Digestive powder. Medicines for digestion: which ones are better?

Various pathologies gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are accompanied by digestive disorders. Special medications called enzymes help eliminate them effectively and quickly. Characteristic symptoms indicate that you should take medications to improve digestion.

You need to pay more attention to the body, noticing such alarming manifestations:

  • malaise, decreased performance;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • poor condition of nails and hair;
  • nausea, flatulence, stool disorders;
  • abdominal pain, loss of appetite.

These and other symptoms indicate that the work digestive system broken. It is important to choose the right means to normalize it.

What are enzyme preparations

Digestive enzymes are biological substances, having a protein nature and accelerating biochemical reactions.

The functions of protein molecules determine the breakdown of complex substances into simple ones. This ensures easier digestion of food.

Operating principle

Drugs that improve digestion get their name due to the content of digestive enzymes in them. The body produces such elements independently for processing and good absorption of food. These are specific catalysts that accelerate chemical digestive reactions.

However, sometimes such substances are synthesized in insufficient quantities. What causes heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, gas formation, bloating.

In such cases, effective enzymes contained in medicines are used.

They normalize symptomatic indicators, help relieve pain, normalize stool, and absorb nutrients.

It is important to optimally select doses. Long lasting and uncontrolled reception medications can impair the functioning of the secretion glands.

Indications for use

What medications to take and when depends on the causes of gastrointestinal pathologies. Many problems arise due to violation of the regime, quality of nutrition, abuse of: pickles, fatty foods, smoked foods, sweets.

All products must be dosed, even for healthy people.

Also impairs digestion:

  • binge eating;
  • eating immediately before bedtime;
  • insufficient processing of products;
  • chewing too quickly;
  • monotonous food.

In addition to insufficient attention to nutrition, various gastrointestinal pathologies negatively affect the digestion of food:

  • colitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis.

When diagnosing these and other diseases in complex treatment include enzymes. They can be used once, for example, in case of food or alcohol overload of the gastrointestinal tract.

These are appointed medications also during preparation for diagnostic procedures abdominal cavity.

Speed ​​of effect

The speed at which the drug begins to act depends on various factors: the stage of the disease, the form of release of the drug, and the correctness of the drug's prescription. The average time to achieve the effect is 20-40 minutes. The action lasts on average 6 hours.

For faster results, you should follow the recommendations for use:

  • take enzymes while eating or immediately after finishing eating;
  • take the medicine clean water;
  • use the products in strictly dosed quantities, taking into account the recommendations of a specialist.

During the treatment period, you should forget about alcohol and reduce your intake of coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks as much as possible.

Classification of means to improve the digestion process

The medications described above are classified according to the active substance in their composition.

Enzyme groups

Drug class Action Representatives Compound Peculiarities
Preparations based on pancreatin Eliminate many causes of pathologies, normalizing the process of food digestion Penzital, Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Pangrol, Lycrease The main component is pancreatin Most active 30-40 minutes after application
Products containing, in addition to pancreatin, additional components Improves intestinal activity, improves pancreatic function, improves gallbladder function Festal, Panzinorm, Enzistal, Pancral, Digestal They contain bile acids, cellulose, bile components The rate of glucose breakdown is increased due to additional components
Herbal remedies Representatives of this group help normalize the functions of the pancreas Unienzyme, Nigedaza, Somilaza, Wobenzym, Oraza, Pepfiz They contain papain, rice fungus, and other components There are contraindications for allergies
Combination medications In addition to replacing enzyme deficiency, they relieve inflammation, swelling, and relieve pain. Flogenzym, Wobenzym, Merkenzym They combine plant elements with pancreatin and vitamins Long-term use possible without side effects
Simple enzymes Release gastrin, promoting stimulation of gastric secretion and active gastrointestinal activity Betaine, Abomin Represent chains of amino acids that act on proteins Used for gastritis, but quite rarely

In most drugs different groups The main active ingredient is pancreatin.

Release forms

There are two forms of enzyme-based drugs. These are tablets and capsules. The first ones have been known for a long time and inspire confidence in many patients. The tablets act only on the stomach, dissolving in it under the influence of the secreted juice.

Capsules are a later generation form. They are characterized by double shells. One of them dissolves in the stomach, while the second only reaches the intestines. Therefore, the entire gastrointestinal tract works to break down the drug.

Drugs with the greatest effect

Among the most popular means more often called:

  • Festal;
  • Somilase;
  • Enzistal.


Along with pancreatin, it contains bovine bile and hemicellulose. Has a positive effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

  • with limited enzyme production;
  • with flatulence, irritable intestines;
  • to combat diarrhea (not caused by intestinal infection);
  • to improve the functions of the digestive system as a whole.

The drug is contraindicated for hepatitis and acute pancreatitis. The price is quite affordable.

Traditionally it is considered especially effective means. The low price combined with high effectiveness made the product in demand.

Its indications are wide:

  • binge eating;
  • imperfection of the masticatory apparatus;
  • pancreatic enzyme deficiency;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Pancreatin is absorbed well. Side effects are rare. A specialist will help you determine the dose.

Produced on the basis of pancreatin in the form of capsules. Consequently, its effectiveness is increased by penetration into the intestines.


  • with pancreatitis in chronic form;
  • after operations;
  • during periods of heavy food consumption;
  • to counteract indigestion.

The capsule is swallowed before meals. Relieves heaviness and bloating. Urticaria and diarrhea may occur due to the auxiliary components in the composition. Creon is stronger than Pancreatin, so you should consult your doctor about the possibility of taking it.


  • with a lack of enzymes;
  • when food elements stagnate in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when diagnosing pancreatitis;
  • at inflammatory processes in the stomach.

You need to take one tablet before meals. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. Mezim is contraindicated in patients with hepatitis or intestinal obstruction. Its price is higher than Pancreatin.

List of inexpensive digestive medications

The concept of high cost is not always equivalent to quality. There are good analogues that are more affordable.

Inexpensive tablets are available for sale at any pharmacy.

dietary supplements

A special group of drugs for stimulating digestion are dietary supplements. They have become popular and help to activate metabolic processes, lose weight. These are complexes of biologically active substances that can restore intestinal microflora, improve metabolism and the condition of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Pineapple extract

Improves the processing of protein foods and their absorption by the body.

Helps stimulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes active burning of calories. It has a complex effect, including promoting weight loss.

Dietary supplements developed a large number of, it is important to choose the most effective ones in a particular situation.

Children's drugs to improve digestion

Babies also suffer from digestive disorders. For them, only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate remedy and its dosage. To protect against exposure of hydrochloric acid For children, products with a special coating are more often recommended. Only a doctor can determine the dose of the drug in infants.

From 3 years of age, children are prescribed capsules or tablets. It is recommended to open the capsule for newborns due to the baby's inability to swallow. The powder from the capsule is mixed with milk.

You should not use hot water for the solution, since heat destroys the active components of the substance.

Preparations containing bile components should be used with caution in children. Children are prescribed enzymes in small doses to avoid inhibition of the natural activity of the pancreas. These medications are taken by children during meals.

Features of the use of enzymes in old age

With age, enzyme production in the body decreases (by about 13% per decade). Their structure and functionality may change. Therefore, older people have to compensate for their deficiency systematically in order to avoid gastrointestinal pathologies with special drugs.

Use of enzymes during pregnancy

The fetus, as it develops, is capable of squeezing digestive organs, disrupting the blood circulation of the pancreas and liver. This interferes with the natural synthesis of digestive enzymes.

In addition to following certain diets, pregnant women are often recommended to take Mezim. It can be used even without medical advice, since the elements it contains are safe. But still, during the period of gestation, it is better to avoid medications if possible.

Side effects

There are few side effects from such drugs. Only excessive formation of uric acid (hyperuricosuria) is possible, which is a prerequisite for the development of uric acid (stone formation).

In case of overdose, the following manifestations are possible:

  • nausea;
  • stool disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Should also be avoided long-term use such funds.


In some cases, enzyme agents may worsen general state person.

The following are noted as contraindications:

  • gout;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • acute gastritis;
  • liver pathologies (hepatitis);
  • celiac disease (hereditary intestinal pathology);
  • colitis, diarrhea;
  • allergies to animal protein.

The advisability of using medications can only be determined by a qualified doctor.

The importance of consulting a doctor

There are many enzyme preparations for digestion; it is difficult to understand their nuances on your own. Only a doctor can individually select the most effective medicines . After all, the signs various diseases are often similar and easy to make mistakes.

A comprehensive solution to the problem that has arisen is possible with qualified help, and not based on impressions from commercials. The doctor will determine whether you should take tablets or capsules depending on whether the source of discomfort is in the stomach or intestines.

Synthesized enzyme preparations serve to improve digestion. They compensate for the insufficient production of such substances by the human body.

Reception special medicines improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The range of such drugs is wide; your doctor will help you choose the medicine individually.

Abdominal discomfort and digestive disorders have happened to each of us. There can be several sources of such problems.

To prevent unpleasant consequences, you need to add it to your diet. special drugs to improve digestion. They were created for fast and effective elimination disorders of the digestive tract.

Signs you need digestion pills

With regular examination of the body, any malfunction in its functioning will be instantly detected and corrected. When problems relate to the gastrointestinal tract, they provoke the appearance of a number of symptoms that can be used to diagnose the disease in early stages. We list the main signs that require taking a remedy to improve digestion.

  • Chronic fatigue and depression. Similar symptoms appear from a lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients in the body. If there is a shortage of important components, it is forced to deplete its own reserves, which are either slowly or not replenished at all.
  • Increased sleepiness. Appears when there is a deficiency of important substances in the usual diet.
  • Deterioration of skin condition. The skin becomes dry, unpleasant to the touch, scars and age spots appear.
  • Deterioration of hair and nails. One of the most common and dangerous symptoms lack of useful nutrients in the body.
  • Discomfort in the intestinal area. Regular constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and nausea are clear signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  • Stomach pain. If your stomach often hurts and turns, especially after eating food, then you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.
  • Loss of appetite. This symptom is a logical consequence of the previous one, and indicates the rapid development of the disease.

If you notice one of the above symptoms, then you need to consult a doctor and purchase medications to improve digestion.

For what reasons is digestion impaired?

Indigestion can begin after a heavy dinner or, conversely, prolonged malnutrition. Diet directly affects the functioning of the digestive system, so you should be careful about your food intake.

Junk food abuse. A large amount of smoked, salted and fried foods causes the digestive system to work beyond normal, which over time will irreversibly lead to malfunctions.

Binge eating. Experts say that food intake should be completed with feeling light hunger. The fact is that the connection between the stomach and the brain is not lightning fast. For this reason, people often overeat because they continue eating when their stomach is already full. To eliminate such risks, you should eat slowly and in moderate portions.

Insufficient chewing of food. Eating food quickly can have unpleasant consequences. Especially when it comes to solid foods that require additional chewing before entering the stomach.

Late dinner. After 8 o'clock in the evening, the body's performance decreases noticeably, and along with it the ability to digest heavy food.

Drinking water with meals. A person needs to drink large amounts of water every day, but not during meals. By drinking water with food, you slow down the digestion process and partially destroy beneficial features digestible products.

Sticking to simple rules By eating a healthy diet, you will significantly reduce the risk of stomach discomfort and problems with the digestive system. But for those who have already encountered similar difficulties, we present a list of worthy products that improve digestion.

The best drugs to improve digestion

Disturbances in the digestive system should be eliminated proper diet nutrition and special medications. Drugs that improve digestion and intestinal function are divided into 3 types according to the key active substance:

  • Medicines based on pancreatin. Pancreatin is considered the most effective and fast-acting digestive enzyme. Within a few minutes after taking such medications, the substance begins to actively act and fight the signs of indigestion.
  • Medicines based on pancreatin in combination with other additional elements (bile acids, cellulose, etc.). Auxiliary components accelerate the breakdown of complex sugar compounds, help normalize intestinal function and increase the secretion of digestive enzymes.
  • Medicines whose action is aimed at restoring normal activity of the pancreas.

Important! Only a qualified doctor can determine which drug group can solve your stomach problems. Sometimes pain symptoms that are similar in effect can occur from different diseases. Therefore, in some cases, it is more advisable to choose a drug that includes additional elements than regular Pancreatin.

The speed at which the drug affects the source of the problem also depends on the form of its release. IN modern medicine There are two common options for releasing digestive enzymes:

Capsules. Enzymatic preparations for improving digestion in capsule form have been produced relatively recently. But their effectiveness has been repeatedly proven during clinical trials. The advantage of capsules over the tablet form is the simultaneous effect on both the stomach and intestines. Due to the special shell, part of the active substance is distributed in the stomach, and the remainder goes directly into the intestines.

Pills. This is a more common form of drug release. In this connection, buyers initially develop a loyal attitude towards medicines in the form of tablets. As noted earlier, the effect of the tablets is aimed only at the functioning of the stomach.

The choice of release form of the drug should be based on the doctor’s recommendations. There is no need to overpay for capsules if the source of discomfort is located directly in the stomach. An experienced specialist will be able to determine the cause of the disease and suggest the optimal and effective solution.

Here is a list of the most popular and effective medicines, improving digestion.


Pancreatin is considered one of the most effective drugs for digestion. Its popularity is due not only strong effect, but also at a fairly modest price. The use of Pancreatin is prescribed in the following situations:

  • with defective secretion of pancreatic enzymes;
  • with long-term disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines or liver;
  • when eating large amounts of food;
  • when leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • for problems with chewing processes.

There are no optimal dosages for the drug. However, it is considered normal to take one tablet with each meal. At acute diseases It is recommended to increase the dosage to 2-3 tablets. Pancreatin has virtually no side effects. Any consequences after taking the drug are observed in only 1% of all users. The main side effects include:

  • discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions, in the form skin rash;
  • an increase in the amount of uric acid in the body.

Despite the rare occurrence of side effects from taking the drug, Pancreatin is recommended to be used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor. A specialist will be able to determine the optimal dosage and frequency of doses.


Many gastroenterologists prefer Creon. The fact is that it is available in capsules, which significantly increases its effectiveness. The key active ingredient of the drug is pancreatin, which stimulates the production of vital digestive enzymes. Creon is necessary for:

  • treatment of chronic pancreatitis;
  • conducting postoperative therapy on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncological diseases (if the tumor interferes with the normal functioning of the stomach or pancreas);
  • eating large amounts of food (at holidays, feasts, etc.).

The drug has virtually no side effects, with occasional cases of diarrhea or mild pain in the abdominal area. Most often these Negative consequences are caused not by pancreatin, but by additional elements included in Creon.


Mezim can rightfully be called the most popular drug that improves the functioning of the digestive system. This is due not only to a powerful advertising campaign in the media, but also to the high effectiveness of the medicine. The composition of one Mezim tablet includes pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease. The drug is prescribed in the following situations:

  • with a decrease in the amount of digestive enzymes produced;
  • if you have problems with metabolism;
  • when inflammatory processes occur on the walls of the gastric mucosa;
  • for chronic pancreatitis.

Experts advise taking 1 tablet before meals. In some cases, increased dosages are prescribed. The course of treatment can last from a week to 3-4 months, depending on the stage of the disease.

Important! Mezim is contraindicated for people suffering from intestinal obstruction, jaundice or hepatitis.

The composition of Mezim is identical to the composition of Pancreatin, but the difference lies in the shell. Mezim has a sweeter and more palatable coating, which attracts most patients. Also, because of this feature, Mezim is more often prescribed to children.


Festal is an enzymatic agent, whose composition includes, in addition to pancreatin, hemicellulose with an extract from the bovine gall bladder. Hemicellulose promotes the absorption of fiber, and ox bile extract activates lipase, which, in turn, normalizes the absorption of fats and other nutrients. All components interact harmoniously and do not contradict each other. Thanks to this, Festal has a high speed of action and a strong effect.

The drug is taken for:

  • insufficient amounts of pancreatic enzymes;
  • diarrhea, if its cause is not infection intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • the presence of irritations on the intestinal walls;
  • excessive consumption of “junk” food (spicy, salty, fatty foods).
  • the presence of pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • jaundice;
  • hepatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergic reactions caused by individual ingredients of the medicine;
  • diabetes mellitus (since the drug shell contains glucose and sucrose).

You can buy Festal at any pharmacy kiosk. Average price for medicine: 150-200 rubles.


An effective remedy that helps you forget forever about disturbances in the digestive tract. The composition of the drug contains pancreatin, hemicellulose and bile components. Additional elements enhance the overall effect and cover a larger area of ​​diseases. Enzistal should be taken when:

  • lack of digestive enzymes in the body;
  • developing flatulence;
  • disorders of chewing processes, which often occur in people with prosthetic teeth, as well as in people with damaged jaws or gums;
  • inactive lifestyle.

Taking Enzistal should be limited or carried out under close medical supervision if the patient suffers from:

If there are such contraindications, taking the drug can cause unpleasant consequences. As for side effects, Enzistal doesn’t have many of them, but they are all serious:

  • allergic processes, in the form of skin rash and tearing;
  • discomfort in the stomach area;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritation on the walls of the mucous membrane.

The presence of the above-described side effects is a significant reason for immediate suspension of treatment. In other cases, Enzistal is characterized as incredibly effective and relatively inexpensive remedy to combat gastrointestinal problems.


Somilase is one of a number of drugs that have a positive effect not only on the digestive system, but also on the pancreas. The drug contains solizym, a food enzyme that takes an active part in the lipase process of adipose tissue. Due to the universal effect, the mechanism of action of the drug is somewhat different from the above-mentioned medications. However, Somilase is not inferior in effectiveness. The microelements of the drug break down digested vegetable and animal fats, making up for the deficiencies of digestive enzymes. Somilase is prescribed for:

  • digestive disorders;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • acute gastritis;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the small or large intestine;
  • problems with gallbladder or liver;
  • recovery after surgery in the stomach, liver or pancreas.

Somilase has no serious contraindications, except in cases where the patient has an individual intolerance to specific ingredients of the drug. For this reason, Somilaza is very popular and is often prescribed by doctors.

Important! Somilase makes adjustments to the functioning of the pancreas, so before you start taking it, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Medicines that improve digestion are among the most popular products V pharmacy kiosks. This is due to the fact that most people do not adhere to the principles proper nutrition. If you are one of those people, then one of the above medications will help your stomach function normally and avoid possible diseases.

pancreatin is the most affordable and good drug. Mezim has a wow price compared to it! but it works the same.

I have tried many pills for digestive problems, due to my incontinence in food I have to take pills to improve the functioning of my stomach, but sometimes I need emergency help on the road, with heaviness or heartburn, Antareit helps me, because it does not need to be washed down, but only suck small sweet tablets.

Oleg, yes, I perceive all these drugs only as emergency assistance, under no circumstances for permanent use.
I used to have some digestive problems. I went to the doctors, but they didn’t find anything serious. I often experienced nausea after eating. But there was definitely no pregnancy.
A friend recommended gastroguttal drops to me plant based. You can drink them without fear. And the main thing is that they help well.

A festive feast is sometimes fraught with problems with the stomach and intestines. Heavy food is poorly digested and causes heartburn, nausea and other discomfort. In such cases, enzyme preparations come to the rescue to improve digestion. In addition, these drugs are necessarily included in the treatment regimen for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Sometimes you don’t even need to consult a doctor to take enzyme preparations. If there is no tendency to overeat, enzymes are consumed once after a large feast.

Often, to speed up the digestion process, experts recommend tablets, capsules or drops, which contain pancreatin, hemicellulose, lipase, protease, amylase, somylase, oraza, nigedase, bile and herbal extracts that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The capsule form of the drug is considered the most effective. Such digestive enzymes dissolve faster and have a more effective effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

When are enzymes needed?

There are some factors that lead to problems in the functioning of the stomach and intestines and associated digestive difficulties:

  • Lifestyle . First of all, the body suffers from bad habits, violation of the daily routine, hard work, stress. Malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract can occur due to an incorrect lifestyle.
  • Poor quality food. The diet should be balanced, and the products should be fresh, properly processed and of high quality. If the rules for storing and preparing food for consumption are not followed, health problems may arise.
  • An abundance of heavy and fatty foods. Delicious food is not always healthy. An abundance of fat, smoked and fried foods, spicy seasonings and large volumes of food eaten can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach and intestines and affect digestion.
  • Snacks on the go and dry. Today, in big cities that exist at a frantic pace, many people do not have time for a full meal. Every third person you meet snacks on a hamburger or sandwich at a fast food joint.
  • Overeating at night. The habit of many people to eat heavy food in large quantities at night and immediately go to bed has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Age-related changes in the functioning of the pancreas.

In case of one-time dietary disturbances, be sure to take enzyme medications during meals (choose a dosage of 10 or 20 thousand units, depending on the amount eaten), with water. Another advantage of these drugs is that they can be combined with other pills and even with alcohol.

When accepted

Any disruption in the digestive system is felt immediately. The body tells us that the food that entered the gastrointestinal tract was of poor quality, stale, or too much was consumed. In such cases, it is necessary to take medications that improve digestion.

Enzyme preparations are taken if:

  • there is obvious discomfort in the abdominal area: intestinal cramps, aching pain, gurgling, bloating;
  • heaviness in the stomach indicates overeating;
  • Nausea and weakness occur after eating;
  • constipation alternates with indigestion;
  • loss of appetite, food is taken without desire;
  • immediately during a meal if you are going to eat fatty and heavy foods;
  • in the treatment of any gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc. (as one of the mandatory drugs in the treatment regimen).

If the above symptoms recur frequently, be sure to consult a doctor for advice. Most likely, there was a malfunction in the stomach or intestines. The doctor will prescribe diagnosis and treatment.

Composition of digestive aids

In order to choose the right medicine to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problems. As a rule, when the function of the pancreas and stomach fails, specialists prescribe medications based on pancreatin.

This remedy helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The bile extract of pigs or cows included in any enzyme preparation allows food to be broken down and absorbed by the body more quickly.

An important role in the treatment of the digestive system is played by the dosage, which is also determined by a specialist. Depending on what specific problem is bothering you, the doctor will select a remedy and prescribe a schedule and dosage.

For a single dose from time to time, you can choose a product containing 10 thousand units of pancreatin.

Pancreatin is included in all medications to improve digestion. However, you should not think that having bought cheap drug, you saved, because active substance one. This is wrong. Be sure to pay attention to the number of units in the purchased medicine. After all, the content of pancreatin varies from 20 units to 25 thousand!

List of enzyme preparations

All means that improve food digestion are divided into:

  • complex, which in addition to pancreatin contains extracts of animal bile, herbs, and other trace elements;
  • based on pancreatin and performing a supporting function for the pancreas and digestive organs;
  • containing additional components such as protease, amylase, somylase and the like.

List of pharmacological enzyme preparations for normalizing digestive processes:

  • Normoenzyme;
  • Gastenorm forte;
  • Panstal;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Hermital;
  • Alpha amylase;
  • Ipental;
  • Micrasim;
  • Biofestal;
  • Pepphys;
  • Ferestal;
  • Enterosan;
  • Pankurman.

The most popular medications with a description and division into groups are presented below.

The classification of enzyme preparations for digestion allows us to better navigate the abundance of products that pharmacies offer us. Tablets to improve digestion are quick help for sudden problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that it is advisable to take such medications, even for prophylaxis, after consulting a doctor, having carefully read the instructions and contraindications.

First group


This enzyme remedy is widely known as it is often used during holiday feasts. Doctors recommend Festal when rich fatty or high-calorie foods are consumed in large quantities. This is exactly what happens in holidays, during family celebrations or during picnics in the summer.

This drug includes pancreatin, bile extract, microelement hemicellulase and sodium chloride. Thanks to these active components, Festal promotes the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, better digestion of food and absorption of digestive products through the intestinal walls.


Analogue of Festal. Thanks to the presence of pancreatin and hemicellulase this remedy acts as a choleretic agent, allows food to be better absorbed, and promotes better absorption of nutrients.

Enzistal is prescribed by a doctor for poor chewing of food in cases of illness oral cavity and teeth for more efficient absorption.


Another drug from the same group. It is attributed to insufficiency of pancreatic function, esophagitis and other inflammatory processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

The funds of this group affordable price, therefore they are especially popular among all drugs for this purpose. However, their therapeutic effect is lower than that of the drugs from the second group.

Second group


This is the main enzyme remedy that is used for gastrointestinal disorders and to improve digestion. Pancreatin has almost no contraindications. However, it should be taken with caution in acute inflammation of the pancreas.

Prescribed in cases of indigestion, overeating, and malfunction of the digestive system. Pancreatin base is an extract of secretions secreted by the pancreas of animals.


The active ingredient is pancreatin. However this drug Available in capsules, which promotes more efficient absorption of the active substance by the body.

In addition, Creon is available containing different amounts of the substance. It is a rather expensive medicine.


It works on the basis of the same pancreatin. Also available in capsules and different dosage. The price is slightly cheaper than its analogue - Creon.

Such enzyme preparations for diseases of the pancreas and stomach are most often prescribed by specialists. During an exacerbation of the disease, a dosage of 25 thousand units is usually prescribed for 1-2 weeks three times a day with meals. Then the dosage is reduced to 10 thousand units, and taken for about another 2-3 weeks.

Third group


In addition to pancreatin, this medicine contains active microelements, which, when the capsule dissolves, are absorbed along with food by the intestinal walls and contribute to better and faster digestion.

The contents of the capsules allow the microelements included in the product to be transported throughout the gastrointestinal tract.


A very popular drug that is an integral part of any feast. Mezim contains a whole complex of enzymes that help improve the functioning of the digestive system. It is prescribed for any type of overeating, feeling of heaviness and in case of disruption of the digestive process.

In order for the effect of the drug to be greater, it is recommended to choose Mezim forte, which contains about 10 thousand units of pancreatin. It is enough to take 1 tablet with meals.


A complex remedy that can positively affect the functioning of the abdominal organs. Typically this enzyme preparation recommended in postoperative period to restore and improve digestion processes.

Somilase promotes the breakdown of substances that are difficult to digest. She has almost no contraindications.

Contraindications for use

  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis - in this case, enzymes may not alleviate the course of the disease, but may cause harm, therefore, in case of chronic inflammation of the pancreas or in case of an acute process, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
  • Liver dysfunction. In severe cases of liver inflammation, enzyme agents should be avoided.
  • Allergy to animal products, including “red” meat. Because digestive medications typically contain pig or cow bile extract, they may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to meat products.
  • Diarrhea. During acute form diarrhea, taking enzyme preparations is not recommended; they can aggravate the process.
  • Colitis and other forms of intestinal inflammation. In this case, such drugs are taken with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

For use with these diseases or other controversial health conditions, you must obtain a recommendation from your attending physician.

Admission rules

Digestive medications work more effectively if you follow necessary rules indicated in the instructions for use of these medicines:

  1. Tablets and capsules containing enzymes should be taken with clean water. Neither tea, nor coffee, nor, especially, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are suitable for use with medications.
  2. As a rule, to normalize digestion, enzymes are taken during or immediately after meals.
  3. The number of tablets or capsules and the dose for a single dose are indicated in the instructions and are also discussed with the attending physician.

Enzyme preparations for children are prescribed extremely rarely and in certain cases. Medicines of microbial origin are taken by children only under the supervision of a doctor in case of impaired pancreatic function, malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and abnormal stool. Those products that contain bile extract are poorly absorbed by the child’s body, so whenever possible for children, such drugs are replaced with herbal decoctions.

The production of enzyme preparations is a rather complex technological process. Many Russian manufacturers provide pharmacies with high-quality products to improve digestion and speed up metabolism.

The huge list of similar drugs that pharmacology provides will not allow an amateur to understand and choose the most effective ways help your body. Therefore, a doctor’s recommendation and a special examination will make it possible to determine which remedy is needed in a particular case.

The best option to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract is prevention. Healthy food, vitamin intake, physical exercise and a well-established work and rest regime are integral companions. healthy image life.


Problems with the stomach or digestion have happened in the life of every person. Their sources can be various factors: from stale food to the presence of infection in the body. To rid yourself of unpleasant consequences, you should take digestive enzymes regularly. This type The drug is intended to normalize the functioning of the stomach.

Do you need digestive enzymes?

If you make it a rule to regularly monitor the health of your stomach and digestive tract, then you can become aware of any changes immediately. The sooner you find the source of the problem, the easier and faster you can solve it. There are a number of signs that many people do not pay attention to that indicate the presence of stomach problems:

  1. Drowsiness. If you sleep 6-8 hours a day, but still walk around sleepy, then most likely your body is not getting enough important vitamins, trace elements and minerals. To replace them, he is forced to use reserve energy reserves, which results in a drowsy state.
  2. Fatigue. Reason chronic fatigue There may also be a deficiency of nutrients in the body.
  3. Deterioration of skin condition. It becomes sluggish, loses elasticity and attractive appearance.
  4. Stomach ache. If painful sensations in the abdominal area become more frequent, then this a clear sign digestive disorders. Even if the pain is mild and easily tolerated.
  5. Deterioration of the condition of nails and hair. One of the most common and important factors, indicating serious problems oh with the stomach.
  6. Intestinal disorders. Regular constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and bloating.
  7. Weakened appetite. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach directly affect a person’s desire to eat food. If you suddenly start eating 1-2 times a day, instead of the usual 3-4, then the digestive system experiences some difficulties.

One of the 7 factors presented is enough to immediately visit a qualified specialist and start taking digestive enzymes.

Why can the process of digesting food be disrupted?

To successfully treat the consequences, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the disease. The stomach is a rather sensitive organ; many factors can affect its functioning. Let's highlight the most popular:

Unhealthy food. Smoked, salty and fatty foods make the stomach work at full capacity. If a lot of such food is consumed, then disturbances occur in the digestion process.

Eating large amounts of food. Even if your diet consists exclusively of healthy products, you need to know when to stop. Experts advise not to overeat to the point of fainting, but to leave the dinner table slightly hungry. The connection between the stomach and the brain is not lightning fast, so sometimes it seems that you want to eat more, while the body has already received enough food.

Insufficient chewing of food. Whole foods are much slower and more difficult to digest. Chew your food thoroughly and try not to eat in a hurry.

Late meals. Every person different schedule waking hours, so the rule “do not eat after 9 pm” is not always correct. It would be more logical to say: “Do last appointment food 3-4 hours before bedtime."

Drinking water along with meals. Most people know that a person needs to drink about 2-3 liters of water per day. This truth is not in doubt, but there is one clarification. You need to drink water 30 minutes before or 10-15 minutes after eating. It is strictly not recommended to drink water while eating. It destroys digestive enzymes, which complicates the process of digesting foods.

People don't pay attention to many of these reasons until their digestive system fails. It is enough to follow simple rules to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Digestive enzyme preparations - list

If serious stomach problems occur, you need to review your diet and purchase digestive enzymes. They are divided into several subgroups that are aimed at combating diseases of various nature. There are 3 main subgroups of digestive enzymes:

  • Preparations whose composition is based on pancreatin. Pancreatin is the main digestive enzyme that eliminates all stomach problems in a short period of time. This subgroup includes the following list of drugs - Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon, Penzital.
  • Preparations whose composition is filled with various elements (hemicellulose, ox bile powder, pancreatin, etc.) that help cope with digestive disorders, the process of fat breakdown and the production of pancreatic enzymes. This subgroup includes the following list of drugs - Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm.
  • Preparations whose composition is filled with microelements that help normalize the functioning of the exocrine function of the pancreas. This subgroup includes the following list of drugs - Somilaza, Oraza, Negidaza.

Important! Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine which drug and from which subgroup will help cope with your problem. Self-medication often leads to worsening of the condition.

In addition to the active substance, the effect of the drug is also affected by its release form. In modern pharmacology you can find enzyme preparations to improve digestion in the form of tablets or capsules. The disadvantage of tablets is that once they enter the stomach, they completely dissolve there. While capsules have multiple shell layers that allow for transport active substance both to the stomach and to the intestines. Thus, it is more advisable to purchase some drugs in capsule form, especially if their effect is designed for the intestines.

Let's take a closer look at the most effective and popular drugs.

The drug has the same name with the main digestive enzyme, which indicates its high effectiveness. You should resort to using the medicine if:

  • reducing the production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • serious diseases of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • excessive consumption of food;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • disorders of chewing processes.

There are no generally accepted dosages for the drug: some take one tablet a day, some take two. It is advised to follow the recommendations of a doctor who will prescribe the optimal dosage for your situation.

Side effects are mild and occur very rarely. Among the most common side effects are:

  • discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • nausea;
  • allergic processes (rash, redness, etc.);
  • increase in the amount of uric acid.

This drug is very popular due to the fact that it is available in capsules. As noted earlier, capsules have a complex effect on the stomach and intestines, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. The active substance of the drug is pancreatin. Creon is prescribed for:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • postoperative therapies;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • malignant tumors growing near the stomach;
  • large meals (holidays, birthdays, etc.).

The optimal dosage is 1 capsule before each meal. It is advisable not to bite into the capsule, otherwise the active substance will dissolve in the stomach and will not enter the intestines.

The drug has no side effects. Occasionally, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea or pain are observed. Such reactions occur due to additional elements medicines.

Important! Creon is considered a powerful drug, so be sure to consult a doctor before taking it.

A more well-known drug, since at one time extensive research was carried out advertising campaign. One tablet contains pancreatin, amylase, lipase and protease. The set of components is similar to the drug Pancreatin. Mezim is taken when:

  • the production of pancreatic enzymes decreases;
  • constipation occurs;
  • observed inflammatory processes in the stomach area;
  • inflammation of the pancreas occurs.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. Most often this is 1 tablet before each meal. Depending on the nature and degree of neglect of the disease, the course can last from 2-3 days to 4-6 months.

The drug is contraindicated in people suffering from intestinal obstruction, jaundice or hepatitis.

Mezim is more expensive analogue Pancreatin. The main difference is the taste. The outer layer of the Mezim tablet tastes much more pleasant, which is why it is often bought for children.

In addition to pancreatin, Festal contains hemicellulose and bovine bile extract. Hemicellulose takes an active part in the breakdown of fiber, and ox bile extract normalizes the absorption of fats and vitamins. With the help of these elements, Festal has a quick effect on the digestive system.

The drug is taken for:

  • disturbances in the secretion of pancreatic enzymes;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal irritation;
  • overeating;
  • gastritis.

Due to the large number of different components, Festal has wide list contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • allergy to the elements included in the composition;
  • jaundice;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus (due to the content of sucrose and glucose in the tablet shell).

An effective drug problem solver with the digestive tract. Like Festal, Enzistal includes hemicellulose, pancreatin and bile elements. Additional ingredients interact harmoniously and enhance the overall result. Enzistal is taken for the following symptoms:

  • deficiency of digestive system enzymes;
  • increased flatulence;
  • disorders of chewing processes;
  • inactive lifestyle.

If a person suffers from kidney or liver failure, it is recommended to limit the use of Enzistal. The attending physician must adjust the frequency and volume of dosages so as not to cause complications of existing diseases.

Side effects of the drug:

  • discomfort in the stomach area;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of irritation on the mucous membrane;
  • diarrhea.

It is necessary to urgently stop taking Enzistal if at least one of the side effects appears.

The active substance of the drug belongs to a subgroup of digestive enzymes that affect the exocrine function of the pancreas. The mechanism of action is fundamentally different from all previous drugs. Elements of the drug break down fats and transform them into the missing enzymes.

  • deficiency of digestive enzymes;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • developing gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • undergoing postoperative therapy.

Somilaza has no contraindications, except allergic reactions into individual elements of the composition. The medicine is easily tolerated and effectively solves existing digestive problems.

Important! The drug intensely stimulates the pancreas, so you should consult a doctor before taking it.


Preparations based on digestive enzymes play a role important role in the life of every person. Especially those who do not monitor their diet and do not follow the rules written above.

Submitted medicinal products will help you get rid of discomfort and disturbances in the digestive system. You can also take them as a preventive measure. But remember that their action makes serious adjustments to the functioning of the body, so you should definitely consult a doctor.

Every person, without exception, at least once in his life has had a stomach ache or simply cannot digest food. There can be quite a lot of reasons that provoke such reactions. Therefore, in order to somehow help your body, you will need to take various drugs aimed at solving such problems.

How to determine the need to take enzyme preparations

To do this, it is enough to very carefully monitor how the body works with the proper attitude towards it. In this case, you will immediately notice what happens to your stomach. In the following list we will look at a number of reasons that signal that it is time for the body to get help:

  1. Fatigue at a constant level is a consequence of the fact that the body does not receive enough necessary substances in the form of microelements and vitamins. Accordingly, the intestines are unable to function normally. Thus, nutritional compounds are consumed from reserves, which, in turn, are depleted.
  2. Drowsiness also occurs due to lack of nutrients.
  3. Poor skin condition with the appearance of age spots.
  4. The condition of nails and hair also indicates a lack of vitamins, and all this occurs due to the fact that food is poorly absorbed by the body.
  5. Regular constipation/diarrhea, flatulence or nausea.
  6. Pain syndromes in the abdominal area, which most often appear after the next meal.
  7. Weak appetite, which is a consequence of bad feelings in the stomach.

Thus, if you observe at least one of the above signs, this is a strong signal to visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary enzymes for you to take.

Why does indigestion occur?

There are times when stomach problems appear after a heavy dinner or after fasting. But the most common reasons for intestinal problems are the following factors:

  1. Unhealthy food - overeating salty, fatty, and smoked foods. All these types of food are very poorly digested in the body. Let's add to all this an overabundance of sweets in the daily diet.
  2. Frequent overeating. It’s not for nothing that doctors say that you need to get up from the table half-starved, because in this case it’s impossible to overeat.

All this is explained by the fact that when the stomach is filled with food, the signal about this has not yet reached the brain. Accordingly, the person still feels like he needs to eat more.

You shouldn't eat quickly. The slower you eat, the lower the risk of overeating. Consequently, there will be no disturbances in the digestion process.

  1. Poor chewing of food. Quick snacks in a hurry cause poor chewing of food (especially hard food). And such food is digested very slowly.
  2. Eating after 9 pm is undesirable both for the stomach and for the entire body as a whole. The person has The biological clock, which slow down all processes in the evening. Thus, eating late dinners can sometimes lead to indigestion.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids during meals. All nutritionists, without exception, claim that you need to drink plenty of fluids, but do not mention one thing. Drinking water should only be done between meals. The liquid dilutes the enzymes in the gastric tract, which means that their action is not as effective as required.

As a result, almost every person knows that problems can occur during the digestion process. However, few people care about leading a healthy lifestyle along with eating the right diet.

Drugs to improve digestion

If you have a malfunction in the digestion process, then to solve the problem you will need to strictly follow a diet and take certain medications, which will be discussed later in the article.

All medicines are divided into groups that differ from each other in their active ingredients:

  1. Products based on pancreatin. This substance is an enzyme that provides immediate support to all digestive processes. This category includes the drugs Mezim, Creon, Penzital, Pancreatin.
  2. Medicines that, in addition to pancreatin, contain additional substances such as bile acids, hemicellulose, and so on. These ingredients help speed up the breakdown of complex sugars and also improve activity gastric tract with subsequent production required quantity enzymes. The most common drugs in this group are Enzistal, Panzinorm and Festal.
  3. Drugs aimed at normalizing the exocrine activity of the pancreas. These are Somilaza, Nigedaza, and also Oraza.

Let us immediately note that you should not self-medicate. Only a specialized specialist after a thorough examination will help you decide which drug you need to take specifically. As practice shows, in most cases, independent selection of medications is incorrect, because sometimes it is better to drink the same Festal than Pancreatin.

In what forms are the drugs available?

The form of the drug produced directly affects how it will act.

Modern enzyme preparations today are produced in two forms:

  1. Capsules. Until recently, this form of drug release was not particularly popular until the results were presented to the public scientific research. Each capsule has several shells. The first one dissolves into gastric section, the second in the intestines. Accordingly, the effect of the drug extends to the entire digestive system.
  2. Pills. In most cases, patients trust only tablets. But it is worth noting that their effect applies exclusively to the stomach, because under the influence of juices in this area of ​​​​the digestive system, the medicine dissolves and is absorbed.

As with choosing a drug, choose correct form Only a doctor can help you with medications. It is interesting to note that some patients manage to open the capsules and take only the powder located inside - this should not be done, since the drug will not be able to reach the intestines, where it is so needed. In this case, you will not get any positive effect.

The most popular enzyme preparations

As we mentioned above, today you can find the following medications in the pharmacy:

  1. Pancreatin is a leader among enzyme medications at a fairly low cost. The drug is indicated for insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes, overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Creon – medicine, which most gastroenterologists recommend taking. Release form: capsules. Indicated for chronic pancreatitis, after operations on the digestive system, as well as for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, cancer, and so on.
  3. Mezim is the most advertised product. One tablet includes pancreatin, lipase, amylase and proteases. The composition is not much different from pancreatin. Accordingly, the indications for use are practically unchanged - insufficient output enzymes, food stagnation, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, chronic pancreatitis and so on.
  4. Festal is also an enzyme preparation that contains additional substances in its composition in addition to pancreatin. These are hemicellulose and ox bile powder. The first substance promotes the breakdown of fiber, and the second helps to absorb vitamins and fats. Indications: poor production of enzymes, flatulence, diarrhea due to intestinal infection.