis develops, it is necessary to resort to treatment antifungal ointments or creams (Clotrimazole, Pimafucin). Drugs with the same mode of action are prescribed for the woman (sexual partner) to avoid relapse of the disease;

  • for genital herpes, antibacterial and antiviral drugs local and systemic action (most often Acyclovir). This disease is considered incurable. To prevent frequent relapses, you should carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations, monitor your diet, strengthen your immune system;

  • For syphilis, treatment is carried out by a venereologist. Most often this occurs with the use of drugs containing penicillin. The treatment is long, but if all the doctor’s instructions are followed, the prognosis is favorable;

  • For psoriasis, you can get rid of red spots by taking corticosteroids in different forms– creams, ointments, oral tablets.

Also, during and after treatment, you need to be attentive to your sex life, avoid casual relationships, and maintain intimate hygiene.