Premature ejaculation. Sensitive glans penis: effective treatment methods

After all, everyone strives to provide maximum pleasure to their partner, since this has always been considered the main sign of male strength.

One of the most common causes of too rapid ejaculation is the strong tactile sensitivity of the nerve endings located in the delicate skin of the penis.

How to reduce head sensitivity? To what extent can this be done using simple and safe methods?

The boundary between physiological and too high nerve conduction is very arbitrary. It may vary depending on age, the strength of sexual arousal, and the time of previous intercourse. According to doctors, in adolescents the sensitivity of the head of the penis is very high, which is due to sharp fluctuations hormonal levels and others physiological changes, accompanying puberty puberty.

As you get older, sensitivity becomes somewhat dull. In response to touching the penis, sexual arousal and erection occur, and it must persist for a sufficient time for full sexual intercourse. However, in some cases, ejaculation occurs too quickly, giving the man, as well as the woman, virtually no pleasure.

The reason for this phenomenon is the hypersensitivity of the skin under the foreskin of the penis. With this disorder, ejaculation can occur immediately or a few minutes after the start of intercourse; in severe cases, premature ejaculation occurs already during foreplay or putting on a condom.

The most common reasons increased sensitivity of the skin of the glans penis are:

  • congenital features of the structure of nerve fibers;
  • pathological narrowing of the external opening foreskin(the disease is called phimosis), as a result of which the head is constantly covered by the skin, which increases its sensitivity;
  • inflammation and benign prostatic hyperplasia, with this pathology early ejaculation is caused not so much by increased sensitivity as by discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory damage to the epidermal covering of the head of the penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis), usually this pathology is of a bacterial nature and is provoked by streptococcus or staphylococcus;
  • excessive concentration of androgens.

Basic physiological reason When a problem arises, how to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, sexual abstinence for too long or excessive sexual arousal. In this condition, even a simple touch of the erogenous zones on the genitals can cause ejaculation.

However, this is temporary. As a rule, after ejaculating too quickly, the ability for prolonged sexual intercourse is restored.

Solving the problem of how to reduce the sensitivity of the head is necessary to restore a man’s self-confidence. Sexual intercourse that is too short is not capable of delivering virtually any pleasure to the partner, especially since with such a violation, long “foreplay” is also impossible. Such failure of a man becomes the cause of a lot of complexes, which can ultimately result in psychological erectile dysfunction.

The question of how to reduce the sensitivity of the head can be solved with the help of certain medications and folk remedies that are easy to prepare at home; fortunately, there are plenty of recipes in the vastness of various forums (ranging from completely harmless herbal decoctions to very unpleasant external rubs with iodine). You can quickly and effectively reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis using surgery to circumcise the foreskin.

Despite the unpleasant rehabilitation period, similar surgical intervention will help prolong sexual intercourse. The aesthetic side of the issue also plays an important role. According to anonymous surveys, many women prefer sexual intimacy with a man with a “circumcised” penis.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the head: medicinal methods, Chinese techniques for developing self-control

Almost the only officially registered drug intended to prolong sexual intercourse and prevent early ejaculation is Dapoxetine (Priligy, Primaxetine). The mechanism of its action is quite complex; it is based on inhibition of the transmission of nerve impulses and inhibition of ejaculation processes. To reduce the sensitivity of the head, take this remedy, 1 tablet an hour before sexual contact.

The drug is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, after taking the medicine six times, the doctor evaluates the patient’s condition to determine the further advisability of therapy.

Some doctors recommend how to reduce the sensitivity of the head, other medications with a stronger effect, for example, Levitra, Maxigra and similar drugs. However, such medications are intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, so taking them with increased tactile sensitivity of the skin of the penis is not advisable.

There are safer ways to reduce the sensitivity of the head. The simplest is the use of lubricants and condoms with the addition of novocaine, lidocaine and other local anesthetics. You can also purchase special penis rings in the sex shop, which will make the sensations during sex more vivid and prolong sexual intercourse.

Sedatives medications and tranquilizers inhibit the degree of conduction of nerve fibers, but at the same time they can negatively affect the strength of an erection.

You can get rid of the problem of early ejaculation forever with the help of special exercises aimed at improving self-control and controlling ejaculation. This will take several weeks and a little patience not only on the part of the man, but also his partner.

One of the exercises to prolong sexual intercourse is to retain urine during urination. However, methods aimed at controlling one’s own sensations during intercourse are considered more effective. In a nutshell, a man needs to learn to “catch” the moment when ejaculation is about to occur.

At this time, you need to pause your movements for a few minutes and try to distract yourself by, for example, moving on to other caresses.

The Chinese teaching, the founder of which is Wu Son, is based on the same technique. His treatise is replete with quite complex and unusual phrases for our ears. But the essence of his teaching boils down to the following. First of all, you need to learn to control the rhythm of movements. They start with a tempo of three short and one deep, then move on to five and nine gentle pushes per one intense movement.

When a man feels close to ejaculation, he needs to pull out the penis (or, as Wu Seung calls it, the jade peak) from the vagina and freeze in this position for several seconds. In this case, you should control your breathing (it should be smooth, with the participation of the diaphragm) and be distracted as much as possible.

Wu Son's teachings pursue not only the goal of prolonging sexual intercourse. According to the words of this sage, semen serves as a source of energy for a man, so it must be “consumed” carefully, since with it the necessary strength is lost. According to followers of such traditions, the technique described by Wu Seung allows one to separate the emotional orgasm from the physiological one. In other words, a man gains the ability to reach the peak of pleasure without ejaculation.

According to doctors, excessive reliance on methods of artificially prolonging intercourse has a negative impact on the functioning of the prostate gland.

Besides circumcision, there is another surgical method, how to reduce the sensitivity of the head. To do this, the doctor excises the nerve endings, as a result of which the speed of transmission of exciting impulses to the brain is inhibited. But men rarely resort to such intervention, preferring folk remedies, for example, lotions with a decoction of oak bark, which is associated with the risk of complications and a long painful period of postoperative recovery.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the penis: folk remedies and other ways to prolong sexual intercourse

From traditional methods to prolong intercourse, regular local decoction baths can be recommended oak bark. It contains in large quantities tannins, which reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings on the skin of the glans penis.

Has a similar effect water infusion cornflower blue. Some healers recommend rubbing the penis with freshly picked mint leaves shortly before sexual intercourse.

You can take weak herbal sedative decoctions internally (for example, from a mixture of hops and motherwort in a ratio of 1:3, pour a tablespoon of plants with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight and drink throughout next day). Tea with periwinkle will help increase sexual activity (2 tbsp per 200 ml hot water, add to regular tea or mix with water).

Other ways to reduce penis sensitivity include:

  • mandatory use of a condom made of thick rubber or with an anesthetic applied (usually the Long Love mark is on the package of contraceptives);
  • prefer certain positions when having sex, for example, according to many men, sexual intercourse lasts longer in a standing position;
  • control the speed of friction during sexual intercourse, slow movements delay the onset of ejaculation;
  • regular sex life;
  • avoid long foreplay, of course, you shouldn’t attack your partner right away, but you need to give up preliminary oral sex, touching the penis and similar games.

Experts emphasize that you should not focus too much on the problem of early ejaculation. Currently, everyone can choose a method to reduce the sensitivity of the penis using sex toys, contraception, and medications. However, focusing too much on this problem can lead to potency disorders, which are much more difficult to correct.

Increased sensitivity the glans penis becomes a real problem for some men. This feature does not allow you to control the moment of ejaculation. For people with this problem, the relevant question is how to reduce the sensitivity of the head with simple home remedies.

With increased sensitivity of the head, talk about normal duration there is no act

High sensitivity of the head can create certain problems during sex. Due to the fact that a man feels the irritation of the head of the penis more clearly, he cannot control the onset of ejaculation, therefore the first sign of high sensitivity of the penis is premature ejaculation. If at pathological disorder ejaculation, ejaculation occurs quickly and does not bring the expected sensations; with high sensitivity, a vivid and even painful orgasm is noted.

Other signs of hypersensitivity:

  • short sexual intercourse;
  • rapid ejaculation during masturbation;
  • increasing the duration of sexual intercourse when drinking alcohol.

An important feature of this problem is that with each subsequent sexual intercourse its duration does not increase. If a man with normal sensitivity of the head will have each subsequent sexual intercourse a little longer, with increased sensitivity, ejaculation always occurs very quickly.

Conducting a test for sensitivity of the glans penis (PG) is very simple. To do this, you need to have sex under normal conditions, then repeat sexual intercourse with a condom, in lung condition intoxication and immediately after taking sedatives. The problem itself is related to high sensitivity nerve endings of the penis. When taking drugs that inhibit performance nervous system, including alcohol, the speed of impulses passing through nerve fibers slows down, which means sensitivity worsens. This cannot be practiced constantly, since a decrease in the reaction rate of the nervous system leads to a deterioration in potency. If you are able to have sex constantly alcohol intoxication, over time this will lead to the development of erectile dysfunction.

Increased sensitivity of the glans penis can be like: congenital feature, and an acquired disorder. If we are talking about the particular location of nerve endings in the penis, rapid ejaculation in a man will be observed both in adolescence and in adulthood.

Causes of high sensitivity

High sensitivity of the head may be a congenital feature or a consequence of pathologies

The congenital high sensitivity of the head is due to the peculiarity of the functioning of the nervous system. These men have a larger number of nerve endings on the penis. Any stimulation is felt stronger, which causes rapid ejaculation.

High sensitivity or excessive sensitivity of the head can be caused by various diseases. It is quite simple to identify this form of disorder - it appears suddenly, after an illness, most often in adulthood, but adolescents can also encounter some pathologies.

Reasons for violation:

  • phimosis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • severe stress, neurosis;
  • hormone imbalance.

Phimosis is a pathological narrowing of the foreskin. As a result of this pathology, the head of the penis cannot be completely exposed. This disease is most often encountered by boys over the age of 5 years, but there are also cases of congenital narrowing of the foreskin. Phimosis is treated surgically by making small incisions on the foreskin. This allows you to completely expose the head, but leads to increased sensitivity of the nerve endings that are located on it.

Balanoposthitis is inflammatory process, which involves the head and foreskin. The disease carries infectious nature. In the acute phase it is accompanied by pain and severe discomfort. External antibacterial agents are used for treatment.

Another common disease that can lead to the development of the problem is prostatitis. In this case, the sensitivity of the penis increases selectively and appears only during ejaculation and urination. This is accompanied by pain and pain in the urethra, irritation and redness of the head, and negates the possibility of sexual intercourse.

Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system entail an increase or decrease in the sensitivity of receptors located in various organs. Impaired sensitivity of the penis in the direction of increased sensations can be observed under stress. Increased sensitivity of the head also becomes a symptom of neurosis, affective disorder, anxiety states. As a rule, the problem is solved after normalization of the nervous system by taking medications.

Hormone imbalance is a problem during adolescence. Young men aged 13-17 years often experience increased sensitivity of the head due to hormonal changes. This is accompanied by rapid ejaculation and may cause painful sensations when stimulating the head of the penis. Usually the problem passes quickly and sensitivity returns to normal after hormonal levels normalize. In adult men, such a disorder requires careful examination. Hormonal imbalance may be a consequence of disorders in endocrine system, testicular diseases, progression of hormone-dependent tumors, for example, adenoma and prostate cancer. This problem cannot be left to chance, it must be overcome comprehensive examination to exclude dangerous pathologies.

How to reduce sensitivity?

IN adolescence high sensitivity of the head is rather normal

How you can reduce the sensitivity of the head depends on the causes of the disorder. With phimosis, it takes time for sensitivity to decrease on its own, without treatment. This usually takes from several months to two years.

Impaired sensitivity of the head with balanoposthitis requires medical care. It is necessary to undergo examination by a urologist and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Timely detected and treated balanoposthitis goes away without negative consequences. Increased sensitivity of the penis with prostatitis is a temporary phenomenon. At timely treatment it goes away without a trace, but in the absence of adequate therapy it threatens a man with complete impotence.

Psychological problems, diseases of the central nervous system, stress and neuroses are treated with medications. Taking sedatives, antidepressants and tranquilizers reduces the activity of the nervous system, thereby reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings and the speed of reaction. After the course drug therapy side effects disappear, but the activity of penile receptors may remain reduced.

At hormonal imbalance Treatment depends on the cause of its development. If we are talking about adolescence, specific therapy is not required. Older men may be prescribed replacement hormone therapy, after a course of which the sensitivity of the penis is normalized.

If we are talking about congenital increased sensitivity due to a large number of nerve endings, there are many home ways to reduce the sensitivity of the head.


After circumcision, sensitivity gradually decreases

The most effective way to quickly reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis and prolong sexual intercourse is circumcision. However, circumcision of the foreskin is also not a panacea and is not always effective. This surgical procedure is recommended for phimosis.

The operation is quick, does not cause complications, and rehabilitation is very short. However, at first the sensitivity of the head will, on the contrary, increase. There will be discomfort due to friction of the penis against the underwear. Over time, due to constant irritation of the head, the body will get used to such stimulation and sensitivity will begin to decrease.

In cases where the problem is caused by an increased number of nerve endings, circumcision may not reduce sensitivity, but increase it. In this case, any stimulation will be accompanied by discomfort due to constant irritation of the nerve fibers.


How to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis - it depends on the cause of the problem. If circumcision is contraindicated for some reason, but it is necessary to prolong sexual intercourse and reduce sensitivity, you can use some medications. These include:

  • local anesthetics;
  • sedatives;
  • antispasmodics;
  • tranquilizers.

Local anesthetics, such as lidocaine ointments and sprays, reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. They can be applied in two ways - either daily for several months, or immediately before sexual intercourse. To those who are looking for enough safe way How to reduce or reduce the sensitivity of the head at home, you can advise using special lubricants for men with an anesthetic. The method is quite safe, but if you abuse the product you can get reverse effect– complete insensitivity of the penis to stimulation.

You can use local anesthetics, the main thing is to know when to stop

Exist different ways reduce the sensitivity of the head, but men are advised to make every effort to search optimal method. Those who are often nervous and prone to stress can get help sedatives. At home you can use herbal medicines– peony tincture, Sedistress tablets, Persen Forte, motherwort tincture. It is recommended to take such drugs an hour before sexual intercourse.

Antispasmodics reduce muscle tone and reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. These include No-Shpa, Spasmalgon, Combispasm and other means. Some sedative tinctures, for example, valerian or motherwort, also have an antispasmodic effect. Such drugs should not be abused, as they reduce arterial pressure and can cause a deterioration in overall health.

Tranquilizers are recommended for men with increased nervous excitability. These drugs are used for anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Only a doctor should prescribe them, since they are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription.

Folk remedies

Toothpaste or iodine to reduce sensitivity - extreme methods with high risks

Traditional medicine knows how to reduce sensitive heads using simple means, for example, iodine.

It is easy to reduce the sensitivity of the head with iodine, but it is associated with certain risks. IN pure form Iodine cannot be applied to the head, as this will lead to the development of a burn. It is used only diluted with water. To do this, you need to mix 1 part iodine with 10 parts water and apply the solution to the head of the penis using a cotton pad. This procedure must be repeated every other day for 10 days. Urologists do not recommend using such a remedy, since its effectiveness remains in question, but there is a high risk of accidentally harming yourself.

Enough safe remedy- this is a reduction in the sensitivity of the head with toothpaste, which can be used both to prolong sexual intercourse and to reduce the overall sensitivity of the penis. Toothpaste contains menthol, which irritates nerve endings. It is better to apply it in small quantities, mixed with warm water. In this case, you will feel tingling and coldness, general irritation, and in some cases even pain syndrome. The paste can be applied daily for 10 days, or from time to time, immediately before sexual intercourse.

Another method to reduce susceptibility to stimulation and reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis is the regular use of mint decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour two large spoons of dried mint into two glasses of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool and take 30 ml three times a day. Reducing hypersensitivity with mint really helps to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, but has the side effect of deteriorating potency.

Condoms with anesthetic

One of the safest methods of reducing hypersensitivity is the use of thickened condoms with an anesthetic. They prolong sexual intercourse as they reduce the sensitivity of the penis. Additionally, you can use special lubricants with an anesthetic.

Sex shops offer special penis enlargers. They are made of dense silicone, which reduces sensitivity when stimulating the head. Such tools can also be used to solve the problem.

Knowing how to reduce the sensitivity of the inverter head, it is important to coordinate the use of these remedies with your doctor. In some cases, it is impossible to get rid of the problem without surgery.

Increased sensitivity of the head causes inconvenience to many men. First of all, sexually. Hypersensitivity leads to too rapid ejaculation, which can cause psychological trauma to a man and leave his partner unsatisfied. In most cases, hypersensitivity of the head is present from birth. Sensitivity of this body is laid down at the genetic level, but under the influence of many different factors it can decrease or increase. If excessive sensitivity of the glans penis is present in a man from birth, it will be quite difficult to correct this, but there is still a possibility. If the increase in sensitivity occurred under the influence of any factors during life, it is necessary, first of all, to neutralize them.

Hypersensitivity and overstimulation: is there a difference?

It is very important to be able to distinguish between increased sensitivity of the glans penis and too much stimulation. These are two completely different concepts, between which there are a number of simple but clear differences. As noted, increased sensitivity of the head can lead to various diseases, including balanoposthitis and phimosis. However, these fairly common diseases are characterized not only by increased sensitivity of the head, but also by many other unpleasant symptoms.

Much more often, such a disorder is associated with excessive sensitivity of the nerve endings of the head of the penis. You can recognize that a man is really dealing with increased sensitivity of the head of the penis, and not with overexcitation, by a number of specific features. The head of the penis with increased sensitivity has the following characteristic properties:

  1. Sensitivity does not come and go away spontaneously; the duration of sexual intercourse is always approximately the same.
  2. When having sex with a condom, the head becomes less sensitive, and sexual intercourse lasts noticeably longer than without a condom. Similar changes are observed during sex with artificial lubricant: the more of it, the less sensitive the head becomes and the longer the act lasts.
  3. Ejaculation does not occur until direct sexual intercourse, except in cases where ejaculation occurs while putting on a condom or due to friction of the head of the penis on underwear.
  4. The duration of sexual intercourse increases after drinking alcohol.
  5. Sexual contact becomes longer if special lubricants or condoms with an anesthetic are used.

If the methods discussed above help prolong sexual intercourse for some time, the man is dealing with increased sensitivity of the penis, and not with overstimulation. If desired, you can undergo treatment aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the penis. Treatment is recommended only if a man experiences discomfort from similar features his penis and/or his partner expresses dissatisfaction with their sex life.

Treatment Options for Penile Hypersensitivity

The easiest option for reducing the sensitivity of the penis, which does not require any treatment, is to have sex using a special spermicidal lubricant or condoms with similar properties. If a man is satisfied with this option of reducing the sensitivity of the penis, as a rule, there is no need to treat anything.

Increased sensitivity in the penis can be caused by various psychological factors. In such situations, treatment begins with communication with a sexologist and psychotherapist. Qualified doctors have a variety of techniques that can cope with increased sensitivity of the penis. Can be assigned special drugs, such as:

  • Prozac;
  • Paxil;
  • Anafranil;
  • Zoloft;
  • Celex.

Under no circumstances should you start treatment with these medications without a doctor’s prescription. Self-medication can lead to even greater sensitivity of the penis and many other side effects, hazardous to health. Recommendations for admission will be given by your attending physician.

Previously, some specialists practiced treatment using intracavernous injections. However, at present this is almost never practiced, because Such injections, firstly, are practically ineffective, and secondly, they harm the man’s body.

To reduce the sensitivity of the penis, various sprays and ointments are often used. Before using any product, consult your doctor. He will be able to tell you the most effective remedy and will give recommendations for use. The principle of operation of such products is extremely simple - they are applied to the parts of the penis listed in the instructions some time before sexual intercourse. The products are relatively inexpensive and have virtually no side effects. The only inconvenience is that you will have to figure out what to do with the girl while the product takes effect.

Most effective method To reduce the sensitivity of the penis is circumcision. The foreskin is cut off, which allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse up to 2-3 times. This is ensured, first of all, by the fact that the head of the penis is constantly in contact with underwear, gradually gets used to it and becomes less sensitive. However, not all men agree to such an operation, so the most common means of reducing sensitivity are special condoms, ointments and sprays. Additionally, you can use traditional medicine.

Traditional recipes for reducing penis sensitivity

There are many folk recipes which allow you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Before using any recipe, be sure to consult your doctor to exclude the possibility of hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the recipes.

Eating currant and raspberry leaves will help reduce sensitivity. Mint juice can help - they need to lubricate the penis. You can prolong sexual intercourse with the help of alcohol, but you should not get too carried away with such a drug.

A decoction of oak bark has a good effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. Shortly before sex, you can drink an infusion of cornflower flowers - this will also prolong the pleasure.

A mixture of 15 g of motherwort, 5 g of hops and 800 ml of boiling water has proven itself well. The mixture must be infused for 6-7 hours. The infusion is filtered and taken three times a day, approximately 100 ml. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

Periwinkle has good properties. You need to take 20 g of periwinkle and pour it into a glass clean water. Place the mixture in a steam bath and boil for about 10 minutes. Take 10 drops morning and evening. The course lasts 5 days. A break is taken for 3 days and the course is repeated.

You can get rid of too rapid ejaculation using a mixture of viburnum, rose hips, rowan and nettle. The ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. A tablespoon of this mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered and taken twice a day, 1 glass before meals.

The following herbs can be used to reduce sensitivity:

  • yellow egg capsule;
  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian;
  • hop;
  • white water lily;
  • oregano, etc.

Remember, the main thing is not to focus on increased sensitivity of the penis and rapid ejaculation. If you and your partner are happy with everything, you can ignore this. Otherwise, you can consult a doctor and undergo the recommended treatment. Be healthy!

Men often face a variety of ailments of the reproductive system. These could be infections, diseases, skin rashes, etc. At the same time, all men take such problems very seriously and are always very worried about the quality of sex and its duration. It is vital for any representative of the stronger half to feel like a real man, capable of satisfying and surprising a woman in bed. However, sometimes this is prevented by completely objective reasons, for example, a sensitive glans penis.

This pathology in itself does not cause any discomfort to a man. However, excessive sensitivity of the head affects the duration of sexual intercourse. As a result, the man finishes the process after only one and a half to two minutes, which is not enough time to satisfy a woman. Similar situation can even provoke psychological discomfort in a man, so the problem must be solved.

Why is the head of the penis too sensitive?

The reasons why the head of the genital organ is very sensitive can be congenital or acquired during life. In the first case, the man initially has a large number of nerve endings on the head of the genital organ, as a result of which it becomes too sensitive.

In the second option, the head becomes excessively sensitive over time. This may occur due to the presence short bridle. Due to this pathology, the head of the penis is constantly in a closed or semi-closed state, since the short frenulum does not allow it to completely free itself from the foreskin. Thus, the skin on the head of the genital organ becomes very sensitive and susceptible to any influence.

Diseases can also affect increased sensitivity. For example, with balanoposthitis, pimples and red spots appear on the skin of the penis. Even after treatment of balanoposthitis, the head reproductive organ still remains too sensitive.

Symptoms of increased sensitivity of the head

If a man experiences premature ejaculation, there is no need to immediately sound the alarm and run to a urologist. The mere fact of rapid ejaculation does not mean that the representative of the stronger half has an overly sensitive head of the penis, and urgently needs to resort to some means. In most cases, the problem arises due to a long absence of sexual relations.

Congenital sensitivity of the glans penis can be determined by the following signs:

  • A short sexual intercourse accompanies a man throughout his entire sexual life.
  • The duration of sexual contact is always the same. Moreover, the second sexual intercourse does not take longer.
  • The duration of sex increases if the stronger sex uses a means of protection, that is, a condom, as well as lubricant. In this case, ejaculation occurs only if the penis is in the woman’s genital organ.
  • The time of sexual intercourse increases if a man drinks alcohol before sex.
  • Sex time increases when using prolongators.
  • The duration of sexual intercourse increases when a special spray with lidocaine is applied to the head of the penis to prolong sex.

If the head of the penis has become sensitive due to some disease, then the man experiences slightly different symptoms:

  • Not all male sexual intercourse ends in premature ejaculation; normal sexual relations are also sometimes present.
  • Before the illness, the man did not experience premature ejaculation and did not experience problems in bed.
  • The release of semen occurs even before the start of sexual intercourse, and there was no additional stimulation, sexual caresses, etc.
  • The second sexual intercourse is much longer than the first.
  • Alcohol does not affect the duration of sexual intercourse in any way.
  • During the ejection of semen, a man experiences pain, or simply does not receive sexual pleasure from the process even after ejaculation.
  • When using condoms, lubricants and sex prolongers, the time of sexual intercourse does not increase.

Sometimes, before solving a problem and starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Firstly, it is important to understand what exactly the reason is of this disease, and, secondly, in some cases the solution to the problem can only be achieved with the help surgical intervention. For example, with phimosis, that is, if a man has a short frenulum on the genital organ.

How to reduce head sensitivity?

Reducing the sensitivity of the head is achieved through a number of specific measures. Surgery is considered the most effective method.

Of course, not everyone can lie on the surgical table, however, this is the option that allows you to get rid of the problem once and for all. The operation itself consists of removing the foreskin or, in other words, circumcision. The lack of additional protection for the head of the genital organ provokes roughening of its skin, which quickly becomes less sensitive. As a rule, the duration of sexual intercourse in a man after surgery increases two or three times.

If for some reason a man refuses circumcision, other means can be used. Increased sensitivity of the head can be reduced with the help of lidocaine and products containing it.

For example, you can purchase intimate lubricant or a special spray with lidocaine. These substances should be applied approximately ten minutes before sexual intercourse. You should spray a little spray or smear lubricant directly on the head of the penis. It is worth doing this carefully, without exceeding the norm, otherwise a man may completely lose sensitivity during sexual intercourse. The duration of sex will, of course, increase, but the man himself will not feel pleasure, and ejaculation will not occur.

If the sensitivity of the head is associated with a disease such as balanoposthitis, then it is necessary to treat it. As a rule, balanoposthitis appears in a man in the absence of personal hygiene, so it is important to start taking care of yourself. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to use medications for prevention. infectious diseases and the appearance of bacteria. Miramistin or Chlorhexidine are perfect for this purpose. You need to carefully lubricate the head of the genital organ with them until the rash on the skin goes away.


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How to make the head less sensitive with medications?

If for some reason there is no desire or opportunity to use creams, lubricants and sprays to prolong sexual intercourse, you can try taking special medications. The action of such drugs is based on blocking the signal from the nervous system that enters the brain. As a result of this effect, the man simply does not feel excessive sensitivity, and blocking nerve impulses allows sexual intercourse to prolong.

Doctors often advise using drugs for such purposes:

  • Spasmolitin and Tifen.

Light sedatives are excellent for reducing the susceptibility of the nervous system. sedatives based on motherwort, for example, Novopassit. A regular infusion of valerian is also good. It is not advisable to use strong sedatives or tranquilizers, as they are addictive and even addictive.

In general, sedatives can not only reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, but relieve a man of self-doubt, which is quite natural in such a situation.

Treatment methods for sensitive head

How to reduce head sensitivity: simple home methods

When a man has a very sensitive glans penis, he begins to think about what to do about it. Few people may like the constant premature termination of sexual intercourse, especially men, because they are used to proving their masculine worth in bed every day. Sometimes you can deal with this problem on your own without resorting to drastic measures. However, you should not delay treatment so that the problem does not worsen.

  1. Firstly, to make the head less sensitive, you can use two condoms at the same time during intercourse. This will allow you to have sex longer, and protection in this way is guaranteed.
  2. Secondly, you can try, while approaching the very peak of sexual contact, to think about extraneous things so that the excitement decreases somewhat. This will delay the moment of ejaculation. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the erection does not disappear completely.
  3. In some cases, men are advised to use special exercises from yoga gymnastics. It consists in delaying and resuming the process of urination. This exercise allows you to train intimate muscles and make them stronger. Thanks to this process, a man will be able to control the release of sperm.
  4. A man can try to learn to control himself and his body during sex. It is important to listen to yourself and understand when the process of ejaculation is possible. As soon as a man approaches ejaculation, he needs to tighten his intimate muscles harder, preventing sperm from coming out. This method also requires training, so don’t despair if something doesn’t work out the first time.
  5. Sometimes men are advised to use cabbage or burdock leaves. You need to separate several large leaves and attach them to the lower back with a towel. Firstly, they have a cooling effect, distracting the man from the process. And, secondly, the mere presence of something on the lower back somewhat slows down a man.
  6. You can also use another technique. Its purpose is to reduce the degree of erection as ejaculation approaches. When a man feels that orgasm is about to come, he needs to remove the penis from the woman’s vagina and temporarily stop any caresses or touches on it. However, you should not forget about your partner. You can caress her at this time so that the woman’s excitement does not disappear. You don't have to wait long, 10-15 seconds will be enough. Such training can give good results over time; the duration of sexual intercourse will approximately double.

What should you not do if you have a sensitive head?

Of course, an overly sensitive head of a man's penis often becomes a real problem. A man not only cannot please a woman, but also experiences severe psychological discomfort because of this. If the problem is not solved in time, it can easily develop into a pathology when a man completely abandons relationships with women. However, you should not try to solve the problem by squeezing the seminal canal. Such measures are not only ineffective, they can cause the development of a serious inflammatory process.

If ejaculation has already occurred, pinching the urethra can only cause sperm to be thrown into other organs. As a result of this process, the man will experience congestion in the organs genitourinary system. Firstly, prostatitis often develops from sperm stagnation, and secondly, the accumulation of ejaculate can also cause the development of bacteria and infections.

Thus, you should not give up on your sex life if you experience premature ejaculation for a long time. It is important to understand that this is a very common problem that many men face. Therefore, you should not be embarrassed to see a doctor. Qualified assistance has never been superfluous, especially in such delicate and important matters.

A specialist will help determine the reason why the head of the genital organ has become overly sensitive, and will also tell you about treatment options. A man will only have to choose what suits him best. The main thing in this case is not to isolate yourself and understand that the problem is completely solvable.

Stories from our readers:

Andrey, Moscow: “I had a problem with erectile dysfunction and everything that resulted from this, right up to psychological impotence. Andrologists prescribed tons of pills, which were of no use, except for complications on the kidneys... Nothing saved me from “lethargy.” But a solution was found, and all thanks to this article. Anyone who has problems with potency should read it!”

The main problem of increased sensitivity of the head of the penis is the inability to control ejaculation. This causes feelings of inferiority during intimacy. The defect can be either congenital or acquired. In this case, the man seeks to find out how to reduce the sensitivity of the head using available methods.

Doctors recommend not to resort to independent searches for a miracle cure. It is necessary to find out the cause that provoked the pathology. By eliminating it, it will be possible to normalize the level of sensitivity and solve problems in sexual life.

In this article we will tell you:

Causes of hypersensitivity

The degree of sensitivity of the erogenous zones is different for each man. It is determined individual characteristics body, the state of the nervous system and other important factors.

With increased sensitivity of the glans penis (PG), a man experiences premature ejaculation. In this regard, sexual intercourse is short-lived.

The problem is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the possibility of ejaculation without sexual contact with a partner;
  • pain during orgasm;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages does not increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Premature ejaculation is also observed after repeated intimacy.

A combination of certain factors can provoke pathology. One of possible reasons– disease of the genitourinary system.

Other predisposing factors include:

  • narrowing of the foreskin of the head (phimosis);
  • mental disorders;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • irregular sex life;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infection with staphylococcal infection.

If the problem is temporary, there is no need to contact specialists. But if there are constant misfires, you must visit a doctor.

Diagnosis of causes

Before reducing the sensitivity of the head of the penis, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathology. A urologist solves the problem. At the first appointment, he will examine the genital organ and interview the patient.

To make an accurate diagnosis, diagnostic procedures will be required:

  • testing for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • prostate palpation;
  • ultrasound examination of the scrotum and prostate;
  • submission of a sample of biomaterial from the urethra for bacteriological examination.

How to reduce head sensitivity

After receiving the examination results, the doctor determines how to reduce the sensitivity of the head . If the pathology is caused by a disease, a course of treatment is prescribed. After it unpleasant symptoms must disappear. If necessary, additional diagnostic procedures are performed.


For diseases such as phimosis and balanoposthitis, circumcision helps reduce hypersensitivity of the glans penis.

Surgical intervention is carried out in the following ways:

  • excision of the tissue holding the foreskin (frenulotomy);
  • complete circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision);
  • dissection of the nerve endings of the penis (denervation).

At hormonal disorders, long-term abstinence and mental disorders surgery will be ineffective.

The recovery period after surgery is 2 weeks. Intimacy during this period is strictly prohibited.

During the first time after the organ has healed, increased sensitivity remains. Its decline occurs gradually. After 2-3 months, the man forgets about his problems.


This method of reducing the sensitivity of the head is relevant for problems of a psychological nature. In this case, premature ejaculation is caused by the man's emotional sensitivity. Self-control requires long-term training. It is necessary to select the most suitable methods for delaying the ejaculation process.

Experts recommend stopping sexual intercourse for a few seconds, taking a deep breath or pulling the scrotum down. This will help delay orgasm for a while. At this moment, it is advisable to switch thoughts from sex to more everyday issues.


Regular exercises will help reduce the sensitivity of the head at home and reduce intimate problems to a minimum.

The most common and effective exercise involves retention of urine during urination. At this moment, the muscles responsible for retaining seminal fluid during sexual arousal are activated.

  1. It is necessary to periodically squeeze the buttocks, imagining that there is an object between them that needs to be held. Starting position - standing on slightly bent knees, tilting your torso forward. The next step is to slowly squat down without unclenching your buttock muscles. Number of repetitions – 10 times.
  2. Starting position – standing straight, arms extended along the body. It is necessary to make movements as in a military step, raising your knees up as much as possible.

Regular running has a positive effect on the functioning of the male genital organs.

Condoms with antiseptic

Another way to reduce the sensitivity of the foreskin is to use special condoms. They are saturated with benzocaine, which has a freezing effect on the penis. As a result of application, not only will the top part pch, but also its foundation.

The required effect is achieved only when using a condom. After removing it, sensitivity is restored.

The most common benzocaine condoms include:

  • Durex;
  • Contex;
  • Sico.


Pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs aimed at prolonging sexual intercourse. They come in the format of tablets, sprays and creams. Their action is based on the ability to block nerve impulses and eliminate nervous tension.

The tablet form of such drugs is valued for its lack of influence on the partner. Topical preparations can cause an allergic reaction in her.

Medications that reduce the sensitivity of the penis should be used 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse. It is extremely important to study the instructions, eliminating the possibility of contraindications.

Among the pills that prolong sexual intercourse are:

  1. Tifen. Improves circulation in the pelvic organs and has an antispasmodic effect.
  2. Papaverine. Produces a mild analgesic effect, affecting the central nervous system.
  3. EroForce. Normalizes prostate function and increases the duration of intimacy.

Products for topical use have an anesthetic effect due to the content of lidocaine or prilocaine. Their disadvantages include the inability to combine them with condoms.

The active ingredients corrode latex, which reduces the protective effect. Among such products, the following are popular: Emla cream, anesthetic and lidocaine ointment.

There are also special rings on sale that are designed to curb premature ejaculation. They are placed on the erect organ immediately before sexual intercourse.

The maximum duration of use of the ring is half an hour. If you do not remove it after this time, problems with the blood vessels will arise.

How to reduce at home

There are methods that can solve the problem of hypersensitivity without major financial expenses. The method of reducing the sensitivity of the head with iodine is very popular among them. It causes a lot of controversy and disagreement.

It is necessary to apply the solution to the genital organ in the form of a mesh daily. The total duration of treatment is 3 weeks.

Reducing the sensitivity of the head with iodine can cause burns. Therefore, this method should be practiced with extreme caution. It is also not recommended to combine iodine with lidocaine.

Mint is considered not only a disinfectant, but also a cooling agent. This effect helps to cope with premature ejaculation. The head of the penis is lubricated with mint infusion or toothpaste. The procedure is repeated once a day, every day.

Taking herbal decoctions has a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. The herbal mixture is purchased at the pharmacy and prepared in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.

Men suffering from high sensitivity of the head should pay attention to calendula, rose hips, egg capsule roots and oregano. It is advisable to combine components with each other to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Products that prolong sexual intercourse

Nutrition plays an important role in the functioning of the genital organs. If there is a problem with premature ejaculation, a man should avoid fatty, sweet, spicy and starchy foods. It is advisable to follow the principles proper nutrition. Alcoholic drinks allowed to be consumed in moderation.

The following products should be included in the diet:

  • peanut;
  • chicken eggs;
  • celery juice;
  • different types of meat.

The effectiveness of the methods used depends on the susceptibility male body. Selection the best way problem solving is carried out individually. Doctors do not recommend immediately resorting to drastic measures. The operation is performed when other methods of reducing sensitivity do not lead to the desired result.