Constant vomiting of a child without fever. Vomiting in a child - what to do

Infant vomiting is very common. The reasons for it are varied. To determine them, you need to take into account age, accompanying symptoms: the presence or absence of fever, diarrhea, vomit, etc. Vomiting in a child without fever does not mean the absence of a disease, sometimes in such cases the help of a doctor is necessary. Center of the nervous system, responsible for its occurrence is located in the medulla oblongata. Impulses can come from completely different internal organs, vestibular apparatus and cortical centers of perception. Sometimes vomiting occurs due to exposure to medulla various toxins, drugs.

Providing first aid to a child who is vomiting

If a child’s vomiting appears suddenly and without fever, what should be done before the doctor arrives? First aid should be provided during and immediately after gastric emptying.


  • make sure that the child does not choke - do not let his head fall back, do not lay him on his back, you need to turn his head to the side, preferably raising it by 30°;
  • After vomiting, rinse the child’s mouth with warm water or wipe the mouth, corners of the mouth and lips with a wet cotton swab. Instead of water, you can use a weak disinfectant solution, such as potassium permanganate or boric acid;
  • Give the child small amounts of water often; the water should be cool; for older children, cold. To eliminate the urge to vomit, you can add a few mint drops and use Regidron. For children up to one year old, give 2 teaspoons every 5 minutes, from one year to 3 years - 3, from 3 years - 4.

If the attack of vomiting is one-time and is not accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or deterioration in the child’s general condition, you can wait to call a doctor.

All you need to do is carefully monitor the baby and if it worsens or additional symptoms appear, seek medical help.

Reasons for calling an ambulance

Vomiting in a child without fever can be a sign of some serious illnesses, including those requiring immediate surgical intervention. Therefore, you should not delay seeking medical help and self-medicate.

You need to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • vomiting occurs frequently and does not stop;
  • it is not possible to give the child something to drink due to the frequent eruption of vomit;
  • there are additional symptoms - high fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • fainting, semi-fainting or, conversely, excessive excitability (crying, screaming, physical activity);
  • severe abdominal pain combined with bloating and constipation;
  • vomiting occurred after consuming products of dubious quality, chemical additives, medications;
  • vomiting occurred after a head injury, fall, blow - an urgent examination by a neurologist is needed;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, convulsions, and fever are observed.

If vomiting occurs once or twice, the stool is loose or normal, and the child drinks water normally, plays, and sleeps well, then it is not necessary to call an ambulance, but you should contact your local pediatrician.

Diseases accompanied by vomiting without fever

Some serious illnesses in a child may be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting without fever. This is most often observed in the following diseases.

Intestinal infections: typhoid fever, enterovirus, etc. These diseases may be accompanied by high temperature, but sometimes it remains normal. Vomiting occurs without connection with food and may occur one or more times. Read more about intestinal infections →

The vomit is always the same. Often the diarrhea is more pronounced, the stool is liquid, sometimes with foam, mucus, and has a pungent odor. The child is capricious and restless, exhausted, becomes drowsy and lethargic. Refuses to eat and drink and rarely or not urinates at all. Dehydration sets in.

Treatment is carried out only inpatiently in children under one year of age, in older children at home or in the hospital. Absorbent drugs, antibiotic, antiviral and rehydrating agents, and probiotics are prescribed. If necessary, painkillers and antipyretic medications can be used.

Food poisoning. Often occurs after consuming canned food, dairy products, meat and fruit purees. Nausea and vomiting occur after eating and are repeated several times. The stool is liquid and streaked with blood. Characterized by severe paroxysmal abdominal pain. Read about food poisoning →

General health becomes worse, the child is capricious, cries, gets tired quickly and becomes lethargic. Refuses to eat and drink. If a child is 3 years old or younger and vomiting without fever is due to food poisoning, then he needs to be hospitalized.

Treatment for older children can be organized at home. Gastric lavage is performed, absorbent agents, rehydrating drugs, prebiotics, and drugs that relieve spasms and inflammation are prescribed.

Allergy to food or medicine. Attacks of vomiting and diarrhea occur after the child has eaten. The masses contain undigested product. In addition, there may appear skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes, difficulty breathing. Treatment can be organized at home or in a hospital. More about food allergies →

The basis of therapy is antiallergic drugs. Absorbents and hormonal agents may be prescribed.

Dysbacteriosis. In this condition, vomiting does not appear often, stools are foamy, and sometimes give way to constipation. Flatulence and whitish plaque in the oral cavity are detected. Article about dysbiosis in children →

Available itchy skin, peeling, rash. Treatment is carried out at home and boils down to adjusting the diet and restoring the balance of microflora with the help of probiotics.

Intussusception. Without an increase in temperature, the child vomits bile. Cramping pain in the epigastrium is accompanied by screaming and crying. The stool is jelly-like and streaked with blood. Treatment is only possible with surgery.

Acute form of gastritis, duodenitis. First, nausea appears, then profuse repeated vomiting with bile. There is bloating, pain, and loss of appetite. Treatments are carried out at home. The main techniques are diet correction, frequent drinking, and taking pribiotics. Gastritis in children →

Diseases of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Vomiting occurs after eating, one or more times. Vomit with bile and food particles. Associated symptoms: severe epigastric pain, belching of air and gas, loss of appetite. Hospital treatment using hepatoprotectors or drugs with enzymes, taking painkillers, following a therapeutic diet.

Diseases of the central nervous system(ischemia, hydrocephalus, tumors, intracranial pressure). Vomiting is frequent. The child's behavior changes from anxiety to lethargy. Infants also experience bulging of the fontanel.

Depending on the disease, treatment is carried out at home or in the hospital. It involves taking medications that restore cell nutrition. For hydrocephalus and tumors - surgical methods.

Ingestion of a foreign object. Vomiting food particles with mucus, sometimes with blood. Breathing is impaired, the child is restless. Two options for help: observation and waiting for natural passage along with stool or surgical intervention.

Diseases accompanied by vomiting without fever in children under one year of age

Gastroesophageal reflux. There are few erupting masses and they have sour smell. Gastric emptying occurs immediately after feeding. The child often hiccups, cries, and worries. Hypersalvation is noted.

Treatment is possible at home. Drugs that block the release of hydrochloric acid and antacids are prescribed. It is also necessary to adjust the frequency and volume of feedings.

Pyloric stenosis. The vomit is copious, homogeneous, and is expelled under pressure half an hour after feeding. The symptom appears 2–3 days after birth. The child loses weight, dehydration and convulsions occur. Treatment is surgical and urgent. Pyloric stenosis →.

Pylorospasm. The newborn has mild vomiting. Conservative treatment can be organized at home. It is recommended to feed in small portions and warm compresses on the stomach. If these methods fail, surgery is necessary.

Congenital esophageal diverticulum. There is slight vomiting of digested milk or formula. The disease leads to some weight loss and is treated surgically.

Causes of vomiting that do not require treatment

In some cases, vomiting without fever in a child does not require treatment. All you need to do is eliminate the causes of dysfunction gastrointestinal tract.

Regurgitation of leftover food in infants– a normal phenomenon that occurs 2-3 times a day. The volume of the coming out masses is about 1–1.5 teaspoons. The reasons may be excessive food volume, horizontal position of the baby, insufficient development of gastrointestinal tract functions. In order to eliminate the symptom, you need to feed the baby with his head elevated, make a “soldier” (hold it upright) after each feeding, and do not overfeed. Regurgitation in infants →

Eruption of baby teeth. Vomiting is not profuse and does not affect body weight or appetite. The cause may be swallowing air, feeding during severe pain. To eliminate the symptom, you need to use special gels for the gums and teethers, and massage the gums. Teething →.

Introduction of complementary foods. Single vomiting due to insufficient amounts of enzymes, non-acceptance of the product by the child’s body. Help consists of temporarily eliminating the product.

Psychogenic vomiting in children after 3 years. It can develop against the background of stress, anxiety, or as a reaction to food refusal. It is necessary to eliminate the stressful situation; if this does not help, consult a psychologist.

Indigestion. Attacks of vomiting and loose stools with particles of undigested food. It is necessary to review the diet and give the child more liquid.

Climate change. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur once or twice, and disappear as the child adapts to new conditions.

Activities prohibited when vomiting

If a child starts vomiting, under no circumstances should you:

  1. Perform gastric lavage if the child is unconscious.
  2. Give your child antispasmodics and antiemetics without a doctor’s recommendation.
  3. Perform gastric lavage using antiseptic solutions.
  4. Choose your own antibiotics.
  5. Do not come for a second examination if your health has returned to normal and your symptoms have disappeared.

Useful video about the causes of vomiting in a child

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How is vomiting treated without fever and diarrhea? In a child, as a rule, such a reflex is single, one-time. If vomiting occurs only once, there is no need to take any specific measures; the only thing that is necessary is to monitor the baby’s condition throughout the day. If vomiting occurs repeatedly and repeatedly, it is better not to risk it and call a doctor.

Who can join treatment after diagnosis?

  1. A pediatrician is a doctor who conducts an initial examination, collects information about the child’s health and makes a preliminary or final diagnosis. If necessary, specialized specialists can be involved who will prescribe treatment for vomiting without fever and diarrhea according to their specialization.
  2. A gastroenterologist may treat a child if vomiting is a clinical manifestation of a gastrointestinal disease. Usually the baby receives treatment at home.
  3. A surgeon is needed for acute, emergency conditions. Pyloric stenosis, stomach or intestinal trauma, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis and other diseases in acute form are treated in a hospital setting.
  4. The neurologist prescribes additional examinations if vomiting according to the primary diagnostic option is associated with pathologies or diseases of the central nervous system.
  5. Psychogenic gag reflexes require treatment by a psychotherapist or child psychologist.

What can parents do if vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child continues more than once and the baby’s condition worsens?

  • Be sure to call emergency medical care.
  • Ensure proper flow fresh air in room.
  • Before medical assistance is provided, you need to be with the child literally every minute. The child needs to be freed from tight clothing and can be placed on his side with his head turned (to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract). Infants should be held upright and vomit should be monitored to prevent aspiration (inhalation of vomit).
  • Children need to clean their mouths after vomiting; older children can rinse their mouths on their own.
  • You cannot force a child to eat food, the only exception being infants.
  • Be sure to give the child food in small portions, literally half a teaspoon, but very often (every 5-7 minutes). This way you can avoid dehydration (dehydration) of the body.

Treatment at home also requires special nutrition. There is only one rule - all products that are included in the menu must be carefully selected so that the diet meets the standards of gentle nutrition. One way or another, when vomiting, the gastrointestinal mucosa undergoes a traumatic process, therefore, food should not aggravate either mechanical discomfort or the inflammatory process, which is also possible. It is important to consider the cause of vomiting. If it is of a psychogenic nature, under no circumstances should the child be forced to eat.

Drinking regimen in the form of oral rehydration is also very useful. The child needs to drink a water-salt liquid; it is best to purchase special powders at the pharmacy and dilute them according to the scheme indicated on them. For example, rehydron is diluted at the rate of 1 sachet per 0.5 liters of boiled water. Small, frequent drinking is calculated depending on the age and body weight of the baby. Children under 1 year of age – 150 ml per kilogram of body weight (per day). Children over 1 year old do not require this amount, the calculation is 120 ml per 1 kilogram of weight. The volume of drinking should also be distributed over an hour of time and the child should be given water every 3-15 (depending on age) minutes from a teaspoon.

Drinking regimen for children:

  • Infants under 1 year – 1 teaspoon every 3-5 minutes.
  • Children from 1 to 3 years old – 2-4 teaspoons every 3-5 minutes.
  • For a child over three years old or more, 1.5-2 tablespoons is recommended every 5 minutes.

Drinking a lot of fluids during a gag reflex is not indicated; it will only strengthen it and injure the gastric mucosa.

Conservative or surgical treatment of vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child is required only when indicated, after a thorough and accurate diagnosis.


Medicines for vomiting without fever and diarrhea are usually not required. Acute, emergency conditions that manifest themselves as vomiting without fever and diarrhea are, fortunately, rare in children. All that is required from parents is to monitor the baby’s condition and give him a sufficient amount of liquid in small doses. Any medicine that is used independently, without the advice of a doctor, can increase vomiting reflex and significantly complicate the diagnosis of the root cause.

If the doctor’s visit ends with a prescription for treatment, then parents can safely begin conservative therapy at home. What can a pediatrician prescribe for vomiting?

  1. Regidron- a drug for oral rehydration therapy. It is needed to restore water-salt balance, neutralize acidosis and reduce the risk of dehydration. Regidron is available in powder form and contains:
    • Sodium chloride.
    • Potassium chloride.
    • Sodium citrate.
    • Glucose.

The drug is well absorbed, its ingredients have high degree bioavailability - the combination of sodium chloride and potassium restores the normal level of salt balance, which in turn has a positive effect on cardiovascular activity.

Mode of application:

1 sachet of rehydron is diluted in 1 liter of warm purified or boiled water. The solution should be cooled; rehydron should be used in liquid form within 24 hours. The unused drug is disposed of and a new solution is prepared as necessary.

Before you start taking rehydron, you should calculate your drinking regimen depending on your body weight, taking into account the volume of fluid from other sources ( breast-feeding, feeding liquid foods to older children). The following dosage is usually recommended - in 1 hour you need to take 10 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight.

  • The first 4-8 hours with a single profuse vomiting without other complications and threatening symptoms - 100 milliliters per 1 kg of body weight for children over 1 year of age (give small doses), then the dosage is gradually reduced to 10 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • For children over 3 years old, the first 5-6 hours after excessive vomiting, in order to avoid dehydration, should be given up to one liter during the specified period, then reduce the dose to 200 ml over 2 hours (in fractions).
  • The doctor can prescribe a more precise regimen depending on the factor that provokes vomiting, the age and condition of the child.

The course of therapy with rehydron should not exceed 2-3 days.

Regidron also has its contraindications; it is not safe. Contraindications:

  • Renal pathologies, including congenital ones.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obstruction of the esophagus, intestines.
  • Hyperkalemia.
  1. Dramamine- a drug indicated primarily if vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child is provoked by dysfunction of the central nervous system.

The drug has a mild effect on the central nervous system; the main base substance dimenhydrinate inhibits it. Dramamine is used as an anti-vomiting agent, as a sedative, and as an antihistamine for certain forms of allergies.

The effect of Dramamine can last up to 5-6 hours.

Indications: kinetosis, motion sickness syndrome, dizziness, vestibular disorders.

How to take Dramamine?

  • Children from 3 to 5-6 years old. ¼ tablet before meals 30 minutes, twice a day with potential opportunity long travel and motion sickness. If Dramamine solves the problem as a one-time antiemetic, you need to give ½ tablet and monitor the child’s condition.
  • Children over 6 years old - up to 10-12 years old. ½ tablet twice a day or 1 tablet once for a single case of vomiting.


Age up to 1 year and some kidney diseases, dermatosis, bronchial asthma.

  1. Humana electrolyte as a cure for dehydration (dehydration). This is a good hypoosmolar agent that corrects water-electrolyte balance, restores the energy potential of the child’s body.

Available in powder form in sachets, diluted - 1 sachet in a glass of warm boiled water.

Humana electrolyte works effectively even in the treatment of children from the first days of life, and not only normalizes fluid balance, but also replenishes the baby’s body weight loss lost during vomiting.

The composition includes the following components:

  • Sodium chloride.
  • Potassium citrate.
  • Glucose.
  • Maltodextrin.
  • Natural aromatic flavorings (cumin or banana).

Dosage regimen for profuse, prolonged vomiting:

One-time vomiting does not require such use of medication; it is quite enough to give the following amount:

  • Child under 1 year - half a teaspoon every 5 minutes for 1-2 hours.
  • Children over one year old - a teaspoon every 5-7 minutes for 1-2 hours.
  • Children over 3 years old - a tablespoon every 5-10 minutes for an hour.


Vitamins are not the basis for treatment; rather, they are an additional stage in therapy, which allows you to strengthen the immune system and compensate for the deficiency of necessary substances and microelements. Self-medication, especially with vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child, is unacceptable. For what reasons is the mouth reflex not treated with vitamins?

  • If a child is vomiting, he should not be forced to eat; the only thing needed in the first few hours after an episode of the gag reflex is drinking, often and in small portions. Vitamins can trigger a new attack of vomiting.
  • Vitamins are prescribed after a few days, if vomiting without fever and diarrhea does not lead to a worsening of the condition. Vitamin complexes and single medications can consolidate a positive result, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Vitamins are unsafe; an overdose of any kind of vitamins can lead to serious complications for both adults and children. Pay attention to hypervitaminosis D, which often provokes vomiting without hyperthermia and diarrhea.
  • It often happens that vomiting is precisely a signal of an overdose of vitamins. In addition to the gag reflex, the child may experience a headache and slight swelling.

Vitamins, however, are indicated for children, mainly after a course of therapy

What vitamins can be recommended for vomiting without fever and diarrhea?

  • Complex preparations containing a range of vitamins and microelements.
  • B vitamins, vitamin C and A to normalize metabolism and strengthen immune defense.
  • Calcium in a bioavailable form.
  • Vitamin K, which is considered an antihemorrhagic substance that promotes the normal blood clotting process.
  • For acetonemic vomiting, B vitamins are indicated.

Select and assign the required vitamin complex, or a vitamin as a single drug can be administered by a doctor, guided by information about the characteristics of vomiting, the dynamics of the process and, above all, based on the diagnosis.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic treatment for such phenomena as vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child is considered the method of choice. If it is possible to do without medications, then physiotherapy is an excellent and effective option for stabilizing the baby’s health.

What is physiotherapy?

This is the influence and impact on the organs and systems of the body using a variety of techniques - both natural (heat, light, water) and artificial - hardware methods of physiotherapy.

In pediatrics, physiotherapeutic procedures are very popular because they act as activators of the child’s own health resources. The healing effect, relative safety, accessibility - this makes physiotherapy one of the leading areas in the treatment of children, including those with gag reflexes.

What types of physiotherapy are indicated in childhood?

  • Electromagnetic therapy and its options.
  • Ultrasound therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Phototherapy.
  • Heat therapy.
  • Phototherapy.
  • Aerotherapy.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • Exercise therapy - physical therapy.
  • Water procedures.
  • Wellness and therapeutic massage.

Physiotherapy, for all its positive characteristics, has its own characteristics and contraindications, especially if the child’s vomiting is repeated and is a symptom of a serious illness.

Specificity of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • All procedures are prescribed taking into account age.
  • The dosage of physical factors of procedures (water, heat, light) is also calculated according to age standards.
  • Almost all physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed in the first half of the day.
  • Procedures are prescribed either 2-3 hours after meals, or an hour before meals.
  • The duration of the course depends on the etiological factors of vomiting without fever and diarrhea in the child, age, and other characteristics of the baby.

When should physiotherapy methods not be used?

  • Persistent, frequent vomiting.
  • Profuse vomiting.
  • Vomiting with impurities - blood, food debris, mucus, bile.
  • For any manifestations of viral diseases.
  • If there is a history of indications of a potential risk of seizures.
  • For head injuries, bruises.

How can physical therapy help with a child's vomiting?

  • Infrared laser radiation. Activates metabolism, relieves swelling, activates lymph flow. It is indicated as a general strengthening procedure after undergoing a course of medication, as well as after surgery for intestinal and esophageal obstruction.
  • Electrophoresis. Zonal introduction medicines using a certain frequency of electric current. This method allows you to use necessary drug in a gentle manner, reducing the dose while maintaining the therapeutic effect.
  • UFO - ultraviolet irradiation. The procedure activates protective properties immune system, relieves the severity of inflammatory processes, for example, with prolonged, chronic bronchitis accompanied by vomiting without fever and diarrhea.
  • Magnetotherapy. The targeted effect of a magnetic field on certain parts of the baby’s body effectively treats gastrointestinal diseases and neurotic manifestations, including those that lead to a gag reflex.
  • A therapeutic course of health-improving physical education is an excellent method to restore body tone, improve the functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems, regulate the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and reduce the risk of motion sickness on the road (motion sickness is accompanied by vomiting).
  • Massage. This is the most popular physical therapy option and can be done at home. If vomiting is a signal of overwork or a stress reaction, a relaxing massage is indicated, which can be done even to infants from 2-3 months. Exist different types massage and conditional division into categories - restorative and therapeutic. The attending physician will be able to accurately select physical therapy in these categories.

Traditional treatment

Alternative treatment for such symptoms as vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child are recommendations that parents receive from anywhere, but not from the lips of a doctor. Advice from relatives, friends, articles in popular magazines and newspapers certainly promise an instant recovery for the baby. However, everything related to the child’s health requires caution and a reasonable approach. Therefore, alternative treatment is only an option that should be discussed with your doctor.

What can you recommend from safe methods traditional treatment vomiting?

  • There are special foods that help reduce nausea, therefore helping to avoid vomiting. For example, baked quince. The child can be given it after the process of fractional drinking has been successfully completed. Quince has an astringent property, but when baked it is considered almost dietary product, rich in microelements and vitamins.
  • Freshly squeezed blackcurrant juice, due to its vitamin C content and sour taste, helps a child cope with nausea and vomiting. The juice can be given to children from the age of three, after a single vomiting not associated with a serious illness.
  • Bread crackers, preferably white, can be a gentle food after persistent vomiting. Crackers do not burden the stomach and at the same time provide a certain energy supply to the body. One day dietary nutrition, with the inclusion of crackers, herbal decoctions, and your baby will be completely healthy.
  • After vomiting, the child should drink boiled water cooled to room temperature with the addition of lemon and honey. This will replenish the body with potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Recipe: for 1 glass of water - a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink in small sips, every 5-7 minutes.
  • Lightly brewed green tea eases the feeling of vomiting and can also neutralize nausea.
  • Psychogenic vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child is well relieved by tea with the addition of chamomile and mint.
  • If your baby gets sick on the go, you can give him a lemon or mint flavored lollipop. This advice is only suitable for children over 3 years old.

Herbal treatment

Herbal treatment will also be appropriate when vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child is not accompanied by other symptoms.

The following infusions and decoctions usually work well as antiemetics:

  • Peppermint tea or mint decoction. The recipe is simple - a teaspoon of dried mint herb is poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infuse for about 40 minutes, strain. The child is prescribed fractional soldering, so mint infusion should be given a teaspoon every 10-15 minutes. Of course, this tea is not recommended for infants, but children starting from one and a half years old can already be given it. Mint has an antispasmodic effect, soothes the stomach, alleviates the condition after vomiting, and replenishes fluid loss.
  • Dill decoction. Dill seeds are popular not only as a way to prevent flatulence, but also as an option to reduce nausea and reduce the risk of vomiting. Pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass of water, let it boil and immediately remove from heat. Cool the broth until warm, strain and give the child half a teaspoon every 5-7 minutes. Even infants can be given dill broth. The volume of drink is calculated based on body weight.
  • Children over 5 years old can boil lemon balm herb. Herbal treatment is effective if parents know the beneficial properties of the plant in advance and have a “strategic” reserve for unforeseen cases. Melissa is brewed similarly to other herbal remedies. A teaspoon per 250 ml of boiling water; if the child is over 10 years old, you can take a tablespoon of dry herb for the same volume of water. The drink should not be boiled; cover it, let it brew for 30 minutes, and cool until warm. The child should drink the strained infusion in fractions - a teaspoon every 5-10 minutes. Melissa calms spasms of the esophagus and stomach, and has a good effect on the nervous system.
  • Children over 7 years old can drink ginger tea. You need to chop a small piece of ginger (grate it), literally take a piece on the tip of a knife, and place it in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain. The decoction has a specific, tonic aroma and taste. A child can drink a tablespoon of ginger infusion for an hour, every 10 minutes.

Herbal treatment is not universal technique Moreover, herbal medicine cannot be considered safe. All of the above recipes can be considered informational information only, and you need to find out which herb can help with vomiting from your doctor or herbal medicine specialist.


Homeopathy is a fairly popular method of treatment when vomiting without fever and diarrhea is diagnosed in a child. The products can be complex or consist of a single active ingredient.

What homeopathy is indicated for children with a gag reflex?

  • The most popular and complex drug Nux Vomica, it’s not called the vomit nut for nothing. The specificity of homeopathy lies in the fact that each component of the medicine corresponds to the rule - treat like with like.

The composition includes Bryonia, Citulius colocynthsa, Licopodium, Strychnos nux vomsca and other components. The medicine is available in the form of drops and has wide range exposure, it is recommended to use only for children from 2 years of age. It is extremely rare for a doctor to prescribe Nux Vomica for children aged 1-1.5 years.


Children from 2 to 6 years old - 2-3 drops three times a day, an hour after feeding. Drops need to be dissolved in 10 ml of water

Children from 6 years old – 2 tablespoons of 10 drops of the drug, drink 2-3 times a day according to indications

Reception features:

Older children need to be explained that the medicine should be kept in the mouth for a while and then swallowed

  • Gastrikumgel with vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child, it can also have a positive effect. Especially if the reflex is provoked by overeating. The drug sedates, calms, relieves stomach cramps. The product also works well for acetonemia, calming vomiting and reducing intoxication. The medicine is available in tablet form.

Gastrikumgel has no contraindications, but it is not prescribed to children under 2.5-3 years of age (young children are not able to dissolve the tablet under the tongue)

Mode of application:

Children from 5 to 1 2 years – 1-1/2 tablets under the tongue, dissolve

Young children (from 3 to 5 years) - grind the tablet to a powder, dissolve in 2 tablespoons of purified water. You need to drink 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.

  • Vertigoheel- a drug that improves cerebral circulation, toning it, reduces the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during motion sickness, dizziness, and fainting. It is good to give Vertigoheel to children who do not tolerate travel or traveling well.

Contraindications: Age up to 1 year

Mode of application:

Children from 1 to 3 years old - 2-3 drops in a tablespoon of water 20 minutes before meals.

Children from 3 to 6 years old – 4-5 drops per tablespoon of liquid

A child over 6 years old needs to drop 10 drops into 10 ml of water, ask him to hold the solution in his mouth, and then swallow

  • Regurgitation, which often looks like vomiting without fever or diarrhea, can be stopped in a child with the help of Aethusa cynapium(dog parsley).

The dosage and specifics of administration should be advised by a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathy, although considered a safe treatment method, nevertheless requires at a minimum an examination of the child, and at a maximum a comprehensive examination. Self-medication is unacceptable, especially when it comes to the health of a child. The main thing in homeopathy, as in other methods of therapy, is the rule - do no harm.


Vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child, as a rule, does not require surgical intervention. Surgical treatment is a last resort when the gag reflex is one of the symptoms of a life-threatening disease for the baby. These may be diseases of the abdominal cavity with clinical manifestations of severe abdominal pain, prolonged constipation or intractable diarrhea. Typically, such pathologies are accompanied by elevated body temperature, other characteristic features, which you can read about on our website.

Surgical treatment is indicated only in the following situations, for acute diseases:

  • Inflammation of the appendix.
  • Cholecystitis (exacerbation).
  • Diverticulitis.
  • Acute intestinal obstruction, intussusception, small bowel intussusception.
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer (extremely rare in children).
  • Extremely rare - atresia of the bile ducts.
  • Esophageal stenosis.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Pylorotomy for congenital pyloric stenosis.
  • Perforation of duodenal ulcer.
  • Traumatic injuries of the abdominal organs.
  • Traumatic injuries associated with a threat to the baby's life.

In general, vomiting without fever or diarrhea in a child surgical treatment does not require.

Surgery is only needed for a typical picture “ acute abdomen“When the baby has severe tension in the muscle tissue of the peritoneum, high fever, pain, persistent constipation or diarrhea.

To exclude threats and risks and make a specific diagnosis, the doctor collects an anamnesis and complete information about the onset of the disease. The connection between vomiting and food intake and regimen is clarified, and vomit is examined for the presence or absence of specific impurities and odors. The child may also be prescribed additional examinations - tests, instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound, contrast X-ray, FGDS).

Any ailment in a baby is a cause for serious concern, especially when it comes to stomach upsets, nausea or vomiting. But when a child vomits without fever or diarrhea, this often causes complete bewilderment and even panic among parents. Indeed, such a condition may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies, so at the first alarming symptoms it is necessary to seek medical help.

Why does a child vomit without fever and diarrhea?

The causes of vomiting in a child without diarrhea and fever can be very different. This depends on a number of factors, for example, the age of the baby, conditions and lifestyle, the presence of congenital pathologies or inflammatory processes in the digestive tract. If such a symptom occurs, it is necessary to exclude acute surgical pathologies - intestinal obstruction or appendicitis.

But, in any case, vomiting is only a symptom, and you do not need to fight it. If the baby vomits for no apparent reason, professional diagnosis and a full-fledged examination are required. medical examination to identify the causes and treatment of the disease that has become the source of vomiting attacks.

A similar symptom, not accompanied by fever and loose stools, can be caused by:

  1. Psychogenic causes due to damage to the central nervous system.
  2. Hematotoxic causes, in which the gag reflex occurs due to poisoning with drugs or toxic substances.
  3. Vomiting that occurs as a reflex, in response to irritation of the digestive tract or due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,

Most common reasons

According to statistics accumulated in pediatric practice, the most common ailments manifested in the form of vomiting are:

Indigestion or food poisoning

Typically, with food poisoning, vomiting is accompanied by the appearance of loose stools. But if the body is not exposed to significant intoxication, it can react with a single vomiting, not complicated by fever or stool upset.

The same signs are accompanied by indigestion, overeating, taking medicine that tastes unpleasant, or an allergic reaction to food.

Reflux disease

This is a pathological condition caused by the reflux of part of the gastric contents back into the esophagus. The first signs appear soon after birth, accompanied by excessive regurgitation after feeding, hiccups, weight loss, and difficulty breathing.

Pyloric stenosis

This is a congenital defect of the muscular wall of the stomach and intestines, manifests itself in the first days of life and is accompanied by profuse vomiting after each meal. This condition is life-threatening as it causes dehydration and weight loss. The situation can only be corrected through surgery.

Spasm or insufficiency of the pyloric part of the stomach - this pathology is characterized by difficulties with the removal of food into the intestines and, accordingly, is manifested by emptying the stomach through vomiting. Unlike pyloric stenosis, vomiting is not as profuse and frequent.

Intestinal obstruction

It can be either congenital or acquired, as well as complete or partial. In this case, intestinal motility is disrupted and one of its sections does not contract, preventing the passage of food.

Attacks of vomiting are accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the child’s condition - weakness, pallor, sharp pains in the abdomen, loose stools with mucus and streaks of blood. Intestinal obstruction can only be treated surgically.


Alimentary gastritis and gastritis that developed as a result of a burn to the mucous membrane, for example, when swallowing any caustic chemical substances. Accompanied by pain and bloating, lack of appetite, belching after eating.

Other reasons

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastroduodenitis (that is, an inflammatory process in the distal stomach or duodenum), pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Vomiting without fever and diarrhea is a common symptom of gastritis. In children, the development of the disease is facilitated by diet, family lifestyle, and stress factors.
  2. Foreign object stuck in the esophagus. Such cases are typical for small children who, in the process of exploring the world around them, pull all objects into their mouths, trying to test them “to the teeth.” In this case, pain appears when swallowing, the child rushes about, cries, and refuses to eat. A large object entering the esophagus can cause suffocation. Urgent medical attention is needed to remove the foreign object.
  3. Acetonemic disorders - that is, overfilling of the blood with ketone bodies against the background of insufficient liver function. A characteristic symptom of a crisis is the smell of acetone from the mouth, weakness, accompanied by headache, nausea and sudden, repeated bouts of vomiting. The cause of this condition is metabolic disorders, dietary errors, and intestinal infections.
  4. Congenital pathologies associated with neurological abnormalities. They are formed at the intrauterine stage of fetal development, or arise as a result of birth trauma and asphyxia. Congenital pathologies are often manifested by profuse “fountain” vomiting.
  5. Tumor processes in the brain, or traumatic brain injuries, bruises, concussions are also accompanied by attacks of vomiting.
  6. Inflammation of the appendix. It practically never occurs in infants. An attack of appendicitis is more often diagnosed in school-age children. In this case, vomiting is accompanied by stabbing pain in the right side and dyspeptic symptoms. In this case, surgery to remove the appendix is ​​necessary.
  7. Psychogenic and neurosomatic disorders, stress, emotional shock, mental trauma are often accompanied by neurotic (psychogenic) vomiting. Such conditions are typical for children under 3 years of age. Seizures occur in response to severe fear, overexcitation, and anxiety. In some cases, such a reaction occurs when trying to force a child to eat an unloved dish. Sometimes similar symptoms are observed in children deprived of parental care and are demonstrative in nature, aimed at attracting attention.
  8. A gag reflex without diarrhea and fever can occur in babies under one year of age in response to the introduction of complementary foods and the addition of new, unfamiliar dishes to the diet. In this case, complementary feeding or the introduction of new products is temporarily canceled. Sometimes this reaction occurs when eating fatty foods or overeating.

This list can be continued, since each body is individual and can react to provoking factors in its own way, but usually eating disorders are most common in children. Epilepsy is the leading mental disorder that causes a characteristic symptom, and among traumatic brain injuries - common bruises received in early childhood.

What to do if you are vomiting for no reason?

The first question parents ask if a child is vomiting without fever or diarrhea is what to do? The answer is simple - undergo a full examination to find out the cause of this condition. But first you need to call a doctor at home. While waiting for doctors, parents should take measures to alleviate the child’s condition:

  • provide the baby with complete peace, especially protect him from demonstrating his own fear, confusion and other negative emotions;
  • put the child in bed, raising the upper body, and place a basin nearby in case of a new vomiting attack;
  • Do not under any circumstances try to feed the child or give him hot or sweet drinks;
  • To alleviate the condition, you can give mineral water without gas, or ordinary boiled water at room temperature;
  • in case of frequent, debilitating attacks of vomiting, you should give Regidron, in accordance with the recommended dosage for age, or give the child water saline solution. This will help avoid dehydration.

You should not give your baby any antiemetics until doctors arrive.


The question - how to treat a child if he has vomiting without fever and diarrhea is not entirely correct. They treat the source, the cause of this condition, and therapy directed directly against vomiting is intended only to alleviate the child’s condition. Such drugs have the same effect as, for example, taking antipyretic drugs for the flu. Such medications do not cure the disease itself, but they significantly alleviate the general condition.

  • Treatment for gastroesophageal reflux is carried out by both a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist. Therapy is usually carried out using drugs that block the production of hydrochloric acid, antacids and prokinetics.
  • The pathology of insufficiency of the pyloric part of the stomach is usually corrected with the help of physiotherapy, electrophoresis with local anesthesia, or surgery.
  • Treatment of acute gastritis in children involves hospitalization, bed rest and the prescription of drugs such as Cerucal, Motilium, Papaverine, Maalox.
  • In the treatment of gastroduodenitis, much attention is paid to diet and psychological comfort. The most commonly used medications are Omeprazole, Vikalin, and Ranitidine. If necessary, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  • For pancreatitis, the treatment regimen includes painkillers, antispasmodics, as well as agents that stimulate the fermentation of pancreatic secretions, for example, Creon or Pancreatin, or, depending on the clinical picture, antisecretory medications, usually Pirenzepine or Famotidine. A special, strict diet plays a special role in the treatment process.
  • If the source of vomiting attacks is gallbladder and everything connected with it, then therapy, in addition to a strict diet, will consist of taking choleretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics or antibacterial drugs.
  • If the source of vomiting is nervous disorders, mental illness, stress, emotional stress, etc., then the course of treatment is carried out by a neurologist, and psychiatrists are involved if necessary. Therapy in this case is entirely at the discretion of the specialist.
  • When hit foreign body into the stomach - everything is at the discretion of the surgeon, but only if it is known exactly what the child swallowed. If not, it needs to be done urgently. X-ray. Delay can have the most dire consequences. Including disability or death.
  • If vomiting in a child is a consequence of a traumatic brain injury, then to stop attacks of vomiting, Diacarb is prescribed, diuretics (Furosemide) and sedatives are used, for example, tincture of valerian, motherwort. In addition, the specialist, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease, will prescribe nootropic drugs and vitamins.
  • For indigestion and illnesses identical to this disease, doctors use Oralit and Regidron, Panzinorm, Festal or Mezim-Forte, while simultaneously conducting an antimicrobial course of therapy.
  • If acetonemic syndromes occur, the child is registered with an endocrinologist, and all therapeutic actions depend entirely on the test results and are at the discretion of the specialist.
  • If the cause of the vomiting reflex is pathologies such as pyloric stenosis, intussusception, appendicitis or esophageal diverticulum, treatment is only possible with surgery, followed by restorative therapy, the scheme of which is individual.

It is worth noting that if the child is one year old, then most often the source of pathological vomiting is not illness, but new foods. But for full confidence In the state of health of the baby, it is still worth contacting a pediatrician and undergoing the necessary examination.

In addition to treatment and some specific techniques, there are also general recommendations for this condition. For example, here is what Dr. Komarovsky says about this condition and its possible causes and treatment methods:

  1. Whatever disease causes vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea, the very first thing that threatens him is dehydration. You should not wait for dangerous symptoms to appear, that is, dark urine, pallor, incoherent speech and incoordination. Water should always be near the child. In case of attacks of vomiting with a short time interval, you should give Hydrovit or Regidron solution.
  2. Before medical help arrives, you should not give your baby painkillers or antiemetics. There is also no need to rinse the stomach or use potassium permanganate and charcoal, because there is no food poisoning, and in some diseases such techniques can be harmful.
  3. If the baby is 2 years old, you need to monitor him very carefully and prevent access to all objects that he can put in his mouth and swallow, especially for pen caps and felt-tip pens. The same applies to children who are 3 years old, only to the threats to their health, in addition to mechanical objects, are added houseplants, which he can reach by climbing on a chair.
  4. When the baby suddenly starts vomiting, parents need to remember what the child ate, where he was and think about possible reasons, but this must be done while the ambulance is on the way. Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea can be caused by simple overeating or a new product, but is often a signal of exacerbation internal pathologies, appendicitis or other dangerous condition. Therefore, the very first thing adults need to do is seek medical help.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the cause of vomiting without fever and other accompanying symptoms quite often becomes simple overeating. For example, during a family walk on a weekend, a child may eat cotton candy in the park, drink a cola and eat a hamburger in a cafe, and then ask your parents for ice cream. As a result, you should not be surprised if the stomach reacts to this combination with an attack of vomiting.

Often the source of spontaneous vomiting in a child is intrafamily conflicts. Scandals between parents never pass without a trace, and it is simply impossible to hide them from the child.

However, regardless of the reason, it is always worth contacting medical care, because the same Sunday walk with an abundance of treats can provoke not only overeating, but also an attack of appendicitis.

Vomiting in a child without diarrhea and fever is a fairly common phenomenon that makes parents seriously worried. This unpleasant symptom occurs in infants and children aged 1 year to various reasons. It is important to know that vomiting under certain circumstances is not a sign of any pathology, but it is not recommended to neglect the consultation of a doctor.

How to understand when vomiting is an alarming symptom? Why does vomiting occur?

A number of diseases can occur without an increase in the child’s temperature, which lulls the parents’ vigilance, since they are accustomed to hyperthermia during pathological processes at the baby's.

Experts identify the following causes of vomiting:

  • intestinal infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic reaction to any product or medicine;
  • dysbiosis.

With an intestinal infection, the child's temperature may remain unchanged or rise to 37°C. Vomiting in this case is not associated with food intake. It can be either one-time or disturb the child several times over a period of 4-6 hours. For an intestinal infection, a characteristic symptom is diarrhea. Feces have a pungent odor, admixtures of foam and mucus. Also, with infectious pathology, the following symptoms are noted:

  1. Abdominal cramps and lack of appetite.
  2. Increased moodiness and restlessness.
  3. General weakness and fatigue.
  4. Lack of urination.
  5. Dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.

Food poisoning has the following signs:

  1. Nausea and vomiting some time after feeding.
  2. Frequent stools containing blood.
  3. Deterioration of the child's well-being.
  4. Severe abdominal cramps.
  5. Lethargy and drowsiness.
  6. Refusal of water and food.

When a child has an allergic reaction to a food product, skin symptoms often appear in the form of itching and hives. In severe cases, swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and nose is observed, and breathing becomes difficult. Vomiting and diarrhea in this case appear shortly after eating, with no foreign matter present.

Vomiting is not separate, independent disease, therefore, the first signs are clinical manifestations of the root cause of the gag reflex

Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by vomiting 1-2 times during the day. The stool is foamy, and the child has rumbling intestines. The following symptoms are also characteristic:

  1. Lack of appetite.
  2. The formation of a white coating on the tongue.
  3. Abdominal colic 1-2 hours after eating.
  4. Skin rashes and itching.

The causes of vomiting in a child without fever, which do not pose a danger to his life, include the following:

  • regurgitation of milk by a baby;
  • teething;
  • introduction of complementary foods;
  • psychogenic factor.

Regurgitation of milk in newborns is not accompanied by a deterioration in their general condition. It may occur 2-3 times a day. This phenomenon occurs due to the following reasons:

  • overfeeding the child;
  • incorrect position of the baby during feeding;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies.

During feeding, the baby should remain in a position with his head slightly elevated. After feeding, you should hold the baby's head upright to allow air to escape.

When teething in infants, vomiting is not associated with food intake, is not cyclical and is not very profuse. It is associated with swallowing air when the baby cries and screams or during force feeding during periods of pain.

Vomiting after the introduction of complementary foods does not have accompanying symptoms and is often associated with imperfections in the enzymatic system when the body receives a new product. It is worth eliminating such foods for a while.

Psychogenic causes of vomiting in a child include stress, exciting emotions or resentment. It occurs in children 3 years of age and older. It is enough to eliminate the factor that traumatizes the child’s psyche.

Consequences and complications are a consequence of serious pathologies, diseases that provoke vomiting. But, given that we are considering vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child, we most likely won’t have to talk about the consequences and risks. Causes of diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea in a child include:

  • Not proper nutrition;
  • psychotraumatic situations;
  • overfeeding;
  • change in climatic conditions.

To eliminate diarrhea, you should adjust the children's diet by reducing the consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks, apricots, plums and other foods that cause frequent bowel movements.

If diarrhea is caused by emotional stress, then to improve the child’s well-being, a single dose of a drug for vomiting and diarrhea, as well as eliminating the source of stress, is enough.

When changing climate zone vomiting and diarrhea may appear in the first days of staying in a new place. During this period, you should only give foods that are familiar to the child’s body. It is also necessary to avoid strong physical and mental stress. Do not forget about protecting your child from overheating in open sunlight.

Food poisoning and indigestion. Usually, with food poisoning, a child experiences vomiting and diarrhea without or with fever. How to treat vomiting and diarrhea?

If a child vomits due to an intestinal infection, then treatment is carried out in a hospital if the child is under 1 year old, and at home for older children, depending on the severity of the pathology. Therapy consists of the use of the following medications:

  • Furazolidone;
  • enterosorbents;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • probiotics.

In case of food poisoning, gastric lavage will be required. To remove toxins and toxic substances from the body, use Smecta, Polysorb or Activated carbon. The earlier enterosorbents enter the child’s body, the greater the chance of reducing the flow of harmful substances into the blood. To restore microflora after vomiting has stopped, probiotics should be used. They eliminate the symptoms of poisoning, actively fight pathogenic bacteria and speed up the recovery process.

Note! During therapy, the child must adhere to a strict diet. Dairy products, semi-finished products, juices, salty and spicy foods should be excluded from his diet.

If a child's vomiting is caused by an allergic reaction to a food product, the doctor will prescribe antihistamine therapy. Sometimes enterosorbents are used for treatment. In severe cases, hormonal therapy is necessary.

For dysbacteriosis, treatment is based on changing the diet, as well as introducing complementary foods at term in infants. To maintain microflora at the proper level, you should add fermented milk mixtures and products that contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli to your child’s menu. These include Bifidok, Narine and others. Medicines you should use are Linex, Lactobacterin or Bifidumbacterin.

I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that since vomiting syndrome occurs in many very serious illnesses, including surgical ones, it is impossible to hesitate and self-medicate for a long time at home

If vomiting in infants is caused by teething, then lightly massage the gums with your finger. It is also useful to lubricate the gums with special gels with an anesthetic.

For diarrhea without fever, a one-time use of anti-diarrhea medication is required. To restore electrolyte balance, you should use special medications. These include Regidron and Glucosolan. They contain salts, glucose and other substances necessary for rehydration. It is enough to dilute a packet of powder in 1 liter of water and give the resulting product to the child for 6-8 hours, 50-100 ml per dose.

You can eliminate vomiting and diarrhea with the help of Enterofuril suspension. It can be used to treat children from 1 month of age. The active substance in the drug is nifuroxazide. It has an antimicrobial effect. The advantages of Enterofuril include:

  1. Reducing the risk of bacterial superinfection in diarrhea caused by viral pathology.
  2. No negative impact on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Safety and easy tolerability.
  4. Increased phagocytic activity.
  5. Immune activation.
  6. No side effects (with the exception of allergic reactions).

At acute poisoning or rotavirus, the doctor prescribes the children's drug Primadophilus. The bifidobacteria and lactobacilli included in its composition are involved in the normalization of intestinal microflora.

If a child is bothered by uncontrollable vomiting, then Motilium suspension can be used. The drug suppresses the urge to vomit, relieves unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn and flatulence.

In case of biliary dyskinesia, vomiting and nausea should be eliminated with the help of Domperidone Hexal suspension.

Important! If a child is diagnosed with an intestinal infection, then the famous doctor Komarovsky recommends drinking more water during treatment. You should also drink 2 packets of Smecta per day in 2 doses. For therapy it is necessary to use eubiotics, for example, Enterol or Linex.

Traditional medicine for vomiting without fever

To make the child feel better and eliminate vomiting, you can use folk remedies. One of the most popular is mint infusion. To prepare it, you should take 30 g of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. Wrap the container with the product in a blanket and leave for 30 minutes. Filter the resulting drink through cheesecloth and give the child 30-50 ml with a break of 3 hours. You can add 1 tsp to the infusion to improve the taste. honey

No less effective means for diarrhea there is an infusion of lemon balm. It is enough to add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. l. lemon balm and mix. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Use several times a day.

Valerian decoction has worked well for vomiting without fever. You should grind the root, take 20 g of valerian in a container with boiled water and put on low heat. After 15 minutes, the drink should be strained and cooled. The child should take the product 2 times a day, 20 g.

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One of the most frightening symptoms in a child, which always worries young and even experienced parents, is vomiting. A lot of questions immediately arise - what to do, how and how to help the child, do you need a doctor or can you cope on your own? In order to provide assistance correctly, it is necessary to know at least in general terms the main causes of vomiting, be able to distinguish them and correctly provide first aid.

Causes of vomiting in children.
Vomiting can occur in children of any age from infants to teenagers, but why younger child, the more naturally it occurs. In babies of the first year of life, vomiting must be distinguished from regurgitation, a physiological phenomenon in the digestive system that occurs due to the anatomical and physiological immaturity of the digestive system.

So, let’s talk about the main causes of regurgitation and vomiting in normal and pathological conditions.

The norm for infants and artificial babies is infrequent regurgitation, approximately 2-3 times a day, up to 2 tablespoons of contents, lasting up to approximately 6-9 months.

Excessive regurgitation or even vomiting can occur during overfeeding, even in healthy babies, this usually happens with artificial people who dilute the mixture not according to the calculated volume based on the actual weight, but according to the numbers indicated on the cans of the mixture (often greatly inflated). Then regurgitation or vomiting occurs without the participation of the abdominal muscles, there are no disturbances in well-being, and the process is not preceded by nausea and vomiting. This process is not dangerous and only requires recalculation of the amount of food with the pediatrician - with their correction, regurgitation is reduced or disappears completely.

In infants, the cause of regurgitation or even vomiting (sometimes even a fountain) is an improper latch on the breast with swallowing a large amount of air, or infrequent feedings with excessively greedy sucking. As a result, bloating occurs with the occurrence of colic and, as a result, overstimulation of the digestive system with regurgitation. This condition is also not dangerous for the child, but it requires consultation with a breastfeeding specialist and correction of attachment.

Frequent and persistent regurgitation can be symptoms of a neurological pathology, therefore, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to clarify the volume of feeding, and then a neurologist.

Vomiting is a conditioned reflex act with the release of contents from the stomach and esophagus into the oral cavity. Vomiting is accompanied by nausea, pallor of the child, restless behavior, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, cold hands and feet, and sweating. When vomiting, a characteristic sound occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles with the participation of the muscles of the neck and pharynx. In most cases, vomiting brings discomfort to the child (unlike regurgitation).

Causes of vomiting in newborns.

In young children, parents should be alerted to a fountain of vomiting in a volume exceeding the volume of what was eaten in the first 2-4 weeks of life. Vomiting appears immediately after feeding, profusely, with an admixture of bile, the child does not gain weight, and is restless. The child urinates very rarely, he rarely has stool. This is a symptom of a dangerous surgical pathology - pyloric stenosis, a defect in the outlet of the stomach, a very narrow opening between the stomach and small intestine, practically preventing food from passing into the intestines.
Measures to help such a child include hospitalization in a hospital for reconstructive surgery with pyloric plastic surgery. After discharge from the hospital, the child leads a normal life.

Another cause of vomiting can be pyloric spasm (pylorospasm); this disease occurs due to immaturity of neuromuscular connections and untimely relaxation of the muscle after feeding. Girls are more often affected; it is characterized by periodic vomiting from the first days of life, of small volume and not constantly. Vomit usually contains food mixed with bile. Children do not lose weight, although weight gain may be slow. Helpful measures include more frequent feedings of a smaller volume, and observation by a neurologist and pediatrician.

Another cause of vomiting in young children with a lack of stool or blood discharge from the anus is intussusception or intestinal obstruction. With such vomiting, the stomach is mute, peristalsis cannot be heard, the child is pale, screams and does not allow the stomach to be touched. He must be immediately taken by ambulance to a surgical hospital and operated on.
Attention! Persistent vomiting in newborns and children in the first months of life is not harmless. It's always either surgical or neurological pathology. They require immediate medical attention.

Vomiting in older children.
In children from about 6 months of age, vomiting is divided into organic or associated with pathology, which means dangerous to health, and functional, associated with the influence of external factors and not dangerous for the child.

Vomiting as a sign of danger.
- the most common cause of vomiting is. These are viral or microbial infections of the digestive system that affect the stomach and various departments intestines, which for the most part manifest themselves in addition to vomiting and a set of other specific symptoms. Usually this is fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and varying degrees dehydration. Vomiting occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes and is a protective mechanism, an attempt by the body to get rid of viruses or microbes, as well as part of the food. To give your digestion a rest.
Measures to help with intestinal infections include calling a doctor and strictly following all recommendations, if necessary, hospitalization in a hospital, taking medications and fighting dehydration. General recommendations for vomiting will be given slightly lower.

One of the causes of vomiting in children under 3-5 years of age is a high temperature that accompanies ARVI, influenza, sore throat, otitis media or pneumonia. Vomiting occurs as a result of toxins entering the blood and affecting the brain's vomiting center, which are formed in tissues as a result of the activity of viruses or microbes. Typically, vomiting occurs at the height of the fever and goes away quickly after the temperature drops, even without treatment.

Vomiting can be one of the symptoms of damage to the central nervous system, if it is a birth injury - then it mainly manifests itself in the first few months of life. Vomiting occurs as a result of irritation of the area of ​​the vomiting center - compression by a tumor or hemorrhage, exposure to increased intracranial pressure, development of an abscess. Another cause of vomiting is exposure to toxins (such as bilirubin in jaundice) or irritation. meninges as a result of inflammation in tuberculosis, meningococcal meningitis, encephalitis, and concussions.
Neurological vomiting is persistent and does not bring relief to the child, weakening his strength, usually occurs at a height of increased intracranial pressure, is accompanied by headaches and sharp “brain” cries of the child, decreased pulse, impaired consciousness and even delirium.
Measures to help the child will be to immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize him in a hospital.

Vomiting without fever or signs of infection, but in connection with food intake, can be a symptom of digestive diseases - gastritis, ulcers, disorders of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Such vomiting occurs due to errors in nutrition, spicy, fatty or sweet foods; impurities in the vomit of mucus, bile or streaks of blood are especially dangerous.
Helpful measures include consultation with a doctor and strict adherence to all dietary and therapeutic measures prescribed by a specialist.

Sudden vomiting with pain in the stomach or right side may be a sign acute appendicitis. Vomiting usually does not bring relief, occurs repeatedly, and the temperature may rise. Helpful measures include urgent referral of the baby to a surgical hospital and surgery.

In children who do not know how to cough effectively, vomiting may occur during coughing attacks - for example, with whooping cough, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis. In addition, vomiting can occur as a result of thick, viscous mucus flowing into the oropharynx and irritation of the root of the tongue, where the reflexogenic zone for vomiting is located.

Vomiting can occur as a result of exposure to toxins in the body - “toxic vomiting syndrome.” This occurs as a result of the action of toxic substances directly on the vomiting center of the brain, or due to irritation of internal organs and the receipt of impulses in the brain. This happens when there is a metabolic disorder renal failure(ammonia intoxication), liver pathology and diabetes, in case of disruption of the adrenal glands. Toxic vomiting occurs due to poisoning with alcohol, drugs, plant poisons, etc.
One of the common variants of the development of toxic vomiting is acetonemic syndrome. The child’s body is still imperfect and with some dietary errors (lots of fat and few carbohydrates), acetone may accumulate in the body, which results in vomiting, abdominal pain, and dehydration.
Measures to help with toxic vomiting include desoldering and rapid removal of metabolic products; in case of severe poisoning, hospitalization and detoxification.

Parents' actions when vomiting.
1. Call a doctor at home; in case of a serious condition, call an ambulance.
2. Pull yourself together and calm the child.
3. Place or sit the child in a comfortable position so that if vomiting occurs, the masses do not enter the respiratory tract.
4. After vomiting, wipe the child’s face with a damp towel, give him a drink or rinse his mouth, and change clothes.
5. To prevent dehydration in case of frequent vomiting, give the child a tablespoon of liquid every 5-10 minutes. You can give special solutions Oralit, Regidron, Glucosolan, or still mineral water, alternating it with weak sweet tea.
6. If vomiting does not recur and the child asks to eat, give him some porridge or applesauce.
7. If you suspect that you have taken a toxic substance, rinse your stomach before the ambulance arrives - give 2-3 glasses of warm water to drink, then press on the root of the tongue, inducing vomiting. Remember, vomiting should not be caused if poisoning with acids or alkalis, phenols, or gasoline is suspected.

Benign vomiting.
These types of vomiting occur in emotional children and are associated with excessive excitability of the nervous system. With the help of vomiting, children attract the attention of their parents when they consider themselves deprived. Vomiting can occur as a manifestation of “bear sickness” when visiting a kindergarten, school, or before a performance or exam.

To actions that the child does not want to perform - force feeding, coercion to do something, punishment for wrongdoing. Typically, such children are capricious and selective in food. They do not have abdominal pain, intoxication, fever, or problems with stool.
- often vomiting can occur as a result of hysteria, due to the child’s severe overexcitation. Especially if he was punished or cried for a long time.
- in particularly sensitive children, vomiting may occur due to unpleasant pictures, exposure to unpleasant tastes or smells, or feelings of disgust.
- another option for functional vomiting is motion sickness in transport, irritation of the vestibular apparatus during a trip by car or train, bus, or flight on an airplane. Measures to help with this type of vomiting are not to feed the baby tightly or irritating foods before the trip, find a comfortable place where there is less shaking, and use special medications for motion sickness from the age of 2.

In any case, parents should remember that vomiting itself is a protective reaction of the body to pathological external and internal influences. Its appearance is a signal of a problem in the body and you need to approach it carefully, but without undue panic.

Nausea in a child can be caused by several factors. In 95% of cases, these are malfunctions of the digestive organs. Less commonly, nausea occurs with damage to the central nervous system. According to the nature of the course, the child’s condition can be satisfactory with mild malaise, moderate with additional symptoms (fever) and severe (the child is in a semi-conscious state). What to do if a child is sick, what ways are there to help at home?

Symptoms of the pathological condition

Nausea is not a disease. This is a symptom that accompanies diseases or damage to internal organs and systems.

The main sign of nausea is discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the stomach, which children endure painfully.. The condition spreads across upper sections digestive system- esophagus, pharynx. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat, a false urge to vomit without vomiting.

Against the background of nausea, the child experiences a deterioration in general health. Weakness develops, decrease physical activity, headache appears. The desire to vomit only worsens the condition, since the absence of vomiting does not bring relief.

Nausea in children may be accompanied by additional pathological signs:

  • digestive system – vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation, pain in the epigastric region;
  • nervous system - darkening of the eyes, dizziness, drowsiness, rapid breathing and pulse, shallow breathing, feeling of lack of air;
  • symptoms of intoxication - weakness, increased sweating (especially in infants), hot flashes, clammy and cold skin, a slight increase in temperature, and in children of the first year of life, weight loss.

How do you understand when a child who cannot yet explain his condition is vomiting? The baby is constantly naughty and refuses to eat. The general condition is restless, periodically there is causeless crying, during which the baby sweats intensely. At the same time, the arms and legs are cold to the touch.

Causes of nausea in children

If the intensity of nausea is insignificant and the child’s overall condition is normal, this is a functional disorder of the digestive system. The reason is nutritional errors:

  • systematic overeating;
  • products that do not correspond to the age category;
  • low-quality infant formula;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods;
  • heavy food - fatty, fried, smoked, salted, pickled, excess seasonings and spices;
  • violation of feeding regime;
  • consumption of exotic dishes and products.

Functional disorders that cause nausea are associated with immaturity child's body. This condition occurs as a result of a lack of pancreatic enzymes and insufficient flow of bile into the duodenum.

The second most common cause is food poisoning or acute intestinal infection. In these cases, nausea and vomiting in the child are the main symptoms. Their intensity and nature determine the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Pathology develops as a result of the ingestion of spoiled products contaminated with bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, dysentery). Food poisoning is not always accompanied by an intestinal infection and differs from it in that the child does not have high temperature, excessive repeated vomiting or diarrhea, dehydration and severe intoxication of the body.

Other causes of nausea in a child:

  1. Nausea as a side effect when taking medications.
  2. Weak vestibular apparatus, which is normal for children. Nausea in children occurs when traveling by car or on public transport (motion sickness). It can also occur with a sudden change in body position if the child is weakened during a long illness.
  3. Long-term therapeutic diet.
  4. Brain injuries - bruise, concussion, compression.
  5. A common cause in children of preschool and primary school age is sunstroke or heatstroke.
  6. Internal diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia (obstruction) of the bile ducts, malignant tumors, ARVI.
  7. Entry of a foreign body into the stomach.

First aid for a child with symptoms of nausea

Diagnostics, First aid tactics and symptom management depend on the types of nausea, which are classified according to their origin:

  1. Reflex – after eating.
  2. Toxic – as a result of exposure to poisons, toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Vestibular – disruption of the vestibular apparatus (responsible for coordination of movements).
  4. Brain – for somatic and infectious diseases of the brain.
  5. Metabolic – metabolic disorder, vitamin deficiency.

General principles of first aid

If the child is over 2 years old and feels relatively normal, you can cope with nausea on your own. The baby needs to call a pediatrician at home for inspection and recommendations on further actions. If the child’s condition is serious, accompanied by additional symptoms (the child begins to vomit) and rapidly worsens, it is necessary to call an ambulance, regardless of the age of the victim.

Put the baby to bed and free him from tight clothes. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, chest, hands with a towel dipped in warm or cool water. If the child is worried about chills, cover him with a warm blanket or blanket. During nausea, there is no need to force the child to eat something. The products will irritate the mucous membranes and increase discomfort.

If nausea occurs after eating, you can try to induce artificial vomiting. This will significantly improve the child's condition. To do this, let the child drink 1-2 glasses of water for a short time, sit him on a chair, then press on the root of the tongue with two or one finger (depending on the child’s age) and provoke a gag reflex. This procedure should not be performed on infants, as there is a high risk of vomit entering the respiratory tract.

Parental tactics for dealing with certain types of nausea

Treatment directly depends on the cause of nausea. The first action is to eliminate the provoking factor.:

  • refusal to eat;
  • drug withdrawal;
  • removing warm clothes;
  • stopping exposure to the sun;
  • stopping and exiting the vehicle for fresh air.

Binge eating

Nausea occurs due to insufficient breakdown of food into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, the child needs to be given enzymes. These drugs are of natural origin, safe for the health of children, and do not have serious side effects. They improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The drugs are available in tablets and capsules. The tablets are coated with a special coating that does not dissolve in the stomach. This is necessary for the enzymes to enter the duodenum. Only in this case will they be effective. Therefore, you should not bite or crush the tablets.

Pancreatic preparations:

  • Pancreatin.
  • Mezim.
  • Festal.
  • Pancreol.
  • Enzistal.

Children who cannot swallow a pill on their own are given the drug Creon. It is available in capsules, the contents of which are small granules coated with a coating insoluble in gastric juice. The drug can be given with milk, formula and any other food.

You can give your child antacids for nausea without vomiting.. They gently envelop the walls of the stomach, relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, and reduce acidity. Antacids relieve symptoms such as heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and abdominal discomfort. Most drugs are available in the form of a suspension or powder for its preparation, less often in tablets.

List of drugs:

  • Almagel.
  • Phosphalugel.
  • Maalox.
  • Gaviscon.
  • Gastracid.
  • Rennie.

Folk remedies help to quickly cope with nausea. Babies in the first year of life are given dill water. You can prepare it yourself, but you must strictly adhere to the recipe. It is better to purchase ready-made granules in a bag at the pharmacy, dissolve them according to the instructions and give them to the child throughout the day. It relieves nausea, cramps, is a mild laxative and diuretic.


  • Plantex.
  • Dill water.
  • Dill.
  • Children's instant teas based on fennel - “Hipp”, “Baby”, “Bebivita”, “Humana”.

School-age children, if they feel nauseous, can be offered green tea with a slice of lemon. Decoctions of lemon balm or mint and tincture of orange peels will also relieve the unpleasant symptom.

Poisoning or acute intestinal infection

In this case, you can give the child some remedy for nausea, but it will be ineffective, since the infection is always accompanied by vomiting. Moreover, taking the drug can speed up its appearance.

Against the background of intoxication of the body, children rapidly develop dehydration. Loss of fluid is dangerous for a small organism. Therefore, at the stage first aid The key is to provide the baby with plenty of fluids. You need to drink warm liquid, often and in small sips, so that it has time to be absorbed in the stomach. You should not drink in one gulp or in large quantities, this will provoke additional vomiting and increase dehydration.

As a liquid, the child can be offered any water without gas.(refined, mineral), compote, juice or fruit drink diluted with water, non-hot tea. Abundant intake of moisture into the body will reduce intoxication and reduce symptoms of nausea and headaches.

Head injuries and brain diseases

In case of traumatic brain injury, it is contraindicated to give the child any traditional means from nausea
. The mechanism of development of this symptom is not related to the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore all drugs will be ineffective.

If serious brain damage has occurred, and nausea and vomiting are constantly present in the child, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Diazepam.
  • Domperidone.
  • Lorazepam
  • Aminazine.

The listed drugs are potent narcotic neuroleptics with many side effects. They are prescribed only by the attending physician. These drugs are not available for free sale in pharmacies. They are available by prescription only.

Assisting a child with motion sickness in transport

If a child gets sick in the car, you need to stop immediately, open the window; in the warm season it is better to go outside
. Unbutton outerwear, top buttons on a shirt or jacket, loosen the collar. Provide maximum access to fresh air.

Offer to drink water. If there is no obvious urge to vomit, you can give your child a lollipop for nausea. Wipe the skin of the face and neck with damp hypoallergenic (non-scented) wipes. The movement can be continued when the nausea subsides and the child’s well-being improves.

Gagging without vomiting in a child is a common phenomenon that parents encounter throughout the entire period of growth and maturation of children. To provide first aid, you need to analyze and correctly assess the baby’s condition.. If you suspect the seriousness of the problem, do not self-medicate, but consult a pediatrician or call an ambulance.

Reasons vomiting A child without fever may have many symptoms, ranging from overeating at night and excessive water consumption to the manifestation of diseases. Only a doctor can determine why the baby begins to feel sick and vomit. The body's defense mechanism helps cleanse itself of toxins, but if a child is vomiting frequently, this is an alarming symptom in which you should call an ambulance.

What is vomiting

Vomiting accompanied by nausea is a subcortical reflex. A one-time release of the contents of the stomach out through the oral cavity and esophagus is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful substances that are produced by its own organs and tissues, or received from the outside: chemical compounds, poisons, toxins. Before the baby vomits, he produces copious amounts of saliva (salivation) and begins to feel sick. This feeling can be described as “sucking in the pit of the stomach.” Vomiting in a child without fever is accompanied by:

  • cold sweat;
  • feeling of lightheadedness;
  • pale skin;
  • half-fainting state.

The child is vomiting without fever

An alarming symptom is vomiting in a child, which is not accompanied by fever and cough. To help your child, you need to find out the source pathological condition and eliminate it. In most cases, quickly determining the causes of vomiting in children without fever will help to analyze the actions preceding the illness: fast rides on the carousel, drinking carbonated drinks, eating unripe fruits, strong and pungent odors. Vomiting in a child without fever in combination with diarrhea, rash or weakness signals a serious malfunction in the child’s body.


Factors causing vomiting are divided into those requiring medical or surgical treatment and those that can go away on their own. These include a functional reaction to a product, climate change, excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods, teething, rejection of complementary foods in early age, psychogenic causes. In infants, regurgitation is observed, in which spasm of the muscular wall of the stomach does not occur, so it does not require treatment and is considered normal. Among the diseases and conditions that cause nausea and vomiting are:

  • traumatic brain injury, concussion;
  • taking medications;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • pylorospasm (congenital pathology) or gastroesophageal reflux;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • diverticulosis;
  • entry of a foreign body into the esophagus;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acetonemic syndrome;
  • acute gastritis (the child has a stomach ache);
  • surgical pathologies;
  • inflammatory process in digestion;
  • acute appendicitis.

No fever or diarrhea

There are 3 categories of causes of vomiting when the temperature does not rise: psychogenic factors, functional (caused by physiology) and disease-related. A psychogenic gag reflex often occurs in children over 6 years of age. The release of food occurs due to nervousness in adolescents, often as they grow older. Vomiting in children without fever and diarrhea can occur for the following reasons:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • pyloric spasm;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • intussusception;
  • acute gastroduodenitis;
  • nutritional gastritis;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • damage to the central nervous system.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever

Loose stools and vomiting without hyperthermia indicate the body's attempts to remove toxins. This condition develops with an intestinal infection, food poisoning, allergic reactions to food (new complementary foods) or a drug. Intestinal dysbiosis - the lack of bacteria necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines, can also cause indigestion. Vomiting and diarrhea in babies under one year old can be signs of appendicitis.

Vomiting in an infant without fever

In infancy, the release of food is typical for children in the first month of life and disappears after six months. In premature babies, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract may not be fully formed, which is also a reason, but in healthy and developed children, regurgitation is observed several times a day. Parents should be alert to the situation if profuse regurgitation occurs at each feeding and masses of green or yellow color. Other causes of regurgitation in children include:

  • taking liquid food;
  • short esophagus;
  • sensitivity of gag reflex receptors in the stomach, esophagus and throat;
  • poor development of the circular muscles.

Child vomits water

After the child vomits, it is necessary to give him something to drink in small portions, since a large amount of liquid provokes the release of water from the stomach contents. In this case, vomiting attacks are repeated. If the baby vomits with particles of eaten or undigested food, and the vomit is watery, then this is a consequence of taking medications that are not suitable for the child’s body. The components of medications negatively affect the gastric mucosa, irritating it. Rotavirus infection provokes vomiting with a fountain of water and diarrhea.

Vomits mucus

The presence of mucus in the vomit indicates an intestinal infection, diseases of the nervous system, or may appear after various surgical interventions. In case of repeated ejection of stomach contents with the presence of mucus in the masses and the absence of other symptoms of intoxication, you should consult a doctor and get tested. In infants similar condition caused by overeating. Mucus comes from the nasopharynx and bronchi, breathing is disrupted, and the baby is restless.

Vomiting in my sleep

When the release of stomach contents occurs once at night, the culprit may be a poor microclimate, a large amount of food eaten, fear, air in the stomach, or an uncomfortable position of the baby during sleep. Such conditions do not require treatment. The situation is different if vomiting at night is accompanied by suffocation. To avoid dangerous pathologies, it is necessary to observe basic rules hygiene, feeding, everyday life.


If your child feels sick without fever, you should consult a doctor. At the next attack of vomiting, conduct a visual inspection of the contents of the ejected masses: quantity, color, smell, presence of impurities of bile, pus, mucus and blood. Help determine the cause of vomiting laboratory test and instrumental examination of the digestive tract (X-ray, ultrasound, examination using a probe - gastrofibroscopy). The cause of a dangerous symptom can be determined using medical measures:

  • expanded biochemical analysis blood;
  • immunological research;
  • general clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  • allergen test;
  • bacteriological analysis of feces and vomit.

What to do

Dr. Komarovsky claims that there is nothing wrong with vomiting once. If your child continues to vomit or has a stomach ache, you should immediately call a pediatrician, because this may be a sign of illness. Before his arrival, make sure that the baby does not choke on the masses - turn his head to the side, lifting it 30 degrees. After the baby vomits, you should rinse your mouth with warm water, wipe your lips, corners of your mouth, and oral cavity with a cotton swab, after moistening it with water, a solution of boric acid, potassium permanganate or other disinfectant.


To prevent dehydration, give your child glucose-saline solutions (for example, Regidron), which can be given from a syringe in small portions or a teaspoon. Names of other rehydration solutions: Oralit, Trihydron and Hydrovit. The drugs are available without a prescription in Russian pharmacies. The release form is a powder that should be diluted in boiled water, after having cooled it. In absence special drugs, give your baby plenty of fluids.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

For bowel movements caused by pyloric spasm and gallbladder diseases, physiotherapeutic treatment prescribed by a doctor is indicated. This method includes applications of paraffin and ozokerite, electrophoresis with novocaine on the epigastric region (administration of medicinal components using electric current), galvanization, Bernard currents.

What to give your child

If the cause of vomiting lies in allergens and toxic components in the body, or there are symptoms of intoxication of the body, then the child is given sorbents of natural origin, groups of carbon products or containing silicon, preparations with lumogel, made from aluminosilicate (Smecta). Children should not take medicinal drugs, intended for adults. The drugs are prescribed according to the age of the child and the presence of the disease. The baby will accept children's medications, suspensions and sweet syrups with joy - they are very tasty.

You can give children antiemetics (Motilak, Cerucal), medications with vitamins, except calciferol. Excessive intake of vitamin D causes vomiting. Homeopathy helps not only to stop vomiting, but also to eliminate the problem that caused it. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects and contain only natural ingredients. The following anti-vomiting agents are available:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Common Kokorysh;
  • Arsenicum album;
  • Ipecacuanha;
  • Nux vomica;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Tabakum;
  • Veratrum album.

Folk remedies

For treatment with folk remedies, choose only remedies that will not harm the newborn: raisin or rice decoction, chamomile, mint or dill tea. One-year-old children can benefit from pear decoction, soaked rye crackers, and barley flour. To stop vomiting in a child over 3 years of age, in addition to the above, other folk remedies prepared from oak bark and gooseberries are suitable. An old remedy for vomiting is a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Improve your baby’s well-being and health after painful condition will help drinking plenty of fluids, proper nutrition, a gentle diet, excluding foods that are difficult to digest. The weakened digestive tract will not be able to cope with it, and the condition will worsen. The child should avoid eating the following foods: raw vegetables, grapes, fish, meat dishes, sweets, fats, sausages, carbonated drinks. You can improve stomach function by adding the following foods to your baby’s daily diet:

  • plain yoghurts;
  • bananas;
  • boiled carrots, broccoli;
  • baked apples;
  • kefir;
  • a decoction made from dried fruits.

Possible complications

In addition to general stress for the body, there are 3 main complications: dehydration, weight loss, and airway obstruction. With diarrhea and profuse vomiting, rapid loss of body weight occurs due to lack of appetite, which is dangerous for low-birth-weight, premature babies. Obstruction of the respiratory tract occurs due to the entry of vomit into it. To avoid this, you need to keep the baby's head upright. Against the background of a violation of the water-salt balance, loss of mineral salts and fluids, dehydration occurs, the symptoms of which are:

  • lethargy;
  • dry diaper within 4 hours;
  • tight, dry skin;
  • there are no tears when crying;
  • fast weight loss.


When a child vomits, every parent panics. Unlike other symptoms, vomiting always indicates a serious pathology. Every young mother needs to know why this condition occurs in her baby, and also understand that it can be associated not only with banal food poisoning.

In some cases, vomiting requires not only first aid, but also consultation with a pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, or pediatric surgeon. Precisely competent and timely diagnosis will allow you to quickly eliminate the cause of this unpleasant condition. You can learn what to do if a child is vomiting from this article, as well as from your pediatrician who treats and monitors the little patient.

The reasons why a child vomits (with or without bile), depending on age, are usually:

  1. Congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and functional disorders of peristalsis (pyloric stenosis, pyloric spasm, etc.).
  2. Violation of the infant feeding regime.
  3. Excessive food consumption by the child (sweets, fried, fatty, etc.).
  4. Foodborne toxic infections, i.e. poisoning of the child’s body with toxins of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa.
  5. Intoxication in various infectious diseases. In some of them, vomiting is an important symptom of the disease.
  6. Damage to the central nervous system due to injury, infection, as well as increased intracranial pressure, including due to congenital developmental anomalies (hydrocephalus, etc.).
  7. Disruption of normal peristalsis due to inflammatory diseases internal organs of the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis).
  8. Intussusception (volvulus) of the intestine and intestinal obstruction.
  9. In adolescents, use of alcohol or drugs.

A doctor will always help to determine the reason why a child vomits (after eating or regardless of eating). Sometimes even literate medical specialist In order to give an accurate answer to the question of what disease or pathological condition caused vomiting in a small patient, data from a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are needed.

It is important in this case to study the symptoms accompanying vomiting, as well as to accurately determine the time and circumstances of their development. Finding out the full history of the disease and life also helps the doctor quickly find the true cause of the little patient’s poor health.

Types of vomiting and mechanisms of its development

The child vomits due to irritation of special receptors in the gastric mucosa (peripheral vomiting) or due to a direct effect on the vomiting center in the brain (central vomiting). This condition is caused by the above specific pathological causes.

When there is no temperature, but vomiting is observed in young children, especially after feeding, we are most likely talking about pyloric stenosis or pylorospasm. If a one-year-old child vomits at night, most often the reason is the same.

When a child constantly vomits in the morning without fever, the mechanism for the development of such vomiting is often associated with pathology of the internal organs. In newborns, on the contrary, such phenomena indicate brain pathology, as a result of intrauterine infections, and due to hydrocephalus, tumors, etc.

Vomiting, which is accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, requires special attention and decisive action from adults. The doctor will be able to answer the parents’ question why little patients feel sick and vomit in this case after an examination and appropriate tests, because it is not at all necessary that the little patient has been poisoned; there may be other reasons.

When a child coughs and vomits, seek immediate medical attention, as vomiting may be a sign of a severe lung or central nervous system infection.

Quite often, pediatricians are asked the question of whether a child can vomit when teething. There is no clear answer to this question, because intoxication and inflammation during this process can lead to fever and vomiting. But the appearance of vomiting in a small patient should not be attributed to this circumstance. This can only lead to worsening of the condition and the development of complications due to untimely medical care.

Diagnosis of vomiting in a child

Diagnosis of a disease or pathological condition that causes vomiting in a child is carried out based on complaints and data on the development of such symptoms. For example, if a 1-year-old child vomits when you force him to eat, such phenomena clearly indicate a pathology in the passage of food in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it possible to suspect pyloric stenosis (pylorospasm).

The child has older than age 2 years and 3 years, the doctor and parents after an attack of vomiting can find out additional complaints, as well as establish what the patient ate and drank. When the stomach hurts, there are complaints of nausea, as well as digestive disorders, the child’s condition worsens, an examination by a pediatric surgeon is required.

Also, consultation with such a specialist is necessary when the child vomits water or mucus, and the stool is disturbed, pain and bloating are noted. In this case, it is necessary to exclude intussusception and its consequence – intestinal obstruction.

Often, when suddenly vomiting occurs during coughing, an infectious disease specialist and pediatrician need to rule out an infectious disease such as whooping cough or bacterial pneumonia.

Thus, diagnosing a child with vomiting and accompanying symptoms is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The abdomen is palpated to determine the nature of stool and urination.
  • The skin, oral cavity and pharynx are carefully examined.
  • Meningeal symptoms are checked - clinical signs that appear when the meninges are irritated.
  • Body temperature is measured.
  • A general analysis of blood and urine is studied.
  • A consultation is held with a pediatric surgeon, neurologist, and infectious disease specialist.
  • Laboratory and bacteriological examination of vomit, feces, urine and blood in cases of suspected infection or poisoning.

Establishing a correct diagnosis and timely seeking medical help is important, especially when a young patient’s vomiting is repeated, other complaints and symptoms arise, and the general condition sharply worsens.

Treatment and assistance for vomiting

Knowing what to do when a child is poisoned and has vomiting and diarrhea means providing timely assistance. But it is important to understand and distinguish when children feel bad from food poisoning, and when such a symptom is a sign serious illness. After all, different first aid tactics depend on this:

If there is relative certainty that a small patient has been poisoned by food or drinks, it is necessary:

  • Calm the child and provide him with comfortable conditions.
  • Give plenty of water. In order to rinse the stomach, the volume of water must be sufficient (at least 500 ml), the temperature of the liquid must be room temperature. Induce a gag reflex. Continue rinsing until the rinsing water is clear.
  • After gastric lavage, give specially dissolved powders for rehydration (Rehydron, etc.), as well as sorbents (activated carbon, atoxyl, etc.) to drink.
  • If diarrhea develops, give medications that stop frequent bowel movements. Continue to “unsweat” the child to prevent dehydration of his body, which develops very quickly. This is the danger of vomiting in childhood.

What to do if a child feels sick and vomits, but there are no objective signs of poisoning:

  • Create a comfortable environment for the child and try to calm him down.
  • Measure body temperature. If the child is older than 2 years, find out what else is bothering him (headache, discomfort in the throat, stomach pain, etc.).
  • Depending on the general condition of the child, decide whether to call an ambulance or contact your own pediatrician urgently.
  • It is not recommended to give any painkillers, antiemetics or antibiotics. The point is that they can smear clinical picture a number of diseases. And this will delay the correct diagnosis, especially with surgical pathology.

After first aid for children, be sure to consult a doctor, even if the general condition of the little patient improves significantly.